JP3755146B2 - Production method of transgenic plants with improved amino acid composition - Google Patents
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植物に特定の遺伝子を導入し形質転換させる技術が世界で初めて報告されたのは土壌細菌、Agrobacterium tumefaciensを用いてタバコに遺伝子を導入した研究であり、その後多くの有用農業形質を付与した作物が作出され、植物に有用成分を作らせる試みも行われてきた。このようなトランスジェニック植物作成技術を用いた植物育種法は、交配等による従来の伝統的な育種に代わるものとして有望視されている。その中で、窒素同化に関する植物の特性改良の研究も進められてきており、特に、アミノ酸は窒素代謝産物の中でも、果実、根菜類の根、種子などにおいて重要な成分であり、また食味にも大きく影響を与えることから盛んに研究が行われてきている。
アミノ酸の生合成に関する研究としては、例えば、大腸菌由来DHDPS遺伝子をタバコに導入し、遊離リジンが200倍上昇したという報告(米国特許第5258300号、Molecular Genetics Res.& Development)、AK遺伝子の導入により遊離リジンが増加したという報告(EP485970,WO9319190)、AS遺伝子をタバコに導入し、アスパラギン含量が100倍上昇したという報告(WO 9509911,Univ New York,WO 9013533,Univ Rockfeller)、アントラニル酸合成酵素をイネに導入しトリプトファン含量が90倍上昇したという報告(WO 9726366,DEKALB Genetic Corp)がなされている。遺伝子導入の対象となる植物はタバコ、シロイヌナズナ等のモデル植物に限られず、トマトなどの果実をもつ植物も利用されている。例えば、トマトについては1986年にアグロバクテリウム法を用いて形質転換体が作出され(S.McCormick,J.Niedermeyer,J.Fry,A.Barnason,R.Horsch and R.Fraley,Plant Cell Reports,5,81−84(1986);Y.S.Chyi,R.A.Jorgenson,D.Goldstern,S.D.Tarksley and F.Loaiza−Figueroe,Mol.Gen.Genet.,204,64−69(1986))、それ以来形質転換系の改良がなされてきている。また、アミノ酸生合成、窒素同化に関与する遺伝子は上述の他にも多数知られており、アスパラギナーゼ、GOGAT等が含まれ、これらの塩基配列も報告されている。
ここで、特にα−アミノ酸の一種であるグルタミン酸は、一般にタンパク質中に広く分布し、調味用途として使用されている、トマトのうま味成分や、ダイズではその醸造食品(例えば、醤油、ミソなど)中のうま味成分は、いずれもグルタミン酸であることが知られており、高等植物では窒素代謝の最初の段階で合成されることが知られている。また、グルタミン酸より生じたグルタミン、アスパラギンが篩管を経由して各組織に分配されその他のアミノ酸合成、タンパク質合成に用いられることが分かっている。植物においては、スクロースやアミノ酸などの光合成産物の輸送経路である篩管には高濃度に存在する例が報告されている(茅野充男ら、植物栄養・肥料学p125(1993))が、可食部分に高濃度に含まれる例としては、トマト果実に0.25g/100g f.w.程度含まれる例(ときめき2号、日本食品工業学会誌、第39巻、p64−67(1992))が知られている。しかしながら、グルタミン酸の場合は、ソース器官での生合成能が向上できたとしてもアミノ基供与の出発物質であり、前述のように種々の生合成経路で代謝されるため、植物体中でグルタミン酸を高濃度に蓄積させるのは容易ではない。交配育種、遺伝子操作を問わず、これまでグルタミン酸の濃度を植物体中で飛躍的に高めるのに成功した例は出願人の知る限り見当たらない。
無機窒素を有機体に同化する第一段階は、上述したように主にグルタミンを生成するためのグルタミン酸へのアンモニアの取り込みであり、これはグルタミンシンテターゼ酵素(GS)により触媒される。次いで、このグルタミンは、グルタミン酸シンターゼ(GOGAT)に触媒され、α−ケトグルタル酸とから2分子のグルタミン酸が生成される。このGS/GOGATサイクルが、植物における窒素同化の主要な経路と考えられている(文献:MiflinおよびLea,1976,Phytochemistry,15;873−885)。一方、アンモニアの取り込みが、GSにより触媒される経路以外の代謝経路により進行する事が知られている(Knight and Langston−Unkefer,1988,Science,241:951−954)。即ち、グルタミン酸を生成するためのα−ケトグルタル酸へのアンモニアの取り込みであり、これはグルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ(GDH)により触媒される。しかし、植物のGDHは、アンモニアに対して高いKm値を有しており、一方、アンモニアは毒性があり、細胞内アンモニアは通常低濃度であるため、正常な生育条件下でのこの窒素同化経路の役割については未だ充分には明らかにされていないが、ある研究では、細胞内のアンモニウム濃度が正常レベルを越えて上昇した時の窒素同化に寄与しているとの報告がある(Knight and Langston−Unkefer、前掲)。
植物におけるグルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ酵素(GDH)は上記の様にグルタミン酸を生成するためα−ケトグルタル酸へアンモニアを取り込ませる場合と逆にα−ケトグルタル酸を生成するためにグルタミン酸からアンモニアを解離させる場合と可逆的な反応を触媒する。前者はアンモニア量が高い場合に、また後者は窒素含量が高い場合に機能すると考えられており(Robinsonら、1991,Plant Physiol.95;809−816:Robinsonら,1992,Plant Physiol.98;1190−1195)、微生物に見られるようなグルタミン酸を合成する方向に機能する酵素GDH−Aや分解する方向に機能する酵素GDH−B等のように方向性が明確でない。また、植物ではクロロプラストで機能するNADP依存型GDHとミトコンドリアで機能するNAD依存型GDHの2種類があると考えられているが、GDHはアンモニアに対して高いKm値を示し、また、光呼吸時におけるアンモニアレベルとの相関性が高いことから、ミトコンドリアに局在するNAD依存型GDHがアンモニアの同化に重要な働きをしていると考えられている(SrivastavaおよびSingh RP,1987,Phytochemistry,26;597−610)。
植物のGDHは、2種類の異なるポリペプチド(α−サブユニット、β−サブユニット)がランダムに結合し、ヘキサマーを形成し、さらに、結合の程度により7つのアイソザイムパターンを示すことが知られている。Grapevineのカルス細胞を用いた研究において、硝酸塩やグルタミン酸を加えた培地で培養したカルスは、電気泳動した際β−サブユニットから成るアイソザイムが陰極側に増加し、アンモニアやグルタミンを加えた培地で培養したカルスはα−サブユニットから成るアイソザイムが陽極側に増加すること、さらに、硝酸塩培地からアンモニア源培地に移した場合、GDH活性が3倍増加し(α−サブユニット4倍増加し、β−サブユニット減少)、活性が陰極側から陽極側に移行したことが報告され(LoulakakisおよびPoubelakis−Angelakis,1996,Plant Physiol.97;104−1111)、アンモニアの同化にα−サブユニットが重要な働きをしていると考えられている。
1995年Sakakibaraら(Plant Cell Physiol,33;1193−1198)によりトウモロコシの根から7つのアイソザイムバンドのうち陰極側の2つのバンドを元にGDH遺伝子が植物で初めて単離され、その後Grapevine(Syntichakiら,1996,Gene 168;87−92)、Arabidopsis(Melo−Oliveraら、1996,Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93;4718−4723)、トマト(Purnellら、1997,Gene 186;249−254)からGDH遺伝子が単離されてきた。特に、Grapevineのカルスから単離された遺伝子はアンモニア処理した細胞において発現してきたアイソザイムを元に単離されており、α−サブユニットをコードする遺伝子であると考えられている。いずれの遺伝子においてもミトコンドリアで機能するためのトランジェットペプチドを有しているが、トウモロコシやトマトのGDH遺伝子は根で多量に発現しているのに対し、Arabidopsisでは葉や花での発現が高い。またトウモロコシ、Arabidopsis、Grapevineでは複数個の遺伝子の存在が示唆されているのに対し、トマトでは1コピーであることが報告されているように植物においても遺伝子構成や機能に違いを有しており、複雑であることが予測されている。
このGDH遺伝子を導入したトランスジェニック植物も作製されており、大腸菌由来グルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ酵素GDH(NADP−GDH)を除草剤フォスフィノスリシン耐性付与を目的としてタバコとトウモロコシに導入したところ、根でグルタミン酸含量が1.3〜1.4倍増加したことが報告されている(Lightfoot Davidら、CA2180786(1996)。この報告では、タバコの根において、14.7mg/100gf.w.であったグルタミン酸含量が20.6mg/100gf.wに、トウモロコシの根において16.2mg/100gf.wであったグルタミン酸含量が19.1mg/100gf.w.に増大した。これ以外に、GDH遺伝子の利用について記載された報告もあるが、実施例は示されていない(WO9509911、クロレラ由来のα、β−サブユニット(WO9712983))。またグルタミン酸族アミノ酸についての分析値も示されていない。
CaMV35S = カリフラワーモザイクウイルス35Sプロモーター
NADP−GDH = NADP依存型グルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ
NAD−GDH = NAD依存型グルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ
遺伝子融合体 = 異種遺伝子が連結されたプロモーターを含む遺伝子構築物(前記プロモーターは異種遺伝子の転写を調節する)
異種遺伝子 = 遺伝子構築において、異種遺伝子はその遺伝子が自然に連結されていないプロモーターに連結されていることを意味する。異種遺伝子は前記プロモーターを寄与する生物からのものであってもよく、またそうでなくてもよい。
GABA = γ−アミノ酪酸
本発明に使用できる酵素遺伝子は、細菌、酵母、藻類、動物および植物由来であってよく、これらに限定されず、様々な供給源から得ることができる。そのような供給源から得られた配列は植物細胞内で機能する適切なプロモーターと機能可能に連結させることができ、また宿主植物におけるそれらの翻訳効率を高めるため、あるいはコードされた酵素の触媒作用を変えるためにin vitro突然変異誘発またはde novo合成によって改変してもよい。これらの改変には基質および/または触媒作用に関与する残基の修飾が含まれるが、これらに限られない。さらに、導入遺伝子は発現される宿主あるいはオルガネラのコドン使用頻度に応じて最適なコドンを有するように改変してもよい。また、必要に応じてこれらの遺伝子配列に適切なトランジットペプチドをコードする核酸配列を連結してもよい。
本発明の好ましい実施態様の一つにおいては、カビ(Aspergillusnidulans)由来のNADP依存型GDH遺伝子(Mol.Gen.Genetics,218,105,1989)または、トマト由来のNAD依存型GDH遺伝子(Purnellら、1997,Gene 186;249−254)をコードする配列に、機能的に連結された強力な構成的植物プロモーターであるカリフラワーモザイクウイルス(CaMV)35Sプロモーターをコードする組換え構築物を用いて、トマト植物を遺伝子工学的に操作した実施例により説明される。GDHを過剰発現する系統は、対象の親植物よりも遊離アミノ酸含量の増加、特にグルタミン酸含量の増加(2〜3倍)が見られる。
