Results for 'Andrés Tirado'

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  1. Rugby como alternativa dentro de los procesos de reinserción social del Colectivo Calle, Paz y Respeto.Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alexis Mena Zamora, Silvana Escobar Córdova & Andrés Tirado - 2024 - Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Rcs) 1 (30):313-330.
    La práctica de Actividad Física y Deportiva en los procesos de reinserción promueve escenarios formativos integrales para la construcción de relaciones saludables dentro del entramado social, presentándose como una herramienta efectiva para el trabajo con jóvenes en situación de riesgo por contexto de pandillas. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la práctica del rugby como alternativa dentro de los procesos de reinserción social de jóvenes ex-integrantes de pandillas junto al Colectivo Calle, Paz y Respeto de la ciudad de Ibarra-Ecuador. La (...)
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  2. Wittgenstein E a medida da circunferência.André Porto - 2007 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 12 (2).
    Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics involves two highly controversial theses: the idea that mathematical propositions are not about (abstract) objects and the idea that no mathematical conjecture is ever answered as such, because the advent of the proof always determines a semantical shift of the meanings of the terms involved in the conjecture. The present article offers a reconstruction of Wittgenstein’s arguments supporting these theses within a very restricted setting: Archimedes’ discovery of an algorithm for calculating the number Pi.
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  3. The political dimension of animal ethics in the context of bioethics: problems of integration and future challenges.Carlos R. Tirado - 2016 - Revista Iberoamericana de Bioética (1):1-13.
    Animal ethics has reached a new phase with the development of animal ethical thinking. Topics and problems previously discussed in terms of moral theories and ethical concepts are now being reformulated in terms of political theory and political action. This constitutes a paradigm shift for Animal Ethics. It indicates the transition from a field focused on relations between individuals (humans and animals) to a new viewpoint that incorporates the political dimensions of the relationships between human communities and non-human animals. Animals (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Henri Poincaré, ciência e materialismo: o papel das hipóteses na oscilação entre atomismo e continuísmo.Andre Carli Philot & Antonio A. P. Videira - 2013 - Kairos: Revista de Filosofia and Ciência 7:167-186.
    This article was produced as an introduction to a Portuguese translation of an article by Henri Poincaré titled "The new conceptions of matter". The aim of this introduction was to shortly summarize Poincaré's scientific and philosophical production, to approach the circumstances on which the text was originally presented and, finally, to analyze the relationship - or the lack of it - that Poincaré establishes between science and materialism.
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  5. Empirical Beliefs, Perceptual Experiences and Reasons.André J. Abath - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (2):543-571.
    John McDowell and Bill Brewer famously defend the view that one can only have empirical beliefs if one’s perceptual experiences serve as reasons for such beliefs, where reasons are understood in terms of subject’s reasons. In this paper I show, first, that it is a consequence of the adoption of such a requirement for one to have empirical beliefs that children as old as 3 years of age have to considered as not having genuine empirical beliefs at all. But we (...)
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  6. Religión y Libertad en la Independencia de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica: desde la Emancipación Reformada a la Emancipación Ilustrada.Andrés Stark Azócar - 2014 - Intus Legere -Historia-, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile 7:99-120.
    The main characteristic of the so called "American Dream" lies in the fact of being strongly rooted in historical consciousness as the basis of identity and, therefore, as germ of custom and culture. Consequently, to fully understand the history of the United States, it is essential to refer to its origins, specifically with regard to the central role played by religion in the process of independence of the thirteen colonies. Does the history of the United States represent a unique and (...)
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  7. Language Models as Critical Thinking Tools: A Case Study of Philosophers.Andre Ye, Jared Moore, Rose Novick & Amy Zhang - manuscript
    Current work in language models (LMs) helps us speed up or even skip thinking by accelerating and automating cognitive work. But can LMs help us with critical thinking -- thinking in deeper, more reflective ways which challenge assumptions, clarify ideas, and engineer new concepts? We treat philosophy as a case study in critical thinking, and interview 21 professional philosophers about how they engage in critical thinking and on their experiences with LMs. We find that philosophers do not find LMs to (...)
