次に、本発明の単相モータ1を駆動制御するセンサレス方式の制御回路11について説明する。図2,3において、前記制御回路(以下モータ駆動回路という)11は、大別すると、インバータ回路12と、電流検出回路13と、帰還回路14と、始動補償回路15とを備えて概略構成されている。このモータ駆動回路11には、10〜30ボルトの直流電圧を出力可能な直流電源50が接続され、そのプラス側入力端Pは、ダイオードD1 のアノードに接続されている。このダイオードD1 は、単相モータ1の転流動作時に発生する逆起電力による還流電流が直流電源50に流れ込むのを防止する。
又、ダイオードD1 のカソードは、前記還流電流を充電するコンデンサC1 (50V、100μF)のプラス側端子に接続され、そのコンデンサC1 のマイナス側端子は、直流電源50のマイナス側入力端Nに接続されている。なお、還流電流をコンデンサC1 に充電することは、モータ駆動回路11から外部に発振される電磁ノイズ(ElectroMagnetic Interference)の量の減少を図るとともに、直流電源50と端子PN間の配線抵抗での電力損失の低減及び還流電流の再利用による電力利用率の向上(効率)を図るためのものである。
前記ダイオードD1 のカソードは、単相モータ1の中間端子gに接続され、単相モータ1の端子e,fは、インバータ回路12に接続されている。インバータ回路12は、無安定マルチバイブレータ動作(自励発振動作)を行って、単相モータ1の各コイルL1 (g−e巻線),L2 (g−f巻繰)に、交互に直流電圧を印加するための回路である。このインバータ回路12は、電界効果トランジスタ(以下、FETという)Q1 ,Q2 と、10kΩの抵抗R1 ,R2 ,R3 ,R4 とを備えて構成されている。
前記インバータ回路12の両FETQ1 ,Q2 のドレイン端子は、単相モータ1の両端子e,fにそれぞれ接続されるとともに、抵抗R1 ,R2 を介して、それぞれ他方のFETQ2 ,Q1 のゲート端子に交叉接続されている。又、FETQ1 ,Q2 のゲート端子とソース端子との間には抵抗R3 ,R4 が接続されている。この接続により、一方のFETのオンにより他方のFETがオフするという、即ち、オン・オフ動作が順次繰り返される、所謂、無安定マルチバイブレータ動作(自励発振動作)が行われる。
次に、前記インバータ回路12の無安定マルチバイブレータ動作について説明する。図4は負荷時における各電流・電圧波形を示すもので、その電圧基準はFETQ1 ,Q2 のソース端子の点Eとしている。
直流電源50の投入により、例えば、FETQ1 がオンし、FETQ2 がオフしたとすると、図4に示すように、コイルL1 を介して電流が流れ(31)、FETQ1 のドレイン電流が増加する(32)。やがて前記ドレイン電流がFETQ1 のゲート電圧とコンダクタンスとで定まる飽和電流値に達すると(33)、FETQ1 のドレイン電流の増加率が低下し、FETQ1 のドレイン・ソース間電圧が上昇し始める。FETQ1 のドレイン電圧がソース端子を基準にして5ボルト付近に達すると、抵抗R1 を介して、FETQ2 にゲート電圧が加わりFETQ2 がオンを開始する(35)。このFETQ2 のオンに伴って、FETQ2 のドレイン電圧が低下し、抵抗R2 とR3 の分圧によってFETQ1 に供給されるゲート電圧も減少する。
このゲート電圧の減少とともに、FETQ1 の飽和電流値も減少するので、FETQ1 のドレイン電流が更に減少する(37)。これにより、FETQ1 のドレイン電圧が更に上昇し(38)、FETQ2 のゲート電圧を増加させて、FETQ2 のオンを加速する(39)。一方、FETQ2 のオンにより、FETQ2 のドレイン電圧が低下し(39)、FETQ1 のゲート電圧が更に減少して、FETQ1 のオフが加速される。このように、急速に、FETQ1 がオフ、FETQ2 がオンの状態に変化する。
FETQ2 がオン、FETQ1 がオフとなった後は、FETQ2 のドレイン電流が飽和電流値に達するまでその状態を維持する。そして、FETQ2 のドレイン電流が飽和電流値に達すると、前記とは逆に、FETQ1 のオン、FETQ2 のオフが急速に行われ、その状態(Q1 とQ2 のオン・オフ状態)が変化する。このように、FETQ1 ,Q2 のオン・オフ動作が繰り返され、その結果、インバータ回路12は「無安定マルチバイブレータ動作」(自励発振動作)を行うのである。
次に、13はインバータ回路12の両FETQ1 ,Q2 のソース端子と、直流電源50のマイナス側入力端Nとの間に挿設した、電流検出回路13で、この電流検出回路13は、2Ω(4W)のシャント抵抗R5 ,R6 により構成され、インバータ回路12を介して単相モータ1の電機子巻線L1 ,L2 に流れる電流(以下「電機子電流」という)を、シャント抵抗R5 ,R6 に流れるシャント電流として検出し(31)、これを電圧(31a)に変換するための回路である。この電圧変換されたシャント電流は、後述する帰還回路14によってインバータ回路12へフィードバック(帰還)され、前記した無安定マルチバイブレータ動作の発振周期を決定するものである。なお、前記シャント抵抗R5 ,R6 は、インバータ回路12のFETQ1 ,Q2 に流れる電流のバランスをとるために2個設置されている。
前記帰還回路14は、シャント抵抗R5 ,R6 からなる電流検出回路13によって検出され電圧に変換されたシャント電流(電機子電流)を、インバータ回路12へフィードバックする回路であり、2つのダイオードD2 ,D3 と、2.2kΩの抵抗R7 と10kΩの抵抗R8 とからなり、前記抵抗R7 ,R8 は直列に接続され、抵抗R8 側の一端はシャント抵抗R5 ,R6 の電圧を増幅した電流検出回路13の出力端に接続され、抵抗R7 側の他端はダイオードD2 ,D3 のカソードに接続されている。又、ダイオードD2 ,D3 のアノードは、インバータ回路12の各FETQ1 ,Q2 のゲート端子にそれぞれ接続されている。
この帰還回路14は、電流検出回路13、及び、ゲート抵抗R1 ,R2 と分圧抵抗R3 ,R4 とFETQ1 ,Q2 とのコンダクタンスの相互作用を利用して、電機子電流の急増領域を検出し、その急増領域でインバータ回路12による転流が行われるようにしている。又、前記電機子電流は、回転子2が固定子鉄心6に最も吸着される位置、即ち、回転子2の磁場ベクトルと、電機子巻線5への通電により生じる磁場ベクトルとが整列する位置(モータの発生トルクがゼロとなる位置)で急増する。これは、回転子2が前記位置に達することにより、発電電圧がほぼ「0」となるからである。従って、前記急増領域の現出を転流タイミングとして決定することにより、単相モータ1を適確に同期駆動(回転)することが可能となる。
