Kitap Bölümü / Book Section by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
Kültür Varlıklarına Yönelik Afet Risklerinin Yönetimi, Editörler: Prof. Dr. Zeynep Gül ÜNAL, Doç. Dr. Nevra ERTÜRK ISBN 978-975-17-4193-6, 2019
From past ages to present, the Earth accumulates elements of heritage that constitute the collective memory of humanity, while at the same time it is the scene of different types of disasters with different severities and frequencies. Since the formation of the Earth, disasters are one of the most influential factors in the continuity of cultural properties as an important element of cultural heritage. The cumulative effects of the experiences gained in such disasters are reflected in the works planned for pre-disaster, during and post-disaster events. Models concentrate on risk-based projections and research, risk plans associated with disasters are prepared, and these plans are evaluated holistically as part of large-scale strategic plans.
This article aims to provide a general background on disaster risk management for cultural properties and to analyze risk management studies and outputs based on the Historic Areas of Istanbul Management Plan. For this purpose, the article consists of three separate sections. The first section includes the relationship of the cultural properties' value with disaster risks, identification of disaster risks for cultural properties, risk preparedness, and risk management examination. The second section is on associating risk management with site management in the Historic Areas of Istanbul Management Plan as an example at a national scale, training and awareness raising studies on the risks imposed on cultural properties, and a Summary of ‘Training and Drill on Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Properties’ (2017). The third section examines identification, planning, documentation, project design, and implementation processes of immovable cultural properties and historic surroundings areas in terms of disaster management within the framework of conservation legislation. The last section focuses on recommendations on interagency cooperation and legislative arrangements.
Makale / Article by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
TÜRKAY Dergi, 2022
In Memory of Amir Pašić
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Reflections of Quality, Quantity, Area and Management Tools to the State of Conservation in Urban... more Reflections of Quality, Quantity, Area and Management Tools to the State of Conservation in Urban Cultural Heritage Areas and Preservation Problems
UNESCO World Heritage , 2016
Onur, H., Sekban, F. S., 2016. 'Conservation experience within
rapid development dynamics and th... more Onur, H., Sekban, F. S., 2016. 'Conservation experience within
rapid development dynamics and the ‘Istanbul model’', pp. 32-39 in UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE Special Issue "World Heritage in Turkey" United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Dergi / Journal by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
Dünya Mirası İstanbul Özel Sayısı, 2016
Editörler: Prof. Dr. Zekiye Yenen, Prof. Dr. Fatma Ünsal
Yardımcı Editör: Fatma Sema Yücel Sekban
World Heritage Istanbul Special Issue, 2016
Editors: Prof. Dr. Zekiye Yenen, Prof. Dr. Fatma Ünsal
Editorial Assistant: Fatma Sema Yücel Sekban
Tezler / Thesis by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, 2019
In cultural heritage management, evaluating the simultaneous relations of multiple components as a single element and extending the scope of the components brings many problems related to management. Increasing the scale in management studies; strict hierarchy in administrative structures; financial dilemmas; dominance of central government; lack of local government; problems are becoming more complex due to the fact that all components are considered as one element. This study evaluates the problems encountered in the management of urban cultural heritage areas. Since the World Heritage Center provides continuous and regular data for the List, the sample set was selected specifically from the registered sites. For each of the sample clusters consisting of Outstanding Universal Value Declarations, Reactive Monitoring Tools and UNESCO World Heritage Committee Decisions were examined and the data were evaluated within the scope of the retrospective study. The relationship between the protection problems and the site management studies on ''Management and Institutional Factors'' was examined. The findings show that areas are more effective in the management process due to the fact that there are fewer components in small scale, less criteria areas and the balance between local government and local financial resources. Relationship networks of sample areas can be read due to the small number of components in the management and they are approached to the system in actor network theory. The system change is proposed to eliminate the problems and a management model based on the Actor Network Theory is constructed in a fragmented approach. For this purpose, based on the existing management mechanism and protection traditions of the country, the whole system has been adapted to a smaller scale, financially and administratively independent of the sudden decisions of the center, organized locally, financed locally, in the order of actor network theory. The fragmented system was transferred through Kastamonu Historic City Center as a case study.
