Results for 'Victor Brochard'

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  1. Pirro e o ceticismo primitivo.Victor Brochard & Jaimir Conte - 2014 - Revista Litterarius 13 (1):01-16.
    Tradução para o português do artigo "Pyrrhon et le scepticisme primitif”, de Victor Brochard. Artigo publicado na Revue philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, Ano 6, 1885, p. 517-532.
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  2. A moral antiga e a moral moderna.Victor Brochard & Jaimir Conte - 2006 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 8 (1):136-146.
    O artigo a seguir, “A moral antiga e a moral moderna” (“La morale ancienne et la morale moderne”), foi publicado originalmente na Revue Philosophique, ano XXVI, janeiro de 1901, p. 1-12. Nele, Brochard discute as principais diferenças entre a moral antiga e a moral moderna, destacando a ausência na moral antiga das idéias de dever e obrigação, tão caras à moral moderna a ponto de hoje não a concebermos sem elas. O esclarecimento das razões que levaram os modernos a (...)
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  3. Os céticos gregos: radicalização do exame filosófico.Jaimir Conte - 2010 - Critica (Misc) 1 (1).
    Apresentação da tradução do livro Os Céticos Gregos, de Victor Brochard. São Paulo: Odysseus Editora, 2010, 464 pp. [ISBN: 8578760034].
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  4. Remark on Artificial Intelligence, humanoid and Terminator scenario: A Neutrosophic way to futurology.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    This article is an update of our previous article in this SGJ journal, titled: On Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, Artificial Intelligence & Human Mind. We provide some commentary on the latest developments around AI, humanoid robotics, and future scenario. Basically, we argue that a more thoughtful approach to the future is "techno-realism.".
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    correlação filosófico da escrita, linguagem e discurso, entre a prática, praxis, nos termos filosófico e antropológico, fazendo a ponte.
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  6. José Ignacio Moreno. Un teólogo peruano. Entre Montesquieu y Joseph de Maistre.Víctor Samuel Rivera - 2013 - Araucaria 15 (29).
    José Ignacio Moreno es uno de los fundadores de la independencia del Perú. En calidad de tal acompañó el proyecto del General rioplatense José de San Martín de transformar en 1822 la monarquía peruana en un reino independiente. Pero, a diferencia de la multitud de sus contemporáneos, la historiografía apenas lo presenta como un circunstante en la epopeya de la emancipación, de quien no se conserva ni un retrato. El motivo es la extraña adherencia de este personaje a las ideas (...)
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  7. Sketch this: extended mind and consciousness extension.Victor Loughlin - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):41-50.
    This paper will defend the claim that, under certain circumstances, the material vehicles responsible for an agent’s conscious experience can be partly constituted by processes outside the agent’s body. In other words, the consciousness of the agent can extend. This claim will be supported by the Extended Mind Thesis (EMT) example of the artist and their sketchpad (Clark 2001, 2003). It will be argued that if this example is one of EMT, then this example also supports an argument for consciousness (...)
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  8. Devir.Victor Mota - forthcoming - Lisbon: Bubok.
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  9. Love Potion.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  10. Sensorimotor theory, cognitive access and the ‘absolute’ explanatory gap.Victor Loughlin - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):611-627.
    Sensorimotor Theory is the claim that it is our practical know-how of the relations between our environments and us that gives our environmental interactions their experiential qualities. Yet why should such interactions involve or be accompanied by experience? This is the ‘absolute’ gap question. Some proponents of SMT answer this question by arguing that our interactions with an environment involve experience when we cognitively access those interactions. In this paper, I aim to persuade proponents of SMT to accept the following (...)
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  11. 4242.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  12. On Three possible applications of Neutrosophic Logic in Applied Sciences, including matter creation.Victor Christianto, Robert N. Boyd & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    In the same spirit with the theme of last issue of this SGJ journal (“Ongoing creation”), this paper shortly reviews a plausible mechanism from Aether to become ordinary matter from the perspective of Neutrosophic Logic. We also discuss two other possible applications of Neutrosophic Logic, including a resolution of conflicting paradigms in medicine. We hope that some ideas as outlined herein will be proved useful in the near future.
