SI9012289A - Injection device for self-administering purpose - Google Patents

Injection device for self-administering purpose Download PDF


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SI9012289A SI9012289A SI9012289A SI9012289A SI 9012289 A SI9012289 A SI 9012289A SI 9012289 A SI9012289 A SI 9012289A SI 9012289 A SI9012289 A SI 9012289A SI 9012289 A SI9012289 A SI 9012289A
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Rand Paul Kenneth
Regan Philip Malcolm
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Glaxo Group Ltd
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Priority claimed from GB898926825A external-priority patent/GB8926825D0/en
Application filed by Glaxo Group Ltd filed Critical Glaxo Group Ltd
Publication of SI9012289A publication Critical patent/SI9012289A/en



  • Infusion, Injection, And Reservoir Apparatuses (AREA)


Prijava opisuje vnašalno napravo, zlasti samoinjicirno napravo, ki obsega telo za držanje vsebnika (16) z zdravilno snovjo, pripravljeno za vnos, prožilni mehanizem (47) in sredstvo (46) za izdajo omenjene zdravilne snovi, ki ga uravnava prožilni mehanizem. Telo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov (40,41), od katerih je eden premakljiv relativno glede na drugega, s tem da ima eden (40) sprožilo (66) ("petelina") in omenjeni prožilni mehanizem (47) delno sprožimo s premikom sprožila (66) omenjenega prvega dela in delno s premikom drugega dela (41) relativno glede na omenjeni prvi del (40), s tem da je sprožitev popolna le če gre za hkratno delovanje sprožila in premik drugega dela. Po vsem tem se praznilno sredstvo ne more aktivirati ponesreči.The application describes the input device, especially the self-injection device a device comprising a body for holding the container (16) ready-to-use medicinal substance, triggering the mechanism (47) and the means (46) for issuing said a medicinal substance regulated by a triggering mechanism. The body is made up of two parts (40.41), of which it is one moveable relative to the other, with has one (40) trigger (66) ("cock") and mentioned the actuation mechanism (47) is partially actuated by displacement triggered (66) said first part and partly s by moving the second part (41) relative to said first part (40), in that the actuation is complete only in the case of simultaneous actuation of the trigger and shift part two. After all this, the emptying agent does not can trigger an accident.


GLAXO GROUP LIMITED London, Velika BritanijaGLAXO GROUP LIMITED London, United Kingdom

Vnašalna napravaInput device

Predloženi izum se nanaša na vnašalno napravo za vnos vnaprej določene doze farmacevtske snovi, posebno na napravo za samodejno samoinjiciranje le-te.The present invention relates to an introductory device for administering a predetermined dose of a pharmaceutical substance, in particular to an apparatus for self-injection thereof.

Samoinjicirne naprave za dajanje farmacevtskih spojin so znane, posebno za potrebe diabetikov za injiciranje insulina. Ugotavlja se, da je polnjenje takih znanih naprav zamotano, uporaba le-teh je nepriročna in hrupna in da naprave terjajo zelo natančno delo z njimi. Ker pa diabetiki potrebujejo injekcije na natančno predpisani osnovi, se naučijo, kako naprave uporabljati v ritmu, in se na pomanjkljivosti navadijo.Self-administered devices for administering pharmaceutical compounds are known, especially for the needs of diabetics for injection of insulin. It is noted that the charging of such known devices is complicated, the use of them is inconvenient and noisy and that the devices require very accurate handling. However, as diabetics need injections on a well-prescribed basis, they learn how to use the device at a rhythm and get used to it.

Pri eni takih znanih naprav v valjasto vnašalno komoro vložijo vnaprej napolnjeno običajno brizgo (injekcijo) in potegnejo bat proti sili vzmeti ter ga po doseženju izvlečene lege zapahnejo. Pri vnašanju insulina napravo postavijo na kožo, vzmet s pritiskom na gumb sprostijo, brizgo pa bat porine v kožo, nakar ta bat stisne votli bat brizge, s čimer se insulin injicira. Štrcalko po uporabi odvržejo in vložijo novo brizgo, koje potrebna nadaljnja injekcija.For one such known device, a pre-filled conventional syringe (injection) is inserted into the cylindrical intake chamber and the spring piston is pulled and locked after reaching the extracted position. When injecting insulin, the device is placed on the skin, the spring is released at the push of a button, and the syringe is pushed into the skin, after which this piston squeezes the hollow syringe plunger to inject the insulin. After use, the syringe is discarded and a new syringe is inserted, which needs further injection.

Naprave, kakršna je opisana zgoraj, so predstavljene denimo v EP 0338806 (Owen Mumford Ltd.), WO 88/08725 (Haselmeier), DE 39 60 926 (Dietronic) in DD 262585 (Tech Hoch, Merseburg).Apparatuses such as those described above are presented, for example, in EP 0338806 (Owen Mumford Ltd.), WO 88/08725 (Haselmeier), DE 39 60 926 (Dietronic) and DD 262585 (Tech Hoch, Merseburg).

Pri drugi različici samoinjicirne naprave, izdelku firme Owen Mumford Ltd (kolikor je znano prijaviteljici, zadevna naprava ni opisana v nobenem patentnem spisu), se prožilni gumb nahaja na strani naprave in ga na položaju blokira zatik za preprečitev po nesreči sprožitve. Zatik lahko ločijo od gumba z drsnim premikom vzdolž dolžine naprave.For the second version of the self-propelled device, a product of Owen Mumford Ltd (as far as the applicant is aware, the device in question is not described in any patent file), the actuator button is located on the side of the device and is locked in position by a stop to prevent accidental triggering. The pin can be separated from the button by sliding along the length of the device.

Patenti US 4329988, 4226235,3882863 in 3712301 (vsi na ime firme Survival Technology Inc.) zadevajo naprave za vnos protistrupov za potrebe vojaškega osebja v slučaju kemijskega vojskovanja. Ti samodejni injektorji se sprožijo, če jih pritisneš ob stegno. Predčasna sprožitev je preprečena s pomočjo varnostnega pokrova, ki ima središčni zatič, ki preprečuje sprostitev bata.Patents US 4329988, 4226235,3882863 and 3712301 (all in the name of Survival Technology Inc.) concern antidote entry devices for military personnel in the event of chemical warfare. These automatic injectors are triggered when pressed against the thigh. Early release is prevented by a safety cover that has a center pin that prevents the piston from loosening.

V stanju tehnike ostaja potreba po izboljšani samoinjicirni napravi, katere uporaba je vama in preprosta in naprava na pogled nevpadljiva. Naprava naj bi bila tudi pri povsem neizkušenem uporabniku uporabljiva enoročno in naj bi omogočala vnos majhne, natančne doze bodisi podkožno (subkutano) ali v mišico (intramuskulamo). Cilj pričujočega izuma je zatorej ustvariti napravo za v roke preprostih uporabnikov, nevajenih uporabe samoinjicirnih tehnik, dasiravno bo naprava seveda s pridom prišla v poštev tudi za stalne odjemalce.In the prior art there remains a need for an improved self-initiating device, the use of which is easy for you and easy to see. The device is intended to be usable by a single user even if it is completely inexperienced and should allow a small, accurate dose to be administered either subcutaneously (subcutaneously) or into a muscle (intramuscular). The aim of the present invention is therefore to create a device for the convenience of simple users, the unmanageable use of self-injection techniques, of course, the device will of course also come in handy for regular customers.

Do zgoraj omenjene potrebe pride iz razloga, ker obstajajo farmacevtske spojine, naprimer sumatriptan, ki je uporaben pri zdravljenju migrene in z njo povezanih težav, kot je npr. migrenska nevralgija (angl. cluster headache), ki se dajejo samo v majhnih dozah in sorazmerno nepogosto, tako da si uporabnik ne pridobi izkušenj z uporabo injekcijske naprave. Nadalje, ker do migrenskih napadov lahko pride znenada, obstaja potreba po kompaktni in prenosni napravi, ki jo je moč uporabiti na hitro in diskretno.The aforementioned need arises because pharmaceutical compounds exist, such as sumatriptan, which is useful in the treatment of migraine and related problems, such as. migraine neuralgia (cluster headache), given only in small doses and relatively infrequently so that the user does not gain experience using the injection device. Furthermore, since migraine attacks can occur suddenly, there is a need for a compact and portable device that can be used quickly and discreetly.

V skladu s tem izumom se ustvarja vnašalna naprava, ki obsega telo za sprejem vsebnika s snovjo, ki jo je treba vnesti, prožilni mehanizem in sredstvo, ki ga krmili prožilni mehanizem, za odvod omenjene snovi, pri kateri (namreč napravi) je telo sestavljeno iz dveh delov, od katerih je eden relativno glede na drugega premakljiv, s tem da ima en del prožilo (petelina) in s tem da se omenjeni prožilni mehanizem delno aktivira na osnovi delovanja prožila omenjenega enega od delov in delno aktivira na osnovi gibanja drugega dela proti omenjenemu enemu od delov, a je povsem aktiviran samo na osnovi obeh - tako delovanja prožila kot tudi gibanja drugega dela, tako da se praznilno sredstvo ne more po nesreči aktivirati.According to the present invention, an intake device is provided comprising the body for receiving the container with the substance to be introduced, the actuating mechanism and the means controlled by the actuating mechanism for draining said substance, in which (namely, the device) the body is assembled of two parts, one of which is relative to the other movable, in that one part has a trigger (cock) and said actuator is partially actuated by the actuation of said one of the parts and partially actuated by the motion of the other part against said one of the parts, but fully activated only on the basis of both, both the actuation of the actuator and the movement of the other part, so that the emptying agent cannot be accidentally activated.

Prednostno je en del telesa drsno vgrajen znotraj drugega in sega ven iz slednjega. V prednostni izvedbi je prožilni mehanizem vgrajen na enem koncu enega od dveh delov - tistega, ki je vgrajen v drugega, pri čemer je prožilo drugega dela v obliki pritisnega gumba, proti kateremu se giblje prožilni mehanizem, ko se en del giblje znotraj drugega.Preferably, one part of the body is slidably mounted within the other and extends out of the latter. In a preferred embodiment, the actuator is mounted on one end of one of the two parts - one that is mounted on the other, the actuator of the other part being a push button against which the actuator moves as one part moves inside the other.

Prednostno je vsebnik brizga, ki je držana v zgoraj omenjenem enem od delov. Z aktiviranjem praznilnega sredstva se najprej brizga premakne naprej znotraj tega enega od delov, da se prikaže igla, t.j. da igla prodre pod kožo, kot drugo pa se dol potisne votli bat brizge, da snov preide v uporabnika. Štrcalka je znotraj tega enega od delov lahko držana proti sili vzmeti.Preferably, the syringe container is held in one of the aforementioned parts. By activating the emptying agent, the syringe is first moved forward within this one of the portions to display a needle, i.e. for the needle to penetrate the skin, and secondly the hollow plunger of the syringe is pushed down to allow the substance to pass into the wearer. The syringe can be held against the force of a spring inside this one part.

V prednostnem primeru izvedbe je vnašalna naprava podolgovata, vitka in v splošnem valjasta in zato podobna nalivnemu peresu. Praznilno sredstvo znotraj naprave je lahko podolgovat potisni drog, ki ga potiska elastična sila.In a preferred embodiment, the intake device is elongated, slender and generally cylindrical and therefore similar to a fountain pen. The emptying agent inside the device may be an elongated push rod, which is suppressed by an elastic force.