具体的には、電流検出回路13のシャント抵抗R5 ,R6 の電圧降下を、インバータ回路12の各FETQ1 ,Q2 のゲート端子へフィードバック(帰還)させることである。すると、電機子電流の急増領域では、シャント抵抗R5 ,R6 の電圧降下が大きくなる結果、その分、ゲート部分の電流が帰還回路14側へ流れることでゲート電圧が少なくなり、ドレイン電流の飽和電流値が小さくなるものの、その際、流れているドレイン電流が飽和電流値と一致すると、両FETQ1 ,Q2 のオン・オフ状態が切替えられ、転流動作が円滑に行われるためである。
なお、かかる転流周期(タイミング)、即ち、上記したインバータ回路12の発振周期は、この帰還回路14の抵抗値により変化させることができる。具体的には、帰還回路14の抵抗値を小さくすると、インバータ回路12の発振周期が短くなり(発振周波数が大きくなり)、逆に抵抗値を大きくすれば発振周期が長くなる(発振周波数が小さくなる)。帰還回路14の抵抗値を小さくすることにより、FETQ1 ,Q2 のゲート端子への帰還量が多くなるので、電機子電流の急増を僅かに検出した場合でも、転流動作を確実に行わせることが可能となる。
始動補償回路15は、FETQ2 のソース端子およびシャント抵抗R6 の入力端にアノードが接続されたダイオードD4 を備え、そのダイオードD4 のカソードは27kΩの抵抗R9 の一端に接続されている。一方、抵抗R9 の他端は、トランジスタQ3 のベース端子と、コンデンサC2 (220μF,10V)のプラス側端子と、47kΩのブリーダ抵抗R10の一端とに接続されている。前記トランジスタQ3 のコレクタ端子は帰還回路14の2つの抵抗R7 ,R8 間に接続され、エミッタ端子は、コンデンサC2 のマイナス側端子およびブリーダ抵抗R10の他端とともに、シャント抵抗R5 の出力端と直流電源50のマイナス側入力端Nとにそれぞれ接続されている。
この始動補償回路15は、コンデンサC2 に所定量の電荷が蓄積されて、その端子間電圧が約0.6ボルトに達するまで、トランジスタQ3 のオフを維持し、帰還回路14の抵抗値を12.2kΩ(抵抗R7 ,R8 )という大きな値に保ち、単相モータ1の始動時における転流周期を長くしている。これにより、単相モータ1の始動後、コンデンサC2 の端子間電圧が約0.6ボルトに達するまでの間、単相モータ1の各コイルL1 ,L2 へ、始動トルクを発生させるために充分な電機子電流を流すことが可能となる。
前記始動補償回路15は、図5において、コンデンサC2 の端子間電圧は0.6ボルト未満となっており(62),トランジスタQ3 はオフしている(63)。然るに、モータ駆動回路11の運転スイッチSを投入すると(64)、シャント抵抗R6 に通電されるタイミングで帰還回路14の抵抗値が1kΩ弱から12.2kΩと急激に大きくなる。この結果、インバータ回路12の発振周期が長くなり、単相モータ1の転流周期が長くなって、各コイルL1 ,L2 には始動トルクを発生させるために充分な電機子電流が流される。各コイルL1 ,L2 に流れる電機子電流は、そのままシャント抵抗R5 ,R6 (図5にはR5 のみ記入)を流れるシャント電流となり(65)、このシャント電流により抵抗R6 の両端電圧が、マイナス側入力端Nを基準として、約0.6ボルト以上になると(ダイオードD4 の電圧降下分以上になると)、コンデンサC2 への充電が開始され、その端子間電圧が徐々に上昇(66)して約0.6ボルトに達すると(67)、トランジスタQ3 がオン(68)して、帰還回路14の抵抗値が、12.2kΩ(抵抗R7 ,R8 )から2.2kΩ(抵抗R7 )に減少する。前記帰還回路14の抵抗値が減少すると、インバータ回路12の発振周期が前記とは逆に短くなり(69)、単相モータ1の転流周期が短くなって単相モータ1が徐々に高速回転を始める。
このように、始動補償回路15は、コンデンサC2 の端子間電圧が約0.6ボルトに達するまでの間、単相モータ1の転流周期を長くして、各コイルL1 ,L2 へ始動トルクを発生させるために充分な電機子電流を流し、単相モータ1を確実に始動するようにしている。しかも、コンデンサC2 への充電は、シャント電流(電機子電流)に基づいて行われるので、その端子間電圧が約0.6ボルトに達するまでの時間は、固定された時間とはならず、モータの種類や直流電源50の電圧に応じて変化する時間となる。よって、モータの始動に適切な時間だけ、転流周期を長くした始動モードを維持することができる。
次に、本発明の永久磁石モータの動作について説明する。なお、本発明において、電流検出回路13は前述したように、シャント抵抗R5 ,R6 を2個備えて構成されているが、これは、インバータ回路12の2つのFETQ1 ,Q2 に流れる電流のバランスを考慮して前記FETQ1 ,Q2 のオン・オフ制御を効率的に行うために設置したもので、本発明では、始動補償回路15のタイミング(FETQ1 ,Q2 のオン・オフの切換時期の設定)は、シャント抵抗R6 から得られる電流を利用している。従って、単相モータ1の起動は、1つのコイル,即ち、特定のコイルから起動できるように構成されている。
単相モータ1の運転に際してモータ駆動回路11に設けた運転スイッチSを投入すると、インバータ回路12がオンするとともに、帰還回路14の抵抗値は12.2kΩと(抵抗R7 ,R8 )大きくされ、その分、インバータ回路12の転流周期が長くなって、単相モータ1の電機子巻線5の各コイルL1 ,L2 に、単相モータ1の始動トルクを発生させるために充分な電機子電流が流れる(図5の始動補償回路の動作説明図参照)。この結果、単相モータ1は徐々に始動を開始する。
従って、単相モータ1の始動時は、その回転子2が初期状態(スタート時)において常に所定の位置(前記図6(a)又は図6(c)に示すいづれかの位置)に保持されている関係上、前記単相モータ1は、インバータ回路12のFETQ1 ,Q2 のいづれからオン動作しても、FETQ2 に流れる電流が電流検出回路13のシャント抵抗R6 により検出することにより、始めて始動を開始することになる。即ち、インバータ回路12のFETQ2 がオン動作したとき、回転子2は回転を始めるものでその起動タイミングは常に固定されている結果、常に一定の通電方向に回転する。
前記の点を更に具体的に説明すると、例えば、回転子2が図6(a)の位置に保持されているときは、必ず左方向へ回転する。これは、回転子2の停止位置が正常なスタート位置に停止しているためのものであり、運転スイッチSの投入により特定のコイル(FETQ2 のオン動作にて通電されるコイル)に通電が行われると、固定子鉄心6は図6(a)に示す矢印L方向(左方向)に磁化されることによって、回転子2を同図に示す矢印方向(反時計方向)に回転させる。回転子2は回転を始めれば、図6(b),(e)〜(h)の順で左方向への回転を続行する。
