Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

Taking your approach on designing things actually makes it fun, more natural, and overall easier.

— Dominik, Developer

Taxonomy Tag

Taxonomy terms are grouped into taxonomies and are fetched and filtered by this tag. A taxonomy could contain tags, categories, or sock colors.


A basic example would be to loop through the terms in a tags taxonomy and link to each individual tag:

{{ taxonomy from="tags" }}
<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ title }}</a></li>
{{ /taxonomy }}

You can also use the shorthand syntax for this. We prefer this style ourselves.

{{ taxonomy:tags }}
<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ title }}</a></li>
{{ /taxonomy:tags }}

If you'd like to fetch tags from multiple taxonomies, you'll need to use the standard syntax.

{{ taxonomy from="tags|categories" }}

To get terms from all taxonomies, use the wildcard *. You may also exclude taxonomies when doing this.

{{ taxonomy from="*" not_from="tags" }}


The taxonomy tag allows you to iterate over taxonomy terms, but in each iteration, you also have access to all the corresponding content.

{{ taxonomy:categories }}
<h2>{{ title }}</h2>
{{ entries }}
<li><a href="{{ url }}">{{ title }}</a></li>
{{ /entries }}
{{ /taxonomy:categories }}
<li><a href="/blog/breaking">A breaking story!</a></li>
<li><a href="/blog/so-interesting">An interesting article</a></li>
<li><a href="/events/walk-in-the-park">A walk in the park</a></li>
<li><a href="/events/summer-camp">Summer camp</a></li>

You're free to use filtering or sorting parameters on the entries pair that you'd find on the collection tag.

To use the entries tag, the Taxonomy must already be attached to the Collection.


There are a couple of ways to filter your taxonomy terms. There's the conditions syntax for filtering by fields, or the custom filter class if you need extra control.


Want to get entries where the title has the words "awesome" and "thing", and "joe" is the author? You can write it how you'd say it:

{{ taxonomy:tags title:contains="awesome" title:contains="thing" author:is="joe" }}

There are a bunch of conditions available to you, like :is, :isnt, :contains, :starts_with, and :is_before. There are many more than that. In fact, there's a whole page dedicated to conditions - check them out.

Custom Query Scopes

Doing something custom or complicated? You can create query scopes to narrow down those results.



tag part

The taxonomy to use. This is not actually a parameter, but part of the tag itself. For example, {{ taxonomy:categories }}



When using the verbose syntax, this is how you specify which taxonomy to use.


integer *0*

The minimum number of entries a taxonomy term must have to show up in the list.



Filter the listing by terms that only appear in the specified collection. You may pipe-separate multiple collections.


string *title*

Sort terms by a field. By default it will be sorted by the title. Also available is entries_count:desc if you wanted to sort by the most popular terms.



Filter the listing by either a custom class or using a special syntax, both of which are outlined in more detail within the Filtering section.


Variable Type Description



If this is the first item in the loop.



If this is the last item in the loop.



The number of current iteration in the loop.



The zero-based count of the current iteration in the loop.



The number of results in the loop.



The number of entries taxonomized by this term.

taxonomy data


Each taxonomy being iterated has access to all the variables inside that taxonomy. This includes things like title, content, etc.


query builder

If you use this as a tag pair, you can loop through entries associated with the term. See entries above.

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