From Transformers Wiki
FigureGunplaFan (call me Fig) here, I'm the current member of this Wiki.
I do edits, shoot photos, and stuff.
I'm a member of:
And I have a Twitter acc.
Photography styles
- A 80x80x80cm Lightbox with a pair of emergency lights for a boost.
- All photos are taken with my smartphone, and all photos are edited post-production.
- I'm a fan of Love Live! & the Gundam franchise.
- I'm not American (although I learned the accent), and I'm neither Indonesian nor Filipino.
- I'm still enjoying Bayformers since they helped me become a fan...
- I like both Bots & Cons.
- So yeah, I have VERY minor issues with grammar, but with the help of Grammarly...
- Trust me, I never owned a BotCon exclusive toy before.
- Sometimes, I can't Rhyme.
- Some size classes I rarely buy: Exclusives unless it's discounted.
- Some size classes that I don't generally buy unless there's a massive discount: Leaders or larger-sized Gift Sets.