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  8. A função e natureza das convenções e hipóteses segundo o convencionalismo francês da virada do século XIX para o XX: relações entre ciência e metafísica nas obras de Henri Poincaré, Pierre Durem e Édouard Le Roy.Andre Philot - 2015 - Dissertation, Rio de Janeiro State University
    In this work we present the function and we determine the nature of conventions and hypotheses for the scientific foundations according with the conventionalist doctrine that arose in France during the turning of the XIX century to the XX. The doctrine was composed by Henri Poincaré, Pierre Duhem and Édouard Le Roy. Moreover, we analyze the relation that conventions and hypotheses can establish with metaphysical thesis through criteria used by scientists in order to determine the preference for certain theories. Thereunto, (...)
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  9. Axe the X in XAI: A Plea for Understandable AI.Andrés Páez - forthcoming - In Juan Manuel Durán & Giorgia Pozzi (eds.), Philosophy of science for machine learning: Core issues and new perspectives. Springer.
    In a recent paper, Erasmus et al. (2021) defend the idea that the ambiguity of the term “explanation” in explainable AI (XAI) can be solved by adopting any of four different extant accounts of explanation in the philosophy of science: the Deductive Nomological, Inductive Statistical, Causal Mechanical, and New Mechanist models. In this chapter, I show that the authors’ claim that these accounts can be applied to deep neural networks as they would to any natural phenomenon is mistaken. I also (...)
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  10. Improving our aim.Judith Andre, Leonard Fleck & Tom Tomlinson - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (2):130 – 147.
    Bioethicists appearing in the media have been accused of "shooting from the hip" (Rachels, 1991). The criticism is sometimes justified. We identify some reasons our interactions with the press can have bad results and suggest remedies. In particular we describe a target (fostering better public dialogue), obstacles to hitting the target (such as intrinsic and accidental defects in our knowledge) and suggest some practical ways to surmont those obstacles (including seeking out ways to write or speak at length, rather than (...)
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  11. Polysemy and Co-predication.Marina Ortega AndrÉs & Agustin Vicente - forthcoming - Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics.
    Many word forms in natural language are polysemous, but only some of them allow for co-predication, that is, they allow for simultaneous predications selecting for two different meanings or senses of a nominal in a sentence. In this paper, we try to explain (i) why some groups of senses allow co-predication and others do not, and (ii) how we interpret co-predicative sentences. The paper focuses on those groups of senses that allow co-predication in an especially robust and stable way. We (...)
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  12. El otro cuya palabra puede transformarme. El papel de la alteridad en la hermenéutica de Gadamer [The other whose word can transform me. The role of otherness in Gadamer’s hermeneutics].Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 28:124-152.
    El artículo expone el papel del otro y de lo otro en la hermenéutica de Gadamer a la luz de la idea de diálogo. Para comprender se requiere reconocer lo otro en su carácter de tú, asumir que no se tiene distancia frente a él y estar abierto a acoger lo dicho por él como una posible verdad. La compresión posee una estructura dialéctica que implica la cancelación de las propias expectativas y el acceso a un saber más abarcante. Aunque (...)
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  13. The Pragmatic Turn in Explainable Artificial Intelligence.Andrés Páez - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (3):441-459.
    In this paper I argue that the search for explainable models and interpretable decisions in AI must be reformulated in terms of the broader project of offering a pragmatic and naturalistic account of understanding in AI. Intuitively, the purpose of providing an explanation of a model or a decision is to make it understandable to its stakeholders. But without a previous grasp of what it means to say that an agent understands a model or a decision, the explanatory strategies will (...)
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  14. Historia y télos de la filosofía: El debate de Husserl, Heidegger y Gadamer en torno al humanismo.Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2016 - In Diana M. Muñoz González (ed.), ¿El fin del hombre? Humanismo y antihumanismo en la filosofía contemporánea. Editorial Bonaventuriana, Sociedad Colombiana de filosofía. pp. 13-49.
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  15. Wittgenstein on Mathematical Identities.André Porto - 2012 - Disputatio 4 (34):755-805.
    This paper offers a new interpretation for Wittgenstein`s treatment of mathematical identities. As it is widely known, Wittgenstein`s mature philosophy of mathematics includes a general rejection of abstract objects. On the other hand, the traditional interpretation of mathematical identities involves precisely the idea of a single abstract object – usually a number –named by both sides of an equation.
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  16. O ceticismo filosófico.André Verdan & Jaimir Conte - 1998 - Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: Editora da UFSC.
    Tradução para o português do livro "Le Scepticisme Philosophique", Paris: Bordas, 1972, de André Verdan. Título da edição brasileira: O Ceticismo Filosófico. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC, 1998, 135 páginas. ISBN: 8532801390 / ISBN-13: 9788532801395.
