Showing posts with label Miley Cyrus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miley Cyrus. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Why Miley Cyrus is Different Than You and Me

Ah, the Problems of the Stars

Miley Cyrus Hunger Games

Miley Cyrus is different than you and me.

Now, in case you were succumbing to that wayward notion that celebrities really aren't any different than you and me, the above classic deleted tweet should set you straight.

It's awful to have that monkey on your back!

Of course, she later married the guy. But that's a whole different story.

Miley Cyrus monkey

Get that monkey off your back, Miley!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Miley Cyrus with a Monkey on her Back

Miley Cyrus monkey
It's a monkey on her back, all right.
Miley Cyrus has a monkey on her back. Miley Cyrus is moving at warp speed to prove that, yes indeed, she really does have a monkey on her back. Doesn't look like she's in any big hurry to get the little feller off, though.

Oh, and is just my imagination, or does it seem as though Miley Cyrus is always doing something weird with her mouth? What is up with that? Just wonderin'. Have a nice day.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Star Trek Meets Miley

To Boldly Go Where Absolutely Nobody Would Go

Miley Cyrus meets Star Trek. Look, there are times to act all cool (which for me is never), and then there are times to absolutely revel in your inner Nerd. This is one of those latter times for me. If you're not a Star Trek fan, just mosey on over to another page, please, this has to be done, and it has to be done here and now. Yes, whoever made this deserves an award.

"Captain, I kinna hold her!!!!!!!!"

Star Trek

"That is ... illogical."

Star Trek


Star Trek

Thanks for understanding.

Star Trek