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  13. ¿principio De Caridad O Hybris?Victor J. Krebs - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 60 (3):61-90.
    “¿Principio de caridad o hybris?” La intuición de Wittgenstein, de que el significado lingüístico se constituye dentro de la trama de vida pareciera hacer posible un acercamiento entre la tradición hermenéutica continental y la filosofía analítica del lenguaje. En el presente artículo se sostiene que esta intuición debe ir acompañada de una revisión de la concepción del sujeto implícita en el “principio de caridad” de Donald Davidson. Sin esa reconcepción, el principio de caridad se convierte en una forma encubierta de (...)
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  14. Mindfullness no Retorno a Si.Victor Mota - manuscript
    A troubled mind is a busy mind, whean happyness come frome mental emptyness.
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  15. The Return of the Self by the Mirror of the Other.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  16. Struggle for Status.Victor Mota - manuscript
    the struggle for status is more primitive of what we thing or tought about, it's very linked with the struggle for survavil, terretory, reproduction, a world more and more violent in some way and stupidly peacefful on other way and territories...
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  17. How to Debunk Moral Beliefs.Victor Kumar & Joshua May - 2018 - In Jussi Suikkanen & Antti Kauppinen (eds.), Methodology and Moral Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 25-48.
    Arguments attempting to debunk moral beliefs, by showing they are unjustified, have tended to be global, targeting all moral beliefs or a large set of them. Popular debunking arguments point to various factors purportedly influencing moral beliefs, from evolutionary pressures, to automatic and emotionally-driven processes, to framing effects. We show that these sweeping arguments face a debunker’s dilemma: either the relevant factor is not a main basis for belief or it does not render the relevant beliefs unjustified. Empirical debunking arguments (...)
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  18. Cerimonial Fear.Victor Mota - manuscript
    Fear. Cerimonial Fear, as the Judge could be God, wich represents, some way, the entire society, dead or alive.
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  19. New Treatie on Human Understanding.Victor Mota - manuscript
    new treatie on human understanding, pursuing Spinoza and Locke.
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  20. What man ownes.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  21. How do the body schema and the body image interact?Victor Pitron, Adrian Alsmith & Frédérique de Vignemont - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 65 (C):352-358.
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  22. Not Just Errors: A New Interpretation of Mackie’s Error Theory.Victor Moberger - 2017 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 5 (3).
    J. L. Mackie famously argued that a commitment to non-existent objective values permeates ordinary moral thought and discourse. According to a standard interpretation, Mackie construed this commitment as a universal and indeed essential feature of moral judgments. In this paper I argue that we should rather ascribe to Mackie a form of semantic pluralism, according to which not all moral judgments involve the commitment to objective values. This interpretation not only makes better sense of what Mackie actually says, but also (...)
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  23. La reina belicosa y pacífica. Anamnesis de la teología política de Descartes.Víctor Samuel Rivera - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (157):475-504.
    La presente contribución intenta una ontología de la decisión política sobre la guerra y la paz a partir del pensar rememorante. Se toma como motivo narrativo el Ballet de la Paz de Descartes (1649); modelo nostálgico de una modernidad alternativa, adviene del olvido contra los presupuestos conceptuales individualistas y violentistas de la filosofía política moderna. Una hermenéutica política del Discurso del Método busca un Descartes teólogo político, contramoderno, partidario de una política destinal. Una silenciosa Reina, Belicosa y Pacífica, es su (...)
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  24. Tras el incienso. El republicanismo reaccionario de Bartolomé Herrera.Víctor Samuel Rivera - 2008 - Araucaria 10 (20).
    El artículo presenta el panorama entero de las ideas políticas del notorio conservador peruano Monseñor Bartolomé Herrera. Se trata por vez primera de un estudio exhaustivo de las redes conceptuales y filosóficas de su peculiar concepción del republicanismo, que se califica aquí de “reaccionario”. Luego de incluirlo en su contexto en la historia de las ideas en la polémica entre liberales y conservadores, el texto sostiene que, aparte de sus influencias neoconservadoras restauracionistas, Herrera, considerado hasta hoy un conservador liberal, habría (...)
