Papers by pier paolo viazzo
Mountain Research and Development, 2014
An already old ‘Fresh Map of Life’? Family and assistance in the mountain area
Starting from t... more An already old ‘Fresh Map of Life’? Family and assistance in the mountain area
Starting from the study by Peter Laslett, A Fresh Map of Life (1989), the validity of the ‘general theory of the third age’ is assessed in the light of the intervening changes over the last twenty years, in particular the progressive Italian leadership in European longevity, with an eye to the Alpine area. Central to this is the role assumed by the family in the help given to the elderly, with the persistence of the strong family ties that are distinctive of Mediterranean Europe in its models of assistance. In the Alpine context, where the weight of (small) numbers affects living together with an ever older population, the contraction of medical and health services would seem to preclude the possibility of ageing well. In truth, the proximity of the caregivers – the offspring and closest relations – is also for these communities one honoured way to give assistance to the elderly. The case of the Chisone and Germanasca valleys (Piedmontese Alps) and the comparison with the neighbouring French valleys confirm this data and bring to light the differences that could be due to the different cultures that exist in the Alps. Along with this and perhaps more so, the different structural composition of the elderly population compared with the plain (about which we still know little), as well
as the different national and local welfare systems, seem to assume an influential role on how one ages in the Alps."
Edited by Hannes Grandits, Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Europe: The Century of Welfare: Eight Countries. vol. I, p. 25-69, Aug 9, 2010
About the book:
Kinship is at the heart of European society, sharing with the state responsibil... more About the book:
Kinship is at the heart of European society, sharing with the state responsibility for welfare and social reproduction. But the workings of kinship and their connection to state policies remain controversial. Received theories have had to be revised in the light of social and demographic change and accumulating evidence of long-standing cultural differences. With Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Europe, the editors and their collaborators have gathered a three-volume array of historical, sociological, and ethnographic data that examine these issues and introduce readers to the types of kin relationships found around contemporary Europe.
In this volume the authors examine the history of the family during the twentieth century in the context of political struggles over the welfare state, gender roles and parental authority. They ask how far political measures have contributed to changes in family life, and whether these should be understood as a weakening, or as a redefinition of traditional kinship roles.
List of Contributors:
Georges Augustins, Leon Dyczewski, David Gaunt, Christine Geserick, Hannes Grandits, Siegfried Gruber, Patrick Heady, Alexander Nikulin, Johannes Pflegerl, Heidi Rosenbaum, Martine Segalen, Elisabeth Timm, Irina Trotsuk, Pier Paolo Viazzo and Francesco Zanotelli
Mountain Research and Development, 2014
Dopo un secolo di ininterrotto declino demografico in molti settori dell’arco alpino si sta manif... more Dopo un secolo di ininterrotto declino demografico in molti settori dell’arco alpino si sta manifestando un’inversione di tendenza che appare sorprendente soprattutto nelle Alpi francesi e italiane, dove lo spopolamento era stato particolarmente severo sin dalla seconda metà del XIX secolo. In una stimolante analisi dei mutamenti socio-demografici in un distretto delle Alpi francesi, Cognard (2006) ha suggerito che questo processo di spopolamento, per quanto disastroso sotto molti aspetti, avrebbe in realtà creato le condizioni che hanno favorito dinamiche inverse di neo-popolamento e di ripresa economica essendosi creati degli “spazi vuoti” all’interno dei quali i neo-abitanti hanno potuto inserirsi, socialmente ed economicamente. Questa tesi ricorda da vicino alcune recenti proposte teoriche di matrice antropologica secondo le quali la creatività culturale ha bisogno di spazio per esprimersi, ragion per cui una cultura “densa” – o una struttura sociale forte - agevola la creatività meno di quanto faccia una cultura impoverita (o una struttura sociale debole). Questo articolo esplora in prospettiva antropologica la possibilità che le Alpi francesi e italiane, svantaggiate da un lato dalla loro maggiore fragilità demografica, possano dall’altro lato essere invece paradossalmente avvantaggiate dai maggiori spazi di creatività – economica oltre che culturale – prodotti dallo spopolamento.
Articles by pier paolo viazzo
Contemporary societies are coping in different ways with the declining strength of kinship and ot... more Contemporary societies are coping in different ways with the declining strength of kinship and other effects of demographic transitions such as a shift from nuclear to " unclear " family forms and population ageing. One strategy consists in widening and reshaping existing ties through modes of relatedness that come under the heading of " fictive kinship ". Drawing on an ethnographic study of the transformation of the compadrazgo system in Quito (Ecuador), this article considers fictive kinship in comparative perspective, paying attention to its novel fashions but also to changes and continuities in its traditional forms.
