Books & book chapters by António Manuel S P Silva
Citânias e Cividades. As primeiras cidades do Noroeste Peninsular, 2020
A brief presentation about the Iron Age hill-fort of Salreu (Estarreja, Aveiro, Portugal) based o... more A brief presentation about the Iron Age hill-fort of Salreu (Estarreja, Aveiro, Portugal) based on the archaeological diggings carried on at the site.
Modos de fazer/Ways of Making, 2020
The last centuries of proto-history allow us to know the name of a group of «peoples» that were d... more The last centuries of proto-history allow us to know the name of a group of «peoples» that were distributed throughout the European continent, although in the vast majority of cases their initial designation comes to us through the pen of the Roman conquerors. Among these ethnic units, whose nature, size or hierarchy is very often unknown, one can point out the Callaeci, one of the northern communities of modern Portugal whose name the historical fate has reserved a particular temporal endurance and geographical extent. This text deals with the questions of identity and ethnicity applied to archaic societies from an anthropological perspective, along the lines of modern contributions that aim to equip the archaeological approach with tools of analysis that go beyond both the disillusioned historical-cultural narratives and skepticism of those who doubt that one can read in material culture anything more than its essential and radical materiality.
Late Prehistoric Fortifications in Europe: Defensive, symbolic and territorial aspects from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age. Proceedings of the International Colloquium ‘FortMetalAges’, Guimarães, Portugal, 2020
Based upon a review of the available archaeological evidence, this contribution analys... more Based upon a review of the available archaeological evidence, this contribution analyses the walls and other structures of delimitation of the proto-historic settlements located in the coastal region between the Douro and Vouga rivers, and with occupation between the end of the Bronze Age and the first periods of the Roman conquest. Focusing on this defining element of the ‘castros culture’ of NW Iberia, the text highlights, amongst others, the sites of São Julião (Albergaria-a-Velha), Cividade (Arouca) and Castro de Salreu (Estarreja), discussing the material evidence of their delimitation structures, apparently lacking of defensive effectiveness. Reinforced embankments, retaining walls or ditches are some of the aspects of the strategies of architectural limitation of the settlements, in a significant variety of local options and adaptations over the course of about a millennium.
Porto: SCMP, p. 519-536, ilust. em extra-texto. ISBN 978-989-8578-44-0
The Castle of Gaia is an exceptional archaeological site for the understanding of the Ancient hum... more The Castle of Gaia is an exceptional archaeological site for the understanding of the Ancient human settlement in the terminal basin of the Douro. The protohistoric castro, that was the northern frontier of an old pre-Roman people named Turduli Veteres, increased its importance in the context of the Roman occupation and Late Antique period, until the times of the mythical king Ramiro and his struggles with the Moorish. Thus, the place cannot be disconnected from the historical-toponymic problematics of Cale, Portucale and the origins of Portuguese nationality. Numerous archaeological excavations, carried out since 1983, have revealed very significant traces about the size, monumentality and economic importance of that village, the seat of one of the medieval municipalities that formed the present municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia. Being the owner of some properties and a social equipment, Lar Pereira de Lima, at the top of the hill, Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto can play a fundamental role, in articulation with other entities, in the mission of unveiling, valuing and placing on tourism and cultural heritage´s agenda a chapter of first greatness in regional and national history.
DIAS, Lino Tavares; ALARCÃO, Pedro (coord.) — Construir, Navegar, (Re)Usar o Douro da Antiguidade. Porto: CITCEM, p. 45-67, 2018
The article focuses on the pre-Roman Gallaici people, based upon the archaeological evidence in t... more The article focuses on the pre-Roman Gallaici people, based upon the archaeological evidence in the two towns in both sides of river Douro's mouth: Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia
SILVA, António Manuel S. P. (coord.) – Cidades de Rio e Vinho. Memória, Património, Reabilitação. Conferência internacional de Vila Nova de Gaia, 2015. Vila Nova de Gaia/Porto: Gaiurb, EEM/Afrontamento, p. 100-137. ISBN 978-972-36-1556-2, 2017
A review on the main archaeological works and finds at Vila Nova de Gaia's historical centre, nam... more A review on the main archaeological works and finds at Vila Nova de Gaia's historical centre, namely in the «Castelo» area. Some reflections are also added about preventive archaeological policies, public management and historical centres' identities.