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  25. O Mistério do Mundo (Mistery of the World).Mota Victor - manuscript
    World. An Interrogation and somehow definitive philosophical conclusion, between pai and exuberation.
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  26. Then and Now.Mota Victor - manuscript
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  27. Lost.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  28. Going Wide: extended mind and Wittgenstein.Victor Loughlin - 2018 - Adaptive Behavior:275-283.
    Extended mind remains a provocative approach to cognition and mentality. However, both those for and against this approach have tacitly accepted that cognition or mentality can be understood in terms of those sub personal processes ongoing during some task. I label this a process view of cognition (PV). Using Wittgenstein’s philosophical approach, I argue that proponents of extended mind should reject PV and instead endorse a ‘wide view’ of mentality. This wide view clarifies why the hypothesis of extended mind (HEM) (...)
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  29. 100 Principles of Social Sciences.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  30. Bullshit, Pseudoscience and Pseudophilosophy.Victor Moberger - 2020 - Theoria 86 (5):595-611.
    In this article I give a unified account of three phenomena: bullshit, pseudoscience and pseudophilosophy. My aims are partly conceptual, partly evaluative. Drawing on Harry Frankfurt's seminal analysis of bullshit, I give an account of the three phenomena and of how they are related, and I use this account to explain what is bad about all three. More specifically, I argue that what is defective about pseudoscience and pseudophilosophy is precisely that they are special cases of bullshit. Apart from raising (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Tras las manos del Führer. Heidder y la" lógica" de 1934.Víctor Samuel Rivera - 2007 - Escritos 15 (35):298-317.
    El texto combina una mirada sobre algunos elementos filosóficos y aspectos anecdóticos que ligan a Heidegger, el ser, el pensar y la pregunta por la metafísica con un eventual curso de “Lógica” dictado en 1934 y cuyo contenido es la relación ética entre el hombre y el Estado. Al final aparece la figura del Führer, sus manos y el destino de la humanidad.
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  32. Chronicles of an Anthropologist.Victor Mota - 2000 - Lisbon: Tender Editions.
    etnofiction in a subjective anthropology.
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  33. Flowers of Intention.Victor Mota - manuscript
    fiction with a strong point of posistivity and optimism.
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  34. From the Sky.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  35. From This Side of Life.Victor Mota - forthcoming
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  36. Nebulous.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  37. No Ignorance.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  38. Random Stories.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  39. Snooker.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  40. Evento y milagro. El 11 de septiembre: ¿Gianni Vattimo o Joseph de Maistre?Víctor Samuel Rivera - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (79):49-76.
    Resumen: La presente contribución gira en torno al significado del atentado terrorista del 11 de septiembre de 2001 para la hermenéutica filosófica, en particular la de Gianni Vattimo. El turinés gestó en sus textos de entre 2006 y 2014 una versión nueva de la hermenéutica que se basa en la experiencia de este acontecimiento. Esta nueva hermenéutica estaría atenta al conflicto y a las transformaciones sociales y tendría por núcleo la noción de “evento”, Sin embargo, Vattimo mismo no ofrece una (...)
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  41. On Some Metaphysical problems of Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Despite its enormous practical success, many physicists and philosophers alike agree that the quantum theory is full of contradictions and paradoxes which are difficult to solve consistently. Even after 90 years, the experts themselves still do not all agree what to make of it. The area of disagreement centers primarily around the problem of describing observations. Formally, the so-called quantum measurement problem can be defined as follows: the result of a measurement is a superposition of vectors, each representing the quantity (...)
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  42. Behind the Clouds.Victor Mota - manuscript
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  43. Exploring Non-Orientable Topology: Deriving the Poincaré Conjecture and possibility of experimental vindication with liquid crystal.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    This review investigates the potential of non-orientable topology as a fundamental framework for understanding the Poincaré conjecture and its implications across various scientific disciplines. Integrating insights from Dokuchaev (2020), Rapoport, Christianto, Chandra, Smarandache (under review), and other pioneering works, this article explores the theoretical foundations linking non-orientable spaces to resolving the Poincaré conjecture and its broader implications in theoretical physics, geology, cosmology, and biology.
