SI21329A - Device for automatic monitoring and keeping log about the use of vehicle - Google Patents

Device for automatic monitoring and keeping log about the use of vehicle Download PDF


Publication number
SI21329A SI200300166A SI200300166A SI21329A SI 21329 A SI21329 A SI 21329A SI 200300166 A SI200300166 A SI 200300166A SI 200300166 A SI200300166 A SI 200300166A SI 21329 A SI21329 A SI 21329A
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mobile assembly
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Slovenian (sl)
Marko Gerl
Original Assignee
Logina Informacijske Tehnologije D.O.O.
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Priority claimed from SI200200223A external-priority patent/SI21328A/en
Application filed by Logina Informacijske Tehnologije D.O.O. filed Critical Logina Informacijske Tehnologije D.O.O.
Priority to SI200300166A priority Critical patent/SI21329A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2003/000032 priority patent/WO2004025576A1/en
Priority to AU2003259021A priority patent/AU2003259021A1/en
Publication of SI21329A publication Critical patent/SI21329A/en



    • G07C5/00Registering or indicating the working of vehicles
    • G07C5/08Registering or indicating performance data other than driving, working, idle, or waiting time, with or without registering driving, working, idle or waiting time
    • G07C5/0841Registering performance data
    • G07C5/085Registering performance data using electronic data carriers
    • G07C5/0858Registering performance data using electronic data carriers wherein the data carrier is removable
    • G07C5/00Registering or indicating the working of vehicles
    • G07C5/008Registering or indicating the working of vehicles communicating information to a remotely located station


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Traffic Control Systems (AREA)


The aim of the invention is to provide the concept of a device for automatic monitoring and keeping log about the use of a vehicle, which would then after the vehicle is handed over to the legitimate user provide him with automatic monitoring and keeping log about the use of vehicle based on acquisition of data necessary for the user, up to the moment when the legitimate user stops to use the vehicle and returns it. The device consists of a mobile assembly (1) and a fixed assembly (2) with enabled communication between them from the aspect of data transfer at least via a microprocessor chip card (3) and optionally also via a wireless telecommunication link. The mobile assembly (1) which is integrated into each vehicle along with the GPS unit (12) includes at least one card reader (14) and a memory unit (11) as well as a display (13) and signalling unit (15). The fixed assembly (2), which is located out of any vehicle and is generally adapted to communicate with at least one vehicle mobile assembly (1), in particular mobile assemblies (1) of several vehicles either by card (3) only or optionally via a corresponding wireless communication link, consists of at least one PC (22) with corresponding software and peripheral devices for processing by the mobile assembly (1) via card (3) and/or a wireless link of transmitted data, as well as a card reader (21). The card (3) features at least data on a specific user of one or more vehicles and is adapted to interact with the mobile assembly (1) card reader (14) and fixed assembly (2) card reader (21).


Naprava za samodejno spremljanje in dokumentiranje uporabe vozilaDevice for automatically monitoring and documenting vehicle use

Izum se nanaša na napravo za samodejno spremljanje in dokumentiranje uporabe vozila, zlasti službenega motornega vozila v cestnem prometu.The invention relates to a device for automatically monitoring and documenting the use of a vehicle, in particular an official motor vehicle in road traffic.

Pri tem izum temelji na problemu, kako zasnovati napravo za samodejno spremljanje in dokumentiranje uporabe vozila, ki naj bi potem, ko je vozilo izročeno vsakokrat legitimnemu uporabniku, omogočala samodejno evidentiranje in dokumentiranje uporabe vozila na osnovi permanentnega zajemanja potrebnih oz. želenih podatkov, in sicer vse do trenutka, ko legitimni uporabnik konča z uporabo in vozilo vrne.The invention is based on the problem of how to design a device for automatic monitoring and documentation of the use of a vehicle, which, after being handed over to a legitimate user at any time, should allow automatic recording and documentation of the use of the vehicle on the basis of permanent capture of necessary or. until the moment when the legitimate user finishes using it and returns the vehicle.

Spremljanje in dokumentiranje uporabe vozila izhaja bodisi iz želje ali potrebe po zagotavljanju karseda natančnih podatkov o uporabi vozila. Pri tem je mišljeno zbiranje podatkov o času pričetka in konca uporabe, trajanju vožnje, dolžini prevoženih poti, hitrosti, porabi goriva. S ciljem, da bi bilo mogoče za različne namene tovrstne podatke evidentirati in/ali analizirati, jih je potrebno ustrezno dokumentirati. Dokumentiranje podatkov o uporabi vozila je v določenih primerih celo obvezno, npr. pri uporabi službenih vozil in podobno.Monitoring and documenting the use of a vehicle arises either from the desire or the need to provide as accurate as possible information on the use of the vehicle. The purpose is to collect information on the start and end times of use, the duration of the journey, the length of the traveled distance, the speed, the fuel consumption. In order for such data to be recorded and / or analyzed for various purposes, it must be properly documented. Documenting vehicle usage data is even mandatory in certain cases, e.g. when using company vehicles and the like.