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi , 2010
In the past the perception of protecti... more RURAL CONSERVATION PROJECT IN YAKAÖREN (İLİŞİ/CUMAYANI)
In the past the perception of protection, while only about buildings, today it also includes those in buildings around the site has evolved to site protect. Site conservation firstly emerged as urban conservation and then direction of rural conservation developed. Rural site conservation aimed to preserved cultural character and historical rural fabric in countryside which has traces of past despite the globalizing world. In our country ?rural sites? is a new definition that has created gaps in the process relating to the protection and development of areas. Yakaören placement, a coastal village in the Black Sea, which is describing as rural site with information - documents and fill gaps of undefined that are goals of the study.Yakaören?s settlement fabric possesses a particular characteristic, wooden houses are located on the slopes, parallel to İlişi Stream that is in Bozkurt town, Kastamonu. These wooden houses are rapidly deteriorating because of urbanization along the coast on the area and the rural population is aging, migration of people due to poverty in the historic core of the village, Cumayanı. Socio-economic structure, affected these phenomenons, that is affected by them thereby changing the rural fabric and rural life. In the study, a model of sustainable settlement is develop as well as quality of life and economic solutions are offered for to slow down the change without control.Model proposal, is brought for continuity of rural fabric that is required extensive field works, identification of typologies of housing and description of folk?s social structure. Before analysis with preparing a database for model proposal, then the synthesis were made and the appropriate solutions for Yakaören'in characters are presented.During the study period, essentially unchanged principal aim based on to repair together with user participation, to live up, to the feeling of user?s belonging and to create protection awareness. Mention of village?s continuity is a theoretical approach where people did not live or can not live in. Therefore, in the study 'living protection' case is adopted, practical approaches concerning use and development are followed, its implementing usability was believed in account of rural site protection.
Bildiriler / Papers by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
İç Mimarlık Eğitimi I. Ulusal Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 2007
Eren, E., Demirarslan, O., ve Yücel, F. S., İç Mimarlık Eğitimi I. Ulusal Kongresi, 2007.
Proceedings of the International Hagia Sophia Symposium / Uluslararası Ayasofya Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2020
The memory of city carries even traces... more A PALIMPSEST SPACE IN THE MEMORY OF THE CITY: HAGIA SOFIA
The memory of city carries even traces of faint times and lost spaces. Because forgetting is only the deficiency of human memory. However, the city has sanctified all time and places. This memorization in the city memory was examined through the concept of palimpsest throughout the study. The concept emerged with reference to the parchment, whose writings/ drawings were erased, but with something new on it, with traces of the old/ underwriting/ drawing. This study focuses on the potential space form of the concept, namely Hagia Sophia, a multi-layered space.
All the elements that form the city image, the city hides them in its memory and they are timeless. Hagia Sophia is one of the hallmarks of the timeless city of Istanbul and perhaps the most well known. The structure, which is a point reference source for each period, is a sign element that does not change / will not change, despite the variability of the city's aspect, borders, texture and legibility. For this reason, as soon as the construction of Hagia Sophia began to be imagined, the palimpsestic fate has also begun. Hagia Sophia sometimes appears as a memory space, sometimes it includes all meanings attributed to it as a space of meaning. It hosted many different eras, many different societies, many different beliefs. It has a multi-layered identity that overlaps several times in a row due to its various qualities and its historical, semantic, conceptual, social, contextual, memory, structural and functional terms. Within the scope of the study, the multi-layered state of the space and its relationship with the impact assessment studies were evaluated.