一方、回転子2の極性が図6(c)で示すように、図6(a)に対して極性が180°逆転して回転子2が停止していた場合は、図6(c)で示すように、回転子2は右方向に一瞬回転するものの、スタート地点から約130°くらい回動した位置で回転方向を修正し、その反動を利用して図6(d)で示すように、左方向(正常方向)に回転方向を変更して始動を開始するものである。この場合は、回転子2の永久磁石の磁性が反転しているため、回転子2は固定子鉄心6の磁化方向(図6(a)に示すL矢視方向)と同一方向に回転しようとするが、本発明では最初に通電される電機子巻線5が事前に設定(シャント抵抗R6 によって電流検出されるコイルを指す)されているので、図6(c)に示す如く、回転子2は一瞬逆方向に回動するものの、図6(e)〜(h)のように、直ちに正常方向に転回して回転運動を続行するように構成されているので、逆回転を継続することはない。
このように、回転子2は、停止時においては常に所定の位置に保持されているので、インバータ回路12のFETQ1 ,Q2 のいずれからオン動作が始まっても、必ず一定の方向に回転する。具体的には、停止時において、回転子2が図6(a)の位置に保持されている場合には必ず左方向へ回転する。単相モータ1は、通電第1波または第2波のうち、回転子2の磁場ベクトルと反発する方向の磁場が与えられる通電(図6(a)において、磁場ベクトルが右から左方向へ向かう通電)により、回転を開始するからである。なお、回転子2が図6(c)に示す位置に保持されている場合は、前記のように一瞬逆回転するものの、直ちに正方向に回転するが、この場合も磁場ベクトルを反発する方向の磁場が与えられているからに他ならない。
回転子2の回転継続に伴って、コンデンサC2 が徐々に充電される。この充電により、コンデンサC2 の端子間電圧が約0.6ボルトに達すると、トランジスタQ3 がオンして、始動時から定常運転へと移行する。定常運転では、始動補償回路15のトランジスタQ3 のオンにより帰還回路14の抵抗値が2.2kΩ(抵抗R7 )と小さくなるので、インバータ回路12の発振周期が短くなり、これに伴い、単相モータ1の転流周期も短くなる。よって、単相モータ1は徐々に高速回転を始め、やがて略定速回転となる。
この状態で直流電源50の投入が続けられることにより、単相モータ1は略定速回転を継続する。なお、略定速時の回転速度は、コイルL1 ,L2 に印加される直流電源50の電圧に比例する。即ち、直流電源50の電圧が高いほど高速で回転し、低いほど低速で回転する。よって、直流電源50の電圧値により、略定速時の回転速度を制御することができる。
定速運転(または始動時)での運転中に、運転スイッチSを開放すると、始動補償回路15のコンデンサC2 はダイオードD4 により急速に放電され、トランジスタQ3 がオフされるとともに、回転子2は電機子巻線5への通電停止に伴い、惰性で回転するものの、単相モータ1は徐々に回転を緩め、最終的にはコギングトルクの作用により、回転子2は図6(a),(c)で示すように、極性は不明だが必ず磁極の境界部分aを固定子鉄心6の切込部8a,8bを結ぶ線上と一致する地点で停止し、次の始動に備える。この結果、本発明は、単相モータ1をいつでも始動することができるので、次回単相モータ1を始動するまでの時間を短縮することができる。
1 単相ブラシレスモータ
2 回転子
3 回転子挿入孔
5 電機子巻線
6 固定子鉄心
7a,7b 切欠部
8a,8b 切込部
11 制御回路
12 インバータ回路
13 電流検出回路
14 帰還回路
15 始動補償回路
50 直流電源[0001]
The present invention relates to an improvement of a permanent magnet motor that can be driven without a sensor without using a position detecting element such as a Hall element.
[Prior art]
Conventionally, when this type of permanent magnet motor, for example, a brushless motor is driven without using a position detecting element such as a Hall element, the speed electromotive force and the position of the field generated in the armature winding of the rotating motor are known. The commutation timing of the motor is determined by the speed electromotive force, focusing on the correlation with Japanese Patent Publication No. 7-63232 describes a technique for driving a single-phase brushless motor without a sensor based on the speed electromotive force.
However, since the speed electromotive force for determining the commutation timing must be detected by using the armature winding voltage of the motor, in particular, the single-phase motor cannot be energized by 180 degrees. . For this reason, a single-phase motor cannot apply a large torque to the rotor at the time of starting, and cannot rotate the motor at high speed within a short time after starting. In addition to the single-phase motor, at high load torque, the commutation spike voltage due to the recirculation of the armature current accompanying the energization switching increases, so that a large error occurs in the detected speed electromotive force information. As a result, a large deviation occurred in the estimation of the field pole position, and the commutation timing could not be properly determined.
