Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gaia News Brief 1.12.2014

On With The New!

December is here! The energies are moving! I'm not sure what to say, but I feel them. So do my niece and my sister Christina and a close friend too, later in a separate conversation.

The discussion over the dinner table, after dessert was long cleared and the guests except us had gone home, was the good old 'Karuna Reiki Cleanse' discussion. As we assimilate the energies of any attunement, our bodies adapt to the higher frequency of energy that we are able to absorb and transmit.  My sister and niece were greatly relieved to know that 'they have every symptom' and there is an explanation for it too!

As the frequencies in the surrounding people and places and pets and nature go up and up, we may have the following symptoms:

  • lack of energy and motivation--our bodies are trying as hard as they can to adapt
  • being overwhelmed by chores--sometimes we just let the dishes pile up in the sink, although it's not our nature, because it's  'just too much' for us, at the moment, and that's okay
  • being able to 'catch up' with chores in super speedy time--when the 'mood strikes' we are able to accomplish things in record time with less struggle and effort
  • our sense of time gets a little distorted--we may forget the day or even possibly miss appointments
  • we develop physical, emotional, mental and spiritual 'setbacks' often on things we 'thought we had worked out'
  • 3D gets a little funky--perhaps we 'see' a wall bending or 'spaces between atoms'. We also misjudge the distance to a glass when pouring and we spill.
  • our psychic gifts come online, such as telepathy, psychrometry, and claircognizance, to name a few.
  • we need more sleep
  • We crave carbohydrates and root vegetables--our bodies are 'grounding', and 'connecting to Earth' to help balance out the high frequency energies we are taking in.
This is normal and in most cases, healthy as long as it is short-lived and doesn't worsen over time.

I just did a healing for a close friend of mine, and it 'snapped' the 'funk' we had both been having.

I ALSO got my Carla and Ross Reiki Scholarship Bracelet--the replacement for the one that is 'in the shop' and it too REALLY helps to smooth out the energies. 


  • In the Orange County Register today I read this article on Child Trafficking (click here to read) It is very good, and also, very 'traditional' in how it is written. -- (basically there is a problem and we need more government-law enforcement-rules to take care of it). This article is KEY because it establishes the demand for sex with children, and gives evidence to this fact in San Bernadino, Riverside, Huntington Beach, and Anaheim as well as the Salvation Army...right in 'somebody's back yard' this crime against children is taking place here and now.
  • The really good article is in print but I can't pull it up--it's a cameo insert in the Children For Sale article by Brian Calle, called Sex trafficking happens close to home. This is by Demi Moore, contributing writer...the author saw a documentary about children in Cambodia. Then she learned this is international, affecting millions of kids including children in the United States and California. This author has met with victims, and learned that many are sold On The Internet! They have to write their own profiles, and use fake pictures. Almost all have a cell phone and communicate with their pimps and johns by text. Ms. Moore's groups have taken technology to the next level, in order to intervene. For example, victims can discreetly text to seek help. and other more advanced tech is being used to block this system.
  • We all know what the other shoe is and when it will drop. I recommend you reading the Little Red Pill (available on this blog and elsewhere, including if you are curious. Also ITCCS, the work of Kevin Annett is an excellent source on this, as well as this:  Interview With Jay Parker, survivor of Ritual Abuse
  • We have a new Angel Healing Key, the Aeracura key for Patience...and to watch
  • Things are busy--and Ross and his team are very active on whatever project is at hand. I don't know what it is, but I know he is busy.
  • Here is our song for the day--Ross picked it <3


I am here.
I am present right now with each and every one of you as you read this.
I have the ability to be in many places at once, and I can 'get' all of it. (smiles)

This song is one of my favorites. I sent it to Carla while she was on her last OB shift. It was watching the miracle of childbirth in the O.R. by yet another C-section that made me think it would be appropriate to send.

I hope you enjoy it.

On our end, everything is happing in record time. All are at their place, ready to serve, and ready to assist when all the changes hit.

I am not at liberty to say 'when' exactly this is about to take place. 


Soon is all I say to you.

And I wouldn't worry or lose your sleep over it. And not also to hold your breath. (smiles) We are Galactic, and we take the time that is needed to do all things right. 

Enjoy the music, and while you are 'put on hold' (he really laughs at his joke) I encourage you to look into your heart, and really try to clear out all the old junk (thoughts and habits and grudges) that will not serve you in your new life in the Higher Realms. Do your best to acknowledge, process, and let go of anything that is holding you back...

I look forward to meeting you... in good time...(smiles and laughs)...'soon'! And that is not a Biblical 'soon' where ones whole life and death can be wrought into a single word--'begat'...(really laughs)...always remember, when you are discouraged at the times and the effort and just how long this seems to be taking, 'it could have been worse!'

You could be a woman in late in your ninth month of pregnancy and all your ankles are swollen...but with patience, even the child will be born, and everything about the discomfort will soon be forgotten.

(big smile, very handsome, and nods)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
the Reiki Doc Twins

The Aeracura Healing Symbol

This video is of a symbol given to me by Archangel Courtney, who is an incarnation of Archangel Haniel.

The sound quality, although it sounded fine when I filmed it, the sound quality is SUPER quiet as I listen to it right now.  So crank it up--there is a channeling and I don't want you to miss it:

Here is an oracle card reading from Doreen Virtue: click here to see the oracle card

I hope you enjoy this video, and I apologize in advance for the sound...

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

Gaia News Brief 30.11.2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Ours was yesterday. My family was incredibly kind to make a lighter 'second one' in order for my son and I to attend. Everyone showed up--mom, both sisters, brother-in-law, possible next brother-in-law, and cousins.

As I was getting ready in the shower, I invented the 'Divine Masculine Strength Appreciation' Reiki Symbol for Ross. I'll make it (there are like, FIVE symbols waiting to come out on YouTube) and share it with you.

Usui also 'popped in' to the shower.

