Papers by Lucio Del Corso
D. Anderson (éd. par), "Les espaces du savoir dans l'antiquité. Introduction et huit exposés suivis de discussions", Entretiens sur l'Antiquité Classique, Fondation Hardt, LXIX, Vandoeuvres 2024, pp. 109-153, 2024
Despite the widespread use of screens and IT technologies, books and education remain today for u... more Despite the widespread use of screens and IT technologies, books and education remain today for us fundamentally linked. The origins of this connection can be traced back to the Greek poleis, but recon- structing its dynamics and evolution is still problematic, although there has been no shortage of attempts and surveys, even recent ones. The present contribution touches on some significant aspects of this relationship, focusing on the most advanced phases of the school cur- riculum. It is in these later stages of study that the differentiation between subjects required the use of a wider array of texts. Sources from a variety of origins are examined, including literary and icono- graphic testimonies, and papyrological and epigraphic sources, for a period ranging from the early Hellenistic age to the threshold of Late Antiquity, when the introduction of the new book format of the codex implied also a renewed perspective for teaching practices. In this way, moving between famous intellectuals and anonymous teachers, from ‘cultural capitals’ to those peripheral towns that have returned almost all of the papyrus evidence, this contribution will reveal some of the dynamics in the use of books and other writing supports inside ancient Greek classrooms.
This book investigates some aspects of the cultural consequences of the settlement of Greeks in E... more This book investigates some aspects of the cultural consequences of the settlement of Greeks in Egypt during the Hellenistic period, through a discussion of papyrological material, archaeological evidence, and literary sources. It is divided into three sections. The first, Space and Images, reflects on the evolutions and changes in iconography, spatial organization, and landscape. The second, Ethnic Interactions, offers new hints on the long debated topic of ethnicity, relying on a wide range of Greek and Demotic sources. The third, The Literary Experience, shifts the attention from documents to literature, examining the circulation of Greek texts and books in Egypt from different perspectives.
Mixing case studies and overviews, the volume offers an updated, multifaceted representation of complex phaenomena which can be understood only going beyond disciplinary boundaries.
Open Access at the address:
The paper wonders upon children literacy in the Greek East, from late antiqui- ty to the early By... more The paper wonders upon children literacy in the Greek East, from late antiqui- ty to the early Byzantine period (until the iconoclasm). Leaving aside quantitative approaches to the problem, the research focuses on the description of the processes of teaching and learning how to write and read, through a survey of literary sources and extant papyrological material.
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibli... more Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at
Greek Medical Papyri, 2019
If medical treatises are written in a language other than Greek they have no prestige even among ... more If medical treatises are written in a language other than Greek they have no prestige even among unlearned men ignorant of Greek." 1 This statement by Pliny the Elder seems to ascertain the presence of a barrier between Latin and medicine. It is not surprising, therefore, that the extant medical papyri are written mostly in Greek. 2 Latin and Latin books represented anyway a key element in the literary landscape of Roman and Late Antique Egypt: but from their early examples to the beginning of Arab domination their cultural function and role were subjected to radical changes, even more drastic than what happened to Greek literary materials. The study of such evolutions is crucial to understand the background of the production of texts and books in Egypt, and the reception of Greek literary heritage, including the 'scientific' approach to medicine, as it is stressed in many recent studies and projects. 3 This paper aims to offer a further, small contribution in this direction, focusing on the last centuries of Latin presence in Egypt, when extant materials are especially 'literary oriented', as we will see. Late antique developments, indeed, can become clearer only if compared with the previous situation: because of this, our survey will start from an interesting case study, the Fayum town of Karanis. Karanis, in the Northern part of the nomos Arsinoites, was a small but rather rich town. Its wealth came mostly from land and agricolture: under the Antonines its granaries kept large quantities of wheat and crops, periodically sent to Alexandria, 1 Plin. N.H. XXIX 17, transl. by W. H. S. Jones. 2 For a complete survey on the evidence about ancient medical practices offered by Latin papyri see Marganne, Crossroads (quoting Pliny XXIX 17 at pp. 102-3). 3 The role of Latin language in Egypt is superbly discussed in Adams, Bilingualism, 527-641. A global survey of Latin papyri is in progress by the team of the PLATINUM project, lead by Maria Chiara Scappaticcio (<>). Meanwhile, general surveys on Latin papyri can be found in Cavenaile, Corpus papyrorum (even if no more updated); Buzi, Manoscritti; Thomas, Latin Texts (even if limited to Oxyrhynchus); Ammirati, Libro; Seider, Paläographie, and Cavallo, Scrittura, 143-90 (both the last two about early Latin scripts). An updated, in progress bibliography can be found on the website of the CEDOPAL at Liège (URL: <https://promethee.>).
Profilo della storia della scrittura greca dall'età arcaica al III secolo d.C. Le parti centrali ... more Profilo della storia della scrittura greca dall'età arcaica al III secolo d.C. Le parti centrali di questo lavoro, con pochissimi cambiamenti, sono state utilizzate, senza il mio consenso, da Edoardo Crisci in una edizione abbreviata dell'opera originale: D. Bianconi, E. Crisci, P. Degni, "Paleografia greca", Roma 2021, pp. 23-45 (firmate da E. Crisci senza alcun riferimento al testo originario da cui ha copiato).
