April and May 2020

Ffion's title slide from her presentation.

March 2020 highlights

Áki, Sara, and Alan attend the Oikos conference in Iceland, along with Ben Haller from the Messer Lab at Cornell (See below)

We move to online teaching, working from home, canceling travel plans, and social distancing to help slow the spread of COVID-19

Lotterhos lab donates lab supplies (left) to help local hospitals

Sara, Alan, Ben, and Áki

Áki presents our evaluation of Gradient Forests, from our "Test the Tests" project

Sara presents her research on Atlantic cod ecotypes in the Gulf of Maine and Iceland

Alan talks about effects of ocean acidification on biomineralization and DNA methylation

February 2020 

Alan, along with Ries lab members Elise Begin and Louise Cameron, attend the Ocean Sciences Conference and present data from our NSF-funded research studying the effects of ocean acidification on oysters

January 2020 

In mid-January, Alan and Áki attended the SliM workshop at Cornell, and brought back lots of great tips and tricks for simulating genomes

Essex Tech High school student Ellie Clark joins the lab

Alan talked about lionfish at the Science Cafe in Salem (right)

Katie and Thais volunteered to help the Stellwagon Bank National Marine Sanctuary present their giant walk-through life-size replica of a humpback whale named Salt at the Johnson School, in collaboration with Friends of Lynn and Nahant Beach and Girls Inc. of Lynn!

Happy New Year! Lab awards for 2019

Áki and Molly - Awards for Conceptually Challenging Project

Alan - "Not going to be responsible for publication bias" Award

Sara - Award for Biggest Sequencing Project

Thais - Best Technical Editing Award

Ffion - Award for Most Samples Analyzed

Jason - Weekend Warrior Award