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  17. Epistemic injustice in criminal procedure.Andrés Páez & Janaina Matida - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal 9 (1):11-38.
    There is a growing awareness that there are many subtle forms of exclusion and partiality that affect the correct workings of a judicial system. The concept of epistemic injustice, introduced by the philosopher Miranda Fricker, is a useful conceptual tool to understand forms of judicial partiality that often go undetected. In this paper, we present Fricker’s original theory and some of the applications of the concept of epistemic injustice in legal processes. In particular, we want to show that the seed (...)
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  18. Understanding with Toy Surrogate Models in Machine Learning.Andrés Páez - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):45.
    In the natural and social sciences, it is common to use toy models—extremely simple and highly idealized representations—to understand complex phenomena. Some of the simple surrogate models used to understand opaque machine learning (ML) models, such as rule lists and sparse decision trees, bear some resemblance to scientific toy models. They allow non-experts to understand how an opaque ML model works globally via a much simpler model that highlights the most relevant features of the input space and their effect on (...)
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  19. Seeing Water: Building International Justice Beyond Embodied Metaphysics.Andre Ye - manuscript
    In the discourse on International Justice, traditional frameworks are deeply rooted in 'embodied metaphysics'—a perspective embedded in the tangible experiences of human existence. By contrasting the physical with the digital realms, I suggest that our current global justice systems are ill-equipped to address the complexities of the digital age. Utilizing the metaphor of water to highlight the often-unseen environment shaping justice theories and practices, I argue that International Justice, as conventionally understood, reflects the constraints akin to fish oblivious to the (...)
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  20. ¿Quién soy yo y quién eres tú? La reformulación gadameriana de la aperturidad de la existencia.Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2015 - Alea Revista Internacional de Fenomenología y Hermenéutica 12:39-63.
    Por medio de un contraste con el pensamiento heideggeriano, el estudio desarrolla la concepción gadameriana de la alteridad, el lugar que ocupa este tema en la propuesta hermenéutica de Verdad y Método y la reformulación que ello supone de la manera como Heidegger concibe la aperturidad de la existencia humana y el acontecimiento mismo del ser. El trabajo inicia planteando la crítica de Gadamer al reconocimiento ontológico del otro por parte de Heidegger; muestra enseguida la oposición que se presenta entre (...)
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  21. El otro y la configuración del sí mismo en Ser y Tiempo.Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2009 - In Margarita Cepeda & Rodolfo Arango (eds.), Amistad y Alteridad: Homenaje a Carlos B. Gutiérrez. Ediciones Uniandes. pp. 213-223.
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  22. Singularité et perception visuelle1.André Porto - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):75-100.
    Cet article poursuit un double but : d’une part, situer dans le parcours philosophique de Wittgenstein une partie de l’histoire du « problème du champ visuel », thème clé de sa période intermédiaire ; d’autre part, mettre en lumière sa critique de l’idée d’un champ visuel (et celle de l’idée d’un objet interne). Nous croyons que ses arguments sont nouveaux, pénétrants, et ainsi leur intérêt dépasse les limites d’un exposé purement exégétique.
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  23. And Then the Hammer Broke: Reflections on Machine Ethics from Feminist Philosophy of Science.Andre Ye - forthcoming - Pacific University Philosophy Conference.
    Vision is an important metaphor in ethical and political questions of knowledge. The feminist philosopher Donna Haraway points out the “perverse” nature of an intrusive, alienating, all-seeing vision (to which we might cry out “stop looking at me!”), but also encourages us to embrace the embodied nature of sight and its promises for genuinely situated knowledge. Current technologies of machine vision – surveillance cameras, drones (for war or recreation), iPhone cameras – are usually construed as instances of the former rather (...)
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  24. (2 other versions)Wittgenstein Sobre as Provas Indutivas.André Porto - 2009 - Dois Pontos 6 (2).
    This paper offers a reconstruction of Wittgenstein's discussion on inductive proofs. A "algebraic version" of these indirect proofs is offered and contrasted with the usual ones in which an infinite sequence of modus pones is projected.
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  25. Arte, historia y lenguaje: La perspectiva ontológica de Verdad y Método.Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2015 - In Daniel Jerónimo Tobón Giraldo (ed.), Arte, hermenéutica y cultura: homenaje a Javier Domínguez Hernández. Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Antioquia. pp. 82-92.