Znano je, da v praksi dokumentiranje podatkov o uporabi vozila večidel poteka še na klasičen način, tj. z zapisovanjem podatkov o pričetku in zaključku uporabe vozila ter o dolžini prevoženih poti. Evidentiranje podatkov v tem primeru poteka z odčitavanjem Števca prevoženih kilometrov v vozilu pred vožnjo in po njej ter z navedbo časa pričetka in zaključka uporabe vozila. Dokumentiranje podatkov se vrši s pomočjo ustreznega obrazca, kamor uporabnik vozila vpiše prej omenjene podatke. Tovrstna praksa je povezana s številnimi pomanjkljivostmi, še zlasti pa temelji tudi na številnih subjektivnih dejavnikih. Točnost podatkov je večidel odvisna od vestnosti, poštenosti in podobnih osebnostnih lastnosti vsakokratnega uporabnika. Po drugi strani je tudi res, daje pozornost uporabnika vozila takrat, ko se npr. odpravlja na pot ali ob povratku, še zlasti če gre za službeno poti, usmerjena v vse kaj drugega kot v odčitavanje stanja števca prevoženih kilometrov. Poleg pomanjkljivosti zaradi nesamodejnega evidentiranja podatkov, neposredno odvisnega od tkzv. človeškega dejavnika, je pri tovrstnih napravah pomanjkljivo tudi to, da iz dokumentacije ni mogoče razbrati dejanskega poteka vožnje in drugih podatkov, ki so potrebni ali zanimivi za analizo uporabe vozila, zlasti npr. hitrosti ali trenutne lokacije vozila v določenem času.It is well known that in practice the documentation of vehicle usage data is mostly done in the classic way, ie. by recording the information on the beginning and ending of the use of the vehicle and the length of the traveled distance. In this case, the data is recorded by reading the odometer in the vehicle before and after driving and indicating the start and end time of the vehicle. Documentation of data is done using the appropriate form, where the vehicle user enters the aforementioned data. This practice is linked to a number of shortcomings and, in particular, is based on a number of subjective factors. The accuracy of the data largely depends on the conscientiousness, honesty and similar personality traits of each user. On the other hand, it is also true that it gives the attention of the vehicle user when e.g. takes the route or on the way back, especially if it is a business trip focused on anything other than reading the status of the odometer. In addition to the disadvantages of non-automatic recording of data directly dependent on the so-called. It is also a disadvantage of such devices that the documentation does not allow the actual course of driving and other data necessary or interesting to be analyzed for the analysis of the use of the vehicle, eg. the speed or current location of the vehicle at a specified time.

Nadalje so znane naprave za evidentiranje uporabe vozil kot so taksimetri ali tahografi. V prvem primeru gre za napravo, ki evidentira dolžino poti in čas, ko je vozilo v uporabi, na osnovi česar se izvrši obračun stroškov prevoza na osnovi določene tarife. V drugem primeru gre za napravo, ki evidentira potek uporabe vozila, npr. čas začetka in konca uporabe, hitrost vozila in podobno. Tudi v teh primerih ni mogoče evidentiranje sprememb položaja vozila ali drugih dogodkov, ki jih je potrebno evidentirati za potrebe analize uporabe vozila.Furthermore, devices for recording the use of vehicles such as taximeters or tachographs are known. In the first case, it is a device that records the length of the journey and the time when the vehicle is in use, on the basis of which the cost of transportation is calculated on the basis of a certain tariff. In the second case, it is a device that records the course of use of the vehicle, e.g. start and end times, vehicle speed and the like. Even in these cases it is not possible to record changes in the position of the vehicle or other events that need to be recorded for the purpose of analyzing the use of the vehicle.

Nadalje je iz EP O 838 070 Al oz. iz DE 195 26 815 Al (Siemens AG) znana naprava za identifikacijo vozila, obsegajoča sredstvo za določanje položaja vozila, nadalje oddajnik, ki ga je možno aktivirati, kot tudi enoto za aktiviranje. Sredstvo za določanje položaja predstavlja strokovnjakom znana naprava GPS (Global Positioning System), t.j. satelitsko podprta naprava za določanje trenutnega položaja določenega objekta na osnovi časa potovanja visokofrekvenčnih signalov, ki jih oddajajo določeni sateliti, katerih položaj je znan. Sredstvo za določanje položaja vozila je razen neposredno za potrebe izkoriščanja predlagane rešitve uporabljivo tudi za navigacijo. Oddajnik je po potrebi opremljen z identifikacijsko označbo vozila, ki jo po potrebi skupaj s podatki o trenutnem položaju posreduje v globalno komunikacijsko omrežje. Enota za aktiviranje omogoča aktiviranje omenjenega oddajnika le pri za vsakokratno vozilo specifičnih, vnaprej določenih pogojih. Ob poznavanju kode je naprava lahko bodisi enostavno zamenljiva, ali pa jo je mogoče vgraditi v vozilo na ta način, da jo je zelo težko ali nemogoče težko sploh locirati oz. odkriti. Naprava je uporabljiva za lociranje karamboliranih ali ukradenih vozil ali vozil s ponarejenimi podatki o izvoru. Dasiravno naprava v splošnem omogoča evidentiranje položaja vozila, se evidentiranje vrši ne glede na to, ali je vozilo v uporabi ali ne. Razen tega se evidentiranje samega položaja vozila prične vršiti šele na osnovi aktiviranja enote, na osnovi česar oddajnih posreduje ustrezne signale v globalno komunikacijsko omrežje. Končno naprava ne omogoča identifikacije osebe, ki upravlja z vozilom.Furthermore, it is from EP O 838 070 Al oz. from DE 195 26 815 Al (Siemens AG) a known vehicle identification device comprising a means of determining the position of the vehicle, further a transmitter which can be activated as well as an actuation unit. The positioning means are known to those skilled in the art by a known Global Positioning System (GPS) device, i.e. a satellite-aided device for determining the current position of a particular object based on the travel time of high-frequency signals emitted by specific satellites whose position is known. The vehicle positioning tool is also useful for navigation, except directly for the purpose of exploiting the proposed solution. If necessary, the transmitter shall be equipped with a vehicle identification code, which, if necessary, shall be transmitted to the global communications network together with the current position information. The actuation unit enables the said transmitter to be activated only under specific, predefined conditions for each vehicle. Knowing the code, the device can either be easily replaceable or can be installed in a vehicle in such a way that it is very difficult or impossible to locate at all. to discover. The device is useful for locating carambolized or stolen vehicles or vehicles with fake origin information. In general, the suction device enables the positioning of the vehicle to be recorded, whether recorded or not. In addition, the recording of the vehicle position itself begins only on the basis of activation of the unit, on the basis of which the transmitters transmit the corresponding signals to the global communication network. Finally, the device does not allow identification of the person operating the vehicle.