Then, the present applicant has invented a sensorless drive circuit of a brushless motor described in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 9-37586. Such a motor drive circuit pays attention to the armature current waveform of each phase of the motor, detects a second current increase area of two remarkable current increase areas appearing in the energization area of each phase, and commutates the second current increase area. The timing is determined and commutation control is performed. Therefore, in this motor drive circuit, the commutation timing is determined based on the armature current regardless of the speed electromotive force, so that even a single-phase motor can be energized by 180 degrees. It has an excellent point that commutation timing can be appropriately determined even at the time of load torque.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, such a motor drive circuit detects the second current increase region on the basis of the fact that the instantaneous value of the armature current of the motor has become a predetermined multiple (for example, 1.2 times) of the average value of the armature current. are doing. Therefore, in order to detect the second current increase region, a circuit for averaging the armature current and a circuit for amplifying the averaged armature current by a predetermined factor are required, which increases the circuit cost. There was a problem of doing it.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention has been made to solve the above-described problem, and it is possible to specify a rotation direction at the time of starting a rotor when starting a permanent magnet motor, and to perform commutation timing based on an armature current. It is an object of the present invention to provide a small, lightweight, and economical permanent magnet motor having a simple control circuit capable of quickly and reliably determining the motor speed.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
A permanent magnet motor according to claim 1, wherein the rotor comprises a permanent magnet; A skeleton-type single phase in which a pair of cutouts are provided on the upper side and a rotor insertion hole for rotatably inserting the rotor, and an armature winding is wound on a separable core member on the lower side. A single-phase brushless motor is provided with a control circuit for supplying an alternating voltage from an inverter circuit to an armature winding of the single-phase brushless motor, causing the inverter circuit to perform commutation, and rotating the single-phase brushless motor. In a permanent magnet motor, The control circuit is a start compensation circuit that starts the single-phase brushless motor by flowing an armature current that generates a necessary starting torque at the time of starting the single-phase brushless motor to the armature winding, Between the starting compensation circuit and the inverter circuit A current detection circuit including a pair of shunt resistors for detecting a current flowing through the armature winding of the single-phase brushless motor interposed therebetween, and a feedback for negatively feeding back the detection current detected by the current detection circuit to the inverter circuit; And a pair of field effect transistors comprising a pair of field effect transistors. The pair of field effect transistors forming the inverter circuit include one of the current detection circuits for detecting a drain current of the field effect transistor. And the other of the current detection circuits is connected to a start compensation circuit to constitute a means for detecting a conduction current for starting the single-phase brushless motor, and one of the field effect transistors of the inverter circuit detected by the detection means is connected to the other. Start single-phase brushless motor with drain current It is characterized by having done.
The permanent magnet motor according to the present invention includes a control circuit that detects a region where the armature current flowing in the armature winding is rapidly increased and causes the inverter circuit to perform commutation. The commutation timing is set, and the commutation of the permanent magnet motor is performed, so that the start (startup) → rotation (drive) of the permanent magnet motor is performed smoothly. A starting compensation circuit is provided to make the commutation period long enough to generate a starting torque when starting the permanent magnet motor by detecting a starting current flowing in a specific direction, and to shorten it after starting. Thus, a sufficient starting torque can be obtained.
In addition, the stator core of the permanent magnet motor makes the cogging torque easy to stop at a specific position at the time of stop by making a difference in the air gap between the rotor and the rotor, and at the time of magnetic flux conduction. In the non-energized state, the rotor is inclined so that the rotor is easily rotated only in a specific direction (rotation direction set in advance). , And can be easily driven in a normal rotation direction. This is because the difference between the air gap formed in the stator core and the drain current of a pair of field effect transistors constituting the inverter circuit are detected by a current detection circuit individually provided with a shunt resistor. Due to the synergistic effect of the starting compensation circuit configured to operate only with one of the drain currents, the rotor is started by being energized only from the specific coil of the armature winding at the time of starting, The rotor can always be started with a constant energization polarity, which allows the permanent magnet motor to rotate only in a specific direction while being a single-phase motor, which is convenient.
In addition, since the control circuit for starting the permanent magnet motor does not require a circuit for controlling the positioning of the rotor at the time of start as described above, the circuit configuration can be simplified and the manufacturing cost can be reduced. Reduction can be achieved, and a low-cost permanent magnet motor can be provided. In addition, by using a field-effect transistor for the inverter circuit, negative feedback of the current becomes possible, so that a protective action at the time of overcurrent works and the inverter circuit can be protected well. In addition, when commutation is performed in the inverter circuit, the variation in the operation of the inverter circuit is reduced by stabilizing the gate voltage condition of the field effect transistor, thereby reducing the production yield of the control circuit. There is also an advantage that the productivity can be improved and the productivity can be significantly improved.
Hereinafter, an example in which the permanent magnet motor of the present invention is implemented as a single-phase brushless motor (hereinafter, referred to as a single-phase motor) will be described with reference to FIGS. In FIG. 1, a single-phase motor 1 has a rotor insertion hole 3 for rotatably inserting a rotor 2 on an upper side of the figure, and a separable iron core member 4 on a lower side of the figure. The stator 2 comprises a stator core 6 on which an armature winding 5 is wound, and the rotor 2 comprising a permanent magnet. The stator core 6 is formed by stamping out electromagnetic steel sheets and laminating them to a predetermined thickness. The rotor 2 is, for example, a plastic magnet rotor (hereinafter simply referred to as a rotor) formed by mixing a magnetic powder with a synthetic resin powder and injection-molding the mixture by injection molding means or the like. The skeleton type single-phase motor 1 is constituted by combining the stator core 6.
As shown in FIG. 1, the stator core 6 has a pair of planar shapes on the outer periphery of the rotor insertion hole 3 around the periphery of the rotor insertion hole 3 at an angular interval of, for example, about 180 °. The U-shaped notches 7a and 7b are formed to have narrow narrow portions (magnetic paths) A and B without communicating with the rotor insertion hole 3. The reason why the narrow portions A and B are formed is that the magnetic flux (generated by the rotor 2) flowing through the stator core 6 when the armature winding 5 is not magnetized is concentrated on the bottleneck paths A and B, and the rotation is performed. The magnetic flux flowing through the stator core 6 is concentrated in the narrow paths A and B, but is equally distributed and flows through the rotor 2 so that the rotor 2 has the required magnetic pole. At the time of startup, for example, contributes to the positioning operation.
As shown in FIG. 1, the rotor insertion hole 3 of the stator core 6 is spaced from the notch portions 7 a and 7 b by, for example, approximately 90 ° with the rotor insertion hole 3. A pair of cut portions 8a and 8b which can communicate with each other are formed in an arc shape facing each other and maintaining an angle range of about 60 °. Since the portion of the rotor insertion hole 3 where the cut portions 8a and 8b are present is formed wider than the portion of the rotor insertion hole 3 where the narrow portions A and B are present, it flows into the stator core 6. The flow of the magnetic flux is suppressed by the increase of the magnetic resistance due to the presence of the cut portions 8a and 8b, and the rotor 2 has a boundary portion a between the N pole and the S pole of the permanent magnet whose magnetization is weakest. It can be stopped at a substantially central position between the cuts 8a and 8b.
