びその突然変異体並びに誘導体に関し、そしてより詳しくは、 DNAウィルス特異
これに関して特に重要視されているウィルスは DNAウィルス、例えばカウリモ
ubterranean Clover Stunt Virus)(SCSV,Shu and helms,Virology,1986,16
7,38-49)及びココナッツ・フォリアー・デケイ・ウィルス(Coconut Foliar De
cay Virus)(CFDV,Rohde ら、Virology,1990,176,648-51)である。ジェミニ
00塩基対以下の「ビリオン・センス」又は「ポジティブ・センス」 DNAと呼ばれ
る一本鎖環状 DNAを含む。ジェミニウィルスによる宿主細胞の感染により、ウィ
補性・センス」ストランドを含んで成る二本鎖の DNA複製形態が
ランドの両者から起こり、(+)及び(−)センス RNA転写体のそれぞれが出来
ルス(ACMV)、クロリス・ストリエート・モザイクウィルス(Chloris Striate M
osaic Virus:CSMV)、トマト・イエロー・リーフ・カール・ウィルス(TYLCV)、
物ダメージを引き起こし、そして感染植物は中東及びヨーロッパにおける TYLCV
ない限り、TLCV及び TYLCVは同義語として利用し、そしてTLCVのイスラエル及び
サルジニア単離体についての本明細書での言及は TYLCV単離体と解されるべきで
ジェミニウィルスは感染細胞の核の中で複製し、そして一本鎖 DNA含有コリフ
ァージ(例えばQX174)並びに一定のスタフィロコッカス・アウレウス(Staphyloc occus aureus
)及びバチルス・スブチリス(Bacillus subtilis )プラスミド
られる。他の公知の植物ウィルス、例えばその他の植物 DNAウィルスは RNA中間
ジェミニウィルス粒子は感染細胞の核の中にたまり、そこでおそらく DNA複製
及びウィルス集成が行われる(Davies ら、J.Cell.Sci(Suppl)(1987)7:9
5-107)。その推定複製形態はクロマチン様構造をとる約 2.7kbの二本鎖の共有閉
環環状 DNAであり、そして転写活性ウィルス形態のようである(Abouzid ら、Mol
チ(Bemisia tabaci)(Genn.)により伝染するウィルス(ACMV,アリカン・カ
ッサバ・モザイクウィルス( Stanley and Gay,Nature(1983)301:260);TG
MV 、トマト・コールデン・モザイクウィルス(HamiHon ら、EMBO J.(1984)
3:2197);BGMV 、ビーン・ゴールデン・モザイクウィルス(Horwarth ら、PNA
ルス(Nigeria 株、Mullinauxら EMBO J.(1984)3:3063;ケニヤ(Kenyan
)株、Havel NAR(1984)12 :7359);DSV、ディジタリアン・ストリーク・ウィ
ルス(Donson ら、Virology(1987)161:160);WDV、ホイート・ドゥウォー
フ・ウィルス(Mac Dowell ら EMBO J.(1985)4:2173));そして1分節系
リー・トップ・ウィルス(Stanley ら、EMBO J.(1986)5:1761);ToYDV、
タバコ・イエロー・ドゥウォーフ・ウィルス(Maris ら、Virology(1992)187
・カール・ウィルス(イスラエル単離体、Navet ら、Virology(1991)185:151
;サルジアン単離体、Kheyr-Pour ら NAT(1
991)19:6763),TLCV 、トマト・リーフ・カール・ウィルス(オーストラリア単
離体、Dry ら J.Gen.Virol.(1993)74:147))。
植物 DNAウィルス、特にジェミニウィルスの経済的重要性により、病気耐性手
一つの手法は相補性 RNAを標的とするアンチセンス RNAにより人工的に遺伝子
発現を抑制することにある(Helene,C.& Tolume J.J.Biochim.Biophys.Ac
ta 1049:99-125,1990; Vander Kroら Biotechniques 6:958-976,1988)。
アンチセンス RNAは細菌及び動物組織のウィルス感染を抑えるのに効果的に利用
されているが(Helene,C & Tolume,J.J.前掲)、植物におけるその利用は限
られた成功しか収められていない(Van Del Elzen, P.J.M.ら Plant Mol.B
iol.13:337-346,1989; Powell,P.A.ら Proc.Nad.Aca.Sci.USA 86:69
事実、別の領域に対するキュウリ・モザイクウィルス(CMV)アンチセンス RNA
を発現する遺伝子導入植物は、非常に低レベルのアンチセンス RNAのみを不合理
的に生成する一の系を除き、 CMV感染に対して一般に耐性でなかった(Rezaianら
、Plant Mol.Biol.(1988)11:463)。アンチセンスがこの耐性の原因である
証拠はない。ポテトにおいて、遺伝子導入植物における PVXコートタンパク質 R
NA配列に対するアンチセンスは低レベルでの接種においてのみ PVXから守った(H
emenwayら、EMBO J.(1988)7:1273)。
せるのに必要なアンチセンスの量、及びウィルス RNAはほとんどサイトプラズマ
子に転写融合されたTGMVのウィルスによりコードされる ALI遺伝子のアンチセン
ス DNA配列を発現するタバコ植物に応用されている(Day A.G.らProc.Nad.A cad.Sci.
USA 88:6721-6725,1991)。アンチセンス転写体を発現する遺伝子
とにより植物 DNAウィルス耐性植物を作製するアンチセンス手法の欠点の解消を
リボザイムは特異性の高いエンドリボヌクレアーゼ活性を有する合成 RNA分子
である。特に、これらは、標的 RNAの少なくとも一部に対してヌクレオチド配列
が相補性となっているハイブリダイズ領域及び標的 RNAを解裂する触媒領域を含
んで成る。リボザイムはHaseloff J.and Gerlach L. Nature 334:586-591 及
び国際特許出願第WO89/05852 によく説明されている。
DNAウィルス、そして特にジェミニウィルスの如くの植物一本鎖 DNAウィルスに
は利用されていない。事実、 DNAウィルスに対するリボザイムの利用の成功は、
定されている(Elmer ら、Nucl.Acid.Res.,1988,16,p7043-7060)。
本発明に従うと、本発明者らは植物 DNAウィルスを標的とするこ
リボザイムに関し、ここでこのハイブリダイズ領域は DNAウィルスに係る DNA分
子から転写された標的 RNAの少なくとも一部にハイブリダイズすることができ、
イムに関し、ここでこのハイブリダイズ領域は植物一本鎖 DNAウィルスのビリオ
ン・センス DNAストランド又は相補性・センス DNAストランドから転写された標
はこの標的mRNA配列を解裂することができ、これによりこの DNAウィルスの複製
便宜上、一本鎖 DNAウィルスについての言及には、その二本鎖複製形態につい
好適な態様において、植物一本鎖 DNAウィルスはジェミニウィルスであり、そ
ビリオン・センス DNA分子から転写した評的mRNA又は前記ビリオン・センス DNA
に相補性の DNA分子の少なくとも一部にハイブリダイズでき、前記mRNAは植物細
変異体である。TLCVの一本鎖 DNAは6つのオープンリーディングフレーム(ORF)
を含み、2つはリーフ・カール感染植物の中で生成された複製形態 DNAのビリオ
列を表わし、そしてウィルスゲノム又は DNAウィルスの(−)センス RNA転写体
この変異体に従うと、この標的 RNAは好ましくは(−)センス RNA転写体、即
ち、 DNAウィルスゲノム、特にジェミニウィルスの二本鎖複製形態の相補性・セ
ある。この配列X及びX′は従って、(−)センス RNA転写体の少なくとも一部
に相補性である(これは一本鎖ゲノム DNAの少なくとも一部に相補性であること
以降「バイブリダイズアーム」と呼ぶ配列X及びX′は、基質 RNAに対するリ
決定され、そして 800又は1000塩基以上の長さでありうる。好適な長さは6〜 3
00塩基、例えば10〜 150塩基である。基質に対する、又は基質の一部に対するハ
EP-A-321201及び EP-A-360257のそれぞれに記載されている。特に好ましいのは
…Rn(ここでn>1、そして50又は 100ほどの高い値を有してよい)を有する
「ハンマーヘッド」リボザイムは基質を「標的」部位 XXX、好ましくは XUX(
てYは塩基対ではない。X+ OUYを規定する好適なトリプレットには、限定する
ことなく、GUC,GUA,GUU,UUC及び CUCが含まれる。その他の標的部位、例えば
CAC,UAC及び AACも可能だが、効率性が低い。Perrimanら(Gene,1992,113:15
CUC,GUA及び GUU標的は同等の進行の研究を示した。 GUGに関しては、通常のリ
、ポリリボザイムの各触媒領域は、転写体の XUX部位に相当する相補性配列中の
部位になければならない。例えば、もし一つの XUX部位がC1遺伝子の 412位に
あり、そして他方が 711にあるなら、触媒領域は相補性配列の 412に対応する位
置に、そして他方は 711に対応する位置に挿入する。授言すれば、各「R」単位
的とされる XUX部位のまわれの塩基と相補性となるように選ぶ。
モチーフ XUXは RNA配列の中で非常に頻繁に見い出せるモチーフである。例え
ば、平均して、ランダム且つ等分布の塩基を有する配列の中で64塩基毎に GUCモ
チーフがある。このことは、基質が通常複数の XUX解裂部位を含むことを意味す
る。前記の通り、ポリリボザイムの触媒領域は XUX部位に相当する相補性配列の
位置にある。しかながら、本発明に従う効率的な解裂を得るために、基質の各 X
いる触媒領域の総数は転写標的の中に存在している XUX部位の総数と通常等しい
列が GUCであるとき、約2〜約6個の触媒領域を含みうる。基質の中の XUX部位
a)標的とする2つの XUX部位間の距離、従ってリボザイム中の2つの触媒領
ん、この基準は基質が XUX部位を互いと非常に近い距離で含んでいるときにのみ
考慮しなければならないものである。そうでなければ、も基質の XUX部位が互い
b)標的とする XUXは好ましくは有意な二次構造を有さない基質の一部にある
c)標的とする XUX部位は、一つの及び同一のウィルスの種々の株間で、又は
d)標的とする XUX部位のその他の選定基準は、形質転換すべき植物の内因性
ゲノムにおいて相同性のある配列を有する。従って、かかる配列内にある XUX部
イズアーム及び隣接「R」単位の5′ハイブリダイズアームは、(−)センス R
NA転写体又は DNAゲノムの中に連続している配列に対して相補性である。
塩基でありうる。 400〜1000の長さが極めて好ましい。
実上、「非対称性」「R」単位の触媒ドメインが基質の中で2つの異なる XUX部
性である配列に隣接する XUX部位であり、そして他方は3′アームに対して相補
性である配列に隣接する XUX部位である。このタイプのリボザイムは特別に構築
(−)センス RNA転写体の非連続部分に対して相補性である。このタイプのポリ
標的配列中の対応の XUX部位間の距離よりも短い。リボザイム間の距離は、基質
質の中の2つの隣接標的 XUX部位が1000ヌクレオチドの距離で隔てられているの
ラ ポリリボザイム」と呼ぶ。このタイプの構築体の例として、TLCV及び TYLCV
の間に、少なくとも4塩基の長さを有し、且つ(−)センス RNA転写体又は DNA
それは形質転換体を選別するのに利用できうるコード配列により、又は更に DNA
ウィルスの主標的以外で基質上に作用するもしくはポリリボザイムの一部に cis
の非相補性配列は通常4〜 500塩基、例えば20〜 100塩基の長さを有する。複数
こと)。C1レプリカーゼポリペプチドに関して、TLCVと TYLCV-Iとの間での最
大相同性は83%の相同性を伴った。TLCVと TYLCV-S間では、C1オープンリーデ
この対比を、TLCVに対する TYLCVのイスラエル、サルジニア及びチュニジア単
1〜14について、アミノ酸同一性はプログラムBest Fit of the UWGCG-Sequen
ce analysis package による%で示す。ワードサイズ
(K-tuple)は2、ギャップウェイトは 2.0、そしてギャップレングスウェイトは
0.1とした。プログラム FastAは同一の関係をもたらした。
/GENE Sequence analysis packageのPALIGNプログラムを利用して計算した(オ
ABMVA :アブチロン(Abutilon)・モザイクウィルスDNA A;
ACMVA :アメリカン・カッサバ・モザイクウィルスDNA A;
BGMVA :ビーン・ゴールデン・モザイクウィルスDNA A;
ICMV:インディアン・カッサバ・モザイクウィルスDNA A;
SqlCV :スカッシュ(Squash)・リーフ・カール・ウィルスDNA A;
PYMVA :ポテト・イエロー・モザイクウィルスDNA A;
TGMVA :トマト・ゴールデン・モザイクウィルスDNA A;
TYLCV-I :トマト・イエロー・リーフ・カール・ウィルス・イスラエル単離体;
TYLCV-S :トマト・イエロー・リーフ・カール・ウィルス・タイ単離体;
TLCV :トマト・リーフ・カール・ウィルス;
BCTV :ビート・カーリー・トップ・ウィルス;
MSV :メイズ・ストリーク・ウィルス; WDV:ホイート・ドゥウォーフ・ウィル
表にまとめた結果はDry ら(J.Gen.Virol.(1993)74・147)及びKheyr-pour
ら(Nucl.Acid.Res.(1991)19:6763)より得た。 TYLCV及びTLCVの3つの単
非常に対照的である。例えば、ACMVのケニヤ及びナイジェリア単離体の DNA配列
は96%の同一性を示し、そして MSVのケニヤ、ナイジェリア及び南アフリカ単離
体は最大約2%異なる。 TYLCV及びTLCVの3単離体間の強い配列多様度にかかわ
らず、本発明者らはC1 RNA転写体の対比を行い、そして3つの非常に高度の保存
1.ほぼ 365〜435
2.ほぼ 634〜737
3.ほぼ 895〜972
子の完全ヌクレオチド配列はMullinaux ら Virology,193:414-423,1993及びDry
ら J.Gen.Virol.,74:147-151,1993に開示されている。このイスラエル
単離体はNavot らVirology,185:151-161,1991 により開示され、そしてサル
本発明のこの観点に従うと、「保存領域」は約20塩基の長さにわたって 100%
本発明のポリリボザイムは通常 RNAより成る。にもかかわらず、通常ポリリボ
部、を DNAに置き換えてよい(例えば、国際特許出願WO-9119789に記載の DNAに
よる RNAの置換を参照のこと)。
(式中、(X)n及び(X)n′は DNAウィルスのmRNA配列に実質的に相補性であ
なって一本の RNA配列を形成しており、ここでこの配列の少なくとも一部は相補
(式中、(X)n及び(X)n′は DNAウィルス、そして特にジェミニウィルス、
(式中、(X)n及び(X)n′は DNAウィルス、そして特にジェミニウィルス、
好ましくは、この DNAウィルスは一本鎖 DNAウィルスである。好ましくは、こ
の一本鎖 DNAウィルスはジェミニウィルスである。最も好ましくは、このジェミ
最も好適な態様において、(X)n及び(X)n′は図1に記載のTLCV又は TYL