This palimpsest aspect should provide an important perspective in preserving the city's cultural heritage. In the study, the balancing process of preserved, transformed or rejected Hagia Sophia and its components as a palimpsest place was analyzed. The ability of reconstruction to establish the meaning of lost / destroyed space; whether it is possible to repair gaps in the stratification by the construction of the past; effectiveness of HIA on restoration and reconstruction projects; how the process works and Heritage Impact Assessment's (HIA) real reflections on the Outstanding Universal Value were questioned. For this purpose, the history, location and characteristic of the Madrasah, which is one of Hagia Sophia's components, were examined.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han built the madrasah so that Hagia Sophia, converted into Mosque of the Conquest (grand mosque) with the conquest of Istanbul, could become a social complex. The story of the madrasah where Molla Hüsrev and Ali Kuşçu, one of the famous scholars of the period, taught students on astronomy and mathematics, is full of repairs, demolitions and reconstructions. The reconstruction of the building, which was demolished in 1936, to the agenda, has always been a very tense issue in national and international environments in the present from the early 2000s. Istanbul, which was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, was listed on the criteria of i, ii, iii and iv as World Heritage Property in 1985 with its history of over 2000 years. Considering its contribution to Outstanding Universal Value, Hagia Sophia was emphasized in the criteria of i and ii; Consequently, efforts to protect Hagia Sophia, which has a primary impact on the value of the heritage site, have attracted the attention of UNESCO since 1985. According to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage that Turkey is one of the State Party and therefore, World Heritage values of the properties inscribed with international protection status are are also expected to protect by itself. Since the protection of properties, which are the common heritage of the world, is guaranteed by Convention, all interventions to be made regarding the asset must be followed by UNESCO World Heritage Center and ICOMOS International. The madrasah reconstruction, which turned into a long, polyphonic, complexity and also chaotic process due to different opinions of local, national and international institutions, organizations, NGOs was concluded after the impact assessment. The study focuses on explaining this whole process with its results and developing awareness about Heritage Impact Assessment.
A literature review was conducted about palimpsest, city memory, Hagia Sophia, its madrasah and Heritage Impact Assessment. The decisions of UNESCO World Heritage Committee between 1985-2018 regarding Hagia Sophia has been evaluated; the results of the HIA workshop held in Istanbul was reported; reflection of data and assessment on the heritage elements and also the HIA process of Hagia Sophia Madrasah were explained. During this process, UNESCO World Heritage Center, States Parties Turkey, ICOMOS International, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, ICOMOS National Committee of Turkey, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Site Management Directorate of Historic Areas of Istanbul, NGOs, professional associations, city residents, tourists and many more stakeholder through the process showed the similar, same or different reactions; made comments; made decisions and turned them into action. Beyond how they perceive Hagia Sophia and its madrasah, their perception and attribution brings together all these institutions and individuals in a common point. This indicates the meaning of the space and the belonging of individuals / societies, albeit differently.
As a result of the study, it was determined that reading only the physical multi-layering of the city and Hagia Sophia renders the cultural heritage impact assessment studies inadequate and limits the impact area. While palimpsest describes the new / present, it is to understand the old / the past. Therefore, it is important to consider the holistic memory in the impact assessment studies and evaluate the significance of all layers.
Keywords: Memory of the City, Palimpsest, Istanbul, Hagia Sofia, Cultural Heritage Impact Assesstment (HIA).
Revista del patrimonio mundial, 2016
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 27, 2022
Bu retrospektif çalışma, Dünya Miras Listesi'ndeki kentsel kültürel miras alanlarına ilişkin tehd... more Bu retrospektif çalışma, Dünya Miras Listesi'ndeki kentsel kültürel miras alanlarına ilişkin tehditleri ve koruma durumuna etkilerini saptamak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Listeye 1979-2018 tarih aralığında i, ii, iii, iv veya daha fazlası kriterle, kültürel kategoride, kentsel temalı yedi alan girmiştir. Alanların Üstün Evrensel Değer Beyannameleri, Reaktif İzleme Araçları, UNESCO Dünya Miras Komitesi Kararları incelerek değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgularda 144 Taraf Devletin 566 varlık için 3627 rapor hazırladığı; kategorik değerlendirmede 566 varlığın 385'inin (%68) kültürel, 153'ünün (%27) doğal ve 28'inin (%5) karma alan olduğu saptanmıştır. Dikkat çekici bir başka bulgu toplam 14 başlıkta sıralanan tehditlerden yalnızca ikisinin sosyal içerikli olmasıdır. Bunlardan, yönetim ve kurumsal faktörlerin alt başlığı olan beş tehdidin listede ilk on arasında bölge bazlı oranlarda değişiklik göstermekle birlikte %58'le başlayıp %84 düzeyine ulaştığı görülmektedir. Koruma çalışmalarına erken başlayan ve sistemli yürüten miras alanlarının tehdit faktörlerini etkin bir şekilde yönettiği dikkat çekmiştir. Alanları tehdit faktörlerinden koruyabilmenin temel yolu; yönetim sisteminin tehditler doğrultusunda geliştirilmesidir.