Pričujoči izum se ukvarja z napravo za samodejno spremljanje in dokumentiranje uporabe vozila, ki obsega vsaj GPS-enoto za določanje vsakokratnega položaja vozila na osnovi satelitske navigacije, t.j. na osnovi identifikacije visokofrekvenčnih signalov iz satelitskega sistema. Po izumu pa tovrstna naprava sestoji iz mobilnega sklopa in stacionarnega sklopa, med katerima je omogočena komunikacija v smislu prenosa podatkov vsaj preko mikroprocesorske Čip kartice in po izbiri tudi preko brezžične telekomunikacijske povezave. Omenjeni mobilni sklop, ki je vgrajen v vsakokratnem vozilu, poleg GPS-enote obsega vsaj še čitalnik kartic in pomnilniško enoto, po izbiri pa tudi prikazovalnik in/ali signalizacijsko enoto, npr. brenčač. Stacionarni sklop, ki se nahaja izven vsakokratnega vozila in je v splošnem prirejen za komuniciranje z vsaj enim mobilnim sklopom vozila, še zlasti z mobilnimi sklopi več vozil, in sicer bodisi zgolj preko kartice ali po izbiri preko ustrezne brezžične telekomunikacijske povezave, sestoji vsaj iz osebnega računalnika z ustrezno programsko opremo in perifernimi enotami za obdelavo s strani mobilne enote preko kartice in/ali preko brezžične povezave posredovanih podatkov, kot tudi iz čitalnika kartic. Pri tem je omenjena kartica opremljena vsaj s podatki o določenem uporabniku enega ali več vozil ter prirejena za sodelovanje s Čitalnikom kartic mobilnega sklopa kot tudi s čitalnikom kartic stacionarnega sklopa. Stacionarni sklop poleg osebnega računalnika in čitalnika kartic prednostno obsega tudi tiskalnik. Omenjeni mobilni sklop je tako zasnovan, da omogoča vsaj samodejno zapisovanje podatkov o času uporabe vozila in o spremembah položaja vozila med uporabo na kartico, Po drugi strani je omenjeni stacionarni sklop tako zasnovan, da po vstavitvi kartice v čitalnik omogoča vsaj čitanje podatkov o času uporabe vozila in o spremembah položaja vozila med ter vnos teh podatkov v računalnik. Še zlasti je prednostno, Če je pri napravi po izumu omogočeno, da se med uporabo vozila na kartico, vstavljeno v čitalnik v vsakokratnem vozilu nameščene mobilnega sklopa samodejno zapišejo podatki o vozilu, podatki o vsakokratnem vozniku oz. legitimnem uporabniku, podatki o dejanskem času pričetka uporabe vozila s strani tega uporabnika, podatek o stanju števca za merjenje prevožene poti pred uporabo, podatki o dejanskem času zaključka uporabe vozila s strani taistega uporabnika, podatek o stanju števca za merjenje prevožene poti po uporabi, podatek o dolžini prevožene poti in podatki o oskrbi z gorivom in o dejanski porabi goriva, nakar se po izvlečenju kartice ter vstavitvi le-te v čitalnik stacionarne enote ti podatki prenesejo v računalnik izven vozila nahajajočega se stacionarnega sklopa. Pri eni od možnih izvedb naprave po izumu je med uporabo vsakokratnega vozila z vgrajenim mobilnim sklopom po vstavitvi kartice v čitalnik tega mobilnega sklopa omogočen prenos samodejno evidentiranih podatkov s tega mobilnega sklopa v stacionarni sklop preko kartice, obenem pa je omogočen tudi prenos, zlasti sproten prenos teh podatkov preko brezžične povezave, zlasti permanentne brezžične povezave med stacionarnim sklopom in mobilnim sklopom.The present invention relates to a device for automatically monitoring and documenting the use of a vehicle, comprising at least a GPS unit for determining the respective position of the vehicle based on satellite navigation, i.e. based on the identification of high frequency signals from the satellite system. According to the invention, such a device consists of a mobile assembly and a fixed assembly, between which communication is possible in terms of data transmission at least via a microprocessor chip card and optionally via a wireless telecommunication connection. Said mobile assembly, which is integrated in each vehicle, includes, in addition to the GPS unit, at least a card reader and a memory unit, and optionally a display and / or signaling unit, e.g. a buzzer. A stationary assembly located outside of each vehicle and generally adapted to communicate with at least one mobile vehicle assembly, and in particular mobile vehicle assemblies, whether by card alone or optionally via an appropriate wireless telecommunications connection, shall consist of at least a personal a computer with appropriate software and peripherals for processing by the mobile unit via card and / or wirelessly transmitted data, as well as from a card reader. In this case, said card is provided with at least information about a particular user of one or more vehicles and adapted for cooperation with the Mobile Card Card Reader as well as the stationary card card reader. In addition to the PC and the card reader, the stationary assembly preferably includes a printer. Said mobile assembly is designed to allow at least automatic recording of vehicle usage time and vehicle position changes during use on the card. On the other hand, said stationary assembly is designed to allow at least reading of usage time data after inserting the card in the reader. vehicle and the changes in vehicle position between and entry of this information into the computer. In particular, it is preferable, if the device according to the invention allows the vehicle data to be automatically recorded on the card inserted in the reader in each vehicle of the mobile assembly installed in the reader in each vehicle. to the legitimate user, information about the actual time of the start of use of the vehicle by that user, information about the condition of the meter to measure the distance traveled before use, information about the actual time of the end of use of the vehicle by the same user, information about the condition of the meter to measure the distance traveled after use, data the distance traveled and the fuel supply data and the actual fuel consumption, after which the card is removed and inserted into the reader of the stationary unit, this data is transferred to a computer outside the vehicle of the stationary assembly. In one possible embodiment of the device according to the invention, the transmission of automatically recorded data from this mobile unit to the stationary assembly via the card is possible during the use of each vehicle with a built-in mobile assembly after the card is inserted into the reader, and at the same time transmission is possible, especially on-line transmission this data via a wireless connection, in particular a permanent wireless connection between a fixed assembly and a mobile assembly.