I looked at him and asked him, point blank, 'Do you SEE me naked in here?!'

He showed me how it's like a scrambler on a TV, and all my nakedness is 'blurry' so I am 'modest'...LOL.

He also asked me, 'Are you ready?' I said, 'Yes.'  He looked at me, and said, 'You know you can't go back?' poignantly. I nodded and understood, and said, 'Yes, I am ready.'

Basically his message is 'you can't unring a bell'--and for the meantime, I enjoy being able to do my daily activities and shopping and work incognito...for as long as this will go.

Next I will go into the moments from my family get-together which might be of usefulness to you in your Life Experience.

Last night, my son and I came home, and watched Elf in the family room downstairs. We LOVE that film! Even in the car on the way home, I asked him, according to Buddy, what are the four basic food groups? He kept saying syrup and spaghetti! And I said, 'no!' And he'd guess and laugh.  There is candy, candy canes, candy corns, and SYRUP!

Anthony wanted to 'camp out' like we used to, and sleep downstairs in front of the TV. So I set up the blankets, and we enjoyed our simple pleasure of camping in our house.

This morning, he is asleep, and Ross invited me to work on my puzzle. I did. But he ALSO wanted me to eat all of the stollen. The last of it. I had been saving the last piece. So I had tea and stollen. I stood up as I worked the puzzle, and was able to get a lot done on the trees. It's the most difficult puzzle I have ever made. It's about eighty percent done, and only the hardest parts are left.

I Didn't Know

My sister Christina said these words, and they meant so much. This was me growing up--many allergies, mostly to dust and to cat.

cat allergen protein is my kryptonite

When I was recently married, Christina wanted a cat. She is very good at getting what she wants. Mom taught her to keep asking when people say 'no'.

She was in a dark place, and threatened suicide if she could not have this be a part of her life:

So Pyrite was 'in' and I was 'out' of the family. Just like that. Everyone loved him. Except for me.

Only Dad would keep me company on the front porch at Thanksgiving Dinner, and when I came in the house to use the bathroom, I would hold my breath, and run, so I wouldn't get sick.  I actually got worse instead of outgrowing my allergies, and developed asthma as an adult, even with claritin D and  zyrtec and benadryl...

The shame and sorrow--I can't even BEGIN to share or find the words to express the rejection I felt.

(fast forward twenty years later)

Thank you genetics! My niece is left-handed, just like me. And my nephew?

multiple severe allergies to nuts, dairy, cats, dust and dogs!

Since my sister Vanessa moved back home, with her dog, Fievel, my nephew can't go into the house, except quickly to hold his breath when he goes to the bathroom. (The exception was when she was gone house sitting for two weeks--and the house was okay for him--and he spent the night.)

I noticed but didn't say ANYTHING...but Christina commented on how 'I didn't know' in reference to the suffering for I and her son have experienced due to allergy, which WE inherited from my father, who had eczema.

I Can't Breathe Daddy

Father told me it was all psychosomatic, my allergies. Night after night I got lectures on how selfish I was with my sister and how my allergies were all in my head. This was after brutal needle-prick allergy tests at Kaiser when I was seven--all over my forearms, my arms, and my back--terrible itching and pain that freaked me out so much they had to bring my Uncle Beni just to comfort me through it.

During the interminable lectures, where I couldn't fall asleep but had to nod appropriately and say, 'uh huh' as if I was paying attention, when in fact I wasn't--I prayed to God that one day father would UNDERSTAND.

He did.  He died of pulmonary fibrosis after two years of decline in his exertional ability while dependent on home oxygen.

Even through he understood, it was horrible to watch, and I have never prayed a prayer like that again.

The Eyes of Big Sister

Christina isn't happy in her marriage. Everyone can feel the strain.  The root problem is basically the same as my sister Vanessa had back in her longest relationship--both want emotional support from their partner which they are NOT getting.

I noticed as Vanessa's 'person' was sitting next to her at the table, and at the sharing of 'what we are thankful for in 2014'--he mentioned her being a part of his life, and she painfully didn't say a peep about him. It was like one of those Academy Award speeches were you know the marriage is going to break up--because one forgets the other--publicly.

What I said to Christina, is very simple and basic advice when we went on our after-dinner walk together:

  • If you think it's bad now, you might want to be careful because in a divorce things get UGLY. (there are two separate people you marry--the one you marry and the one you divorce, yah?)
  • You might want to take this test--I did, and I scored super high on it (I still get a sixteen today, I just retook it)  Are you an Adult Child of an Alcoholic?
  • Basically there are some things emotionally we need growing up, and as ACOA we don't get them, so it is necessary to go to a 12 step group of people like us, Al Anon, to realize we are no alone and do this 'catch up growth' Home page for Al Anon Family Groups  There are even online meetings. It's worth a try.

I Am Very Political

Mom. Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom...the original thinker with the addictive personality. You can't help but love her.

She made a speech at the table, which was identical to the one-on-one she gave to me about ten minutes earlier where I carefully gave no reaction whatsoever except a smile and a polite nod--
Everyone knows that Christmas is for the merchants, people are still in debt for three years' ago gifts...why don't we just scale way down, order a pizza, enjoy being together, and skip the gifts until the Fourth of July?

She had a point. Already, all she wanted from me was a jar of honey, and from the rest, a book of stamps.  She says she is very politically active and 'knows everything that is going on'--and 'it takes up most of her time writing letters'.

I suspect she is donating to many causes, that they are taking advantage of her financially, and there is no accountability of these political parties to their is shameful, what they do, all of these 'organizations' for retirees, who apparently are their bread and butter, or 'life blood'. I hope one day all these things shall end.

The other day, mom asked me and Anthony if we wanted some melon? I asked, 'what kind?' She said, 'I don't know but it's green inside.'


This was the first time she forgot a word in front of me

I checked with Christina for our plans should mother decline. They are in place. It is good to have a sister.