塩基C−GはU−Aに置き代わりうる(Koizumi らFEBS Letts.228,2,228-230
る修飾は「Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure」(Wolfran Sanger編、Sprin
ger Verlag,New York,1
PはGと1Aとの共有結合、1もしくは複数のヌクレオチド(RNAもしくは DNA、
℃、pHは約 7.0〜 9.0、二価金属、例えばMg2+の1〜 100mM(好ましくは1〜20
る。インビトロ解裂反応は好都合にはLamb and Hay(J.Gen.Virol.,1990,71
のリボザイム、特にRz1,Rz2,Rz3,Rz4及び Rz5、それらを含むポリリボザイム
するリボザイムであって、このハイブリダイズドメインがTLCVもしくは TYLCVの
ヌクレオチド配列を含んで成るか、又は前記TLCVもしくはTYLCV mRNA配列と高ス
本発明の目的にとって、SambrookらMolecular Cloning:A Laboratory Manual
,Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories,Cold SpringHarbor,NY,USA.頁 387-389
ンジェンシーは0.25〜 0.5% W/VSDS、45℃、2〜3時間の利用でありうる。他
プロモーターはOdell ら Nature 313:810-812,1985 に記載されている。これ
外来 DNAを植物に導入するための全ての公知の手段、例えばアグロバクテリア
(Agrobacterium )、コレクトロポレーション、プロトプラスト融合、粒子ガン
の DNA浸透、ウィルベクター、例えばジェミニウィルス又はサテライトウィルス
一の手法において、タバコ細胞を、試験すべき遺伝子構築体と一緒にアグロバ クテリア
を採用する標準手順を利用して形質転換する。一般に、タバコのアグロ バクテリア・トウメファシエンス
媒介形質転換はHorschらScience 227:1229-12
31,1985 に本質的に記載の通りにして実施するか、慣用の株LBA 4404を用い、
そして苗木を 250μl/mlの濃度のカナマイシンで選別する。形質転換細胞を小
できたら、これらの特定の構築体を、例えばTLCV及び TYLCVの場合、遺伝子導入
験できうる。次いで、T1植物に、アグロ接種により DNAウィルスを接種する。
本発明は特に、TLCV及び TYLCV感染に対して少なくとも多少耐性を示す遺伝子
ス複製の阻害に基づく)。生物系の多様性に基づき、 100%のTLCV複製阻害を達
本発明は植物 DNAウィルス、より詳しくはジェミニウィルス、そして更には特
図2はBamHI切断 Bin19にクローニングしたCaMV35S-1568bp TLCV フラグメン
ト(Rz1,Rz2,及び Rz3含有)− CaMVpolyAを含んで成る pRIBO5BINの模式図で
ある。3つのリボザイムRz1,Rz2,及び Rz3の挿入部位は位置1111,2056及び23
に示す(−)センス番号付けを用いると、それぞれ位置1654,711 及び 412に相
図3はBamHI切断 Bin19にクローニングしたCaMV35S-1346bp TMCV フラグメン
ト(Rz1,Rz2,及び Rz3含有)− CaMVpolyA発現カセットを含んで成る pRIBO5B
IN DeLの模式図である。
図4はBamHI切断 Bin19にクローニングしたCaMV35S-3966bp TLCV フラグメン
ト(Rz1及び Rz2含有)− CaMVpolyA発現カセットを含
んで成る pRIBO7BINの模式図である。
図5はBamHI切断 Bin19にクローニングしたCaMV35S-30bp TLCVフラグメント(
Rz1含有)−CaMVpolyA 発現カセットを含んで成る pRIBO2BINの模式図である。
図7はリボザイムモデルの模式図である(Haselhoff and Gerlach,Nature,1
988 由来)。基質 RNAは、示している通り、リボザイムと塩基対合を形成する長
さの GUCに隣接する任意の配列(X)を解裂部位に有しうる。矢印は解裂部位を
図8は TYLCV-Sの相補性・センスストラントのヌクレオチド配列を示す。小文
字はリボザイム解裂部位を示す。 TYLCV-Sの配列はKher-Pour ら(Nucl.AcidRes
図9はTLCVと TYLCV-S間の、レプリカーゼ遺伝子における保存領域を示す:図
図10はTLCVの相補鎖のヌクレオチド配列を示す。Dry ら(J.Gen.Virol.(19
図12はリボザイム構築体の模式図である。斜線は TYLCV-S相補性・センススト
図13は二重ベクターpGAZE の模式物理地図である。
図15(a)は EcoRV切断 Bluescript SK+に平滑末端化した pRIBO5BS:1690b
d TLCV C1/C2/C3相補性フラグメント(3つのリボザイムを含む)の模式図で
ある; 図15(b)は BamHI切断 BIN19にクローニングした pRIBO5BIN:2660bp
BgL II35S-C1/C2/C3相補性(3つのリボザイム含有)CaMVpolyA カセットの
H:HindIII;K:KpnI;P:Pst I;Sm:SamI;B:BamHI;SL:SaLI;St:SstI;X:
Xho I;Xb:XbaI;C:Cla I。
アーム」リボザイム、polyE,polyF及びpolyD を得るのに実施した欠失を示す。
、配列(X′)n及び(X)n 2及びPがもっぱらリボヌクレオチドより成るとき
適当な標的 RNAの選別ができるようにするため、主要mRNA転写体を同定し、そ
トラリア)Mullineauxら、前掲;Dry ら前掲]。ウィルス DNAの相補性・センス
生成物はウィルスの複製にとって必要である。Daviesら、Trends in Genetics,
5:77-81,1989 ]。このmRNAはC2,C3及びC4と命名された。3つのその
実施例IV−Rz1,Rz2及び/又はRz3:pHIBO5BIN を担持する遺伝子構築体:
1075-2643 由来のTLCVの1568フラグメントをpALTER-1(Promega)の中にクローニ
オキシ連鎖停止法を利用する配列決定により確認した。Rz1,Rz2及びRz3 は50℃
及び37℃において、57 RNAポリメラーゼにより作った相補性・センスウィルス R
NA転写体のインビトロ解裂を触媒することを示した。Rz1,Rz2及びRz3 を含む改
変1634bp相補性・センスTLCVフラグメントをアンチセンス方向で(C1 ORF転写に
対し)、ダブル35S CaMVプロモーターとCaMVpolyA 終止配列との間にクローニン
グし、そして完全発現カセットを二重(binary)ベクター Bin19のの多重クロー
築体を pRIBO5BINとし、そして図2に示す。実施例V−Rz1,Rz2及び/又は Rz3:pRIBO5BIN DeLを担持する遺伝子構築体
この構築体は pRIBO5BIN(実施例IV)より、TLCVのBstBI部位(ヌクレオチド
2424)から3′末端に至る 216bpの領域の欠失により得た。得られる構築体をpR
IBO5BINDeLとし、そして図3に示す。実施例VI−Rz1,Rz2及び/又は Rz3:pRIBO7BINを担持する遺伝子構築体
この構築体は pRIBO5BINDeL(実施例V)より、TLCVフラグメントの5′末端
(ヌクレオチド1075)から XhoI部位(ヌクレオチド2425)に至る 950bpの領域
の除去により得た。得られる構築体を pRIBO7BINとし、そして図4に示す。実施例VII−Rz1,Rz2及び/又は Rz3:pRIBO2BINを担持する遺伝子構築体
Rz1 を含む52bpのフラグメントを pRIBO5BIN(実施例IV)よりポリメラーゼ連
鎖反応(PCR)によって増幅させ、そしてアンチセンス方向(C1 ORF転写に対し)
で、ダブル35S CaMVプロモーターとCaMVPolyAS終止配列との間にクローニングし
、そして完全発現カセットを二重ベクター Bin19の多重クローニング部位のBamH
I部位の中に導入した。得られる構築性を pRIBO2BINとし、そして図5に示す。実施例VIII−遺伝子導入タバコ細胞系におけるリボザイム遺伝子構築体の発現:
実施例5〜8記載のリボザイム構築体を PCR分析を利用して遺伝子導入タバコ
そして 0.5mlの抽出バッファー(0.1Mの
トリス−HCL(pH9),0.1MのNaCl,10mMのEDTA,1% W/V の SDS及び1% V/
V のベータメルカプトエタノール含有)及び 0.5mlのフェノールを伴って30S間
せ、そして 12000gで10分遠心した。このペレットを80% V/V のエタノールで
アニールした鋳型に、50mgのトリス−HCl (pH8.3),50mMのKCl,10mMのMgCl2
,0.5mM のスペルミジン、10mMの DTT,1単位のリボヌクレアーゼインヒビタ
ー及び2.25単位の AMV逆転写酵素を含む5μlの逆転写酵素混合物を加えた。こ
合、コントロール反応を実施し、それにおいては AMV逆転写酵素は、反応体mMト
リス−HCl (pH9),1.5mM のMgCl2,1.5mMのMgCl2,0.1% V/V のTriton X-100
,200 μMのdNTP,250 μMのCaMV Term プライヤー(図6参照)、 0.5単位の
Tag DNAポリメラーゼ及び2μlの第一ストランドcDNA反応混合物から排除して
PCR サイクル条件は、94℃で1分、50℃〜55℃で1分、72℃で3分を15〜30サ
イクルとした。 PCR生成物は 1.2〜 1.8% W/V アガロースゲルで分析した。
C3/CaMV Term プライヤー組合せを用いるRIBO5BIN及びRIBO5BINDeL の逆転写
酵素(RT)-PCR 分析はほぼ推定のサイズ、即ち、それぞれ1690bp及び1450bpの DN
R1B /CaMV Term プライヤー組合せを用いるRIBO5BIN,RIBO5BINDeL 及びRIBO
2BINのRT-PCR分析は、ほぼ推定のサイズ、即ち、それぞれ 504bp, 264bp及び 2
35bpの DNA生成物を生成した。
コントロール反応においては PCR生成物は認められなかった:(a)逆転写酵
された PCR生成物が、導入したリボザイム構築体の RNA転写体に特異的に由来す
C3/CaMV Term プライヤー組合せを用いる推定 PCR生成物のサイズは以下の通
1.RIBO5BIN 1690 bp
2.RIBO5BINDel 1450 bp
RIB /CaMV Term プライマー組合せを用いる推定PCR 生成物のサイズは以下の
1.RIBO5BIN 504 bp
2.RIBO5BINDel 264 bp
3.RIBO7BIN 264 bp
4.RIBO2BIN 235 bp
ジェミニウィルスのC1 ORFによりコードされる推定アミノ酸配列の対合対比を
サルジニア(Kheyr-Pourら、NAR (1991)19:6763),タイ(Rochester ら、Vi
rology(1990)178:520)),イスラエル(Navotら、Virology(1991)185: 15
1)),オーストラリア(Dry ら、J.Gen.Vir.(1993)74:147)由来の TYVCV
域であることを示す。TYLCV-S ゲノムのこのBstBI/ Eco0190I内部フラグメン
ト(nt346〜nt982)を DraII/ SmaI消化 pBluescriptII SK +ファージミド(ST
ハンマーヘッドタイプ RNA(図1)の触媒ドメイン、この場合ではタバコ・リ
ングスポット・ウィルス(STobRV)のサテライト RNAを、完全に無縁の基質 RNA
と共にin transのハンマーヘッド構造をデザインするために用い、これにより標
的部位は推定部位において特異的に解裂する(Haseloff and Gerlach (1989),Ge
ーヘッドタイプのリボザイムにより解裂される基質 RNAにとっての唯一の要件は
、トリヌクレオチド配列の存在にある(その自己解裂は述べられている)(Perr imanら
Gene(1992)113:157)。 TYLCV-SのC1転写体の最も高度に保存され
*位置R4、ヌクレオチド 407(標的部位 GUC);
*位置R5、ヌクレオチド 430(標的部位 UUC);
これらの位置に TobRVのサテライト RNAの22塩基のハンマーヘッド配列を導入
するため、Kammann ら(Nucl.Acid.Res.(1989)17:5404)に記載のポリメラ
ーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)による DNAの迅速挿入突然変異誘発手法を利用した。
下線配列は ToRSTのサテライトのハンマーヘッド構造に相当する大文字は標的
オリゴR4−R5はApplied Biosystems Model 380B DNA 合成装置で合成した
オリゴT7 配列決定用プライマー(Pharmacia):
オリゴT3 配列決定用プライマー(Pharmacia):
第一 PCR(PCR)工程において、オリゴR4−R5及びオリゴT3配列決定用プ
・カラム(Prime Erase Quick(商標)キット、STRATAGENE)で精製した。第二 PC
リゴT7の配列決定用プライマーと組合せて用いた。 PCR条件は FILのと通りと
PCR は50mMのKCl,10mMのトリス−HCl pH8.3,1.5mM のMgCl2,300mMづつの
dNTP,2Uの Tagポリメラーゼ(Perkin Elmer Cetus),40pgの鋳型 DNA,100p
M づつのプライマーを含む全反応容量100μlで実施した。 PCRIIは PCRIと同
じだが、5μl(アガロースゲルから推定して 300ngの増幅フラグメント)アッ
セイ容量の PCRIをプライミングに直接用いた。変性:2min 94℃;アニーリン
グ2min 40℃;合成3min 72℃;各工程を30サイクル。
アガロース電気泳動を用いる精製後、 PCR生成物をBstBIで消化し、クレノウ
679ntフラグメントを SmaI/ DraII消化Bluescript SK +ベクターにクローニ
利用して細菌宿主XL 1 Blue(STRATAGENE)の中に形質転換し、そして繁殖させた
(Maniatis,Molecular cloning,A Laboratory quide,第2版、1939,Cold Sp
ring Harbor Laboratory publishers)。
TobRV のサテライト RNAの2つのハンマーヘッド配列の存在はT7配列決定用
る。このプラスミドは1690bpの5′末端− AseIフラグメントをもつpBluescrip
t SK+ベクターであり、それは次の位置に3つのハンマーヘッドタイプリボザイ
−R1(ヌクレオチド 412、標的部位 CUU)、
−R2(ヌクレオチド 711、標的部位 CUU)及び
−R3(ヌクレオチド1654、標的部位 GUA)。
にある2つのハンマーヘッドタイプ配列間の領域に相当する 877bpの「クレノウ
ポリメラーゼを用いてフィル・インした XhoI-BclI」フラグメントと、 264bp
の「5′末端− TthIIII」フラグメントを欠失させることにより得た。このTth
IIII部位をクレノウポリメラーゼを用いてフィル・インした。この「Tth III
I−HindIII(pBluescript SK +ベクターの部位)フラグメントをアガロースゲル
クレアーゼフラグメントを用いて消化した SacI-XbaIから予め欠失させた、pB
