Vol. 19 by Carlos Aparicio
Políticas Sociales Sectoriales, 2016
El crecimiento y transformación de las ciudades no puede dejar de lado la integración y preservac... more El crecimiento y transformación de las ciudades no puede dejar de lado la integración y preservación de las áreas verdes. Estos espacios permiten atenuar las condiciones climáticas así como los niveles de contaminación atmosférica y ruido que ha producido el desarrollo urbano. Las áreas verdes contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas, tanto por sus efectos sobre el clima urbano, como por los beneficios que tienen en la salud mental y física de los habitantes. El presente documento forma parte de la revisión teórica de una investigación doctoral en la que se analizan las condiciones climáticas así como la configuración de los parques residenciales. Se seleccionaron dos áreas verdes residenciales de la zona Poniente del municipio de Monterrey, en base a distintas características físicas y de sus habitantes. Asimismo se presentan las indagaciones preliminares que se desprenden de la primera parte de la investigación que permiten conocer las características de la configuración de las áreas verdes residenciales que resultan atractivas a la población, así como la variedad de actividades que realizan los usuarios dentro de estos espacios. Asimismo se muestra el valor que tiene para la población la existencia de las áreas verdes urbanas, exponiendo los aspectos que deben tomarse en cuenta en la planeación y diseño de los mismos.
The integration and preservation of green spaces cannot be ignored from the cities growth and transformation. These spaces mitigate the thermal conditions of climate, the levels of air pollution and noise produced by urban development. In that way, green spaces contribute to improving quality of life of people, both for its effects on urban climate, as for the benefits generated in mental and physical health of the inhabitants. This paper is part of the theoretical review of a PHD thesis that studies the configuration of residential parks and climatic conditions. Two residential green spaces in the west zone of Monterrey were selected based on their physical characteristics, their surroundings and the population. Also, preliminary inquiries derived from the first part of the investigation allowed to identify the characteristics of the residential green spaces configuration that become more attractive to the population, also to analyze the variety of users’ activities.
In addition, the study enhances the importance of the existence of urban
green areas in the cities, exposing the aspects to be taken into account for their planning and design.
Letras Históricas, 2018
El presente trabajo expone los principales espacios abiertos y áreas verdes que se han desarrolla... more El presente trabajo expone los principales espacios abiertos y áreas verdes que se han desarrollado desde la fundación de la ciudad mexicana de Monterrey. A lo largo de su transformación urbana una decena de plazas y áreas verdes fueron reducidas o sustituidas para albergar otro tipo de equipamiento. En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, el proceso de expansión urbana resultó en la falta de áreas verdes con relación a la densidad de población. Como consecuencia, a partir de 1980 se construyeron diversos parques urbanos. Sin embargo, 30 años después, continúan siendo insuficientes los espacios verdes en la ciudad.
Conformation of open and green spaces on the urban transformation of Monterrey from XVII century through the beginning of XXI century.
This paper presents the principal public open spaces and green places that have been developed since the foundation of the Mexican city of Monterrey. Throughout Monterrey´s urban transformation a dozen of public squares and green spaces were reduced or replaced to build other type of urban facilities. In the second half of the 20th century, the urban expansion results in the lack of green spaces in relation to population density. Consequently, on the 1980s several urban parks were built in the city. However, after 30 years,green spaces still being insufficient in this city.
Journal Articles by Carlos Aparicio
Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, 2020
Problem-based learning is one of the most useful resources in education with the pote... more Problem-based learning is one of the most useful resources in education with the potential to effect real world change. The evident benefits of PBL in the face of the challenges that Latin America presently encounters have led many institutions to considerthe adoption of PBL curricula. However, PBL implementation has its own set of difficulties. “I liked to work in a multidisciplinary team because our skills were complemented. Sometimes, it was difficult to understand our different ways of working, becausewe were focused on different things”, said one of the students of our institution. This paper describes how different academic programs from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) in Mexico, were integrated in a Learning Unit (LU) using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology. First, we present some PBL definitions to delineate its main characteristics, like the students facing real problems. Afterwards, we describe the PBL implementation process at our university, its precedents, the administrative process, and the adaptation into an existing LU. Additionally, we describe how we adapted the PBL methodology to the Sustainable Ecological Environments course while also integrating the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, dedicated to cities and sustainable communities. Finally, we mention some findings from the Sustainable Ecological Environments LU. Most notably, the students favour working in multidisciplinary teams and the amount of student investment was higher than in traditionally taught courses. Nevertheless, multidisciplinary work means a constructive challenge for teachers, because it involves a closer monitoring of the student's learning process and a different time distribution than traditional courses, with a higher time investment during planning stages.
