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Triggers (Automation)

Here is the part you were waiting for! What is the point of writing pipelines if you still have to execute them by hand?


Triggers are a set of conditions that can instantly launch multiple pipelines when they are met.


In order to enable pipelight triggers these commands have to be executed somewhere inside your project directory.

Triggers are opt-in

Triggers have to be explicitly enabled from the command line.

Enable git-hooks (Optional)

Most of triggers only work inside a Git repository. Make sure you initialize a repository if you want to take advantage of them.

git init
git init

To enable git triggers (pipelight managed git hooks) on a fresh directory run:

pipelight init
# or
pipelight enable git-hooks.
pipelight init
# or
pipelight enable git-hooks.

Disable them with:

pipelight disable git-hooks.
pipelight disable git-hooks.


For now, this operation overwrites the .git/hooks folder. Be sure to move your manually defined hooks elsewhere before enabling pipelight hooks.

Disable them with:

pipelight disable git-hooks
pipelight disable git-hooks

Enable file watcher (Optional)

An instance of pipelight runs in the background and listens to filesystem events.

Computing resources consumption

The listener remains easy on the OS and consumes very few resources by once again using the kernel modules through Rust's most used crates.

pipelight enable watcher
pipelight enable watcher

Disable it with:

pipelight disable watcher
pipelight disable watcher

Define pipeline triggers

Create a combination of branches and actions for which the pipeline is to be triggered.

When triggers are added to a pipeline, the pipeline is not triggered until the triggering requirements are met. Which means that you need to checkout to the allowed branches or tags, and execute the allowed actions for the pipeline to be executed.

pipeline.triggers =
    branches: ["main"],
    actions: ["pre-push"],
pipeline.triggers =
    branches: ["main"],
    actions: ["pre-push"],

(debug): When verbosity is increased, the CLI tells you what to do if the requirements are not met.

type Trigger = TriggerBranch | TriggerTag;

type TriggerBranch = { branches?: string[]; actions?: Action[] };
type TriggerTag = { tags?: string[]; actions?: Action[] };
type Trigger = TriggerBranch | TriggerTag;

type TriggerBranch = { branches?: string[]; actions?: Action[] };
type TriggerTag = { tags?: string[]; actions?: Action[] };

Then, add triggers to your pipeline definition.

pipelines: [
    name: "test",
    steps: [
        name: "build",
        commands: ["yarn install", "yarn build"]
    triggers: [
        branches: ["main"],
        actions: ["pre-push"]
pipelines: [
    name: "test",
    steps: [
        name: "build",
        commands: ["yarn install", "yarn build"]
    triggers: [
        branches: ["main"],
        actions: ["pre-push"]

Git environment (optional)

Branch and Tags

Branches are your git project branches names (see: git branch). Tags are the commits you made with git tag -a "v0.8" (see: git tag).

Branch and Tag combinations are enhanced by globbing pattern matching.

triggers: [
    branches: ["feature/*"],
    actions: ["pre-push"]
    tags: ["v*-dev"],
    actions: ["pre-commit"]
triggers: [
    branches: ["feature/*"],
    actions: ["pre-push"]
    tags: ["v*-dev"],
    actions: ["pre-commit"]


Actions are named according to git-hooks names, plus special flags "manual", "watch" and "blank".

export enum Action {
  // mail hooks
  ApplypatchMsg = "applypatch-msg",
  PreApplypatch = "pre-applypatch",
  PostApplypatch = "post-applypatch",
  SendemailValidate = "sendemail-validate",
  // client hooks
  PreCommit = "pre-commit",
  PreMergeCommit = "pre-merge-commit",
  PrepareCommitMsg = "prepare-commit-msg",
  CommitMsg = "commit-msg",
  PostCommit = "post-commit",
  // other client hooks
  PreRebase = "pre-rebase",
  PostCheckout = "post-checkout",
  PostMerge = "post-merge",
  PrePush = "pre-push",
  PostRewrite = "post-rewrite",
  PreReceive = "pre-receive",
  PreAutoGc = "pre-auto-gc",
  FsmonitorWatchman = "fsmonitor-watchman",
  PostIndexChange = "past-index-change",
  // p4
  P4Changelist = "p4-changelist",
  P4PrepareChangelist = "p4-prepare-changelist",
  P4PostChangelist = "p4-post-changelist",
  P4PreSubmit = "p4-pre-submit",
  // server-side hooks
  PreReceive = "pre-receive",
  Update = "update",
  ProcReceive = "proc-receive",
  PostReceive = "post-receive",
  PostUpdate = "post-update",
  RefrenceTransaction = "reference-transaction",
  PushToCheckout = "push-to-checkout",
  // special flags
  Manual = "manual",
  Watch = "watch",
  Blank = "blank"
export enum Action {
  // mail hooks
  ApplypatchMsg = "applypatch-msg",
  PreApplypatch = "pre-applypatch",
  PostApplypatch = "post-applypatch",
  SendemailValidate = "sendemail-validate",
  // client hooks
  PreCommit = "pre-commit",
  PreMergeCommit = "pre-merge-commit",
  PrepareCommitMsg = "prepare-commit-msg",
  CommitMsg = "commit-msg",
  PostCommit = "post-commit",
  // other client hooks
  PreRebase = "pre-rebase",
  PostCheckout = "post-checkout",
  PostMerge = "post-merge",
  PrePush = "pre-push",
  PostRewrite = "post-rewrite",
  PreReceive = "pre-receive",
  PreAutoGc = "pre-auto-gc",
  FsmonitorWatchman = "fsmonitor-watchman",
  PostIndexChange = "past-index-change",
  // p4
  P4Changelist = "p4-changelist",
  P4PrepareChangelist = "p4-prepare-changelist",
  P4PostChangelist = "p4-post-changelist",
  P4PreSubmit = "p4-pre-submit",
  // server-side hooks
  PreReceive = "pre-receive",
  Update = "update",
  ProcReceive = "proc-receive",
  PostReceive = "post-receive",
  PostUpdate = "post-update",
  RefrenceTransaction = "reference-transaction",
  PushToCheckout = "push-to-checkout",
  // special flags
  Manual = "manual",
  Watch = "watch",
  Blank = "blank"

Git actions (Git-hooks)

Actions are named according to git-hooks names, plus special flags like manual, watch and blank.

Special actions

On file change (Watch Flag)

actions: ["watch"];
actions: ["watch"];

Trigger pipelines on file change. Whether a file is created, deleted or modified the pipeline is triggered.

You can ignore folders or files by declaring them inside the .pipelight_ignore hidden file which stick to the .gitignore file specifications.

Security (Manual Flag)

actions: ["manual"];
actions: ["manual"];

If you want to manually run a pipeline that has non-empty triggers, with the command pipelight run you need to add the special flag manual to the pipeline trigger's actions. This avoids unintentional manual triggering especially on critical production branches.