Prožilni mehanizem lahko vsebuje dvojico rok, nad katerima je držan konec potisnega droga, pri čemer se drog sprosti na osnovi relativnega premika gumba za ločitev rok.The actuating mechanism may comprise two arms over which the end of the thrust rod is held, the rod being released on the basis of the relative movement of the arm separation button.

Del naprave, ki se giblje v drugem, je prednostno spet sestavljen iz dveh delov: prvega, ki sega ven iz naprave in je zasnovan kot tulec za držanje brizge, in drugega znotraj naprave, ki oklepa potisni drog, pri čemer sta prvi in drugi del obravnavanega dela naprave medsebojno sprostljivo združljiva.The part of the device moving in the second is preferably again composed of two parts: the first extending out of the device and designed as a sleeve for holding the syringe, and the second inside the device surrounding the pusher rod, the first and second parts the part of the device in question is mutually compatible.

Tulec za brizgo kot tak je lahko narejen iz dveh delov - notranjega in zunanjega tulca, ki sta medsebojno relativno gibljiva proti sili vzmeti.The syringe sleeve as such can be made of two parts - an inner sleeve and an outer sleeve, which are relatively mutually moving against the force of the spring.

V vseh izvedbenih primerih izuma se srečamo z veliko prednostjo, da se vnašalna priprava ne more po nesreči sprožiti. Prožilni mehanizem se namreč lahko aktivira zgolj z dvema čisto različnima premikoma - z aktiviranjem prožila in s premikom enega dela naprave relativno k drugemu. Prožilo je v prednostnih izvedbah na oddaljenem koncu naprave, tako da se omenjeni operaciji ne moreta zgoditi skupaj, razen v zelo premišljeni akciji.In all embodiments of the invention, we are faced with the great advantage that the inlet device cannot be accidentally triggered. The actuator can only be actuated by two completely different movements - actuating the actuator and moving one part of the device relative to the other. The actuator is in preferred embodiments at the far end of the device so that the said operations cannot occur together, except in a very deliberate action.

Po enem od vidikov izuma je vnašalna naprava zasnovana skupaj z ohišjem za vsaj en vsebnik s snovjo, ki jo je treba odvesti, pri čemer ohišje vsebuje odstranljiv tulec za vsebnik, sredstvo, ki sprostljivo drži tulec v ohišju, in vsebnik v tulcu, pri čemer ima omenjeni tulec sredstvo za sprostljivo priključitev samega sebe k vnašalni napravi, tako da tulec in vsebnik lahko snamemo z ohišja na osnovi sodelovanja z vnašalno napravo in ju po uporabi vrnemo ohišju.According to one aspect of the invention, the intake device is designed together with a housing for at least one container with the substance to be discharged, the housing comprising a removable container sleeve, a means for holding the sleeve in the housing and the container in the sleeve, wherein said sleeve has a means of releasably connecting itself to the inlet device, so that the sleeve and container can be removed from the housing based on cooperation with the inlet device and returned to the housing after use.

Ohišje ima prednostno pokrov, ki ga zapremo, ko mu je uporabljeni vsebnik vrnjen. Vsebnik je prednostno brizga, brizga pa lahko ima gumijasto kapico, ki ščiti iglo, pri čemer ta kapica ostane v ohišju, ko vnašalna naprava odstrani tulec.The housing preferably has a lid that is closed when the used container is returned to it. The container is preferably a syringe, and the syringe may have a rubber cap that protects the needle, leaving that cap in the housing when the intake device removes the sleeve.

Brizga je v tulcu držana prednostno proti sili vzmeti. Sprostljivo priključno sredstvo tulca je pri eni izvedbi lahko vijačni priključek, dasiravno gre alternativno lahko za bajonetni utor in priključek v obliki jezika ali za zaskočno zvezo.The syringe is preferably held against the force of the spring in the sleeve. In one embodiment, the releasable sleeve connection may be a screw connection, alternatively it may be a bayonet groove and tongue or snap connection.

V izvedbi, ki ji dajemo popolno prednost, sta ohišje in vnašalna naprava razporejena znotraj enega samega okrova. Okrov ima lahko vdrtino za vnašalno napravo, pri čemer ta vdrtina vsebuje sredstvo za nabijanje prožilnega mehanizma, ko napravo namestimo v vdolbino.In a preferred embodiment, the housing and intake device are arranged within a single enclosure. The housing may have a recess for the intake device, the recess containing the actuating means of the actuating mechanism when the device is inserted into the recess.

Prednost te ureditve je, da se da posamezne vsebnike s snovjo, pripravljeno za vnos, pred uporabo varno spraviti, brez sleherne nevarnosti, da bi se uporabnik poškodoval z izpostavljeno iglo. Na prvem mestu je vsaka brizga spravljena v tulcu, v drugem primeru pa je igla vsake brizge pokrita z gumijasto kapico. Brizge zlahka vlagamo v vnašalno napravo, ne da bi se uporabnik neposredno dotikal brizge, uporabljene brizge pa vračamo v ohišje in jih v njem zadržimo, spet ne da bi se uporabnik neposredno dotikal brizge.The advantage of this arrangement is that individual containers of the substance ready for administration can be safely stored before use without any risk of injury to the user with the exposed needle. In the first case, each syringe is packed in a sleeve, and in the second case, the needle of each syringe is covered with a rubber cap. Syringes are easily loaded into the intake device without the user touching the syringe directly, and the used syringes are returned to the housing and retained therein without the user touching the syringe directly.

Ohišje je prednostno zasnovano kot enota za enkratno rabo, ki je po uporabi brizge ali vsakokratne brizge varno zavržena.The housing is preferably designed as a disposable unit which is safely discarded after use of the syringe or the respective syringe.

Pri drugi izvedbi izuma je vsebnik premakljiv znotraj telesa proti praznilnemu sredstvu, naprava pa nadalje obsega sredstvo za preprečevanje praznjenja snovi, dokler praznilno sredstvo ni aktivirano od prožilnega mehanizma, tako da nalaganje vsebnika v telo lahko hkrati aktivira praznilno sredstvo s prožilnim mehanizmom.In another embodiment of the invention, the container is movable within the body toward the emptying agent, and the device further comprises means for preventing emptying of the substance until the emptying agent is activated by the actuating mechanism, so that loading of the container into the body can simultaneously activate the emptying agent by the actuating mechanism.

Koje vsebnik brizga, lahko nad iglo brizge predvidimo gumijasto kapico, da je brizga varovana, tako lahko brizgo kot tako uporabimo za premikanje praznilnega sredstva, navadno proti sili vzmeti.Which syringe container can be provided with a rubber cap over the syringe needle so that the syringe is secured, so the syringe as such can be used to move the emptying agent, usually against the force of a spring.

Pri vseh izvedbah lahko brizga s pridom vsebuje farmacevtsko snov, naprimer sumatriptan, za uporabo pri zdravljenju migrene in sorodnih težav, kot je migrenska nevralgija.In all embodiments, the syringe may advantageously contain a pharmaceutical substance, such as sumatriptan, for use in the treatment of migraine and related problems such as migraine neuralgia.

Prednostne izvedbe izuma so spodaj v podrobnostih opisane le kot primer, pri čemer se sklicujemo na priložene liste skic, v katerih kaže sl. 1 okrov, ki drži vnašalno napravo in ohišje po enem od vidikov izuma, v prostorski predstavitvi, sl. 2 okrov, vnašalno napravo in ohišje s sl. 1 v risarsko razstavljenem stanju, sl. 3 ohišje s skic sl. 1 in 2 v risarsko razstavljenem stanju v prostorski predstavitvi, sl. 4 prerez ohišja s sl. 3, sl. 5 vnašalno napravo s sl. Iv risarsko razstavljenem stanju v prostorski predstavitvi, brez tulca, ki je v skicah še spravljen v ohišje, sl. 6 prerez, ki kaže priključitev vnašalne naprave znotraj ohišja za zvezo tulca in vnašalne naprave, sl. 7 do 10 celotno vnašalno napravo, vključno tulec, v prerezu, iz česar se vidi delovanje naprave za vnos snovi, ki je spravljena v brizgi, pri čemer gre za prereze v ravnini pravokotno na prerez sl. 6, sl. 11 kompletno vnašalno napravo po drugi izvedbi izuma, v prostorski projekciji, sl. 12 risarsko razmaknjeno prostorsko predstavitev naprave s sl. 11, sl. 13 risarsko razmaknjeno prostorsko predstavitev dela naprave s slik 11 in 12, sl. 14 do 16 prerez naprave s slik 11 in 12, sl. 17 patrono brizge v prostorski predstavitvi, za uporabo po tretjem vidiku izuma, sl. 18 patrono s sl. 17 v risarsko razstavljenem stanju, sl. 19 do 21 vnašalno napravo po tretjem vidiku izuma, v prerezih, pri čemer je predstavljeno nabijanje brizge, in sl. 22 do 24 prereze podobno kot sl. 19 do 21, pri čemer so predstavljeni koraki za pripravo naprave za uporabo.Preferred embodiments of the invention are described below in detail only by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings in which Figs. 1 is a housing that holds an inlet device and a housing according to one aspect of the invention, in a spatial representation, FIG. 2, an inlet device and a housing of FIG. 1 in a disassembled state, FIG. 3 illustrates a sketch housing of FIG. 1 and 2 in a state-of-art disassembled state in FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of the housing of FIG. 3, FIG. 5 is an introductory device of FIG. Fig. 3 is an exploded state in a spatial representation, without a sleeve, which is still in the drawings in the housing, FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view showing the connection of the intake device inside the housing for the connection of the sleeve and the intake device; FIG. 7 to 10, the entire intake device, including the sleeve, in cross section, showing the operation of the syringe intake device, with cross sections in a plane perpendicular to the cross section of FIG. 6, FIG. 11 is a complete intake device according to the second embodiment of the invention, in a spatial projection, FIG. 12 is a planar spaced spatial representation of the apparatus of FIG. 11, FIG. 13 is a space-spaced drawing of a portion of the apparatus of FIGS. 11 and 12; 14 to 16 are sections of the apparatus of FIGS. 11 and 12, FIG. 17 is a spatial representation of a syringe cartridge for use in the third aspect of the invention; 18 is a cartridge of FIG. 17 in a disassembled state, FIG. 19 to 21, an intake device according to a third aspect of the invention, in cross-sections, showing syringe stuffing, and FIG. 22 to 24 cross sections similar to FIGS. 19 to 21, which outlines the steps for preparing a device for use.

Skica sl. 1 kaže v prostorski predstavitvi okrov 1 brizge, ki sestoji iz osnovnega dela 2 in pokrova 3, ki je šarnirsko pripet k osnovnemu delu 2. Ko je pokrov 3 zaprt, je okrov 1 prijeten na pogled in se imenitno prilagaja uporabnikovemu žepu ali torbici. Kot se bolj jasno vidi z risarsko razstavljenega stanja po sl. 2, osnovni del 2 okrova obsega oblikovan del 4, v katerega je z zaskočenjem prilagojen vložek 5 okrova, ki ima integralen šamir 6, ki vsebuje dva zaskočnoprilagodna jezika 7 za vložitev v odgovaijajoči luknji 7a v pokrovu. Vložek 5 okrova vsebuje valjasto vdrtino 8 in na splošno podolgovato vdrtino 9 v sosedstvu z valjasto vdrtino.Sketch of FIG. 1 shows in a spatial representation of the housing 1 of the syringe, which consists of the base part 2 and the cover 3, which is hinged to the base part 2. When the cover 3 is closed, the box 1 is pleasing to the eye and fits neatly into the user's pocket or purse. As can be seen more clearly from the drawing-disassembled state of FIG. 2, the base part 2 of the housing comprises a molded part 4 into which the latch 5 is fitted by means of a snap-lock, which has an integral shimmer 6, which contains two snap-adjusting tongues 7 for insertion into the corresponding hole 7a in the lid. The sleeve insert 5 comprises a cylindrical recess 8 and generally an elongated recess 9 adjacent to the cylindrical recess.