Papers by Carlos Aparicio
Espacios Públicos Inclusivos, 2017
Monterrey es una ciudad planeada en base al automóvil, y, sin embargo, la configuración de esta i... more Monterrey es una ciudad planeada en base al automóvil, y, sin embargo, la configuración de esta infraestructura vial pudiera representar más inconvenientes que beneficios para estos usuarios. Nuevo León ocupa el primer lugar nacional en accidentes de tráfico, la mayoría de estos se registran en la capital y están vinculados principalmente con vehículos particulares. Estos accidentes generalmente están relacionados con acciones del conductor, pero también sueles distinguirse puntos dentro de las vialidades en los que las circunstancias críticas y respuestas riesgosas suelen repetirse.
Estudios Fronterizos
Durante el siglo XXI más de cinco millones de personas abandonaron Venezuela. En el caso de Méxic... more Durante el siglo XXI más de cinco millones de personas abandonaron Venezuela. En el caso de México desde 2015 se ha convertido en receptor de venezolanos. El objetivo del artículo es analizar contextos de vulnerabilidad, distribución socioespacial y representaciones sociales de migrantes venezolanos en el área metropolitana de Monterrey (AMM), México. El trabajo de campo se efectuó durante el verano de 2020, en condiciones de pandemia, con la utilización mayormente de plataformas digitales y de información de diversas fuentes oficiales. La metodología tiene un enfoque mixto, prioriza el aspecto cualitativo. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron evocación jerarquizada y mapas mentales para representaciones sociales, así como una encuesta para distribución socioespacial y vulnerabilidad. Entre las conclusiones, destacan redes familiares y de amigos como soporte para el venezolano llegado al AMM, generalmente un sujeto preparado. La vulnerabilidad predominante se relaciona con encontrar emple...
Problem-based learning is one of the most useful resources in education with the potential to eff... more Problem-based learning is one of the most useful resources in education with the potential to effect real world change. The evident benefits of PBL in the face of the challenges that Latin America presently encounters have led many institutions to consider the adoption of PBL curricula. However, PBL implementation has its own set of difficulties. "I liked to work in a multidisciplinary team because our skills were complemented. Sometimes, it was difficult to understand our different ways of working, because we were focused on different things", said one of the students of our institution. This paper describes how different academic programs from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) in Mexico, were integrated in a Learning Unit (LU) using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology. First, we present some PBL definitions to delineate its main characteristics, like the students facing real problems. Afterwards, we describe the PBL implementation process at our uni...
Problem-based learning is one of the most useful resources in education with the potential to eff... more Problem-based learning is one of the most useful resources in education with the potential to effect real world change. The evident benefits of PBL in the face of the challenges that Latin America presently encounters have led many institutions to consider the adoption of PBL curricula. However, PBL implementation has its own set of difficulties. "I liked to work in a multidisciplinary team because our skills were complemented. Sometimes, it was difficult to understand our different ways of working, because we were focused on different things", said one of the students of our institution. This paper describes how different academic programs from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL) in Mexico, were integrated in a Learning Unit (LU) using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology. First, we present some PBL definitions to delineate its main characteristics, like the students facing real problems. Afterwards, we describe the PBL implementation process at our uni...
