SI20350A - Mobile digital telephone set, adapted for people hard of hearing - Google Patents

Mobile digital telephone set, adapted for people hard of hearing Download PDF


Publication number
SI20350A SI9900157A SI9900157A SI20350A SI 20350 A SI20350 A SI 20350A SI 9900157 A SI9900157 A SI 9900157A SI 9900157 A SI9900157 A SI 9900157A SI 20350 A SI20350 A SI 20350A
Prior art keywords
digital telephone
portable digital
telephone apparatus
field coil
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Slovenian (sl)
Milan Zupanc
Original Assignee
Milan Zupanc
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Application filed by Milan Zupanc filed Critical Milan Zupanc
Priority to SI9900157A priority Critical patent/SI20350A/en
Publication of SI20350A publication Critical patent/SI20350A/en



  • Telephone Set Structure (AREA)


The mobile telephone set, adapted for people hard of hearing features a field coil (fc) inductively linked to the induction coil of the hearing-aid worn behind the ear, which is provided with the sound signal (ss') from the output of the audio amplifier (aa), connected to the sound signal (ss) input for the loudspeaker of a mobile phone. The field coil (fc) is a flat coil with approximately twenty windings and is located in a protective casing (pc) located next to one of the both large sides of the chassis (tsc) of the mobile digital telephone set. The windings of the field coil (fc) are located near the circumference of the mentioned large side of the specified sides of the chassis (tsc). Persons hard of hearing with hearing-aids worn behind the ears can use it directly, without having to spread out the field coil. It's not attracting attention and does not hinder standard use.


Milan Zupanc Šlandrov trg 20 3310 ŽalecMilan Zupanc Šlandrov trg 20 3310 Žalec

Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat, prirejen za naglušne osebePortable digital telephone set adapted for the hearing impaired

Izum se nanaša na prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat, ki je prirejen za naglušne osebe in pri katerem se z indukcijsko tuljavo zaušesnega slušnega aparata sklopljena poljska tuljava napaja z zvočnim signalom z izhoda avdio ojačevalnika, na katerega vhod se vodi zvočni signal za zvočnik prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata.The invention relates to a portable digital telephone apparatus adapted for the hearing impaired and in which the coupled field coil is coupled by an induction coil of a hearing aid to an audio signal from the output of an audio amplifier to which an audio signal is output to the speaker of a portable digital telephone apparatus .

Izum je po mednarodni klasifikaciji patentov uvrščen v razred H 04R 9/10.According to the international patent classification, the invention is classified in class H 04R 9/10.

Naloga izuma je na preprost način in poceni prirediti obstoječi prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat za naglušne osebe, da ga bo naglušna oseba lahko uporabljala na enak način kot slišeča oseba in bo lahko telefonirala na nevpadljiv način in udobno.It is a simple and inexpensive task of the invention to adapt an existing portable digital telephone apparatus for the hearing impaired so that the hearing impaired person can use it in the same way as the hearing person and can make telephone calls in a non-striking and comfortable manner.

Znani so različni pripomočki, ki jih naglušne osebe z zaušesnim slušnim aparatom uporabljajo pri telefoniranju. Nasploh pri telefoniranju naglušna oseba preklopi stikalo zaušesnega slušnega aparata v položaj T, da indukcijska tuljavica v zaušesnem slušnem aparatu izkorišča šibko magnetno polje iz slušalke, in regulator jakosti premakne v lego z največjim ojačenjem. Pri dobri telefonski zvezi je mogoče dobro sporazumevanje. Zlasti pri večji izgubi sluha pa je sporazumevanje pogosto zelo težko ali nemogoče. Na razpolago so potem posebni zvočniki ali pa zelo močno ojačenje v slušalki, kar pa onemogoča zasebnost pri telefonskih razgovorih in prihaja do mixrofoniranja.There are various aids that hearing aids with in-ear hearing aids use when making phone calls. In general, when making a call, the hearing person switches the in-ear hearing aid switch to the T position so that the induction coil in the in-ear hearing aid utilizes a weak magnetic field from the earpiece and moves the volume controller to the position with maximum gain. Good telephone communication can be good communication. Particularly in the case of major hearing loss, communication is often very difficult or impossible. Special loudspeakers or a very powerful amplification in the handset are then available, which prevents privacy during telephone calls and mixes.

