Ben Abdallah et al., 2018 - Google Patents
Comparison of optical indicators for potato crop nitrogen status assessment including novel approaches based on leaf fluorescence and flavonoid contentBen Abdallah et al., 2018
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- 15039347615753938775
- Author
- Ben Abdallah F
- Philippe W
- Goffart J
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- Journal of Plant Nutrition
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Some phenolic compounds are proposed as good indicators of crop nitrogen status (CNS). This research compared the use of leaf flavonoid content (LFC) as a potential indicator for evaluating potato CNS with other recognized indicators linked to leaf chlorophyll content …
- IJGRMHOSHXDMSA-UHFFFAOYSA-N nitrogen   N#N 0 title abstract description 148
- G01N21/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of optical means, i.e. using infra-red, visible or ultra-violet light
- G01N21/17—Systems in which incident light is modified in accordance with the properties of the material investigated
- G01N21/25—Colour; Spectral properties, i.e. comparison of effect of material on the light at two or more different wavelengths or wavelength bands
- G01N21/31—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry
- G01N21/314—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry with comparison of measurements at specific and non-specific wavelengths
- G01N2021/3155—Measuring in two spectral ranges, e.g. UV and visible
- G01N21/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of optical means, i.e. using infra-red, visible or ultra-violet light
- G01N21/17—Systems in which incident light is modified in accordance with the properties of the material investigated
- G01N21/25—Colour; Spectral properties, i.e. comparison of effect of material on the light at two or more different wavelengths or wavelength bands
- G01N21/31—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry
- G01N21/35—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry using infra-red light
- G01N21/359—Investigating relative effect of material at wavelengths characteristic of specific elements or molecules, e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry using infra-red light using near infra-red light
- G01N21/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of optical means, i.e. using infra-red, visible or ultra-violet light
- G01N21/62—Systems in which the material investigated is excited whereby it emits light or causes a change in wavelength of the incident light
- G01N21/63—Systems in which the material investigated is excited whereby it emits light or causes a change in wavelength of the incident light optically excited
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