Conference proceedings by Dr Polyxeni (Peggy) Manoli
A. Papazova THE EXPERIENCE OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS IN POLITICAL CULTURE OF EDUCATION The author s... more A. Papazova THE EXPERIENCE OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS IN POLITICAL CULTURE OF EDUCATION The author studies the exprience of the Society of Jesus in joint education of people belonging to different social classes, nationalities and religion at the education institutions of the Society of Jesus in order to establish the political culture in terms of education.
ЗМІСТ СЕКЦІЯ I ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ РОЗВИТКУ СУЧАСНОЇ ЗАГАЛЬНОЇ СЕРЕДНЬОЇ ОСВІТИ Аветис... more ЗМІСТ СЕКЦІЯ I ТЕОРЕТИКО-МЕТОДОЛОГІЧНІ ЗАСАДИ РОЗВИТКУ СУЧАСНОЇ ЗАГАЛЬНОЇ СЕРЕДНЬОЇ ОСВІТИ Аветисян Л. А. Важливість педагогічних ідей Г. С. Сковороди в сучасній українській школі…………………………………………........... 3 Бикова Л.А. Інформаційні ресурси в управлінні закладом освіти Нової української школи …………………………………………………………. 4 Бузинко Г.В. Формування життєвої компетентності особистості засобами учнівського самоврядування в умовах Нової української школи ……………………………………………………………………….. 7 Васильєва А.В. Міжнародне законодавство про принципи інклюзивної освіти………………………………………………………………………… 9 Воєвутко Н.Ю. До визначення поняття «недискримінаційний підхід в освіті» ………………………………………………………………………. Голюк О.А., Пахальчук Н.О. Особливості педагогічної взаємодії між учителем і учнями в сучасній початковій школі ………………………… Колосова О.В. Виховання в учнів початкових класів гуманістичних цінностей ……………………………………………………………………… Коробка О.В. Роль методичної роботи у підвищенні професійного рівня педагога ……………………………………………………………………... Кулігіна О.В. Імерсія як метод виявлення та розвитку дитячої обдарованості в освітньому процесі …………………….……………….. Нетреба М.М. Сучасний стан впровадження медіаосвіти в закладах освіти в умовах Нової української школи………………………………… Ніколаєва О.В. Управління якістю освіти в закладах загальної середньої освіти ……………………………………………………………. Рева О.С. Удосконалення методичної роботи у закладах освіти в контексті реалізації основних положень нової української школи ……… Ремига І.С. Історія виникнення посади класного керівника ……………. Ромашенко В.Є. Корпоративна культура у закладах загальної середньої освіти ……………………………………………………………. Скабьолкін А.М., Скабьолкіна А.А. Особливості реалізації концептуальних засад Нової української школи …………………………. Солонська О.М. Реалізація атестації педагогічних працівників. Аналіз нормативно-правової бази щодо атестації педагогічних працівників …. Співак І.І. Роль різних напрямків виховання для розвитку школярів ... Умрихіна К.І. «Лідер» та «лідерські якості»: сутність понять ………… Чайкін М. Г. Модель освіти 3.0 у сучасній практиці управління закладом освіти …………………………………………………………….. Щербак О.В. Профільне навчання закладів загальної середньої освіти: теоретичний аспект ………………………………………………………..
The aim of this study was to compare young girls' performance in terms of creative thinking who w... more The aim of this study was to compare young girls' performance in terms of creative thinking who were involved in ballet and those involved in Taekwondo. On the one hand, teaching ballet to young children is inextricably linked with the use of music and free kinetic expression. On the other hand, Taekwondo is a sport, which includes a rich motor repertoire. A total of 36 girls aged from 7 to 9 years completed the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) (Form A);18 girls were involved in ballet and 18 were involved in Taekwondo. The TTCT is a highly reliable creativity test and the most widely used test to assess creative thinking and creativity. All participants completed the Verbal TTCT, Thinking Creatively with Words and the Figural TTCT, Thinking Creatively with Pictures. The TTCT is appropriate for all levels, from kindergarten to adulthood and is scored based on four scales: 'Fluency', 'Flexibility', 'Originality' and 'Elaboration'. These scales are considered to be the most important ones for evaluating creative thinking and creativity. To compare the performance between the two groups, Mann-Whitney non-parametric control was used for independent specimens. The results showed statistically significant differences that favored girls who were involved in ballet only in the Figural Test. However, no statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of their performance in the Verbal Test. The discussion focuses on the contribution of music to teaching and free dancing as well as the important role they seem to play in developing young students' imagination and creativity.