luescript SK+ベクターのクレノウポリメラーゼを用いてフィル・インしたEcoR
ポリリボザイムEは 434個の塩基を含み、そして図5及び6に示す通り3つの
リボザイムR1(位置28),R2(位置 327)及びR3(位置 399)を含む(pol
y R2E-R2)。リボザイムの触媒性ドメインに隣接するアームのサイズは:
*R1とR2との間の 298ヌクレオチド;
ボザイムR1を含むTLCVのレプリカーゼ遺伝子の56bpの「 SmaI(pBluescript
の通りにして2つのリボザイムR4及びR5をもつ TYLCV−サルジニア単離体の
トは TYLCVとTLCV株間で非常に高度に保存されている領域を有する。TLCVの 365
nt〜 435ntと TYLCV−サルジニア単離体の 370nt〜 440nt領域との間でのヌクレ
キメラポリリボザイムFは2つの異なる起源: TYLCV−サルジニア単離体及び
これらのフラグメントの集成を SacI部位において行った。人工ポリリンカーを
ポリリボザイムFは 479塩基を含み、そして図5及び6に示している通り、4
つのリボザイム、R4(位置59),R5(位置83),R2(位置 372)及びR3
(位置 444)を含む。
*リボザイムR5とR2との間で 288ヌクレオチド;
206bpの「Sac I-SwaI」フラグメントを欠失させた。 SacI部位はT4-DNAポリ
メラーゼの作用により破壊した。ポリリボザイムDは 270塩基を含み、そして図
、R2(位置 163)及びR3(位置 235)を含む。
ポリリボザイムE,F及びDの配列を Pharmaciaより供給のT7配列決定用キ
ポリリボザイムE,F及びDの機能は Pormege由来の「Protocol and Applica
tion Book 」に記載のプロトコールに従ってインビトロで試験した。
ブル35Sプロモーター及びCaMVの35S RNAのポリ(A)のコントロール下に置い
1及びCaMVの35Sのポリ(A)より成る発現カセットを下記の pRIBO2BINプラス
pRIBO2BINプラスミドを SacIで消化した。 SacI部位をT4-DNAポリメラーゼ
線状化 pRIBO2BINプラスミドをSalIで消化し、発現カセットを含む「 SacI
フィルド・イン SalI」フラグメントをアガロースゲルで構築し、そしてpBlues
cript SK+ベクターの中に「クレノウポリメラーゼを用いてフィル・インした X
baI及び SalI」部位においてクローニングした。
次にモノリボザイムR1に相当するHindIII- BamHIフラグメントを、pポリ
含むHindIII- BamHIフラグメントに置き換
えた。HindIII- BamHIフラグメントは発現ベクターにおいて逆方向となってい
ポリリボザイムE,F又はDを有する発現カセットpGA492(An,Plant Physiol
.(1986)81:86)由来の二重ベクター pGAZE(図7)にクローニングした。こ
のpGA492ベクターを SacI及びSca Iで二重消化し、T4ポリメラーゼを用いて
indIII- EcoRIアダプターによりEcoRI部位に変換させもした。pGA492に関し、
pGAZEは植物形質転換のために必要な cis作用要素、例えば T-DNAボーダー、植
ル・インした。ポリリボザイムE,F又はDを有する発現カセットを含む「 Sac
Iフィル・イン SalI」フラグメントをpGAZE のEcoRIフィル・イン部位にクロ
得られる組換二重ベクター、 pGAZE−ポリリボザイムE,pGAZE −ポリリボザ
イムF及び pGAZE−ポリリボザイムD(図9)を直接形質転換(Holstersら、Mo
l.Gen.Genet.(1978)163:181 由来のプロトコール)により、アグロバクテ リア・トウメファシエンス
のデスアーム株 LBA4404(Hoekema ら、Nature(1983
ついて、上記の通りにして pGAZE及び/又は pGA492 の中に発現カセットを導入
これにより、 pGAZE−リボザイムA, pGA492 −リボザイムA及び pGAZE−ポ
* RNA分析:
全 RNAをChandlerら(Plant Physiol.(1983)74:47)に従い、グリーンハウ
スの中で成育させた遺伝子導入及び非遺伝子導入植物の幼葉から単離した。 RNA
リダイズさせた。等量の RNAが各ラインに適用されたかをチェックするため、ニ
* DNA分析:
サザンブロット分析のため、全 DNAをDellaportaら(Plant Mol.Biol.Rep.
グメント又は全体でプロービングした。実施例XII−アグロ接種による種々の構築体により形質転換したトマト植物の T YLCV耐性の評価
TYLCV又はそのクローニング DNAは機械的に導入できないため、アグロ接種技
術(Grimsley ら Plant DNA Infections Agents,Hoho and Schell(編)Springe
r,Wien,New york(1987)pp87-107)をクローニング DNAの感染能をアッセイ
ら EMBO J.(1986)5:1761)の SstI部位に挿入し、そしてpBin19のポリリ
ンカーから TYLCVの遺伝子内領域を通じて TYLCVの地図位地 152にあるBamHI部
位に及ぶ約 600bpのBamHIフラグメントを欠失させた。次に TYLCVの完全ゲノム
ユニットも残りの SstI部位に挿入してpBin19中の 1.8量体の TYLCV−ゲノムを
得た。このプラスミドを直接アグロバクテリア・トウメファシエンス株 LBA4404
るであろう。Detailed Description of the Invention
DNA virus ribozyme
The present invention provides a synthetic ribozyme capable of catalyzing the cleavage of virus-specific mRNA.
And its mutants and derivatives, and more particularly, DNA virus specific
For specific mRNA. The invention further provides such ribozymes in the production of transgenic cells.
It is able to inhibit the use of immunity, and especially the infection by these viruses
The present invention relates to transgenic plant cells and plants.
The virus is responsible for numerous severe and potentially serious diseases of humans, animals and plants
Is a factor. Plant viruses especially have the ability to destroy or reduce cereal produce,
Or it has a detrimental effect on the agricultural and horticultural industry at economically meaningful levels.
Viruses of particular importance in this regard are DNA viruses such as Kaurimo.
Virus (Caulimoviruse) and Geminivirus (Geminviruse), and two kinds of
Unclassified virus, or subterranean clover stunt virus (S
ubterranean Clover Stunt Virus) (SCSV,Shu and helms, Virology, 1986, 16
7, 38-49) and Coconut Foliar Devirus
cay Virus) (CFDV,Rohde et al., Virology, 1990, 176, 648-51). Gemini
Viruses are a group of small viruses that infect plant cells. These are about 29
Called "virion sense" or "positive sense" DNA of less than 00 base pairs
Single-stranded circular DNA. Infection of host cells with geminivirus causes
The luscoat protein is removed, and the virion sense strand and "phase
A double-stranded DNA replicative form comprising a "complementary / sense" strand
Is synthesized. Transcription consists of virion sense strands and "complementarity sense" strands.
Originated from both lands, producing (+) and (-) sense RNA transcripts, respectively.
Rise up.
Examples of Gemini viruses are Mayes Streak Virus (MSV), Bean
Golden Mosaic Virus (BGMV), African Cassava Mosaic
Ruth (ACMV), Chloris Striate M
osaic Virus: CSMV), tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV),
Tomato Golden Mosaic Virus (TGMV), Beat Curly Top
Virus (BCTV) and Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (TLCV)
(See also the viruses listed in Table 1 below). These viruses are leaves
Economic importance in cultivated plants, including curling and other leaf deformation
Cause a disease that has been. Especially TLCV is a terrible product in northern Australia.
Causes material damage and infected plants are TYLCV in the Middle East and Europe
Symptoms similar to those caused by. For convenience, and for some reason
Unless otherwise stated, TLCV and TYLCV are used as synonyms, and TLCV Israel and
References herein to Sardinia isolates should be construed as TYLCV isolates.
is there. Generally, "TLCV" means Australian "isolate."
Geminiviruses replicate in the nuclei of infected cells and are associated with single-stranded DNA-containing colloids.
(E.g. QX174) as well as certain Staphylococcus aureus (Staphyloc occus aureus
)as well asBacillus subtilis(Bacillus subtilis) Plasmid
Thought to use a rolling circle mechanism similar to that used by
Can be Other known plant viruses, such as other plant DNA viruses, are RNA intermediate
Replicate through the body.
Geminivirus particles accumulate in the nucleus of infected cells, where they probably replicate DNA.
And virus assembly (Davies et al., J. Cell. Sci (Suppl) (1987) 7: 9).
5-107). Its putative replicative form has a chromatin-like structure and is a covalently closed double-stranded chain of approximately 2.7 kb.
Circular circular DNA, and appears to be a transcriptionally active viral form (Abouzid et al. Mol.
. Gen. Genet. (1988) 212: 252-258). Based on host range and insect vector
They are usually divided into 3 subgroups. That is, it infects a dicotyledon host,
It has a bipartite genome and is a white-fly vector, Bemisia taba
A virus (ACMV, Alican mosquito) transmitted by Bemisia tabaci (Genn.)
Saba mosaic virus (Stanley and Gay, Nature (1983) 301: 260); TG
MV, tomato colden mosaic virus (HamiHonEt al., EMBO J. (1984)
3: 2197); BGMV, Bean Golden Mosaic Virus (Horwarth et al., PNA)
S (1985) 82: 3512); having a segmental genome and infecting gramineous hosts.
That are transmitted by the leaf hopper vector (MSV, Maize Streak
Ruth (Nigeria strain,MullinauxEMBO J. et al. (1984) 3: 3063; Kenyan
) Stock, Havel NAR (1984) 12: 7359); DSV, Digital Streak Wee
Ruth (Donson Et al., Virology (1987) 161: 160); WDV, Wheat Dwar.