izum bo v nadaljevanju opisan na osnovi primerov izvedbe, ki sta shematično ponazorjena na priloženi skici, kjer kaže sl. 1 prvi primer izvedbe naprave, sl. 2 pa drugi primer izvedbe naprave po izumu.The invention will hereinafter be described on the basis of embodiments which are schematically illustrated in the accompanying drawing, in which FIG. 1 is a first embodiment of a device, FIG. 2 is another embodiment of the device according to the invention.

Oba obravnavana primera izvedbe po sl. 1 in 2 sta namenjena za spremljanje in dokumentiranje uporabe službenega motornega vozila v cestnem prometu v skladu s tačas veljavnimi predpisi in normativi. Upoštevajoč navedeno, tovrstna naprava omogoča samodejno evidentiranje podatkov kot soBoth of the exemplary embodiments of FIG. 1 and 2 are intended to monitor and document the use of an official motor vehicle in road transport in accordance with the applicable regulations and standards. Against this background, this kind of device enables the automatic recording of data such as

- podatki o vozilu,- vehicle information,

- podatki o vsakokratnem vozniku oz. legitimnem uporabniku,- information about each driver or legitimate user,

- podatki o dejanskem času pričetka uporabe vozila s strani tega uporabnika,- information on the actual time the vehicle was started to be used by that user,

- podatek o stanju števca za merjenje prevožene poti pred uporabo,- information on the condition of the meter to measure the distance traveled before use,

- podatki o dejanskem času zaključka uporabe vozila s strani taistega uporabnika,- information on the actual time of termination of use of the vehicle by that user,

- podatek o stanju števca za merjenje prevožene poti po uporabi,- the status of the meter to measure the distance traveled after use,

- podatek o dolžini prevožene poti, inthe distance traveled, and

- podatki o oskrbi z gorivom in o dejanski porabi goriva.- information on fuel supply and actual fuel consumption.

Naprava po izumu v osnovi sestoji iz mobilnega sklopa 1 in stacionarnega sklopa 2 kot tudi iz mikroprocesorske čip kartice 3.The device according to the invention basically consists of a mobile assembly 1 and a stationary assembly 2 as well as a microprocessor chip card 3.

Mobilni sklop 1 je vgrajen v vsakokratnem vozilu in obsega vsaj pomnilniško enoto 11, GPS-enoto 12 ter čitalnik 14 kartic, po izbiri pa tudi prikazovalnik 13, ki je na voljo pri prvi izvedbi po sl. 1, in/ali signalizacij sko enoto 15, ki je na voljo pri drugi izvedbi naprave po sl. 2.The mobile assembly 1 is integrated in each vehicle and comprises at least a memory unit 11, a GPS unit 12, and a card reader 14, and optionally a display 13 available in the first embodiment of FIG. 1 and / or signaling unit 15, which is available in the second embodiment of the apparatus of FIG. 2.

Stacionarni sklop 2 je nameščen izven vozila na lokaciji, primerni za obdelavo iz vsakokratnega mobilnega sklopa 1 preko kartice 3 ali drugače prejetih evidenčnih podatkov o uporabi enega ali več vozil, ki so zaupana vsakokratim uporabnikom.Stationary assembly 2 is located outside the vehicle at a location suitable for processing from the respective mobile assembly 1 via card 3 or otherwise received records of the use of one or more vehicles that are entrusted to each user.

