![Gheorghe G Săvoiu](https://0.academia-photos.com/486755/1611103/18100396/s200_gheorghe.s_voiu.png)
Gheorghe G Săvoiu
Gheorghe Săvoiu, PhD, is Professor habil. in the Department of Finance, Accountancy and Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Law of the University of Pitești. He is vice-president of the Romanian Statistical Association, a PhD supervisor in the field of Economic Statistics and Cybernetics at the Doctoral School of the University of Craiova, associate researcher at INCE "Costin C. Kiriţescu" of the Romanian Academy, part of the new Centre of Mountain Economics CE-MONT, and also fellow researcher of the Romanian Committee for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CRIFST) belonging to the Romanian Academy. Gheorghe Săvoiu is editor and/or peer reviewer for various scientific reviews, indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science (Amfiteatru Economic, Current Science, International Review of Economics and Finance), and also for journals pending indexation (Romanian Statistical Review, Management, etc). As author of more than 30 books and more than 300 articles, he has the Thomson Reuters Web of Science H index – 5, and Scopus H index – 6. In 2012, as editor and co-author, Gheorghe Săvoiu published Econophysics: Background and Applications in Economics, Finance, and Sociophysics, London: Elsevier Academic Press (AP), a book that won the AFER Romania award, in the 2013 annual competition.
Phone: +40745047085
Phone: +40745047085
Papers by Gheorghe G Săvoiu
On the other hand, this research reveals more particular aspects applied on the example of Romania. Along with the isue of sustainable development, the results of this research tend to be useful for all projects and management strategies. They also target the entrepreneurs by integrating all rural activities in a complex vision that sustains development and preserving the rural society.