Conference Presentations by Lucia yebra
En este trabajo se abordará una fracción temporal que abarca parte del Holoceno Tardío (450 cal. ... more En este trabajo se abordará una fracción temporal que abarca parte del Holoceno Tardío (450 cal. a.C. al 1.990 cal. d.C), registrada en la cuadrícula B del sitio Agua de la Cueva. Esta primera aproximación se centra en el análisis de la organización de la tecnología lítica (sensu Nelson 1991), y busca comprender los cambios y continuidades en el uso del sitio durante dicho periodo. Se aplican dos perspectivas metodológicas, una diacrónica (evolutiva) que hace referencia a los cambios a largo plazo en la subsistencia y en la tecnología, y otra sincrónica (funcional) que busca explicar las estrategias tecnológicas y los patrones de movilidad en un lapso temporal acotado (Cortegoso 2006). A su vez, se complementará con el empleo del modelo biogeográfico de utilización del espacio propuesto por Borrero (1994-1995) y las expectativas arqueológicas específicas para el registro lítico generadas por Franco (2004).
Most recent by Lucia yebra
Quaternary International, 2018
By means of inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry associated with Laser Ablation (LA-ICP-M... more By means of inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry associated with Laser Ablation (LA-ICP-MS) we analyzed several obsidian artifacts from the Natural Protected Area Laguna del Diamante (Mendoza, Argentina) and upper Maipo valley (Chile). This analytical method, almost non-destructive, is a powerful tool for the determination of trace elements and is very useful in characterizing and determining the provenance of obsidian fragments of archeological interest, although care must be taken to avoid or account for heterogeneities within obsidian such as microcrysts. In the macro-region of study, two types of sources can be differentiated on the basis of their primary location: high-altitude sources emplaced in the Andes range (!2500 m a.s.l.) including Laguna del Diamante, Laguna del Maule, and Las Cargas sources; and low-altitude (1500 m a.s.l.) extra-Andean sources situated on the eastern plains: Cerro Huenul and El Pece~ no. In addition, while the primary location of Arroyo Paramillos source is currently unknown, we consider it as a sub source of Laguna del Diamante, since its wide archaeological distribution has a main core within Laguna del Diamante area and in the upper Maipo River basin. Considering this pattern, the assignation of provenances presented here improves the basis for assessing the use of high Andean environments from both sides of the mountain range. In addition, we will also improve the geochemical discrimination between the two sources Arroyo Paramillos and Las Cargas that based on only previous XRF analysis are chemically overlapping, leading to an incorrect interpretation of their pattern of archaeological distribution. The better characterization of the obsidian sources of the Laguna del Diamante and neighboring regions allows discussions of mobility, exchange, and human use of this lithic resource in the highland of central western Argentina-central Chile.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2018
The Andes mountain range is one key physiographic feature of South America with the potential to ... more The Andes mountain range is one key physiographic feature of South America with the potential to have acted as a barrier and corridor for human societies. The goal of this paper is to assess from where and how were the highlands utilized during the last 2000 years, which is a key period witnessing the development of productive economies and changes in the organization of mobility. We develop a regional case study focused on the highland wetland Laguna del Diamante (3300 masl), which is a highly productive ecosystem only accessible during summer. This case is based on a multidisciplinary approach combining: a) geochemical characterization of obsidian sources located in the highlands and artifacts; b) isotopic approach to ranges of paleomobility of individuals by means of 87 Sr/ 86 Sr; and c) stylistic study of ceramic assemblages. The two main obsidian types from the highlands have restricted and decaying spatial distribution, suggesting that these archaeological distributions track part of human circuits of mobility instead of indirect transport acquisition. Their archaeological distribution is heavily skewed towards the western Andean slope. We present strontium isotope values for four teeth and bone samples from two individuals recovered in the area, which are interpreted in reference to a preliminary baseline of biologically available strontium. We infer that these individuals had ranges of paleomobility systematically connecting the western slope with the highlands. The analysis of the ceramic assemblages shows that most of the diagnostic sherds can be assigned to styles that have distributional cores in the Central Valley of Chile up until the time of Inca presence, while only a minimum portion of the sample can be assigned to distributional cores on the eastern slope. By integrating the patterns in the transport of obsidian and ceramic artifacts and the paleomobility of individuals, we find support for the existence of dominant access to the highlands from the western Andean slope. A GIS-based analysis of the seasonality of precipitation shows that the western slope presents more pronounced and drier summer months, providing a context that contributes to explain these patterns. These results contradict previous interpretations suggesting that the archaeological record from the highlands is more directly tied to human groups inhabiting the eastern lowlands during most of the year. Beyond the geographic debate, this issue has an impact on the subsistence organization of the incoming groups, on the socioeconomic role of the highlands, and on the demographic contexts leading to trajectories of economic intensification in both Andean slopes. This research contributes to build a framework for comparative research on human use of highland environments.