F virus (Mac Dowell EMBO J. et al. (1985) 4: 2173)); and the one-segment system
Those that have a genome and are transmitted by leaf hoppers (BCTV, beat car)
Lee Top Virus (StanleyEt al., EMBO J. (1986) 5: 1761); ToYDV,
Tobacco Yellow Dwarf Virus (Maris et al., Virology (1992) 187
: 633)) or those transmitted by termites (TYLCV, tomato yellow leaf)
Karl virus (Israel isolate,NavetEt al., Virology (1991) 185: 151.
A Sardinian isolate,Kheyr-Pour NAT (1
991) 19: 6763), TLCV, tomato leaf curl virus (Australia only)
Detachment,DryEt al. Gen. Virol. (1993) 74: 147)).
Due to the economic importance of plant DNA viruses, especially geminiviruses, disease resistance
There was a demand for law.
One method is to artificially generate genes using antisense RNA that targets complementary RNA.
To suppress the expression (Helene, C. & TolumeJ. J. Biochim. Biophys. Ac
ta 1049: 99-125, 1990;Vander KroBiotechniques 6: 958-976, 1988).
Antisense RNA is effectively used to control viral infections of bacterial and animal tissues
Has been (Helene, C & Tolume, J. et al. J. (Above), its use in plants is limited
Only the successes that have been met (Van Del Elzen,P. J. M. Plant Mol. B
iol. 13: 337-346, 1989;Powell, P. A.Et al Proc. Nad. Aca. Sci. USA 86:69
49-6952, 1989).
In fact, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) antisense RNA to another area
Transgenic plants expressing irrational are irrational with only very low levels of antisense RNA.
It was not generally resistant to CMV infection, except for one system that generated it (Rezaian et al.
, Plant Mol. Biol. (1988) 11: 463). Antisense is responsible for this resistance
There is no evidence. PVX coat protein R in transgenic plants in potato
Antisense to NA sequences protected against PVX only at low levels of inoculation (H
emenway et al., EMBO J. (1988) 7: 1273).
The two main problems are countering replication systems that can rapidly produce large amounts of viral nucleic acid.
The amount of antisense and viral RNA required to induce
, While antisense transcripts appear to be produced in the nucleus.
For geminiviruses, antisense technology is
Antisense of ALI gene encoded by TGMV virus transcribed and fused to the offspring
Has been applied to tobacco plants expressingDay A. G.LaProc. Nad. A cad. Sci.
USA 88: 6721-6725, 1991). Gene expressing antisense transcript
Transgenic system showed low symptom onset, but this transgenic plant may be barren
, Which would impede mass production of virus resistant plants.
In the research leading up to the present invention, the present inventors have adopted the method of ribozyme.
To eliminate the shortcomings of the antisense method of producing plant DNA virus resistant plants by
Ribozymes are synthetic RNA molecules with highly specific endoribonuclease activity.
It is. In particular, these are nucleotide sequences for at least part of the target RNA.
Contains a hybridizing region that is complementary and a catalytic region that cleaves the target RNA.
It consists of. RibozymesHaseloff J. and Gerlach L. Nature 334: 586-591
And international patent application WO 89/05852.
However, despite the existence of ribozyme technology, to date it is a plant
DNA viruses, and especially plant single-stranded DNA viruses like Geminivirus
Is not used. In fact, successful use of ribozymes against DNA viruses
In terms of its highly complex replication and transcription mechanisms, as well as such various
Achievement of manipulation and intervening levels of different target sequences in the viral life cycle
Can be predicted from the lack of information currently available in considering the exact level of
It wasn't. For example, Replicase C1Is the "rolling circle" replication stage
, But not at the pre-stage of formation of the double-stranded replicative form of the virus.
Defined (ElmerEt al., Nucl. Acid. Res., 1988, 16, p7043-7060).
In accordance with the present invention, we can target plant DNA viruses.
We succeeded in developing a ribozyme that can
To provide economically valuable and efficient means of
Accordingly, one aspect of the invention comprises a hybridizing region and a catalytic region.
For ribozymes, this hybridizing region is the DNA portion of the DNA virus.
Can hybridize to at least a portion of the target RNA transcribed from the offspring,
The catalytic region is now capable of cleaving this target mRNA sequence, which
DNA virus replication, infection and / or assembly can be substantially suppressed.
More particularly, the invention relates to ribozymes comprising a hybridizing region and a catalytic region.
Im, where this hybridizing region is the plant single-stranded DNA virus
A marker transcribed from the DNA sequence of the sense or complementary DNA strand.
Of the catalytic mRNA, wherein the catalytic region
Can cleave this target mRNA sequence, which allows the DNA virus to replicate.
, Infection and / or assembly can be substantially suppressed.
For convenience, reference to single-stranded DNA virus refers to its double-stranded replicative form.
Including all references.
In a preferred embodiment, the plant single-stranded DNA virus is Geminivirus,
The target mRNA then encodes a protein essential for replication. "Required" means
Specific to the virus genome (or its complementary form) and has a specific function, eg
Tandems required or substantially required for replication, infection and / or virus assembly
It means quality. A decrease in the level of an essential protein is a decrease in the level of its function,
That is, it means a decrease in the level of a specific function. Preferably of the essential protein
The level (or level of specific function) is the level of essential protein without ribozyme.
(Or level of specific function)
20% lower, more preferably at least 30% lower, even more preferably at least
45% lower, even more preferably at least 55% lower, and even more preferably
65-75% lower, and even more preferably 85-90% lower
Conveniently, the level of essential protein (or the level of a particular function) is determined in vivo.
Within the range of biological variations in. Such a trial
Testing can be performed, for example, by in vitro analysis of mRNA degradation products
According to one preferred aspect of the present invention, a hybridizing region and a catalytic region are included.
A ribozyme consisting of
Evaluation mRNA transcribed from virion sense DNA molecule or the virion sense DNA
Can hybridize to at least a portion of a DNA molecule complementary to
Which encodes a protein essential for the replication of the Geminivirus in the cell.
The catalytic region can then cleave the target mRNA sequence, which allows the Gemini virus to cleave.
It is possible to substantially suppress the duplication of ruth.
In an even more preferred embodiment, the target mRNA sequence is present in low amounts in the cell.
doing. Examples of such mRNA molecules are, for example, in Geminiviruses, such as TLCV or
C1 gene in TYLCV or its equivalent, and its mutants, derivatives and
It is a mutant. TLCV single-stranded DNA has 6 open reading frames (ORFs)
, Two of which are replicative form DNA produced in leaf curl infected plants.
On its sense strand, and four on its complement sense strand.
It is in. Analysis of viral mRNAs in infected plant cells is essential for replication
The mRNA encoding the C1 gene is different from other mRNA transcripts that are specific to the TLCV genome.
It was shown that it was recognized in a much smaller amount. The equivalent form of the C1 gene is gene L
1, AL1 and
AC1 is included, and references to "C1 gene" herein are the same.
It is understood to include equivalents.
Other targets include C2, C3 and C4 transcripts, which are virion centers.
Trans-action of gene expression, as well as viral infection and development of disease phenotype.
It plays a role in both the present and the onset of disease.
According to another preferred embodiment, the present invention comprises a hybridizing region and a catalytic region.
A ribozyme consisting of
And in particular at least part of the target mRNA sequence encoding the C1 gene of TLCV
Can be lysed, and wherein the catalytic region can cleave the target mRNA sequence,
Can substantially suppress the replication of said Geminivirus (eg TLCV
In a preferred embodiment, the ribozyme of the invention has endoribonuclease activity.
And a nucleic acid compound capable of inhibiting the replication, infection or assembly of a DNA virus
The compound may comprise at least one unit "R" having the formula:
5 '(X-Y-X') 3 '
X and X'are each independently a nucleotide sequence having at least 4 bases.
(−) Sense RNA transcripts of a viral genome or DNA virus
Is complementary to at least a portion of any of the
Y represents the catalytic region of the ribozyme).
According to this variant, this target RNA is preferably a (−) sense RNA transcript,
The DNA virus genome, especially the complementation / separation of the double-stranded replicative form of Geminivirus.
MRNA derived from the transcription of the first strand
is there. This sequence X and X'is therefore at least part of the (-) sense RNA transcript.
Complementary to (at least partially complementary to single-stranded genomic DNA
Is equivalent to).
The sequences X and X ′, which will be referred to as “hybridized arms” below, are the sequences for the substrate RNA.
Both stable hybridization of the bozyme and efficient cleavage of this substrate
It is long enough to enable. Usually X and X'are each at least 4
Has a length of nucleotides, and preferably at least 6 nucleotides
. The upper limit of the length of this hybridizing arm generally depends on the length of the target substrate.
Determined and can be 800 or 1000 bases or more in length. Suitable length is 6 to 3
00 bases, for example 10 to 150 bases. Substrate or partial substrate
The complementarity of the bridging arm usually spans the entire length of the hybridizing arm.
The catalytic region "Y" of a ribozyme may be any type of suitable ribozyme, such as "ha".
Derived from "Nimmerhead" or "hairpin". Patent applications for these ribozymes
It is described in each of EP-A-321201 and EP-A-360257. Especially preferred
The "hammerhead" catalytic area (see, for example, FIG. 7) and is described in detail below.
I will explain it.
Ribozymes have one "R" unit of formula [X-Y-X '] and one catalytic region.
It may be a "monoribozyme" having only a region.
Ribozymes, on the other hand, comprise multiple "R" units and have the general formula: R1-R2
… Rn(Where n> 1, and may have values as high as 50 or 100)
It may be a "polyribozyme". In fact, "n" values of about 5-10 are frequent. Obedience
Thus, polyribozymes consist of a series of ribozymes from the head to the tail,
The Zym "R" or "X-Y-X '" units are unit motifs. In short,
This is a series of catalytic regions linked to each other by hybridizing arms. What after
Unless otherwise indicated, X represented by the "R" unit of all ribozymes
And X'motif aggregates are collectively a "complementarity" or "hybridizing" sequence
Call. Polyribozymes usually act as a "single molecule" on a single transcript
. That is, the cleavage site of each catalyst region is on the same transcript.
The exact structure of the polyribozyme actually depends mainly on the type of substrate to be cleaved.
Is determined. The number of catalytic regions, their position in the complementary sequence, and two consecutive touches.
The distance between media regions depends largely on the position of the "tribasic target" site in the substrate.
The “hammerhead” ribozyme targets the substrate to the “target” site XXX, preferably XUX (
Where X represents any of the four bases A, C, G, U, and U is the
(Representing le) is cleaved immediately downstream. One particularly preferred target sequence is X0UY (
Where X0Is any ribonucleotide, U is uracil, and Y is adenine,
Represents cytosine or uracil). X0UY forms part of the base pair flanking region and
Y is not a base pair. Limited to suitable triplets that define X + OUY
No, GUC, GUA, GUU, UUC and CUC are included. Other target sites, for example
CAC, UAC and AAC are also possible but less efficient.PerrimanEt al. (Gene, 1992, 113: 15)
7) studied a long target site for the hammerhead ribozyme. GUC, UUC,
The CUC, GUA and GUU targets showed comparable progression studies. For GUG, the usual
Bozyme was unable to induce cleavage, but the stem-loop changes in the catalytic domain
It resulted in the formation of weakly active ribosomes. Central position, showing significant recognizable cleavage
There were some targets with nucleotides other than U in position.
In the case of "hairpin" type ribozymes, the preferred target sequence is AG
It is UC.
These target sequences are important in the structure and function of polyribozymes,
The reason is that they not only suggest the position of cleavage of the substrate,
This is because it also defines the position that must be inserted into the complementary sequence. fact
, Each catalytic region of the polyribozyme is in the complementary sequence corresponding to the XUX site of the transcript.
Must be on site. For example, if one XUX site is C1At position 412 of the gene
If there is, and the other is at 711, the catalytic region is at the position corresponding to 412 of the complementary sequence.
Position and the other at the position corresponding to 711. In other words, each "R" unit
X and X'hybridizing sequences flanking the catalytic domain in
It is chosen to be complementary to the base around the targeted XUX site.
Motif XUX is a very frequently found motif in RNA sequences. example
For example, on average, every 64 bases in a sequence with random and evenly distributed bases is a GUC model.
I have a chief. This means that the substrate usually contains multiple XUX cleavage sites.
You. As mentioned above, the catalytic region of the polyribozyme has a complementary sequence corresponding to the XUX site.
In position. However, in order to obtain efficient cleavage according to the present invention, each X
It is not necessary to include the catalytic region for the UX target sequence. Included in polyribozyme
Total number of catalytic regions is usually equal to the total number of XUX sites present in the transcription target
, Or less. The polyribozyme variants of the present invention are therefore highly variable in number.
Of the catalytic region. For example, C of TLCV1In the case of polyribozyme,
When the row is GUC, it may contain from about 2 to about 6 catalytic regions. XUX site in the substrate
When it is decided to include in the complementary sequence a smaller number of catalytic regions than
Selection of the site of choice can be made according to the following criteria:
a) the distance between the two targeted XUX sites, and thus the two catalytic regions in the ribozyme
The region distance is the hybridizing arm of the polyribozyme between the corresponding catalytic regions.
