Continuing partnerships after SCOSS – SCOSS – The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-03


"With the infrastructures from the SCOSS 2nd funding cycle nearing the end of their active fundraising period through SCOSS, we would like to highlight their need for continued support. All three infrastructures (DOAB/OAPEN, PKP and OpenCitations)  are actively pursuing long-term funding strategies and fostering connections with existing and future supporting organisations. Their work continues, and has accelerated over the years, and we need them as part of a healthy Open Science ecosystem.

While DOAB/OAPEN has already reached its SCOSS funding target, both PKP and OpenCitations still need additional financial support to help reach their funding target before the end of this year. We strongly encourage you to help them as this funding ultimately helps the wider OS community...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.scoss oa.infrastructure oa.open_citations oa.pkp oa.doab oa.oapen

Date tagged:

11/03/2023, 08:47

Date published:

11/03/2023, 04:46