En los últimos años las ciencias sociales han elaborado numerosos avances en el estudio de las fa... more En los últimos años las ciencias sociales han elaborado numerosos avances en el estudio de las familias y del parentesco en Latinoamérica. De una perspectiva clasificatoria que, intentando aplicar modelos conceptuales elaborados en Europa, se proponía reconstruir los elementos estructurales de la "familia latinoamericana" (Carlos y Sellers, 1972), se ha pasado a un reconocimiento de la complejidad y diversidad del panorama familiar latinoamericano (Robinchaux, 2007). Los estudios de los últimos años han evidenciado cómo la familia colonial de origen europea no ha sido ni la única ni necesariamente la dominante, al haber convivido con realidades indígenas, mestizas y migrantes muy diferentes y articuladas según los contextos sociales de localización (Ghirardi, 2008; Moyano, Sartori y Moreyra, 2013).
Guest-edited Journal Monographic Issues by pier paolo viazzo
Thematic Section of "Confluenze. Rivista di studi iberoamericani", Vol 8, No 1 (2016), edited by ... more Thematic Section of "Confluenze. Rivista di studi iberoamericani", Vol 8, No 1 (2016), edited by Javier González Díez and Pier Paolo Viazzo.
Javier González Díez, Pier Paolo Viazzo, Editorial. Como estudiar la diversidad familiar en América Latina: metodologías para un panorama anti-hegemónico
Mariana Muaze, Pensando a família no Brasil: ganhos interpretativos a partir da micro-história
Lucía Galleno, A case of complexity in the Latin American family. Tracing the Galleno Villafán history
Jorge Ignacio Angulo Barredo, Transición sociodemográfica y transformaciones de la familia rural en Chiapas: aproximaciones para el estudio sobre su diversidad
Daniela Salvucci, Eco-logiche e culture della parentela. Famiglie e unità domestiche nell’Argentina andina
Javier González Díez, Pier Paolo Viazzo, El parentesco ficticio entre América Latina y Europa: estrategias de respuesta a la desparentalización en perspectiva comparada
Danielle M. de S. Sátiro, Angel Espina B. Barrio
Família é afetos: 'a opção sexual é coisa dele'. Discursos de filhos com pais não heteros
Juan Carlos Sabogal Carmona, Pensando las familias a través de perspectivas analíticas del estado: retóricas presidenciales sobre el programa Familias en Acción (Colombia) 2002-2010
Lilia Leticia García Peña, La diversidad familiar en el México contemporáneo desde las narrativas literarias
Books by pier paolo viazzo
Pier Paolo Viazzo e Riccardo Cerri (a cura di), Atti del convegno di Macugnaga del 5 luglio 2008,... more Pier Paolo Viazzo e Riccardo Cerri (a cura di), Atti del convegno di Macugnaga del 5 luglio 2008, Magenta, Zeisciu Centro Studi, 2009, 192 pp., ill.
Papers by pier paolo viazzo
Starting from the study by Peter Laslett, A Fresh Map of Life (1989), the validity of the ‘general theory of the third age’ is assessed in the light of the intervening changes over the last twenty years, in particular the progressive Italian leadership in European longevity, with an eye to the Alpine area. Central to this is the role assumed by the family in the help given to the elderly, with the persistence of the strong family ties that are distinctive of Mediterranean Europe in its models of assistance. In the Alpine context, where the weight of (small) numbers affects living together with an ever older population, the contraction of medical and health services would seem to preclude the possibility of ageing well. In truth, the proximity of the caregivers – the offspring and closest relations – is also for these communities one honoured way to give assistance to the elderly. The case of the Chisone and Germanasca valleys (Piedmontese Alps) and the comparison with the neighbouring French valleys confirm this data and bring to light the differences that could be due to the different cultures that exist in the Alps. Along with this and perhaps more so, the different structural composition of the elderly population compared with the plain (about which we still know little), as well
as the different national and local welfare systems, seem to assume an influential role on how one ages in the Alps."
Kinship is at the heart of European society, sharing with the state responsibility for welfare and social reproduction. But the workings of kinship and their connection to state policies remain controversial. Received theories have had to be revised in the light of social and demographic change and accumulating evidence of long-standing cultural differences. With Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Europe, the editors and their collaborators have gathered a three-volume array of historical, sociological, and ethnographic data that examine these issues and introduce readers to the types of kin relationships found around contemporary Europe.
In this volume the authors examine the history of the family during the twentieth century in the context of political struggles over the welfare state, gender roles and parental authority. They ask how far political measures have contributed to changes in family life, and whether these should be understood as a weakening, or as a redefinition of traditional kinship roles.