[BAR International Series 2878], Oxford: BAR Publishing, p. 63-76 ISBN 978 1 4073 1484 6
Focused on a rather unknown, far as rock art is concerned, region of central northwest Portugal, ... more Focused on a rather unknown, far as rock art is concerned, region of central northwest Portugal, this chapter presents a first critical inventory of rock art sites and findings within the area of the Gralheira Massif, including a part of the basin of the River Paiva. The discussion focuses on a dozen sites, showing remarkable diversity in their supports and representations, as well as a significant chronological range, from Neolithic to historical periods. The simplicity of most of the motifs recorded on the rocks does not allow a clear integration of these petroglyphs into the main ‘style’ of Portuguese Atlantic rock art, as Schematic manifestations are largely predominant over Atlantic ones. Amongst the recorded sites and findings, almost entirely unpublished so far, it is worth highlighting Cando’s engraved stone, a unique schist slab profusely engraved with schematic motifs.
LÓPEZ QUIROGA, Jorge (coord.) – In tempore Sueborum. El tiempo de los Suevos en la Gallaecia (411-585). El primer reino medieval de Occidente. Volumen de Estudios. Ourense: Deputación Provincial, p. 205-210. ISBN 978-84-16643-18-9, 2018
A short historical and archaeological essay on the town of Oporto (North Portugal) during Late An... more A short historical and archaeological essay on the town of Oporto (North Portugal) during Late Antiquity, namely under Suevi kingdom.
SILVA, António Manuel S. P.; GUIMARÃES, J.; PINTO, F; SOUSA, L; LEITE, J; LEMOS, P; PEREIRA, P; TEIXEIRA, F (2017) – O projeto CASTR’UÍMA (V. N. Gaia, 2010-2015): elementos e reflexões para um balanço prospetivo. In ARNAUD, J.; MARTINS, A. (coord.) – Arqueologia em Portugal. 2017, Estado da questão Lisboa: Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses, p. 137-54. Edição digital. ISBN 978-972-9451-70-6
The Crestuma Castle project (2010-2015) revealed an archaeological complex of long diachrony, bet... more The Crestuma Castle project (2010-2015) revealed an archaeological complex of long diachrony, between Proto- history and the Middle Ages, with a greater strength of vestiges in the late-antiquity. Under the responsibility of the Gabinete de História, Arqueologia e Património de Vila Nova de Gaia (ASCR-Confraria Queirosiana) the project was financed by the Parque Biológico de Gaia, a municipal company. Once this phase is completed, the scientific results will be analysed, as well as the evaluation of its execution and management in terms of impacts and discussing the interaction with the community, local decision-makers and other stakeholders. There are clues to what may be the development of research, through the valorisation of the archaeological site and the creation of new dynamics of cultural animation in dialogue with a renewed research agenda.