SITE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE IN URBAN CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES AND MODEL OF SPECIFIC PRESERVATION - ... more SITE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE IN URBAN CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES AND MODEL OF SPECIFIC PRESERVATION - MANAGEMENT TO LOCATION: HISTORIC CITY CENTER OF KASTAMONU In cultural heritage management, evaluating the simultaneous relations of multiple components as a single element and extending the scope of the components brings many problems related to management. Increasing the scale in management studies; strict hierarchy in administrative structures; financial dilemmas; dominance of central government; lack of local government; problems are becoming more complex due to the fact that all components are considered as one element. This study evaluates the problems encountered in the management of urban cultural heritage areas. Since the World Heritage Center provides continuous and regular data for the List, the sample set was selected specifically from the registered sites. For each of the sample clusters consisting of Outstanding Universal Value Declarations, Reactive Monitoring Tools and UNESCO World Heritage Committee Decisions were examined and the data were evaluated within the scope of the retrospective study. The relationship between the protection problems and the site management studies on ''Management and Institutional Factors'' was examined. The findings show that areas are more effective in the management process due to the fact that there are fewer components in small scale, less criteria areas and the balance between local government and local financial resources. Relationship networks of sample areas can be read due to the small number of components in the management and they are approached to the system in actor network theory. The system change is proposed to eliminate the problems and a management model based on the Actor Network Theory is constructed in a fragmented approach. For this purpose, based on the existing management mechanism and protection traditions of the country, the whole system has been adapted to a smaller scale, financially and administratively independent of the sudden decisions of the center, organized locally, financed locally, in the order of actor network theory. The fragmented system was transferred through Kastamonu Historic City Center as a case study.
Kitap Bölümü / Book Section by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
From past ages to present, the Earth accumulates elements of heritage that constitute the collective memory of humanity, while at the same time it is the scene of different types of disasters with different severities and frequencies. Since the formation of the Earth, disasters are one of the most influential factors in the continuity of cultural properties as an important element of cultural heritage. The cumulative effects of the experiences gained in such disasters are reflected in the works planned for pre-disaster, during and post-disaster events. Models concentrate on risk-based projections and research, risk plans associated with disasters are prepared, and these plans are evaluated holistically as part of large-scale strategic plans.
This article aims to provide a general background on disaster risk management for cultural properties and to analyze risk management studies and outputs based on the Historic Areas of Istanbul Management Plan. For this purpose, the article consists of three separate sections. The first section includes the relationship of the cultural properties' value with disaster risks, identification of disaster risks for cultural properties, risk preparedness, and risk management examination. The second section is on associating risk management with site management in the Historic Areas of Istanbul Management Plan as an example at a national scale, training and awareness raising studies on the risks imposed on cultural properties, and a Summary of ‘Training and Drill on Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Properties’ (2017). The third section examines identification, planning, documentation, project design, and implementation processes of immovable cultural properties and historic surroundings areas in terms of disaster management within the framework of conservation legislation. The last section focuses on recommendations on interagency cooperation and legislative arrangements.