Papers by Lucia yebra
Estrategias humanas y paleoclima en los Andes (34°S): Variaciones en la intensidad de ocupación de Laguna del Diamante (ca. 2000-500 años aP), 2023
Resumen El área de Laguna del Diamante (3.000 m snm) tiene una oferta de recursos atractiva para ... more Resumen El área de Laguna del Diamante (3.000 m snm) tiene una oferta de recursos atractiva para las sociedades humanas durante los últimos 2.000 años. Este trabajo evalúa la variable intensidad en la ocupación humana en Laguna del Diamante en cinco segmentos temporales entre 2030 y 440 años cal aP. Estos segmentos se modelaron a partir de 14 fechados radiocarbónicos procedentes de tres sitios; la densidad de lascas proximales se evalúa como proxy de intensidad de ocupación. Se comparan los pulsos registrados arqueológicamente con la variabilidad ambiental vinculada a aumento/disminución de temperatura y humedad, de los últimos milenios en tres lagunas: Aculeo, Chepical y del Maule (33°-35°S). A partir de diversos indicadores-cobertura vegetal, extensión/disminución de la cubierta de hielo, cambios de la precipitación relacionados al sistema de vientos del oeste y su variabilidad debido a El Niño Oscilación del Sur-se observó en casi toda la secuencia una asociación positiva entre condiciones favorables y ocupaciones intensas. Se discute el registro de dos pulsos de mayor intensidad: entre 1200 y 1280 años cal aP, asociado con aumento de temperatura de verano e intensificación de precipitaciones; y entre 450 y 500 años cal aP, vinculado con condiciones frías y coincidente con la presencia incaica en el área.
Revista del Museo de Antropología, 2020
Se presenta una síntesis de resultados de estudios geoarqueológicos de fuentes y canteras líticas... more Se presenta una síntesis de resultados de estudios geoarqueológicos de fuentes y canteras líticas ubicadas en ambientes de altura de Mendoza y San Juan (29°-34° S). Se comparan tres casos orientados a conocer la génesis de las rocas, su disponibilidad como recurso lítico, los modos de aprovisionamiento y los variables sistemas de producción. Los trabajos se basan en relevamientos interdisciplinarios de campo y la aplicación de diversos métodos de análisis petrográficos, geoquímicos y de SIG. En San Juan (29° S) se identificaron diez fuentes primarias y secundarias que fueron explotadas diferencialmente durante ca. 8500 años. En el noroeste de Mendoza (32° S) se constató la explotación como cantera lítica de los bosques petrificados de Darwin y de la formación Los Colorados. En el centro de Mendoza (34° S) se identificaron dos señales químicas locales de obsidiana. Se enfatiza el potencial de estos estudios para indagar sobre cambios y continuidades en estrategias humanas de explotac...
