Title:Heart of Snow
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Ask the OP.
Rating: G-
Warnings: Sap. Cliché.
Notes: Sonnet commission. This one took a little longer than strictly necessary because of the holiday crazy that still besieges my life. Also, it's a Petrarchan sonnet, not a Shakespearean, so the rhyme scheme's a little different. (Also, looking back, I totally gobbed the rhyme scheme.)
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Title: Too Many Fingers, Not Enough Pie [part I]
Fandom: ST XI
Characters: Spock, Spock!Prime, Starek, Stavret, Orion Engineers
Rating: M
Warnings: Smut, language, foreign language…
Notes: Another one I started and didn't finish for the crackmeme. It's on my queue. I'll finish it, eventually. OP requested a hand!porn orgy, and I have cheerfully provided.
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Title: Complications in the Head
Fandom: ST XI
Characters: Spock, Kirk, Uhura, Scotty, some extras
Rating: M
Warnings: Alien peen, inappropriate use of a bathroom
Notes: For the crackmeme, but you knew that. I used to hang out in this fab gay bar, where there was only one bathroom. It had stalls. Sometimes people got into shenanigans in them, and we'd sit on the sinks and take bets… Of course, I'm the only bloke I know who looks like a twelve-year-old girl, so I kind of miss the single-bathroom theory of design.
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Title: The Love Song of J. Tiberius Kirk [part I]
Fandom: ST XI
Characters: Spock/Kirk
Rating: T
Warnings: Too much T.S. Eliot…
Notes: Started for the crackmeme. Don't know when I'll finish it. OP asked for some K/S with an extra helping of T.S. Eliot.
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Title: Realisations In a Cold Bath
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Spencer Reid
Rating: T
Warnings: Angst
Notes: Sometimes, things don't work the way they're supposed to. Sometimes, the little things are the most important ones.
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Title: Tala t'Zaprah
Fandom: ST TOS
Co-authors: diane_kepler and proudcockatrice
Characters: T'Nis, Starek (and a few surprises)
Rating: M
Warnings: Violence, non-con
Notes: T'Nis thinks kidnapping is the way to Starek's heart — or at least some of his vital organs.
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Title: The Only Time
Fandom: ST XI
Characters: Kirk, Spock
Rating: M
Warnings: This is kind of ugly. Dark themes, implied violence.
Notes: Jesus bleed on me. Remind me never to listen to NIN while writing Spock. Sorry, this is probably way the hell darker than the OP wanted.
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