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Write an Essay : 'Boarding schools are far better than day schools for the all-round education of a child'.

 ' Boarding schools are far better than day schools for the all-round education of a child'. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Points covered in this essay

  • Introduction: ' The Battle of Waterloo was won in the playing fields of Eton'.
  • Boarding School provides an unequalled academic environment, because of Greater international between the students and teachers facilitated mentoring.
  • Allows mingling with students of different backgrounds and inculcate virtues like tolerance and trust.
  • Emphasise On extracurricular activities nurtures their creative talent, making them independent.
  • Helps mould character inculcating virtues of Self Discipline, open-mindedness, perseverance and hard work.
  • Prepares them for the academic rigours and social challenges of college life.
  • Tough and hectic life compared to the easy going life at home, inculcates virtues of time management.
  • Conclusion: Long queues of parents desirous of admitting their wards in boarding schools, despite the high cost, is ample proof of the crucial role they play in moulding the future of children.

Eton College

'The Battle of Waterloo was won in the plane fields of Eton'. Eton being of famous boarding school in England that trained boys for a career in military and civil services. The superior character of the young man from this school tipped the balance in favour of the British during Wars. Indeed many leaders emerged from the hallowed portals of such boarding schools, to guide the destiny of a nation often creating history. It is an Undisputed fact that boarding schools are far better than day schools for the all-round development and education of a child.

Academic environment at boarding school

Boarding schools provide an excellent academic environment, because of greater interaction between students and teachers. This interface, unlike day school, is not just limited to 6-8 hours. The small class sizes enable teachers to keep individual attention to each student. Thus even less academically endowed students also fare better. Greater interaction foster better mentoring of the student taking into account their special skills and attributes. This helps the students to hone specific talent, which stands them in good stead later in life.

The residential campus environment provides a unique opportunity to mingle with students of different communities, religion and culture. This not only leads to a greater understanding of others but also involves a spirit of camaraderie, friendship, tolerance and trust among them, that endures for a lifetime.

The residential campus environment at boarding school

Besides studies there is additional emphasis on extra-curricular activities like sports, music, dramatics, painting through different club activities. Such activities nurture their creative talent making them more innovative and confident. The ability to think independently makes them more adventurous, outgoing and hence more successful in life.

Extra-curricular activities at boarding school

Playing and study in a group also mould their character. They inculcate important virtues of team-work, sportsmanship, Self-Discipline, open-mindedness, perseverance and hard work which makes them emerged as future leaders. This is evident in the number of leaders both political and military, coming from such boarding schools.

The campus life prepares them for the academic rigours and social challenges they are to face in college life. Being adaptive by nature, they are better able to assimilate knowledge and also interact with students coming from diverse backgrounds. Accustomed to staying away from home, they are not prone to homesickness and hence adapt themselves to the new environment comfortably.

Life in a boarding school

Life in a boarding school is indeed more tough and hectic, compared to easy going life at home, where they live a carefree life under the perpetual protective care of parrents. Here they have to fend for themselves. This inculcates discipline and the virtue of time management. A virtue that is important in facing the challenge of adult life. It makes them more Independent and confident in their professional as well as social life in future.

The long queues of parents, desirous of admitting their wards in boarding schools is ample proof of such schools being better than day schools. This is despite the high cost and the emotional pain of seeing their loved ones staying away from them.

The long queues of parents at a boarding school

Boarding schools are indeed better than day schools for the all-round development of the child. They play an important and crucial role in moulding the character and personality, making them useful citizens of the society.


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