Na telefonsko slušalko se lahko natakne baterijsko napajani ojačevalnik (Humantechnik GmbH), ki ga naglušna oseba vedno nosi s seboj. Uporabi se lahko pri poljubnem telefonskem aparatu. Uporaba v javnosti pomeni za naglušno osebo moteč moment v psihološkem oziru. Nastavljanje ojačenja, da se doseže primerna glasnost, lahko povzroča preglavice osebam z manjšo motorično spretnostjo. Zaradi motenj iz digitalnega prenosnega telefonskega aparata takšen ojačevalnik za osebo z zaušenim slušnim aparatom ni primeren.A handset-powered amplifier (Humantechnik GmbH) can be attached to the handset and is always carried with the hearing aid. It can be used with any phone. Use in public means a distressing moment for the hard of hearing person in psychological terms. Adjusting the gain to get the right volume can cause blockages for people with reduced motor skills. Due to interference from a digital portable telephone, such amplifier is not suitable for a person with a hearing impediment.

V patentnem spisu SI 9700157 je opisana tehnična rešitev, po kateri je okoli zvočniškega vložka v telefonski slušalki navita tuljavica, kije preko ojačevalnika priključena na električni priključni sponki omenjenega zvočniškega vložka. Na ta način se skozi indukcijsko tuljavico zaušesnega slušnega aparata omogoča tolikšen pretok z zvočnim signalom moduliranega magnetnega polja, da naglušna oseba lahko udobno telefonira. Pri telefonskem pogovoru je zagotovljena zasebnost, telefon pa je nevpadljiv in ne moti normalne uporabe. Vendar prenosni digitalni telefonski aparati, torej telefonski aparati za GSM komunikacije, generirajo viskofrekvenčne motnje, ki jih lovi zaušesni slušni aparat, za poslušanje s telefonskim aparatom, prislonjenim ob drugo uho, pa je zaradi majhnega preseka male dodatne tuljavice magnetno polje na tem mestu prešibko. Poleg tega izredna kompaktnost prenosnih telefonskih aparatov preprečuje, da bi se v njihovo normalno izvedbo naknadno vgradili dodatni sestavni deli.SI 9700157 discloses a technical solution whereby a coil is wound around a loudspeaker in a telephone handset, which is connected to an electrical terminal of said loudspeaker via an amplifier. In this way, through the induction coil of the in-ear hearing aid, the sound of the modulated magnetic field is transmitted so that the hearing person can make a comfortable call. Phone conversations are guaranteed privacy and the phone is unobtrusive and does not interfere with normal use. However, portable digital telephones, that is, telephones for GSM communications, generate high-frequency interference from the in-ear hearing aid and, due to the small cross-section of the small additional coil, the magnetic field at this point is too weak to listen to the telephone with the other ear. In addition, the ultra-compact portability of portable telephones prevents additional components from being retrofitted to their normal design.

Znan je prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat firme NOKIA, ki je s prenosno induktivno enoto prirejen za naglušne osebe. Z indukcijsko tuljavo zaušesnega slušnega aparata je induktivno sklopljena poljska tuljava v obliki zanke; ta se prednostno obesi okoli vratu, kar pa je vpadljivo. Poljska tuljava se napaja z zvočnim signalom iz izhoda avdio ojačevalnika, katerega okrov je sestavni del omenjene zanke in na katerega vhod se vodi zvočni signal za zvočnik prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata.Known for the portable digital phone from NOKIA, which is designed for the hearing impaired with a portable inductive unit. The inductive coupling of the in-ear hearing aid is a loop-inductively coupled field coil; it is preferably hung around the neck, which is striking. The Polish coil is powered by an audio signal from the output of an audio amplifier, the housing of which is an integral part of said loop and to which an audio signal is output to the speaker of a portable digital telephone apparatus.

Navedena naloga je rešena s prenosnim digitalnim telefonskim aparatom, kije prirejen za naglušne osebe in pri katerem se z indukcijsko tuljavo zaušesnega slušnega aparata induktivno sklopljena poljska tuljava napaja z zvočnim signalom z izhoda avdio ojačevalnika, na katerega vhod se vodi zvočni signal za zvočnik prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata, in ki je z izumom izpopolnjen tako, da je poljska tuljava ploska tuljava s približno 20 ovoji in je v zaščitni preobleki nameščena ob eni od obeh velikih stranic okrova prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata in da ovoji poljske tuljave potekajo blizu oboda omenjene velike stranice omenjenega okrova.The said problem is solved by a portable digital telephone apparatus adapted for the hearing impaired and inductively coupled by a field coil inductively coupled a field coil to an audio signal output from an audio amplifier output to which an audio signal is transmitted to a portable digital telephone speaker The apparatus of the invention is further refined so that the field coil is a flat coil of about 20 coils and is disposed in a protective cover along one of the two large sides of the casing of a portable digital telephone apparatus and that the coils of the field coils extend near the circumference of said large side of said casing. .

Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat po izumu je nadalje značilen po tem, da se zvočni signal iz prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata vodi na vhod avdio ojačevalnika, ki se vklaplja in izklaplja z optičnim stikalom, ki je krmiljeno s signalom za izklop tona v prenosnem digitalnem telefonskem aparatu, pri čemer sta avdio ojačevalnik in optično stikalo povezana s prenosnim digitalnim telefonskim aparatom preko njegovega konektorja in sta skupaj z baterijo nameščena v okrovu za avdio ojačevalnik. Okrov za avdio ojačevalnik je odstranljivo pritijen ob spodnjo stranico prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata.The portable digital telephone apparatus of the invention is further characterized in that the audio signal from the portable digital telephone apparatus is directed to the input of an audio amplifier, which is switched on and off by an optical switch controlled by a tone mute signal in the portable digital telephone apparatus, wherein the audio amplifier and the optical switch are connected to a portable digital telephone apparatus via its connector and together with the battery are housed in the audio amplifier enclosure. The audio amplifier box is removably attached to the underside of the portable digital telephone.

Po izumu prirejeni prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat ima pred znanim tovrtsnim aparatom predvsem to prednost, da ga naglušna oseba z zaušesnim slušnim aparatom lahko uporabi neposredno, ne da bi poslušala nadležne, v prenosnem digitalnem telefonskem aparatu generirane motnje in ne da bi ji bilo treba razprostreti zanko poljske tuljave. Je nevpadljiv in ne moti normalne uporabe. Cenovno je dostopen širokemu krogu naglušnih oseb.The portable digital telephone apparatus according to the invention has the advantage over the known type of apparatus that the hearing impaired hearing aid can be used directly without listening to the annoying interference generated by the portable digital telephone without having to open the loop field coils. It is unobtrusive and does not interfere with normal use. It is affordable for a wide range of hard of hearing people.

Izum bo v nadaljnjem podrobno obrazložen na osnovi opisa izvedbenega primera ter pripadajočega načrta, ki na edini sliki na shematičen način prikazuje prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat po izumu, prirejen za naglušne osebe.The invention will hereinafter be explained in detail on the basis of a description of an embodiment and an accompanying plan, which in a single image, schematically shows a portable digital telephone apparatus of the invention adapted for hearing impaired persons.

Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat MDTS v standardni izvedbi je na sliki prikazan delno prekrit z zaščitnim etuijem pc. Opremljen je s konektoijem c za priključitev osnovnega kompleta.The standard MDTS portable digital phone is shown in the illustration partly covered by the pc protective case. It is equipped with a connector c to attach the base kit.

V prenosnem digitalnem telefonskem aparatu, ki pa je prirejen za naglušne osebe, je z indukcijsko tuljavo zaušesnega slušnega aparata induktivno sklopljena poljska tuljava fc. Ta se napaja z zvočnim signalom ss’ z izhodnih sponk tl, t2 avdio ojačevalnika aa, na katerega vhod se vodi zvočni signal ss za zvočnik prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata MDTS.In a portable digital telephone, which is adapted for the hearing impaired, the field coil fc is inductively coupled to the induction coil of the in-ear hearing aid. This is powered by the audio signal ss' of the output terminals tl, t2 of the audio amplifier aa, to which the audio signal ss for the loudspeaker of the MDTS portable digital telephone is fed.

Za naglušne osebe prirejeni prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat pa je z izumom izpopolnjen tako, daje poljska tuljava fc ploska tuljava in je v zaščitnem etuiju, torej v zaščitni preobleki pc nameščena ob eni od obeh velikih stranic okrova tsc prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata MDTS. Pri tem ovoji poljske tuljave fc potekajo blizu oboda omenjene velike stranice omenjenega okrova tsc.For the hearing impaired, the portable digital telephone apparatus of the invention is further refined in such a way that the field coil fc is a flat coil and is housed in one of the two large sides of the tsc cover of the portable digital telephone apparatus MDTS in the protective case pc. In this case, the field coils fc extend near the circumference of said large side of said tsc enclosure.

Poljska tuljava fc ima približno 20 ovojev, njena upornost pa je 4 Ω.The Polish coil fc has about 20 sheaths and its resistance is 4 Ω.

Zvočni signal ss iz prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata MDTS se torej vodi na vhod avdio ojačevalnika aa. Avdio ojačevalnik aa se klaplja in izklaplja z optičnim stikalom oc. Optično stikalo galvansko ločuje avdio ojačevalnik aa od elektronskih komponent v aparatu MDTS. Krmiljeno je s signalom ms za izklop tona v prenosnem digitalnem telefonskem aparatu MDTS, od tod pa je tudi napajano z električnim tokom pse.The audio signal ss from the MDTS portable digital telephone handset is therefore guided to the input of the audio amplifier aa. The audio amplifier aa is switched on and off with the optical switch oc. The optical switch galvanically separates the audio aa amplifier from the electronic components in the MDTS. It is controlled by the ms signal to turn off the tone in the MDTS portable digital telephone, and from there it is also powered by dog current.