本発明に使用し得る核酸構築物は当業者に公知の方法を使用して作成し得る。例えば、構築物の成分を単離、特性決定、その操作および構築物それ自体を作るのに使用しうる組換えDNA法については、Sambrookら、Molecular cloning−Laboratory manual、第2版、Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pressのような出典を参考にし得る。所望の成分の塩基配列が知られているような場合には生物起源からそれを単離するのではなく合成することが有利である。この様な場合当業者はCaruthersら、1980,Nuc.Acids.Res.Symp.Ser.7:215−233及びChow及びKempe,1981,Nuc.Acids.Res.9:2807−2817のような文献を参考にすることができる。その他の場合、所望の成分はポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)増幅により有利に生産しうる。PCR法については、当業者は、Gelfand,1989,PCR技術、DNA増幅に関する原理及び応用、H.A.Erlich編集、ストックトンプレス,N.Y.、分子生物学における現行のプロトコル、2巻、15章、Ausubelら編集、ジョンウイリイ&サンズ,1988を参考にし得る。
本発明の組換え核酸構築物は、その構築物の伝達追跡のための選択可能なマーカーを含んでもよい。例えば、細菌中で伝達される構築物は抗生物質耐性遺伝子、例えばカナマイシン、テトラサイクリン、ストレプトマイシン、またはクロラムフェニコール対する耐性を与える遺伝子を含むことが好ましい。構築物を伝達するのに適したベクターとして、プラスミッド、コスミド、バクテリオファージまたはウイルスが挙げられる。加えて、組換え構築物は、これらの構築物により形質転換された植物細胞の単離、同定または追跡のための植物発現性の選択可能なマーカー遺伝子又はスクリーニング可能なマーカー遺伝子を含んでも良い。選択可能なマーカーとして、抗生物質耐性(例えば、カナマイシンまたはハイグロマイシンに対する耐性)、または除草剤耐性(例えば、スルフォニル尿素、フォスフィノスリシン、またはグリフォセートに対する耐性)を与える遺伝子が挙げられるが、これらに限定されない。スクリーニング可能なマーカーとして、β−グルクロニダーゼをコードする遺伝子(Jefferson,1987,Plant Mol.Biol.Rep 5:387−405)、ルシフェラーゼをコードする遺伝子(Owら、1986,Science 234:856−859)、アントシアニン色素産生を調節するB及びC1遺伝子産物(Goffら、1990,EMBO J,9:2517−2522)が挙げられるがこれらに限定はされない。
本発明に使用できる遺伝子導入法は特に限定されず、植物細胞あるいは植物体への遺伝子導入法として当業者に知られるいずれの方法を使用してもよい。例えば、本発明の実施態様の一つにおいて、アグロバクテリウムが遺伝子構築物を植物に導入するのに用いられる。この様な形質転換は2成分アグロバクテリウムT−DNAベクター (Bevan,1984,Nuc.acid Res.12:8711−8721)、および同時培養操作(Horschら、1985,Science,227:1229−1231)を使用することが望ましい。一般に、アグロバクテリウム形質転換系が双子葉植物を操作するのに使用される(Bevansら、1982,Ann.Rev.Genet.,16 :357−384;Rogersら、1986,Methods Enzymol.,118:627−641)。アグロバクテリウム形質転換系はまた単子葉植物および植物細胞を形質転換するのに使用することもできる(Hernalsteenら、1984, EMBO J.,3:3039−3041;Hoykass−Van Slogterenら、1984,Nature,311:763−764;Grimsleyら、987,Nature,325 :167−1679;Boultonら、1989,Plant Mol.Biol.,12:31−40; Gouldら、1991,Plant Physiol.,95: 426−434)。植物を形質転換するためにアグロバクテリウム系を利用する場合は、組換えDNA構築物は植物細胞に導入すべきDNA配列に隣接する位置に、T−DNA領域の少なくとも右ボーダー配列を更に含む。好ましい実施態様においては、移入される配列は左右のT−DNAボーダー配列の間に挿入される。この様なT−DNAをベースとする形質転換ベクターの適切な設計及び構築は当業者に公知である。
別の実施態様において、組換え核酸構築物を植物および植物細胞に導入する為の種々の別法を使用することができる。別の遺伝子導入法および形質転換方法として、裸のDNAの、カルシウム、ポリエチレングリコール(PEG)またはエレクトロポレーション介在性取り込みによるプロトプラスト形質転換(Paszkowskiら、1984,EMBO J.,3:2717−2722;Potrykusら、1985,Mol.Gen.Genet.,199:169−177;Frommら、1985,Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.USA,82:5824−5828 ;Shimamotoら、1989,Nature,338:274−276)が挙げられる。本発明によれば、多種の植物及び植物細胞系が本発明の核酸構築物および上記の形質転換方法を使用して本明細書に記載された所望の生理学的特性につき操作しうる。これらの方法は、標的が単子葉植物または植物細胞である場合に特に有益である。好ましい実施態様において、操作のための標的植物および植物細胞として、トマト、ポテト、ビート、ダイズ、アラビドプシス、トウモロコシ、小麦、イネ、サトウキビ等が挙げられるが、これらに限定されない。
実施例1:Aspergillus nidulansおよびトマトのGDH遺伝子の単離とTiプラスミッドの構築
(1)Aspergillus nidulans由来NADP依存型GDH遺伝子(AN−gdh−17)およびトマト由来NAD依存型GDH遺伝子(T−gdh−4)の単離
A.nidulansをポテトデキストロース寒天培地にまき、一晩30℃で培養し、さらに得られたコロニーをデキストロース液体培地で2日間培養した。増殖した菌よりTotal RNAを調製した。
70%エタノール(30秒)、2%次亜塩素酸ナトリウム(15分)を用いて表面殺菌したトマト種子を植物ホルモンを含まないMS寒天培地(MurashigeおよびSkoog、1962,Physiol.Plant.15:473−479)に植え、16時間日長、25℃で1週間培養し、無菌植物を得た。得られた幼植物の根よりTotal RNAを調製した。
Total RNAはPoly(A)Quick mRNA Isolation Kit(Stratagene社)を用いてmRNAを精製した後、First−Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(Amersham Pharmacia Biothech社)を用いてFirst−Strand cDNAを作成した。作成したFirst−Strand cDNAをテンプレートに用いてPCR反応を行ったPCR反応条件は94℃−3分;94℃−45秒、59℃−30秒、72℃−90秒、35サイクル;72℃−10分とし、パーキンエルマー社のPCRsystem 2400を用いて行った。用いたプライマーを表−1に示した。その結果、A.nidulans由来の約1.4kbpのバンド、およびトマト由来の約1.2kbのバンドが増幅され、それぞれ予測される目的遺伝子サイズと一致した。得られたPCR産物はTA−Cloning Kit(Invitrogen社)を用いてクローニングした。
b.legdh1特異的プライマー(Purnellら、1997,Gene 186;249−254,PCR産物、約1.2kbp)
PCR2.1ベクターにクローニングしたAN−gdh−17遺伝子を、植物形質転換用ベクターである、Tiプラスミッド(pMAT037)(Matsuokaおよび Nakamura,1991,Proc Natl.Acad Sci USA 88:834−838)にサブクローニングした。直接挿入するするのに適切な制限酵素サイトがpMAT037に無いため、一度pUC18につなぎ(XbaI,EcoRIサイト使用)、E.coli JM109を形質転換した。さらにpUC18中のPstIサイトとEcoRIサイトを用いてTiプラスミッドへ連結しプラスミッドpAN−gdh−17を得(図3、表2)E.coli DH5αにトランスフォーメーションした。AN−gdh−17を導入したTiプラスミッドpAN−gdh−17(図3)でグロバクテリウム株EHA101を形質転換し、得られたアグロバクテリウムをトマトに感染させるために用いた。
Aspergillus nidurans由来NADP−GDH遺伝子には本来、スプライシングサイトが2箇所存在する。cDNAを用いてPCR法によりGDH遺伝子の増幅を行ったので、これらのスプライシングサイトは除かれ、存在しないはずであるが、本実験で取得したAN−gdh−17遺伝子には、約50bpのスプライシングサイトが1箇所残ったままであった(図1、塩基配列中に記載)。そこでPCR法を用いて、残ったままであった約50bpの塩基配列を取り除いた(表2、図4、5)
果実特異的発現プロモーター(2A11)はトマトの幼植物より調製したTotal DNAをテンプレートに用いて、PCR法により取得した。用いたプライマー(配列番号23および配列番号24)にはTiプラスミッドに導入する際に用いる制限酵素サイト、HindIIIおよびXbaIの配列を各々のプライマーに設計した。
得られたPCR産物はTAクローニングキットを用いてクローニングした後、シークエンス分析によって塩基配列の確認を行った。得られた2A11プロモーターは上記、制限酵素HindIIIおよびXbaIを用いてTiプラスミッドpIG121−HmのGUS遺伝子前のCaMV35Sプロモーターと置換した。その後、GUS部分とCt−dAN−gdh遺伝子またはMt−dAN−gdh遺伝子との置換を行った。Ct−dAN−gdh遺伝子またはMt−dAN−gdh遺伝子の置換手順についてはCaMV 35Sプロモーターを用いた場合と同様である。これにより、プラスミッドp2ACt−dAN−gdhおよびP2AMt−dAN−gdhを得た(図7)。
アラビドプシスへの遺伝子導入はBechtold N(C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris,Life Science 316;1194−1199,1993)の方法を改編して用いた。培養土にアラビドプシスの種子をまき10日間、16時間日長、22℃栽培した幼植物をロックウール(3cm×3cm)1個に1株ずつ移植し、3週間同条件で栽培した。植物が抽だいを始めたら摘心し、さらに一週間栽培を行った。アグロバクテリウムは抗生物質を含むYEP培地で24時間、28℃で培養し、遠心(7000rpm、10分)によって集菌し、浸潤用懸濁培地(1/2 MS塩、1/2 Gamborg B5ビタミン、5%ショ糖、0.5g/l MES、0.044μM ベンジルアミノプリン、pH 5.7)に懸濁した。すでに開花・結実している花を取り除き、アグロバクテリウム懸濁液に漬け、デシケーター中に入れ、15分間減圧(40mmHg)処理を行った。処理した植物は1カ月間栽培した後種子を収穫した。採取した種子は50mg/lカナマイシン、200mg/lクラフォランを添加したMS培地にまき、形質転換体の選抜を行った。
AN−gdh−17遺伝子を含むアグロバクテリウムを感染させて得られた選抜個体4個体、T−gdh−4遺伝子を含むアグロバクテリウムを感染させて得られた選抜個体4個体、目的遺伝子を含まないTiプラスミッドのみのアグロバクテリウムを感染させて得られた植物各々3個体、およびアグロバクテリウムで処理せずに子葉より直接再分化させた植物体2個体からそれぞれTotal DNAを本田らの方法に従い抽出した(HondaおよびHirai、1990、Jpn J Breed 40,339−348)。抽出したDNAはRNAase処理、フェノール/クロロホルム処理、さらにPEG沈殿させ精製した。0.01μg/μlになるように希釈し、PCR用のテンプレートとした。PCRはNos−PromoterからNPTIIの領域を増幅するプライマーP9およびP10(PCR産物、1.0kbp)を用いて行なった。反応条件は、94℃−1分、55℃−1分、72℃−2分、35サイクルで行った。PCR産物は1%アガロースゲルを用いて電気泳動し、エチジウムブロマイドで染色した(図10および11)。
実施例5. 導入遺伝子の発現の確認
次に、目的の遺伝子が導入されたことが確認できた形質転換トマトにつき、導入遺伝子が発現されていることをRT−PCRによって確認した。AN−gdh−17またはT−gdh−4遺伝子を含むアグロバクテリウムを感染させ、実施例5において遺伝子導入が確認された系統、および非形質転換トマトの葉または果実から全RNAを抽出し、First−Strand cDNAを作製した。次にFirst−Strand cDNAをテンプレートとして各々の遺伝子を単離する際に用いたプライマー(配列番号3と4、及び5と6)を用いてPCRを行なった。反応条件は94℃−1分、55℃−1分、72℃−2分、30サイクルとした。その結果、それぞれにおいて、導入した遺伝子が葉および果実のいずれにおいても発現していることが確認された(図12、13)。
実施例6. 遊離アミノ酸の抽出と定量
実施例7.トマト形質転換体後代(T 1 )世代の解析