Letras Históricas, 2018
Conformación de áreas verdes y espacios abiertos en la transformación urbana de Monterrey del sig... more Conformación de áreas verdes y espacios abiertos en la transformación urbana de Monterrey del siglo XVII a inicios del siglo XXI Conformation of open and green spaces on the urban transformation of Monterrey from XVII century through the beginning of XXI century
Since the decade of 1990, looking for presenting positive impacts in communities where they serve... more Since the decade of 1990, looking for presenting positive impacts in communities where they serve, some Latin American governments have implemented urban-architectonic projects. These projects have been framed under the notion of social urbanism, coming from Medellin, Colombia. The theoretical scheme of this work focus on urban-architectonic strategies designed for solving social problems in Latinamerican conflicting neighborhoods, using the Social Integration and Citizen Participation operative concepts. Our methodology includes the analysis of strategies that in a certain moment had a social improvement intention, for determining if they really have been successful or if during the time they present tendencies to fail. In other words, we are interested for knowing if with the time passage the projects become important part of the inhabitants’ daily life. The main objective of this research is to show the effects of the Biblioteca Parque Espana in Medellin, Colombia, and the Centro...
InterEspaço: Revista de Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade
Recebido para avaliação em 20/08/2018; Aprovado para publicação em 02/10/2018. RESUMEN El municip... more Recebido para avaliação em 20/08/2018; Aprovado para publicação em 02/10/2018. RESUMEN El municipio de Los Cabos, Baja California Sur (B.C.S.), se caracteriza por ser una de las zonas turísticas más importantes y reconocidas internacionalmente de México. Con sus beneficios y perjuicios, la gran demanda de turistas en el lugar ha impulsado a la creación de grandes complejos turísticos, haciendo de Los Cabos una zona dependiente de esta actividad, lo que nos lleva a pensar en el impacto que genera la temporada baja del turismo en la población local. El objetivo de esta investigación se centra en analizar las percepciones de la población de Los Cabos sobre los impactos de la temporada baja de turismo en la condición socioeconómica, por lo tanto, este análisis se divide en cinco apartados: desde antecedentes históricos de la zona, además del turismo como detonante en la generación de empleo, el desarrollo local como una actividad alternativa complementaria, economía social en el desarrollo local y políticas públicas como base del desarrollo.
The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice
región y sociedad, 2015
La expansión urbana de Monterrey ha implicado una marcada división social del espacio. En este ar... more La expansión urbana de Monterrey ha implicado una marcada división social del espacio. En este artículo se analiza la segregación socio-espacial de su área metropolitana examinando las características de dicha segregación, así como su expresión cartográfica en el tiempo y la construcción geométrica de su espacio, desde su fundación, en 1596, hasta hoy. Este análisis divide el proceso histórico en cuatro etapas: desde la fundación de la ciudad hasta los albores del México independiente, a mediados del siglo xix; el nacimiento de los barrios obreros, junto con la industrialización, de 1890 a 1940; la expansión metropolitana, de 1940 a 1980, y el periodo actual, comprendido de 1990 hasta la actualidad.
The International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social, and Cultural Context, 2016
The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 2014
Memorias, 2015
Introducción: este trabajo se interesa por la Identidad Social (is) y las Representaciones Social... more Introducción: este trabajo se interesa por la Identidad Social (is) y las Representaciones Sociales (rs) provenientes del análisis de mapas mentales, con el fin de explicar la estructura cognitiva de tres barrios periféricos de dos importantes metrópolis mexicanas. Las rs son consideradas como conocimientos socialmente elaborados, transmitidos mediante la comunicación social. Metodología: en primera instancia, se presentan elementos teóricos sobre diferenciación socioespacial, is y rs. Posteriormente, se describe el crecimiento de las áreas metropolitanas de las ciudades de México y Monterrey, durante el siglo xx y principios del xxi, con el fin de ubicar tres barrios periféricos donde se aplicaron instrumentos que incluyen mapas mentales. Resultados: en la capital mexicana, la creación de redes sociales facilitó que un barrio nacido ilegalmente se consolidara. Monterrey, un barrio anteriormente agrícola, presenta relaciones entre antigüedad, identidad y vivienda. Sin embargo, mapas mentales muestran una barda que lo separa del fraccionamiento cerrado cuyos habitantes dicen que es "tranquilo y seguro". Conclusiones: en los barrios estudiados se destacan representaciones e identidades ligadas al arraigo y la tranquilidad. Mientras que en barrios populares el imaginario urbano tiene bases simbólicas producidas por vínculos comunitarios, en la colonia privada el imaginario gira alrededor del encierro por miedo a la violencia o por búsqueda de distinción. Palabras clave: mapas mentales, periferia urbana, teoría de la identidad social, teoría de las representaciones sociales.
