Senior Research Scientist,  Intel Labs, [email protected]

Current Researches

2. Sparse tensors 

UniSparse: An Intermediate Language for General Sparse Format Customization

Jie Liu, Zhongyuan Zhao, Zijian Ding, Benjamin Brock, Hongbo Rong, Zhiru Zhang.  OOPSLA, 2024. [PDF]

Tensaurus: A Versatile Accelerator for Mixed Sparse-Dense Tensor Computations

Nitish Srivastava, Hanchen Jin, Shaden Smith, Hongbo Rong, David Albonesi, Zhiru Zhang. HPCA, 2020. [PDF][Slides][Video]

Expressing Sparse Matrix Computations for Productive Performance on Spatial Architectures

Hongbo Rong. 

3. Spatial programming for productive and portable performance [Open source][Slides in PPT and PDF]

POPA: Expressing High and Portable Performance across Spatial and Vector Architectures for Tensor Computations.

Xiaochen Hao, Hongbo Rong, Mingzhe Zhang, Ce Sun, Hong Jiang, Yun Liang. FPGA, 2024. [Open source][PDF]

Lasa: Abstraction and Specialization for Productive and Performant Linear Algebra on FPGAs

Xiaochen Hao, Mingzhe Zhang, Ce Sun, Zhuofu Tao, Hongbo Rong, Yu Zhang, Lei He, Eric Petit, Wenguang Chen, Yun Liang. FCCM, 2023. [Open source][PDF]

FCCM tutorial: Productive Construction of High-Performance Systolic Arrays on FPGAs [Slides]

Organizers: Zhiru Zhang, Jason Cong, Hongbo Rong

Programmatic Control of a Compiler for Generating High-performance Spatial Hardware

Hongbo Rong. Champion of Intel's Research Velocity Challenge 2017.

SuSy: a programming model for productive construction of high-performance systolic arrays on FPGAs.

Yi-Hsiang Lai, Hongbo Rong, Size Zheng, Weihao Zhang, Xiuping Cui, Yunshan Jia, Jie Wang, Brendan Sullivan, Zhiru Zhang, Yun Liang, Youhui Zhang, Jason Cong, Nithin George, Jose Alvarez, Christopher Hughes, and Pradeep Dubey. 2020.  ICCAD'20. [PDF][Video

T2S-Tensor: Productively Generating High-Performance Spatial Hardware for Dense Tensor Computations

Nitish Srivastava, Hongbo Rong, Prithayan Barua, Guanyu Feng, Huanqi Cao, Zhiru Zhang, David Albonesi,Vivek Sarkar, Wenguang Chen, Paul Petersen, Geoff Lowney, Adam Herr, Christopher Hughes,Timothy Mattson, Pradeep Dubey. FCCM, 2019. [PDF][Slides][Video]

Systolic Computing on GPUs for Productive Performance

Hongbo Rong, Xiaochen Hao, Yun Liang, Lidong Xu, Hong H Jiang, Pradeep Dubey. [PDF]

Building Application-Specific Overlays on FPGAs with High-Level Customizable IPs

Hongbo Rong. [PDF]

Programming and Synthesis for Software-Defined FPGA Acceleration: Status and Future Prospects

Yi-Hsiang Lai, Ecenur Ustun, Shaojie Xiang, Zhenman Fang, Hongbo Rong, Zhiru Zhang, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), Dec. 2021. [PDF]


Register Allocation, Peking Univ. 6/4/2021. [Slides


SRC Mahboob Khan Outstanding Liaison Award, 2020

Invention awards of Intel: Distinguished Invention Award 2017, High-5 Award 2013

Champion of Intel's Research Velocity Challenge 2017

        Nomination for Best Paper Finalist at SC'16

        Best Paper Award at CGO'14

        Best Paper Award at CGO'04

Recent Services

Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems, 2019~

Liaison, Semiconductor Research Company, 2019~

Guest Editor, IEEE Circuits and Systems, Special Issue on FPGA Evolution, 21(2), 2021.

Program committee member, LATTE ’21 Workshop on Languages, Tools, and Techniques for Accelerator Design

Technical champion, Cornell/UCLA of Intel-NSF Computer Assisted Programming for Heterogeneous Architectures (CAPA) research, 2017~2020. 

External review committee member, PACT 2019 28th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques

Session co-host, Compilation for Spatial Computing Architectures at 2019 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers

Previous Research

Sparso: Context-driven Optimizations of Sparse Linear Algebra

Hongbo Rong, Jongsoo Park, Lingxiang Xiang, Todd Anderson, Mikhail Smelyanskiy. PACT, 2016. [PDF] [Open Source]

Automating Wavefront Parallelization for Sparse Matrix Codes.