List of Contributors:
Georges Augustins, Leon Dyczewski, David Gaunt, Christine Geserick, Hannes Grandits, Siegfried Gruber, Patrick Heady, Alexander Nikulin, Johannes Pflegerl, Heidi Rosenbaum, Martine Segalen, Elisabeth Timm, Irina Trotsuk, Pier Paolo Viazzo and Francesco Zanotelli
Articles by pier paolo viazzo
Guest-edited Journal Monographic Issues by pier paolo viazzo
Javier González Díez, Pier Paolo Viazzo, Editorial. Como estudiar la diversidad familiar en América Latina: metodologías para un panorama anti-hegemónico
Mariana Muaze, Pensando a família no Brasil: ganhos interpretativos a partir da micro-história
Lucía Galleno, A case of complexity in the Latin American family. Tracing the Galleno Villafán history
Jorge Ignacio Angulo Barredo, Transición sociodemográfica y transformaciones de la familia rural en Chiapas: aproximaciones para el estudio sobre su diversidad
Daniela Salvucci, Eco-logiche e culture della parentela. Famiglie e unità domestiche nell’Argentina andina
Javier González Díez, Pier Paolo Viazzo, El parentesco ficticio entre América Latina y Europa: estrategias de respuesta a la desparentalización en perspectiva comparada
Danielle M. de S. Sátiro, Angel Espina B. Barrio
Família é afetos: 'a opção sexual é coisa dele'. Discursos de filhos com pais não heteros
Juan Carlos Sabogal Carmona, Pensando las familias a través de perspectivas analíticas del estado: retóricas presidenciales sobre el programa Familias en Acción (Colombia) 2002-2010
Lilia Leticia García Peña, La diversidad familiar en el México contemporáneo desde las narrativas literarias
Books by pier paolo viazzo
Starting from the study by Peter Laslett, A Fresh Map of Life (1989), the validity of the ‘general theory of the third age’ is assessed in the light of the intervening changes over the last twenty years, in particular the progressive Italian leadership in European longevity, with an eye to the Alpine area. Central to this is the role assumed by the family in the help given to the elderly, with the persistence of the strong family ties that are distinctive of Mediterranean Europe in its models of assistance. In the Alpine context, where the weight of (small) numbers affects living together with an ever older population, the contraction of medical and health services would seem to preclude the possibility of ageing well. In truth, the proximity of the caregivers – the offspring and closest relations – is also for these communities one honoured way to give assistance to the elderly. The case of the Chisone and Germanasca valleys (Piedmontese Alps) and the comparison with the neighbouring French valleys confirm this data and bring to light the differences that could be due to the different cultures that exist in the Alps. Along with this and perhaps more so, the different structural composition of the elderly population compared with the plain (about which we still know little), as well
as the different national and local welfare systems, seem to assume an influential role on how one ages in the Alps."
Kinship is at the heart of European society, sharing with the state responsibility for welfare and social reproduction. But the workings of kinship and their connection to state policies remain controversial. Received theories have had to be revised in the light of social and demographic change and accumulating evidence of long-standing cultural differences. With Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Europe, the editors and their collaborators have gathered a three-volume array of historical, sociological, and ethnographic data that examine these issues and introduce readers to the types of kin relationships found around contemporary Europe.
In this volume the authors examine the history of the family during the twentieth century in the context of political struggles over the welfare state, gender roles and parental authority. They ask how far political measures have contributed to changes in family life, and whether these should be understood as a weakening, or as a redefinition of traditional kinship roles.
List of Contributors:
Georges Augustins, Leon Dyczewski, David Gaunt, Christine Geserick, Hannes Grandits, Siegfried Gruber, Patrick Heady, Alexander Nikulin, Johannes Pflegerl, Heidi Rosenbaum, Martine Segalen, Elisabeth Timm, Irina Trotsuk, Pier Paolo Viazzo and Francesco Zanotelli
Javier González Díez, Pier Paolo Viazzo, Editorial. Como estudiar la diversidad familiar en América Latina: metodologías para un panorama anti-hegemónico
Mariana Muaze, Pensando a família no Brasil: ganhos interpretativos a partir da micro-história
Lucía Galleno, A case of complexity in the Latin American family. Tracing the Galleno Villafán history
Jorge Ignacio Angulo Barredo, Transición sociodemográfica y transformaciones de la familia rural en Chiapas: aproximaciones para el estudio sobre su diversidad
Daniela Salvucci, Eco-logiche e culture della parentela. Famiglie e unità domestiche nell’Argentina andina
Javier González Díez, Pier Paolo Viazzo, El parentesco ficticio entre América Latina y Europa: estrategias de respuesta a la desparentalización en perspectiva comparada
Danielle M. de S. Sátiro, Angel Espina B. Barrio
Família é afetos: 'a opção sexual é coisa dele'. Discursos de filhos com pais não heteros
Juan Carlos Sabogal Carmona, Pensando las familias a través de perspectivas analíticas del estado: retóricas presidenciales sobre el programa Familias en Acción (Colombia) 2002-2010
Lilia Leticia García Peña, La diversidad familiar en el México contemporáneo desde las narrativas literarias