馴化させた植物の腋芽の葉組織より全DNAを抽出した(Honda andHirai 1990,Jpn J Breed 40,339−348)。15μgのDNAを制限酵素BamHIとEcoRIの組み合わせとXbaIで処理し、電気泳動後、ナイロンメンブランにトランスファーした。DIG−Labeling and Detection Kit(Roche Molecular Biochemicals)を用いて、AN−gdh−17遺伝子またはT−gdh−4遺伝子をプローブにし、サザンハイブリダイゼーションを行った。
形質転換トマト(T1)の腋芽の葉組織(0.2g)を液体窒素で凍結させ、乳鉢で破砕した後、重量の5倍量の抽出緩衝液{200mM Tris(pH8.0),14mM β−メルカプトエタノール,10mM L−システイン−HCl,0.5mM PMSF,0.5% TritonX−100}を加えた。遠心チューブに移し、4℃、12,000rpmで10分間遠心した後、上清を限外ろ過(Millipore、ウルトラフリー0.5フィルターユニット、バオイマックス−10)し、抽出緩衝液で3回洗浄した。
抽出した酵素は反応液{100mM Tris(pH8.0),20mM 2−α−ケトグルタル酸,1.0mM CaCl2,0.2mM NADPH(NADP−GDH活性測定)又は0.2mM NADH(NAD−GDH活性測定),200mM塩化アンモニウム}に混合し、室温で反応させ、340nmにおける吸光度の減少を測定した。
第一果房の開花後6週目の果実3個を分析に用いた。 果実に80℃に熱した80%エタノールを重量の3倍量加え、乳鉢ですりつぶした後、再度80℃で20分間加熱した。7、000rpmで遠心して、上清を回収した後、再度80%エタノールを加え、80℃に加温した。エタノールによる抽出を3回行い、総量を80%エタノールで100mlに合わせた。良く混合した後、抽出液200μlをエッペンドルフチューブに取り、乾燥させ、200μlの滅菌水に溶かした。エチルエーテル200μl加え混合後、12,000rpmで遠心し、エーテル層を取り除いた。水層を再度乾燥させた後、200μlの0.02N HClに溶解し、0.45μmのろ過フィルターを用いてろ過したろ液をサンプルとし、日立高速アミノ酸計測器(L−8800)を用いて分析を行った。
結果は3個の果実の平均値を示した。AN−gdh−17遺伝子導入系統においては、非形質転換体に比べて、AN−gdh−17 No.1系統由来のAN1−1−2、AN1−1−3のグルタミン酸含量がそれぞれ、2.1倍、2.8倍増加し、AN−gdh−17 No.3系統由来のAN3−1−2、AN3−1−3が2.8倍,2.5倍それぞれ増加していた。AN−gdh−17 No.15系統由来のAN−gdh−17 No.2.1系統由来のAN2.1−1−1も2.1倍、1.9倍増加していた(表8、図18)。形質転換当代(T0)で高いグルタミン酸含量を示したNo.15系統の後代においても同様な傾向が示された。Mt−dAN−gdh遺伝子を導入した系統、MtdAN−24−4においては非形質転換体のグルタミン酸含量と有意差は認められなかった。
T−gdh−4遺伝子導入系統では、調査したT−gdh−4 No.1,3,8系統の後代TGDH1−2、3−1、8−1で、非形質転換体のグルタミン酸含量に比べて、2.3倍,2.1倍、2.4倍増加していた。(表9、図19)。また、グルタミン酸以外のアミノ酸ではアスパラギン酸、グルタミン、γ−アミノ酪酸含量の顕著な増加が見られ、結果として全遊離アミノ酸含量も非形質転換体と比較して2−3倍増加した。
茎頂培養によってポテト(バレイショ)の無菌植物を得、茎頂を継代することによって材料を増やした。MS培地に2%ショ糖を加えた液体培地(10ml)に茎頂を入れ、発根を誘導した。発根後、16%ショ糖を含むMS液体培地を10ml加え、暗所培養を行い、マイクロチューバーを誘導した。6−8週後のマイクロチューバーをディスク状に切り、皮をむいた後、28℃で一晩培養したアグロバクテリウム液(Ti−プラスミッド、pMt−dAN−gdh又はpCt−AN−gdhを含む)を感染させた。滅菌ろ紙を敷いたMS寒天培地(MS培地、2.0mg/lゼアチン,0.1mg/lインドール酢酸,0.3%ゲルライト)上に乗せ、25℃、16時間日長で2日間共存培養した。その後選抜培地{MS培地、2.0mg/lゼアチン,0.1mg/lインドール酢酸,0.3%ゲルライト,50mg/lカナマイシン,500mg/lクラフォラン}に移し、同条件で培養した。1週間ごとに新しい選抜培地に移し、再分化したシュートを植物ホルモンを含まない選抜培地に移し、発根を誘導した。Ti−プラスミッドpMt−dAN−gdhおよびpCt−AN−gdhを持つアグロバクテリウムを感染させ、カナマイシン50mg/lを含む培地で選抜を行った結果、Mt−dAN−gdh No.2,5,8,Ct−AN−gdh No.1の4系統が選抜できた。
馴化させた植物の葉組織よりTolal DNAを抽出した(Honda and Hirai 1990、Jpn J Breed 40,339−348)。15μgのDNAを制限酵素EcoRIで処理し、電気泳動後、ナイロンメンブランにトランスファーした。サザンハイブリダイゼーションはDIG−Labeling and Detection Kit (Roche Molecular Biochemicals)を用いて行った。プローブにAN−gdh−17遺伝子を用いた。
形質転換ポテトの葉組織(約0.1g)を液体窒素で凍結させ、乳鉢で破砕した後、重量の5倍量の抽出緩衝液{200mM Tris(pH8.0),14mM β−メルカプトエタノール、10mM L−システイン−HCl,0.5mM PMSF,0.5% TritonX−100}を加えた。遠心チューブに移し、12,000rpmで10分間遠心した後、上清を限外ろ過(Millipore、ウルトラフリー0.5フィルターユニット、バオイマックス−10)し、抽出緩衝液で3回洗浄した。抽出した酵素は反応液{100mM Tris(pH8.0),20mM 2−α−ケトグルタル酸,1.0mM CaCl2,0.2mM NADPH,200mM 塩化アンモニウム}に混合し、室温で反応させ、340nmにおける吸光度の減少を測定した。
80℃に熱した80%エタノールを重量の3倍量加え、乳鉢ですりつぶした後、再度80℃で20分間加熱した。7,000rpmで遠心して、上清を回収した後、再度80%エタノールを加え、80℃に加温した。エタノールによる抽出を3回行い、総量を80%エタノールで5mlに合わせた。よく混合した後、抽出液200μlをエッペンドルフチューブに取り、乾燥させ、200μlの滅菌水に溶かした。エチルエーテル200μl加え混合後、12,000rpmで遠心し、エーテル層を取り除いた。水層を再度乾燥させた後、400μlの0.02N HClに溶解し、0.45μmのろ過フィルターを用いてろ過したろ液をサンプルとし、日立高速アミノ酸計測器(L−8800)を用いて分析を行った。
【図1】Aspergillus nidulans由来グルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ(GDH)遺伝子AN−gdh−17と既知のNADP−GDH遺伝子配列を比較したものである。上段がNADP−GDH遺伝子の塩基配列、下段がAN−gdh−17遺伝子の塩基配列である。
【図2】Aspergillus nidulans由来グルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ(GDH)遺伝子AN−gdh−17と既知のNADP−GDH遺伝子配列の比較(図1続き)。上段がNADP−GDH遺伝子の塩基配列、下段がAN−gdh−17遺伝子の塩基配列。
【図3】AN−gdh−17遺伝子のTiプラスミッド(pMAT037)へのクローニング手順を示したものである。図中、35S ProはCaMV 35Sプロモーター、Termはターミネータを表す。
【図6】Aspergillus由来NADP−GDH A遺伝子配列へのトランジットペプチド配列結合手順の概略を示したものである。図中Aはトランジットペプチドの塩基配列、BはAN−gdh−17遺伝子の塩基配列を表す。P5〜P8はそれぞれPCRプライマーを表す。
【図7】2A11プロモーターに接続されたAspergillus nidulans由来NADP−GDH遺伝子を有する、遺伝子構築物p2ACt−dAN−gdhおよびp2AMt−dAN−gdhの構造を模式的に示したものである。
【図8】トマト由来NAD−GDH遺伝子(T−gdh−4)のTiプラスミッド(pIG121−Hm)へのクローニング手順を示したものである。図中、35SはCaMV 35Sプロモーター、NosはNos−ターミネーターを表す。
【図10】Aspergillus nidulans由来AN−gdh−17遺伝子を導入した形質転換体のPCR解析。レーン2、3:非形質転換トマト、レーン4〜6:プラスミッド(pMAT037)遺伝子を導入した形質転換トマト;レーン7〜10:AN−gdh−17遺伝子を導入した形質転換トマト(No−6,No−8−2,No−15,No−17)。
【図12】Aspergillus nidulans由来AN−ghd−17遺伝子を導入した形質転換体のRT−PCR分析。No.6、No.15は形質転換トマトを表し、()内は全RNAを抽出した組織を表す。
【図16】AN−gdh−17遺伝子を導入した形質転換トマトのサザン分析の結果を示したものである。全DNA(15μg)をBamHIおよびEcoRIで消化した(A)、または全DNA(15μg)をXbaIで消化した(B)サンプルを使用した。レーン1:非形質転換トマト、レーン2:AN−gdh−17 No.1、レーン3:AN−gdh−17 No.3、レーン4:AN−gdh−17 No.15、レーン5:AN−gdh−17 No.2.1。
【図17】T−gdh−4遺伝子を導入した形質転換トマト(T1)のサザン分析の結果を表す。全DNA15μgをXbaIおよびSacIで消化したサンプルを使用した。レーン1:非形質転換トマト、レーン2:T−gdh No.1−2、レーン3:T−gdh No.3−1、レーン4:T−gdh No.8−1。矢印は導入遺伝子(1.2kb)に対応するバンドの位置を示す。
【図20】Ct−AN−gdhとMt−dAN−gdh遺伝子を導入したポテトのサザン分析の結果を示したものである。全DNA(15μg)のEcoRI消化物を使用した。レーン1:非形質転換ポテト−1、レーン2:非形質転換ポテト−2、レーン3〜6はそれぞれの遺伝子構築物を導入した形質転換ポテトに対応する。レーン3:Ct−AN−gdh No.1、レーン4:Mt−dAN−gdh No.2、レーン5:Mt−dAN−gdh No.5、レーン6:Mt−dAN−gdh No.8。矢印は導入遺伝子の断片に対応するバンドの位置を示す。
The present invention relates to a transgenic plant with enhanced free amino acids and a method for producing the same. More specifically, the present invention relates to a transgenic plant that highly accumulates at least one of asparagine, aspartic acid, serine, threonine, alanine, histidine, and glutamic acid, and a method for producing the same.
[Prior art]
The world's first technology to introduce a specific gene into a plant and transform it was the study of introducing a gene into tobacco using the soil bacterium, Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Attempts have been made to make plants produce useful ingredients. Plant breeding methods using such transgenic plant production techniques are promising as alternatives to conventional traditional breeding by crossing and the like. Among them, research on improving plant characteristics related to nitrogen assimilation has also been promoted, and amino acids are particularly important components in fruits, root vegetables roots and seeds among nitrogen metabolites. Research has been actively conducted because it has a great influence.
