Showing posts with label child trafficking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child trafficking. Show all posts

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gaia News Brief 1.12.2014

On With The New!

December is here! The energies are moving! I'm not sure what to say, but I feel them. So do my niece and my sister Christina and a close friend too, later in a separate conversation.

The discussion over the dinner table, after dessert was long cleared and the guests except us had gone home, was the good old 'Karuna Reiki Cleanse' discussion. As we assimilate the energies of any attunement, our bodies adapt to the higher frequency of energy that we are able to absorb and transmit.  My sister and niece were greatly relieved to know that 'they have every symptom' and there is an explanation for it too!

As the frequencies in the surrounding people and places and pets and nature go up and up, we may have the following symptoms:

  • lack of energy and motivation--our bodies are trying as hard as they can to adapt
  • being overwhelmed by chores--sometimes we just let the dishes pile up in the sink, although it's not our nature, because it's  'just too much' for us, at the moment, and that's okay
  • being able to 'catch up' with chores in super speedy time--when the 'mood strikes' we are able to accomplish things in record time with less struggle and effort
  • our sense of time gets a little distorted--we may forget the day or even possibly miss appointments
  • we develop physical, emotional, mental and spiritual 'setbacks' often on things we 'thought we had worked out'
  • 3D gets a little funky--perhaps we 'see' a wall bending or 'spaces between atoms'. We also misjudge the distance to a glass when pouring and we spill.
  • our psychic gifts come online, such as telepathy, psychrometry, and claircognizance, to name a few.
  • we need more sleep
  • We crave carbohydrates and root vegetables--our bodies are 'grounding', and 'connecting to Earth' to help balance out the high frequency energies we are taking in.
This is normal and in most cases, healthy as long as it is short-lived and doesn't worsen over time.

I just did a healing for a close friend of mine, and it 'snapped' the 'funk' we had both been having.

I ALSO got my Carla and Ross Reiki Scholarship Bracelet--the replacement for the one that is 'in the shop' and it too REALLY helps to smooth out the energies. 


  • In the Orange County Register today I read this article on Child Trafficking (click here to read) It is very good, and also, very 'traditional' in how it is written. -- (basically there is a problem and we need more government-law enforcement-rules to take care of it). This article is KEY because it establishes the demand for sex with children, and gives evidence to this fact in San Bernadino, Riverside, Huntington Beach, and Anaheim as well as the Salvation Army...right in 'somebody's back yard' this crime against children is taking place here and now.
  • The really good article is in print but I can't pull it up--it's a cameo insert in the Children For Sale article by Brian Calle, called Sex trafficking happens close to home. This is by Demi Moore, contributing writer...the author saw a documentary about children in Cambodia. Then she learned this is international, affecting millions of kids including children in the United States and California. This author has met with victims, and learned that many are sold On The Internet! They have to write their own profiles, and use fake pictures. Almost all have a cell phone and communicate with their pimps and johns by text. Ms. Moore's groups have taken technology to the next level, in order to intervene. For example, victims can discreetly text to seek help. and other more advanced tech is being used to block this system.
  • We all know what the other shoe is and when it will drop. I recommend you reading the Little Red Pill (available on this blog and elsewhere, including if you are curious. Also ITCCS, the work of Kevin Annett is an excellent source on this, as well as this:  Interview With Jay Parker, survivor of Ritual Abuse
  • We have a new Angel Healing Key, the Aeracura key for Patience...and to watch
  • Things are busy--and Ross and his team are very active on whatever project is at hand. I don't know what it is, but I know he is busy.
  • Here is our song for the day--Ross picked it <3


I am here.
I am present right now with each and every one of you as you read this.
I have the ability to be in many places at once, and I can 'get' all of it. (smiles)

This song is one of my favorites. I sent it to Carla while she was on her last OB shift. It was watching the miracle of childbirth in the O.R. by yet another C-section that made me think it would be appropriate to send.

I hope you enjoy it.

On our end, everything is happing in record time. All are at their place, ready to serve, and ready to assist when all the changes hit.

I am not at liberty to say 'when' exactly this is about to take place. 


Soon is all I say to you.

And I wouldn't worry or lose your sleep over it. And not also to hold your breath. (smiles) We are Galactic, and we take the time that is needed to do all things right. 

Enjoy the music, and while you are 'put on hold' (he really laughs at his joke) I encourage you to look into your heart, and really try to clear out all the old junk (thoughts and habits and grudges) that will not serve you in your new life in the Higher Realms. Do your best to acknowledge, process, and let go of anything that is holding you back...

I look forward to meeting you... in good time...(smiles and laughs)...'soon'! And that is not a Biblical 'soon' where ones whole life and death can be wrought into a single word--'begat'...(really laughs)...always remember, when you are discouraged at the times and the effort and just how long this seems to be taking, 'it could have been worse!'

You could be a woman in late in your ninth month of pregnancy and all your ankles are swollen...but with patience, even the child will be born, and everything about the discomfort will soon be forgotten.

(big smile, very handsome, and nods)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
the Reiki Doc Twins