Can hybridize with the substrate in a stable condition, and hybridize with the catalytic regions
Must be long enough to prevent them. At least 8 bases, and good
A distance of at least 14 bases, for example about 20 bases is very convenient. Muro
Well, this criterion is only when the substrates contain XUX sites very close to each other.
This is something that must be taken into consideration. Otherwise, the XUX sites of the substrate are also
This selection criterion is not important if they are separated by more than 8-20 bases.
b) the targeted XUX is preferably on a part of the substrate that does not have significant secondary structure
. This enhances the access of the ribozyme to the substrate and its effect. Tertiary
An original folding analysis may be performed.
c) targeting XUX sites between different strains of one and the same virus, or
Phases that are conserved among mutants or mutants, or between different pedigree viruses
It can form part of the homosexual domain. Aspects of the invention are considered in detail below.
d) Other criteria for selecting the target XUX site are the endogenous plants to be transformed.
The lack of homology with the gene. In fact, although rare, some viruses
It has homologous sequences in the genome. Therefore, the XUX part in such an array
It is important to avoid rank.
In the ribozyme of the present invention, the hybridizing X'in any one "R" unit
The and X motifs are often complementary to the adjacent continuum of the substrate. in this case
, The ribozyme is considered to be "symmetrical" and has two catalytic domains.
Due to the complementarity of adjacent arms of
It works at the specific site determined by A preferred example of this symmetrical ribozyme is "pure".
"Complementary" ribozymes, in which certain "R" units of the 3'hybridizer
The 5'hybridizing arm of the is arm and the adjacent "R" unit has a (-) sense R
It is complementary to a contiguous sequence in the NA transcript or DNA genome.
In other words, in this aspect, the aggregates of hybridizing arms pair with the target sequence.
A non-intervening complementary sequence. This type of polyribozyme has its sequence
Considered to be a complementary sequence in which multiple ribozyme catalytic regions are inserted at individual sites in
It can be obtained. This complementary sequence is capable of hybridizing with the entire length of the target transcript. The other
, It can hybridize only with fragments of the target transcript. Featured flag
The fragment contains at least two catalytic regions within the corresponding sequence of the polyribozyme.
It has to be long enough to be able to. In general, for this variant, the complementary sequence
The row length is approximately 40-2000 without counting the catalytic regions (total of hybridizing arms).
It can be a base. A length of 400 to 1000 is highly preferred.
According to the variants of the present invention, ribozymes are preferred to being "symmetrical" as described above.
May be or have at least one "R" unit that is "asymmetric"
. This means that the X and X'hybridizing arms within a given "R" unit are
It is meant to be complementary to two sequences that are non-contiguous within. This is a thing
In effect, the catalytic domain of the "asymmetric" "R" unit is the two different XUX moieties in the substrate.
It means that it can act at the position. One of which is complementary to its 5'arm
XUX site flanking a sequence that is sexual, and the other is complementary to the 3'arm
The XUX site flanks the sequence that is sex. This type of ribozyme is specially constructed
Or may be the result of spontaneous rearrangement during synthesis. other
Direction 3'adjacent
The position of the sequences to which the arms hybridize, and the 5'adjacent arms hybridize
The positions of the sequences to be separated are separated by hundreds of bases or by as little as 10 or 20 bases.
It can be done. This type of structure is aligned because it is in the catalytic region.
Because it gives a meaningful "economy"; for example, the five "asymmetries" "
The "R" unit can achieve the same result as the 10 symmetric units.
According to another very preferred aspect of the present invention,
R1-R2-RThree… Rn
In a polyribozyme having a certain number of "R" units of 3'hybridizer
5'hybridizing arm of the X (X ') and the adjacent "R" unit
(-) Complementary to non-contiguous portion of sense RNA transcript. This type of poly
The ribozyme is hereinafter referred to as "short arm polyribozyme".
The structure of such a polyribozyme is basically complementary to the target sequence.
Sequence, in which the ribozyme catalytic region is buried, and it is
It has the drawback of complementary sequences. The distance between the two catalytic regions in this polyribozyme is
Shorter than the distance between the corresponding XUX sites in the target sequence. The distance between ribozymes is the substrate
May be significantly smaller in relation to the distance between the corresponding target sites in
Two adjacent target XUX sites in the quality are separated by a distance of 1000 nucleotides
Then, the distance between the catalytic regions of this "short arm ribozyme" is 30 or 40 nucleotides.
It may be as short as Ochid. Therefore, 90% or more of the length of the hybridizing sequence
May be reduced. The shortest length between two adjacent catalytic regions is usually about 8
Otide, and preferably at least 20 nucleotides. The present inventors
Surprisingly, such a short hybridizing sequence allows the polyribozyme to act as a substrate.
It does not prevent effective tearing, and in fact
It shows that the efficiency of deactivation can be improved in many cases.
For example, reducing the length of complementary sequences can lead to inactivation of ribozymes in secondary structures.
Avoid formation problems. That is, for a given length of ribozyme molecule, the substrate
More catalytic regions may be inserted that target more cleavage sites in it.
Furthermore, the use of short-arm polyribozymes only allows for a partial sequence of the substrate.
It means that an effective polyribozyme can be constructed even when it is unknown.
It is sufficient to know 10 or 15 bases around the XUX target site.
Another important advantage is that as a short hybridizing arm, it will be used exclusively for different viruses.
, Sequences that are conserved in the same type of virus can be used.
There is to be able to. In this way, various viruses can
Can be inactivated by the same polyribozyme even though they are totally dissimilar.
Finally, the small size of the molecule allows for easier and more economical synthesis. Book
The functional properties of the "short arm" ribozymes of the invention are
That is, the various catalytic regions can act independently of each other.
All of the polyribozymes of the present invention are "long arm" and "short arm" ribozymes.
And mixtures of "symmetric" and "asymmetric" ribozymes.
You. On the other hand, it has only long arm ribozymes or short arms only.
, Or only asymmetry, etc. may be included. Ribozyme structure is therefore optimized and tested
I can do it.
According to a further aspect of the invention, the hybridizing arm of this polyribozyme is
It can be derived from at least two viruses. Such polyribozyme will be referred to as "texture"
It is called "La polyribozyme". Examples of this type of construct include TLCV and TYLCV
A mixture of derived sequences, eg
Examples include Sardinia, Israel or Tunisia strains. This type of polyribo
Zym also ensures the inactivation of both types of viruses if they exist together.
Or allow the use of a single construct in different geographic areas.
According to a further aspect of the invention, the polyribozyme comprises two consecutive "R" units.
Has a length of at least 4 bases between, and (-) sense RNA transcript or DNA
It may include non-complementary sequences (A) that are not complementary to the genome.
The non-complementary sequence of this polyribozyme can have the correct function, eg
It may be a coding sequence which may be used to select transformants, or additionally DNA
Acts on a substrate other than the main target of the virus or cis in a part of polyribozyme
It may consist of a sequence containing the ribozyme which acts. It is generally for cloning
Or an adapter that aids in the construction of the chimeric polyribozyme. This
The non-complementary sequence of is usually 4 to 500 bases, for example 20 to 100 bases in length. Multiple
When there are non-complementary sequences of, they together form about 90 of the length of the polyribozyme.
%, For example 50%. Such non-complementary sequences are usually complementary sequences X and
And a part of X ′, but at least four immediately adjacent to the catalytic domain
Leave complementary bases.
According to the most preferred embodiment, the ribozyme of the invention is a variant of the same strain or
Between mutants, strains of the same virus type, or between different types of viruses
Hybridizing arms are complementary to one or more highly conserved regions
Build to be
Various open reading frames of Gemini virus, namely V1 and V2
, Deduced amino acid sequences encoded by C1, C2, C3 and C4
(For example, see the documents listed in Table 1.
thing). For C1 replicase polypeptides, the maximum between TLCV and TYLCV-I
Greater homology was associated with 83% homology. C1 open lead between TLCV and TYLCV-S
There was 79% amino acid identity on the in-frame.
This comparison compares TYLCV to TLCV in Israel, Sardinia and Tunisia.
Similar homology was found when carried out in detachment (see Table 1).
Commentary on Table 1
For 1-14, the amino acid identity is the program Best Fit of the UWGCG-Sequen.
Shown in% by ce analysis package. Word size
(K-tuple) is 2, gap weight is 2.0, and gap length weight is
It was set to 0.1. Program FastA has brought about the same relationship.
For 15-21, amino acid identity was determined using the structure-gene contrast matrix, PC
Calculated using the PALIGN program of the / GENE Sequence analysis package (O
Open gap cost value 10; unit gap cost value 10).
ABMVA: Abutilon mosaic virus DNA A;
ACMVA: American Cassava Mosaic Virus DNA A;
BGMVA: Bean Golden Mosaic Virus DNA A;
ICMV: Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus DNA A;
SqlCV: Squash leaf curl virus DNA A;
PYMVA: Potato Yellow Mosaic Virus DNA A;
TGMVA: Tomato Golden Mosaic Virus DNA A;
TYLCV-I: tomato yellow leaf curl virus Israel isolate;
TYLCV-S: tomato yellow leaf curl virus Thai isolate;
TLCV: tomato leaf curl virus;
BCTV: Beat Curly Top Virus;
TobYDV: Tobacco Yellow Dwarf Virus;
MSV: Maize Streak Virus; WDV: Wheat Dwarf Will
The results summarized in the table areDry(J. Gen. Virol. (1993) 74.147) andKheyr-pour
(Nucl. Acid. Res. (1991) 19: 6763). TYLCV and TLCV 3 single
Sequence diversity between isolates is usually very high among different geminivirus isolates or strains.
For high sequence similarity
In sharp contrast. For example, the DNA sequences of ACMV Kenya and Nigeria isolates.
Show 96% identity, and MSV Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa isolates
The bodies differ by up to about 2%. Concerned for the strong sequence diversity between the three isolates of TYLCV and TLCV
However, we compared the C1 RNA transcripts and demonstrated three very high levels of conservation.
The area was identified. The two are shown in FIG. These areas are as follows (below
The number below is how to count TLCV of complementation / sense transcripts).
1. Almost 365-435
2. Almost 634-737
3. Almost 895-972
These three TLCV isolates (Australia, Israel and Sardinia respectively)
The nucleotide sequence of the C1 gene in (from a) is shown in FIG. C1 inheritance from TLCV
The complete nucleotide sequence of the offspring isMullinaux Virology, 193: 414-423, 1993 andDry
Et al. Gen. Virol., 74: 147-151, 1993. This israel
The isolate isNavotEt al., Virology, 185: 151-161, 1991, and monkeys.
Zinnia isolate isKhyer-PourNucl. Acid. Res. 19: 6763-6769, disclosed by 1991
Have been.
Polyribozymes constructed with target sites in these conserved regions are therefore
It can be used to ensure that the marginal strain or mutant is inactivated. the above
If the polyribozyme is a deletion short arm version,
If the soybean arms correspond exclusively to the storage areas, the allocation between the storage areas is
Row diversity affects efficient hybridization of polyribozymes to substrates.
Does not affect.
According to this aspect of the invention, a "conserved region" is 100% over a length of about 20 bases.
Are considered to have homology with. In general, this homology
Can be about 90% over 30 bases. Ribozymes R1, R4, R5 and R2 are
, Designed to fit within these storage areas, as shown in the examples below.
Therefore, according to this aspect, the invention includes a hybridizing region and a catalytic region.
A ribozyme consisting of
Of at least two variants of TLCV, and in particular of at least two variants of TLCV
Hybridizes to at least part of the target mRNA sequence encoding the C1 gene, and
The catalytic region is then able to cleave the target mRNA sequence, which allows the gem
Niviruses (eg TLCV, TYLC, and mutants, derivatives and variants thereof)
The present invention relates to a ribozyme capable of substantially suppressing the replication of A.
The polyribozyme of the present invention usually consists of RNA. Nevertheless, normal polyribo
A part of the zym, for example a hybridizing arm or part of that arm, or
In addition, a part of the catalyst area, especially the "loop" is provided on condition that the catalytic activity is maintained.
Part may be replaced by DNA (for example, the DNA described in International Patent Application WO-9119789
See RNA Replacement).
As long as the catalytic region is taken into consideration, the ribozyme of the present invention is represented by the molecule of the following formula (I).
You can:
(In the formula, (X)nAnd (X)n'Is substantially complementary to the mRNA sequence of the DNA virus
Ribonucleotide sequence; the sum of n and n'may be the same or different.
Ku; (*) Represents base pairing between complementary ribonucleotides; Y is any ribonucleotide.
Represents a cleotide and each Y may be the same or different; Y'and Y "are
At least one of its entire length must allow for base pairing between the oligonucleotides.
Between parts are represented by complementary sequence ribonucleotides, or Y'and Y "are taken together.
Form a single RNA sequence, where at least part of this sequence is complementary.
Comprising a stem formed by base pairing between sex nucleotides; and
Is an additional nucleotide selected from the group consisting of A, G, C or U.1Behind A
Has been inserted into).
In another embodiment, the ribozyme is as described in formula (II):
(In the formula, (X)nAnd (X)n'Is a DNA virus, and especially a Gemini virus,
For example, showing a ribonucleotide sequence that is substantially complementary to TLCV mRNA;
Y represents any ribonucleotide, and each Y residue is the same or different.
