Simo's Blog


Kerberos: delegation and s4u2proxy

One of the most obscure parts of the Kerberos protocol is delegation. And yet it is a very powerful and useful tool to let "agents" work on behalf of users w/o fully trusting them to do everything a user or an admin can.

So what is delegation ? Simply put is the ability to give a service a token that can be used on the user's behalf so that a service can act as if it were the user himself.

In FreeIPA, for example, the web framework used to mediate administration of the system is such an agent. The framework on it's own has absolutely no privileges over the rest of the system. It interacts almost exclusively with the LDAP server and authenticates to the LDAP server using delegated credentials from the user that is sending in the requests.

This is possible because through Kerberos and GSSAPI it is possible to delegate user's credentials during the Negotiate exchange that happens at the HTTP layer when a user contacts the Web Server and authenticates to it.

How does it work ?

Before we answer this question we have to make a step back and explain what kind of delegations are possible. Historically only one kind of very inflexible delegation was really implemented in standard Kerberos implementations like MIT's or Heimdal's. The full delegation (transmission) of the user's krbtgt to the target service.

This kind of delegation is perfect for services like SSH, where the user wants to have full access to their own credentials after they jumped on the target host, and they generally remain in full control of them.

The drawback of this method is that by transmitting the full krbtgt we are now giving another host potential access to each and all services our user has access to. And while that is "powerful" it is also sort of overly broad in many other situations. the other minor issue is that normally KDC's do not have fine grained authorization attached to this feature, meaning that a user (or often more generally a program acting on the user's machine) can delegate these credentials to any service in the network, w/o much control from admins.

Enter S4U constrained delegation

Luckily for us Microsoft introduced a new type of "constrained" delegation normally referred to as S4U. This is an extension to the age old Kerberos delegation method and adds 2 flavors of delegation each depending on the KDC for authorization; they are called Service-for-User-to-Self (S4U2Self) and Service-for-User-to-Proxy (S4U2Proxy).


S4U2Self allows a service to get a ticket for itself on behalf of a user, or in other terms is allows to get a ticket as if a user requested it using it's krbtgt form a KDC and then contacted the service.

This option may seem of little use, why would a service care for a ticket to itself ? If it is asking it, it already knows the identify of the user and can operate on its behalf right ? Wrong.

There are at least 3 aspects that makes this function useful. First of all you get the KDC to give you a ticket and therefore validate that the user identity actually exist and is active. Second it may attach a MS-PAC (or other authorization data to the ticket, allowing the service to know, form an authoritative source, authorization information about the user. Finally, it may allow the service to do further actions on behalf of a user by using S4U2Proxy constrained delegation on top.

All this is possible only if the KDC allows the specific service to request S4U2Self services. This is an additional layer of authorization that is very useful to admins, it allows them to limit what services can use this feature.


S4U2Proxy is the actual method used to perform impersonation against a 3rd service. To use S4U2Proxy a service A that wants to authenticate to service B on behalf of user X, contacts the KDC using a ticket for A from user X (this could also be a ticket obtained through S4U2Self) and sends this ticket to the KDC as evidence that user X did in fact contact service A. The KDC can now make authorization decisions about whether to allow service A to get a ticket for service B in the name of user X. Normally admins will allow this operation only for services that are authorized "Proxies" to other services.

In FreeIPA we just switched to using S4U2Proxy in order to reduce the attack surface against the web framework. By using S4U2Proxy we do not need the user to delegate us a full krbtgt. By doing this we allow the web framework to effectively be able to operate against the LDAP server and no other service in the domain

These 2 delegation methods are available now both in MIT's and Heimdal's Kerberos implementations. In MIT's case (which is the implementation we use in FreeIPA) it is really possible to use these features only if you use an LDAP back-end (or in general a custom back-end that implements the necessary kdb functions. The native back-end does not have support for these features, because it lacks meaningful grouping methods and Access Control facilities to control them.

In coding up the support for FreeIPA we ended up fixing a few bugs in MIT's implementation that will hopefully be available for general use in 1.11 (We have back ported patches to RHEL and Fedora). We also had to modify the Apache mod_auth_kerb module to properly deal with S4U2Proxy, which requires the requesting service to have a valid krbtgt in order to send the request to the KDC. Something mod_auth_kerb did not need before (you do not need a krbtgt if you are just validating a ticket).


S4U constrained delegation is extremely useful, it reduces attack surface by allowing admins to effectively constrain services, and gives admins a lot more control about what users can delegate to. Finally it also makes clients simpler, and this is a key winning feature. In the classic delegation scheme clients needs to decide on their own whether to delegate a krbtgt, which ultimately means either asking the user or always/never do it. And given it is quite dangerous to liberally forward your ticket to random services the default is generally to not delegate the krbtgt, making it very difficult to rely on this feature to make powerless agents. With S4U the user only needs a Forward-able TGT, but does not need to actually forward it at all. This is a reasonable compromise and does not require applications to make choice on user's behalf, nor to make user's need to make any decision. The decision rests on admins to allow certain service or not, and is taken generally once, when the service is put in production, greatly reducing the burden to administrators and the risks involved in the traditional delegation scheme.

Suneetha wrote:

when I try s4u self, I get the following error.

gss_acquire_cred_impersonate_name: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information gss_acquire_cred_impersonate_name: KDC has no support for padata type

Any idea whats wrong?

Simo wrote:

I think your KDC may not support s4u2 operations

I would suggest writing to the [email protected] mailing list for further help.