Makale / Article by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
rapid development dynamics and the ‘Istanbul model’', pp. 32-39 in UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE Special Issue "World Heritage in Turkey" United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Dergi / Journal by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
Tezler / Thesis by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
In cultural heritage management, evaluating the simultaneous relations of multiple components as a single element and extending the scope of the components brings many problems related to management. Increasing the scale in management studies; strict hierarchy in administrative structures; financial dilemmas; dominance of central government; lack of local government; problems are becoming more complex due to the fact that all components are considered as one element. This study evaluates the problems encountered in the management of urban cultural heritage areas. Since the World Heritage Center provides continuous and regular data for the List, the sample set was selected specifically from the registered sites. For each of the sample clusters consisting of Outstanding Universal Value Declarations, Reactive Monitoring Tools and UNESCO World Heritage Committee Decisions were examined and the data were evaluated within the scope of the retrospective study. The relationship between the protection problems and the site management studies on ''Management and Institutional Factors'' was examined. The findings show that areas are more effective in the management process due to the fact that there are fewer components in small scale, less criteria areas and the balance between local government and local financial resources. Relationship networks of sample areas can be read due to the small number of components in the management and they are approached to the system in actor network theory. The system change is proposed to eliminate the problems and a management model based on the Actor Network Theory is constructed in a fragmented approach. For this purpose, based on the existing management mechanism and protection traditions of the country, the whole system has been adapted to a smaller scale, financially and administratively independent of the sudden decisions of the center, organized locally, financed locally, in the order of actor network theory. The fragmented system was transferred through Kastamonu Historic City Center as a case study.
In the past the perception of protection, while only about buildings, today it also includes those in buildings around the site has evolved to site protect. Site conservation firstly emerged as urban conservation and then direction of rural conservation developed. Rural site conservation aimed to preserved cultural character and historical rural fabric in countryside which has traces of past despite the globalizing world. In our country ?rural sites? is a new definition that has created gaps in the process relating to the protection and development of areas. Yakaören placement, a coastal village in the Black Sea, which is describing as rural site with information - documents and fill gaps of undefined that are goals of the study.Yakaören?s settlement fabric possesses a particular characteristic, wooden houses are located on the slopes, parallel to İlişi Stream that is in Bozkurt town, Kastamonu. These wooden houses are rapidly deteriorating because of urbanization along the coast on the area and the rural population is aging, migration of people due to poverty in the historic core of the village, Cumayanı. Socio-economic structure, affected these phenomenons, that is affected by them thereby changing the rural fabric and rural life. In the study, a model of sustainable settlement is develop as well as quality of life and economic solutions are offered for to slow down the change without control.Model proposal, is brought for continuity of rural fabric that is required extensive field works, identification of typologies of housing and description of folk?s social structure. Before analysis with preparing a database for model proposal, then the synthesis were made and the appropriate solutions for Yakaören'in characters are presented.During the study period, essentially unchanged principal aim based on to repair together with user participation, to live up, to the feeling of user?s belonging and to create protection awareness. Mention of village?s continuity is a theoretical approach where people did not live or can not live in. Therefore, in the study 'living protection' case is adopted, practical approaches concerning use and development are followed, its implementing usability was believed in account of rural site protection.
Bildiriler / Papers by FATMA SEMA (YÜCEL) SEKBAN
The memory of city carries even traces of faint times and lost spaces. Because forgetting is only the deficiency of human memory. However, the city has sanctified all time and places. This memorization in the city memory was examined through the concept of palimpsest throughout the study. The concept emerged with reference to the parchment, whose writings/ drawings were erased, but with something new on it, with traces of the old/ underwriting/ drawing. This study focuses on the potential space form of the concept, namely Hagia Sophia, a multi-layered space.
All the elements that form the city image, the city hides them in its memory and they are timeless. Hagia Sophia is one of the hallmarks of the timeless city of Istanbul and perhaps the most well known. The structure, which is a point reference source for each period, is a sign element that does not change / will not change, despite the variability of the city's aspect, borders, texture and legibility. For this reason, as soon as the construction of Hagia Sophia began to be imagined, the palimpsestic fate has also begun. Hagia Sophia sometimes appears as a memory space, sometimes it includes all meanings attributed to it as a space of meaning. It hosted many different eras, many different societies, many different beliefs. It has a multi-layered identity that overlaps several times in a row due to its various qualities and its historical, semantic, conceptual, social, contextual, memory, structural and functional terms. Within the scope of the study, the multi-layered state of the space and its relationship with the impact assessment studies were evaluated.