Vdrtina 8 je za napravo 10 za vnos brizge, podolgovata vdrtina 9 pa za ohišje 11 patrone brizge. V tej risarsko predstavljeni izvedbi ohišje 11 patrone brizge obsega dve patroni brizge za enkratno uporabo, v drugih izvedbah pa ima lahko samo eno patrono brizge ali več kot dve patroni.The recess 8 is for the syringe intake device 10 and the elongate recess 9 is for the syringe housing 11. In this drawing embodiment, the housing of the syringe cartridge 11 comprises two disposable syringe cartridges, and in other embodiments it may have only one syringe cartridge or more than two cartridges.

Vložek 5 okrova se z zaskočenjem prilagodi oblikovanemu delu 4, ohišje 11 za patroni brizg pa se z zaskočenjem prilagodi vložku 5 okrova in oblikovanemu delu 4, tako da sta ponovljivo zapirljiva pokrova 12 čisto zgoraj. Vsaka od dveh gibkih rok 13 na ohišju 11 patron ima na svojem koncu okroglo blazinico 14, pri čemer se ta blazinica prilega prirejeni okrogli luknji 14a, po eni na vsaki strani oblikovanega delaThe insert 5 of the housing is locked to the molded part 4, and the housing 11 for the cartridge is snapped to the insert 5 of the housing and the molded part 4, so that the repeatably lockable covers 12 are just above. Each of the two flexible arms 13 on the housing 11 of the cartridge has a circular pad 14 at its end, with this pad fitting to an adapted circular hole 14a, one on each side of the molded portion

4. Med uporabo blazinici 14 pritisnemo, da snamemo ohišje 11, ko je potrebna zamenjava.4. During use, press the pad 14 to remove the housing 11 when replacement is required.

Ohišje 11 za patroni brizg je pobliže predstavljeno na sl. 3. Na tej skici je v risarsko razstavljenem stanju predstavljena samo ena patrona 15 brizge. Ohišje 11 vsebuje osnovni del lla, ki se zaskočno prilega ohišju, pri čemer ima osnovni del gibki roki 13, o katerih je bil govor zgoraj.The housing 11 for the syringe cartridge is presented in more detail in FIG. 3. In this drawing, only one cartridge 15 of the syringe is shown in the disassembled state. The housing 11 has a base member latch that snaps into place with the housing having a flexible arm 13, discussed above.

Vsaka brizga 16, ki je spravljena v dvojčično ohišje 11 za patroni brizg, je vnaprej polnjena z vnaprej določeno količino zdravila in obsega stekleno pušico 17, ki vsebuje zdravilo in je zaprta z gumijastim zamaškom 18. Igla 19 brizge (ni predstavljena na tej skici) je zaščitena z gumijasto kapico 20. Pušica ima prirobnico 21, kapica pa venec 22. Brizga je razporejena znotraj tulčnega sklopa 23, ki sestoji iz notranjega tulca 24 in zunanjega tulca 25 ter z lahko vzmetjo 26 med njima. Prileganje brizge bo opisano bolj podrobno kasneje. Tulčni sklop 23 s potisnjenjem prilagodno vložimo v ohišje 11 za patroni brizg, kot je opisano kasneje.Each syringe 16 housed in a twin housing 11 for the syringe cartridge is pre-filled with a predetermined amount of drug and comprises a glass arrow 17 containing the drug and sealed with a rubber stopper 18. The needle 19 of the syringe (not shown in this drawing) is protected by a rubber cap 20. The arrow has a flange 21 and a cap 22. The syringe is arranged inside the sleeve assembly 23, which consists of an inner sleeve 24 and an outer sleeve 25, and a light spring 26 between them. The fit of the syringe will be described in more detail later. Push the sleeve assembly 23 into the housing 11 of the syringe cartridge by pushing as described later.

Kot tudi lahko vidimo s sl. 4, se notranji tulec 24 prilega notranjosti zgornjega odseka 27 zunanjega tulca 25 brizge, pri čemer je to prileganje možno na osnovi rež 28 v notranjem tulcu 24 brizge, ki omogočajo, da se stranice tulca navznoter umaknejo. Reže 28 se ujemajo z vzdolžnimi rebri 29 na notranji strani zunanjega tulca 25. To ujemanje preprečuje zasuk notranjega tulca 24 relativno k zunanjemu tulcu 25. Rebra 29 tudi omejujejo gibanje notranjega tulca 24 v zunanji tulec 25, t.j., ko so rebra 29 na koncu rež 28, ni možno nadaljnje gibanje. Ko je notranji tulec 24 nameščen v zunanjem tulcu 25, se zunanje štrline 30 na notranjem tulcu nahajajo pod notranjim obročastim pragom 31 ob vrhu zunanjega tulca 25. Tako se notranji tulec ne more premakniti ven iz zunanjega tulca. Gibanje notranjega tulca 24 v zunanji tulec 25 nasprotuje sili lahke vzmeti 26, ki se nahaja med zgornjo prirobo 32 notranjega tulca in zgornjim koncem 33 zunanjega tulca 25.As can also be seen from FIG. 4, the inner sleeve 24 fits inside the upper section 27 of the outer sleeve 25 of the syringe, this fitting being possible on the basis of the slots 28 in the inner sleeve 24 of the syringe, allowing the sides of the sleeve to be displaced inwardly. The slots 28 match the longitudinal ribs 29 on the inside of the outer sleeve 25. This match prevents the rotation of the inner sleeve 24 relative to the outer sleeve 25. The ribs 29 also restrict the movement of the inner sleeve 24 to the outer sleeve 25, i.e. when the ribs 29 are at the end of the slots 28, no further movement is possible. When the inner sleeve 24 is housed in the outer sleeve 25, the outer projections 30 on the inner sleeve are located below the inner annular sill 31 at the top of the outer sleeve 25. Thus, the inner sleeve cannot move out of the outer sleeve. The movement of the inner sleeve 24 into the outer sleeve 25 is counteracted by the force of the light spring 26 located between the upper flange 32 of the inner sleeve and the upper end 33 of the outer sleeve 25.

Zunanji tulec 25 brizge obsega vmes med svojima koncema obročasto žmulo 34, okoli svojega zgornjega konca pa nosi vijačni navoj 35 za zvezo s prirejenim navojnim delom prožilne naprave brizge. Ta zveza bo opisana kasneje.The outer sleeve 25 of the syringe comprises between the two ends an annular groove 34 and, at its upper end, a threaded thread 35 for connection with the adapted threaded portion of the syringe actuator. This link will be described later.

Zaporedje, po katerem sestavne dele, ki so opisani zgoraj, sestavimo, je, kot sledi. Lahko vzmet 26 namestimo na mesto okoli notranjega tulca 24 brizge. Notranji tulec 24 brizge namestimo v zunanji tulec 25 brizge. Tulčni sklop nato vložimo v ohišje 11 za patroni brizg, da se žmula 34 namesti pod obročast greben 36 na notranji strani ohišja za patroni. V tulčni sklop zatem vložimo brizgo 16, da prirobnica 21 pri zgornjem koncu pušice za brizgo zadene ob konec notranjega tulca 24.The sequence in which the components described above are assembled is as follows. The spring 26 can be positioned around the inner sleeve 24 of the syringe. Insert the inner syringe 24 into the outer syringe 25. The hub assembly is then inserted into the cartridge housing 11 for the syringe to place the bead 34 below the annular ridge 36 on the inside of the cartridge housing. Subsequently, a syringe 16 is inserted into the sleeve assembly so that the flange 21 at the upper end of the syringe sleeve hits the end of the inner sleeve 24.

Skica sl. 4 kaže tulčni sklop vložen v ohišje 11 za patroni in eno od brizg 16 vloženo v tulčni sklop 23. V tem položaju spodnji konec zunanjega tulca 25 obdaja votlo valjasto štrlino 37 pri osnovi 38 ohišja. Ta štrlina je bolj jasno vidna pri vdolbini na desni strani ohišja 11 za patroni. Na notranji strani zgornjega roba valjaste štrline 37 se nahaja obročast zob 39. Ko brizgo 16 potisnemo v tulčni sklop v ohišju 11, venec 22 gumijaste kapice 20 naleze pod ta zob 39.Sketch of FIG. 4 shows a sleeve assembly inserted into the housing 11 for cartridges and one of the syringes 16 inserted into a housing assembly 23. In this position, the lower end of the outer sleeve 25 is surrounded by a hollow cylindrical projection 37 at the base 38 of the housing. This protrusion is more clearly visible in the recess on the right side of the cartridge housing 11. On the inside of the upper edge of the cylindrical projection 37 there is a ring tooth 39. When the syringe 16 is pushed into the sleeve assembly in the housing 11, the gum 22 of the rubber cap 20 comes under this tooth 39.

Skica sl. 5 v risarsko razmaknjenem stanju kaže napravo 10 za sprožitev brizge. Prožilna naprava 10 obsega zunanji okrov 40 in notranje steblo 41, ki drsi notri po zunanjem okrovu 40. Reži 42 na notranjem steblu 41 drsita preko vzdolžnih notranjih reber 43 (nista vidni) zunanjega okrova 40 in preprečujeta zasuk notranjega stebla 41 relativno k okrovu 40. Spodnji del notranjega stebla 41 ima večji premer in med tem širšim delom in ostankom stebla je narejena stopnica 44.Sketch of FIG. 5 shows a syringe-triggering device 10 in the spaced state. The actuator 10 comprises an outer housing 40 and an inner stem 41 that slides inwardly over the outer housing 40. The slots 42 on the inner stem 41 slide over longitudinal inner ribs 43 (not visible) of the outer housing 40 and prevent rotation of the inner stem 41 relative to the housing 40. The lower part of the inner stem 41 has a larger diameter and a step 44 is formed between this wider portion and the rest of the stem.

V notranjem steblu 41 je vgrajen sklop 45 votlega bata, obsegajoč potisni drog 46 in zadrževalni čelni nastavek 47, ki ju narazen potiska vzmet 48. Na vrhu potisnega droga je glava 50, kije od ostanka potisnega droga ločena s tanjšim vratnim odsekom 51. Del z glavo 50 smukne onstran vrha dveh rok 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47.The inner stem 41 includes a hollow piston assembly 45 comprising a thrust rod 46 and a retaining end nozzle 47 which are pushed apart by a spring 48. At the top of the thrust rod is a head 50 which is separated from the thrust rod rest by a thin neck section 51. the head 50 snaps beyond the top of the two arms 52 of the retaining front attachment 47.