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  44. Beyond differences between the body schema and the body image: insights from body hallucinations.Victor Pitron & Frédérique de Vignemont - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 53:115-121.
    The distinction between the body schema and the body image has become the stock in trade of much recent work in cognitive neuroscience and philosophy. Yet little is known about the interactions between these two types of body representations. We need to account not only for their dissociations in rare cases, but also for their convergence most of the time. Indeed in our everyday life the body we perceive does not conflict with the body we act with. Are the body (...)
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  45. What Is Left of the Active Externalism Debate?Victor Loughlin & Karim Zahidi - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1614-1639.
    Since the publication of Clark and Chalmers' Extended Mind paper, the central claims of that paper, viz. the thesis that cognitive processes and cognitive or mental states extend beyond the brain and body, have been vigorously debated within philosophy of mind and philosophy of cognitive science. Both defenders and detractors of these claims have since marshalled an impressive battery of arguments for and against “active externalism.” However, despite the amount of philosophical energy expended, this debate remains far from settled. We (...)
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  46. Numerical solution for solving procedure for 3D motions near libration points in the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (CR3BP).Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    In a recent paper in Astrophysics and Space Science Vol. 364 no. 11 (2019), S. Ershkov & D. Leschenko presented a new solving procedure for Euler-Poisson equations for solving momentum equations of the CR3BP near libration points for uniformly rotating planets having inclined orbits in the solar system with respect to the orbit of the Earth. The system of equations of the CR3BP has been explored with regard to the existence of an analytic way of presentation of the approximated solution (...)
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  47. Moral Reasoning and Moral Progress.Victor Kumar & Joshua May - forthcoming - In David Copp & Connie Rosati (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Metaethics. Oxford University Press.
    Can reasoning improve moral judgments and lead to moral progress? Pessimistic answers to this question are often based on caricatures of reasoning, weak scientific evidence, and flawed interpretations of solid evidence. In support of optimism, we discuss three forms of moral reasoning (principle reasoning, consistency reasoning, and social proof) that can spur progressive changes in attitudes and behavior on a variety of issues, such as charitable giving, gay rights, and meat consumption. We conclude that moral reasoning, particularly when embedded in (...)
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  48. John of St. Thomas (Poinsot) on the Science of Sacred Theology.Victor Salas - 2024 - Studia Poinsotiana.
    Contents I Introduction II Subalternation and Theology III Theology and Dogmatic Declarations IV The Mixed Principles of Theology V Virtual Revelation: The Unity of Theology VI Theology as a Natural Science VII Theology’s Certitude VIII Conclusion Notes Bibliography All the contents are fully attributable to the author, Doctor Victor Salas. Should you wish to get this text republished, get in touch with the author or the editorial committee of the Studia Poinsotiana. Insofar as possible, we will be happy to (...)
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  49. An Outline of Cellular Automaton Universe via Cosmological KdV equation.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Yunita Umniyati - manuscript
    It has been known for long time that the cosmic sound wave was there since the early epoch of the Universe. Signatures of its existence are abound. However, such a sound wave model of cosmology is rarely developed fully into a complete framework. This paper can be considered as our second attempt towards such a complete description of the Universe based on soliton wave solution of cosmological KdV equation. Then we advance further this KdV equation by virtue of Cellular Automaton (...)
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  50. Recent Experimental Findings supporting Smarandache’s Hypothesis and Quantum Sorites Paradoxes and SubQuantum Kinetic Model of Electron.Victor Christianto, Robert N. Boyd & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Smarandache Hypothesis states that there is no speed limit of anything, including light and particles. While the idea is quite simple and based on known hypothesis of quantum mechanics, called Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox, in reality such a superluminal physics seems still hard to accept by majority of physicists. Here we review some experiments to support superluminal physics and also findings to explain Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes and Quantum Sorites Paradox. We also touch briefly on new experiment on magneton, supporting SubQuantum Kinetic Model (...)
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