These guides are a mixed bag - some API style documentation and some tutorial and walkthrough style resources.
- Reflex-Dom quick(ish) reference guide
- A guide to typeclasses, widgets, and connecting to the real world.
- A Beginner-friendly Reflex-DOM guide
- A back to basics explanation of FRP, and how to write GUI’s using Reflex.
- Reflex quick(ish) reference guide
- Guide to typeclasses, function classification and organization, and connecting to the real world.
- Functional Reactive Programming with Reflex
- A 13-part, two-talk guide to learning and using Reflex by Dave Laing.
- An Introduction to Brick+Reflex
- Guide to writing standalone applications (a commandline) with the reflex library.
- CodeWorld & Reflex Integration
- Guide by Chris Smith on how to get started with cross-platform development using Reflex-DOM and CodeWorld.
- Comprehensive Reflex Documentation (Release 0.5)
- A 44 page complete walkthrough of the Reflex ecosystem and a collection of tutorials by Divam Narula.
- Get Started with Reflex
- A Reflex Platform quick-start guide complete with a tutorial by Saurabh Nanda.
- The Reflex Architecture
- A Reflex Dom workshop by Ben Kolera on writing frontend web applications in Haskell using Reflex. Some previous experience with FRP is recommended.
- 7GUI’s with Reflex FRP
- A slides presentation by Moritz Drexel that walks through how to write GUI’s with Reflex.
- Dabbling with Reflex FRP (and ghcjs)
- A slides presentation by Emmanuel Touzery on the workings of Reflex and it’s recommended uses.
Discussion Forums
- Reflex Reddit Discussion
- A collection of links relating to the Reflex library, and discussions surrounding them.
- Stack Overflow
- Discussion and question board for Reflex-FRP
- Github Reflex-FRP
- Pinned repositories
- Reflex
- README, pull requests, and additional resources on Github.
- Reflex-DOM
- README, pull requests, setup instructions, and additional resources on Github.
- Reflex-VTY
- README, pull requests, how to build, and Cabal instructions.
- Reflex Examples
- Download instructions, link to Reflex website page for examples.
- Hackage Reflex Library
- Reflex documentation on Hackage.
FRP Extras
- Functional Reactive Web Interfaces with GHCJS and sodium
- A tutorial by Luite Stegeman.
- WikiHaskell
- Explanation of Functional Reactive Programming.
- Functional Reactive Programming the book
- By Stephen Blackheath and Anthony Jones.
- Explicitly Comprehensible Functional Reactive Programming
- A paper by Steven Krouse comparing The Elm Architecture and Reflex Ecosystem’s frameworks.