Sodelovanje mobilnega sklopa 1 in stacionarnega sklopa 2 načelno poteka preko kartice 3, razen tega pa je med omenjenima sklopoma 1, 2 mogoče vzpostaviti tudi dodatno občasno ali stalno brezžično povezavo, npr. preko radijske zveze.In principle, the cooperation of the mobile assembly 1 and the stationary assembly 2 is via a card 3, in addition, additional intermittent or permanent wireless connection may be established between said assemblies 1, 2, e.g. via radio.

Pred pričetkom uporabe vozila mora uporabnik tako kot doslej razpolagati z dokumentacijo o vozilu kot tudi s ključem ali podobnim sredstvom, s pomočjo katerega lahko spravi vozilo v pogon. Da pa bi lahko uporabljal vozilo z vgrajenim mobilnim sklopom 1 po izumu, mora legitimni uporabnik razpolagati tudi s kartico 3, s katero se po eni strani identificira in po drugi strani omogoči pričetek samodejnega evidentiranja podatkov v zvezi s samo uporabo vozila.Before starting to use the vehicle, the user must, as before, have the vehicle documentation, as well as a key or similar means by which he can start the vehicle. However, in order to be able to use a vehicle with a mobile assembly 1 according to the invention, the legitimate user must also have a card 3, which on the one hand identifies and, on the other, enables the automatic recording of data relating to the use of the vehicle itself.

Kartica 3 je mikroprocesorska čip kartica, ki v danem primeru lahko povsem ustreza standardu ISO 7816. Za vsakega potencialnega uporabnika določenega vozila se izdela oz. pripravi njemu lastno kartico, s pomočjo katere ta potem lahko uporablja različna vozila z vgrajenimi mobilnimi enotami 1. Podatki, ki so evidentirani med uporabo določenega vozila s strani določenega uporabnika, se dokumentirajo na kartici 3 tega uporabnika in se tam tudi shranijo.Card 3 is a microprocessor chip card that can be fully compliant with ISO 7816 in the given case. Prepare his own card, which he can then use different vehicles with mobile units 1. The data recorded during the use of a particular vehicle by a particular user is documented on the card 3 of that user and stored there.

Mobilni sklop 1, kije vgrajen v vsakokratnem vozilu, obsega čitalnik 14 kartic, v katerega mora vsakokratni uporabnik pred uporabo vozila vstaviti svojo lastno kartico 3. Z vstavitvijo kartice 3 v omenjeni čitalnik 14 se po eni strani na osnovi podatkov, ki so shranjeni na kartici 3, izvrši identifikacija vsakokratnega uporabnika, pri čemer se identifikacijski podatki shranijo v pomnilniški enoti 11 mobilnega sklopa 1 v vozilu, po drugi strani pa se prične vršiti spremljanje in evidentiranje uporabe vozila, ki traja vse dotlej, dokler uporabnik ne odstrani kartice 3 iz čitalnika 14. Evidentiranje je lahko tudi pogoj za uporabo vozila sploh, kar pomeni, da vozila, če kartica 3 ni vstavljena v čitalniku 14, bodisi preprosto ni mogoče spraviti v pogon, ali pa se v takem primeru aktivira signalizacij ska naprava 15, kakršna je na voljo v primeru po sl. 2. Ta signalizacij ska naprava 15 je lahko npr. brenčač, ki z naugodnim zvočnim signalom vpliva na voznika, da v čitalnik 14 vendarle vstavi kartico 3.The mobile assembly 1, which is installed in each vehicle, comprises a card reader 14, in which each user must insert his or her own card before using the vehicle 3. By inserting the card 3 into said reader 14, one by one, based on the data stored on the card 3, the identification of the respective user is carried out, the identification data being stored in the memory unit 11 of the mobile assembly 1 in the vehicle and, on the other hand, the monitoring and recording of the use of the vehicle, which lasts until the user removes card 3 from the reader 14, begins. Recording may also be a condition for using the vehicle at all, meaning that if the card 3 is not inserted in the reader 14, the vehicle either simply cannot be put into operation or the signaling device 15, as available, is activated in such a case. in the case of FIG. 2. This signaling device 15 may be e.g. a buzzer which, by an adverse acoustic signal, influences the driver to nevertheless insert card 3 into the reader 14.

Nadalje mobilni sklop 1 obsega GPS-enoto 12, ki je kot taka znana in je namenjena za posredovanje podatkov o vsakokratnem položaju vozila na osnovi ovrednotenja visokofrekvenčnih signalov, sprejetih iz satelitskega sistema. Evidentiranje in shranjevanje teh podatkov o položaju je osnova za analizo poti premikanja vozila, izračun hitrosti in podobno.Further, mobile assembly 1 comprises a GPS unit 12, which is known as such and is intended to transmit vehicle position data based on the evaluation of high-frequency signals received from the satellite system. Logging and storing this position information is the basis for analyzing the vehicle's travel path, calculating speed, and the like.