Providing the stator core 6 with the U-shaped notches 7a and 7b and the arc-shaped notches 8a and 8b, respectively, is for guiding the rotor 2 to a starting position or stopping the rotor 2 at a predetermined position. This point could be confirmed by a cogging torque analysis by a magnetic field analysis of a known finite element method. In particular, the presence of the notches 7a and 7b indicates that the magnetic flux concentrates on the narrow portions A and B formed between the notches 7a and 7b and the rotor insertion hole 3, so that the rotor 2 stops at the stop position. To the vicinity of the starting position can be finely moved, which seems to have greatly contributed to specifying the rotation direction of the rotor 2.
More specifically, when the core member 4 is DC-magnetized by energizing the armature winding 5, the stator core 6 moves to the stator core 6, for example, rightward (clockwise) in FIG. 1. Magnetic flux flows along. As a result, the position of the magnetic pole of the rotor 2 is changed (rotated) in a direction that is easy to align with the magnetic flux flowing through the stator core 6, that is, the rotation of the rotor 2 is started at the start. It is not clear in which direction the rotor 2 will rotate if it is performed abruptly. Therefore, the core member 4 of the stator core 6 is AC-magnetized at a relatively high frequency and a DC component is added, so that the stator core 6 is slightly DC-magnetized to change the rotation direction of the rotor 2. Let it be specified.
The notches 7a, 7b formed in the stator core 6 allow the narrow portions A, B and the narrow portions A, B formed between the notches 7a, 7b and the rotor insertion hole 3 to be reduced. When the rotor 2 is not energized to the armature winding 5 due to the presence of the cut portions 8a and 8b provided at positions separated by 90 °, the boundary portion a of the rotor 2 shown in FIG. 6 (a) and (c) inclined from XX shown in FIG. 1 by a declination θ, and the rotor 2 shown in FIG. 6 (c). The stator core 6 is configured so that it can be stopped at the N pole and the S pole of the permanent magnet are reversed with respect to the rotor 2 shown in FIG. This phenomenon could be confirmed by the cogging torque analysis by the magnetic field analysis of the finite element method.
The armature winding 5 is composed of, for example, a set of intermediate windings (center tap windings) wound around only the iron core member 4 of the stator iron core 6, and includes two terminals e and f and an intermediate winding. The terminal g is provided with a total of three terminals. Further, the winding finish is performed by so-called "Pyfiler winding" in which two conductive wires are bundled and wound simultaneously. This drive circuit may be used for a motor with a slip ring using a field as a stator and an armature winding as a rotor, or an embedded magnet type motor. Also, in the case of a single-phase motor, it is sufficient that there is an intermediate tap, and it is not always necessary to use a pipe-filar winding.
Next, a sensorless control circuit 11 for controlling the drive of the single-phase motor 1 of the present invention will be described. 2 and 3, the control circuit (hereinafter, referred to as a motor drive circuit) 11 is roughly configured to include an inverter circuit 12, a current detection circuit 13, a feedback circuit 14, and a start compensation circuit 15. ing. The motor drive circuit 11 is connected to a DC power supply 50 capable of outputting a DC voltage of 10 to 30 volts, and has a positive input terminal P connected to a diode D. 1 Connected to the anode. This diode D 1 Prevents the return current due to the back electromotive force generated during the commutation operation of the single-phase motor 1 from flowing into the DC power supply 50.
Also, diode D 1 Is connected to a capacitor C for charging the return current. 1 (50V, 100μF) connected to the positive terminal and its capacitor C 1 Is connected to the negative input terminal N of the DC power supply 50. Note that the return current is 1 Charging reduces the amount of electromagnetic noise (ElectroMagnetic Interference) oscillated from the motor drive circuit 11 to the outside, reduces power loss at the wiring resistance between the DC power supply 50 and the terminal PN, and reduces the return current. This is to improve the power utilization rate (efficiency) by reusing.
The diode D 1 Are connected to an intermediate terminal g of the single-phase motor 1, and terminals e and f of the single-phase motor 1 are connected to the inverter circuit 12. The inverter circuit 12 performs an astable multivibrator operation (self-excited oscillation operation), and controls each coil L of the single-phase motor 1. 1 (Ge winding), L 2 (G-f winding) is a circuit for alternately applying a DC voltage. The inverter circuit 12 includes a field effect transistor (hereinafter referred to as FET) Q 1 , Q 2 And the resistance R of 10 kΩ 1 , R 2 , R 3 , R 4 It is comprised including.
Both FETs Q of the inverter circuit 12 1 , Q 2 Are connected to both terminals e and f of the single-phase motor 1 and a resistor R 1 , R 2 Through the other FET Q 2 , Q 1 Are cross-connected to the gate terminals. Also, FETQ 1 , Q 2 A resistor R is connected between the gate terminal and the source terminal of 3 , R 4 Is connected. With this connection, a so-called astable multivibrator operation (self-excited oscillation operation) in which one FET is turned on when the other FET is turned off, that is, the on / off operation is sequentially repeated.
Next, the operation of the astable multivibrator of the inverter circuit 12 will be described. FIG. 4 shows current / voltage waveforms at the time of load. 1 , Q 2 At the source terminal point E.
When the DC power supply 50 is turned on, for example, the FET Q 1 Turns on and FET Q 2 Is turned off, as shown in FIG. 1 Current flows through the FET (31) and the FET Q 1 Drain current increases (32). Eventually, the drain current becomes FET Q 1 When the current reaches the saturation current determined by the gate voltage and conductance of the FET (33), the FET Q 1 Increase rate of the drain current of the FET Q 1 The drain-source voltage of the transistor starts to rise. FETQ 1 When the drain voltage reaches about 5 volts with respect to the source terminal, the resistance R 1 Through the FET Q 2 Gate voltage is applied to the FET Q 2 Starts on (35). This FET Q 2 With the turning on of the FET Q 2 Of the resistor R 2 And R 3 FETQ by the partial pressure of 1 The gate voltage supplied to the gate is also reduced.