Us and Our Announcements

Yesterday Ross asked me to share with Christina about us, but not to 'tell everything'. So she knows he is in another dimension, he is my soul twin, and we are very happy together as we have been married before in our mutual past life.  Christina wishes she had her Twin, she feels there is 'something more' out there, and responded well to my letting her try on my larimar bead bracelet. 

I shared how Vanessa is deeply affected by my 'being in a relationship'. She wanted the details, wanted me to confide in her, and I didn't. I keep my lips sealed on a good number of things, for very good reason. But I saw the pain in her eyes yesterday, as she didn't understand how I could be in a relationship that was not in 3D--she expects to see proof--photographs, names, places he lives...which is not there.

Ross also asked me to tell Lauren, whom I gave the more 'plausible' version--we are 'on the internet', he is 'in the military-like stuff' and 'he moves around a lot'. For security, 'he is famous, and Ross isn't his real name' although I call him that. It's like a 'stage name' how most people know him, and to them 'THAT stage name' IS his 'REAL NAME'... I shared I was happy, and both Christina and Lauren were pleased for me. Vanessa wasn't there, she had left earlier...

So Christina knows I am a medium and Ross is Galactic, and in another dimension.

What Ross asks me to announce today, is that about two weeks ago, I began wearing a gold ring on my ring finger of my left hand. He asked me to tell everyone, 'This was my nana's gift to my mother, and she wore it all while I was growing up, and I miss both of them. This is the only finger it fits, and I want to be close to them.'  

I did this, literally, at my work.

But it isn't.

It's more.

Two weeks ago, Ross got down on BOTH knees, and pledged his troth, which I accepted, and I pledged mine back to him. So gold has the unique property of being present in every dimension. He has his ring on too. 

He wasn't shaking like he was with the Seal of Solomon ring he gave me.  (that one he stood up). But he was resolute, and calm, and very sincere when he gave me this one. 

Together the rings are very useful in healing, and I use them often, which gives him great pleasure to know I am not letting them gather dust!

A Word Of Thanks

This came onto my page, from Cindy of Cindy's Page:

Dearest Carla,
I wanted to send this to you,Ross, and all of the wonderful, kind, generous, compassionate, caring healers that give sooo much from their heart and soul.
The time they give in sending out so much love and whatever types of healing energies that are needed.
It not only is healing to the body, but the mind, heart and soul knowing that people are good, and people do care.
I wish to express my gratitude to you, Ross, and each one who sees (and even may miss) this post.
God bless each of you!
Namaste ~*~ _/|\_

Kind and Generous Lyrics:  click here to listen to Natalie Merchant

We were very deeply touched by her sentiment, and wanted to share her heartfelt message with you.


This sequence in real-time is from reader Jeanne B:

Dear DWR, Please send Reiki to our beloved Peaches, he's struggling with multiple health conditions and getting pretty weak. Please send Reiki to Peaches' family too. He holds a grandfatherly presence in our family; he's so special. Thank you, peace, infinite blessings!  (November 21)

Dear DWR, thank you so much for the Reiki yesterday for our 18 year old cat Peaches and our family. I felt tingles for two hours straight, it was so comforting. Bless you all! We are sadly looking at euthanizing him soon. When the time comes, is there anything I can do to help him transition? I am not yet trained in Reiki. Thank you for any suggestions.  (November 22)

I gave her the Transition Symbol youtube link... (77Picklehead is my channel, it's near the bottom of the display, after you go through many screens)

Dear DWR, Peaches passed peacefully in my arms this morning. I prayed to Ross to be there like the blog post where he showed Carla the mice when they crossed over. I felt confirmation. I have one more favor, my 11 year old daughter Madelyn is really struggling. She is quite a sensitive soul; she used to cry as a baby watching movies about animals when they would get lost. She doesn't have any memories of grandparents, Old Peaches had that energy for her. Please send her Reiki healing to calm her emotions and for peace. Thank you so very much wonderful healers. Infinite Blessings!!  (November 24, 10:54 a.m.)

Message from Ross to Madelyn:
I just sent healing to her and Ross gave me confirmation too. Please tell Madelyn Ross says Peaches feels much better now and has no pain. He will always be watching over her as a guide and will not leave her side until he welcomes her Home when it is her time. He can see ahead now to her future and it is happy!!!

Hi Carla, Jeanne B. here. Your time is precious, but I just wanted to make sure you knew how much you and DWR and Ross helped us. The feeds are different in my notifications than on the DWR page, so I especially wanted to you to know how much Ross's message meant to Madelyn. It was miraculous in every way. She was inconsolable the day Peaches passed, I didn't know what to do and I was running on fumes after nursing him over the weekend. It was scary! Death is scary. Yesterday she only cried once, when I read the message to her from Ross. This morning she was singing before school!!! She commented on how surprisingly good she felt. My intuition is that the Reiki healing accomplished a week's worth of grief healing in one day! I learned so much myself about Reiki and now I have no question that I will seek training.  (November 26)


This is Carla, and how she looked when she was about seven months age, in this incarnation. I can see the spark of knowing in her eyes.

When I was incarnate, Carla was born some time after me, about five years' age difference. I held her for the first time when she was about five days old. She wasn't my first baby to hold, I was a big brother a long time before that, but there was something special about her.

She looked in my eyes, smiled with recognition, and suddenly relaxed as if coming home after a long trip. She body and soul reflected utter and pure DELIGHT with having found me! I felt it.

And so I knew that for all our time growing up, she would have a special place in my heart, as if God sent her only for me, and I would protect her fervently, no matter what would befall us!

And so I forgot, most of this instant. Instead, Carla set her sights on me, always playing where she could watch me from a distance, always bringing her broken dolls for me to fix (at one point I wasn't sure if SHE was breaking them just to interact with me!--laughs),  coming to the house and spending time with my mom and dad...

