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Athena's rejection of the αὐλός is an Athenian mythical episode connected to the specific local sensibility and willingness; other places' legends, indeed, promote Athena's role within the art of αὐλητική, especially in the regions where... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryAncient myth and religion
It is common knowledge that personal names, in ancient Greece, often originated from elements of the milieu naturel (rivers, plants, animals…): suffice it to mention the dissemination of the name ‘Μέλισσα’, ‘bee’, widely attested in... more
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      Greek LiteratureAnimals in Culture
New trends in classics show an increasing interest in local cultures, as independent from the Athenocentric perspective (Beck 2020): in particular, ancient Boeotian ‘ethnogenesis’ (Kühr 2006, Larson 2007) received new attention, and local... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryAncient Greek Historiography
A new interpretation for the first poem preserved in PSI X 1174, before understood as an Ilioupersis, is suggested: it might be identified with the episode of Iphigenia's sacrifice.
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      Greek Lyric PoetryGreek Mythgreek Papirology
The poetry of Corinna, whose chronology is debated, is characterized by a distinctive narrative content, and reveals a local, inner point of view, devoted to a regional, 'ethnic' mythology. This means that a 'female' voice appears to be... more
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      MythologyBoeotian StudiesLocal CultureArchaic Greek Lyric
Lyric poetry, as an expressive code and performative mode, seems to characterize the female voice from the earliest literary evidence. In Homer, women are often depicted performing songs that can be interpreted as various forms of lyrical... more
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    • Greek Lyric Poetry
Mappare significa identificare dei luoghi, ossia associare la produzione poetica delle poetesse liriche a delle realtà concrete, storicamente esistite e abitate da comunità. Questa operazione prevede un costante dialogo con le fonti... more
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      Greek Lyric PoetryAncient Greek ReligionFemale-Authored Poetry
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureRomanticismDante Studies
L’umanità da tempi remoti avverte l’impulso di spingersi verso l’alto: lo sguardo, costretto a cogliere un flusso ininterrotto di immagini, cerca una posizione di distacco per soddisfare la curiosità di scoprire il mondo. Cosa e quanto... more
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L’articolo è dedicato all’interpretazione di alcuni passi del noto testo medievale di ambito ravennate intitolato “Liber pontificalis ecclesiae Ravennatis”, di Andrea Agnello (IX secolo), ritenuto da molti studiosi proto-storico della... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryChurch History
Analisi dell’epistolario riconducibile a Eugippio, monaco latino vissuto tra V e VI secolo e personaggio-chiave in una rete di rapporti culturali, religiosi e politici intessuti con la Chiesa africana (Fulgenzio, vescovo di Ruspe e... more
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    • Late Antiquity
Il capitolo 44 della Vita sancti Severini, testo agiografico scritto nel 511 dall’abate latino di Lucullano, Eugippio, si conclude con la seguente espressione: Linteaminibus igitur immutatis in loculo multo ante iam tempore praeparato... more
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    • Late Antiquity
In questo convivium compiremo un viaggio, nell'antichità e nel presente, ma per viaggiare dobbiamo prima preparare la nostra valigia o zaino e quindi interrogarci sul significato attribuito, circa millecinquecento anni fa, a termini come... more
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    • Hagiography
Workshop internazionale: ""La politica oltre l'imperatore: strutture, strategie ed evoluzione dei poteri dietro il trono a Roma e a Bisanzio" - forthcoming publ.
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      ProsopographyByzantine Studies
Lo studio del testo agiografico, che è intitolato Vita sancti Severini (VS) ed è ambientato nel Norico (attuale Austria) nel secolo quinto, scritto dal monaco campano Eugippio nel 511 d.C., integrato allo studio dei recenti contributi... more
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Along the Upper Danube, into the ancient province of Noricum (nowadays Austria), Severin, a monk, who arrived in this area in 452 for a religious mission, decided to establish an economic and political agreement with the Germanic... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique Hagiography
This contribution examines the connections between Byzantium and the Arabs found in the lexicon of an anonymous hagiographic work, which is titled Vita Michaelis Syncelli (BHG 1296) and was written in the second half of the IXth C.... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine Hagiography
Rev. R.W. Mathisen, "Sources in Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations. Texts, Maps, and Images, New York – Oxford, Oxford University Press 2017"; C. Bearzot, A. Barzanò, "Istituzioni di Storia Antica. Dalla preistoria all'espansione araba",... more
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      Roman HistoryByzantine HistoryAncient Greek Religion
Secolo IV d.C., antica Voghera (Pv). Aurelio Cassiano, un artigiano proveniente da Cirro, piccola città dell’entroterra siriaco, è nominato decurione della colonia. L’epigrafe in suo ricordo fu scoperta dopo secoli, a miglia di distanza... more
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      Roman HistoryHagiographyProsopographyLate Antiquity
This paper’s born from a prosopographical research about the mobility between East and West during Antiquity and Late Antiquity. In the ecclesiastical context of the historic centre of Angera on Lake Maggiore (Italy) was found a funerary... more
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      Byzantine StudiesLate Antiquity