InterSecciones en Antropología, 2019
Se presentan resultados del análisis geoquímico (XRF) de N= 61 piezas de obsidiana correspondient... more Se presentan resultados del análisis geoquímico (XRF) de N= 61 piezas de obsidiana correspondientes a diez sitios arqueológicos del norte de Mendoza (32°-33°S); un segmento latitudinal donde la cordillera de los Andes alcanza su máxima altitud. Además de estar fuera de la región andina con fuentes de obsidiana, los sitios se localizan al norte del límite de divergencia cultural establecida en los últimos milenios (34°S) entre sociedades productoras y cazadoras-recolectoras. Se evalúa la asignación de elementos de obsidiana a fuentes cordilleranas y extracordillernas entre (34°-37°S) todas en un rango comprendido entre 200 y 500 km de distancia. Las cronologías de los contextos abarcan un extenso rango temporal (entre ca. 7400 y 300 años AP) durante el cual se registra un proceso de diversificación económica que separa a las sociedades del área considerada de sus vecinas ubicadas al sur. Los resultados contribuyen a evaluar la dirección de interacciones que involucran principalmente ...
Estudios Atacameños, 2021
Se presentan resultados sobre técnicas constructivas y patrones de ocupación del espacio, cronolo... more Se presentan resultados sobre técnicas constructivas y patrones de ocupación del espacio, cronología, tecnología lítica, tipología y tecnología cerámica, zooarqueología de camélidos, antracología y arte rupestre, correspondientes a un conjunto de sitios arqueológicos del Área Natural Protegida Laguna del Diamante (Mendoza, Argentina). Esta área se ubica en la cordillera Principal y vincula las cuencas altas de los ríos Diamante y Maipo. Los registros obtenidos corresponden al período de consolidación de la ocupación inca de la región y prueban que el Tawantinsuyu controló este sector de la cordillera para explotar una fuente de obsidiana y mantener en funcionamiento una red de tráfico especializado que vinculaba al valle central chileno con los valles orientales de Uco y Jaurúa. Por otra parte, las manifestaciones de arte rupestre halladas permiten inferir un proceso de sacralización y apropiación de este espacio dominado por el volcán Maipo y la laguna del Diamante.
Revista del Museo de Antropología, 2011
San Ignacio, en el Valle de Potrerillos, fue habitado durante los siglos III-VIII D.C. por grupos... more San Ignacio, en el Valle de Potrerillos, fue habitado durante los siglos III-VIII D.C. por grupos humanos que construyeron hornillos y ocuparon casas semi-subterráneas. Constituye uno de los escasos registros sistemáticos de contextos domésticos para el valle. Se presenta y caracteriza el sitio mediante el análisis osteométrico de camélidos, la organización de la tecnología lítica y el análisis tipológico y morfo-funcional cerámico. Las diversas actividades domésticas desarrolladas combinaron la explotación de camélidos silvestres y domésticos, además de cultígenos. Los rasgos arquitectónicos y los patrones materiales del interior de la unidad habitacional, se relacionan con una ocupación anticipada de tipo permanente. La cerámica analizada fue asignada al estilo Agrelo-Calingasta del período Agro-alfarero Temprano-Medio de la arqueología regional. El asentamiento podría insertarse en un circuito de movilidad para el aprovechamiento de diversos recursos en ambientes de altura. Ademá...
Se presenta el análisis lítico de contextos tardíos (ca. 1700-470 cal. AP) del sitio Agua de la C... more Se presenta el análisis lítico de contextos tardíos (ca. 1700-470 cal. AP) del sitio Agua de la Cueva Sector Norte. Se busca evaluar la variabilidad en la organización tecnológica vinculada, en primer lugar, a las transformaciones regionales en los sistemas de subsistencia, movilidad y asentamiento ocurridas hacia ca. 1500 años cal. AP y, en segundo lugar, a la instalación del estado incaico hacia ca. 550 años cal. AP. Por un lado, entre las continuidades se destacan el predominio de estrategias expeditivas dado el conocimiento sobre los recursos disponibles y la planificación de las actividades a desarrollar. La persistencia de puntas de proyectil en el registro evidencia que la caza se mantuvo a través del tiempo. Por otro lado, se proponen diferencias en la funcionalidad del sitio y en la duración/recurrencia de las estadías. Cambios vinculados, en una primera instancia, a la adopción de economías productivas y, más tarde, a algún tipo de control ejercido por parte del imperio In...