The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of a song and strategy instruction on improvin... more The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of a song and strategy instruction on improving Greek EFL learners listening and speaking skills. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design. In particular, Greek primary students of a foreign language school attending English classes in Nikaia, Attiki, participated in this study; 30 students belonged to the experimental and 20 to the control group. The students of the experimental group were taught certain listening and speaking strategies, which were used to help students complete certain tasks through the use of popular pop songs. The students of the control group received a rather traditional listening and speaking instruction. The data of the study were collected through the use of the standardized State Certificate of Language Proficiency examination (K.P.G.); namely, the speaking and listening tests were administered to both the experimental and control groups before and after the teaching intervention to investigate any change in the experimental group performance after the teaching intervention. The findings of the study, which included quantitative data, revealed that the students of the experimental group significantly improved their listening and speaking scores after the teaching intervention when compared to the control group. The findings of the study suggested that implementing song and strategy instruction in the EFL classrooms could improve learners' listening and speaking skills.
This paper reports on the good practices followed by the tutors of HOU new Master's Programme, en... more This paper reports on the good practices followed by the tutors of HOU new Master's Programme, entitled “Language Education for Refugees and Migrants” (LRM). After presenting the profile and rationale of LRM, we focus on the online Tutor-Students Sessions (TSSs) and present the tutors' practices before, during and after the programmed TSSs, as well as their practices to support the development of the students' academic literacy. The data is drawn from 10 interviews, ie 8 with LRM tutors, 1 with one module coordinator and 1 with one member of the Digital Course Development Team (DCDT). The findings provide a comprehensive view on the varied practices, techniques and tools used by tutors in dealing with the TSSs as well as in helping students develop academic skills. New insights can thus be gained into the different ways tutors can respond to their students' needs concerning TSSs and the enhancement of their academic literacy.
This paper reports on the good practices followed by the tutors of HOU new Master's... more This paper reports on the good practices followed by the tutors of HOU new Master's Programme, entitled “Language Education for Refugees and Migrants” (LRM). After presenting the profile and rationale of LRM, we focus on the online Tutor-Students Sessions (TSSs) and present the tutors' practices before, during and after the programmed TSSs, as well as their practices to support the development of the students' academic literacy. The data is drawn from
10 interviews, ie 8 with LRM tutors, 1 with one module coordinator and 1 with one member of the Digital Course Development Team (DCDT). The findings provide a comprehensive view on the varied practices, techniques and tools used by tutors in dealing with the TSSs as well as in helping students develop academic skills. New insights can thus be gained into the different ways tutors can respond to their students' needs concerning TSSs and the enhancement of their academic literacy.
The study aimed to explore whether young children, who did not have formal reading skills, could ... more The study aimed to explore whether young children, who did not have formal reading skills, could speculate the linguistic message depicted in contemporary multimodal texts based on information provided in various modes (such as, colour or typography). The contribution of each mode to the meaning-making process was investigated as well. A further aim of the study was to probe into students' answers in relation to their age. The sample of the study consisted of 45 young children; 26 of the participants were five to six years old and 19 were four to five years old. The basic tool used in the research was a matching exercise derived from a picture book intended for young children. Semi-structured individual interviews were used for the data collection, which were tape-recorded and, later on, were transcribed and processed. The results of the study indicated that the majority of the children were able to use the typographic and colour cues along with separate letters they already knew to guess the linguistic content of short multimodal texts. It was also revealed that colour and typography played a critical role in helping students match the linguistic elements with the visual ones. Regarding the age variable, it was found that the group of the older children seemed to perform better than the younger ones but the difference was not found to be statistically significant. At the same time, the results highlighted the fact that children at this age tend to rely more on visual cues when approaching written texts. The study pointed out the need for educators to extend the limits of the semantic field of literacy beyond language texts in order to allow for multimodal texts, as nowadays, students, even from an early age, are exposed to an increasing dominance of multimodal texts-both print and digital texts-that involve a complex interplay of linguistic elements, visual images, graphics, and design elements.