Še nadalje mobilni sklop 1 obsega pomnilniško enoto 11, ki je predvidena za shranjevanje podatkov, npr. o uporabniku, času pričetka in konca uporabe vozila in podobno. Sicer neobvezen, vendar v večini primerov koristen del mobilnega sklopa 1 predstavlja tudi prikazovalnik 13, ki je namenjen za posredovanje vizualnih sporočil vsakokratnemu uporabniku. Pri tem gre lahko za podatke, ki se nanašajo zgolj na uporabo same naprave po izumu, ali tudi druge podatke, ki bi lahko uporabniku koristili med uporabo vozila, npr. opozorila, obvestila, navigacijski podatki, zemljevidi in podobno.Further, mobile assembly 1 comprises a memory unit 11 that is provided for storing data, e.g. about the user, the start and end times of the vehicle and the like. An optional, but in most cases a useful part of mobile assembly 1 is also the display 13, which is intended to convey visual messages to each user. This may include data relating solely to the use of the device of the invention itself, or other data that may be useful to the user while using the vehicle, e.g. alerts, notifications, navigation data, maps and more.

Stacionarni sklop 2 v osnovi sestoji iz čitalnika 21 kartic ter osebnega računalnika 22 z vsakokrat potrebnimi perifernimi enotami, od katerih je v obravnavanem primeru spremljanja in dokumentiranja uporabe motornega vozila na voljo tiskalnik 23, ki je predviden za izpisovanje vsakokrat relevantnih podatkov v zvezi z uporabo vozila, vključno s potnim nalogom v pisni obliki.Stationary assembly 2 consists essentially of a card reader 21 and a personal computer 22 with peripheral units in each case, of which a printer 23 is provided in the present case for monitoring and documenting the use of a motor vehicle, which is intended for displaying relevant information relating to the use of the vehicle each time. , including a travel order in writing.

Osebni računalnik 22 je opremljen z ustrezno programsko opremo, ki omogoča shranjevanje, procesiranje in po potrebi tudi analizo podatkov, odčitanih s čip kartice 3 vsakokratnega uporabnika.The personal computer 22 is provided with appropriate software that enables the storage, processing and, if necessary, analysis of the data read from the chip card 3 of each user.

V primeru uporabe naprave po izumu za potrebe dokumentiranja uporabe vozila na službeni poti je konfiguracija naprave po sl. 1 ali 2 povsem ustrezna. V tem primeru lastnik vozila pred uporabo le-tega izroči uporabniku zanj pripravljeno čip kartico 3, ki tako skupaj s ključem in dokumenti o vozilu (zavarovalna polica, prometno dovoljenje, po izbiri pa tudi delno izpolnjen potni nalog...) predstavlja del običajnega potovalnega kompleta pri uporabi službenega vozila v prometu. Pred uporabo vozila uporabnik vstavi kartico 3 v čitalnik 14 v vozilu razpoložljivega mobilnega sklopa 1. S tem se prične uporaba službenega vozila, sočasno pa se aktivira mobilni sklop 1 in na kartico 3 se samodejno zapiše podatek o času pričetka uporabe. Med uporabo se na kartico 3 permanentno in samodejno zapisujejo podatki o položaju vozila, ki jih posreduje GPS-enota 12. Število prevoženih kilometrov, čas uporabe in podobne podatke lahko pri izvedbi po sl. 1 uporabnik razbere tudi na prikazovalniku 13. Vsi omenjeni podatki se po potrebi shranjujejo tudi v pomnilniški enoti 11. Ob zaključku uporabe vozila, v danem primeru ob zaključku službene poti, ko uporabnik namerava odstraniti kartico 3 iz čitalnika 14, se na kartico zapiše še čas zaključka uporabe. Po uporabi vozila uporabnik skupaj s ključi in dokumenti odda tudi kartico 3. Z vstavitvijo kartice 3 v čitalnik 21 stacionarnega sklopa 2 naprave po izumu se podatki s kartice 3 prenesejo v računalnik 22, kjer se jih s pomočjo omenjene programske opreme obdela in po potrebi analizira. V danem primeru omenjeni obdelavi podatkov sledi samodejno izpisovanje izpolnjenega, t.j. z vsemi potrebnimi podatki za obračun in evidenco opremljenega potnega naloga, kar se izvrši s pomočjo tiskalnika 23.In the case of using the device according to the invention for the purpose of documenting the use of the vehicle on a business trip, the configuration of the device according to FIG. 1 or 2 perfectly appropriate. In this case, the owner of the vehicle, before using it, hands the user a chip card 3 prepared for him, which, together with the key and the vehicle documents (insurance policy, traffic permit, and optionally partially completed travel order ...), is a part of the normal travel kits when using a company vehicle in traffic. Before using the vehicle, the user inserts card 3 into the reader 14 in the vehicle of the available mobile assembly 1. This starts the use of the company vehicle and simultaneously activates the mobile assembly 1 and automatically records the start-up time on the card 3. In use, card 3 permanently and automatically records vehicle position information transmitted by GPS unit 12. The number of kilometers traveled, the time of use and similar data can be recorded in FIG. 1 is also understood by the user in the display 13. All the above mentioned information is also stored in the memory unit 11. Upon termination of use of the vehicle, if necessary at the end of the business trip, when the user intends to remove the card 3 from the reader 14, a further time is recorded on the card. completion of use. After using the vehicle, the user, along with the keys and documents, also hand over the card 3. By inserting the card 3 into the reader 21 of the stationary assembly 2 of the device according to the invention, the data from the card 3 is transferred to the computer 22, where it is processed and analyzed, if necessary, by said software. . In the given case, said data processing is followed by an automatic output of the completed one, i.e. with all the necessary information for the billing and the records of the equipped travel order, which is done with the help of the printer 23.