The Latin American Studies Book Series, 2021
This study presents a discriminant analysis of projectile points (n = 44) from late Holocene cont... more This study presents a discriminant analysis of projectile points (n = 44) from late Holocene contexts (~3100-400 cal BP) in the Argentine Andes (29-37°S). About two thousand years ago, the groups that inhabited the regions north and south of 34°S began divergent cultural histories. To the north, groups developed mixed economies that included domestic plants and animals. To the south, Patagonian hunters maintained their nomadic lifestyle until European contact. This study explores the geographic vectors and pace of the initial spread of the bow and arrow, if the bow replaced or coexisted with other weapon systems, and how these trends differed north and south of 34°S. We use Shott's formula to metrically distinguish darts and arrows. Current data suggest that the bow was an innovation in the central Andes that rapidly spread south along the Andes to around 29°S at 3500-3000 cal BP. At this point, the tempo slowed dramatically. It was adopted by groups at 32°S around 1300 cal BP. At 37°S it arrived shortly after 1000 cal BP. Over the next two to three centuries, it was rapidly adopted by more sedentary food-producing groups north of 34°S as well as more mobile hunter-gatherers to the south. There is no evidence the bow was ever abandoned once adopted, and except in the case of Patagonia, it seems to have replaced previous weapon systems. This speaks to its versatility regardless of ecology, economic system, or cultural preferences.
Se presenta el analisis litico de contextos tardios (ca. 1700-470 cal. AP) del sitio Agua de la C... more Se presenta el analisis litico de contextos tardios (ca. 1700-470 cal. AP) del sitio Agua de la Cueva Sector Norte. Se busca evaluar la variabilidad en la organizacion tecnologica vinculada, en primer lugar, a las transformaciones regionales en los sistemas de subsistencia, movilidad y asentamiento ocurridas hacia ca. 1500 anos cal. AP y, en segundo lugar, a la instalacion del estado incaico hacia ca. 550 anos cal. AP. Por un lado, entre las continuidades se destacan el predominio de estrategias expeditivas dado el conocimiento sobre los recursos disponibles y la planificacion de las actividades a desarrollar. La persistencia de puntas de proyectil en el registro evidencia que la caza se mantuvo a traves del tiempo. Por otro lado, se proponen diferencias en la funcionalidad del sitio y en la duracion/recurrencia de las estadias. Cambios vinculados, en una primera instancia, a la adopcion de economias productivas y, mas tarde, a algun tipo de control ejercido por parte del imperio Inca.
Quaternary International, 2020
A geochemical analysis of 382 obsidian samples from different archeological sites in Central Chil... more A geochemical analysis of 382 obsidian samples from different archeological sites in Central Chile (32 •-35 • Lat. South) has identified the preferential use of three known sources in the Andean mountain range, Arroyo Paramillos and Laguna del Diamante located in the Maipo Volcano area, and Las Cargas located ca 120 km further south. The analysis of the circulation and use of this raw material from the beginning of the Archaic period until the arrival of the Inka to this territory reveals differences in how obsidian from these three main sources was used, both spatially and temporally. The hunter-gatherers occupying the Andean mountain range preferred the obsidian source from the Maipo Volcano area, while the hunter gatherer and horticulturalist groups from the central valley used more frequently the obsidian from Las Cargas source. These differences are linked to the quality of the obsidian, its suitability for the intended use and the distance of the users from the source.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2020
New geochemical results for two obsidian types, Laguna del Diamante and Arroyo Paramillos, natura... more New geochemical results for two obsidian types, Laguna del Diamante and Arroyo Paramillos, naturally available in the Laguna del Diamante locality, a seasonally accessible highland wetland emplaced in the current border between Argentina and Chile at 3300 masl (34°S), are presented. A total of 1219 archeological artifacts from 41 sites located on both sides of the Andes have been assigned to these sources. The artifacts were analyzed by non-destructive, energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF). Archeological distributions of these obsidian types are assessed through GIS spatial analysis. Results show a great asymmetry in the distribution of these sources toward the two Andean slopes: the Laguna de Diamante chemical type shows a fairly local use pattern, being concentrated almost entirely in Cordillera sites, but the Paramillos shows a less homogeneous distribution and tends to be more concentrated in the sites that are in the western natural corridor. Although these lands were accessed and occupied from diverse demographic nodes in lower-altitude settings, the spatial analysis of obsidian artifacts reinforces the argument of dominant geographic vectors of access connecting with the western valleys and lowlands of Chile.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2017