In E. Deltsou & M. Papadopoulou (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Semiotics (eBook): Changing Worlds & Signs of the Time, 2016
Literacy pedagogy, which has been traditionally restricted to teaching and learning to... more Literacy pedagogy, which has been traditionally restricted to teaching and learning to read and write in printed and official forms of the national language, needs to be modified to meet the communicational demands of the era; drawing solely on the linguistic element to derive meaning while interacting with texts is no longer adequate but adopting a multimodal approach that involves the integration of all the available modes to construct meaning is required. In particular, the present paper discusses English as a Foreign Language (EFL) strategic reading in comics, which constitute a complex environment for deriving meaning, as they provide information using various modes, such as words, images, typography, and colour. Taking a multimodal approach to comics entails making connections among the various semiotic modes to create meaning. Simultaneously, comics are considered very motivating and popular instructional materials, especially among poor EFL readers. Despite the presence of the various modes of meaning making in comics, educators usually highlight only their linguistic element neglecting the contribution of their multimodal nature to the meaning-making process. By teaching EFL students, who often face linguistic deficiencies, to become aware of the ways in which they can construct meaning from multimodal texts, educators can make them more mo-
tivated readers and, ultimately, help them improve reading comprehension.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Applied Linguistics, 2006, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2006
Procedings of EDULEARN13 Conference, Barcelona, Spain
The purpose of the present study is to discuss strategic reading in multimodal texts, particularl... more The purpose of the present study is to discuss strategic reading in multimodal texts, particularly in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms. The article attempts to present an application of reading strategies in multimodal texts, where the written-linguistic mode of meaning is linked with the visual mode to construct meaning. Although there is a bulk of research on reading strategies in EFL, strategic reading is mainly linked with mono-modal texts, where language is the only mode to provide information. However, nowadays students are exposed to an increasing dominance of multimodal texts -both print and digital, such as websites, video games, picture books, texts, magazines, advertisements, and graphic novels-even from an early age-that include a complex interplay of written text, visual images, graphics, and design elements. In this context, the specific paper points out the need for teachers to foster students' ability to retrieve information from these types of texts using reading strategies and taking advantage of all modes of communication available during the meaningmaking process. Concomitantly, an example of applying reading strategies in multimodal texts is provided. The pedagogical implications that emerge from this study are further discussed, and the need for further empirical research is highlighted.
Research articles by Dr Polyxeni (Peggy) Manoli
Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, 2019
The aim of this study was to explore the views and challenges of Greek adult learners pursuing a ... more The aim of this study was to explore the views and challenges of Greek adult learners pursuing a postgraduate degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) through a distance learning program at the Hellenic Open University. The data of the study were gathered through narrative research/inquiry, a form of qualitative research, in particular, through the personal narratives of students. They were analyzed through the thematic analysis method, according to which they were coded and segmented into themes or categories to help researchers make sense out of the text data. According to the findings of the study, it was revealed that almost all participants regarded academic writing as a complex, challenging and difficult skill that can be improved through practice and guidance. According to the students of the specific research, the major problems they faced were: intext citations and bibliographic referencing, plagiarism, language problems, lack of explicit guidelines on behalf of their tutors or conflicting feedback from different faculty members. Concurrently, students referred to specific practices which would help them improve their academic writing, such as the tutor assignment feedback and explanation, a guide or even a training course in academic writing skills, extensive practice in assignment writing, personal involvement in research on academic writing. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν η διερεύνηση των απόψεων και των προκλήσεων των Ελλήνων φοιτητών, οι οποίοι διεκπεραιώνουν μεταπτυχιακό δίπλωμα στη διδασκαλία της Αγγλικής γλώσσας σε ομιλητές άλλων γλωσσών (TESOL) μέσω προγράμματος εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης στο Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο. Τα δεδομένα της μελέτης συγκεντρώθηκαν μέσω της αφηγηματικής έρευνας, μιας μορφής ποιοτικής έρευνας, και συγκεκριμένα μέσω του τύπου προσωπικών αφηγήσεων των φοιτητών. Αναλύθηκαν μέσω της μεθόδου της θεματικής ανάλυσης, κωδικοποιήθηκαν και ταξινομήθηκαν σε θεματικές ή
International Journal of Education and Research, 2018
The present study examined factors related to 15-year-old students' views on teacherstudents rela... more The present study examined factors related to 15-year-old students' views on teacherstudents relation in Greece, both at student level and school level. The data of the study derived from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 and the sample, which is nationally representative, consists of 4,969 15-year-old students from 184 schools. Main findings indicated that there is a positive, statistically significant, relation between students' views on teacher-students relations and their reading achievement but no statistically significant link between students' views on teacher-student relations and SES. Girls were found with more positive views on teacher-student relations than boys, even after controlling for reading achievement and SES, and first-generation immigrant students had more positive views on teacher-student relations than native-born students.
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 2020
The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges and needs of teachers' who offer language ... more The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges and needs of teachers' who offer language support to young refugees within the framework of formal education in Greece. In a field where research is limited and at an initial stage, a qualitative inquiry was conducted in a public school, which host classes of reception for refugee students, in the region of Fthiotida, in Greece. In particular, an exploratory case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews and observations in formal educational environments. Five participants were engaged in semi-structured interviews while observations occurred in two of their classrooms. The findings of the inquiry demonstrated that within the framework of refugee teaching environments in Greece teachers faced several challenges regarding practical, sociocultural, religious, ethical and emotional issues. The findings of the study highlight the need for teacher education to help them cope with diversity issues in their classrooms.
Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 2021
The present study intends to investigate second/foreign language teaching in formal educational s... more The present study intends to investigate second/foreign language teaching in formal educational settings. In particular, it probes into the teachers' and students' profiles, the teachers' goals and challenges, the teaching practices, the educational materials used and the classroom climate in various formal educational settings throughout Greece that offer language education to refugee and migrant children. The data were collected through teacher interviews and classroom observations in the context of the Postgraduate Programme 'Language Education for Refugees and Migrants' at the Hellenic Open University and analysed through the content analysis method. According to the results of the study, it was shown that there is great students' linguistic and cultural diversity making these classrooms really heterogeneous. Simultaneously, it was revealed that most teachers, though they did their best to create a supportive educational environment providing not only knowledge but also psychological support, used a variety of teaching methods and practices mainly focusing on form. The results of the study are indicative of the need for teachers' training to get special knowledge and appropriate skills to teach this socially vulnerable population, while further research is required to validate the findings of this study.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, Yabanci Dil Olarak Ingilizce (YDI) ogretmenlerinin saldirgan iletisim bici... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, Yabanci Dil Olarak Ingilizce (YDI) ogretmenlerinin saldirgan iletisim bicimleri ve ogrencilerin duyussal ogrenme ve strateji kullanimlari arasindaki iliskilerin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmaya Yunanca konusan ve YDI lisans ogrencisi olan, 1823 yaslari arasinda ( =20.3±.68) 148 ogrenci (39 erkek ve 109 kadin) katilmistir. Arastirmanin bulgularina gore YDI ogretmenlerinin sozlu saldirganliklari, tartismaci olma durumlari ile negatif yonlu iliskilidir. Ayni zamanda regresyon analizi sonuclarina gore ogretmenlerin algilanan sozlu saldirganliklari ve tartismaci olma durumlari, ogrencilerin duyussal ogrenmeleri, sosyal ve duyussal strateji kullanimlari degiskenlerini anlamli duzeyde yordayabilmektedir. Bahsedilen bulgular isiginda, ogretmenlerin sozlu saldirganliklarinin ogrencilerin duygularina, dolayisiyla ogrenme sureclerine, olumsuz etkilerinin olabilecegi sonucuna ulasilabilir
Διάλογοι! Θεωρία και πράξη στις επιστήμες αγωγής και εκπαίδευσης, 2016
Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 2019
This study points out the need to integrate popular culture texts into formal language teaching a... more This study points out the need to integrate popular culture texts into formal language teaching and suggests some pedagogical applications based on various research findings. In particular, it discusses that the inauguration of the digital era, the important role that the mass media play in our contemporary lives, the emphasis on new kinds of literacies, Multiliteracies, attributing importance to the various semiotic modes of meaning making, have contributed to the emergence of texts, such as comics, texts coming from magazines, newspaper, television movies and series, advertisements, posters, and social media; these kinds of texts constitute an integral part of students' lives and tend to recycle the prevalent social ideologies. Allowing for the dynamic, semiotic and constantly changing social context, it is held that the school should develop students' critical literacy in terms of the dominant sociolinguistic representations that are constructed in the popular culture texts, acknowledging, though, that the implementation of critical literacy programmes at school is a complex and multidimensional process requiring the cultivation of an open and exploratory learning environment, teachers' and parents' education.
Conference proceedings by Dr Polyxeni (Peggy) Manoli
10 interviews, ie 8 with LRM tutors, 1 with one module coordinator and 1 with one member of the Digital Course Development Team (DCDT). The findings provide a comprehensive view on the varied practices, techniques and tools used by tutors in dealing with the TSSs as well as in helping students develop academic skills. New insights can thus be gained into the different ways tutors can respond to their students' needs concerning TSSs and the enhancement of their academic literacy.
tivated readers and, ultimately, help them improve reading comprehension.
Research articles by Dr Polyxeni (Peggy) Manoli
10 interviews, ie 8 with LRM tutors, 1 with one module coordinator and 1 with one member of the Digital Course Development Team (DCDT). The findings provide a comprehensive view on the varied practices, techniques and tools used by tutors in dealing with the TSSs as well as in helping students develop academic skills. New insights can thus be gained into the different ways tutors can respond to their students' needs concerning TSSs and the enhancement of their academic literacy.
tivated readers and, ultimately, help them improve reading comprehension.
αναπαραστάσεων των εκπαιδευτικών σχετικά με τις συνέπειες της ολοένα αυξανόμενης οικονομικής κρίσης σε ευάλωτους πληθυσμούς της πρώιμης σχολικής και προσχολικής ηλικίας. Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν 316 διευθυντές και προϊστάμενοι δημοτικών και νηπιαγωγείων, κυρίως από τους Νομούς Αττικής, Θεσσαλονίκης και Μαγνησίας, οι οποίοι συμπλήρωσαν ηλεκτρονικά ένα
ερωτηματολόγιο ειδικά κατασκευασμένο για τους σκοπούς της έρευνας. Τα στοιχεία της έρευνας αφορούν συνολικά σε 20.155 μαθητές, 5.688 της προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης και 15.070 των τριών πρώτων τάξεων του δημοτικού. Η έρευνα έδειξε ότι αυτό που επλήγη περισσότερο είναι η συμμετοχή των παιδιών σε σχολικές δραστηριότητες, όπως οι εκδρομές και άλλες εκπαιδευτικές
και ψυχαγωγικές δράσεις, ενώ οι περισσότεροι από τους μισούς εκπαιδευτικούς ανέφεραν προβλήματα στη σίτιση, ένδυση και υπόδηση των μαθητών. Η μείωση της γραφικής ύλης και των υλικών που απαιτούνται από τους μαθητές, τα προγράμματα συναισθηματικής υποστήριξης των μαθητών καθώς και η
επικοινωνία-συνεργασία με άλλους φορείς, αποτελούν τις πιο συχνά επιλεγόμενες στρατηγικές από τα σχολεία για την υποστήριξη του μαθητικού πληθυσμού τους, σύμφωνα με τους εκπαιδευτικούς.