Tudi zadrževalni čelni nastavek 47 obsega glavni, kot votlo telo zasnovani odsek 55 in tanjšo valjasto štrlino 56, ki sega ven iz telesnega odseka 55 in za namestitev v konec notranjega stebla 41. Notranja stopnica 57 (glej sl. 6) med telesnim delom 55 in tanjšim odsekom 56 tvori ležišče za vzmet 48. Ležišče za drugi konec vzmeti 48 določa obročast venec 58 na potisnem drogu 46. Med rokama 52 in telesnim delom 55 obstaja stopnica 59.Also, the retaining end nozzle 47 comprises a main, hollow body shaped section 55 and a thin cylindrical projection 56 extending out of the body section 55 and for insertion into the end of the inner stem 41. The inner step 57 (see FIG. 6) between the body part 55 and a thin section 56 forms a bearing for the spring 48. The bearing for the other end of the spring 48 determines the annular ring 58 on the thrust rod 46. There is a step 59 between the arms 52 and the body 55.

Zaskoka 60 na zgornjem koncu notranjega stebla 41 zaskočita v obodni reži 61 v telesnem odseku 55 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47.The latch 60 at the upper end of the inner stem 41 engages in a circumferential slot 61 in the body section 55 of the retaining front attachment 47.

Prožilna naprava obsega tudi prožen sklop 64 prožilca, ki obsega kapico 65, ki določa ležišče za prožilni gumb 66, skupaj z vzmetjo 67 gumba. Prožilni gumb 66 obsega dvojico rok 68, katerih mesto je v režah 69 med rokama 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47. Vzmet 67 je držana med obročastim robom 70 na prožilnem gumbu 66 in stopnico 59 glavnega telesa zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka. Na koncu dveh rok 68 najbliže obročastemu robu 70 prožilnega gumba se nahaja nagnjen odsek 71; drugače rečeno - vsaka roka 68 se z bližanjem odseku gumba pahljačasto širi.The actuating device also comprises a flexible actuator assembly 64 comprising a cap 65 which defines the actuator button 66 seat, together with a button spring 67. The trigger button 66 comprises a pair of arms 68, the position of which is in the slots 69 between the arms 52 of the retaining front attachment 47. The spring 67 is held between the annular edge 70 of the trigger button 66 and the step 59 of the main body of the retaining front attachment. An inclined section 71 is located at the end of the two arms 68 closest to the annular edge 70 of the actuator knob; in other words, each arm 68 expands in a frantic way as the button section approaches.

Ta pahljačasto razširjajoč se odsek vsake roke, ko je potisnjen v reži 69, teži za tem, da loči roki 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47.This fluffy extending portion of each arm, when pushed into the slot 69, tends to separate the arms 52 of the retaining front attachment 47.

Kapica 65 za gumb 66 se zatakne v ohišju 40, s tem da obročasta štrlina 73 na zunanji strani kapice 65 vskoči v obročasto brazdo 74 na notranji strani zunanjega okrova 40. Kapica 65 ima tudi dvojico gibkih rok 75, ki sotvorita štrlino 73 in ki sta, ko je kapica vložena v zunanji okrov 40, siljeni noter za dosego omejevanja potovanja gumba 66. Omeniti tudi velja, da na notranji površini gumba notranjega stebla 41 obstaja vijačni navoj 76 (glej sl. 6) za zvezo z vijačnim navojem 35 zunanjega tulca 25 za patrono. Medsebojno sklapljanje sestavnih delov prožilne naprave bo v nadaljnjem podrobno opisano ob pomoči skice sl. 6.The cap 65 for the button 66 closes in the housing 40, with the annular projection 73 on the outside of the cap 65 projecting into the annular groove 74 on the inside of the outer housing 40. The cap 65 also has two flexible arms 75 which form the projection 73 and which are when the cap is inserted into the outer housing 40, forced in there to limit the travel of the button 66. It should also be noted that there is a screw thread 76 (see Fig. 6) on the inner surface of the button of the inner stem 41 for connection with the screw thread 35 of the outer sleeve 25 for the cartridge. The coupling of the actuator components will be described in further detail with the help of the sketch of FIG. 6.

Sestavljeno prožilno napravo 10 lahko vidimo, konkretno v prerezu, na sl. 6, ki tudi kaže prožilno napravo 10 razporejeno v ohišju 11 za patroni. Seveda je med uporabo ohišje za patroni v okrovu 1 skic sl. 1 in 2.The assembled actuation device 10 can be seen, specifically in cross section, in FIG. 6, which also shows the actuator 10 arranged in the housing 11 for the cartridges. Of course, while using the cartridge housing in the housing 1 of the drawings of FIG. 1 and 2.

Kot vidimo na tej skici, je notranje steblo 41 vloženo v zunanje steblo 40 od spodaj, potisni drog 46 in vzmet 48 sta vložena v notranje steblo od zgoraj, zadrževalni čelni nastavek 47 je nataknjen na konec notranjega stebla 41, kapica 65 pa zaskoči v koncu zunanjega okrova 40.As we can see in this sketch, the inner stem 41 is inserted into the outer stem 40 from below, the thrust rod 46 and the spring 48 are inserted into the inner stem from above, the retaining end nozzle 47 is inserted into the end of the inner stem 41, and the cap 65 snaps into the end outer housing 40.

Naj bo omenjeno, da notranja stopnica 77, na katero zadene glavno telo 55 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47, preprečuje notranjemu okrovu 41, da bi izstopil iz zunanjega okrova 40, in da notranja stopnica 78 preprečuje potisnemu drogu 46, da bi prišel ven iz notranjega stebla 41.It should be mentioned that the inner step 77, which is hit by the main body 55 of the retaining face 47, prevents the inner casing 41 from exiting the outer casing 40, and that the inner step 78 prevents the thrust rod 46 from coming out of the inner stem. 41.

Da potisni drog 46 porinemo na mesto, tako da je njegova glava 50 nad rokama 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47, je treba računati s tem, da se potisni drog 46 premakne proti delovanju vzmeti 48. To lahko opravimo bodisi z uporabo primerne naprave za potisnjenje droga 46 v zunanji okrov 40, toda prednost dajemo vtisnjenju prožilne naprave 10 v valjasto vdrtino 8 glavnega okrova 1. Glavni okrov 1 ima na svojem dnu podolgovato štrlino 79 (glej sl. 2), ki je poravnana z vdrtino 8, ki, ko je prožilna naprava 10 potisnjena v vdrtino, potiska potisni drog 46 gor, da pride glava potisnega droga čez roki 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47. Pravzaprav okrova 1 ni moč zapreti, če potisni drog ni vpet na omenjeni način. Od tod sledi, da vzmet 48 prožilne naprave 10 lahko napnemo na enostaven in nevpadljiv način in je naprava vedno pripravljena za uporabo.To push the push rod 46 in place so that its head 50 is above the arms 52 of the retaining front attachment 47, it must be calculated that the push rod 46 moves towards the action of the spring 48. This can be done either by using a suitable push rod device 46 into the outer casing 40, but preference is given to inserting the actuator 10 into the cylindrical recess 8 of the main casing 1. The main casing 1 has an elongated protrusion 79 at its bottom (see FIG. 2) which is aligned with the cavity 8, which when actuated the device 10 is pushed into the recess, pushes the push rod 46 up to allow the push rod head to come over the arms 52 of the retaining front attachment 47. In fact, the housing 1 cannot be closed if the push rod is not clamped in this manner. It follows that the spring 48 of the actuator 10 can be tensioned in a simple and unobtrusive manner and the device is always ready for use.

Prožilno napravo 10 vložimo v ohišje 11 za patroni preprosto z vtaknjenjem, tako da notranje steblo 41 oklepa notranji tulec 24 za patrono. Ko smo prožilno napravo povsem vložili, jo zasukamo, da vijačni navoj 76 notranjega stebla 41 zagrabi za vijačni navoj 35 zunanjega tulca 25 za patrono.The actuator 10 is inserted into the cartridge housing 11 simply by inserting it so that the inner stem 41 encloses the inner cartridge sleeve 24. When the actuator is fully inserted, rotate it so that the screw thread 76 of the inner stem 41 is gripped by the screw thread 35 of the outer sleeve 25 for the cartridge.

Za odstranitev patrone brizge iz ohišja 11 za patroni prožilno napravo 10 preprosto izvlečemo iz ohišja. Začetni poteg za prožilno napravo sprosti tulčni sklop 23 iz ohišjaTo remove the syringe cartridge from the housing 11 for the cartridge, the actuator 10 is simply pulled out of the housing. The initial actuation of the actuator releases the sleeve assembly 23 from the housing

11, s tem da se greben 36 in žmula 34 ločita drug od druge. Po tem premiku pa brizga 16 ostane na istem mestu glede na ohišje 11, saj je sila, potrebna za odstranitev gumijaste kapice 20 z brizge 16, večja od sile vzmeti 26 brizge.11, separating ridge 36 and bead 34 from one another. After this displacement, the syringe 16 remains in the same position relative to the housing 11, since the force required to remove the rubber cap 20 from the syringe 16 is greater than the force of the syringe spring 26.

Nadaljnje nagornje gibanje prožilne naprave 10 stiska vzmet 26 brizge, da rebra 29 zunanjega tulca 25 dosežejo konec rež 28 notranjega tulca 24. Zato nadaljnje nagornje gibanje sprosti brizgo 16 od ohišja 11 patron, čeprav gumijasta kapica 20 ostane v ohišju 11, s tem da jo drži zob 39 valjaste štrline 37 na dnu ohišja 11. Nagornje gibanje prožilne naprave 10, preden je brizga sproščena, kaže hod X na sl. 6. Ko je vsa prožilna naprava 10 brizge odstranjena iz ohišja 11, se vzmet 26 brizge razširi in pomakne brizgo gor v tulčnem sklopu 23 nazaj v svoj originalni položaj.Further upward movement of the actuation device 10 compresses the syringe spring 26 so that the ribs 29 of the outer sleeve 25 reach the end of the slots 28 of the inner sleeve 24. Therefore, further upward movement releases the syringe 16 from the cartridge housing 11, although the rubber cap 20 remains in the housing 11, holds the tooth 39 of the cylindrical projection 37 at the bottom of the housing 11. The upward movement of the actuator 10 before the syringe is released shows the stroke X in FIG. 6. When all of the syringe actuator 10 is removed from the housing 11, the syringe spring 26 expands and moves the syringe up in the sleeve assembly 23 back to its original position.

Samoinjicirna naprava z brizgo je tedaj pripravljena, da jo uporabnik sproži. Koraki aktiviranja so narisani v skicah sl. 7 do 10. Kot je narisano na sl. 7 in 8, prvi korak obsega premik notranjega stebla 41 in tulčnega sklopa 23 (ta vsebuje brizgo) v zunanjem okrovu 40. Do tega premika pride, ko uporabnik pritisne napravo 10 proti mestu injiciranja. V nadaljnjem opisu bo govor o uporabnikovem stegnu, toda to je razumeti le kot primer. Relativni premik je omejen s stopnico 44 notranjega stebla 41, na katero zadene vznožje zunanjega okrova 40. Ta premik stisne vzmet 67 gumba in premakne zadrževalni čelni nastavek 47 gor proti prožilnemu gumbu 66. Med gibanjem se roki 68 prožilnega gumba 66 gibljeta v režah 69 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47. Ob koncu tega gibanja se pahljačasta dela 71 rok 68 gumba nahajata ob konceh rež 69 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka.The syringe self-injection device is then ready for the user to initiate. The activation steps are drawn in the drawings of FIG. 7 to 10. As shown in FIG. 7 and 8, the first step comprises the displacement of the inner stem 41 and the coil assembly 23 (which contains a syringe) in the outer casing 40. This displacement occurs when the user presses the device 10 toward the injection site. The description below will talk about the user's thigh, but this is only an example. The relative displacement is limited by the step 44 of the inner stem 41, to which the base of the outer housing 40 is hit. This displacement compresses the spring 67 of the knob and moves the retaining front nozzle 47 upward toward the actuating button 66. During movement, the arms 68 of the actuating button 66 move in the slots 69 of the restraint. 47. At the end of this movement, the fan parts 71 of the arms 68 of the buttons are located at the ends of the slots 69 of the retaining front.