V opisanih primerih se kot medij za prenos podatkov z mobilnega sklopa 1 na stacionarni sklop 2 naprave po izumu uporabi zgolj kartico 3. Razen tega obstoji tudi možnost, da po potrebi med mobilnim sklopom 1 in stacionarnim sklopom 2 zagotovimo vsaj občasno ali celo permanentno brezžično povezavo, tako da mobilna enota 1 že med uporabo vozila samodejno in ažurno posreduje vse relevantne podatke stacionarnemu sklopu 2, od koder je po drugi strani mogoče posredovati povratne informacije v vozilu nameščenemu mobilnemu sklopu 1, tako da so določeni podatki lahko nemudoma na voljo tudi uporabniku vozila v obliki izpisa na prikazovalniku 13, in sicer po potrebi tudi ob podpori zvočne ali dodatne optične signalizacije.In the described cases, only the card 3 is used as the medium for transferring data from the mobile assembly 1 to the stationary assembly 2 of the device according to the invention. In addition, it is also possible to provide at least an occasional or even permanent wireless connection between the mobile assembly 1 and the stationary assembly 2 if necessary. , so that mobile unit 1 automatically and promptly transmits all relevant information to stationary unit 2 while using the vehicle, from which it is possible to provide feedback to the installed mobile unit 1 in the vehicle so that certain data can be immediately available to the vehicle user in the form of a display on the display 13, if necessary also with the support of audio or additional optical signaling.

Razen za pripravo potnih nalogov je možno tovrstno napravo uporabiti tudi za analizo bodisi uporabe določenega vozila strani različnih uporabnikov ali tudi uporabe različnih vozil s strani določenega uporabnika, kot tudi za nekatere druge primere kot npr. za detekcijo, identifikacijo in analizo okvar, spremljanje servisiranja in vzdrževanja vozil in podobno.Except for the preparation of travel orders, this kind of device can also be used to analyze either the use of a particular vehicle by different users or also the use of different vehicles by a specific user, as well as for some other cases such as eg for the detection, identification and analysis of failures, monitoring of vehicle servicing and maintenance, and the like.