As the gate voltage decreases, the FET Q 1 Of the FET Q 1 Drain current further decreases (37). Thereby, the FET Q 1 (38), the drain voltage of the FET Q 2 The gate voltage of the FET Q 2 Is accelerated (39). On the other hand, FETQ 2 Is turned on, FET Q 2 (39), the drain voltage of the FET Q 1 Further reduces the gate voltage of the FET Q 1 Off is accelerated. Thus, rapidly, FET Q 1 Is off, FET Q 2 Changes to the ON state.
FETQ 2 Is on, FET Q 1 Is turned off, FET Q 2 This state is maintained until the drain current reaches the saturation current value. And FETQ 2 When the drain current of the FET Q reaches the saturation current value, on the contrary, the FET Q 1 ON, FETQ 2 Is rapidly turned off, and the state (Q 1 And Q 2 On / off state). Thus, FET Q 1 , Q 2 Are repeated, and as a result, the inverter circuit 12 performs an “astable multivibrator operation” (self-excited oscillation operation).
Next, 13 indicates both FETs Q of the inverter circuit 12. 1 , Q 2 Current detection circuit 13 inserted between the source terminal of the DC power supply 50 and the negative input terminal N of the DC power supply 50, the current detection circuit 13 has a shunt resistance R of 2Ω (4W). 5 , R 6 And the armature winding L of the single-phase motor 1 via the inverter circuit 12. 1 , L 2 Current (hereinafter referred to as “armature current”) through the shunt resistor R 5 , R 6 This is a circuit for detecting as a shunt current flowing through (31) and converting this into a voltage (31a). The voltage-converted shunt current is fed back (feedback) to the inverter circuit 12 by a feedback circuit 14 described later, and determines the oscillation cycle of the above-described operation of the astable multivibrator. The shunt resistor R 5 , R 6 Is the FET Q of the inverter circuit 12. 1 , Q 2 Are installed in order to balance the current flowing through the device.
The feedback circuit 14 includes a shunt resistor R 5 , R 6 A shunt current (armature current) detected and converted into a voltage by the current detection circuit 13 is fed back to the inverter circuit 12 and includes two diodes D 2 , D 3 And a 2.2 kΩ resistor R 7 And the resistance R of 10 kΩ 8 And the resistance R 7 , R 8 Are connected in series and a resistor R 8 One end on the side is a shunt resistor R 5 , R 6 Is connected to the output terminal of the current detection circuit 13 which amplifies the 7 The other end on the side is a diode D 2 , D 3 Connected to the cathode. Also, diode D 2 , D 3 Are connected to each FET Q of the inverter circuit 12. 1 , Q 2 Are connected to the respective gate terminals.
The feedback circuit 14 includes a current detection circuit 13 and a gate resistance R 1 , R 2 And voltage divider R 3 , R 4 And FETQ 1 , Q 2 By utilizing the interaction of the conductance with the above, a region where the armature current is rapidly increased is detected, and commutation by the inverter circuit 12 is performed in the region where the armature current is rapidly increased. Further, the armature current is determined as a position where the rotor 2 is most attracted to the stator core 6, that is, a position where the magnetic field vector of the rotor 2 and the magnetic field vector generated by energizing the armature winding 5 are aligned. (The position where the generated torque of the motor becomes zero). This is because the generated voltage becomes substantially “0” when the rotor 2 reaches the position. Therefore, by determining the appearance of the sudden increase region as the commutation timing, the single-phase motor 1 can be appropriately synchronously driven (rotated).
Specifically, the shunt resistor R of the current detection circuit 13 5 , R 6 Of each FET Q of the inverter circuit 12 1 , Q 2 Is fed back to the gate terminal. Then, in the region where the armature current rapidly increases, the shunt resistor R 5 , R 6 As a result, the current in the gate portion flows to the feedback circuit 14 side, thereby decreasing the gate voltage and decreasing the saturation current value of the drain current. When the current matches the saturation current value, both FETs Q 1 , Q 2 Is switched between ON and OFF states, and the commutation operation is performed smoothly.
The commutation cycle (timing), that is, the oscillation cycle of the inverter circuit 12 can be changed by the resistance value of the feedback circuit 14. Specifically, when the resistance value of the feedback circuit 14 is reduced, the oscillation cycle of the inverter circuit 12 is shortened (oscillation frequency is increased). Conversely, when the resistance value is increased, the oscillation cycle is increased (oscillation frequency is reduced). Become). By reducing the resistance of the feedback circuit 14, the FET Q 1 , Q 2 Therefore, the commutation operation can be reliably performed even when a sudden increase in the armature current is slightly detected.
In the rotor 2 of the single-phase motor 1, the boundary a coincides with the line connecting the notches 7a and 7b due to the presence of the cuts 8a and 8b provided on the periphery of the rotor insertion hole 3 of the stator core 6. At the point where it has been stopped, it is stopped by the action of the cogging torque (see the description in [Paragraph Nos. 18, 21]). At this time, as shown in FIGS. 6A and 6C, the north pole and the south pole of the rotor 2 are located at diametrically opposite positions. In the present invention, the polarity of the magnet when the rotor 2 is stopped is unknown, but the rotor 2 is in one of the positions shown in FIGS. 6 (a) and 6 (c). It is configured to stop.
Next, the starting compensation circuit 15 will be described. This circuit 15 is a circuit for reliably starting the single-phase motor 1 by supplying an armature current necessary for generating a sufficient starting torque when the single-phase motor 1 is started. Accordingly, the start compensation circuit 15 increases or decreases the resistance value of the feedback circuit 14 at the time of starting the single-phase motor 1 and after the start, and increases the commutation period at the time of starting, so that a sufficient armature current After starting, the commutation cycle is shortened to rotate the single-phase motor 1 at high speed.
The starting compensation circuit 15 is connected to the FET Q 2 Source terminal and shunt resistor R 6 Diode D whose anode is connected to the input terminal of 4 And the diode D 4 Has a resistance R of 27 kΩ. 9 Is connected to one end. On the other hand, the resistance R 9 The other end of the transistor Q 3 And the capacitor C 2 (220 μF, 10 V) plus terminal and 47 kΩ bleeder resistor R 10 Is connected to one end. The transistor Q 3 Is connected to two resistors R of the feedback circuit 14. 7 , R 8 And the emitter terminal is connected to the capacitor C 2 Negative terminal and bleeder resistance R 10 With the other end of the shunt resistor R 5 And the negative input terminal N of the DC power supply 50.