Abstract The Andes mountain range is one key physiographic feature of South America with the pote... more Abstract The Andes mountain range is one key physiographic feature of South America with the potential to have acted as a barrier and corridor for human societies. The goal of this paper is to assess from where and how were the highlands utilized during the last 2000 years, which is a key period witnessing the development of productive economies and changes in the organization of mobility. We develop a regional case study focused on the highland wetland Laguna del Diamante (3300 masl), which is a highly productive ecosystem only accessible during summer. This case is based on a multidisciplinary approach combining: a) geochemical characterization of obsidian sources located in the highlands and artifacts; b) isotopic approach to ranges of paleomobility of individuals by means of 87 Sr/ 86 Sr; and c) stylistic study of ceramic assemblages. The two main obsidian types from the highlands have restricted and decaying spatial distribution, suggesting that these archaeological distributions track part of human circuits of mobility instead of indirect transport acquisition. Their archaeological distribution is heavily skewed towards the western Andean slope. We present strontium isotope values for four teeth and bone samples from two individuals recovered in the area, which are interpreted in reference to a preliminary baseline of biologically available strontium. We infer that these individuals had ranges of paleomobility systematically connecting the western slope with the highlands. The analysis of the ceramic assemblages shows that most of the diagnostic sherds can be assigned to styles that have distributional cores in the Central Valley of Chile up until the time of Inca presence, while only a minimum portion of the sample can be assigned to distributional cores on the eastern slope. By integrating the patterns in the transport of obsidian and ceramic artifacts and the paleomobility of individuals, we find support for the existence of dominant access to the highlands from the western Andean slope. A GIS-based analysis of the seasonality of precipitation shows that the western slope presents more pronounced and drier summer months, providing a context that contributes to explain these patterns. These results contradict previous interpretations suggesting that the archaeological record from the highlands is more directly tied to human groups inhabiting the eastern lowlands during most of the year. Beyond the geographic debate, this issue has an impact on the subsistence organization of the incoming groups, on the socio-economic role of the highlands, and on the demographic contexts leading to trajectories of economic intensification in both Andean slopes. This research contributes to build a framework for comparative research on human use of highland environments.
Anales de Arqueología y Etnología, 2021
Este trabajo, de carácter preliminar, surgió del interés de un grupo de arqueólogas de diferentes... more Este trabajo, de carácter preliminar, surgió del interés de un grupo de arqueólogas de diferentes regiones de la Provincia de Mendoza (Argentina) reunidas con el objetivo de generar una nueva mirada acerca del lugar de las mujeres en la historia local de la disciplina. Esta visión basada en relatos propios permitió evidenciar, repensar y cuestionar esta historia y seguidamente exponer la situación actual. Para abordar esta problemática se trabajó en el análisis de tres ejes. El primero, se centró en reconocer las trayectorias de las pioneras y evidenciar su presencia en la historia de la arqueología en Mendoza; el segundo eje analizó la existencia de disparidad profesional entre varones y mujeres dentro de la disciplina; el tercero indagó sobre los tipos de violencia ejercida en el ámbito profesional y académico. Los resultados demuestran la invisibilización histórica que han tenido las mujeres pioneras de la disciplina en la provincia entre las décadas de 1940 y 1970. También pudo ...