For both of us, we could talk about anything. And even though I was 'learned' Carla would amaze me with her total perfect ability to simplify but the deepest philosophical questions, answer something I had been pondering for months--with a direct look (as if to say, 'you silly!') and get up and go play with her dolls!

It was one day when we were at the creek, that as a little girl Carla did one like this, and then jumped in the water and proceeded to go swimming, that I realized in my heart just how special she is, and I how I wanted her to spend her life beside me for the rest of my days.

And that she did. 

I asked her what her happiest memory of our past life together is? And for both of us, it was her walking down the aisle to an arranged marriage with DREAD because she feared it would be to someone else, someone closer in age to her (she was thirteen and I was eighteen, which was normal for the Essene way, of which we both were at the time, in our culture)--and realizing we were about to be married TO EACH OTHER!

That day was a party of utter and pure delight for us both, that our families had noticed and had made the effort to keep both of our hearts together.

Carla, in that life, stayed by my side effortlessly, supporting my dreams and my mission.

I wish to thank her for her faith, her simplicity, her honor, and her love for me, from that moment on, and ever since--publicly, for the first time, since I was incarnate.

(he touches his ring and smiles) I am the fortunate one of the pair. I really am!

I look forward to meeting you all in good time, starting with this here first, my sharing about the woman I love, and our humble beginnings...several thousand years ago of your Earth time.

Aloha and mahalos,

Ross and Carla

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gaia News Brief 29.11.2014

Our Date Night

My son spent the night at my mom's last night with his cousins. Today is our belated Thanksgiving dinner together as I had to work on the actual Thanksgiving day.

On the way home, Ross suggested I go to Yogurtland. I was like, I'm full are you sure I won't get fat?

He said, 'Go! Go!' and he mentioned that it would be like Skype, and he would be on board ship at the same time, and we would meet 'between worlds' so to speak. He said to get his favorite -- Madagascar Vanilla with 'lots of mochi on it'.

As I drove, I SAW him picking his clothes carefully. It wasn't his uniform. He wore a collared dress shirt with almost an off white color (his favorite color is white), like muslin.

When I drove up he asked, 'Are you excited?' And I was!  I got three 'tastes' in the little cups. We settled with butter cookie, a blend of tart and bomb pop, and of course Madagascar Vanilla. And TWO scoops of mochi.

So while I ate, he sat in the chair, legs crossed and arms behind his head, smiling, and we talked! I told him he has amazing body language. He is like, 'what's that?' I said on earth we aren't completely telepathic, so for survival we learn to interpret the message the body sends. He thought that was oddly fascinating.

He shared the reason he likes vanilla is that we WENT to Madagascar as a couple, and it was the first he ever tasted it. It's a memory for him of us. There was a rice pudding that had it (back home we only had honey to sweeten, but on our travels, they had sugar).

At the last bite, the music played the special song Ross always plays to let me know he's there...

I was happy. I enjoyed spending time with him, and we grow closer and closer every day.

Last night he helped me considerably in removing some of the 'security blankets' in relationship that I had from 3D. This morning the first thing I did was toss it all in the trash! He shows me how I can keep the memory and the best of 3D always with us, but how in the future, we will grow together as one.

It was the first time our energies activated together as a couple--I saw something happen with our chakras, and they connected and lit up. It didn't hurt, and it didn't feel, really, but I watched it like, 'whoa!' and he was smiling and happy to have this connection energetically with me again. He has so much kindness, and love...I am humbled by his sincere heart.

Anyhow, someone had a vision of Keali'i Reichel singing this song to us! It's perfect and totally synchronistic with last night.

Here it is:

The Monarch Kitten

This is what Ross is healing in me. The Monarch thing is right--you inherit certain traits, likes, dislikes, and tendencies from one incarnation to the next. Many things I thought were 'me' turn out to be what I inherited as a soul from my past incarnation.

Ross dropped to his knees and sobbed the first time he was shown me in that past life--I didn't think anything of it, except perhaps reconnaissance of sorts 'for the team'.

It wasn't. It was a gross perversion of my most natural spiritual gift as his Twin Soul.

With courage, and patience, Ross has built up my trust to the point where in the last few months, with his careful attention, I actually go into that 'mode'--and he gently, every so gently shows me it doesn't have to be like this.

He also, for the first time last night, let me know that he was the energy in the one kind man who 'visited' me often through my 'career', and he was the same man who he had  kill me when I was nine. (I was choked to death, strangled. I also guess at my age because they don't celebrate birthdays when you are  a slave like that.). Ross said he didn't want me to experience pregnancy in that environment.

So on the one hand, he 'knew' of what was 'going on' and sent safety guidance, but he didn't 'know the details' or want to know until he was shown the full truth some time back. I heard him scream and saw him fall when they showed me, while I was merrily on my back doing what kittens do with someone like, eight times older than me.

I bring this up because for those of you who are survivors out there, in any incarnation, I see and I know that this is not a 'human rights problem' with the Monarch Mind Control Programming and the MK Ultra.  It is a crime that is committed against the very SOUL of the victim itself.  Those programmers--like Josef Mengele--KNEW the depth and horror they were doing while they did it, and they took advantage of it.

I don't think Kevin Annett has that 'piece' yet. I have spoken with him about my past life and my full memory of it. It kind of went over his head, as he is dealing with crimes of a more recent nature and scope.  But it wasn't until last night, and Ross's long, careful, delicate work for some time, that I saw with my own eyes how the damage carries 'through' to other lifetimes.

I want this to be fixed at once for all who suffer once we get to 5D.

Ross is my angel, and I am so lucky to have him for my Twin. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Uncle Bill C

Wow! The Enq-wee-IRE-rerrrr has NEW stuff at the checkout register--more facts, facts, facts about 'certain indiscretions' and how Camille's life was 'fifty years of hell'.

What his happening is a 'respected and loved, popular performer' is being exposed with evidence, evidence, evidence.