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  26. Incertidumbre, Predictibilidad E Indeterminación En La Ciencia Física.Rafael Andrés Alemañ-Berenguer - 2010 - Thémata. Revista de Filosofía 1 (43):27-40.
    A lo largo del siglo XX, y en especial a partir del desarrollo de la física cuántica y de la dinámica no lineal, los conceptos de incertidumbre, impredictibilidad e indeterminación han sido fuente de gran confusión, pese a sus distintos significados y aplicaciones. Un somero análisis de las teorías que los emplean permite distinguirlos con suficiente claridad.
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  27. Bayle, Hume y los molinos de viento.Andrés Páez - 2000 - Ideas Y Valores 49 (113):29-44.
    El análisis de los conceptos de espacio y tiempo es generalmente considerado uno de los aspectos menos satisfactorios de la obra de Hume. Kemp Smith ha demostrado que en esta sección del Tratado Hume estaba respondiendo a los argumentos que Pierre Bayle había utilizado para probar que el razonamiento humano siempre termina refutándose a sí mismo. En este ensayo expongo las falacias en los argumentos de Bayle, las cuales están basadas en una comprensión inadecuada del concepto de extensión. Hume no (...)
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  28. Formalization and infinity.André Porto - 2008 - Manuscrito 31 (1):25-43.
    This article discusses some of Chateaubriand’s views on the connections between the ideas of formalization and infinity, as presented in chapters 19 and 20 of Logical Forms. We basically agree with his criticisms of the standard construal of these connections, a view we named “formal proofs as ultimate provings”, but we suggest an alternative way of picturing that connection based on some ideas of the late Wittgenstein.
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  29. Una aproximación pragmatista al testimonio como evidencia.Andrés Páez - 2013 - In Carmen Vázquez (ed.), Estándares de prueba y prueba científica. Ensayos de epistemología jurídica. Marcial Pons. pp. 215-238.
    El testimonio es nuestra mayor fuente de creencias. La gran mayoría de nuestras creencias han sido adquiridas a partir de las palabras de otros y no a través de la observación directa del mundo. Una de las peculiaridades de la mayor parte de las creencias testimoniales es que son aceptadas sin ninguna deliberación consciente. Mientras el testimonio sea consistente con nuestras creencias y la fuente sea confiable, la reacción más corriente es la aceptación automática de la información (Thagard 2004, 2005). (...)
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  30. Hermenéutica: el lógos de la fenomenología.Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2014 - Studia Heideggeriana 3:127-158.
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  31. El lenguaje como medio universal y la idea de conocimiento en Martin Heidegger.Andrés-Francisco Contreras - 2009 - In Alfredo Rocha de la Torre (ed.), Martin Heidegger: La experiencia del camino. Ediciones Uninorte. pp. 433-456.
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  32. Soberania e violência biopolítica neoliberal: revisitando o paradigma.Andre Yazbek - 2021 - Revista Natureza Humana 23 (2):46-62.
    O presente artigo recupera as noções de guerra de raças e de biopoder nas lições ministradas por Michel Foucault no Collège de France intituladas Il faut défendre la Société (1976), para refletir sobre a relação entre neoliberalismo e violência política. Nesse sentido, interessa-me examinar como o pensamento de Foucault formulou o problema do biopoder vinculado ao da violência de raça para analisar nossa atual política (neo)liberal em termos de paradigmas raciais e coloniais.
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  33. “Hoc est enim corpus meu”: ex-posición, vulnerabilidad y precondiciones de aparición corporal.Andrés Raúl Zenteno Cardoso - 2019 - Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14.
    El presente artı́culo tiene por objetivo el análisis de los cuerpos en su ex-posición, dado que la condición contemporánea de éstos resulta paradójica: cuerpos expuestos a los que se les impide aparecer. En otras palabras, mientras los mecanismos neoliberales han hecho de su ex-posición una condición fundamental al vincularla a la precariedad, las mismas tecnologı́as de poder han construido y reforzado precondiciones que impiden la aparición de los cuerpos, expulsándolos e incluso aniquilándolos. Bajo este panorama, la primera parte estará dedicada (...)
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  34. The epistemic value of explanation.Andrés Páez - manuscript
    In this paper I defend the idea that there is a sense in which it is meaningful and useful to talk about objective understanding, and that to characterize that notion it is necessary to formulate an account of explanation that makes reference to the beliefs and epistemic goals of the participants in a cognitive enterprise. Using the framework for belief revision developed by Isaac Levi, I analyze the conditions that information must fulfill to be both potentially explanatory and epistemically valuable (...)
