Ni et al., 2007 - Google Patents
Novel hierarchical nanostructures of nickel: self-assembly of hexagonal nanoplateletsNi et al., 2007
- Document ID
- 4011483059706237600
- Author
- Ni X
- Zhao Q
- Zhang D
- Zhang X
- Zheng H
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
External Links
Novel hierarchical nanostructures of nickel, which were assembled by well-aligned hexagonal nanoplatelets, were fabricated through a simple solution method. The process involved the reduction of nickel dimethylglyoximate with hydrazine under controlled …
- PXHVJJICTQNCMI-UHFFFAOYSA-N nickel   [Ni] 0 title abstract description 278
- B82Y30/00—Nano-technology for materials or surface science, e.g. nano-composites
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