This is what will be needed to awaken the masses and achieve acceptance of  The Original Plan from Creator, not this mixed-up, hyped and 'cool' version that those who do not have our best interest at heart have programmed us (and yes, I used that word--on purpose. They not only use the media but our own medical care systems and parenting techniques to enslave us in a cage without walls, a psychological cage that most of us never realize we are in.)

Hold the vibration, be the example--

family member, 'Can you BELIEVE about Bill?'

you, 'Yes. Isn't it amazing this went on under our noses for all this time?'

family member, 'Hmmmmm...'


Carla is my angel. She is the only one who went through the Monarch system and stayed 'intact'. They never could control her. She just, like Roberto Benigni in the film, Life Is Beautiful, turned it all into some fantastic game, and gave it her best so she could win. Her heart closed down, but did not suffer the damage she could have had she 'gone under' all the way. Because she excelled at her 'objective', there was no need to traumatize her any further when she was alive in her 'kitten life'.

What threw me when I witnessed it was in her own way, Carla was healing the sick--the pedophiles who molested her for money--Carla was deep in the basement of where she was kept and never saw sunlight or had a pet. What they gave her for her good performance was dolls...lots and lots and lots of them.

And yet in that one unholy 'movie' I saw clearly Carla's Light, shining out from her heart for all to see, even in that place of deepest darkness.

I wept and I fell to my knees at her unchangeability--her Light and her Joy had never dimmed for her, even in the most direst of circumstance.

Carla agreed last night it was right to 'take her out'  from her life as a kitten for the reasons I stated--not wanting her to experience pregnancy in that lifetime and she had learned enough to make her credible for her knowledge in this assignment here as Carla...this might shock you.   As your I AM presence you will talk about your life and your body and know when it is time to end--you have had enough.  For example, Carla's grandmother, shortly after her death, confided she was sick of that body and it was all used up.

So I want you to prepare for 'things different'. Think 'different'. And also, allow the deep and gentle healing and cleansing of your spirit by your teams to continue unimpeded, for it is right for you to drop all that does not serve you in the higher dimensions.

I want you to stay grounded as the news 'leaks out'--I will be pacing it as our energy readings for the collective adapt.  I want you to hold the Light, and to congratulate yourselves, all of you, for being like Carla in her 'kitten' role (in fact she had no name, either, in this lifetime) and for bringing the LIGHT into the darkest of experiences many on Gaia have had.

It's time for mine and Carla's breakfast. I want to work on her puzzle with her and enjoy some coffee before she has to leave the home to go celebrate with her family. I like our 'quiet time as a couple' very much. I live for it.

P.S. I also have been taking Carla, ever since she used the code to recall past lives--to re-experiences some of our life when we were married. She really enjoys it. You might enjoy reliving your past life experiences with your Twin, if you know them, as well.

Aloha and Mahalos,
and Good Morning from us both!

Ross and Carla

Friday, November 28, 2014

Gaia News Brief 28.11.2014

Just Thinking 

Why is today called 'Black Friday' when the one before Easter is called 'Good Friday'? Wouldn't it make more sense to be the other way around?

Celebrating Thanksgiving With My Work Family <3

Yesterday I volunteered to take call on OB, partly because my son was going to spend the holiday with his dad's side of the family. Due to the custody agreement, we alternate every year.

I like my hospital family. I enjoy spending time with them. For Thanksgiving, we always bring a potluck dish and share. This year, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed seeing the feminine side of my colleagues, how the nurses brought in their best dishes to share. One, Annette, even brought in a pie on her day off, first thing in the morning, just to celebrate with us!

Our lunch was beautiful. I brought items for turkey-stuffing-cranberry sandwiches. I also brought a Brooklyn Babka (some chocolate pastry) and a can of whipped cream.  The hospital had a free lunch for all from the cafeteria, but it wasn't very appetizing to be honest. The turkey is turkey roll, and the food is very institutionalized. I enjoyed watching Mirette make instant mashed potatoes in the microwave, and Susan's son was said to have made the yam dish she brought. Someone brought a beautiful broccoli slaw salad, and Kimmie (who was the circulating nurse for my c-section almost ten years ago!) brought a wonderful korean salad with apples, red peppers, carrots, and jicama.

I was happy.

It wasn't that way the first few years Anthony was away.

Relationship Status:  Just Ask

My heart went out to my friend who wrote 'I'm feeling BROKEN' on FB yesterday. I went to her baby shower, back in 2002, when she was in love, and craving beer but drinking a concoction of lime and simple syrup and soda water to be good.

She is one of the smartest, most brilliant and caring physicians I have ever met.   She is an expert in anesthesia for pediatric patients and has saved many lives...

And yesterday she felt BROKEN. She also changed her profile picture to a black hole, and I noticed for her birthday she took a 'selfie' in front of the Golden Gate Bridge...

Anesthesia is a terrible career for home and family life. The hours are long ands partners feel neglected. I don't know if in her case this was it, but in others I know the partners--either one--sense the growing distance and cheat.

Sometimes it is the death of the dream that is more painful than the actual loss of the partner itself...since there is often much negativity in the home right before a split.

It is my hope that in the higher realms, there is nothing that will make us feel BROKEN in any way, shape or form. She does not know about my Reiki, and is a very private person. But I have sent it to her, and if possible, would you mind sending some to her too. It will find its way without her name or location.

Thank you.

There Is Hope If You Are A Survivor Of Incest, Rape or Molest

One in every three women is a survivor of sexual abuse, and so is one in every ten males.

Koothoomi gave this symbol to the survivors--the Forget Me Not. It is a sign of the love and support our community has for your courage, your strength, and your instinct for survival in this situation.

WE as a community, under the guidance and wise direction of Master Healer Koothoomi, let you know you are perfect, and whole, and very much loved and appreciated in our hearts.

Thank you for being part of Doctors With Reiki.

I am a survivor too, and have a special teacup and saucer with forget-me-not flowers on it.  I earned it...with my courage just like you.