This palimpsest aspect should provide an important perspective in preserving the city's cultural heritage. In the study, the balancing process of preserved, transformed or rejected Hagia Sophia and its components as a palimpsest place was analyzed. The ability of reconstruction to establish the meaning of lost / destroyed space; whether it is possible to repair gaps in the stratification by the construction of the past; effectiveness of HIA on restoration and reconstruction projects; how the process works and Heritage Impact Assessment's (HIA) real reflections on the Outstanding Universal Value were questioned. For this purpose, the history, location and characteristic of the Madrasah, which is one of Hagia Sophia's components, were examined.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han built the madrasah so that Hagia Sophia, converted into Mosque of the Conquest (grand mosque) with the conquest of Istanbul, could become a social complex. The story of the madrasah where Molla Hüsrev and Ali Kuşçu, one of the famous scholars of the period, taught students on astronomy and mathematics, is full of repairs, demolitions and reconstructions. The reconstruction of the building, which was demolished in 1936, to the agenda, has always been a very tense issue in national and international environments in the present from the early 2000s. Istanbul, which was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, was listed on the criteria of i, ii, iii and iv as World Heritage Property in 1985 with its history of over 2000 years. Considering its contribution to Outstanding Universal Value, Hagia Sophia was emphasized in the criteria of i and ii; Consequently, efforts to protect Hagia Sophia, which has a primary impact on the value of the heritage site, have attracted the attention of UNESCO since 1985. According to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage that Turkey is one of the State Party and therefore, World Heritage values of the properties inscribed with international protection status are are also expected to protect by itself. Since the protection of properties, which are the common heritage of the world, is guaranteed by Convention, all interventions to be made regarding the asset must be followed by UNESCO World Heritage Center and ICOMOS International. The madrasah reconstruction, which turned into a long, polyphonic, complexity and also chaotic process due to different opinions of local, national and international institutions, organizations, NGOs was concluded after the impact assessment. The study focuses on explaining this whole process with its results and developing awareness about Heritage Impact Assessment.
A literature review was conducted about palimpsest, city memory, Hagia Sophia, its madrasah and Heritage Impact Assessment. The decisions of UNESCO World Heritage Committee between 1985-2018 regarding Hagia Sophia has been evaluated; the results of the HIA workshop held in Istanbul was reported; reflection of data and assessment on the heritage elements and also the HIA process of Hagia Sophia Madrasah were explained. During this process, UNESCO World Heritage Center, States Parties Turkey, ICOMOS International, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, ICOMOS National Committee of Turkey, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Site Management Directorate of Historic Areas of Istanbul, NGOs, professional associations, city residents, tourists and many more stakeholder through the process showed the similar, same or different reactions; made comments; made decisions and turned them into action. Beyond how they perceive Hagia Sophia and its madrasah, their perception and attribution brings together all these institutions and individuals in a common point. This indicates the meaning of the space and the belonging of individuals / societies, albeit differently.
As a result of the study, it was determined that reading only the physical multi-layering of the city and Hagia Sophia renders the cultural heritage impact assessment studies inadequate and limits the impact area. While palimpsest describes the new / present, it is to understand the old / the past. Therefore, it is important to consider the holistic memory in the impact assessment studies and evaluate the significance of all layers.
Keywords: Memory of the City, Palimpsest, Istanbul, Hagia Sofia, Cultural Heritage Impact Assesstment (HIA).
From past ages to present, the Earth accumulates elements of heritage that constitute the collective memory of humanity, while at the same time it is the scene of different types of disasters with different severities and frequencies. Since the formation of the Earth, disasters are one of the most influential factors in the continuity of cultural properties as an important element of cultural heritage. The cumulative effects of the experiences gained in such disasters are reflected in the works planned for pre-disaster, during and post-disaster events. Models concentrate on risk-based projections and research, risk plans associated with disasters are prepared, and these plans are evaluated holistically as part of large-scale strategic plans.