Urban mobility strategies and impacts in the social representation around the BBVA-Bancomer stadi... more Urban mobility strategies and impacts in the social representation around the BBVA-Bancomer stadium in the area of Guadalupe, Nuevo León
Articulos by Carlos Aparicio
Topofilia, Revista de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Territorios, 2022
This document presents an approximation in the study of socio-spatial constructs of segregation i... more This document presents an approximation in the study of socio-spatial constructs of segregation in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, México, from a qualitative approach. Theoretical background on urban studies relying on urban imaginaries, as a mirror of collective construction of meanings in the city, is included. The proposed methodology is described in detail: it is based in the analysis of the historic catalog of the society section in one of the most important local newspapers, as a way of interpretation of the urban imaginary of the citizen of San Pedro Garza García, according to the law of supply and demand of social event news coverage publication. It is argued that this analysis can be used as a reference to measure of the degree of visibilization or invisibilization of certain social groups depending on the zones of the city in which they live or stablish their daily activities and, therefore, to infer the degree of socio-spatial segregation in the territory.
Vol. 19 by Carlos Aparicio
The integration and preservation of green spaces cannot be ignored from the cities growth and transformation. These spaces mitigate the thermal conditions of climate, the levels of air pollution and noise produced by urban development. In that way, green spaces contribute to improving quality of life of people, both for its effects on urban climate, as for the benefits generated in mental and physical health of the inhabitants. This paper is part of the theoretical review of a PHD thesis that studies the configuration of residential parks and climatic conditions. Two residential green spaces in the west zone of Monterrey were selected based on their physical characteristics, their surroundings and the population. Also, preliminary inquiries derived from the first part of the investigation allowed to identify the characteristics of the residential green spaces configuration that become more attractive to the population, also to analyze the variety of users’ activities.
In addition, the study enhances the importance of the existence of urban
green areas in the cities, exposing the aspects to be taken into account for their planning and design.
Conformation of open and green spaces on the urban transformation of Monterrey from XVII century through the beginning of XXI century.
This paper presents the principal public open spaces and green places that have been developed since the foundation of the Mexican city of Monterrey. Throughout Monterrey´s urban transformation a dozen of public squares and green spaces were reduced or replaced to build other type of urban facilities. In the second half of the 20th century, the urban expansion results in the lack of green spaces in relation to population density. Consequently, on the 1980s several urban parks were built in the city. However, after 30 years,green spaces still being insufficient in this city.
Journal Articles by Carlos Aparicio
Papers by Carlos Aparicio
Articulos by Carlos Aparicio
The integration and preservation of green spaces cannot be ignored from the cities growth and transformation. These spaces mitigate the thermal conditions of climate, the levels of air pollution and noise produced by urban development. In that way, green spaces contribute to improving quality of life of people, both for its effects on urban climate, as for the benefits generated in mental and physical health of the inhabitants. This paper is part of the theoretical review of a PHD thesis that studies the configuration of residential parks and climatic conditions. Two residential green spaces in the west zone of Monterrey were selected based on their physical characteristics, their surroundings and the population. Also, preliminary inquiries derived from the first part of the investigation allowed to identify the characteristics of the residential green spaces configuration that become more attractive to the population, also to analyze the variety of users’ activities.
In addition, the study enhances the importance of the existence of urban
green areas in the cities, exposing the aspects to be taken into account for their planning and design.
Conformation of open and green spaces on the urban transformation of Monterrey from XVII century through the beginning of XXI century.
This paper presents the principal public open spaces and green places that have been developed since the foundation of the Mexican city of Monterrey. Throughout Monterrey´s urban transformation a dozen of public squares and green spaces were reduced or replaced to build other type of urban facilities. In the second half of the 20th century, the urban expansion results in the lack of green spaces in relation to population density. Consequently, on the 1980s several urban parks were built in the city. However, after 30 years,green spaces still being insufficient in this city.