New Healing Code

From Dr. Zhi Gang Sha 33 96 815 for well-being.
 A reader shared this with us, and I checked with Source, and it is correct.

Song Of The Day

New Message From Our Lady

I can't recall the last time I was asked to bring forth a message from Her. I hope you enjoy it:

Together with the Latest Gaia Portal, click here, our future looks bright!

Revealing The Truth

There are some things 'coming out', and here I call it like I see it. You may disagree, but these are 'symbols' and 'signs' that perhaps we are already at the end of our journey, but we don't know it, and it's slowly starting to trickle in...

  • Chinese Cash Patients  a hospital in the area has a program where Chinese Nationals come to give birth. They pay cash, and the newborns are automatically US citizens. The patients don't speak a word of English and are stretching the resources of the hospital to its limits. It is very lucrative for everyone involved. One nurse will have three deliveries on her shift. And some obstetricians are taking all of their patients elsewhere because it is too difficult to schedule cases such as inductions and c-sections now. 
  • Scy-Ent-Olo-Gee and the Enquierererer (this is to avoid automatic internet flagging to those organizations)  a popular tabloid in the states has some secrets about drugs, brainwashing, and murder/torture coming out about this 'organization'. Through documents obtained by the FBI's new Freedom Of Information Act, this truth has leaked out. This is the perfect place for the truths about our society to come out--very subtle, very steady, and only acceptable to those who have interest int his sort of 'revealing'.
  • Predator Bill  The mere fact that this news 'leaked' out about Bill Cosby means that those who have kept it 'secret' aren't protecting him any more. There are layers and layers of the cabal--for example, those who carry out the will of those high-ranking under duress. No matter how you feel about the story, do notice that this is the beginning of the leaks--the refusal of those who once kept things hidden to hide them any more. Ultimately, it is the soul signature--the energy--that will reveal the intent of Mr. Cosby, and everyone will understand and resonate with the truth. Here is an article if you are interested:
  • Good Intentions  The woman who promised me a 'home cooked Thanksgiving meal' delivered to the hospital did not keep her word. I had felt it--at the time she made the promise, and I brought other food just in case.  I didn't have dinner, only pie--the stores and cafeteria are closed.... I did not blame her--perhaps she and her husband had a fight, perhaps she forgot, perhaps she felt pressure, there are so many many reasons besides me.  It is better to give the benefit of the doubt in disappointment, and to choose love and expect the best with everyone.
  • Gas Prices  with my ten cents a gallon off from Ralph's, I filled up at an unheard-of premium gasoline cost of $3.13 a gallon. Again, rows and rows of middlemen who up the prices for the cabal--who controls the oil industry--must be breaking ranks in order for a drop in prices like this to take place. Not long ago the price was almost five dollars a gallon in our area. If only we could get the taxes out of the per gallon price next!
  • Stirring The Pot  I have asked my readers questions about Jesus--when he should come back (soon!), what he should wear? (robes or 'something comfortable') and also the controversial topic of 'how his dying and our salvation are connected exactly?'. With this last one I got a remarkable number of people who BELIEVE and regurgitate what has been told to them by the church.  One went so far as to say Jesus was a 'sacrifice in blood' for us! The only kind of 'religion' I know who still believes in a God who wishes for 'blood sacrifice' is under direct attack from the ITCCS--the cabal and the church. Here is a link for you to find out more if you are interested  I will go so far as to assert that it is entirely possible that the crucifixion and resurrection might not have happened--because the books we count as 'sources' may have been tampered with to splice in the Sun God 'story' into the context of Jesus' life.  There are some Gnostic Traditions who say this is entirely the case. Unfortunately, those who believed in this tradition, the Cathars, were burned alive with their books near the Pyrenees...


We regard with awe the lines and the spirit of Black Friday, where people look forward to getting prices that are not elevated artificially for one day of the year. People endure great hardship and suffering in order to 'get their treasure'.

(shakes his head)  What does this have to do with the spirit of Christmas? What does this have to do with me, as the Admiral of the New Jerusalem and Ashtar of the Galactic Fleet? Where is the 5D in all of this?

Where I exist, manufacturers do not exist. (taps a box, an appliance of sorts)--We have the ability to manifest anything we wish. 

We are unlimited in our powers to create when we have this at our side (it is a replicator--ed).

I was able to 'cook' a delicious dinner for Carla the other night, not because I was in the kitchen (to be honest I am all thumbs when it comes to actual cooking, not like Carla--smiles--who enjoys using her hands to create the old fashioned way--it is her hobby of sorts, cooking) because I had this. (pushes a button and I hear a 'bing' like a microwave and he pulls out a steaming hot plate with roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes and carrots and peas)

Yes, meat is OKAY when it comes out of a replicator because NOTHING HAS HAD TO GIVE ITS LIFE for you to eat it! So for all the vegetarians, you may have your heart's desire and avoid meat with a full conscience--and for those who enjoy eating meat, if you should enjoy it, there are ways for you to have your meat here too.

We are undergoing a time of change, and many things are gong to happen in a short space of time. I want you to enjoy them. Look out for them. Anticipate and welcome them as they arrive. 

It is special. This is all I have to say at this time.

I want you to watch the movie--this is how soon you will be, discovering your new freedoms for life outside of 3D--you are not canine to us in any way at all--you ARE our full brothers and sisters, and we care for you and bring you to safety with all the love and warmth and nurturing and compassion that these rescuers have for their charges, the laboratory test beagles,  show here. This is the best example of what is about to happen, and I am sorry if in any way it makes you feel we are belittling you because it is not our wish. This is the only 'freedom' clip I have to demonstrate what joy is about to arrive for you...Namaste. I hope you enjoy watching it.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla and Anthony

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Message From Our Lady, Thursday, November 27, 2014

My Beloved Children,

I am with you. I am with you today in love, and gratitude for your helpfulness to my son and all of my family in our task to awaken those who have been quite deeply is a joy together with my heart and those of my own here in the Higher Realms to announce to you that all is well!