Pritisk prožilnega gumba potisne pahljačasta odseka 71 rok 68 gumba v reži 69 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka, tako da se roki 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka ločita. Naj omenimo, da pritisk gumba 66 brez premika notranjega stebla 41 ne zadošča za premik pahljačastih delov 71 v reži 69, pri čemer je nadolnje gibanje gumba 66 omejeno z rokama 75 kapice 65.Pressing the actuator button pushes the fan section 71 arms 68 of the button in the slot 69 of the retaining front attachment so that the arms 52 of the retaining front attachment are separated. It should be noted that pressing the button 66 without moving the inner stem 41 is not sufficient to move the fan parts 71 in the slot 69, the downward movement of the button 66 being limited by the arms 75 of the cap 65.

Kot kaže sl. 9, ločitev rok 52 sprosti glavo 50 potisnega droga 46 in se zato potisni drog premakne naprej s silo glavne vzmeti 48. Potisni drog 46, ki sodeluje z votlim batom 18 brizge 16, sprva vso brizgo 16 potisne dol proti sili vzmeti 26 brizge. Ta premik, ki razgali iglo 19, ne pritisne bata 18 brizge 16, saj je sila, potrebna za izbrizg fluida iz brizge, večja od sile vzmeti 26. Zato premik potisnega droga 46 še ne potisne fluida iz brizge. Naj omenimo, da je nadolnje gibanje brizge 16, t.j. globina prodora igle, določena z režami 28 in rebri 29 tulčnega sklopa 23.As FIG. 9, the separation of the arms 52 releases the head 50 of the thrust rod 46 and so the thrust rod moves forward with the force of the main spring 48. The thrust rod 46, which cooperates with the hollow piston 18 of the syringe 16, initially pushes the entire syringe 16 against the force of the syringe spring 26. This displacement of the needle 19 does not push the plunger 18 of the syringe 16, since the force required to eject the fluid from the syringe is greater than the force of the spring 26. Therefore, the displacement of the thrust rod 46 does not yet push the fluid out of the syringe. It should be noted that the downward movement of the syringe is 16, i.e. the depth of needle penetration determined by the slots 28 and ribs 29 of the sleeve assembly 23.

Zadnja stopnja, ki jo kaže sl. 10, je potisnjenje dol votlega bata 18 brizge s potisno roko 46. Torej, ko smo iglo 19 razgalili in je igla prodrla skozi uporabnikovo kožo, se brizga 16 sprazni, t.j. zdravilo se premesti v uporabnika.The last stage shown in FIG. 10, pushing down the hollow plunger 18 of the syringe with the pushing arm 46. Thus, when the needle 19 was opened and the needle penetrated the user's skin, the syringe 16 was emptied, i.e. the drug is transferred to the user.

Naj omenimo, da začetni pritisk naprave na pacientovo stegno, s čimer je zvezan prvi premik, kožo napne, kar pomeni, da, ko igla prebode kožo, ni kaj dosti možnosti za bočni premik igle relativno glede na kožo in je zato injekcija sorazmerno neboleča.It should be noted that the initial pressure of the device on the patient's thigh, thereby tying the first movement, tenses the skin, which means that when the needle pierces the skin, there is not much possibility of lateral movement of the needle relative to the skin and therefore the injection is relatively painless.

Nadalje, ker, kot že zapisano, niti pritisk gumba 66 niti premik notranjega stebla 41 relativno glede na zunanji okrov 40 sam od sebe ne more sprostiti potisnega droga 46, je naprava notranje varna in se ne more naključno sprožiti.Furthermore, since, as noted above, neither the push of the button 66 nor the displacement of the inner stem 41 relative to the outer casing 40 alone can release the thrust rod 46, the device is internally safe and cannot be accidentally triggered.

Dasiravno je prednostno, da napravo najprej pritisnemo k stegnu in zatem pritisnemo gumb, se naprava seveda napne, če pritisnemo gumb in ga držimo pritisnjenega in nato napravo pritisnemo k roki.It is advantageous to touch the device first with the thigh and then press the button, of course, the device strains if the button is pressed and held and then the device is pressed to the arm.

Ko smo zdravilo vbrizgnili, napravo 10 odstranimo s stegna in porabljena patrona brizge se vrne nazaj v ohišje 11 za patroni brizge, iz katerega je prišla. Naprava 10 je torej spet potisnjena v ohišje 11, tako da se tulčni sklop 23 zapahne v njem. Prožilno napravo 10 nato zasukamo v obratni smeri za sprostitev vijačnih navojev 35 in 76 in odstranimo napravo brez tulčnega sklopa 23 in brizge 16. Potisnjenje tulčnega sklopa brizge v ohišje na ta način seveda premakne brizgo 16 gor po tulcu 21, igla pa se pokrije z gumijasto kapico 20. Pokrov 12 ohišja 11 patron zapremo, da neprodušno zapremo potrošeno brizgo v ohišju. Do potrošene patrone se ne da priti brez uporabe prožilne naprave. Uporabljena brizga je torej odpravljena na prefinjen in povsem higieničen način.Once the drug has been injected, device 10 is removed from the thigh and the spent syringe cartridge is returned to the syringe housing 11 from which it came. The device 10 is then again pushed into the housing 11 so that the sleeve assembly 23 is locked therein. The actuator 10 is then rotated in the opposite direction to loosen the screw threads 35 and 76 and remove the device without the sleeve assembly 23 and syringe 16. The pushing of the syringe sleeve assembly in this way naturally moves the syringe 16 up the sleeve 21 and the needle is covered with a rubber sleeve. cap 20. Cover the housing 12 of the housing 11 to close the cartridge to airtight the spent syringe inside the housing. The spent cartridge cannot be accessed without the use of the actuator. The syringe used is therefore eliminated in a sophisticated and completely hygienic manner.

Prožilno napravo 10 lahko namestimo nazaj v valjasto vdolbino 8 za bodočo rabo, okrov 1 pa lahko zapremo. Nameščanje prožilne naprave v vdolbino 8 premakne potisno roko 46 gor in napne glavno vzmet 48 za naslednjo uporabo, kot je opisano zgoraj.The actuator 10 can be repositioned in the cylindrical recess 8 for future use, and the enclosure 1 can be closed. Installing the actuator in the recess 8 moves the thrust arm 46 upwards and strains the main spring 48 for further use as described above.

Drugi izvedbeni primer izuma je narisan na skicah sl. 11 do 16. Osnovna razlika med vnašalno napravo, ki jo kažejo te skice, in ono, ki smo jo opisali zgoraj, zadeva okoliščino, da naj bo naprava izročena uporabniku v stanju za takojšnjo uporabo. Drugače povedano, uporabniku samemu ni treba napenjati prožilnega mehanizma iž ali naložiti sklop brizge. Razen tega je cilj, zadevno napravo, pripravljeno za uporabo, imeti v celoti za enkratno uporabo, tako da se, ko smo zdravilno snov injicirali in brizgo spraznili, znebimo celotnega sklopa prožilne naprave in patrone brizge. Uporabnik bo imel nekaj kompletnih vnašalnih naprav za bodočo rabo.Another embodiment of the invention is illustrated in FIGS. 11 to 16. The basic difference between the intake device shown in these drawings and the one described above concerns the fact that the device should be handed to the user in a state of immediate use. In other words, the user does not have to strain the trigger actuator itself or load the syringe assembly. In addition, the goal is to have the ready-to-use device in full disposable, so that when the drug substance is injected and the syringe is discharged, we get rid of the whole set of triggering device and the syringe cartridge. The user will have some complete input devices for future use.

Ta vnašalna naprava pa je zelo podobna tisti, ki je opisana zgoraj, in zato so, kjer pride v poštev, uporabljene iste sklicevalne številke. V danem primeru je prožilna naprava 10 brizge v bistvu identična in vsebuje zunanji okrov 40 z notranjim steblom 41, gibljivim v njem. V notranjem steblu 41 je proti sili vzmeti 48 gibljiv potisni drog 46, pri čemer glavo 50 potisnega droga drži zadrževalni čelni nastavek 47. Nadalje, ureditev brizge 16 v tulčnem sklopu 23 je enaka kot v prvem primeru izvedbe z izjemo zveze s prožilno napravo 10, kot bo opisano kasneje.This induction device, however, is very similar to the one described above and therefore, where applicable, the same reference numbers are used. In the present case, the syringe actuator 10 is substantially identical and comprises an outer casing 40 with an inner stem 41 movable therein. In the inner stem 41, the spring 48 is movable by a push rod 46, the head 50 of the thrust rod being held by the retaining front attachment 47. Further, the arrangement of the syringe 16 in the sleeve assembly 23 is the same as in the first embodiment except in connection with the actuator 10, as will be described later.

Kot v prvoobravnavanem primeru lahko vnašalno napravo sprožimo samo s pritiskom gumba 66 in hkrati z relativnim premikom notranjega stebla 41 ter zunanjega okrova 40. Drugače rečeno, delovanje naprave za dajanje vsebine brizge, kot je bilo opisano v zadevi prvega primera izvedbe, enako velja v zadevi pričujoče naprave.As in the first case, the intake device can only be triggered by pushing a button 66 while simultaneously moving the inner stem 41 and the outer housing 40. In other words, the operation of the syringe delivery device as described in the case of the first embodiment is the same in the present case. the present devices.

Kompletna vnašalna naprava je predstavljena na sl. 11. Na tej skici vidimo zunanji okrov 40 in snemljiv pokrov 101 skupaj s ščipalko 102, ki se prilega obodu telesa vnašalne naprave 10. Kot je jasno razvidno s te skice, je naprava v celoti - kot v prvem izvedbenem primeru - podobne velikosti in oblike kot nalivnik, ščipalka 102 pa omogoča nošenje naprave v uporabnikovem žepu, kot da gre za nalivnik.The complete intake device is presented in FIG. 11. In this sketch, we see the outer housing 40 and the detachable cover 101 together with the clamp 102, which fits into the periphery of the body of the intake device 10. As is clear from this sketch, the device is entirely - as in the first embodiment - similar in size and shape as a fountain pen, and the clip 102 allows the device to be carried in the user's pocket as if it were a fountain pen.

Risarsko razstavljena predstavitev sl. 12 kaže vnašalno napravo v stanju, pripravljenem za uporabo. V tej predstavitvi je naprava zaobrnjena, tako da vidimo prožilni gumb 66. Ščipalka 102 je z naprave odstranjena, kar je izvedljivo na osnovi gibkih rogljev 103 ščipalke. Odstranitev ščipalke 102 omogoča notranjemu steblu 41 premik relativno glede na zunanji okrov 40. Pred odstranitvijo ščipalke 102 je tak premik preprečen.FIG. 12 shows the intake device in a ready-to-use state. In this presentation, the device is rotated so that the trigger button 66 is seen. The clip 102 is removed from the device, which is feasible on the basis of the flexible pin 103 of the clip. Removal of the clip 102 allows the inner stem 41 to move relative to the outer housing 40. Prior to removal of the clip 102, such movement is prevented.

