USD137410S - Design for a hunting knife - Google Patents

Design for a hunting knife Download PDF


Publication number
USD137410S US D137410 S USD137410 S US D137410S
United States
Prior art keywords
hunting knife
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Application number
Olaf C. Naugle
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March 7, 1944. 0 Q NAUGLE Des. 137,410
HUNTING KNIFE Filed Nov. 1, 1943 l I I l I I l h INVENTOR.
ozflr C. Nflt/GLE. LZ/
firm M276. 0
F'atented Mar. 7, 1944. Des.
DESIGN FOR A HUNTING KNIFE Olaf C. Naugle, Marion, Ind.
Application November 1, 1943, Serial No. 111,563 Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is an end elevation of the knife looking Be it known that I, Olaf C. Naugle, a citizen at the blade end thereof.
of the United States, residing at Marion in the The dominant feature of my design resides in county of Grant and State of Indiana, have inthe handle shown in full lines. vented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim: for a Hunting Knife, of which the following is The ornamental design for a hunting knife, as a specification, reference being had to the acshown and described. companying drawing, forming a part thereof. OLAF C. NAUGLE.
In the drawing Fig. 1 is a side elevation of a hunting knife showing my new design.



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