As a study on the biosynthesis of amino acids, for example, a report that an E. coli-derived DHDPS gene was introduced into tobacco and free lysine was increased 200-fold (US Pat. No. 5,258,300, Molecular Genetics Res. & Development), by introduction of the AK gene. A report that free lysine increased (EP485970, WO9319190), an AS gene introduced into tobacco, and a report that the asparagine content increased 100-fold (WO95099911, Univ New York, WO9015333, Univ Rockfeller), anthranilate synthase There has been a report (WO 9726366, DEKALB Genetic Corp) that the tryptophan content has been increased by 90-fold when introduced into rice. Plants targeted for gene transfer are not limited to model plants such as tobacco and Arabidopsis, but plants having fruits such as tomatoes are also used. For example, for tomatoes, transformants were created in 1986 using the Agrobacterium method (S. McCorick, J. Niedermeyer, J. Fry, A. Barnason, R. Horsch and R. Freley, Plant Cell Reports, 5, 81-84 (1986); Y. S. Chyi, R. A. Jorgenson, D. Goldstern, S. D. Marksley and F. Loaiza- Figueroe, Mol. Gen. Genet., 204, 64-69 ( 1986)), and since that time the transformation system has been improved. In addition to the above, many genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis and nitrogen assimilation are known, including asparaginase, GOGAT and the like, and their base sequences have also been reported.
Here, in particular, glutamic acid, which is a kind of α-amino acid, is widely distributed in proteins and is used as a flavoring ingredient in tomatoes, and in soybeans in brewed foods (for example, soy sauce and miso). The umami component is known to be glutamic acid, and is known to be synthesized at the first stage of nitrogen metabolism in higher plants. In addition, it is known that glutamine and asparagine generated from glutamic acid are distributed to each tissue via a sieve tube and used for synthesis of other amino acids and proteins. In plants, there are reports of examples of high concentrations in sieve tubes, which are transport pathways for photosynthetic products such as sucrose and amino acids (Mitsuo Kanno et al., Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science p125 (1993)). Examples of high concentrations in the portion include 0.25 g / 100 g in tomato fruit f. w. An example (Tokimeki No. 2, Journal of the Japan Food Industry Association, Vol. 39, p64-67 (1992)) is known. However, in the case of glutamic acid, even if the biosynthetic ability in the source organ can be improved, it is a starting material for donating an amino group and is metabolized by various biosynthetic pathways as described above. Accumulating at a high concentration is not easy. Regardless of crossbreeding or genetic manipulation, there have been no examples that have so far succeeded in dramatically increasing glutamate concentration in plants.
The first step of assimilating inorganic nitrogen into an organism is the incorporation of ammonia into glutamate to produce glutamine, as described above, which is catalyzed by a glutamine synthetase enzyme (GS). This glutamine is then catalyzed by glutamate synthase (GOGAT) to produce two molecules of glutamate from α-ketoglutarate. This GS / GOGAT cycle is considered to be the main pathway of nitrogen assimilation in plants (literature: Miflin and Lea, 1976, Phytothermistry, 15; 873-885). On the other hand, it is known that the uptake of ammonia proceeds through metabolic pathways other than those catalyzed by GS (Knight and Langston-Unkefer, 1988, Science, 241: 951-954). That is, the incorporation of ammonia into α-ketoglutarate to produce glutamic acid, which is catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). However, since plant GDH has a high Km value for ammonia, while ammonia is toxic and intracellular ammonia is usually at low concentrations, this nitrogen assimilation pathway under normal growth conditions. Has not yet been fully elucidated, but one study reports that it contributes to nitrogen assimilation when intracellular ammonium concentrations rise above normal levels (Knight and Langston) -Unkefer, supra).
Glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme (GDH) in plants is reversible when ammonia is dissociated from glutamic acid to produce α-ketoglutaric acid as opposed to the case of incorporating ammonia into α-ketoglutaric acid to produce glutamic acid as described above. Catalyze any reaction. The former is considered to function when the amount of ammonia is high, and the latter when the nitrogen content is high (Robinson et al., 1991, Plant Physiol. 95; 809-816: Robinson et al., 1992, Plant Physiol. 98; 1190 -1195), the directionality is not clear, such as the enzyme GDH-A that functions in the direction of synthesizing glutamic acid found in microorganisms and the enzyme GDH-B that functions in the direction of degradation. In plants, it is thought that there are two types, NADP-dependent GDH that functions in chloroplasts and NAD-dependent GDH that functions in mitochondria, but GDH shows a high Km value for ammonia, and photorespiration NAD-dependent GDH localized in mitochondria is thought to play an important role in assimilation of ammonia because of its high correlation with ammonia level at the time (Srivastava and Singh RP, 1987, Phytothermistry, 26 597-610).
Plant GDH is known to bind to two different polypeptides (α-subunit, β-subunit) randomly to form a hexamer, and to show seven isozyme patterns depending on the degree of binding. Yes. In a study using Grapevine's callus cells, callus cultured in a medium containing nitrate or glutamic acid increased in the isozyme consisting of β-subunit on the cathode side when electrophoresed, and cultured in a medium containing ammonia or glutamine. In the callus, α-subunit isozyme increased to the anode side, and when transferred from nitrate medium to ammonia source medium, GDH activity increased three-fold (α-subunit increased four-fold, β- (Subunit reduction), and it was reported that the activity shifted from the cathode side to the anode side (Lourakakis and Poubelakis-Angelakis, 1996, Plant Physiol. 97; 104-1111), and the α-subunit plays an important role in assimilation of ammonia. It is thought that
In 1995, Sakakibara et al. (Plant Cell Physiol, 33; 1193-1198) isolated GDH genes from corn roots based on two isozyme bands on the cathode side, and then isolated grapevine (Syntakiki et al. , 1996, Gene 168; 87-92), Arabidopsis (Melo-Olivera et al., 1996, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93; 4718-4723), tomato (Purnell et al., 1997, Gene 186; 249-254) Have been isolated. In particular, a gene isolated from Grapevine callus has been isolated based on an isozyme expressed in ammonia-treated cells, and is considered to be a gene encoding an α-subunit. All genes have a transit peptide for functioning in mitochondria, but GDH genes of corn and tomato are expressed in large amounts in roots, whereas Arabidopsis has high expression in leaves and flowers . In maize, Arabidopsis, and Grapevine, the presence of multiple genes is suggested, whereas in tomato, it is reported that there is a single copy, and there is a difference in the gene structure and function in plants. Is expected to be complex.
A transgenic plant into which this GDH gene has been introduced has also been prepared. When glutamic acid dehydrogenase enzyme GDH (NADP-GDH) derived from Escherichia coli was introduced into tobacco and corn for the purpose of conferring resistance to the herbicide phosphinothricin, the glutamic acid content in the roots (Lightfoot David et al., CA2180786 (1996). In this report, the glutamic acid content in tobacco roots was 14.7 mg / 100 gf.w. In 20.6 mg / 100 gf.w, the glutamic acid content, which was 16.2 mg / 100 gf.w in corn roots, was increased to 19.1 mg / 100 gf.w. There are reports, but examples are That is not (WO9509911, α derived from Chlorella, beta-subunit (WO9712983)). Although not shown also analyzed values for glutamate family amino acids.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The object of the present invention is to provide at least one of the free amino acid content of the plant storage organ, in particular free amino acids in the edible part of the plant including roots, fruits and seeds, in particular glutamic acid, asparagine, aspartic acid, serine, threonine, alanine and histidine. It is a method to enhance the accumulation of two and to provide a transgenic plant with a high accumulation of free amino acids.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The object of the present invention is achieved by providing a plant in which the expression level and / or cell-specific expression balance of major enzymes involved in assimilation and utilization of nitrogen are changed and a method for producing the same. Such a plant is produced by introducing one or more genes encoding nitrogen assimilation or utilization enzymes together with appropriate control sequences, and overexpressing or suppressing the expression thereof.
A transgenic plant that highly accumulates free amino acids according to the method of the present invention, particularly a plant that highly accumulates at least one of glutamic acid, asparagine, aspartic acid, serine, threonine, alanine and histidine, especially glutamic acid, is derived from a eukaryotic organism. Of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) gene together with appropriate regulatory sequences into plants and overexpressed.
The present invention relates to genetic manipulation of nitrogen metabolism in plants. In particular, the present invention relates to the expression level of enzymes involved in nitrogen assimilation and utilization in order to achieve high accumulation of free amino acids in the edible part of useful plants such as fruits, root vegetable roots and seeds, particularly glutamic acid, an umami component. Concerning changing. Expression of these enzymes is enhanced, modified, or suppressed, and a plant having desired properties is produced.
The target gene used in the present invention is a gene encoding an enzyme involved in assimilation of ammonia into an amino acid. Examples of the target gene include glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). The expression of this enzyme is enhanced, and other modifications (for example, ectopic expression by addition of transit sequences) produce plants having desired properties. The manipulation can be performed by transforming a plant with the nucleic acid construct described herein. Transformed plants or their progeny express the desired modified enzyme and are screened for corresponding mRNA expression changes, nitrogen assimilation or altered availability, and / or increased free amino acid content of the plant.
Briefly, the method of the present invention comprises the following procedure, and the transgenic plant of the present invention is a transgenic plant produced by such a method:
a) cloning the gene of interest;
b) recloning the resulting gene into an appropriate vector if necessary;
c) introducing the vector into a plant cell to obtain a transformant;
d) regenerating and cultivating the obtained transformant into a plant;
In one embodiment of the invention, one or several genes encoding nitrogen assimilation or utilization enzymes are placed under strong constitutive promoter control and are overexpressed in the plant. Such modification of expression is, for example,
a) a transgene in which the coding sequence of the enzyme is operably linked to a strong constitutive promoter,
b) a high copy number natural gene encoding the desired enzyme,
c) a regulatory gene that activates the expression of the gene of interest for nitrogen assimilation or utilization;
d) a copy of the native gene modified to enhance expression and having a regulatory region, and
e) a transgene expressing a mutant, modified or chimeric nitrogen assimilation or utilization enzyme,
Can be achieved by genetically engineering the plant with at least one of the following.
In another embodiment of the invention, the nitrogen assimilation or utilization enzyme expression pattern is altered. Such modification of the expression pattern is, for example,
a) a transgene in which the coding sequence of the enzyme is operably linked to a promoter having a desired expression pattern (eg, a promoter exhibiting an organ-specific or growth stage-specific expression pattern);
b) a modified regulatory gene that activates the expression of the gene encoding the enzyme in a preferred pattern;
c) a copy of the natural gene having regulatory regions modified to be expressed in a preferred pattern;
Can be achieved by genetically engineering the plant with at least one of the following.
In yet another embodiment of the invention, an enzyme modified in a nitrogen assimilation or utilization pathway or a different type of enzyme is expressed. In this type of embodiment, a gene construct that expresses in a plant cell that encodes a corresponding enzyme having a catalytic action different from that of the host plant's nitrogen assimilation or utilization enzyme is generated, thereby Includes manipulating. By taking such measures, plants containing enhanced free amino acids are obtained.
Moreover, in order to grow such a plant, the traditional crop breeding method requires screening of a large segregating population, which takes a lot of time. According to the present invention, such measures are taken. It can be avoided.
The following are definitions of terms and abbreviations used in this specification.
