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Talk:Syndromica (2)

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Turmoil and Shockwave

When in their respective timelines did Shockwave send Turmoil off to find LV-117? It looks like this issue is Turmoil's last chronological appearance before Interference Patterns, because of the eye injury. So from Turmoil's perspective this would have to be after Spotlight: Drift. From Shockwave's perspective it would have to be after LSotW #3, since that was the first time in modern history he was free to act.

But Turmoil refers to escaping Prime's "assassins" mere weeks ago, presumably referring to the Wreckers from Spotlight: Drift. (It must be a reference to the Spotlight, because the Autobots believed Turmoil dead ever since then, as referred to in Interference Patterns). That occurred sometime prior to the Surge, as seen in AHM #15. On the other hand, Shockwave was not revived on Garrus-9 by Overlord until over a year after the Surge.

So is Turmoil's reference to "weeks" merely a topical reference, or is there some other point the two could have interacted? --Xaaron 10:25, 12 October 2012 (EDT)

Prime dates Turmoil to "five years ago", which is, what, about the time of the Surge? If we're thinking in real time I guess it could be the year after the Surge, around the time Shockwave was revived. But given that this issue also implies that - as readers had theorized - Bludgeon and Monstructor had hooked up by the time of AHM #15's circa-Surge story at Shockwave's command, I think the implication is that Shockwave might actually have been manipulating events while behind bars. Or had set it all up already. OR, more time travel. I think this may become clearer as Shockwave's greater role in the story slowly unfolds. - Chris McFeely 10:51, 12 October 2012 (EDT)

Time periods in the "What the f—?" section

The background in the pages 6-8 and 14-21 is the same, and also, in both periods Monstructor is present, fighting against the 2 beasts. Plus, in page 6, on the left, there is a huge tall structure, that could be the same on where Jhiaxus is standing in 14-21. Also, I don't see any clues indicating that these two are different periods.

So my proposal is to unify time periods 4 and 6. Probably, this period is located in 6, because the planet is damaged.

No, that's physically impossible, because in period 5, the time-ship has already been taken by Jhiaxus's crew and period 5 *can't* take place after period 6, because period 6 is the end of the world. Both periods are red, as you say, but you'll notice that no rocks are being sucked into the sky in period 4, as they are in period 6. Monstructor and Jhiaxus are present because Bludgeon used the replacement time-travel control device he obtained to transport them all to period 4 to steal the ship. - Chris McFeely (talk) 18:59, 28 May 2015 (EDT)
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