Vila Nova de Gaia: Águas e Parque Biológico de Gaia, EM/ASCR-Confraria Queirosiana
Catálogo da exposição sobre o Castelo de Crestuma
Actas de las VI Jornadas de Arqueología del valle del Duero (Oporto, 2016). Valladolid: Glyphos Publicaciones, p. 92-117. ISBN 978-84-947952-1-3
Focusing as observation area the southern margin of the Lower Douro, the text aims to present a s... more Focusing as observation area the southern margin of the Lower Douro, the text aims to present a synthesis of the knowledge about the occupation of the Bronze Age, based on a survey of settlements, sites with pits, funerary architectures, metallic deposits and rock art sites, emphasizing the most outstanding archaeological evidence of each of the groups. Among the settlements stands out the variability of the delimitation structures and the scarcity of domestic activities’ evidence, being also diverse the devices and funerary architectures. In the rock art the authors emphasize the almost exclusive nature of the schematic motifs , presenting some iconographic monotony, while the information about the votive deposits is quite dispersed and lacunar
Actas de las VI Jornadas de Arqueología del valle del Duero (Oporto, 2016). Valladolid: Glyphos Publicaciones, p. 191-203. ISBN 978-84-947952-1-3
Senhor dos Aflitos (Alvarenga, Arouca) is a hilltop settlement, with a great visual domain for th... more Senhor dos Aflitos (Alvarenga, Arouca) is a hilltop settlement, with a great visual domain for the surrounding territory, walled by a cyclopean type’s structure made of simply ammonished and aligned large stones. Main archaeological evidence suggests the site may be dated in the end of the Bronze Age (c.1000-800 BC). Some features of a previous occupation are also visible in the place, namely a small phallic menhir and a funerary mound of megalithic tradition. This archaeological site is presented with reference to a small archaeological excavation carried out in 2007, whose results remained unpublished, and discussing its relationship with other Proto-historical sites in the area.
Actas de las VI Jornadas de Arqueología del valle del Duero (Oporto, 2016). Valladolid: Glyphos Publicaciones, p. 204-13. ISBN 978-84-947952-1-3
Este trabalho visa dar a conhecer o contexto de achado e a composição química de uma ponta de lan... more Este trabalho visa dar a conhecer o contexto de achado e a composição química de uma ponta de lança de alvado curto e de folha ligeiramente losângica com nervura central, inserível no Bronze Final e inédita. Esta foi encontrada na serra do Muro, freguesia de Baltar, concelho de Paredes, distrito do Porto. A serra do Muro corresponde a um monte com uma implan-tação orográ ca dominante na região sobre os vales dos rios Ferreira e Sousa, este a uente da margem norte da bacia do Douro, em área rica em recursos primários e secundários de estanho. No topo deste acidente geomorfológico foi edi cado um povoado proto-histórico que gura na literatura arqueológica especialmente pelo grande perímetro e espessura das suas muralhas pétreas. Apesar da proximi
LOPES, Susana S. (coord.) – Olhares sobre Castelo Velho de Freixo de Numão: revisitar um recinto pré-histórico do Alto Douro português [digitAR - Extra Número, 1], 2019
During the archaeological excavations carried out in the monumental enclosure of Castelo Velho (F... more During the archaeological excavations carried out in the monumental enclosure of Castelo Velho (Freixo de Numão, Vila Nova de Foz Côa), used during the third and second millennium BC, some archaeological objects of historical chronology were identified. The article presents and studies a part of this set, consisting of metallic items and fragments of domestic and building ceramics, and discusses its chronology, which can vary between the period of Roman occupation and the Middle Age, and relation with the archaeological contexts from which they originate.
Key words: Castelo Velho; Freixo de Numão; brooch, buckle, hobnail, ceramic.
LIMA, A. M. (coord.) – Mudar de Vida. Tongobriga. Exposição Permanente., 2016
A short note, in a museum catalogue, on the changing times between Iron Age indigenous peoples in... more A short note, in a museum catalogue, on the changing times between Iron Age indigenous peoples in North Portugal and Romanization cultural impact.
In Las fortificaciones en la tardoantigüedad: Elites y articulación del territorio (siglos V-VIII d.C.). Madrid: La Ergástula, 2014, p. 389-399. ISBN 978-84-941796-7-9
ROSAS, Lúcia; SOUSA, Ana C.; BARREIRA, Hugo – Genius Loci: lugares e significados; places and meanings. Vol. 2. Porto: CITCEM-FLUP, p. 645-657, 2017
Implantado numa encosta do vale do Arda, o casal tardo-romano da Malafaia (Arouca)
exemplifica, ... more Implantado numa encosta do vale do Arda, o casal tardo-romano da Malafaia (Arouca)
exemplifica, no Norte de Portugal, um tipo de instalações agrícolas de época romana que vem sendo designado por casal, quinta ou granja. Objecto de intervenções arqueológicas entre 1995 e 2008 e novamente em 2013 no âmbito da valorização do sítio, este sítio arqueológico é composto por alguns edifícios com vários compartimentos. A sua implantação deve remontar aos séculos I-II, estando todavia melhor representada a época entre o Baixo Império e o período suevo-visigótico;
por alturas do século X vericou-se uma reocupação pontual do sítio, documentada por
cerâmicas e confirrmada por datações de 14C.