CaMV35S =
NADP-GDH = NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase
NAD-GDH = NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase
Gene fusion = gene construct comprising a promoter linked to a heterologous gene (the promoter regulates transcription of the heterologous gene)
Heterologous gene = In gene construction, a heterologous gene means that the gene is linked to a promoter that is not naturally linked. The heterologous gene may or may not be from an organism that contributes the promoter.
GABA = γ-aminobutyric acid
The enzyme gene that can be used in the present invention may be derived from bacteria, yeast, algae, animals and plants, but is not limited thereto, and can be obtained from various sources. Sequences obtained from such sources can be operably linked to appropriate promoters that function in plant cells, to increase their translation efficiency in the host plant, or to catalyze the encoded enzyme. May be modified by in vitro mutagenesis or de novo synthesis to alter. These modifications include, but are not limited to, modification of residues involved in substrate and / or catalysis. Furthermore, the transgene may be modified to have an optimal codon depending on the codon usage of the host or organelle to be expressed. Moreover, you may connect the nucleic acid sequence which codes an appropriate transit peptide to these gene sequences as needed.
Preferred modifications also include the construction of hybrid enzymes. For example, enzymes having novel properties may be created by combining different domains of related enzymes obtained from the same or different organisms.
Furthermore, nucleic acid fragments that hybridize under stringent conditions to the various nucleic acid sequences described above can be used in the present invention as long as they have the desired activity. Thus, nucleic acid fragments encoding proteins in which one or more amino acids have been deleted, added, or substituted are included. “Stringent conditions” refers to general conditions well known to those skilled in the art, as described in Sambrook et al. (1989, supra). Nucleic acid sequences that hybridize under such conditions will generally have 60%, preferably 80%, particularly preferably 90% or more homology to each other.
The nitrogen assimilation or utilization enzyme genes that can be used in the present invention include various genes as described above. One example of a preferable gene that can be used for accumulating glutamate is a glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) gene. Can be mentioned. When the GDH gene is used, it is expressed in the sense direction. When a GDH gene is selected, it is preferably expressed as a fusion gene in which a transit peptide is bound on the 5 'side, and particularly preferred transit peptides are a transit peptide to mitochondria and a transit peptide to chloroplast.
In one preferred embodiment of the present invention, NADP-dependent GDH gene derived from mold (Aspergillus nidulans) (Mol. Gen. Genetics, 218, 105, 1989) or NAD-dependent GDH gene derived from tomato (Purnell et al., 1997, Gene 186; 249-254) using a recombinant construct encoding the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, a powerful constitutive plant promoter operably linked to the sequence encoding tomato plants. Illustrated by examples engineered genetically. The strain overexpressing GDH shows an increase in free amino acid content, particularly an increase in glutamic acid content (2 to 3 times), compared to the parent plant of interest.
Nucleic acid constructs that can be used in the present invention can be made using methods known to those skilled in the art. For example, see Sambrook et al., Molecular cloning-Laboratory manual, 2nd edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, for isolating, characterizing, manipulating the components of the construct, and recombinant DNA methods that can be used to make the construct itself. You can refer to the following sources. When the base sequence of the desired component is known, it is advantageous to synthesize it rather than isolate it from biological sources. In such a case, those skilled in the art will be familiar with Caruthers et al. Acids. Res. Symp. Ser. 7: 215-233 and Chow and Kempe, 1981, Nuc. Acids. Res. 9: 2807-2817 can be consulted. In other cases, the desired component can be advantageously produced by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. For the PCR method, those skilled in the art will know that Gelfan, 1989, PCR technology, principles and applications for DNA amplification, H.C. A. Edited by Errich, Stockton Press, N.C. Y. Reference may be made to the current protocol in molecular biology,
In general, the gene construct used in the present invention includes an appropriate promoter that functions in a plant cell in addition to a target gene, an appropriate terminator such as a nopaline synthase gene terminator, other elements useful for expression control, and An appropriate marker gene for selecting a transformant, for example, a drug resistance gene such as kanamycin resistance, G418 resistance, hygromycin resistance and the like is included. The promoter contained in this construct may be a constitutive promoter, organ-specific or growth-specific, depending on the host used, gene, required expression level, organ to be expressed, growth stage, etc. You can choose.
According to the present invention, a plant exhibiting nitrogen assimilation or overexpression of a utilization enzyme can be produced by transforming a plant cell with a gene construct comprising a plant promoter linked to a sequence encoding the desired enzyme. . Related promoters used in preferred embodiments of the invention are strong and non-organ-specific or non-growth stage-specific promoters (eg, promoters that are strongly expressed in many or all tissues). An example of such a strong constitutive promoter is the CaMV35S promoter.
In another embodiment of the invention, it may be advantageous to manipulate the plant with a genetic construct in which an organ-specific or growth stage-specific promoter is linked to a sequence encoding the desired enzyme. For example, when expression in photosynthetic tissues and organs is desired, the ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBisCO) gene or chloroplast a / b binding protein (CAB) gene promoter can be used. When expression in seeds is desired, promoters of various seed storage protein genes can be used, and when expression in fruits is desired, fruit-specific promoters (eg tomato 2A11) are used. If expression in tubers is desired, a tuber storage protein gene promoter (eg, potato patatin) can be used.
In yet another embodiment of the invention, it may be advantageous to transform a plant with a genetic construct in which an inducible promoter is linked to a sequence encoding the desired enzyme. There are many examples of such promoters. For example, heat shock gene, defense response gene (eg, phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene), injury response gene (eg, cell wall protein gene rich in hydroxyproline), chemical induction gene (eg, nitrate reductase gene, chitinase gene), dark place Inducible genes such as, but not limited to, asparagine synthetase genes (Coruzzi and Tsai, US 5,256,558).
The recombinant nucleic acid construct of the present invention may include a selectable marker for tracking the delivery of the construct. For example, constructs transmitted in bacteria preferably include genes that confer resistance to antibiotic resistance genes such as kanamycin, tetracycline, streptomycin, or chloramphenicol. Suitable vectors for transferring the construct include plasmids, cosmids, bacteriophages or viruses. In addition, the recombinant constructs may include plant-expressing selectable marker genes or screenable marker genes for the isolation, identification or tracking of plant cells transformed with these constructs. Selectable markers include genes that confer antibiotic resistance (eg, resistance to kanamycin or hygromycin) or herbicide resistance (eg, resistance to sulfonylurea, phosphinothricin, or glyphosate), but these It is not limited to. As a screenable marker, a gene encoding β-glucuronidase (Jefferson, 1987, Plant Mol. Biol. Rep 5: 387-405), a gene encoding luciferase (Ow et al., 1986, Science 234: 856-859), Examples include, but are not limited to, the B and C1 gene products that regulate anthocyanin pigment production (Goff et al., 1990, EMBO J, 9: 2517-2522).
The gene introduction method that can be used in the present invention is not particularly limited, and any method known to those skilled in the art as a gene introduction method into a plant cell or a plant body may be used. For example, in one embodiment of the present invention, Agrobacterium is used to introduce a genetic construct into a plant. Such transformations include two-component Agrobacterium T-DNA vectors (Bevan, 1984, Nuc. Acid Res. 12: 8711-8721) and co-culture operations (Horsch et al., 1985, Science, 227: 1229-1231). It is desirable to use In general, the Agrobacterium transformation system is used to manipulate dicotyledonous plants (Bevans et al., 1982, Ann. Rev. Genet., 16: 357-384; Rogers et al., 1986, Methods Enzymol., 118: 627-641). The Agrobacterium transformation system can also be used to transform monocotyledonous plants and plant cells (Hernalstein et al., 1984, EMBO J., 3: 3039-3041; Hoykass-Van Slogteren et al., 1984 Nature). , 311: 763-764; Grimsley et al., 987, Nature, 325: 167-1679; Bolton et al., 1989, Plant Mol. Biol., 12: 31-40; Gould et al., 1991, Plant Physiol., 95: 426 434). If an Agrobacterium system is used to transform a plant, the recombinant DNA construct further includes at least a right border sequence of the T-DNA region at a position adjacent to the DNA sequence to be introduced into the plant cell. In a preferred embodiment, the transferred sequence is inserted between the left and right T-DNA border sequences. Appropriate design and construction of such T-DNA based transformation vectors are known to those skilled in the art.
In other embodiments, various alternative methods for introducing recombinant nucleic acid constructs into plants and plant cells can be used. Alternative gene transfer and transformation methods include protoplast transformation of naked DNA by calcium, polyethylene glycol (PEG) or electroporation-mediated uptake (Paszkowski et al., 1984, EMBO J., 3: 2717-2722; Potrykus et al., 1985, Mol. Gen. Genet., 199: 169-177; Fromm et al., 1985, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 82: 5824-5828; Shimamoto et al., 1989, Nature, 338: 274- 276). According to the present invention, a wide variety of plants and plant cell lines can be manipulated for the desired physiological properties described herein using the nucleic acid constructs of the present invention and the transformation methods described above. These methods are particularly beneficial when the target is a monocotyledonous plant or plant cell. In preferred embodiments, target plants and plant cells for manipulation include, but are not limited to, tomatoes, potatoes, beets, soybeans, arabidopsis, corn, wheat, rice, sugar cane and the like.
In accordance with the present invention, gene constructs as disclosed herein can be used in a variety of plant cell types including, but not limited to, protoplasts, tissue culture cells, tissue and organ explants, pollen, embryos and whole plants. The desired plant can be obtained by introducing and manipulating it. In an embodiment of the invention, the engineered plants are selected or screened for transformants according to the following approaches and methods. Next, the isolated transformant may be regenerated into a plant individual. Methods for regenerating a plant individual from plant cells, tissues or organs are known to those skilled in the art for many plant species.
A transformed plant cell, callus, tissue or plant can be identified and isolated by selecting or screening for a trait encoded by a marker gene present in the gene construct used for transformation. For example, the selection can be made by growing a plant that has been manipulated in a medium containing a suppressive amount of antibiotic or herbicide that the transformed gene construct provides resistance. Further transformed plant cells and plants are screened for the activity of a visible marker gene (eg, β-glucuronidase gene, luciferase gene, B gene or C1 gene) that may be present in the recombinant nucleic acid construct of the present invention. Can be identified. Such selection methods and screening methods are known to those skilled in the art.
In addition, physical and biochemical methods can be used to identify plants or plant cell transformants containing the gene construct of the present invention. As such,
1) Southern analysis or PCR amplification to detect and measure the structure of the recombinant DNA insert;
2) Northern blot, S1 RNase protection, primer extension PCR amplification or reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) amplification to detect and measure RNA transcripts of gene constructs;
3) When the gene construction product is a protein, protein gel electrophoresis, Western blot, immunoprecipitation, or enzyme immunoassay can be used, but not limited thereto. All of these assay methods are known to those skilled in the art.
According to the present invention, transformed plants may be screened for desired physiological changes in order to obtain plants with improved component characteristics. For example, when manipulated for GDH enzyme overexpression, transformed plants will be tested for plants that express the GDH enzyme at the desired level and in the desired tissue and growth stages. The plants that exhibit the desired physiological changes, eg, GDH gene overexpression, can then be subsequently screened for the desired component changes.
According to the present invention, plants engineered with changes in nitrogen assimilation processes or utilization processes have improved component characteristics, i.e. high free amino acid content, in particular glutamic acid, asparagine, aspartic acid, serine, threonine, alanine, histidine, In particular, it can show a high content of glutamic acid, which is an umami component. Engineered plants and plant lines with such improved properties can be identified by measuring the free amino acid content of the plant. The procedures and methods for this analysis are known to those skilled in the art.