Anand Venkat, Mahdi Soltan Mohammadi, Jongsoo Park, Hongbo Rong, Rajkishore Barik, Michelle Mills Strout, Mary Hall. SC, 2016. Nominated as a Best Paper Finalist. [PDF]

ProductiveC: Enabling High Productivity in C-Family Languages

Hongbo Rong

Computing Frontiers (CF), 2015. [PDF

Just-in-time Software Pipelining

Hongbo Rong, Hyunchul Park, Youfeng Wu, Cheng Wang.

International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), 2014. Best Paper Award. [PDF][PPT]

Allocating Rotating Registers by Scheduling

Hongbo Rong, Hyunchul Park, Cheng Wang, Youfeng Wu.

International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2013. [PDF][PPT]

Tree Register Allocation

Hongbo Rong. Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2009. [PDF][PPT]

Single-Dimension Software Pipelining for Multi-Dimensional Loops

Hongbo Rong, Zhizhong Tang, R. Govindarajan, Alban Douillet, Guang R. Gao.

International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), 2004. Best Paper Award. [PDF]

ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 2007. [PDF]

Register Allocation for Software Pipelined Multi-dimensional Loops

Hongbo Rong, Alban Douillet, Guang R. Gao.

ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2005. [PDF]

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), 2008. [PDF

Code Generation for Single-Dimension Software Pipelining of Multi-Dimensional Loops.

Hongbo Rong, Alban Douillet, R. Govindarajan, Guang R. Gao. International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization ( CGO), 2004. [PDF

Book chapter

Advances in Software Pipelining.

Hongbo Rong, R. Govindarajan.

Chapter 20 in Compiler Design Handbook: Optimizations and Machine Code Generation. Srikant and Shankar Eds. 2nd Edition. 2007

Product components

        Visual C++ compiler

Type system and C++ optimizations.

Phoenix compiler

Local scheduler and dependence graph.

Code quality analysis.

Warning phase.

Bartok compiler

Card marking writer barrier 


Method and apparatus for supporting programmatic control of a compiler for generating high-performance spatial hardware

Hongbo Rong. Patent number: 1116354

FPGA tracing as a debugging aid for software programmers

Hongbo Rong.  Distinguished Invention Award of Intel. 2017

Methods, Systems and Apparatus to Optimize Sparse Matrix Applications

Hongbo Rong, Jongsoo Park, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Geoff Lowney. US Patent, No. 9720663

Technologies for Low-level Composable High Performance Computing Libraries

Hongbo Rong, Peng Tu, Tatiana Shpeisman, Hai Liu, Todd A. Anderson, Youfeng Wu, Paul M. Petersen, Victor W. Lee, P. G. Lowney, Arch D. Robison, Cheng Wang. US Patent, No. 9690552

Allocation of Alias Registers in a Pipelined Schedule

Hongbo Rong, Cheng Wang, Hyunchul Park, Youfeng Wu. US Patent, No. 9495168

Software Pipelining at Runtime

Hongbo Rong, Hyunchul Park, Youfeng Wu. US Patent, No. 9239712

Dynamic Optimization of Pipelined Software

Hyunchu Park, Hongbo Rong, Youfeng Wu. US Patent, No. 9170792

Method and Products for Processing Loop Nests

Hongbo Rong,  Guang R. Gao, Alban Douillet, R. Govindarjan. US Patent, No. 7631305.

Conjugate Code Generation for Efficient Dynamic Optimizations

Hongbo Rong, Hyunchul Park, Cheng Wang, Youfeng Wu. US patent number: 10268497

Technologies for Automatic Reordering of Sparse Matrices

Hongbo Rong, Jongsoo Park, Todd A. Anderson. US patent number: 10310826

Technologies for Optimizing Sparse Matrix Code with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

Hongbo Rong, Gilles A. Pokam. US patent number: 9977663

Instruction and Logic to Monitor Loop Trip Count and Remove Loop Optimizations

Jaewoong Chung, Hyunchul Park, Hongbo Rong, Cheng Wang, Youfeng Wu. US Patent. No.9715388.

Co-designed Dynamic Language Accelerator for a Processor

Cheng Wang, Youfeng Wu, Hongbo Rong, Hyunchul Park. US Patent. No. 9542211

Technologies for Persistent Memory Programming

Xipeng Shen, Youfeng Wu, Cheng Wang, Hyunchul Park, Hongbo Rong. US patent number: 9940229


容红波, 汤志忠. 中国专利, 2003. No. 00133535.9.