This starting compensation circuit 15 is provided with a capacitor C 2 Until a predetermined amount of charge is accumulated and the voltage across its terminals reaches about 0.6 volts. 3 Is kept off, and the resistance of the feedback circuit 14 is set to 12.2 kΩ (resistance R 7 , R 8 ), The commutation period at the start of the single-phase motor 1 is lengthened. Thus, after starting the single-phase motor 1, the capacitor C 2 Until the voltage between the terminals reaches approximately 0.6 volts. 1 , L 2 Thus, a sufficient armature current can be supplied to generate a starting torque.
The start compensating circuit 15 includes a capacitor C in FIG. 2 Is less than 0.6 V (62), and the transistor Q 3 Is off (63). However, when the operation switch S of the motor drive circuit 11 is turned on (64), the shunt resistance R 6 , The resistance of the feedback circuit 14 rapidly increases from slightly less than 1 kΩ to 12.2 kΩ. As a result, the oscillation cycle of the inverter circuit 12 becomes longer, the commutation cycle of the single-phase motor 1 becomes longer, and each coil L 1 , L 2 Is supplied with a sufficient armature current to generate a starting torque. Each coil L 1 , L 2 The armature current flowing through the shunt resistor R 5 , R 6 (R in FIG. 5 5 Only) (65), and this shunt current causes the resistance R 6 Is more than about 0.6 volts with respect to the negative input terminal N (diode D 4 Above the voltage drop), the capacitor C 2 When the voltage between the terminals of the transistor Q gradually increases (66) and reaches about 0.6 volt (67), the transistor Q 3 Is turned on (68), and the resistance value of the feedback circuit 14 becomes 12.2 kΩ (resistance R 7 , R 8 ) To 2.2 kΩ (resistance R 7 ). When the resistance value of the feedback circuit 14 decreases, the oscillation cycle of the inverter circuit 12 becomes shorter in the opposite manner (69), the commutation cycle of the single-phase motor 1 becomes shorter, and the single-phase motor 1 gradually rotates at high speed. Start.
As described above, the starting compensation circuit 15 includes the capacitor C 2 The commutation cycle of the single-phase motor 1 is increased until the terminal voltage of 1 , L 2 A sufficient armature current is supplied to generate a starting torque to ensure that the single-phase motor 1 is started. Moreover, the capacitor C 2 Charging is performed based on the shunt current (armature current), so the time required for the voltage between terminals to reach approximately 0.6 volts is not a fixed time, and the type of motor and DC The time changes according to the voltage of the power supply 50. Therefore, it is possible to maintain the start mode in which the commutation period is lengthened for an appropriate time for starting the motor.
Next, the operation of the permanent magnet motor of the present invention will be described. In the present invention, the current detection circuit 13 is connected to the shunt resistor R as described above. 5 , R 6 , Which is composed of two FETs Q of the inverter circuit 12. 1 , Q 2 Considering the balance of the current flowing through the FET Q 1 , Q 2 In the present invention, the timing of the start compensation circuit 15 (FET Q 1 , Q 2 The setting of the on / off switching timing of the shunt resistor R 6 Utilizing the current obtained from Therefore, the single-phase motor 1 is configured to be started from one coil, that is, a specific coil.
When the operation switch S provided in the motor drive circuit 11 is turned on when the single-phase motor 1 is operated, the inverter circuit 12 is turned on, and the resistance value of the feedback circuit 14 is 12.2 kΩ (resistance R 7 , R 8 ), The commutation period of the inverter circuit 12 becomes longer, and each coil L of the armature winding 5 of the single-phase motor 1 becomes larger. 1 , L 2 Then, an armature current sufficient to generate the starting torque of the single-phase motor 1 flows (see the operation explanatory diagram of the starting compensation circuit in FIG. 5). As a result, the single-phase motor 1 starts to start gradually.
At this time, the rotor 2 of the single-phase motor 1 is set at the polarity position of the permanent magnet shown in FIGS. That is, in FIG. 6 (a), the N pole is shifted downward and the S pole is aligned with the magnetic pole boundary portion a of the rotor 2 being aligned with the line connecting the pair of cuts 8a and 8b of the stator core 6. Is stopped on the upper side. On the other hand, in FIG. 6C, the magnetic pole boundary portion a of the rotor 2 is also aligned with the line connecting the pair of cuts 8a and 8b, and the S pole is It is stopped with the N pole on the upper side.
Therefore, when the single-phase motor 1 is started, its rotor 2 is always held at a predetermined position (either the position shown in FIG. 6A or FIG. 6C) in the initial state (at the start). Because of this, the single-phase motor 1 is connected to the FET Q 1 , Q 2 FET Q 2 Current flowing through the shunt resistor R of the current detection circuit 13 6 , The start is started for the first time. That is, the FET Q of the inverter circuit 12 2 Is turned on, the rotor 2 starts to rotate, and the start timing thereof is always fixed. As a result, the rotor 2 always rotates in a constant energizing direction.
Explaining the above point more specifically, for example, when the rotor 2 is held at the position shown in FIG. This is because the stop position of the rotor 2 is stopped at the normal start position, and the specific coil (FET Q 2 6A, the stator core 6 is magnetized in the direction of the arrow L (left direction) shown in FIG. Rotate in the direction indicated by the arrow (counterclockwise). When the rotor 2 starts rotating, it continues to rotate leftward in the order of FIGS. 6B, 6E to 6H.
On the other hand, as shown in FIG. 6C, when the polarity of the rotor 2 is reversed by 180 ° with respect to FIG. As shown, although the rotor 2 rotates rightward for a moment, the rotation direction is corrected at a position rotated by about 130 ° from the start point, and the reaction is used as shown in FIG. The start is started by changing the rotation direction to the left (normal direction). In this case, since the magnetism of the permanent magnet of the rotor 2 is reversed, the rotor 2 tries to rotate in the same direction as the magnetization direction of the stator core 6 (the direction of the arrow L shown in FIG. 6A). However, in the present invention, the armature winding 5 to be energized first is set in advance (shunt resistor R 6 6 (c), the rotor 2 momentarily rotates in the reverse direction as shown in FIG. 6 (c), but immediately as shown in FIGS. 6 (e) to 6 (h). Since it is configured to rotate in the normal direction and continue the rotational movement, the reverse rotation does not continue.