This article aims to provide a general background on disaster risk management for cultural properties and to analyze risk management studies and outputs based on the Historic Areas of Istanbul Management Plan. For this purpose, the article consists of three separate sections. The first section includes the relationship of the cultural properties' value with disaster risks, identification of disaster risks for cultural properties, risk preparedness, and risk management examination. The second section is on associating risk management with site management in the Historic Areas of Istanbul Management Plan as an example at a national scale, training and awareness raising studies on the risks imposed on cultural properties, and a Summary of ‘Training and Drill on Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Properties’ (2017). The third section examines identification, planning, documentation, project design, and implementation processes of immovable cultural properties and historic surroundings areas in terms of disaster management within the framework of conservation legislation. The last section focuses on recommendations on interagency cooperation and legislative arrangements.
rapid development dynamics and the ‘Istanbul model’', pp. 32-39 in UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE Special Issue "World Heritage in Turkey" United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
In cultural heritage management, evaluating the simultaneous relations of multiple components as a single element and extending the scope of the components brings many problems related to management. Increasing the scale in management studies; strict hierarchy in administrative structures; financial dilemmas; dominance of central government; lack of local government; problems are becoming more complex due to the fact that all components are considered as one element. This study evaluates the problems encountered in the management of urban cultural heritage areas. Since the World Heritage Center provides continuous and regular data for the List, the sample set was selected specifically from the registered sites. For each of the sample clusters consisting of Outstanding Universal Value Declarations, Reactive Monitoring Tools and UNESCO World Heritage Committee Decisions were examined and the data were evaluated within the scope of the retrospective study. The relationship between the protection problems and the site management studies on ''Management and Institutional Factors'' was examined. The findings show that areas are more effective in the management process due to the fact that there are fewer components in small scale, less criteria areas and the balance between local government and local financial resources. Relationship networks of sample areas can be read due to the small number of components in the management and they are approached to the system in actor network theory. The system change is proposed to eliminate the problems and a management model based on the Actor Network Theory is constructed in a fragmented approach. For this purpose, based on the existing management mechanism and protection traditions of the country, the whole system has been adapted to a smaller scale, financially and administratively independent of the sudden decisions of the center, organized locally, financed locally, in the order of actor network theory. The fragmented system was transferred through Kastamonu Historic City Center as a case study.
In the past the perception of protection, while only about buildings, today it also includes those in buildings around the site has evolved to site protect. Site conservation firstly emerged as urban conservation and then direction of rural conservation developed. Rural site conservation aimed to preserved cultural character and historical rural fabric in countryside which has traces of past despite the globalizing world. In our country ?rural sites? is a new definition that has created gaps in the process relating to the protection and development of areas. Yakaören placement, a coastal village in the Black Sea, which is describing as rural site with information - documents and fill gaps of undefined that are goals of the study.Yakaören?s settlement fabric possesses a particular characteristic, wooden houses are located on the slopes, parallel to İlişi Stream that is in Bozkurt town, Kastamonu. These wooden houses are rapidly deteriorating because of urbanization along the coast on the area and the rural population is aging, migration of people due to poverty in the historic core of the village, Cumayanı. Socio-economic structure, affected these phenomenons, that is affected by them thereby changing the rural fabric and rural life. In the study, a model of sustainable settlement is develop as well as quality of life and economic solutions are offered for to slow down the change without control.Model proposal, is brought for continuity of rural fabric that is required extensive field works, identification of typologies of housing and description of folk?s social structure. Before analysis with preparing a database for model proposal, then the synthesis were made and the appropriate solutions for Yakaören'in characters are presented.During the study period, essentially unchanged principal aim based on to repair together with user participation, to live up, to the feeling of user?s belonging and to create protection awareness. Mention of village?s continuity is a theoretical approach where people did not live or can not live in. Therefore, in the study 'living protection' case is adopted, practical approaches concerning use and development are followed, its implementing usability was believed in account of rural site protection.
The memory of city carries even traces of faint times and lost spaces. Because forgetting is only the deficiency of human memory. However, the city has sanctified all time and places. This memorization in the city memory was examined through the concept of palimpsest throughout the study. The concept emerged with reference to the parchment, whose writings/ drawings were erased, but with something new on it, with traces of the old/ underwriting/ drawing. This study focuses on the potential space form of the concept, namely Hagia Sophia, a multi-layered space.