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  35. The USA: A Motif for the Individual and Society.Andre Houle - 1995 - SKOLE - The Journal of Alternative Education 12 (3):88-98.
    First publication of the word synthisophy, and definition: Synthisophy - to put together the wisdoms of history.
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  36. Four Pillars of Statisticalism.Denis M. Walsh, André Ariew & Mohan Matthen - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (1):1-18.
    Over the past fifteen years there has been a considerable amount of debate concerning what theoretical population dynamic models tell us about the nature of natural selection and drift. On the causal interpretation, these models describe the causes of population change. On the statistical interpretation, the models of population dynamics models specify statistical parameters that explain, predict, and quantify changes in population structure, without identifying the causes of those changes. Selection and drift are part of a statistical description of population (...)
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  37. The Cultural Evolution of Extended Benevolence.Andres Luco - 2021 - In Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz (eds.), Empirically Engaged Evolutionary Ethics. Synthese Library. Springer - Synthese Library. pp. 153-177.
    Abstract In The Descent of Man (1879), Charles Darwin proposed a speculative evolutionary explanation of extended benevolence—a human sympathetic capacity that extends to all nations, races, and even to all sentient beings. This essay draws on twenty-first century social science to show that Darwin’s explanation is correct in its broad outlines. Extended benevolence is manifested in institutions such as legal human rights and democracy, in behaviors such as social movements for human rights and the protection of nonhuman animals, and in (...)
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    Transparencia, explicabilidad y confianza en los sistemas de aprendizaje automático.Andrés Páez - forthcoming - In Juan David Gutiérrez & Rubén Francisco Manrique (eds.), Más allá del algoritmo: oportunidades, retos y ética de la Inteligencia Artificial. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes.
    Uno de los principios éticos mencionados más frecuentemente en los lineamientos para el desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial (IA) es la transparencia algorítmica. Sin embargo, no existe una definición estándar de qué es un algoritmo transparente ni tampoco es evidente por qué la opacidad algorítmica representa un reto para el desarrollo ético de la IA. También se afirma a menudo que la transparencia algorítmica fomenta la confianza en la IA, pero esta aseveración es más una suposición a priori que una (...)
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    Rethinking Identity: Dialectics, Quasi-Sets, and Metalogic.André Henrique Rodrigues - manuscript
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    O justo cívico em Ethica Nicomachea V.6.André Luiz Cruz Sousa - 2023 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 17 (2):90-133.
    The present study aims at understanding how Ethica Nicomachea V.6 relates to its preceding chapters, V.1-5. On the one hand, the interpreter wonders for what purpose Aristotle introduces a topic named ‘the civic just’ (to politikon dikaion) in V.6, since V.1-5 treats extensively of matters of justice in the city. On the other hand, the same text posits that there is a certain ‘just without qualification’ (to haplōs dikaion), which may or may not be the civic just itself; compared to (...)
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  41. The “Crucial Step”.Andrés Ayala - 2017 - The Incarnate Word 4 (1):162-190.
    Here the point of departure of Being and Time is criticized, i.e. the priority of Dasein in the determination of the meaning of being. An overview of Heidegger’s doctrine is offered, his concern for intentionality is acknowledged, then it takes place a critique of his starting point, and finally a Thomistic alternative account of intentionality is proposed.
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  42. Molinism's kryptonite: Counterfactuals and circumstantial luck.Andre Leo Rusavuk - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    According to Molinism, logically prior to his creative decree, God knows via middle knowledge the truth value of the counterfactuals or conditionals of creaturely freedom (CFs) and thus what any possible person would do in any given circumstance. Critics of Molinism have pointed out that the Molinist God gets lucky that the CFs allow him to actualize either a world of his liking or even a good-enough world at all. In this paper, I advance and strengthen the popular critique in (...)
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  43. Los sesgos cognitivos y la legitimidad racional de las decisiones judiciales.Andrés Páez - 2021 - In Federico Arena, Pau Luque & Diego Moreno Cruz (eds.), Razonamiento Jurídico y Ciencias Cognitivas. Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia. pp. 187-222.