S te skice se tudi vidi odstranitev snemljivega pokrova 101. Odstranitev tega pokrova in popolna priprava naprave za uporabo je v podrobnostih opisana kasneje.This sketch also shows the removal of the detachable cover 101. The removal of this cover and the complete preparation of the device for use are described in detail later.

Na sl. 13 je v risarsko razstavljenem stanju predstavljen sklop 23 brizge in snemljivi pokrov 101. Brizga 16 te naprave je enaka kot tista pri prvem izvedbenem primeru in vsebuje stekleno pušico 17 in gumijasto kapico 20. Brizga je razporejena v sklopu i3 dveh tulcev brizge - notranjega tulca 24 in zunanjega tulca 25 kot v prvem primeru, s slabotno vzmetjo 26 med njima.In FIG. 13 shows the syringe assembly 23 in the drawing state and the detachable cover 101. The syringe 16 of this device is the same as that of the first embodiment and contains a glass arrow 17 and a rubber cap 20. The syringe is arranged in the assembly i3 of two syringe sleeves - inner sleeve 24 and outer sleeve 25 as in the first case, with a weak spring 26 between them.

Razlika med tulčnim sklopom po sl. 13 in onim po sl. 3 je, da zunanji tulec 25 nima z navojem opremljenega zgornjega odseka. Namesto tega sta na zunanji strani zgornjega odseka zunanjega tulca 25 predvidena nastavka 117. Odgovarjajoča nastavka 125 (sl. 14) sta predvidena na notranji strani notranjega stebla 41.The difference between the sleeve assembly of FIG. 13 and the one of FIG. 3 is that the outer sleeve 25 has no threaded upper section provided. Instead, nozzles 117. are provided on the outside of the upper section of the outer sleeve 25. The corresponding nozzles 125 (Fig. 14) are provided on the inner side of the inner stem 41.

Na sl. 13 lahko vidimo, da snemljivi pokrov 101 vsebuje prijemalni odsek 118 za olajšanje uporabe in končni pokrov 119, kije trajno vložen v pokrov 101.In FIG. 13, it can be seen that the detachable cover 101 includes a gripper section 118 for ease of use and an end cover 119 that is permanently inserted into the cover 101.

Notranjost snemljivega pokrova 101 je razvidna iz prerezov na sl. 14 do 16. Podobno ohišju 11 patron pri prvi izvedbi tu snemljivi pokrov 101 vsebuje notranjo votlo valjasto štrlino 120 z obročastim zobom 121 za zadržanje kapice 20. Pravzaprav je prilagoditev tulčnega sklopa pokrovu 101 enaka prilagoditvi tulčnega sklopa ohišju patron pri prvi izvedbi.The interior of the detachable cover 101 can be seen from the cross sections in FIG. 14 to 16. Similar to the housing 11 of the cartridge in the first embodiment, the removable cover 101 comprises an inner hollow cylindrical projection 120 with a ring tooth 121 for retaining the cap 20. In fact, the adjustment of the thrust assembly to the cover 101 is the same as the adaptation of the thrust assembly to the housing of the cartridge in the first embodiment.

Zaporedje, po katerem sestavne dele, ki so opisani zgoraj, sestavimo, je, kot sledi. Slabotno vzmet 26 namestimo čez notranji tulec 24 brizge. Notranji tulec 24 brizge namestimo v zunanji tulec 25 brizge. Na zunanji tulec 25 brizge nato nataknemo snemljivi pokrov 101, da obročasta žmula 34 skoči v prirejeno obročasto vdolbino 122 na notranji strani pokrova 101. V sklop tulca in pokrova nato potisnemo brizgo 16, da se gumijasta kapica 20 postavi v valjasto štrlino 120 pokrova 101. Kompleten sklop brizge, tulca in pokrova nato vložimo v prožilno napravo 10, da se nastavka 117 namestita za prirejenima nastavkoma 125 na notranji površini notranjega stebla 41; v tem položaju se platiščni odsek pokrova 101 namesti nasproti čelnemu robu notranjega stebla 41.The sequence in which the components described above are assembled is as follows. The weak spring 26 is mounted over the inner sleeve 24 of the syringe. Insert the inner syringe 24 into the outer syringe 25. Then, a removable cover 101 is inserted on the outer sleeve 25 of the syringe so that the annular bead 34 jumps into the adapted annular recess 122 on the inside of the lid 101. The syringe 16 is then pushed into the assembly of the sleeve 16 to place the rubber cap 20 in the cylindrical projection 120 of the lid 101. The complete syringe, sleeve and lid assembly is then inserted into the actuator 10 to fit the nozzles 117 behind the adapted nozzles 125 on the inner surface of the inner stem 41; in this position, the rim section of the lid 101 is positioned opposite the leading edge of the inner stem 41.

Kot že zapisano, se naprava uporabniku izroči v takem za uporabo pripravljenem stanju. Kot je bilo zapisano v zvezi s sl. 12, je prvi korak pri uporabi vnašalne naprave odstranitev ščipalke 102. Naslednji je odstranitev pokrova 101. Odstranitev pokrova je v naslednjem podrobno opisana. Pri povlečenju pokrova za hod X v položaj po sl. 15 pokrov teži za tem, da s seboj povleče brizgo 16 in s tem notranji tulec 24 brizge. To zaradi tega, ker je gumijasta kapica 20, ki obdaja iglo brizge, na tej stopnji držana v valjasti štrlini 120 snemljivega pokrova 101. Toda koje hod X mimo, kot je opisano zgoraj v zvezi s prvim izvedbenim primerom, se brizga 16 ne more več premakniti in bo šele nadaljnji povlek za pokrov 101 omogočil odstranitev pokrova z vnašalne naprave, s tem da ta povlek tudi povzroči ločitev gumijaste kapice 20 od pušice 17 brizge. Ločitev pokrova in kapice je razvidna s sl. 16. Čeprav se na temelju sl. 15 zdi, da, ko gumijasto kapico 20 ločimo od pušice 17 brizge, igla 19 brizge sega ven iz tulca 107 brizge, pa sila vzmeti 26 med notranjim in zunanjim tulcem 24, 25 brizge brizgo 16 potisne nazaj v napravo. Tako je igla 19 še varno zastrta proti uporabniku.As noted, the device is delivered to the user in a ready-to-use state. As noted in connection with FIG. 12, the first step in using the input device is to remove the clip 102. The next is to remove the cover 101. The removal of the cover is described in detail in the following. When pulling the travel cover X to the position of FIG. 15, the lid tends to pull the syringe 16 and thereby the inner sleeve 24 of the syringe. This is because the rubber cap 20 surrounding the syringe needle is at this stage held in the cylindrical protrusion 120 of the detachable cover 101. But which stroke X, as described above with respect to the first embodiment, the syringe 16 can no longer be move and only further pull on the lid 101 will allow the lid to be removed from the intake device, this drag also separating the rubber cap 20 from the syringe sleeve 17. The separation of the lid and the cap is shown in FIG. 16. Although on the basis of FIG. 15, it appears that when the rubber cap 20 is separated from the syringe sleeve 17 and the syringe needle 19 extends out of the syringe sleeve 107, the force of the spring 26 between the inner and outer sleeve 24, 25, pushes the syringe 16 back into the device. Thus, the needle 19 is still securely closed against the wearer.

Sedaj, ko se je brizga 16 vrnila v svoj položaj, kot ga kaže sl. 14, je vnašalna naprava 10 v bistvu v istem stanju, kot ga kaže sl. 7. Delovanje vnašalne naprave je zato, kot je bilo opisano v zvezi s skicami sl. 7 do 10. Čisto na kratko, uporabnik pritisne napravo na izbrano polje injiciranja, tako da se zunanji tulec 25 in notranje steblo 41 gibljeta noter relativno glede na zunanji okrov 40. Zatem pritisnemo prožilni gumb 66. Ti dve gibanji dopuščata sprostitev potisne roke 46, katero zatem premakne glavna vzmet 48 za premik brizge 16 naprej in nato pritisnjenje votlega bata 18 za injiciranje farmacevtske snovi v uporabnika.Now that the syringe 16 has returned to its position as shown in FIG. 14, the intake device 10 is substantially in the same state as shown in FIG. 7. The operation of the intake device is as described with reference to FIGS. 7 to 10. Briefly, the user presses the device into the selected injection field so that the outer sleeve 25 and the inner stem 41 move inward relative to the outer housing 40. The trigger button 66 is then pressed. These two movements allow the pushing arm 46 to be released, which then moves the main spring 48 to move the syringe 16 forward and then press the hollow piston 18 to inject the pharmaceutical substance into the user.

Takoj po uporabi lahko snemni pokrov 101 nataknemo nazaj na napravo 10, tako da prekrijemo razgaljeno iglo 19, in sklopa kot celote se nato lahko varno znebimo.Immediately after use, the detachable cover 101 can be pushed back to the device 10 by covering the exposed needle 19, and the assembly as a whole can then be safely disposed of.

Tretji primer izvedbe, ki je razkrit v skicah sl. 17 do 24, je podoben prvemu izvedbenemu primeru, s tem ko uporabnik premakne potisno roko 46 in napne glavno vzmet 48 prožilne naprave ter polni sklop brizge. Osnovna razlika v tej izvedbi je, da je polnjenje sklopa brizge tisto, kar premakne potisni drog 46 v prožilni napravi in je zato brizga polnjena v vnašalno napravo ter glavna vzmet 48 napeta v enem koraku. Po polnjenju brizge 16 in napetju vzmeti 48 napravo sprožimo v bistvu na enak način kot v predhodnih izvedbah. Z drugimi besedami, brizga 16 se sprosti le kot posledica premika notranjega stebla 41 relativno glede na zunanji okrov 40 in kot posledica pritiska na prožilni gumb 66.A third embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 17 to 24, is similar to the first embodiment by moving the thrust arm 46 and tensioning the main spring 48 of the actuator and the full syringe assembly. The basic difference in this embodiment is that the filling of the syringe assembly is what moves the thrust rod 46 in the actuator and therefore the syringe is filled into the intake device and the main spring 48 is tensioned in one step. After filling the syringe 16 and the tension of the spring 48, the device is actuated essentially in the same manner as in the previous embodiments. In other words, the syringe 16 is released only as a result of the displacement of the inner stem 41 relative to the outer casing 40 and as a result of pressing the trigger button 66.

Obstajajo bistvene podobnosti med to izvedbo in prvim izvedbenim primerom in zato so, kjer do tega pride, uporabljene iste sklicevalne številke in opisa ne ponavljamo.There are significant similarities between this embodiment and the first embodiment and therefore, wherever this occurs, the same reference numbers are used and the description is not repeated.

