Syntax: exec command arg*
Context: rtmp, server, application
is an alias of exec_push
Syntax: exec_options on|off
Context: rtmp, server, application (see #1316)
The directive toggles exec options mode. When activated you can
add exec-family directive options. The only exec option supported is name
This option makes it possible to apply exec only to specified stream.
Default if off.
exec_options on;
# call my_on_publish_command only for "mystream"
exec_publish my_on_publish_command name=mystream;
# call my_on_play_command only for "another"
exec_play my_on_play_command name=another;
# execute different ffmpeg's for different streams
exec_pull ffmpeg -i https://example.com/abc.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp:https://localhost/$name/$app name=mystream;
exec_pull ffmpeg -i https://my.example.com/tele.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp:https://localhost/$name/$app name=tv;
exec_pull ffmpeg -i https://another.example.com/hello/f.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp:https://localhost/$name/$app name=fun;
Syntax: exec_static command arg*
Context: rtmp, server, application
Similar to exec
but runs specified command at nginx start.
Does not support substitutions since has no session context.
exec_static ffmpeg -i https://example.com/video.ts -c copy -f flv rtmp:https://localhost/myapp/mystream;
Syntax: exec_kill_signal signal
Context: rtmp, server, application
Sets process termination signal. Default is kill (SIGKILL). You can specify numeric or symbolic name (for POSIX.1-1990 signals).
exec_kill_signal term;
exec_kill_signal usr1;
exec_kill_signal 3;
Syntax: respawn on|off
Context: rtmp, server, application
If turned on respawns child process when it’s terminated while publishing is still on. Default is on;
respawn off;
Syntax: respawn_timeout timeout
Context: rtmp, server, application
Sets respawn timeout to wait before starting new child instance. Default is 5 seconds.
respawn_timeout 10s;
Syntax: exec_publish command arg*
Context: rtmp, server, application
Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on
publish event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitutions of exec
are supported here as well. In addition args
variable is supported
holding query string arguments.
Syntax: exec_play command arg*
Context: rtmp, server, application
Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on
play event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitution list
is the same as for exec_publish
Syntax: exec_play_done command arg*
Context: rtmp, server, application
Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on
play_done event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitution list
is the same as for exec_publish
Syntax: exec_publish_done command arg*
Context: rtmp, server, application
Specifies external command with arguments to be executed on
publish_done event. Return code is not analyzed. Substitution list
is the same as for exec_publish
Syntax: exec_record_done command arg*
Context: rtmp, server, application, recorder
Specifies external command with arguments to be executed when
recording is finished. Substitution of exec_publish
are supported here
as well as additional variables
- recorder namepath
- recorded file path (/tmp/rec/mystream-1389499351.flv
- path with directory omitted (mystream-1389499351.flv
- file name with extension omitted (mystream-1389499351
- directory path (/tmp/rec
# track client info
exec_play bash -c "echo $addr $pageurl >> /tmp/clients";
exec_publish bash -c "echo $addr $flashver >> /tmp/publishers";
# convert recorded file to mp4 format
exec_record_done ffmpeg -y -i $path -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ac 1 -vcodec libx264 $dirname/$basename.mp4;