All the elements that form the city image, the city hides them in its memory and they are timeless. Hagia Sophia is one of the hallmarks of the timeless city of Istanbul and perhaps the most well known. The structure, which is a point reference source for each period, is a sign element that does not change / will not change, despite the variability of the city's aspect, borders, texture and legibility. For this reason, as soon as the construction of Hagia Sophia began to be imagined, the palimpsestic fate has also begun. Hagia Sophia sometimes appears as a memory space, sometimes it includes all meanings attributed to it as a space of meaning. It hosted many different eras, many different societies, many different beliefs. It has a multi-layered identity that overlaps several times in a row due to its various qualities and its historical, semantic, conceptual, social, contextual, memory, structural and functional terms. Within the scope of the study, the multi-layered state of the space and its relationship with the impact assessment studies were evaluated.
This palimpsest aspect should provide an important perspective in preserving the city's cultural heritage. In the study, the balancing process of preserved, transformed or rejected Hagia Sophia and its components as a palimpsest place was analyzed. The ability of reconstruction to establish the meaning of lost / destroyed space; whether it is possible to repair gaps in the stratification by the construction of the past; effectiveness of HIA on restoration and reconstruction projects; how the process works and Heritage Impact Assessment's (HIA) real reflections on the Outstanding Universal Value were questioned. For this purpose, the history, location and characteristic of the Madrasah, which is one of Hagia Sophia's components, were examined.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han built the madrasah so that Hagia Sophia, converted into Mosque of the Conquest (grand mosque) with the conquest of Istanbul, could become a social complex. The story of the madrasah where Molla Hüsrev and Ali Kuşçu, one of the famous scholars of the period, taught students on astronomy and mathematics, is full of repairs, demolitions and reconstructions. The reconstruction of the building, which was demolished in 1936, to the agenda, has always been a very tense issue in national and international environments in the present from the early 2000s. Istanbul, which was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, was listed on the criteria of i, ii, iii and iv as World Heritage Property in 1985 with its history of over 2000 years. Considering its contribution to Outstanding Universal Value, Hagia Sophia was emphasized in the criteria of i and ii; Consequently, efforts to protect Hagia Sophia, which has a primary impact on the value of the heritage site, have attracted the attention of UNESCO since 1985. According to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage that Turkey is one of the State Party and therefore, World Heritage values of the properties inscribed with international protection status are are also expected to protect by itself. Since the protection of properties, which are the common heritage of the world, is guaranteed by Convention, all interventions to be made regarding the asset must be followed by UNESCO World Heritage Center and ICOMOS International. The madrasah reconstruction, which turned into a long, polyphonic, complexity and also chaotic process due to different opinions of local, national and international institutions, organizations, NGOs was concluded after the impact assessment. The study focuses on explaining this whole process with its results and developing awareness about Heritage Impact Assessment.
A literature review was conducted about palimpsest, city memory, Hagia Sophia, its madrasah and Heritage Impact Assessment. The decisions of UNESCO World Heritage Committee between 1985-2018 regarding Hagia Sophia has been evaluated; the results of the HIA workshop held in Istanbul was reported; reflection of data and assessment on the heritage elements and also the HIA process of Hagia Sophia Madrasah were explained. During this process, UNESCO World Heritage Center, States Parties Turkey, ICOMOS International, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, ICOMOS National Committee of Turkey, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Site Management Directorate of Historic Areas of Istanbul, NGOs, professional associations, city residents, tourists and many more stakeholder through the process showed the similar, same or different reactions; made comments; made decisions and turned them into action. Beyond how they perceive Hagia Sophia and its madrasah, their perception and attribution brings together all these institutions and individuals in a common point. This indicates the meaning of the space and the belonging of individuals / societies, albeit differently.
As a result of the study, it was determined that reading only the physical multi-layering of the city and Hagia Sophia renders the cultural heritage impact assessment studies inadequate and limits the impact area. While palimpsest describes the new / present, it is to understand the old / the past. Therefore, it is important to consider the holistic memory in the impact assessment studies and evaluate the significance of all layers.
Keywords: Memory of the City, Palimpsest, Istanbul, Hagia Sofia, Cultural Heritage Impact Assesstment (HIA).