dvote 1.0.0 copy "dvote: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
dvote: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Decentralized, end-to-end verifiable governance platform client library for Dart.

DVote Flutter #

A Flutter plugin that provides communication capabilities to interact with decentralized governance processes running on the Vocdoni platform.

It provides Dart libraries as well as native modules written in Go.

More details: https://pub.dev/packages/dvote

DVote example #

Getting Started #

Import the Dart library on your project and use the static functions available on the Dvote class

import 'package:dvote/dvote.dart';

Entity API #

Use a Vocdoni Gateway to fetch the metadata of an Entity

import 'package:dvote/dvote.dart';

EntityReference entityRef = EntityReference();
entityRef.entityId = "0x1234...";

final gwInfo = await getRandomDefaultGatewayInfo("goerli");
final DVoteGateway dvoteGw = DVoteGateway(gwInfo.dvote, publicKey: gwInfo.publicKey);
final Web3Gateway web3Gw = Web3Gateway(gwInfo.web3);

final entityMeta = await fetchEntity(entityRef, dvoteGw, web3Gw);

Process API #

Use a Vocdoni Gateway to fetch the active voting processes of an Entity

import 'package:dvote/dvote.dart';

EntityReference entityRef = EntityReference();
entityRef.entityId = "0x1234...";

final gwInfo = await getRandomDefaultGatewayInfo("goerli");
final DVoteGateway dvoteGw = DVoteGateway(gwInfo.dvote, publicKey: gwInfo.publicKey);
final Web3Gateway web3Gw = Web3Gateway(gwInfo.web3);

// A specific Voting Process
final pid = "0x1234...";
final ProcessMetadataprocessMeta = await getProcessMetadata(pid, dvoteGw, web3Gw);


File API #

Use a Vocdoni Gateway to fetch static content from the net

import 'package:dvote/dvote.dart';

final gwInfo = await getRandomDefaultGatewayInfo("goerli");
final DVoteGateway dvoteGw = DVoteGateway(gwInfo.dvote, publicKey: gwInfo.publicKey);
final Web3Gateway web3Gw = Web3Gateway(gwInfo.web3);

final contentUri = ContentURI("ipfs:https://QmSsfizN4rpSDLRZw3X3WooCPpnBktZ5bEShvmLZuf88iw,https://my-server/file.txt");

final content = await fetchFileString(contentUri, dvoteGw, web3Gw);

Data models and storage #

DVote Flutter exports multiple Dart classes that allow to wrap, parse, serialize and deserialize the most relevant data schemes used within the platform.

import 'package:dvote/dvote.dart';

// Parse from JSON
Entity entity = parseEntityMetadata("{ ... }");

// Serialize into a binary file
File file1 = File("./my-entity.dat");

// Reading back from a file
File file3 = File("./my-entity.dat");
final entityBytes = await file3.readAsBytes();
Entity entity2 = Entity.fromBuffer(entityBytes);

// Storing a collection of entities
EntitiesStore store = EntitiesStore();
store.entities.addAll([entity, entity2]);
File file2 = File("./entities.dat");
await file2.writeAsBytes(store.writeToBuffer());

Classes #

The following classes are exported:

  • Entity
    • EntityMetadataStore
    • EntityMetadata
    • EntityMetadata_VotingProcesses
    • EntityMetadata_Media
    • EntityMetadata_Action
    • EntityMetadata_Action_ImageSource
    • EntityMetadata_EntityReference
  • Process
    • ProcessMetadataStore
    • ProcessMetadata
    • ProcessMetadata_Question
    • ProcessMetadata_Question_VoteOption
  • Feed
    • FeedsStore
    • Feed
    • FeedPost
    • FeedPost_Author
  • Gateway
    • BootNodeGateways
    • BootNodeGateways_NetworkNodes
    • BootNodeGateways_NetworkNodes_DVote
    • BootNodeGateways_NetworkNodes_Web3
  • Identity
    • IdentitiesStore
    • Identity
    • Identity_Type
    • Identity_Peers
    • Identity_Claim
    • PeerIdentity
    • PeerIdentity_Type
  • Key

Parsers #

Raw JSON data can't be directly serialized into a Protobuf object. For this reason, several parsers are provided:

  • EntityMetadata parseEntityMetadata(String json)
    • List<Entity_Action> parseEntityActions(List actions)
    • List<Entity_EntityReference> parseEntityReferences(List entities)
  • ProcessMetadata parseProcessMetadata(String json)
    • List<ProcessMetadata_Question> _parseQuestions(List items)
  • ProcessResults parseProcessResults(Map<String, dynamic> response)
  • ProcessResultsDigested parseProcessResultsDigestedSingleQuestion(ProcessResults rawResults, ProcessMetadata processMetadata, ProcessData processData)
  • ProcessResultsDigested parseProcessResultsDigestedMultiQuestion(ProcessResults rawResults, ProcessMetadata processMetadata, ProcessData processData)
  • Feed parseFeed(String json)
  • BootNodeGateways parseBootnodeInfo(String json)
    • BootNodeGateways_NetworkNodes _parseBootnodeNetworkItems(Map item)

Example #

  • See example/lib/main.dart for a usage example.

Development #

  • Clone the git repo
  • Run flutter pub get
  • Run git submodule update --init --recursive to fetch the protobuf subrepo
pub points


unverified uploader

Decentralized, end-to-end verifiable governance platform client library for Dart.

Repository (GitHub)
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LGPL-2.1 (license)


convert, dvote_crypto, fixnum, flutter, http, protobuf, web3dart


Packages that depend on dvote