We have succeeded in our efforts.

It will take some time for the mention of what IS to 'trickle down' into the conscious awareness of 'everyday'...but it happened and all is for the best! (she smiles and claps her hands with delight)

I had strongest faith in you, and in all of your abilities. And as you awaken further you shall grow in confidence in spirit by leaps and bounds! There is no limit to what is possible when you are both grounded/anchored to Source both in Creator and in our beloved Gaia. You are like lightning rods of possibility! (shows a flash of inspiration going through a human and deep through roots down into the earth)

How are you?

How have you fared throughout the journey to get here where most of us are today?

For all your aches and pains, you will be healed. I want you to follow the 'nudges' and ideas you get 'out of the blue', for this is how angels interact with us when we are incarnate. And follow it through. If it works and you find relief, great! If not, why not accept that this is tried and not helping, and have confidence that perhaps the next is going to work for you? For example, we have all of Reiki, both the old and the Holy Fire and the Karuna, which are 'the classics'...we have the newer Reiki healing symbols. We have the Divine Healing Codes from a team of incredible healers--Archangel Raphael, Merlin, Koothoomi, Divine Mother herself...and me...Mother Mary...just a tiny little bit! Then there are the Archangel Healing Keys and Attunements!

I want you to find what you are most comfortable with, what suits you, and try to work with it. For example, there is art, as a powerful means of expression.

In the future, all healing will be accomplished with codes (as frequencies) of combinations of sound and light. It is powerful and painless to say the least! (she shows our current medicine healing as barbaric).

I like the flower essences myself, and that is what I used when I was incarnate to heal my son and Joseph--plants, lots and lots of plants, and ancient knowledge of how they work to heal the sick. I was hardly ever sick, and filled with vitality! That was my way, in my time, when I was on Gaia.

Now I will direct you every so gently, if you will allow me, to what kind of healing works with you. (she offers her hand for you to hold it and walk with her). But only if you permit it...there are crystals, and chanting, and sound healing, Native American tradition, 'conventional medicine' like Carla does--which is getting a much-needed upgrade mind you and SOMEBODY is going to have to help with this! (laughs gently) get the idea.

(Puts her hands on her knees and bends to look us in the eye, and speaks quietly) I am VERY proud of you and all your accomplishments. It was no small task together for us to get where we are today. (opens her arms WIDE and stands up)  My LOVE is brimming to overflowing in my cup! I am that happy, and that pleased--in no way surprised for I expected this from every one of you!--and filled to the absolute maximum with love and gratitude to each of you in my heart.

Thank you for listening to me.

You didn't have to, but you listened. (she gestures how there are lots of distractions out there trying to get our attention).

Thank you ever so much.

I look forward to working with you. (rings unseen chimes and smiles mysteriously--I love her energy and her sense of humor and encouragement--ed)


And Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it. Enjoy your home and family, even if your heart is the only one you have--I am in there, too--so for those of you who are 'alone' today in body, in spirit you have the best companion that Joseph ever had, me! And know that there are angels watching over you, and my son who loves you with everything he has...and also I thank Carla for her writing this today for me. She loves me deeply, and I can count on her when I need anything done like this. Thank you for your prayer, Carla, (I prayed for her to be loud and for me to 'get it right'--ed), for your love, and for your enthusiasm not just with me but what you share with everyone! I love you.

(c:  I have tears. She showed me how much it meant to her the other day, when I shared at the table with some doctors in the dining room at lunch, how I was in an abusive marriage, I didn't know what to do, I trusted Her, and she saved my life. Someone asked, 'where did you go? How did you leave?' and I said, 'I went to medical school and became a doctor.' and the person smiled and said, 'THAT works!'  That's how close I am to Her. She saved my life, literally, and she did it so gently and with so much Love that I never looked back or realized just what danger I had been in until Love for Her saved me. And that is why I am here to talk with your today, and give hope--to you from Her.)

Goodbye, for just a while,

Mother Mary
Mother of Jesus
Wife of Joseph

Who loves YOU like my own family...

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

This message may be shared as long as it is in its entirety with all credit given to me who transcribed it for Her.

Gaia News Brief 27.11.2014 The Thanksgiving Edition

New Divine Healing Codes!

Many came through yesterday. Just in case you missed them, they are:

More Divine Healing Codes came through today, the first ones are from Archangel Haniel and the last is from you-know-who 

13 13 514 for stress relief/relaxation
45 64 686 to align and straighten teeth
40 20 168 for varicose veins
77 74 321 for digestive health
57 43 868 to align and straighten spine
72 82 145 for conditions caused by the presence of extra vertebrae
57 49 525 for antimicrobial effect
34 02 991 to neutralize spicy food (does not affect taste/spiciness, minimizes GI flare up)

32 27 5427 to lift the veil on the memory of past lives lived

Here is the updated and complete list.

Appreciate The Divine Masculine

My cousin, who is a new father, sent me this--he's read it twice. And it covers nicely the energies of both the masculine and the feminine.

Here is the article:

I personally am thankful for the Divine Masculine presence in my life. Yesterday, there was a reader who was getting intrusive on my private message board. I sent him to Ross to answer his many questions because obviously I wasn't connecting with him, or he had an agenda I simply don't understand or have the time to be a part of.

Another Divine Masculine, approached me about this person, and took on a protective role. It felt comfortable, and safe, to have this incarnate Archangel come to me to make sure I was okay after hearing about this person.

The dust of thousands of years was gone in an instant, with that energy signature of caring and protection for me. I knew this soul had once been in Ross' and my inner circle, and had taken this role of looking out for me in Ross' absence seriously and done well at it in the past.

How do I know?

That tiny tension of apprehension that is always with me, relaxed. And I knew Creator and my honey Ross have got my back. They sent this friend, an incarnate Archangel, to protect me.