    Los sesgos cognitivos afectan negativamente la toma de decisiones en todas las esferas de la vida, incluyendo las decisiones de los jueces. La imposibilidad de eliminarlos por completo de la práctica del derecho, o incluso de controlar sus efectos, contrasta con el anhelo de que las decisiones judiciales sean el resultado exclusivo de un razonamiento lógico-jurídico correcto. Frente el efecto sistemático, recalcitrante y porfiado de los sesgos cognitivos, una posible estrategia para disminuir su efecto es enfocarse, no en modificar el (...)
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  44. La respuesta de Gadamer al humanismo antimetafísico heideggeriano.Andrés-Francisco Contreras (ed.) - 2017 - Bogotá: Editorial Bonaventuriana.
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  45. Estándares múltiples de prueba en medicina y derecho.Andrés Páez - 2015 - In Andrés Páez (ed.), Hechos, evidencia y estándares de prueba. Ensayos de epistemología jurídica. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Uniandes. pp. 123-152.
    Varios teóricos del derecho han propuesto el uso de umbrales o estándares de prueba más flexibles y más finamente discriminados. En la medicina es común utilizar estándares que poseen estas características en los procedimientos diagnósticos y en los exámenes médicos. Esta ponencia ofrece un marco probabilístico para establecer estándares de prueba múltiples en cualquier disciplina. La tesis principal es que la evidencia es un concepto umbral con respecto a la probabilidad. Múltiples umbrales pueden ser establecidos en un marco de intervalos (...)
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  46. La injusticia epistémica en el proceso penal.Andrés Páez & Janaina Matida - 2023 - Milan Law Review 4 (2):114-136.
    Cada día es más evidente que existen muchas formas sutiles de exclusión y parcialidad que afectan el correcto funcionamiento de los sistemas jurídicos. El concepto de injusticia epistémica, introducido por la filósofa Miranda Fricker, ofrece una herramienta conceptual útil para comprender estas formas de exclusión y parcialidad judicial que a menudo pasan desapercibidas. En este artículo presentamos la teoría original de Fricker y algunas de las aplicaciones del concepto de injusticia epistémica en los procesos jurídicos. En particular, queremos demostrar que (...)
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  47. The Principle of Causality and the Notion of Participation: Deepening into Fabro’s Defense of this Principle.Andres Ayala - 2024 - The Incarnate Word 11 (1):81-99.
    Given the importance of the principle of causality for the demonstration of God’s existence, this paper attempts to justify the evidence and necessity of the principle of causality, by following Fr. Fabro’s Thomistic defense—based on the notion of participation—but adding a particular emphasis on the notion of “being which is not per se,” this latter as an explanatory notion of the notion of “being which is by participation.” The introductory remarks touch upon two misunderstandings regarding the notion of participation employed (...)
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  48. Brief Essay on the Nature and Method of Epistemology.Andres Ayala - 2024 - The Incarnate Word 11 (1):67-80.
    These thirteen paragraphs portray epistemology as the study, not directly of knowing as a human action (which could be considered the object also of anthropology) but as the study of the mode of being of the object in the subject and, in this sense, of intentional being. Moreover, intentional being is not understood as the being of the cognitional species or representation, which is real and subjective, but as the being of the known, as the presence of the known to (...)
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    (2 other versions)La facultad a prevención.Andrés Gómez, Gloria Amparo Rodríguez & Iván Vargas-Chaves - 2015 - In Gloria Amparo Rodríguez & Iván Vargas-Chaves (eds.), Perspectivas de responsabilidad por daños ambientales en Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad del Rosario. pp. 143-162.
    In this book chapter, we study the preventive rule, raised in Ley 1333 de 2009, and the way that environmental law has been building its own rules; escaping from the administrative law and creating their own dogmatic, necessary to achieve its independence as a legal autonomous area. We also see that is possible to see how the preventive rule was designed out of the general theory of administrative act, because it has characteristics that make it unique in the Colombian legal (...)
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  50. INFORMAL EMPLOYMENT AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO WORK IN THE FORMAL SECTOR, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO IMMIGRANT OWNED BUSINESSES.Andre D. Slabbert & Robertson K. Tengeh - 2013 - Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences.
    In a world of more than 7 billion people, 80% live on less than $10 per day. Five (5) percent of global income is generated by the poorest 40 percent of the world’s population; while the wealthiest 20% of the population generates 75 percent of world income. Economics attempts to define or describe behavior and it ventures into the realm of predicting. Economics should therefore accept responsibility for controlling/directing realities. If we can understand, define and predict behavior, we should accept (...)
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