As described above, since the rotor 2 is always held at a predetermined position when the rotor is stopped, the FET Q of the inverter circuit 12 1 , Q 2 Regardless of which of the on operations is started, it always rotates in a certain direction. More specifically, when the rotor 2 is stopped, if the rotor 2 is held at the position shown in FIG. The single-phase motor 1 is energized by applying a magnetic field in a direction repelling the magnetic field vector of the rotor 2 in the energized first wave or the second wave (in FIG. 6A, the magnetic field vector goes from right to left) This is because rotation is started by the power supply. When the rotor 2 is held at the position shown in FIG. 6C, the rotor 2 rotates in the reverse direction for a moment, but immediately rotates in the forward direction, but also in the direction in which the magnetic field vector is repelled. It is nothing but a magnetic field.
As the rotor 2 continues to rotate, the capacitor C 2 Is gradually charged. By this charging, the capacitor C 2 When the terminal-to-terminal voltage reaches approximately 0.6 volts, the transistor Q 3 Turns on, and the operation shifts from the start to the steady operation. In the steady operation, the transistor Q of the starting compensation circuit 15 3 Is turned on, the resistance of the feedback circuit 14 becomes 2.2 kΩ (resistance R 7 ), The oscillation cycle of the inverter circuit 12 is shortened, and accordingly, the commutation cycle of the single-phase motor 1 is also shortened. Therefore, the single-phase motor 1 gradually starts rotating at a high speed, and eventually rotates at a substantially constant speed.
In this state, by continuing to turn on the DC power supply 50, the single-phase motor 1 continues to rotate at a substantially constant speed. The rotation speed at a substantially constant speed is determined by the coil L 1 , L 2 Is proportional to the voltage of the DC power supply 50 applied to. That is, the higher the voltage of the DC power supply 50 is, the higher the rotation speed is, and the lower the voltage is, the lower the rotation speed is. Therefore, the rotation speed at the substantially constant speed can be controlled by the voltage value of the DC power supply 50.
When the operation switch S is opened during the operation at the constant speed operation (or at the time of starting), the capacitor C of the starting compensation circuit 15 2 Is the diode D 4 Is rapidly discharged by the transistor Q 3 Is turned off, and the rotor 2 rotates by inertia due to the stop of energization to the armature winding 5, but the single-phase motor 1 gradually loosens its rotation, and finally rotates by the action of cogging torque. As shown in FIGS. 6 (a) and 6 (c), the child 2 always stops at a point where the polarity a is unknown but the boundary part a of the magnetic pole coincides with the line connecting the cuts 8a and 8b of the stator core 6, Prepare for the next start. As a result, according to the present invention, since the single-phase motor 1 can be started at any time, the time until the single-phase motor 1 is started next time can be reduced.
As described above, according to the motor drive circuit 11 of the present embodiment, the current detection circuit 13 and the feedback circuit 14 detect a region where the armature current is rapidly increased, and perform the commutation operation using the detection as a commutation timing. Have done it. Therefore, the commutation timing can be determined based on the armature current without depending on the speed electromotive force, so that even if the single-phase motor 1 is used, 180-degree energization can be performed and the start thereof can be smoothly performed. be able to. That is, high-speed rotation can be performed within a short time after starting. Further, by determining the commutation timing based on the armature current, the motor can be accurately driven (rotated) without being affected by an excessive spike voltage due to the commutation even under a heavy load. is there.
Further, since the armature current abrupt increase region is used for determining the commutation timing, a circuit for averaging the armature current and a circuit for amplifying the averaged armature current by a predetermined factor become unnecessary. Does not require any circuit for moving the rotor 2 from the stop position to the start position and holding the rotor 2 at the start position until the start is started. Therefore, the motor drive circuit 11 can be economically constructed with a simple circuit configuration. Can be manufactured.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, in the permanent magnet motor of the present invention, the appearance of the region where the armature current sharply increases is set as the commutation timing, the permanent magnet motor is commutated, and its start (start) → rotation ( This is to make the control circuit of the permanent magnet motor determine the commutation period, detect the starting current flowing in a specific direction, and generate the starting torque of the permanent magnet motor. By providing a start compensating circuit for making the length sufficiently long and conversely short during steady operation after the start, the permanent magnet motor can obtain sufficient torque at the time of start, which is convenient.
Also, the stator core of the permanent magnet motor differs in the air gap between the rotor and the rotor insertion hole. By using the formed iron core, When the permanent magnet motor is stopped, it is easy to induce cogging torque to stop the rotor at a specific position.Furthermore, the rotor is inclined by applying a magnetic flux when the magnetic flux is supplied and when the magnetic flux is not supplied. Can be rotated only in a specific direction, and even if the rotation direction is slightly reversed at the time of starting, it can be easily driven in a normal rotation direction. It is formed on the stator core Between the rotor and stator core A difference in air gap and a drain current of a pair of field effect transistors of an inverter circuit are detected by a current detection circuit individually provided with a shunt resistor, but a start compensation circuit that operates only by one drain current of the field effect transistor. Due to the synergistic effect of the provision of the above, the configuration is such that when the rotor is started, the specific coil of the armature winding is energized to start the rotor, so that the rotor always has a constant energization polarity. It can be started and is convenient.
Furthermore, since the control circuit for starting the permanent magnet motor does not require a circuit for controlling the positioning at the time of starting the rotor, the circuit configuration can be simplified and the manufacturing cost can be reduced. In addition, by using a field effect transistor for the inverter circuit, negative feedback of current is easily possible, and a protective action at the time of overcurrent is activated, so that the inverter circuit can be well protected. In addition, when the commutation action is performed in the inverter circuit, the gate voltage condition of the field-effect transistor can be stabilized. As a result, the variation in the operation of the inverter circuit can be reduced, and the production yield of the control circuit can be improved. Productivity can be improved.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a schematic configuration diagram showing a skeleton type single-phase brushless motor as an embodiment of a permanent magnet motor of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a control circuit used for the permanent magnet motor of the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a control circuit diagram used for the permanent magnet motor of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a current-voltage waveform diagram of each part at the time of load.
FIG. 5 is an explanatory diagram of an operation of a start compensation circuit.
FIG. 6 is an explanatory diagram for sequentially explaining a starting state of a rotor in the permanent magnet motor of the present invention.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 Single-phase brushless motor
2 rotor
3 Rotor insertion hole
5 Armature winding
6 Stator core
7a, 7b Notch
8a, 8b notch
11 Control circuit
12 Inverter circuit
13 Current detection circuit
14 Feedback circuit
15 Start compensation circuit
50 DC power supply