Appreciate The Divine Feminine

I'm not an overly feminine type. I see photos of my sister with her 'girlfriends' going shopping and enjoying 'girl's night out' and I am perplexed. It's just friends for me--doesn't matter what sex they are--I go out and I enjoy them.

But yesterday, I enjoyed the Divine Feminine in so many ways:
  • In myself, making breakfast at home, for a late morning at work let us relax almost like a Sunday. I created a peach smoothie and my son really liked it.
  • With the charge nurse. I explained to her how I had to drive my son to my mom's then me to work (she knew the distance--mom is past my work the other direction)--and I asked for a 'long lead time' if they called me in. She is a mother herself, she knows there is no school, and I have alternate child care arrangements from a usual workday. She completely understood.
  • With my colleague--who is Persian. She shared her favorite recipe over lunch on the patio.
  • With my same colleague--when my patient was unstable she and I 'troubleshooted' together.
  • With my mom--she made a little meal for us 'a snack'--out of the little food she had, and it was delicious. She always makes it look pretty. This was right after my son and I decided to go out to eat before I dropped my boy at his dad's. I enjoyed spending time with mom more than a restaurant.
  • With my sister--she is the best godmother ever, and she took the kids and mom out for an adventure and also ice cream while I was at work. She sent me a picture!--she is so loving.
  • With my spiritual mom--this assignment I have is not simple. She is my strength and my heart, and helps me make sense and find courage in everything that goes on in every dimension.
  • With my Higher Self, Sophia, I am learning to thank her and interact with her, after her being there for me without my knowing for my whole life. Yesterday I thanked her for a good day and for not 'smiting' me. She was puzzled and Ross explains how on Earth people who hold a great deal of power can destroy and individual on a whim. My giving thanks in this way reflected her spiritual connection to things I don't understand or know, and was like a dog taking a submissive pose in a pack, he explained, and told her not to think anything of it. I felt this imbalance trouble her for the first time, as she learns to see the world through my eyes, and I felt a stirring in her heart to want to fix it, so that all people incarnate may feel as safe in the love of Source as everyone does 'at Home' up in the Higher Dimensions.

Appreciate Now

Look at the smiles in people's faces as you go through your day.

There you will find God--for everyone has a tiny 'spark' of the energy of Creator and Source within them, and EVERYONE has the Love in their heart to share...even the ones who might have forgotten...

Let's help them remember, by being loving in everything we think, say, and do...just for today.


I thank you for all you do for Doctors With Reiki. The Reiki Healing and love from the readers of this page, the community, and Twitter, is astounding.

Our ripples are being felt all over the globe.

And I thank you for making me smile to the questions I had Carla ask of you yesterday. (touches his heart).  

I am happy.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Pictorial Discussion On The Veil

You are your memories. The sum total of all of your life experiences create who you are. Your thoughts create your habits, and your habits create your character, and all of the energy that is linked to this creates what is called 'your Energy Signature'.  More on Energy Signature From Creator Writings Today

Anyone who has lost a loved one to Alzheimer's dementia will know what a cruel process this is, that takes the loved one away slowly, painfully, a little bit at a time, much to the dismay of the family who is often in the caregiver role. Depression is common in this patient population, as those who are affected with the disease are aware something is terribly wrong, and just can't understand what is happening to them...

But the elderly are not the only ones who forget...

When is my doctor's appointment?

What was I going to pick up at the grocery store?

What was it my teacher asked me to tell mom?

Stress, lack of sleep, disorganization, lack of interest, hunger, and fear can also impair the memory:

People who are experts on body language know that when a person is trying to remember something, their eyes go up and to the right:

Are you still with me?


What are some ways we get amnesia?

There is injury

And 'recreation' too.

All anesthesiologists are experts at rendering people amnestic and unconscious. 

Versed (midazolam)

 But are we the ONLY ONES who are capable of making people forget?

Could technology exist for creating amnesia on a larger scale than people undergoing surgery?

I don't know.

This is what I do know, as a mystic, and a physician---all of your lives, and every thought you ever had in any of your lifetimes, are recorded indelibly in the Akashic Records. It is your right as a sovereign being to have access to them, in order to grow and master your life lessons...

And for some reason, once you are born here on Gaia, something happens to your knowledge, like this:

 So for the rest of your lives, if you are not psychic and have an interest in anything remotely linked to the possibility of past lives suffer from this:

And all your life you FEEL like there is something MORE, some REASON why you came here, and you just can't figure it out...

This is the Veil.

Earth is a quarantine planet, according to those who think on a galactic scale. It is a tiny little place off in some corner of the universe, where some 'caretakers' who came to 'supervise' the 'native population' proposed this 'concept' of 'separation from God' and all of what any soul who is not on earth would instantly KNOW.

At some point, the veil is going to decay, and fall apart, energetically.

Until then, here is a code Ross just gave to us today:

32 27 5427   to lift the veil on the knowledge of past lives lived

Is the amnesia, painful as it is, in some way a GOOD thing?
  • for someone I know who is in Intelligence, on a galactic scale, the amnesia is protective for her safety.
  • If I had known my past lives any sooner than I had, I wouldn't have been able to focus on medical school or anything else! So my amnesia HELPED my mission.
  • our hearts feel the love, even though our minds might forget our in a way, the veil shows us that Love IS the Solution For Everything
  • If you knew of your past, perhaps then you wouldn't have really had a 'fresh start' in this life?
  • Being like this must amuse us in some ways--and show our character and courage to work around it, for example, I didn't recall our true anniversary, so I just picked one for me and Ross, to celebrate until I know the real one.

I'll let you be the judge on the whole Veil thing. At least now you know what it is, why it's here, and can start to imagine what life will be like for all when it suddenly 'lifted'!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

P.S.    Even if you can't remember, you are a child of The Divine, and perfect in every way, and you ARE Very Much Loved!!!