L. Lulli, G. Colesanti (ed. by), Submerged Literature in Ancient Greek Culture. Volume 2: Case Studies, Berlin-Boston, 2016
Pratiche didattiche tra centro e periferia nel Mediterraneo tardoantico, a cura di G. Agosti - D. Bianconi, 2019
Volume stampato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni, dell'Università... more Volume stampato con il contributo del Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni, dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Analecta Papyrologica, 2019
Tutti i volumi pubblicati sono soggetti ad un processo di referaggio esterno di cui sono responsa... more Tutti i volumi pubblicati sono soggetti ad un processo di referaggio esterno di cui sono responsabili nel catalogo della FUP sono valutate e approvate dal Consiglio editoriale della casa editrice. Per una catalogo on-line della casa editrice (
Lucio Del Corso mento oggetto di un'indagine di Scotland Yard, e restano comunque molto al di là ... more Lucio Del Corso mento oggetto di un'indagine di Scotland Yard, e restano comunque molto al di là della ftlologia 2 • Quel che più conta è che la maschera di Bonham s non era isolata. La tessera proviene in realtà da un settore della città che ha restituito molti frammenti analoghi, tra cui i resti, più o meno intatti, delle raffigurazioni di altre cinque maschere comiche: il tl,cmpo11 pappos, l'l1egc 111011 presb ) 'll!S, l'or,los tlicmµo11, la kc1re uu po' infelice e la pscudo-kare3. Parte signifi cativa dell'universo della Commedia nuova cristallizzato in una policro mia festante. Non conosciamo la funzione di questi oggetti così curiosi: sappia mo solo che erano montati su piccoli supporti di legno cd erano concepiti forse come decorazione di una scatola o un'altra suppellettile di mobilio 4 • Non sappiamo nemmeno quando siano stati creati: i rari paralleU finora pubblicati sono per lo più assegnati, su basi iconografiche, al I secolo d.C. 5 , ma, se si considera che Antinoupolis venne fondata nel 133 d.C., risulta inevitabile chiedersi se la loro datazione non possa essere posteriore. Dobbiamo conve nire, ad ogni modo, che la raffigurazione di 'tipi' iconografici così specifici su un oggetto di artigianato, per quanto di buon livello, è un segnale chiaro dello straordinario radicamento nell'immaginario collettivo di quelle figure, dopo diversi secoli dal momento della loro creazione, e a migliaia di chilometri di distanza dai luoghi in cui le loro gesta andarono io scena per la prima volta''· La longeva vitalità dei personagg i era basata su letture private e al tempo stesso su spettacoli. La città di Antinoo, nella visione di Adriano, doveva con fi gu rarsi come una piccola Atene sul Nilo: in quanto tale, fin dalla sua fonda zione vennero istituti grandi agoni 'alla greca' presto famosi in tutto l'Egitto, 2 3 4 5
New edition and commentary of P. Lond Lit. 190, an early 3rd century B.C. tattered bookroll from ... more New edition and commentary of P. Lond Lit. 190, an early 3rd century B.C. tattered bookroll from a mummy cartonnage found in Medinet Gurob by W.M. Flinders Petrie during the 1890 season of his excavations in the Fayyum. On the few surviving fragments it is possible to read mentions to some of Herakles’ adventures, and especially an account of the fight between him and Hippocoon, who exiled from Sparta his brother Tyndareos and took the power on the city for a short time. This text was probably part of a longer mythographic work written around the 4th century B.C., as pointed out by its diction.
The study of the signs employed in Greek inscriptions can help to achieve a better understansing ... more The study of the signs employed in Greek inscriptions can help to achieve a better understansing of the epigraphic habits of a region, or a period, offering informations about their making, their readership, more in general their social function. In order to show the heuristic potentialities of this approach, the paper will offer some reflection on the ‘epigraphic paratext’ and the layout of some Greek inscription from Egypt, from the Ptolemaic to the Roman age.
Papers by Lucio Del Corso
Mixing case studies and overviews, the volume offers an updated, multifaceted representation of complex phaenomena which can be understood only going beyond disciplinary boundaries.
Open Access at the address:
Mixing case studies and overviews, the volume offers an updated, multifaceted representation of complex phaenomena which can be understood only going beyond disciplinary boundaries.
Open Access at the address:
The conference is conceived to foster exchanges of ideas and information, create collaborative networks and update innovations on “measurements” suitable for cultural heritage for archaeologists, conservators and scientists.
Summarizing, METROARCHAEO2018 is designed to profit of a multidisciplinary approach to give to the Cultural heritage community, from archaeologists to historians, conservators, engineers, material scientists, etc… a complete picture of the measurements utilizations and data treatments with the ultimate goal of increasing knowledge on the characterization and safeguard of archaeological and historic heritage, generally addressed in sectorial conferences.
The fourth Conference will be held in Cassino, October 22-24 2018.