Well; (*) represents base pairing between complementary nucleotides; n and n'are
As defined; B is a bond, base pairing, ribonucleotide or at least 2
Represents an oligoribonucleotide containing 1 ribonucleotide; m and m ′ are 1
And may be the same or different; and, optionally, A, G, C or
Is an additional nucleotide selected from either U1Inserted behind A
In a preferred embodiment, the ribozyme is as described in formula (III):
(In the formula, (X)nAnd (X)n'Is a DNA virus, and especially a Gemini virus,
For example, represents a ribonucleotide that is substantially complementary to the mRNA of TLCV; Y is any
, And each Y residue may be the same or different;
*) Represents base pairing between complementary ribonucleotides; n and n ′ are defined above
Is the street).
Preferably the DNA virus is a single stranded DNA virus. Preferably,
The single-stranded DNA virus of is a geminivirus. Most preferably this gem
Nivirus is TLCV, and (X)nAnd (X)n′ Is the region of C1 gene mRNA
Represents a sequence capable of hybridizing to
In the most preferred embodiment, (X)nAnd (X)n′ Is TLCV or TYL shown in FIG.
It hybridizes to the C1 C1 gene mRNA transcript.
It is body-specific and comprises the nucleotide sequence described below:
as well as
The catalytic region of the above and FIG. 7 has a conserved structure and sequence, but some nucleotides
Recognized that it can be deleted, inserted, substituted or modified without impairing the ribozyme activity of
Was done. The present invention provides these modifications provided that their catalytic activity is preserved.
Comprising the use of a catalytic region. This activity can be confirmed using the following test.
For example, one or more nucleotides in the catalytic region of Formulas I, II and III are
Cleotide-containing bases such as adenine, guanine, cytosine, methylcytosine,
Uracil, thymine, xanthine, hypoxanthine, inosine or other methyl
It can be converted by a modified base. "Conservation" by forming the first base pairing of the catalytic loop
Bases CG can replace UA (KoizumiFEBS Letts. 228, 2, 228-230
, 1988).
The nucleotides in the catalytic region shown in FIG. 7 may also be chemically modified. This nucleotide
It consists of a base, a sugar and a monophosphate group. Each of these groups may be modified. Scarecrow
`` Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure '' (Wolfran Sanger, Sprin
ger Verlag, New York, 1
984). For example, this base can be halogen, hydroxy, amino,
It withstands substitution of alkyl, azido, nitro, phenyl groups, etc. Of this nucleotide
The sugar component is a substitution of a secondary hydroxyl group with a halogeno, amino or azido group or 2
It may also be overlaid with modifications such as'methylation.
The phosphate group of a nucleotide is linked to phosphoramidate, phosphorothioate and phosphate.
Modified by the conversion of oxygen by N, S or C to give each of the honates.
Can be This latter may exhibit useful pharmacokinetic properties.
The bases and / or nucleotides of the catalytic domain are substituted by substituents such as tyrosine or hist
It may also have amino acids such as gin.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, the ribozyme is shown as the catalytic region in FIG.
It may comprise one or more structures. This structure, the so-called "minizyme
Is described in International Patent Application WO-A-9119789. This is a "hammerhead" tag
Ip shows the catalytic region, the "loop" of which is replaced by a "P" group.
P is G1A covalent bond with A, one or more nucleotides (RNA or DNA,
Or mixtures, or the above derivatives), or any atom that does not affect the catalytic activity
Alternatively, it may be an atomic group other than nucleotides. P represents multiple nucleotides
When omitted, it may include internal base pairing. Of the nucleotides that make up the group "P"
The sequence and number are not critical and may be between 1 and 20 nucleotides, for example
It is preferably 1 to 6. Select sequences lacking Watson-Crick type internal base pairing
The catalytic activity of the ribozyme of the present invention is determined by ribozyme or post-transcriptional ribozyme
In vitro by contacting the resulting sequence with a substrate and then demonstrating cleavage.
You can check with. In vitro cleavage reaction
The experimental conditions for are as follows: the temperature is 4 to 60 ° C., and preferably 20 to 55.
C, pH about 7.0-9.0, divalent metal, e.g. Mg2+1-100 mM (preferably 1-20
mM) in the presence. Polyribozyme is usually present in an equimolar ratio to the substrate, or in excess.
You. The in vitro cleavage reaction is conveniently performed by Lamb and Hay (J. Gen. Virol., 1990, 71).
, 2257-2264). This document was inserted into a plasmid
For the production of ribozymes from isolated oligodeoxyribonucleotides
B. Appropriate conditions for transcription are also mentioned.
In vitro cleavage conditions are those that naturally occur in cells.
In accordance with the aspects and aspects of the invention described above, the ribozyme can be used to target mRNA sequences.
Having a hybridizing arm that is “hybridizing” or “complementary”
Be told. Such hybridization and complementation, as used herein, refers to target
Two lines sufficient to form a sufficiently stable structure so that triplet cleavage occurs
It is defined as the degree of chain formation. Depending on the target sequence, this ribozyme and mRNA
The secondary structure of ribozyme is the hybrid mRNA of the target mRNA sequence and one or both of the ribozymes.
Preferably about 5-10 or less, more preferably about 3-5, and even more
Preferably, it will pair with 1 to 3 bases or less. Total length of hybridizing arm
, No more than 10% of the pairings should occur. Accordingly, the present invention is described herein.
Ribozymes, especially Rz1, Rz2, Rz3, Rz4 and Rz5, polyribozymes containing them
, And any or all functional mutants, derivatives, parts, homologues or
Extends to analogues. Examples of such mutants include the ribozyme hybridizing region and
And / or catalytic region with one or more nucleotide substitutions, deletions and / or additions
However, such modified ribozymes retain the ability to cleave the target mRNA sequence.
The condition is that
In another aspect, the invention comprises a hybridizing domain and a catalytic domain.
Ribozyme that binds to the TLCV or TYLCV
Is substantially complementary to the nucleotide sequence in the mRNA molecule encoding the C1 gene
It comprises a nucleotide sequence, or is of high sequence with the TLCV or TYLCV mRNA sequence.
Hybridization in vitro under conditions of high stringency.
And the catalytic region spans a ribozyme capable of cleaving the mRNA sequence. Book
The aspect of the invention is suitably determined by the degree of cleavage of the target mRNA in vitro.
For the purposes of the present invention,SambrookEt al. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual
, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, USA. Pp. 387-389.
, The stringency conditions described in paragraph 11 are considered. On the other hand, Midori
Manger can be 0.25-0.5% W / VSDS, 45 ° C., 2-3 hours utilization. other
The above conditions may also be applicable depending on the concentration, purity and origin of the nucleic acid molecule.
The present invention extends to a genetic construct comprising a ribozyme described herein. these
Gene constructs are commonly used as vectors to transfer ribozymes into host cells.
-Sequence and promoter sequence that directs transcription of ribozyme and terminator
Comprising. Suitable promoters include, without limitation, 35S cauliflower
Includes a mosaic virus (CaMV) or double 35SCaMV promoter. CaMV
The promoter isOdellEt al. Nature 313: 810-812, 1985. this
These ribozymes are generally complementary forms, and transcription produces a ribozyme.
You. The gene construct of the present invention comprises the ribozyme described herein as constitutive, developmental or
To produce transgenic plants that can be inducibly expressed (eg, in response to a constant stimulus)
Used for Most preferred genetic cells are rendered substantially resistant to TLCV infection.
The ribozymes and gene constructs of the present invention can be used in infectious plants using virus susceptible plants.
You can easily test it with Bo. A particularly useful indicator plant is the tobacco plant.
This analysis should be qualitative, for example by screening the severity of symptoms.
Or the sample can be assayed for ribozyme expression levels or target mRNA levels, for example.
It can be made quantitative by measuring. Qualitative or quantitative analysis combination
You can also use it.
All known means for introducing foreign DNA into plants, such asAgrobacteria
(Agrobacterium), Collectoporation, protoplast fusion, particle gun
By bombardment or cells such as pollen, microspores, seeds and immature embryos
DNA Penetration, Will Vectors, eg Geminivirus or Satellite Virus
May be used.Agrobacterium tumefaciens(A. tumefaciens) andResogenes
(Rhizogenes) Is the preferred means. In this case, polyribozyme
The coding sequence is provided in an appropriate vector containing all the necessary regulatory sequences, such as promoters.
Data, terminator, etc., as well as any sequences required for selection of transformants.
To introduce.
In one approach, tobacco cells are used together with the genetic construct to be tested.Agroba Cteria
Transform using standard procedures employing. In general, for tobaccoAggro Bacteria tumefaciens
Vector transformationHorschLaScience227: 1229-12
31, 1985, or using the conventional strain LBA 4404,
The seedlings are then screened with kanamycin at a concentration of 250 μl / ml. Small transformed cells
The plants are regenerated and samples taken for expression screening. This
Plants self-propagate and seed, and produce transgenic seeds into new plants
Used for Expose the transgenic plants to the virus with appropriate controls.
And the degree of symptom onset
Analyze. Alternatively or additionally, quantitative evaluation may be performed by biochemical analysis. This method
For screening geminiviruses, and especially ribozymes for TLCV
Are extremely useful. Appropriate ribozyme gene constructs were identified using this procedure
If possible, transfer these specific constructs to gene transfer, for example in the case of TLCV and TYLCV.
It can be used to make tomato plants. Similar transformation and screening
The following procedure may be adopted.
The resistant nature of transgenic plants can be determined by self-propagation1Got
Test by crossing with non-transformed genotypes based on one generation offspring for
You can test. Then T1Plants are inoculated with the DNA virus by agroinoculation.
Tolerance (that is, "total tolerance" means an overall lack of symptoms, "tolerance" means that the plant
Infected and symptomatic, which means to recover, "susceptibility" means that the plant
Status, and means that the virus is allowed to replicate).
The present invention is particularly directed to genes that are at least somewhat resistant to TLCV and TYLCV infections.
Regarding introduced tomato plants. Resistance to infection is about 30% or more, preferably about 50%
% Or more, and even about 70% or more means quantitative relief of symptoms (typically
Based on the inhibition of replication). Reaches 100% inhibition of TLCV replication based on biodiversity
Although difficult to produce, the effects of ribozymes can be enhanced by various molecular biology techniques.
I can marry.
In accordance with this aspect of the invention, exposure to TLCV is experienced compared to non-transgenic plants.
And a method of transgenic plants showing reduced symptoms.
Cell, and the gene structure encoding the above-mentioned ribozyme capable of cleaving TLCV-derived C1 mRNA.
Transformed by construction, regenerate plants from the transformed cells, and
Breed it
The seeds from the seeds and then grow transgenic plants from the seeds.
The present invention relates to plant DNA viruses, more particularly geminiviruses, and more particularly.
To transgenic plants that show resistance to TLCV. In one preferred embodiment,
The transgenic plant of is a tomato plant. The present invention is a plant derived from such a transgenic plant.
It also extends to raw materials and seeds (eg tomato plants). This ribozyme is constitutive and developmental
Can be expressed indirectly or inducibly.
The present invention is further described by reference to the following non-limiting drawings and examples
In the drawing:
Figure 1. Nucleotide sequences of complementary sense strands from three TLCV isolates.
Shown: Top row, TLCV (Australia); Middle row, TLCV (Israel); Bottom row, TL
CV (Sardinia). The sequences are shown in the 5'to 3'direction.
Figure 2BamHICaMV35S-1568bp TLCV Fragment cloned in truncated Bin19
(Containing Rz1, Rz2, and Rz3) -a schematic diagram of pRIBO5BIN containing CaMV polyA
is there. The insertion sites for the three ribozymes Rz1, Rz2, and Rz3 are at positions 1111, 2056, and 23.
Shown in 55. This numbering is the virion-sense numbering, and Figures 8 and 10
Using the (-) sense numbering shown in Figure 1, positions 1654, 711, and 412 respectively
Figure 3BamHICaMV35S-1346bp TMCV Fragment cloned in truncated Bin19
PRIBO5B (containing Rz1, Rz2, and Rz3) -CaMV polyA expression cassette
It is a schematic diagram of IN DeL.
Figure 4BamHICaMV35S-3966bp TLCV Fragment cloned in truncated Bin19
(Containing Rz1 and Rz2) -contains CaMV polyA expression cassette
It is a schematic diagram of pRIBO7BIN consisting of.
Figure 5BamHICaMV35S-30bp TLCV fragment (cloned into truncated Bin19
FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram of pRIBO2BIN containing a Rz1-containing) -CaMV polyA expression cassette.
Figure 6 for RT-PCR analysis of ribozyme construct expression in transgenic tobacco.
It is a schematic diagram of the position of the used primer.
Figure 7 is a schematic diagram of the ribozyme model (Haselhoff and Gerlach, Nature, 1
988). The substrate RNA has a length that forms base pairs with the ribozyme, as shown.
Can have any sequence (X) adjacent to the GUC at the cleavage site. The arrow indicates the cleavage site
Show. The conserved bases in the ribozyme are boxed. In the natural hammerhead,
The substrate and ribozyme moiety are connected by a loop, resulting in intramolecular cleavage.