Plants obtained by the present invention are plants that have an increased free amino acid content relative to control plants (non-transformed plants). In a preferred embodiment, the desired plant has a free amino acid content in its edible parts such as fruits, roots, seeds, etc., in particular, an increase in the content of glutamic acid, which is an umami component, more than twice, and the total amino acid content is also 2-4. Doubled. As for amino acids other than glutamic acid, the increase in aspartic acid, asparagine, alanine, serine, threonine and histidine is particularly remarkable.
The present invention is illustrated in detail and in detail by the following examples relating to the production of plants engineered for overexpression of NADP-GDH gene or NAD-GDH gene.
Example 1: Isolation of Aspergillus nidulans and tomato GDH gene and construction of Ti plasmid
(1) Isolation of Aspergillus nidulans-derived NADP-dependent GDH gene (AN-gdh-17) and tomato-derived NAD-dependent GDH gene (T-gdh-4)
A. Nidulans was seeded on a potato dextrose agar medium and cultured overnight at 30 ° C., and the obtained colonies were further cultured in a dextrose liquid medium for 2 days. Total RNA was prepared from the grown bacteria.
Tomato seeds surface-sterilized with 70% ethanol (30 seconds), 2% sodium hypochlorite (15 minutes), MS agar medium without plant hormones (Murashige and Skoog, 1962, Physiol. Plant. 15: 473) -479) and cultivated for 16 hours at 25 ° C. for 1 week to obtain a sterile plant. Total RNA was prepared from the roots of the obtained seedlings.
Total RNA was purified using Poly (A) Quick mRNA Isolation Kit (Stratagene), and then First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) was used to create FirstStrad using First-Strand cDNA. PCR reaction was performed using the prepared First-Strand cDNA as a template. The reaction conditions were 94 ° C-3 minutes; 94 ° C-45 seconds, 59 ° C-30 seconds, 72 ° C-90 seconds, 35 cycles; 72 ° C- 10 minutes, and performed using a Perkin Elmer PCR system 2400. The primers used are shown in Table 1. As a result, A. A band of about 1.4 kbp derived from nidulans and a band of about 1.2 kb derived from tomato were amplified, which were consistent with the predicted target gene size. The obtained PCR product was cloned using TA-Cloning Kit (Invitrogen).
A. The sequences of
A. The base sequence of 1 clone (AN-gdh-17) out of 2 clones derived from nidulans matched the known NADP-GDH gene sequence (FIGS. 1 and 2). However, it was found that one splicing site of about 50 bp remained among the two splicing sites present in the gene. A. Since nidulans has a eukaryotic splice site recognition site, in this experiment, it was decided to proceed to the next operation while leaving the remaining splicing site. On the other hand, the base sequence of 2 clones (T-gdh-4, T-gdh-22) out of 5 clones derived from tomato roots was consistent with the known legdh1 sequence. The base sequence of AN-gdh-17 is shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 in the sequence listing, and the base sequence of T-gdh-4 is shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 in the sequence listing.
[Table 1]
a. NADP-GDH gene specific primer (Alastair et al., Mol. Gene. Genet, 1989, 218; 105-111, PCR product, about 1.4 kbp)
b. legdh1 specific primer (Purnell et al., 1997, Gene 186; 249-254, PCR product, approximately 1.2 kbp)
<Sequence Listing Free Text>
SEQ ID NOs: 3 and 4: NADP-GDH specific PCR primers
SEQ ID NOs: 5 and 6: legdh1-specific PCR primers
(2) Subcloning of AN-gdh-17 gene into Ti plasmid (pMAT037)
The AN-gdh-17 gene cloned into the PCR2.1 vector was subcloned into Ti plasmid (pMAT037) (Matsuoka and Nakamura, 1991, Proc Natl. Acad Sci USA 88: 834-838), a plant transformation vector. did. Since there is no restriction enzyme site suitable for direct insertion in pMAT037, it is once connected to pUC18 (XbaI, using EcoRI site). E. coli JM109 was transformed. Furthermore, the plasmid pAN-gdh-17 was obtained by ligation to Ti plasmid using the PstI site and EcoRI site in pUC18 (FIG. 3, Table 2). E. coli DH5α was transformed. Groplasma strain EHA101 was transformed with Ti plasmid pAN-gdh-17 (FIG. 3) into which AN-gdh-17 was introduced, and the resulting Agrobacterium was used to infect tomatoes.
(3) Construction of pCt-AN-gdh, pCt-dAN-gdh, pMt-dAN-gdh
The Aspergillus nidurans-derived NADP-GDH gene originally has two splicing sites. Since the GDH gene was amplified by PCR using cDNA, these splicing sites should be removed and should not exist. However, the AN-gdh-17 gene obtained in this experiment has a splicing site of about 50 bp. Remained in place (FIG. 1, described in the base sequence). Therefore, the PCR method was used to remove the remaining base sequence of about 50 bp (Table 2, FIGS. 4 and 5).
The outline of the construction procedure of these gene constructs is as shown in FIG. That is, first, the primer P1 including the 5 ′ end of the cloned gene sequence, the primer P2 including the 5 ′ side and 3 ′ side of the splicing region but not including the splicing region, and the 5 ′ side and 3 of the splicing region are included. A DNA fragment was amplified by PCR using primer P3 containing the 'side but not containing the splicing region and primer P4 containing the 3' end of the AN-gdh-17 gene, respectively, using the AN-gdh-17 gene as a template. Next, the size of the PCR product was confirmed by electrophoresis and re-extraction from the gel was performed. Each re-extracted PCR product was mixed, and PCR reaction was performed again using primers P1 and P4. The resulting PCR product was cloned and sequenced to confirm that the splicing region was correctly removed.
The arrangement of the above P1 to P4 is shown below.
By these operations, the dAN-gdh-17 gene from which the splicing site was removed was obtained (Table 2, FIGS. 4, 5).
Furthermore, in order to make the transgene work more functionally in place, a transit peptide sequence to mitochondrion or chloroplast was linked upstream of the start codon of AN-gdh-17 gene or dAN-gdh-17 gene (Table 2). , FIG. 4). The used peptide sequence is a base sequence consisting of about 70 bp added to the tomato-derived GDH gene as a transit peptide sequence to mitochondria, and added to the small subunit gene of tomato-derived RuBisCO as a transit peptide sequence to chloroplast. A base sequence consisting of about 120 bp was used. Moreover, these genes and the AN-gdh-17 gene or the dAN-gdh-17 gene were linked using the PCR method. The transit peptide sequence to the mitochondria was obtained by PCR using two kinds of primers (5'-GGATCCCATGAATGCTTTAGCAGCAC-3 ': SEQ ID NO: 11, 5'-TCTAGATAAAACCAAGAAGCCTAGCTG-3': SEQ ID NO: 12). The transit peptide sequence to chloroplasts was obtained by PCR using two kinds of primers (5'-CTGCAGATGGCTTCCTCAATTGTTCCATCG-3 ': SEQ ID NO: 13, 5'-TCTAGAGCATCTACACCGTCCCACCCATTGCT-3': SEQ ID NO: 14).
Binding of these transit peptide sequences to the AN-gdh-17 gene or dAN-gdh-17 gene was performed as shown in FIG. That is, the primer P5 corresponding to the 5 ′ side of the transit peptide, the primer P6 containing the sequence of the 3 ′ end of the transit peptide and the 5 ′ end of the AN-gdh-17 gene or the dAN-gdh-17 gene, and 3 of the transit peptide Primer P7 containing 'end and 5' end sequence of AN-gdh-17 gene or dAN-gdh-17 gene and primer P8 containing 3 'end sequence of AN-gdh-17 gene or dAN-gdh-17 gene After amplification of each DNA fragment using the PCR, the size of the PCR product was confirmed by electrophoresis and extracted from a gel. The extracted fragments were mixed and PCR was performed again using primers P5 and P8. The amplified fragment was cloned and sequenced to confirm that the nucleotide sequence of the transit peptide was correctly added to the AN-gdh-17 gene or dAN-gdh-17 gene (FIG. 6).
Here, the arrangement from P5 to P8 corresponds to the following.
For primers used for ligation to transit peptide sequence to mitochondria
For primers used for ligation of transit peptide sequence to chloroplast
It is.
Here, the AN-gdh-17 gene was introduced into the multi-cloning site of Ti plasmid pMAT037 in the sense direction (FIG. 2), but when pCt-AN-gdh, pCt-dAN-gdh, and pMt-dAN-gdh were constructed. Was cloned using Ti plasmid pIG121-Hm in order to compare the effect of the transgene in the case of using the CaMV35S promoter and in the case of using the fruit-specific promoter gene (2A11) described later, and the gene was introduced. (Table 2, FIG. 4).
<Sequence Listing Free Text>
SEQ ID NOs: 7 to 10: PCR primers for removing the splicing region
SEQ ID NOs: 11 and 12: PCR primers for sequence amplification encoding transit peptides into mitochondria
SEQ ID NOs: 13 and 14: PCR primers for sequence amplification encoding transit peptide to chloroplast
SEQ ID NOs: 15-18: PCR primers for the generation of sequences encoding mitochondrial transit peptide-GDH
SEQ ID NOs: 19-22: PCR primers for the generation of sequences encoding chloroplast transit peptide-GDH
(4) Gene construction using a fruit-specific promoter (2A11 promoter)
A fruit-specific expression promoter (2A11) was obtained by PCR using Total DNA prepared from tomato seedlings as a template. For the primers (SEQ ID NO: 23 and SEQ ID NO: 24), the restriction enzyme sites used for introduction into Ti plasmid, HindIII and XbaI were designed for each primer.
Primer sequences are shown below:
The obtained PCR product was cloned using a TA cloning kit, and the nucleotide sequence was confirmed by sequence analysis. The obtained 2A11 promoter was replaced with the CaMV35S promoter in front of the GUS gene of Ti plasmid pIG121-Hm using the restriction enzymes HindIII and XbaI. Thereafter, replacement of the GUS portion with the Ct-dAN-gdh gene or the Mt-dAN-gdh gene was performed. The procedure for replacing the Ct-dAN-gdh gene or the Mt-dAN-gdh gene is the same as that using the
<Sequence Listing Free Text>
SEQ ID NOS: 23 and 24: PCR primers for 2A11 promoter sequence amplification
The important structures of the plasmids produced by the procedure described above are summarized in Table 2 below.
[Table 2]
(5) Subcloning of T-gdh-4 gene into Ti plasmid (pIG121-Hm)
The cloned tomato-derived GDH gene (T-gdh-4) was introduced into Ti plasmid (pIG121-Hm) to obtain plasmid pT-gdh-4. For the introduction, the XbaI site and the SacI site previously provided for the primers used for the isolation were used. Ti plasmid introduced with the T-gdh-4 gene (FIG. 8) was transformed into Agrobacterium strain EHA101.
(6) Subcloning of mutant tomato GDH gene into Ti plasmid (pIG121-Hm)
In tomato-derived NAD-GDH, the 90th amino acid lysine at the glutamate binding site was substituted with alanine, and the effect was investigated (FIG. 9). This is a modification aiming to prevent the GDH gene of higher plants from being able to bind because it may act in the direction of decreasing glutamic acid depending on the ammonia ion concentration and nutrient conditions. The substitution of one amino acid was performed by converting AAG encoding Lys into GCG encoding Ala by site-directed mutagenesis using PCR. The obtained modified gene was named Td-gdh. Next, the plasmid pTd-gdh was obtained by introducing the Td-gdh gene sequence into the Ti plasmid (FIG. 9). This procedure is the same as that for the T-dgh-4 gene.