V tej izvedbi gre za to, da uporabnik razpolaga s prožilno napravo 10 in z nekaj brizgami 16. Sklopi brizg so taki za enkratno rabo, prožilno napravo pa uporabnik zadrži za rabo v prihodnosti. Kompletna patrona 130 brizge je narisana na skicah sl. 17 in 18. Patrona obsega prvi pokrov 131 in drugi pokrov 132, ki sta oba nataknjena na tulčni sklop 23 brizge. Predviden je pečat 134 za evidenco nad nepooblaščenim posegom, ki pokriva del prvega pokrova 131 in del tulčnega sklopa 23, tako da je uporabnik lahko gotov glede tega, da je brizga 16 intaktna in se je pred tem nihče ni dotikal. Prvi pokrov 131 odstranimo, ko je treba brizgo 16 montirati na prožilno napravo 10. Koje brizga 16vgrajena, drugi pokrov 132 postane glavni pokrov celotne vnašalne naprave, kot v drugem izvedbenem primeru.In this embodiment, the user is provided with a trigger device 10 and several syringes 16. The syringe assemblies are disposable and the trigger device is retained by the user for future use. The complete syringe cartridge 130 is illustrated in FIGS. 17 and 18. The cartridge comprises a first cover 131 and a second cover 132, both of which are mounted on the syringe assembly 23. A seal 134 is provided for records of tampering covering part of the first cover 131 and part of the sealing assembly 23, so that the user can be sure that the syringe 16 is intact and has never been touched before. The first cover 131 is removed when the syringe 16 is to be mounted on the actuating device 10. Whichever syringe 16 is installed, the second cover 132 becomes the main cover of the entire intake device, as in the second embodiment.

Kot je predstavljeno na risarsko razstavljeni predstavitvi sl. 18, patrona brizge vsebuje brizgo 16, ki vsebuje pušico 17 in gumijasto kapico 20, slabotno vzmet 26, skupaj s tulcema 24 in 25 brizge prvi in drugi pokrov 131, 132, kot je že bilo opisano. Drugi pokrov 132 vsebuje končni pokrov 132a, ki je trdno vgrajen v njem. Drugi pokrov 132 ima notranjo votlo valjasto štrlino 137, ki ima zunanji vijačni navoj 138, tako da lahko drugi pokrov 132 privijemo na zunanji tulec 25 brizge, za kar ima zunanji tulec ustrezen navoj na svoji notranji površini. Valjasta štrlina 137 je ekvivalentna štrlini 37 pri prvem izvedbenem primeru in štrlini 120 pri drugem primeru izvedbe.As shown in the drawing exhibited FIG. 18, the syringe cartridge comprises a syringe 16 containing a arrow 17 and a rubber cap 20, a weak spring 26, together with the syringe sleeves 24 and 25 of the first and second caps 131, 132, as previously described. The second cover 132 comprises an end cover 132a firmly integrated therein. The second cover 132 has an inner hollow cylindrical projection 137 having an outer screw thread 138, so that the second cover 132 can be screwed onto the outer sleeve 25 of the syringe, for which the outer sleeve has a corresponding thread on its inner surface. The cylindrical protrusion 137 is equivalent to protrusion 37 in the first embodiment and protrusion 120 in the second embodiment.

Ceni se, da je tulčni sklop 23 brizge, z izjemo notranjega navoja na zunanjem tulcu 25, identičen tulčnemu sklopu 23 prvega izvedbenega primera, ki ga kaže sl. 3.It is appreciated that, with the exception of the inner thread on the outer sleeve 25, the syringe assembly 23 is identical to the syringe assembly 23 of the first embodiment shown in FIG. 3.

Z drugim pokrovom 132, privitim na zunanji tulec 25, je brizga vtaknjena v tulčni sklop, kot je opisano zgoraj v zvezi s predhodnima izvedbama.With the second cover 132 screwed onto the outer sleeve 25, the syringe is inserted into the sleeve assembly as described above with respect to the previous embodiments.

Naj pripomnimo, da, ko je brizga 16 vgrajena v tulčni sklop 23, spodnji konec pušice 17 brizge nalega na prirobo valjaste štrline 137. Premik pušice 17 brizge dlje v tulčni sklop 23 je s tem preprečen.It should be noted that when the syringe 16 is mounted in the sleeve assembly 23, the lower end of the syringe sleeve 17 rests on the flange of the cylindrical projection 137. The movement of the syringe sleeve 17 further into the sleeve assembly 23 is thereby prevented.

Sklop brizge, tulcev in pokrova je jasno razviden s spodnjega dela sl. 19. V tej predstavitvi smo prvi pokrov 131 že odstranili. Kot kaže puščica, sklop brizge, tulcev in pokrova zatem potisnemo v prožilno napravo 10, s čimer naložimo brizgo 16 in hkrati napnemo glavno vzmet 48 prožilne naprave.The syringe, sleeve and lid assembly is clearly visible from the bottom of FIG. 19. In this presentation, the first cover 131 has already been removed. As shown by the arrow, the syringe, sleeve and cover assembly are then pushed into the actuator 10, thereby loading the syringe 16 and simultaneously tensioning the main spring 48 of the actuator.

Notranji tulec 24 brizge drsi v notranjem steblu 41 prožilne naprave 10. Potisna roka 46 vstopi v pušico 17 brizge do gumijastega zamaška 18 brizge. Nadaljnji premik sklopa brizge in tulcev v prožilno napravo 10 potisne potisno roko 46 gor, kot vidimo na sl. 20. Preprečeno je, da bi se brizga 16 premaknila dol, ker se spodnji konec pušice 17 brizge in priroba valjaste štrline 137 pokrova 132 stikata. Zamašek 18 se ne more premakniti dol, ker je vrh igle 19 brizge skrit v gumijasti kapici 20 in zato vsebine brizge ni moč iztisniti.The syringe inner sleeve 24 slides in the inner stem 41 of the actuator 10. The thrust arm 46 enters the syringe sleeve 17 to the syringe rubber stopper 18. Further movement of the syringe and sleeve assembly into the actuator 10 pushes the pusher arm 46 upwards, as seen in FIG. 20. The syringe 16 is prevented from moving down because the lower end of the syringe sleeve 17 and the flange of the cylindrical projection 137 of the lid 132 are in contact. The stopper 18 cannot be moved down because the needle tip 19 of the syringe is hidden in the rubber cap 20 and therefore the contents of the syringe cannot be squeezed out.

Na ta način sklop brizge in tulcev potisnemo v prožilno napravo 10, da se glava 50 potisne roke 46 približa rokama 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47. Sklop brizge in tulcev nato zasukamo, tako da vijačni navoj 35 zunanjega tulca 25 brizge prime za prirejeni vijačni navoj 76 na notranji površini notranjega stebla 41. Uvitje zunanjega tulca 25 v notranje steblo 41 pomeni potisnjenje glave 50 potisne roke 46 čez roki 52 za napetje glavne vzmeti 48.In this way, the syringe and sleeve assembly is pushed into the actuation device 10 so that the head 50 of the pushing arm 46 is brought closer to the arms 52 of the retaining end nozzle 47. The syringe and sleeve assembly is then rotated so that the screw thread 35 of the outer sleeve 25 of the syringe is gripped by a modified screw thread 76 on the inner surface of the inner stem 41. Twisting the outer sleeve 25 into the inner stem 41 means pushing the head 50 of the thrust arm 46 over the arm 52 to tension the main spring 48.

Premik sklopa brizge in tulcev v prožilno napravo kažeta skici sl. 20 in 21. Kot je narisano na sl. 21, kjer sta vijačni navoj 35 tulca 25 brizge in vijačni navoj 76 notranjega stebla združena, je potisna roka 46 držana v legi, ko je glava 50 za majhen hod Y nad rokama 52 zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47. Ta hod Y je predviden za kompenziranje izdelovalnih odstopkov v raznih delih, ki sestavljajo celotni sklop. Obstoj tega dodatnega hoda Y v napravi ne škoduje njenemu delovanju, kar bo razvidno iz nadaljnjega opisa.The movement of the syringe and sleeve assembly into the actuator is shown in FIG. 20 and 21. As shown in FIG. 21, where the screw thread 35 of the syringe sleeve 25 and the inner thread 76 of the inner stem are joined, the thrust arm 46 is held in position when the head 50 is low for a small stroke Y above the arms 52 of the retaining front attachment 47. This stroke Y is provided to compensate for manufacturing variations in the various parts that make up the whole assembly. The existence of this additional stroke Y on the device does not impair its operation, as will be seen in the following description.

Naj omenimo, da pri tem primeru izvedbe ni potrebe po ščipalki 102 iz drugega izvedbenega primera, saj je s pokrovom 132, privitim na tulec 25 brizge, preprečeno, da bi se potisna roka 46 premaknila v napravo in s tem zamašek 18 premaknil proti potisnemu drogu 46.It should be noted that in this embodiment, there is no need for the clip 102 of the second embodiment, since the cap 132 screwed onto the syringe sleeve 25 prevents the pushing arm 46 from moving into the device and thereby moving the stopper 18 towards the pusher rod. 46.

Na dlani je, da je obstoj pokrova 132 na tulcu 25 brizge bistven za premik potisne roke 46 v prožilni napravi 10 in s tem za napetje glavne vzmeti 48. Če pokrova ne bi bilo, ko tulčni sklop 23 potisnemo v notranje steblo 41, bi se brizga 16 in/ali zamašek 18 brizge enostavno premaknil dol. Obstoj pokrova 132 razen tega deluje kot dodatno jamstvo uporabniku, da ni nikakršne nevarnosti, da bo igla pogledala skozi. To dodatno jamstvo je izjemno umestno, saj sklop brizge in tulcev uporabnik, ko napenja vzmet, drži v roki.In the palm of your hand, the existence of the cover 132 on the syringe sleeve 25 is essential for the displacement of the thrust arm 46 in the actuator 10 and thus for the tension of the main spring 48. If it had not been for when the sleeve assembly 23 had been pushed into the inner stem 41, syringe 16 and / or syringe stopper 18 easily moved down. The existence of the cover 132 also acts as an additional guarantee to the user that there is no danger of the needle peering through. This extra guarantee is extremely convenient as the user holds the syringe and sleeve assembly in the hand when straining the spring.

Kot je zapisano zgoraj, skica sl. 21 kaže vnašalno napravo 10 z napeto glavno vzmetjo 48. Da napravo uporabimo in brizgo sprostimo, so potrebni naslednji koraki, ki so opisani v zvezi s skicami sl. 22 do 24. Ti koraki so podobni onim, ki so opisani v zvezi s skicami sl. 14 do 16, ki kažejo drugi izvedbeni primer.As noted above, the sketch of FIG. 21 shows an intake device 10 with a tensioned main spring 48. In order to use the device and release the syringe, the following steps are described, which are described with reference to the drawings of FIG. 22 to 24. These steps are similar to those described with reference to FIGS. 14 to 16 showing a second embodiment.

Najprej, kot kaže krožna puščica v sl. 22, pokrov 132 odvijemo. Začetno gibanje dol pokrova za hod Y omogoča brizgi 16 premik v sklopu 23 brizge in tulcev in s tem potisni roki 46 premik naprej v lego, kjer se glava 50 potisne roke 46 dotika zadrževalnega čelnega nastavka 47.First, as shown by the circular arrow in FIG. 22, unscrew the lid 132. The initial movement down the stroke cover Y allows the syringe 16 to move within the syringe assembly 23 and the sleeves, thereby pushing the arms 46 forward to a position where the head 50 pushes the arms 46 to touch the retaining front attachment 47.

Nadaljnje odvijanje pokrova 132 teži za vlečenjem dol brizge 16 v sklopu 23 brizge in tulcev, ker je gumijasta kapica 20 držana v cevasti Strlini 137 pokrova. Tako brizga 16 teži za premikanjem dol za nadaljnji hod Z.Further unwinding of cover 132 tends to pull the syringe 16 down into the syringe assembly 23 and the sleeves, since the rubber cap 20 is held in the tubular projection 137 of the cover. Thus, the syringe 16 tends to move downward for further stroke Z.