FIG. 8 shows the nucleotide sequence of TYLCV-S complementary / sense strand. Small sentence
The letter indicates the ribozyme cleavage site. The sequence of TYLCV-S is described by Kher-Pour et al. (Nucl. AcidRes
. (1991) 19: 6763).
Figure 9 shows the conserved region in the replicase gene between TLCV and TYLCV-S: Figure
9 (a) is a highly conserved region around ribozymes R1, R4 and R5.
Figure 9 (b) shows a highly conserved region around ribozyme R2.
. A ":" means the pairing and a gap means no nucleotides. small
Letters indicate ribozyme cleavage sites.
Figure 10 shows the nucleotide sequence of the complementary strand of TLCV.Dry(J. Gen. Virol. (19
93) 74: 147). Lowercase letters indicate ribozyme cleavage sites.
FIG. 11 shows the target sequences of polyribozymes D, F and E. Lower case letters are ribozyme solutions
Indicates a cleavage site. The capital letters correspond to the complementary sequences of the ribozyme arm.
FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram of a ribozyme construct. The shaded area is TYLCV-S complementarity / sense string
Lands, and solid lines represent TLCV complementarity-sense strands. R = li
Figure 13 is a schematic physical map of the double vector pGAZE.
Figure 14 shows ribozyme plasmids, pGAZE-RzA, pGAZE-polyRzC, pGAZE-polyRzD, p.
It is a schematic physical map of GAZE-polyRzE and pGAZE-polyRzF.
Figure 15 (a) shows pRIBO5BS: 1690b blunt-ended with EcoRV-cleaved Bluescript SK +.
d A schematic representation of the TLCV C1 / C2 / C3 complementary fragment (containing three ribozymes)
Fig. 15 (b) shows pRIBO5BIN: 2660bp cloned into BamHI-digested BIN19.
BgL II35S-C1 / C2 / C3 complementation (containing 3 ribozymes) of CaMV polyA cassette
Schematic diagram; open triangles indicate the position of the 22 bp ribozyme insertion. E: EcoRI;
H: HindIII; K: KpnI; P: PstI; Sm: SamI; B: BamHI; SL: SaLI; St: SstI; X:
Xho I; Xb: Xba I; C: Cla I.
Figure 16 is a schematic diagram of ribozyme constructs, showing their interrelationship and "short
The deletions performed to obtain the "arm" ribozymes, polyE, polyF and polyD are shown.
Figure 17 shows the "minizyme" structure (WO-A-9119789), where the loop of the catalytic domain
Has been replaced by the element "P". P is a ribonucleotide of the “P” group
, Array (X ')nAnd (X)n 2And P consists exclusively of ribonucleotides
With a "Watson-Crick" base pair
At least one nucleotide (ribonucleotide, deoxyribonucleoside)
Tide, derivative or mixture). "P" is a bond or any atom or group of atoms
However, it should not affect the catalytic activity of the ribozyme. X is the formula I
, II, III have the same meaning as
I do.
ExampleExample I-Selection of TLCV target mRNAs:
In order to be able to select the appropriate target RNA, the major mRNA transcript was identified and
And mapped on the circular genome of an Australian isolate of TLCV [TLCV (aus
(Toralia)MullineauxEt al., Supra;Dry[Above]]. Complementarity / sense of viral DNA
One of the strand-derived viral mRNAs was found in lesser amounts than other TLCV transcripts.
Was. This small amount of mRNA transcript was identified as encoding the C1 gene,
The product is necessary for viral replication.DaviesEt al., Trends in Genetics,
5: 77-81, 1989]. This mRNA was named C2, C3 and C4. Three that
It also encodes other gene products. Their functions are not well understood. Obedience
Therefore, this small amount of mRNA encoding the C1 gene was selected as the target mRNA. This
The low abundance of transcripts in Escherichia coli indicates a high rate of ribozyme target sequences, which results in C1 residues.
A more substantial reduction in gene product is potentially possible.Example II-Selection of ribozymes based on the conserved region of the C1 gene among TLCV isolates
Three TLCV isolates [TLCV (Australia), TLCV (Israel) and TLVC (
Sardinia)] complementary nucleotide sequence of ribozyme
Comparisons were made to identify more targeted conserved regions. This sequence contrast is shown in Figure 1.
You. Three conserved regions were identified for ribozyme design. These conservation areas
Two of the areas are shown in FIG. In addition to sequence contrast, the higher efficacy of ribozymes
A computer program was used to estimate the secondary structure of the target site as possible.
Used.Example III-Synthesis of ribozymes targeting the conserved sequence of the C1 gene of TLCV
Example IV-Rz1, Rz2 and / or Rz3: a gene construct carrying pHHIBO5BIN:
Nucleotides containing C1, C2, C3 and C4 reading frames (ORPS)
The 1568 fragment of TLCV from 1075-2643 was cloned into pALTER-1 (Promega).
I did. Ribozyme sequences 1, 2, and 3 (Rz1, Rz2, and Rz3, respectively) were used in Example III.
And synthesized in vitro in a mutagenesis system (Promega).
Was introduced into the TLCV sequence by utilizing the modified site. Incorporation of the introduced ribozyme sequence
Confirmed by sequencing using the oxy chain termination method. Rz1, Rz2 and Rz3 are 50 ℃
Complementarity and sense virus R generated by 57 RNA polymerase at 37 ° C
It has been shown to catalyze the in vitro cleavage of NA transcripts. Modified including Rz1, Rz2 and Rz3
Altered 1634 bp complementation / sense TLCV fragment in antisense direction (for C1 ORF transcription)
Between the double 35S CaMV promoter and the CaMV polyA termination sequence.
And the complete expression cassette is cloned into the binary vector Bin19.
Of the training siteBsmHIIntroduced into the site. Obtained structure
The construction was named pRIBO5BIN and is shown in Figure 2.Example V-Rz1, Rz2 and / or Rz3: a gene construct carrying pRIBO5BIN DeL
This construct was derived from pRIBO5BIN (Example IV)BstBISite (nucleotide
It was obtained by deleting a region of 216 bp from 2424) to the 3'end. PR the resulting construct
IBO5BINDeL and shown in FIG.Example VI-Rz1, Rz2 and / or Rz3: a gene construct carrying pRIBO7BIN
This construct is derived from pRIBO5BINDeL (Example V) at the 5'end of the TLCV fragment.
From (nucleotide 1075)XhoI950 bp region extending to site (nucleotide 2425)
Was obtained by removal of. The resulting construct was designated pRIBO7BIN and is shown in FIG.Example VII-Rz1, Rz2 and / or Rz3: a gene construct carrying pRIBO2BIN
A 52 bp fragment containing Rz1 was polymerase chained from pRIBO5BIN (Example IV).
Amplified by strand reaction (PCR) and antisense orientation (for C1 ORF transcription)
And clone it between the double 35S CaMV promoter and the CaMV PolyAS termination sequence.
, And the complete expression cassette BamH at the multiple cloning site of the dual vector Bin19.
It was introduced into the I site. The resulting construct was designated pRIBO2BIN and is shown in FIG.Example VIII-Expression of ribozyme gene constructs in transgenic tobacco cell lines:
The ribozyme constructs described in Examples 5 to 8 were transformed into tobacco using PCR analysis.
Tested for expression in plants.
A leaf tobacco sample (150 mg) was transferred to a transgenic tobacco cell line prior to potting in a greenhouse.
Collected from and liquid N2Frozen in. Crush the sample to a powder,
And 0.5 ml of extraction buffer (0.1 M
Tris-HCL (pH9), 0.1 M NaCl, 10 mM EDTA, 1% W / V SDS and 1% V /
V containing beta-mercaptoethanol) and for 30S with 0.5 ml phenol
Vortexed. The extract was centrifuged at 12,000g for 10 minutes, and the supernatant fraction was
collected. This supernatant fraction was further mixed with phenol and then with phenol / chloroform (1
Extracted in 1). Total nucleic acid fraction was precipitated with sodium acetate / ethanol at -20 ° C.
And centrifuged at 12000 g for 10 minutes. Use 80% V / V ethanol for this pellet.
Washed, dried and resuspended in 50 μl sterile water.
The first strand cDNA reaction was performed as described above. Nucleic acid sample at 65 ℃ for 5 minutes
, 100mg CaMV Term Pliers (5'-TTTACAAATACAAATACATACTAAGGGT) and all
The volume was annealed in 5 ml. This primer was generated from these transcripts
CaMV termination sequence present in all ribozyme constructs (see Figure 6)
Is complementary to the region within.
Add 50 mg Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 10 mM MgCl to the annealed template.2
, 0.5 mM spermidine, 10 mM DTT, 1 unit of ribonuclease inhibitor
And 5 μl of reverse transcriptase mixture containing 2.25 units of AMV reverse transcriptase. This
The mixture was incubated at 42 ° C. for 60 minutes and then at 94 ° C. for 2 minutes. When displaying
If not, a control reaction is performed in which AMV reverse transcriptase
Squirrel-HCl (pH9), 1.5 mM MgCl2, 1.5mM MgCl2, 0.1% V / V Triton X-100
, 200 μM dNTP, 250 μM CaMV Term pliers (see Figure 6), 0.5 units
Exclude from Tag DNA polymerase and 2 μl of first strand cDNA reaction mixture
is there. Two alternating 5'end primers were used, the positions of which are shown in the accompanying drawings.
PCR cycle conditions are 94 ° C for 1 minute, 50 ° C to 55 ° C for 1 minute, and 72 ° C for 3 minutes for 15 to 30 minutes.
I took it as an icle. PCR products were analyzed on a 1.2-1.8% W / V agarose gel.
Reverse transcription of RIBO5BIN and RIBO5BINDeL using C3 / CaMV Term pliers combination
Enzyme (RT) -PCR analysis showed that the DN was approximately the estimated size, namely 1690 bp and 1450 bp, respectively.
A product was produced.
RIBO5BIN, RIBO5BINDeL and RIBO using R1B / CaMV Term pliers combination
RT-PCR analysis of 2BIN showed that the estimated size was 504bp, 264bp and 2 respectively.
A 35 bp DNA product was produced.
No PCR product was observed in the control reaction: (a) Reverse transcription fermentation
A nucleic acid sample from a plant transformed only with the elementless (b) vector sequence, ie
, Which does not contain a ribozyme sequence. This is observed with these primers
PCR product generated is specifically derived from the RNA transcript of the introduced ribozyme construct.
Demonstrate that.
The size of the putative PCR product using the C3 / CaMV Term pliers combination is
1. RIBO5BIN 1690 bp
2. RIBO5BINDel 1450 bp
The size of the putative PCR product using the RIB / CaMV Term primer combination is
Is as follows:
1. RIBO5BIN 504 bp
2. RIBO5BINDel 264 bp
3. RIBO7BIN 264 bp
4. RIBO2BIN 235 bp
Example IX-Construction of ribozyme gene
The pairwise contrast of the deduced amino acid sequence encoded by the Geminivirus C1 ORF was determined.
It investigated (Table 1).
Sardinia (Kheyr-PourEt al., NAR (1991) 19: 6763), Thailand (Rochester et al., Vi
rology (1990) 178: 520)), Israel (Navot et al., Virology (1991) 185: 15
1)), Australia (Dry et al.J. Gen. Vir. (1993) 74: 147) derived TYVCV
The alignment of the nucleotide sequences of the genomic isolates indicates that they are essential for viral replication.
Three conserved regions in the internal fragment of the C1 transcript encoding the polypeptide
It is a region. This BstBI / Eco0190I internal fragment of TYLCV-S genome
(Nt346-nt982) digested with DraII / SmaI pBluescriptII SK + phagemid (ST
RATAGENE). This clone of the most highly conserved region
It was used as a template into which two ribozymes were introduced. Two and three dimensional foldin
Analysis also shows more theoretical accessible target sites for ribozyme cleavage.
Went to maintain.
The catalytic domain of hammerhead-type RNA (Figure 1), in this case tobacco
Satellite RNA of long-spot virus (STobRV), a completely unrelated substrate RNA
Used to design an in trans hammerhead structure, which
The target site is specifically cleaved at the putative site (Haseloff and Gerlach (1989), Ge
ne, 82: 43-52). Following the general rules stated by these authors, hammers
-The only requirement for a substrate RNA that is cleaved by a head-type ribozyme is
, In the presence of a trinucleotide sequence (its self-cleavage is stated) (Perr iman et al
Gene (1992) 113: 157). The most highly conserved C1 transcript of TYLCV-S
Figure 2 positions for remaining hammerhead type ribozymes on the open area
2 and 3
* Position R4, nucleotide 407 (target site GUC);
* Position R5, nucleotide 430 (target site UUC);
Introduced a 22-base hammerhead sequence of TobRV satellite RNA at these positions
For this purpose, the polymer described in Kammann et al. (Nucl. Acid. Res. (1989) 17: 5404).
A rapid insertion mutagenesis method of DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used.
This method requires the following synthetic oligonucleotides:
Oligo R4-R5 carrying two hammerhead ribozymes:
The underlined array corresponds to ToRST's satellite hammerhead structure.
It corresponds to the part.