Se presenta el análisis lítico de contextos tardíos (ca. 1700-470 cal. AP) del sitio Agua de la C... more Se presenta el análisis lítico de contextos tardíos (ca. 1700-470 cal. AP) del sitio Agua de la Cueva Sector Norte. Se busca evaluar la variabilidad en la organización tecnológica vinculada, en primer lugar, a las transformaciones regionales en los sistemas de subsistencia, movilidad y asentamiento ocurridas hacia ca. 1500 años cal. AP y, en segundo lugar, a la instalación del estado incaico hacia ca. 550 años cal. AP. Por un lado, entre las continuidades se destacan el predominio de estrategias expeditivas dado el conocimiento sobre los recursos disponibles y la planificación de las actividades a desarrollar. La persistencia de puntas de proyectil en el registro evidencia que la caza se mantuvo a través del tiempo. Por otro lado, se proponen diferencias en la funcionalidad del sitio y en la duración/recurrencia de las estadías. Cambios vinculados, en una primera instancia, a la adopción de economías productivas y, más tarde, a algún tipo de control ejercido por parte del imperio Inca. ABSTRACT This article presents a lithic analysis of late period contexts (~470–1700 cal BP) from the northern sector of the site Agua de la Cueva. The goal is to evaluate variability in the organization of lithic technology in the context of 1) regional transformations around 1500 years ago in terms of subsistence, mobility, and settlement systems and 2) the arrival of the Inca state around 550 years ago. There are continuities over time, mainly in the predominance of expedient knapping strategies as well as information on available resources and activity planning. The persistence of projectile points shows that hunting continued throughout this span. We propose that there were changes in the frequency and length of stays at the sites, which happened when productive economies were adopted and were a response to the presence of the Inca Empire.
A B S T R A C T The Andes mountain range is one key physiographic feature of South America with t... more A B S T R A C T The Andes mountain range is one key physiographic feature of South America with the potential to have acted as a barrier and corridor for human societies. The goal of this paper is to assess from where and how were the highlands utilized during the last 2000 years, which is a key period witnessing the development of productive economies and changes in the organization of mobility. We develop a regional case study focused on the highland wetland Laguna del Diamante (3300 masl), which is a highly productive ecosystem only accessible during summer. This case is based on a multidisciplinary approach combining: a) geochemical characterization of obsidian sources located in the highlands and artifacts; b) isotopic approach to ranges of paleomobility of individuals by means of 87 Sr/ 86 Sr; and c) stylistic study of ceramic assemblages. The two main obsidian types from the highlands have restricted and decaying spatial distribution, suggesting that these archaeological distributions track part of human circuits of mobility instead of indirect transport acquisition. Their archaeological distribution is heavily skewed towards the western Andean slope. We present strontium isotope values for four teeth and bone samples from two individuals recovered in the area, which are interpreted in reference to a preliminary baseline of biologically available strontium. We infer that these individuals had ranges of paleomobility systematically connecting the western slope with the highlands. The analysis of the ceramic assemblages shows that most of the diagnostic sherds can be assigned to styles that have distributional cores in the Central Valley of Chile up until the time of Inca presence, while only a minimum portion of the sample can be assigned to distributional cores on the eastern slope. By integrating the patterns in the transport of obsidian and ceramic artifacts and the paleomobility of individuals, we find support for the existence of dominant access to the highlands from the western Andean slope. A GIS-based analysis of the seasonality of precipitation shows that the western slope presents more pronounced and drier summer months, providing a context that contributes to explain these patterns. These results contradict previous interpretations suggesting that the archaeological record from the highlands is more directly tied to human groups inhabiting the eastern lowlands during most of the year. Beyond the geographic debate, this issue has an impact on the subsistence organization of the incoming groups, on the socioeconomic role of the highlands, and on the demographic contexts leading to trajectories of economic intensification in both Andean slopes. This research contributes to build a framework for comparative research on human use of highland environments.
Drafts by Lucia yebra
Conference Presentations by Lucia yebra
Most recent by Lucia yebra
Papers by Lucia yebra
Drafts by Lucia yebra