In VV.AA. – Arte rupestre prehistórica do Eixo Atlántico/Arte rupestre pré-histórica do Eixo Atlântico. Vigo: Eixo Atlântico, cop. 2005, p. 171-187
In VV.AA. – Arte rupestre prehistórica do Eixo Atlántico/Arte rupestre pré-histórica do Eixo Atlântico. Vigo: Eixo Atlântico, cop. 2005, p. 189-219
In Bettencourt, A. M.; Sanches, M. J.; Alves, L. B.; Fabregas Valcarce, R. (eds.) - Conceptualizi... more In Bettencourt, A. M.; Sanches, M. J.; Alves, L. B.; Fabregas Valcarce, R. (eds.) - Conceptualizing space and place. On the role of agency, memory and identity in the construction of space from the Upper Paleolithic to the Iron Age in Europe. (Proceedings of the 15th Crongress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Lisbon, Sept. 2006). Oxford: Archeopress, 2010, p. 153-60. ISBN 9781407305479
Books & book chapters by António Manuel S P Silva
Key words: Castelo Velho; Freixo de Numão; brooch, buckle, hobnail, ceramic.
exemplifica, no Norte de Portugal, um tipo de instalações agrícolas de época romana que vem sendo designado por casal, quinta ou granja. Objecto de intervenções arqueológicas entre 1995 e 2008 e novamente em 2013 no âmbito da valorização do sítio, este sítio arqueológico é composto por alguns edifícios com vários compartimentos. A sua implantação deve remontar aos séculos I-II, estando todavia melhor representada a época entre o Baixo Império e o período suevo-visigótico;
por alturas do século X vericou-se uma reocupação pontual do sítio, documentada por
cerâmicas e confirrmada por datações de 14C.
Key words: Castelo Velho; Freixo de Numão; brooch, buckle, hobnail, ceramic.
exemplifica, no Norte de Portugal, um tipo de instalações agrícolas de época romana que vem sendo designado por casal, quinta ou granja. Objecto de intervenções arqueológicas entre 1995 e 2008 e novamente em 2013 no âmbito da valorização do sítio, este sítio arqueológico é composto por alguns edifícios com vários compartimentos. A sua implantação deve remontar aos séculos I-II, estando todavia melhor representada a época entre o Baixo Império e o período suevo-visigótico;
por alturas do século X vericou-se uma reocupação pontual do sítio, documentada por
cerâmicas e confirrmada por datações de 14C.
na foz do rio Douro. Numa das intervenções arqueológicas ali realizadas, em 2008, motivada pela necessidade de avaliação prévia de um projeto imobiliário, encontraram-se restos de estruturas da época romana e significativo espólio cerâmico. Observaram-se as cerâmicas de importação procedentes desta intervenção a m de analisar a
circulação e consumo de recipientes em diferentes momentos da ocupação romana na região. Nas produções mais antigas destacam-se formas do séc. I a.C., como ânforas vinárias provenientes da zona campana. Muito significativas são também as produções tardo-antigas, representadas por ânforas orientais, a par de sigillata e cerâmicas comuns.
some metallic objects, have been collected. Although such materials are in a secondary context and no Proto-historical structures or deposits have yet been located, it is considered that a first study of these elements has signi cant utility, both for the study of the site and for its understanding in the proto-historical settlement on a regional scale.
2. Arquivo vs. Biblioteca Histórica: opções e prioridades
3. O Arquivo Histórico da Igreja Lusitana
4. A Hemeroteca Lusitana
5. A Biblioteca Histórica
6. Arquivos e bibliotecas institucionais: memória, património, recurso