Claims (11)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za samodejno spremljanje in dokumentiranje uporabe vozila, obsegajoča GPS-enoto (12) za določanje vsakokratnega položaja vozila na osnovi satelitske navigacije, t.j. na osnovi identifikacije visokofrekvenčnih signalov iz satelitskega sistema, označena s tem, da sestoji iz mobilnega sklopa (1) in stacionarnega sklopa (2), med katerima je omogočena komunikacija v smislu prenosa podatkov vsaj preko mikroprocesorske čip kartice (3) in po izbiri tudi preko brezžične telekomunikacijske povezave, pri čemer mobilni sklop (1), ki je vgrajen v vsakokratnem vozilu, poleg GPS-enote (12) obsega vsaj še čitalnik (14) kartic in pomnilniško enoto (11), medtem ko stacionarni sklop (2), ki se nahaja izven vsakokratnega vozila in je v splošnem prirejen za komuniciranje z vsaj enim mobilnim sklopom (1) vozila, Še zlasti z mobilnimi sklopi (1) več vozil, in sicer bodisi zgolj preko kartice (3) ali po izbiri preko ustrezne brezžične telekomunikacijske povezave, sestoji vsaj iz osebnega računalnika (22) z ustrezno programsko opremo in perifernimi enotami za obdelavo s strani mobilne enote (1) preko kartice (3) in/ali preko brezžične povezave posredovanih podatkov, kot tudi iz čitalnika kartic (21), in pri čemer je kartica (3) opremljena vsaj s podatki o določenem uporabniku enega ali več vozil ter prirejena za sodelovanje s čitalnikom (14) kartic mobilnega sklopa (1) in čitalnikom (21) kartic stacionarnega sklopa (2).A device for automatically monitoring and documenting the use of a vehicle, comprising a GPS unit (12) for determining the position of the vehicle on the basis of satellite navigation, i.e. based on the identification of high-frequency signals from the satellite system, characterized in that it consists of a mobile assembly (1) and a stationary assembly (2) between which communication is possible in terms of data transmission at least via a microprocessor chip card (3) and optionally via wireless telecommunication connections, wherein the mobile assembly (1) integrated in each vehicle, in addition to the GPS unit (12), comprises at least a card reader (14) and a memory unit (11), while the stationary assembly (2) which is located outside of each vehicle and is generally adapted to communicate with at least one mobile assembly (1) of a vehicle, in particular mobile assemblies (1) of multiple vehicles, either solely via card (3) or optionally via an appropriate wireless telecommunications connection , consisting at least of a personal computer (22) with appropriate software and peripherals for processing by the mobile unit (1) via a card (3) and / or transmitted wirelessly data, as well as from the card reader (21), and wherein the card (3) is provided at least with information about a particular user of one or more vehicles and adapted to cooperate with the reader (14) of the cards of the mobile assembly (1) and the reader (21 ) Stationary Card Cards (2). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je mobilni sklop (1) tako zasnovan, da omogoča vsaj samodejno zapisovanje podatkov o času uporabe vozila in o spremembah položaja vozila med uporabo na kartico (3).Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the mobile assembly (1) is designed to allow at least automatic recording of vehicle usage time and vehicle position changes during use on the card (3). 3. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je stacionarni sklop (2) tako zasnovan, da po vstavitvi kartice (3) v čitalnik (21) omogoča vsaj čitanje podatkovDevice according to claim 1, characterized in that the stationary assembly (2) is so designed that, after inserting the card (3) into the reader (21), it allows at least the reading of the data -1111 o času uporabe vozila in o spremembah položaja vozila med ter vnos teh podatkov v računalnik (22).-1111 on the time of use of the vehicle and changes in the position of the vehicle during and entry of this information into the computer (22). 4. Naprava po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3, označena s tem, da se med uporabo vozila na kartico (3), vstavljeno v čitalnik (14) v vsakokratnem vozilu nameščenega mobilnega sklopa (1) samodejno zapišejo podatki o vozilu, podatki o vsakokratnem vozniku oz. legitimnem uporabniku, podatki o dejanskem času pričetka uporabe vozila s strani tega uporabnika, podatek o stanju števca za merjenje prevožene poti pred uporabo, podatki o dejanskem času zaključka uporabe vozila s strani taistega uporabnika, podatek o stanju števca za merjenje prevožene poti po uporabi, podatek o dolžini prevožene poti in podatki o oskrbi z gorivom in o dejanski porabi goriva, nakar se po izvlečenju kartice (3) ter vstavitvi le-te v čitalnik (21) stacionarne enote (2) ti podatki prenesejo v računalnik (22) izven vozila nahajajočega se stacionarnega sklopa (2).Device according to one of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that, while using the vehicle, card information (14) is automatically recorded on the card (3) inserted in the reader (14) in each vehicle of the mobile assembly installed (1). driver or. to the legitimate user, information about the actual time of start of use of the vehicle by that user, information about the condition of the meter to measure the distance traveled before use, information about the actual time of end of use of the vehicle by the same user, information about the condition of the meter to measure the distance traveled after use, data on the distance traveled and on the fuel supply and actual fuel consumption, after which the card (3) is pulled out and inserted into the reader (21) of the stationary unit (2), this data is transferred to a computer (22) outside the vehicle located to the stationary assembly (2). 5. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je med uporabo vsakokratnega vozila z vgrajenim mobilnim sklopom (1) po vstavitvi kartice (3) v čitalnik (14) tega mobilnega sklopa (1) omogočen prenos samodejno evidentiranih podatkov s tega mobilnega sklopa (1) v stacionarni sklop (2) preko kartice (3), obenem pa je omogočen tudi prenos teh podatkov preko brezžične povezave med stacionarnim sklopom (2) in mobilnim sklopom (1).Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that, when using each vehicle with a mobile assembly (1), after the card (3) is inserted into the reader (14) of this mobile assembly (1), it is possible to transfer automatically recorded data from the mobile assembly (1) to the stationary assembly (2) via the card (3), and at the same time it is possible to transmit this data via a wireless connection between the stationary assembly (2) and the mobile assembly (1). 6. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je med uporabo vsakokratnega vozila z vgrajenim mobilnim sklopom (1) po vstavitvi kartice (3) v čitalnik (14) tega mobilnega sklopa (1) omogočen prenos samodejno evidentiranih podatkov s tega mobilnega sklopa (1) v stacionarni sklop (2) preko kartice (3), obenem pa je omogočen tudi sproten prenos teh podatkov prekoDevice according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that, when using each vehicle with a mobile assembly (1), after insertion of a card (3) into the reader (14) of this mobile assembly (1), it is possible to transfer automatically recorded data therefrom the mobile assembly (1) to the stationary assembly (2) via a card (3), and at the same time also enables the free transfer of this data via -1212 permanentne brezžične povezave med stacionarnim sklopom (2) in mobilnim sklopom (1).-1212 permanent wireless connection between the stationary assembly (2) and the mobile assembly (1). 7. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da stacionarni sklop (2) poleg osebnega računalnika (22) in čitalnika (21) kartic obsega tudi tiskalnik (23).Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the stationary assembly (2) comprises a printer (23) in addition to the personal computer (22) and the card reader (21). 8. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da mobilni sklop (1) poleg GPS-enote (12), čitalnika (14) kartic in pomnilniška enote (11) obsega tudi prikazovalnik (13).Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the mobile assembly (1) in addition to the GPS unit (12), the card reader (14) and the memory unit (11) also comprises a display (13). 9. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da mobilni sklop (1) poleg GPS-enote (12), čitalnika (14) kartic in pomnilniška enote (11) obsega tudi signalizacij sko enoto (15),Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the mobile assembly (1) in addition to the GPS unit (12), the card reader (14) and the memory unit (11) also comprises a signaling unit (15), 10. Naprava po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 7, označena s tem, da mobilni sklop (1) poleg GPS-enote (12), čitalnika (14) kartic in pomnilniška enote (11) obsega tudi signalizacij sko enoto (15).The device according to any one of claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the mobile assembly (1) in addition to the GPS unit (12), the card reader (14) and the memory unit (11) also comprises a signaling unit (15). 11. Naprava po zahtevku 9 ali 10, označena s tem, da je signalizacij ska enota (15) zvočna signalizacijska enota.Apparatus according to claim 9 or 10, characterized in that the signaling unit (15) is an audio signaling unit.
SI200300166A 2002-09-16 2003-07-07 Device for automatic monitoring and keeping log about the use of vehicle SI21329A (en)

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