Data protection

Data protection statement

Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL) processes personal data for the performance of its statutory tasks. THL complies with applicable data protection regulation when processing personal data and ensures that personal data is protected at an appropriate level. In this announcement we will explain in more detail how THL processes your personal data for The Sotkanet Indicator Bank (

1. The Registrar

THL decides and is responsible for processing personal data for the purpose described in this notice, i.e. THL is the controller.

Our contact details are: Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, THL PO. BOX. 30 00271 Helsinki tel. 020 610 6000

The contact person for processing personal data is: Tiina Ylöstalo. She can be contacted via email sotkanet(at)

THL's data protection officer is Jarkko Reittu. He can be contacted by email at tietosuoja(at)

2. Purpose of processing of personal data

In the the information is published in such a format that individuals cannot be identified. More detailed information about how THL processes personal data can be found from the data protection site and from the registers' privacy notices.

Sotkanet collects the IP address of the user's main device, which is used to analyze the use of the user interface and statistics, as well as to develop the pages and their contents. Through the Sotkanet online service, it is possible to send feedback, questions and comments about the online service. If the sender of the feedback wants a response to their message, the sender must provide their email address.

3. Legal basis for the processing of personal data

The processing of personal data must always be based on applicable legislation. THL's tasks are defined in the Finnish law “Laki Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksesta (Fi) or Lag om Institutet för hälsa och välfärd (Sv)” (31.10.2008 / 668).

The processing of personal data in this service is based on the user's consent.

4. Personal data processed

IP address of the main device
name (not compulsory)
email address (not compulsory)

5. From what sources has personal data been collected?

Information voluntarily provided by the user.

6. Transfer or disclosure of personal data

Information is not routinely disclosed outside THL.

7. Transfer and disclosure of information outside the EU or the EEA

Personal data will not be transferred outside the EU or the EEA.

8. Profiling and automatic decision making

THL does not make automatic decision making based on profiling people.

9. Retention of personal data

THL will retain the data on the service until the user deletes the data or the service is terminated. THL is not responsible for the retention of information on the service.

10. What rights do you have?

The data subject shall have the right to verify the information concerning him which is stored in the register. The data subject has the right to request the correction or deletion of incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated personal data in his / her register.

Data protection regulation guarantees you certain rights that you can enforce to protect the privacy of fundamental rights. If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact the THL Registry (kirjaamo[at[

In certain cases, your rights may be restricted in certain circumstances, for example due to a statutory obligation by THL or when processing is for scientific research purposes. If your rights are restricted, THL will take the appropriate and necessary protective measures as required by law.

10.1. Right of withdrawal of consent

We process your personal information based on your consent and you have the right to revoke your consent.

10.2. The right to verify information concerning themselves

You have the right to know whether THL is processing personal data related to you. You also have the right to know what personal data relating to you is being processed and how. You also have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data to the extent that the copy does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

10.3. Right of rectification

You have the right to correct inaccurate or incorrect information.

10.4. Right to delete their data

10.5. Right of appeal to the supervisory authority

You have the right to have THL's activities reviewed by the Data Protection Ombudsman (Tietosuoja[at]