Example 2 Production of transformants by Agrobacterium infection of tomato cotyledons
Tomato (cultivar, cherry tomato) seeds were sterilized with 70% ethanol (30 seconds) and 2% sodium hypochlorite (15 minutes), then placed on MS agar medium without plant hormones, The cells were cultured for 16 hours at 25 ° C. for 1 week. The cotyledons were cut from the obtained sterile seedlings, placed on MS agar medium (regeneration medium, using 9 cm petri dish) added with 2 mg / l zeatin and 0.1 mg / l indoleacetic acid, and cultured under the same conditions for 2 days. Agrobacterium (EHA101) containing the constructed gene was cultured overnight in YEP medium (Table 3) and used for infection. The cotyledons cultured for 2 days were collected in a sterile petri dish and infected with Agrobacterium solution. Remove excess Agrobacterium solution from the cotyledons using sterilized filter paper.In addition, in order to prevent rapid growth of Agrobacterium, place sterile filter paper on the petri dish previously used, and infect the cotyledons on it. Placed and co-cultured for 24 hours.
Thereafter, the cotyledons were transferred to an MS regeneration medium (selection medium) containing 50 mg / l kanamycin and 500 mg / l claforan, and transformants were selected. The redifferentiated shoots were transferred to a new selection medium and reselected. Shoots that were vigorously grown in green were cut off at the stem and transferred to MS medium (rooting medium, test tube) containing no plant hormones. The rooted redifferentiated plants were sequentially acclimated to the soil.
[Table 3]
Example 3 Transformation of Arabidopsis by vacuum infiltration
For introduction of the gene into Arabidopsis, the method of Bechold N (CR Acad. Sci. Paris, Life Science 316; 1194-1199, 1993) was used. Seedlings of Arabidopsis seedlings were cultivated in culture soil for 10 days, 16 hours long, and grown at 22 ° C. One plant was transplanted to one rock wool (3 cm × 3 cm) and cultivated under the same conditions for 3 weeks. When the plant started drawing, it was pinched and cultivated for another week. Agrobacterium is cultured in YEP medium containing antibiotics for 24 hours at 28 ° C., collected by centrifugation (7000 rpm, 10 minutes), and suspended in suspension medium (1/2 MS salt, 1/2 Gamburg B5 vitamin) 5% sucrose, 0.5 g / l MES, 0.044 μM benzylaminopurine, pH 5.7). The already flowered and fruited flowers were removed, dipped in an Agrobacterium suspension, placed in a desiccator, and subjected to a reduced pressure (40 mmHg) treatment for 15 minutes. The treated plants were cultivated for one month and the seeds were harvested. The collected seeds were seeded in MS medium supplemented with 50 mg / l kanamycin and 200 mg / l claforan, and transformants were selected.
Example 4 Confirmation of transgene
4 selected individuals obtained by infecting Agrobacterium containing AN-gdh-17 gene, 4 selected individuals obtained by infecting Agrobacterium containing T-gdh-4 gene, including target gene The method of Honda et al. Was obtained from total DNA obtained from 3 plants each obtained by infecting only Agrobacterium with only Ti plasmid and 2 plants directly redifferentiated from cotyledons without treatment with Agrobacterium. (Honda and Hirai, 1990, Jpn J Breed 40, 339-348). The extracted DNA was purified by RNAase treatment, phenol / chloroform treatment, and PEG precipitation. It diluted to 0.01 microgram / microliter, and it was set as the template for PCR. PCR was performed using primers P9 and P10 (PCR product, 1.0 kbp) that amplify the region of NPTII from Nos-Promoter. The reaction conditions were 94 ° C-1 min, 55 ° C-1 min, 72 ° C-2 min, 35 cycles. PCR products were electrophoresed on a 1% agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide (FIGS. 10 and 11).
The used primers are as follows.
As a result, a target size band (1.0 kb) was observed in 4 lines infected with AN-gdh-17 gene and 4 lines infected with T-gdh-4 gene, and 2 non-transformant lines were observed. Was not detected. From the above results, each gene was introduced into 4 strains infected with Ti plasmid containing AN-gdh-17 gene and 4 strains infected with Ti plasmid containing T-gdh-4 gene. It has been confirmed.
<Sequence Listing Free Text>
SEQ ID NOs: 25 and 26: PCR primers for amplification of Nos-Promoter-NPTII region
Example 5 FIG. Confirmation of transgene expression
Next, it was confirmed by RT-PCR that the transgene was expressed in the transformed tomato that had been confirmed to have the target gene introduced. Infecting Agrobacterium containing AN-gdh-17 or T-gdh-4 gene, extracting total RNA from the line or the non-transformed tomato leaf or fruit in which the gene transfer was confirmed in Example 5, First -Strand cDNA was prepared. Next, PCR was performed using the primers (SEQ ID NOs: 3 and 4, and 5 and 6) used in isolating each gene using First-Strand cDNA as a template. The reaction conditions were 94 ° C-1 min, 55 ° C-1 min, 72 ° C-2 min, 30 cycles. As a result, it was confirmed that the introduced gene was expressed in both the leaves and the fruits (FIGS. 12 and 13).
Example 6 Extraction and quantification of free amino acids
The fruit at the 6th week after flowering of the conditioned transformed tomato was harvested and stored at −80 ° C. The fruit was cut into about 1/6, weighed, placed in a mortar, frozen with liquid nitrogen and ground. Further, 3 ml of 80% ethanol was added and carefully ground, then transferred to a centrifuge tube and incubated at 80 ° C. for 20 minutes. The mixture was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 minutes, the supernatant was transferred to a new tube, 2 ml of 80% ethanol was added to the remaining pellet, ground again in a mortar, and incubated at 80 ° C. for 20 minutes. After centrifugation, the supernatant was transferred to a tube, combined with the previous supernatant, and adjusted to a total volume of 5 ml using 80% ethanol. After mixing well, 20 μl was taken and dried, and then dissolved in 0.02N hydrochloric acid. It filtered with the 0.45 micrometer filter and was set as the sample for analysis. Amino acid analysis was performed using a Hitachi high-speed amino acid analyzer (L-8800).
The results of amino acid analysis using the fruit (red) 6 weeks after flowering of the strain into which the AN-gdh-17 gene was introduced are shown in Table 4 together with the analysis results of the non-transformant plant (control plant). In lines where a marked increase in glutamic acid content was observed, no. 6 1.75 times, No. 15, 2.54 times, No. 15 17, the glutamic acid content increased 2.48 times (FIG. 14). An increase in amino acids other than glutamic acid, such as asparagine, aspartic acid, alanine, serine, threonine, histidine, etc. was also observed.
[Table 4]
[Table 5]
Amino acid analysis was also performed on the 4 strains into which the tomato-derived T-gdh-4 gene was introduced, using the fruits at 6 weeks after flowering (Table 5). In lines where a marked increase in glutamic acid content was observed, no. 2 is 2.28 times. 7-2, 3.52 times. 9-2, 2.74 times, No. 10 increased the glutamic acid content 2.53 times (FIG. 15). In the line having a high glutamic acid content, the content of other amino acids such as aspartic acid, asparagine, threonine, serine, alanine, and histidine is also high. 7-2 was found to increase 4 times. These results are summarized in Table 5 below.
[Table 6]
[Table 7]
Example 7 Tomato transformant progeny (T 1 Generation analysis
1) T1Generation selection
Tomato transgenic plant (T0The seeds obtained from the generation) were surface sterilized with 80% ethanol for 30 seconds and 2% sodium hypochlorite for 15 minutes and then aseptically sown on an MS agar medium containing 350 mg / l kanamycin. One month later, as a result of selecting plants having good growth, the AN-gdh-17 gene-introduced line was No. 1, no. 3, no. 15, no. Individuals selected from 2.1 were obtained. In the T-gdh-4 transgenic line, No. 1, no. 3, no. Individuals selected from 8 were obtained. In order to increase the number of fruits per strain, cultivation was conducted in an outdoor closed greenhouse. In order to make the nutrition conditions the same, no additional fertilization was performed after transplanting to 1 kg of culture soil (power soil, Sakata seed) at the time of acclimatization. In addition, in order to make the assimilation ability the same, in the following analysis, the leaves were not picked, but the buds were cultivated under the same conditions and the leaf tissue was used.
2) Confirmation of transgene by Southern analysis
Total DNA was extracted from the leaf tissue of acclimatized buds (Honda and Hirai 1990, Jpn J Breed 40, 339-348). 15 μg of DNA was treated with a combination of restriction enzymes BamHI and EcoRI and XbaI, electrophoresed, and transferred to a nylon membrane. Southern hybridization was performed using the DIG-Labeling and Detection Kit (Roche Molecular Biochemicals) with the AN-gdh-17 gene or the T-gdh-4 gene as a probe.
As a result of Southern hybridization using the AN-gdh-17 gene as a probe, AN-gdh-17 gene introduction strain No. Bands of the desired size (1.8 kb, 0.8 kb) were detected in
3) Measurement of NADP-GDH and NAD-GDH activity
Transformed tomato (T1), And the leaf tissue (0.2 g) of buds was frozen in liquid nitrogen, crushed in a mortar, and then extracted
The extracted enzyme was a reaction solution {100 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 20 mM 2-α-ketoglutarate, 1.0 mM CaCl.2, 0.2 mM NADPH (NADP-GDH activity measurement) or 0.2 mM NADH (NAD-GDH activity measurement), 200 mM ammonium chloride} and reacted at room temperature, and the decrease in absorbance at 340 nm was measured.
Transformed tomato introduced with AN-gdh-17 gene (T1) As a result of measuring NADP-GDH activity using leaf tissue, the non-transformant showed no activity, whereas the transformant was able to measure 230-400 nmol / (min / mg protein) activity. (Table 6). In the line into which the T-gdh-4 gene was introduced, the NAD-GDH activity was increased by about 2 times or more compared to the non-transformant (Table 7).
[Table 8]
[Table 9]
4) Measurement of amino acid content in fruits
The result showed the average value of 3 fruits. In the AN-gdh-17 transgenic line, AN-gdh-17 No. was compared to the non-transformant. The glutamic acid contents of AN1-1-2 and AN1-1-3 derived from one strain increased 2.1-fold and 2.8-fold, respectively, and AN-gdh-17 No. 1 increased. AN3-1-2 and AN3-1-3 derived from the three lines increased 2.8 times and 2.5 times, respectively. AN-gdh-17 No. AN-gdh-17 No. 15 derived from 15 lines. 2.1-derived AN2.1-1-1 also increased 2.1-fold and 1.9-fold (Table 8, FIG. 18). Transformation generation (T0No.) which showed a high glutamic acid content in No. A similar trend was shown in the 15 progenies. In the Mt-dAN-gdh gene-introduced line, MtdAN-24-4, there was no significant difference from the glutamic acid content of the non-transformants.