Oligos R4-R5 were synthesized on an Applied Biosystems Model 380B DNA synthesizer
Oligo T7 Sequencing Primer (Pharmacia):
Oligo T3 Sequencing Primer (Pharmacia):
In the first PCR (PCR) step, oligo R4-R5 and oligo T3 sequencing
The sequences between the limers were amplified. This amplified fragment is labeled with molecular sieves.
Purified with a column (Prime Erase Quick ™ kit, STRATAGENE). Second PC
In the R (PCRII) step, this amplified fragment was used as a primer by itself.
Used in combination with the Rigo T7 sequencing primer. PCR conditions are as per FIL
PCR is 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 1.5 mM MgCl 2.2, 300mM each
dNTP, 2U Tag polymerase (Perkin Elmer Cetus), 40pg template DNA, 100p
A total reaction volume of 100 μl containing M primers was performed. PCRII is the same as PCRI
However, 5 μl (300 ng amplified fragment estimated from agarose gel)
A small amount of PCRI was used directly for priming. Denaturation: 2min 94 ℃; Annie Lin
2 min 40 ° C; synthesis 3 min 72 ° C; 30 cycles for each step.
After purification using agarose electrophoresis, the PCR product was digested with BstBI and treated with Klenow.
Filled in with the fragment and finally digested with Eco0109I. can get
The 679nt fragment was cloned into SmaI / DraII digested Bluescript SK + vector.
I did. A cloning vector containing a cloning sequence can be prepared by a technique known in the art
Used to transform and propagate into bacterial host XL 1 Blue (STRATAGENE)
(Maniatis, Molecular cloning, A Laboratory quide, 2nd edition, 1939, Cold Sp
ring Harbor Laboratory publishers).
The presence of two hammerhead sequences in TobRV satellite RNA is for T7 sequencing
Confirmed by sequence analysis using the kit (Pharmacia). This result is catalytic R4 and
And the complete insertion of the R5 site.Example X-Construction of ribozyme plasmids
The plasmid pRIBO5BS shown in Figure 15 is the basis for the construction of the other plasmids.
You. This plasmid is pBluescrip with a 1690 bp 5'end-AseI fragment.
t SK + vector, which has three hammerhead type rebosai in the following positions:
Corresponding to the C1 / C4 / C2 / C3 complementary fragment of the TLCV carrying the
-R1 (nucleotide 412, target site CUU),
-R2 (nucleotide 711, target site CUU) and
-R3 (nucleotide 1654, target site GUA).
The plasmid p polyribozyme E was derived from the plasmid pRIBO5BS at positions R2 and R3.
The 877 bp “Klenow” corresponding to the region between the two hammerhead type sequences at
XhoI-BclI "fragment filled in with polymerase and 264 bp
Was obtained by deleting the "5'-TthIIII" fragment of This Tth
The IIII site was filled in using Klenow polymerase. This "Tth III
I-HindIII (pBluescript SK + vector site) fragment was agarose gel
Was isolated after separation by electrophoresis. This fragment is Mang Bean Nu
PB, previously deleted from SacI-XbaI digested with the clearase fragment
EcoR filled in using Klenow polymerase of luescript SK + vector
It was cloned into the I and HindIII sites.
Polyribozyme E contains 434 bases and contains 3 bases as shown in FIGS.
Contains ribozymes R1 (position 28), R2 (position 327) and R3 (position 399) (pol
y R2E-R2). The size of the arm adjacent to the catalytic domain of the ribozyme is:
* 27 nucleotides from the 5'end to ribozyme R1;
* 298 nucleotides between R1 and R2;
* 71 nucleotides between R2 and R3;
* 35 nucleotides from ribozyme R3 to the 3'end.
The polyribozyme F plasmid is derived from the p polyribozyme E plasmid. Re
The 56 bp SmaI (pBluescript of the replicase gene of TLCV containing bozyme R1
The position near the 5'end in the SK + vector) -SacI "fragment is described above.
Of TYLCV-Sardinia isolate with two ribozymes R4 and R5
The 98 bp replicase gene was filled in using Klenow-Polymerase.
BstBI-SacI ”fragment. Converted Fragmen
The genotype has a region highly conserved between the TYLCV and TLCV strains. TLCV 365
between the nt-435nt and the 370nt-440nt region of the TYLCV-Sardinia isolate.
Otide sequence identity corresponded to 97% (Figure 3).
Chimeric polyribozyme F has two different origins: TYLCV-Sardinia isolate and
TLCV-contains a replicase gene fragment with an Australian isolate.
The assembly of these fragments was done at the SacI site. Artificial polylinker
It is also possible to use to assemble two fragments. One of this non-complementary sequence
Somatization did not deleteriously affect the catalytic activity of polyribozymes.
Polyribozyme F contains 479 bases and, as shown in FIGS.
Two ribozymes, R4 (position 59), R5 (position 83), R2 (position 372) and R3
Including (position 444).
The size of the arm adjacent to the catalytic domain of the ribozyme is as follows:
* 59 nucleotides from the 5'end to ribozyme R4;
* 22 nucleotides between ribozyme R4 and R5;
* 288 nucleotides between ribozyme R5 and R2;
* 71 nucleotides between ribozyme R2 and R3;
* 35 nucleotides from R3 to the 3'end.
Chimeric p-polyribozyme D is derived from p-polyribozyme F. Derived from TLCV
The 206 bp "Sac I-Swa I" fragment was deleted. SacI site is T4-DNA poly
It was destroyed by the action of merase. Polyribozyme D contains 270 bases and
Four ribozymes, R4 (position 59) and R5 (position 83), as shown in 5 and 6.
, R2 (position 163) and R3 (position 235).
The size of the arm adjacent to the ribozyme catalytic domain is
* 59 nucleotides from the 5'end to ribozyme R4;
* 22 nucleotides between ribozymes R4 and R5;
* 79 nucleotides between ribozyme R5 and R2;
* 71 nucleotides between ribozymes R2 and R3;
* 35 nucleotides from ribozyme R3 to the 3'end.
The sequences of polyribozymes E, F and D were supplied by Pharmacia for T7 sequencing.
It was confirmed using a tablet.
The functions of polyribozymes E, F and D are “Protocol and Applica” derived from Pormege.
Tested in vitro according to the protocol described in "tion book".
Expression signals were not included in the polyribozyme. Therefore, these are
Bull 35S promoter and CaMV 35S RNA under control of poly (A)
In order to realize such a construction, double 35S promoter, monoribozyme R
An expression cassette consisting of 1 and CaMV 35S poly (A) was added to pRIBO2BIN plus
Isolated from Mido.
The pRIBO2BIN plasmid was digested with SacI. The SacI site is replaced with T4-DNA polymerase
Was used to make blunt ends.
The linearized pRIBO2BIN plasmid was digested with SalI, containing the expression cassette "SacI.
The "Filled in SalI" fragment was constructed on an agarose gel and pBlues
In the cript SK + vector, "X filled in using Klenow polymerase
"baI and SalI" sites.
Next, a HindIII-BamHI fragment corresponding to monoribozyme R1 was added to ppoly
Polyribozymes E, F and D isolated from ribozymes E, F and D respectively
Replace with HindIII-BamHI fragment containing
I got it. The HindIII-BamHI fragment is inverted in the expression vector
Expression cassette pGA492 (An, Plant Physiol having polyribozyme E, F or D)
. (1986) 81:86) and cloned into the dual vector pGAZE (Fig. 7). This
PGA492 vector was double digested with Sac I and Sca I and then with T4 polymerase
Made blunt-ended and ligated after agarose gel purification.
The excluded fragment is chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
It corresponds to almost all of the genes. This HindIII site is the H supplied by Stratagene.
It was also converted to an EcoRI site with the indIII-EcoRI adaptor. Regarding pGA492,
pGAZE is a cis-acting element required for plant transformation, such as T-DNA border, plant
Selectable marker (kanamycin resistance), cloning site,
And a broad host range replicon. The kanamycin resistance marker is tn5 nopaline
Ntase control region and neomycin phosphotransferase coding region
Built from the area.
The pGAZE vector was digested with EcoRI and ligated using Klenow polymerase.
I went in. "Sac containing an expression cassette having polyribozyme E, F or D"
The "I fill in Sal I" fragment was cloned into the EcoRI fill in site of pGAZE.
I learned.
The resulting recombinant double vector, pGAZE-polyribozyme E, pGAZE-polyribozyme
ImF and pGAZE-polyribozyme D (Fig. 9) were directly transformed (Holsters et al., Mo.
l. Gen. Genet. (Protocol derived from (1978) 163: 181)Agrobacte Lear Toumefaciens
Death Arm Strain LBA4404 (HoekemaEt al, Nature (1983
) 303: 179).
Monoribozyg containing a catalytic domain and adjacent arms (15 bases in length)
Ribozyme A corresponding to the murine R1 and the above polyribozyme C (Example V)
Then, introduce the expression cassette into pGAZE and / or pGA492 as described above.
As a result, pGAZE-ribozyme A, pGA492-ribozyme A and pGAZE-po
Liribozyme C (FIG. 8) was obtained. The target genes of all the above constructs are agglomerated.
It was introduced into tomato using a bacterial-based co-culture system. Tomato transformation
Exchange and reproductionEillatti(Biotechnology (1987) 5: 726).
Carried out.Example XI-Molecular analysis of transgenic plants
* RNA analysis:
Total RNAChandler(Plant Physiol. (1983) 74:47).
It was isolated from young leaves of transgenic and non-transgenic plants grown in moss. RNA
Separated on an agarose / formaldehyde gel and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane.
I copied it. The blot is hybridized with labeled fragments or whole of the gene of interest.
It was lysed. Check to see if equal amounts of RNA were applied to each line.
The trocellulose membrane was stained with methylene blue.
* DNA analysis:
Total DNA for Southern blot analysisDellaporta(Plant Mol. Biol. Rep.
(1983) 1:19), and gene transfer and non-death grown in a greenhouse.
Isolated from young leaves of transgenic plants and by restriction enzymes according to their manufacturer's specifications
Digested, separated by electrophoresis on agarose gel, and capillary action
Transferred to nitrocellulose. Use this blot to label the gene of interest.
And then probed as a whole.Example XII-T of tomato plants transformed with various constructs by agroinoculation Evaluation of YLCV resistance
Since TYLCV or its cloning DNA cannot be introduced mechanically,
Art (Grimsley Plant DNA Infections Agents, Hoho and Schell (ed.) Springe
r, Wien, New york (1987) pp87-107) Cloning DNA infectivity assay
It was used to
TYLCV-Sardinia strain genome is double plant transformation vector pBin19 (Stanley
EMBO J. et al. (1986) 5: 1761), and inserted into the SstI site,
BamHI part at the TYLCV map position 152 through the TYLCV intragenic region
A BamHI fragment of approximately 600 bp spanning positions was deleted. Next, the complete TYLCV genome
The unit was also inserted into the rest of the SstI site to generate the 1.8-mer TYLCV-genome in pBin19.
Obtained. This plasmid directlyAgrobacterium tumefaciensStock LBA4404
Was introduced.Agrobacterium tumefaciensIncubate culture at 28 ° C for approximately 48 hours
I made it. Pellet the cells and wash twice with water, and first sterilized water
Resuspended in 1/10 volume.
A young transgenic tomato plant at the 3-4 leaf stage was concentrated using an 18 gauge needle.
The petiole of three youngest leaves was inoculated with bacterium.
Place this plant in a closed growth tank for 16 hours at 24 ° C and 70% relative humidity in the sunlight.
I left it.
Those skilled in the art can predict that the present invention can be improved without departing from the scope of the present invention.
(72)発明者 ボーディノ,シルビー
フランス国,エフ―63870 オーチン,ロ
(72)発明者 メイソン,ジョン
オーストラリア国,ビクトリア 3066,コ
リングウッド,ジップス ストリート
16,カルジーン パシフィック プロプラ
イアタリー リミティド
(72)発明者 コミュー,デビッド
フランス国,エフ―63000 クレルモン―
(72)発明者 レザラン,モハマッド アリ
オーストラリア国,サウス オーストラリ
ア 5066,バーンサイド,シッターズ メ
モリアル ドライブ 14
(72)発明者 ドライ,イアン バリー
オーストラリア国,メルローズ パート
5039,キンストン アベニュ 111
(72)発明者 リグデン,ジャスティン エリス
オーストラリア国,サウス オーストラリ
ア 5024,ウエスト ビーチ,チェットウ
インド ストリート 10────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───
Continuation of front page
(72) Inventor Bodino, Silvie
France-F-63870 Ochin, Ro
Tismen-Les-Volcans, 2
(72) Inventor Mason, John
Australia, Victoria 3066, Co
Ringwood, Zip Street
16, Calgene Pacific Pro Plastic
Eatary Limited
(72) Inventor Commu, David
France, F-63000 Clermont-
Fehran, Ruer. -Carle, 9
(72) Inventor Rezaran, Mohammad Ali
South Australia, Australia
A 5066, Burnside, Sitters Me
Morial Drive 14
(72) Inventor Dry, Ian Barry
Australia, Melrose part
5039, Kinston Avenue 111
(72) Inventor Rigden, Justin Ellis
South Australia, Australia
A 5024, West Beach, Chettow
India street 10