Ko pa pokrov 132 pride v položaj, ki ga kaže sl. 23, je nadaljnje gibanje brizge 16 preprečeno zaradi sodelovanja reber 29 in rež 28, kot smo že opisali. V tem položaju sta navoja pokrova 132 in tulca 25 brizge že narazen in pokrov 132 lahko snamemo. S snetjem pokrova 132 se razdvojita tudi gumijasta kapica 20 in brizga, tako da je igla 19 tedaj razgaljena.However, when cover 132 reaches the position shown in FIG. 23, the further movement of the syringe 16 is prevented by the cooperation of the ribs 29 and the slots 28, as previously described. In this position, the threads of the cover 132 and the syringe sleeve 25 are already apart and the cover 132 can be removed. By removing the cover 132, the rubber cap 20 and the syringe are also separated so that the needle 19 is then exposed.

Ko je pokrov snet, vzmet 26 sklopa 23 brizge in tulcev takoj premakne brizgo nazaj v lego, ki jo kaže sl. 22, tako da igla 19 ni razgaljena.When the lid is removed, the spring 26 of the syringe assembly 23 and the sleeves immediately moves the syringe back to the position shown in FIG. 22 so that the needle 19 is not exposed.

Ta položaj je predstavljen na sl. 24 in vnašalna naprava je zdaj pripravljena za uporabo. Napravo sprožimo tako, kot smo opisali v zvezi s predhodnima izvedbama, pa tega zato tu ponovno ne opisujemo.This position is presented in FIG. 24 and the intake device is now ready for use. The device is triggered as described in connection with the previous embodiments, so we do not describe it again here.

Po uporabi je igla 19 v razgaljenem stanju, a jo je moč varno zaščititi, če spet namestimo pokrov 132 na tulec brizge. Sklop 23 brizge in tulca, kompletiran s pokrovom 132, nato lahko ločimo od prožilne naprave 10, s tem da ločimo vijačna navoja 35 in 76. Prvi pokrov 131 zatem spet namestimo na sklop brizge in tulcev. Ta sklop brizge, tulcev in pokrova lahko zato zavržemo, prožilna naprava pa je tedaj pripravljena za namestitev nadaljnje brizge nanjo.After use, the needle 19 is in the open state, but it can be safely protected by replacing the cover 132 on the syringe sleeve. The syringe and sleeve assembly 23, complete with the cover 132, can then be separated from the actuator 10 by separating the screw threads 35 and 76. The first cover 131 is then reattached to the syringe and sleeve assembly. This syringe, sleeve and cover assembly can therefore be discarded and the actuator is then ready to place a further syringe on it.

Po poobl.:By authorization:

Patentna pisarna Ljubljana, d.o.o. Zanjo: Vinko Skubic, Patentni zastopnikPatent Office Ljubljana, d.o.o. For her: Vinko Skubic, B.Sc. Patent Agent

Claims (17)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Vnašalna naprava, obsegajoča telo za držanje vsebnika z zdravilno snovjo, pripravljeno za vnos, prožilni mehanizem in sredstva, ki jih uravnava prožilni mehanizem, za odvod omenjene snovi, značilna po tem, da je telo sestavljeno iz dveh delov, pri čemer je en del premakljiv relativno glede na drugega; da ima en del sprožilo (petelina) in da omenjeni prožilni mehanizem delno sprožimo z vplivanjem na sprožilo omenjenega enega dela, delno pa sprožimo s premikom drugega dela proti omenjenemu enemu delu, medtem ko ga v celoti sprožimo samo, če gre hkrati za aktiviranje sprožila in premik drugega dela, tako da praznilnega sredstva ni moč aktivirati ponesreči.An intake device comprising a body for holding a container with a drug substance ready for administration, a triggering mechanism and means controlled by a triggering mechanism for draining said substance, characterized in that the body consists of two parts, one being the part movable relative to the other; that one part has a trigger (cock) and that said actuating mechanism is partially actuated by actuating the actuator of said one part, and partially triggered by moving the other part towards said one part, while fully actuating it only if the actuator is actuated simultaneously and move the other part so that the emptying agent cannot be accidentally triggered. 2. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je en del telesa drsno vgrajen v drugem in sega ven iz drugega.Injection device according to claim 1, characterized in that one part of the body is slidably mounted in the other and extends out of the other. 3. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 2, značilna po tem, da je prožilni mehanizem vgrajen na enem koncu enega od dveh delov, ki je vgrajen v drugem delu, pri čemer je sprožilo drugega dela v obliki pritisnega gumba, proti kateremu se prožilni mehanizem premika, če se premika prvi del znotraj drugega.Injection device according to claim 2, characterized in that the actuating mechanism is mounted on one end of one of the two parts, which is mounted in the other part, triggering the other part in the form of a push button against which the actuating mechanism moves, if the first part moves inside the second. 4. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 3, značilna po tem, da je vsebnik brizga, ki je držana v omenjenem prvem delu, in da aktiviranje praznilnega sredstva najprej premakne brizgo proti temu prvemu delu, da se razgali igla, kar pomeni potisnjenje le-te skozi kožo, kot drugo pa pritisne votli bat brizge, da zdravilna snov preide v uporabnika.Injection device according to claim 3, characterized in that the syringe container is held in said first part and that activating the emptying agent first moves the syringe towards that first part in order to open the needle, which means pushing it through skin, and secondly presses the hollow plunger of the syringe to allow the drug substance to flow into the wearer. 5. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 3 ali 4, značilna po tem, da je praznilno sredstvo podolgovat potisni drog, ki je obremenjen s prožno silo, in da prožilni mehanizem obsega dvojico rok, nad katerima je držan konec potisnega droga, pri čemer drog sprostimo s pomočjo relativnega premika gumba, da se roki ločita.5. An intake device according to claim 3 or 4, characterized in that the emptying means is an elongated push rod, which is loaded with flexible force, and that the actuating mechanism comprises two arms over which the end of the thrust rod is held, releasing the rod by using the relative movement of the button to separate the arms. 6. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 5, značilna po tem, da je prvi del naprave, ki se giblje v drugem, sam sestavljen iz dveh delov, pri čemer prvi del sega ven iz naprave in je v obliki tulca, ki sprejme brizgo, drugi del v napravi pa sprejme potisni drog, pri čemer sta prvi in drugi del tega prvega dela drug z drugim ločljivo povezljiva.Injection device according to claim 5, characterized in that the first part of the device moving in the second is itself composed of two parts, the first part extending out of the device and in the form of a syringe receiving the syringe, the second part it accepts a thrust rod in the device, the first and second parts of this first part being interconnected with each other. 7. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 6, značilna po tem, da omenjeni tulec obsega notranji in zunanji tulčni del, pri čemer sta tulčna dela drug glede drugega relativno gibljiva proti sili vzmeti.Injection device according to claim 6, characterized in that said sleeve comprises an inner and an outer sleeve part, the sleeve parts being relatively movable against the force of the spring relative to each other. 8. Vnašalna naprava po katerem koli predhodnem zahtevku, značilna po tem, da je vnašalna naprava podolgovata in v splošnem valjasta in zato po izgledu podobna nalivniku.8. An intake device according to any preceding claim, characterized in that the intake device is elongated and generally cylindrical and therefore similar in appearance to the flush. 9. Vnašalna naprava po katerem koli predhodnem zahtevku, značilna po tem, da je omenjena zdravilna snov farmacevtska zdravilna snov, kot se uporablja pri zdravljenju migrene in spremljajočih težav, kakršna je migrenska nevralgija (angl. cluster headache)An intake device according to any preceding claim, characterized in that said drug substance is a pharmaceutical drug substance, as used in the treatment of migraine and associated problems such as migraine neuralgia (cluster headache). 10. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 9, značilna po tem, da je farmacevtska zdravilna snov sumatriptan.An injection device according to claim 9, characterized in that the pharmaceutical drug substance is sumatriptan. 11. Kombinacija vnašalne naprave po zahtevku 1 in ohišja za vsaj en vsebnik zdravilne snovi, pripravljene za izdajanje, značilna po tem, da ohišje obsega odstranljiv tulec za vsebnik in sredstva, ki sprostljivo drže tulec v ohišju, pri čemer ima omenjeni tulec sredstva za ločljivo priključitev samega sebe k omenjenemu drugemu delu vnašalne naprave, tako da lahko, če sodelujeta z vnašalno napravo, tulec in vsebnik odstranimo z ohišja in ju po uporabi vrnemo ohišju.Combination of an introducing device according to claim 1 and a housing for at least one container of a ready-to-dispense drug substance, characterized in that the housing comprises a removable container sleeve and means for holding the sleeve in the housing freely, said sleeve having detachable means connecting itself to said second part of the intake device, so that if they co-operate with the intake device, the sleeve and container can be removed from the housing and returned to the housing after use. 12. Kombinacija po zahtevku 11, značilna po tem, da ima ohišje pokrov, ki ga zapremo, ko smo mu uporabljeni vsebnik vrnili.Combination according to claim 11, characterized in that the housing has a lid that is closed when the used container is returned to it. 13. Kombinacija po zahtevku 10 ali 11, značilna po tem, da je vsebnik brizga, ki ima gumijast pokrov, ki ščiti iglo, pri čemer ta pokrov ostane v ohišju, ko tulec odstranimo z vnašalno napravo.Combination according to claim 10 or 11, characterized in that it is a syringe container having a rubber cover that protects the needle, leaving that cover in the housing when the sleeve is removed with an intake device. 14. Kombinacija po zahtevku 13, značilna po tem, da je brizga držana v tulcu proti sili vzmeti.Combination according to claim 13, characterized in that the syringe is held in a force bar of the spring. 15. Kombinacija po zahtevku 11 skupaj z okrovom za kombinacijo, značilna po tem, da ima okrov vdrtino za vnašalno napravo, pri čemer vdrtina vsebuje sredstva za napetje prožilnega mehanizma, ko napravo vložimo v vdrtino.Combination according to claim 11 together with a combination housing, characterized in that the housing has a recess for the intake device, wherein the recess contains means for energizing the actuating mechanism when the device is inserted into the recess. 16. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je vsebnik premakljiv v telesu proti praznilnemu sredstvu in da naprava nadalje obsega sredstva za preprečitev odvajanja zdravilne snovi vse dotlej, da se prožilni mehanizem združi s praznilnim sredstvom, tako da vlaganje vsebnika v telo lahko hkrati združi praznilno sredstvo s prožilnim mehanizmom.16. An intake device according to claim 1, characterized in that the container is movable in the body against the emptying agent and the device further comprises means for preventing the discharge of the drug substance until the actuator is coupled to the emptying agent by inserting the container into the body it can simultaneously combine the emptying agent with the actuator. 17. Vnašalna naprava po zahtevku 16, značilna po tem, da je vsebnik brizga in je gumijasta kapica predvidena nad iglo brizge za zapečatenje brizge, tako da brizgo samo kot tako lahko uporabimo za premik praznilnega sredstva.Injection device according to claim 16, characterized in that the syringe container and the rubber cap are provided above the syringe needle to seal the syringe, so that the syringe alone can be used to move the emptying agent.
SI9012289A 1989-11-28 1990-12-03 Injection device for self-administering purpose SI9012289A (en)

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YU228990A YU48491B (en) 1989-11-28 1990-12-03 Automatic device for self-injection

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