[Table 10]
[Table 11]
[Table 12]
In the T-gdh-4 gene-introduced line, the investigated T-gdh-4 No. The progeny TGDH1-2, 3-1, and 8-1 of
[Table 13]
[Table 14]
[Table 15]
Example 8 FIG. Production and analysis of potato transformants
1) Production of transformant (see Example 4)
Potato (potato) aseptic plants were obtained by shoot tip culture, and the material was increased by passage of the shoot tips. The shoot apex was introduced into a liquid medium (10 ml) obtained by adding 2% sucrose to MS medium to induce rooting. After rooting, 10 ml of MS liquid medium containing 16% sucrose was added and cultured in the dark to induce a microtuber. After 6-8 weeks, the microtuber was cut into a disk, peeled, and then cultured at 28 ° C. overnight. Agrobacterium solution (containing Ti-plasmid, pMt-dAN-gdh or pCt-AN-gdh) ). Placed on MS agar medium (MS medium, 2.0 mg / l zeatin, 0.1 mg / l indoleacetic acid, 0.3% gellite) with sterilized filter paper and co-cultured for 2 days at 25 ° C. for 16 hours. . Thereafter, the cells were transferred to a selective medium {MS medium, 2.0 mg / l zeatin, 0.1 mg / l indoleacetic acid, 0.3% gellite, 50 mg / l kanamycin, 500 mg / l claforan}, and cultured under the same conditions. Every week, the cells were transferred to a new selection medium, and the redifferentiated shoots were transferred to a selection medium not containing plant hormones to induce rooting. As a result of infection with Agrobacterium having Ti-plasmid pMt-dAN-gdh and pCt-AN-gdh and selection in a medium containing 50 mg / l of kanamycin, Mt-dAN-gdh No. 2, 5, 8, Ct-AN-gdh No. 2 Four lines of 1 were selected.
2) Confirmation of transgene by Southern analysis
Tolal DNA was extracted from the leaf tissue of the acclimated plant (Honda and Hirai 1990, Jpn J Breed 40, 339-348). 15 μg of DNA was treated with the restriction enzyme EcoRI, electrophoresed, and transferred to a nylon membrane. Southern hybridization was performed using DIG-Labeling and Detection Kit (Roche Molecular Biochemicals). AN-gdh-17 gene was used as a probe.
As a result, a band of a transgene size (about 1.5 kb) was confirmed in all four strains (FIG. 20), suggesting that the gdh gene added with a transit peptide was introduced.
3) Measurement of NADP-GDH activity
The leaf tissue (about 0.1 g) of the transformed potato was frozen with liquid nitrogen, crushed in a mortar, and then extracted
As a result of measuring NADP-GDH activity using the transformed potato and non-transformed potato leaf tissues in which the transgene was confirmed by Southern analysis, the non-transformant showed no activity, whereas the transformant Then, the activity of 150-300 nmol / (min mg protein) could be measured (Table 10). The Mt-dAN-gdh line showed higher activity than the Ct-AN-gdh line.
[Table 16]
4) Measurement of amino acid content of microtuber
The shoot apex of the non-transformant and 4 transformant lines was cultured in liquid, and after rooting was induced, 16% sucrose was added, and the amino acid content was measured using a
80% ethanol heated to 80 ° C. was added 3 times the weight, ground in a mortar, and then heated again at 80 ° C. for 20 minutes. After centrifuging at 7,000 rpm and collecting the supernatant, 80% ethanol was added again and the mixture was heated to 80 ° C. Extraction with ethanol was performed three times, and the total amount was adjusted to 5 ml with 80% ethanol. After mixing well, 200 μl of the extract was placed in an Eppendorf tube, dried and dissolved in 200 μl of sterile water. After adding 200 μl of ethyl ether and mixing, the mixture was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm to remove the ether layer. The water layer was dried again, dissolved in 400 μl of 0.02N HCl, and filtered using a 0.45 μm filtration filter as a sample and analyzed using a Hitachi high-speed amino acid meter (L-8800). Went.
Amino acid analysis was performed using a microtuber derived from the transgenic line. Each strain analyzed two or more microtubers and performed statistical processing. No. in which the Mt-dAN-gdh gene was introduced. The Mt2-2, Mt5-1, Mt5-2, Mt8-1, and Mt8-2 strains derived from
[Table 17]
[Table 18]
[Table 19]
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, a plant containing a high concentration of free amino acids is obtained, and a raw material crop and a food material with high added value are provided. According to the present invention, a total amino acid amount is increased 2 to 4 times, and a crop having a high amino acid content is provided for at least one of glutamic acid, asparagine, aspartic acid, serine, threonine, alanine and histidine. A high value-added raw material crop that does not need to be provided. In addition, the present invention provides a vegetable material that is directly cooked and has accumulated glutamic acid at a high concentration, that is, a food material with excellent umami taste.
Furthermore, the present invention significantly reduces the period for breeding plants that accumulate such free amino acids to a high degree.
[Sequence Listing]
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a comparison of Aspergillus nidulans-derived glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) gene AN-gdh-17 and a known NADP-GDH gene sequence. The upper row is the base sequence of the NADP-GDH gene, and the lower row is the base sequence of the AN-gdh-17 gene.
FIG. 2: Comparison of Aspergillus nidulans-derived glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) gene AN-gdh-17 and known NADP-GDH gene sequences (continuation of FIG. 1). The upper row shows the nucleotide sequence of NADP-GDH gene, and the lower row shows the nucleotide sequence of AN-gdh-17 gene.
FIG. 3 shows the cloning procedure of AN-gdh-17 gene into Ti plasmid (pMAT037). In the figure, 35S Pro represents a
FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram showing the construction procedures and structures of gene constructs, pCt-AN-gdh, pCt-dAN-gdh, and pMt-dAN-gdh containing sequences encoding the Aspergillus-derived NADP-GDHA gene linked with transit peptides. It is shown as an example.
FIG. 5 shows an outline of a procedure for removing a splicing region in a NADP-GDH gene. In the figure, thick lines represent splicing regions, and P1 to P4 represent PCR primers.
FIG. 6 shows an outline of a procedure for binding a transit peptide sequence to an Aspergillus-derived NADP-GDH A gene sequence. In the figure, A represents the base sequence of the transit peptide, and B represents the base sequence of the AN-gdh-17 gene. P5 to P8 each represent a PCR primer.
FIG. 7 schematically shows the structures of gene constructs p2ACt-dAN-gdh and p2AMt-dAN-gdh having an Aspergillus nidulans-derived NADP-GDH gene connected to the 2A11 promoter.
FIG. 8 shows the cloning procedure of tomato-derived NAD-GDH gene (T-gdh-4) into Ti plasmid (pIG121-Hm). In the figure, 35S represents a
FIG. 9 shows an outline of a procedure for modifying a tomato-derived NAD-GDH gene, T-gdh-4.
FIG. 10 shows a PCR analysis of a transformant into which an Aspergillus nidulans-derived AN-gdh-17 gene was introduced.
FIG. 11 shows a PCR analysis of a transformant introduced with a tomato-derived NAD-GDH gene GDH (T-gdh-4) gene.
FIG. 12 shows RT-PCR analysis of a transformant introduced with an Aspergillus nidulans-derived AN-ghd-17 gene. No. 6, no. 15 represents a transformed tomato, and the parentheses represent the tissue from which total RNA was extracted.
FIG. 13 shows RT-PCR analysis of a transformant introduced with a tomato-derived T-gdh-4 gene. No. 2, no. 7-2, no. 9-2, no. 10 represents a transformed tomato, and () represents the tissue from which total RNA was extracted.
14 shows amino acids (glutamic acid-Glu, glutamine-Gln, γ-aminobutyric acid-GABA, lysine-Lys) of transformants (No. 6, No. 15, No. 17) into which the AN-gdh-17 gene has been introduced. ) Is a graph comparing the contents.
15 shows amino acids (glutamate-Glu, glutamine-Gln, γ-) of transformants (No. 2, No. 7-2, No. 9-2, No. 10) into which T-gdh-4 gene has been introduced. It is the result of comparing aminobutyric acid (GABA) and lysine-Lys content.
FIG. 16 shows the results of Southern analysis of transformed tomatoes introduced with the AN-gdh-17 gene. Samples were used where total DNA (15 μg) was digested with BamHI and EcoRI (A) or total DNA (15 μg) was digested with XbaI (B). Lane 1: Non-transformed tomato, Lane 2: AN-gdh-17 No. 1, Lane 3: AN-gdh-17 No. 1 3, Lane 4: AN-gdh-17 No. 3 15, Lane 5: AN-gdh-17 No. 2.1.
FIG. 17 shows the result of Southern analysis of transformed tomato (T1) introduced with T-gdh-4 gene. A sample obtained by digesting 15 μg of total DNA with XbaI and SacI was used. Lane 1: Non-transformed tomato, Lane 2: T-gdh No. 1-2, Lane 3: T-gdh No. 3-1, Lane 4: T-gdh No. 3 8-1. The arrow indicates the position of the band corresponding to the transgene (1.2 kb).
FIG. 18: Progeny of transformed tomato introduced with AN-gdh-17 gene (T1It is the graph which compared the amino acid content in the fruit in). The control used non-transformed tomato. Measurements were made in triplicate.
FIG. 19: Progeny of transformed tomato introduced with T-gdh-4 gene (T1It is the graph which compared the amino acid content in the fruit in). Measurements were made in triplicate.
FIG. 20 shows the results of Southern analysis of potatoes into which Ct-AN-gdh and Mt-dAN-gdh genes were introduced. An EcoRI digest of total DNA (15 μg) was used. Lane 1: non-transformed potato-1, lane 2: non-transformed potato-2, lanes 3-6 correspond to transformed potatoes into which the respective gene constructs were introduced. Lane 3: Ct-AN-gdh No. 1, Lane 4: Mt-dAN-gdh No. 1 2, Lane 5: Mt-dAN-gdh No. 2 5, Lane 6: Mt-dAN-gdh No. 5 8. The arrow indicates the position of the band corresponding to the transgene fragment.
FIG. 21 is a graph showing glutamic acid (Glu) content in microtubers of potatoes introduced with Ct-AN-gdh and Mt-dAN-gdh genes. Non-transformed potato was used as a control.
Claims (20)
i) CaMV 35S プロモーターの下流に接続された配列番号2記載の配列を有する核酸を含む遺伝子構築物、
ii ) CaMV 35S プロモーターの下流に接続された配列番号2記載の配列を有する核酸を含む遺伝子構築物であって、配列番号2中の 267-269 番に位置する配列 aag が配列 gcg に置換されている、前記遺伝子構築物。The method of claim 1, wherein the gene construct is any of the following:
i) a gene construct comprising a nucleic acid having the sequence of SEQ ID NO: 2 connected downstream of the CaMV 35S promoter;
ii ) a gene construct comprising a nucleic acid having the sequence described in SEQ ID NO: 2 connected downstream of the CaMV 35S promoter, wherein the sequence aag located at positions 267-269 in SEQ ID NO: 2 is replaced with the sequence gcg The gene construct.
ii )) CaMV 35SCaMV 35S プロモーターの下流に、Downstream of the promoter, 5Five ’からFrom 3Three ’側へトマトグルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ由来のミトコンドリアへのトランジットペプチドをコードする配列および配列番号1記載の配列が接続された配列を有する核酸を含む遺伝子構築物であって、配列番号1中のA gene construct comprising a nucleic acid having a sequence encoding a transit peptide to mitochondria derived from tomato glutamate dehydrogenase on the 'side and a sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, 323-375323-375 番塩基が欠失している、前記遺伝子構築物、The gene construct in which the base is deleted,
iiii )トマト)Tomato 2A112A11 プロモーターの下流に、Downstream of the promoter, 5Five ’からFrom 3Three ’側へトマトグルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ由来のミトコンドリアへのトランジットペプチド配列および配列番号1記載の配列が接続された配列を有する核酸を含む遺伝子構築物であって、配列番号1中のA gene construct comprising a nucleic acid having a transit peptide sequence to mitochondria derived from tomato glutamate dehydrogenase and a sequence to which the sequence described in SEQ ID NO: 1 is connected to 323-375323-375 番塩基が欠失している、前記遺伝子構築物。The gene construct having a deleted base number.
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JP2000404322A JP3755146B2 (en) | 1999-12-16 | 2000-12-18 | Production method of transgenic plants with improved amino acid composition |
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