Avdio ojačevalnik aa je skupaj z baterijo b in s krmiljenim optičnim stikalom oc nameščen v posebnem dodatnem okrovu aab. Ta je odstranljivo pritrjen ob spodnjo stranico prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata MDTS.The audio amplifier aa, together with battery b and the controlled optical switch oc, is housed in a special optional aab housing. This is removably attached to the underside of the MDTS portable digital telephone.

Za naglušne osebe prirejeni prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat po izumu obsega poljsko tuljavo fc, ki ustvarja tolikšen pretok z zvočnim signalom moduliranega magnetnega polja na mestu indukcijske tuljavice zaušesnega slušnega aparata za prvim ušesom, da naglušna oseba lahko udobno telefonira, pri čemer drži prirejeni prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat prislonjen k drugemu ušesu. Takšna razdalja med prenosnim digitalnim telefonskim aparatom in slušnim aparatom zadošča, da ta ne lovi v onem generiranih motenj.For the hearing impaired, the portable digital telephone apparatus of the invention comprises a field coil fc that generates such a flow with a modulated magnetic field audio signal at the induction coil of the in-ear hearing aid behind the first ear that the hearing subject can comfortably hold while holding the adapted portable digital telephone the appliance rests against the other ear. Such a distance between the portable digital telephone and the hearing aid is sufficient to prevent it from catching interference.

Claims (5)

1. Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat, ki je prirejen za naglušne osebe in pri katerem se z indukcijsko tuljavo zaušesnega slušnega aparata induktivno sklopljena poljska tuljava (fc) napaja z zvočnim signalom (ss’) z izhoda avdio ojačevalnika (aa), na katerega vhod se vodi zvočni signal (ss) za zvočnik prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata, označen s tem, da je poljska tuljava (fc) ploska tuljava in je v zaščitni preobleki (pc) nameščena ob eni od obeh velikih stranic okrova (tsc) prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata in da ovoji poljske tuljave (fc) potekajo blizu oboda omenjene velike stranice omenjenega okrova (tsc).1. A portable digital telephone apparatus adapted for the hearing impaired and inductively coupled to a field coil (fc) by an induction coil of an in-ear hearing aid (fc) is powered by an audio signal (ss') from the output of the audio amplifier (aa) to which the input conduct an acoustic signal (ss) for the loudspeaker of a portable digital telephone apparatus, characterized in that the field coil (fc) is a flat coil and is housed in a protective cover (pc) along one of the two large sides of the casing (tsc) of the portable digital telephone apparatus, and that the sheaths of the field coil (fc) extend near the circumference of said large side of said casing (tsc). 2. Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima poljska tuljava (fc) približno 20 ovojev.A portable digital telephone apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the field coil (fc) has about 20 sheaths. 3. Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat po zahtevku 1 ali 2, označen s tem, da se zvočni signal (ss) iz prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata vodi na vhod avdio ojačevalnika (aa), ki se vklaplja in izklaplja z optičnim stikalom (oc), ki je krmiljeno s signalom (ms) za izklop tona v prenosnem digitalnem telefonskem aparatu.Portable digital telephone apparatus according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that an audio signal (ss) from the portable digital telephone apparatus is directed to the input of the audio amplifier (aa), which is switched on and off by an optical switch (oc) it is controlled by a signal (ms) to turn off the tone in a portable digital telephone. 4. Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat po zahtevku 3, označen s tem, da sta avdio ojačevalnik (aa) in optično stikalo (oc) povezana s prenosnim digitalnim telefonskim aparatom preko njegovega konektorja (c) in sta skupaj z baterijo (b) nameščena v okrovu (aab) za avdio ojačevalnik (aa).Portable digital telephone apparatus according to claim 3, characterized in that the audio amplifier (aa) and the optical switch (oc) are connected to the portable digital telephone apparatus via its connector (c) and are provided together with the battery (b) in the housing (aab) for audio amplifier (aa). 5. Prenosni digitalni telefonski aparat po zahtevku 4, označen s tem, daje okrov (aab) za avdio ojačevalnik (aa) odstranljivo pritijen ob spodnjo stranico prenosnega digitalnega telefonskega aparata.5. A portable digital telephone apparatus according to claim 4, characterized in that the housing (aab) for the audio amplifier (aa) is removably attached to the underside of the portable digital telephone apparatus.
SI9900157A 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Mobile digital telephone set, adapted for people hard of hearing SI20350A (en)

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SI9900157A SI20350A (en) 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Mobile digital telephone set, adapted for people hard of hearing

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SI9900157A SI20350A (en) 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Mobile digital telephone set, adapted for people hard of hearing

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SI20350A true SI20350A (en) 2001-02-28



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SI9900157A SI20350A (en) 1999-06-11 1999-06-11 Mobile digital telephone set, adapted for people hard of hearing

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