Static CMS
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Events Hooks

You can execute a function when a specific event occurs within Static CMSD.

Supported events are:

mountedEvent fires once Static CMS is fully loaded
loginEvent fires when a user logs into Static CMS
logoutEvent fires when a user logs out of Static CMS
changeEvent fires when a user changes the value of a field in the editor
preSaveEvent fires before the changes have been saved to your git backend
postSaveEvent fires after the changes have been saved to your git backend
prePublishEditorial Workflow ONLY. Event fires before the entry is "published", before the PR is merged into default branch
postPublishEditorial Workflow ONLY. Event fires after the entry is "published", after the PR is merged into default branch

Mounted Event

The mounted event handler fires once Static CMS is fully loaded.

  name: 'mounted',
  handler: () => {
    // your code here

Login Event

The login event handler fires when a user logs into Static CMS.

  name: 'login',
  handler: ({ author: { login, name } }) => {
    // your code here

Logout Event

The logout event handler fires when a user logs out of Static CMS.

  name: 'logout',
  handler: () => {
    // your code here

Change Event

The change event handler fires when a user changes the value of a field in the editor. Event listeners for change can optionally provide collection, file and field names. They can also be used to modify the entry data.

// Listen for ALL change events
  name: 'change',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all change events in a specific collection
  name: 'change',
  collection: 'posts',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all change events in a specific file in a collection
  name: 'change',
  collection: 'settings',
  file: 'global',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all change events in a specific field in a collection
  name: 'change',
  collection: 'posts',
  // file: 'global', // You can specify a file if in a file collection
  field: '',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Alter the entry data when a specific field changes
  name: 'change',
  collection: 'posts',
  // file: 'global', // You can specify a file if in a file collection
  field: '',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    const currentValue =;

    return {,
      path: {,
        to: {
          my: {
            field: `new${currentValue}`,

Pre Save Event

The preSave event handler fires before the changes have been saved to your git backend, and can be used to modify the entry data.

// Listen for ALL preSave events
  name: 'preSave',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all preSave events in a specific collection
  name: 'preSave',
  collection: 'posts',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all preSave events in a specific file in a collection
  name: 'preSave',
  collection: 'settings',
  file: 'global',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Alter the entry data
  name: 'preSave',
  collection: 'posts',
  // file: 'global', // You can specify a file if in a file collection
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    const currentValue =;

    return {,
      path: {,
        to: {
          my: {
            field: `new${currentValue}`,

Post Save Event

The postSave event handler fires after the changes have been saved to your git backend.

// Listen for ALL postSave events
  name: 'postSave',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all postSave events in a specific collection
  name: 'postSave',
  collection: 'posts',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all postSave events in a specific file in a collection
  name: 'postSave',
  collection: 'settings',
  file: 'global',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

Pre Publish Event

The prePublish event handler fires before the entry is "published", before the PR is merged into default branch.

// Listen for ALL prePublish events
  name: 'prePublish',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all prePublish events in a specific collection
  name: 'prePublish',
  collection: 'posts',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all prePublish events in a specific file in a collection
  name: 'prePublish',
  collection: 'settings',
  file: 'global',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

Post Publish Event

The postPublish event handler fires after the entry is "published", after the PR is merged into default branch.

// Listen for ALL postPublish events
  name: 'postPublish',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all postPublish events in a specific collection
  name: 'postPublish',
  collection: 'posts',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code

// Listen for all postPublish events in a specific file in a collection
  name: 'postPublish',
  collection: 'settings',
  file: 'global',
  handler: ({ data, collection, field }) => {
    // Your handler code