本発明は、代表的な溶射用サーメット材料であるタングステンカーバイド・コバルト(WC−Co)系溶射被覆層に匹敵する硬さおよび耐摩耗性と、クロムカーバイド・ニッケルクロム(Cr3 C2 −NiCr)系溶射被覆層を凌駕する耐熱性および耐酸化性とを有し、かつ、上記のWC−Co系およびCr3 C2 −NiCr系溶射被覆層には見られない高い耐熱衝撃性および靭性を有するサーメット溶射被膜を生成するための溶射用粉末に関する。
従来、サーメット溶射被覆層(以下、単に「被覆層」または「溶射被膜」ともいう。)として施されている代表的なものは使用温度によって異なり、常温から500℃程度までの温度範囲では、WC−Co系やWC−Ni系のものが、これより高い900℃までの高温域では、Cr3 C2 −NiCr系やCr3 C2 −Ni系のものがあり、これらの被膜層はそれぞれ目的に応じた硬度と、耐熱性、耐摩耗性、耐酸化性などを有している。
前記した従来型のサーメット溶射被膜のうち、WC−Co系のものは、500℃までの乾燥雰囲気中では、硬度や耐摩耗性は優れているものの、耐食性や耐熱性が低く、特に500℃以上の酸化性雰囲気における耐熱性や耐食性に問題がある。また、Cr3 C2 −NiCr系のものは、900℃の高温域まで、耐食性や耐熱、耐酸化性は維持されるものの、硬度や耐摩耗性が劣る。さらに、これらの被膜は一般に耐熱衝撃性が低く、靭性が劣っているので、被膜層が剥離しやすく、用途範囲が限られている。
この特許第3134768号公報に記載の硼化物系サーメット溶射用粉末は、WBおよび単体金属のCo、Cr、Moを基本構成要素とし、該粉末を造粒・焼結して形成されたサーメット粒子の一つ一つが、微細なW2 CoB2 を主とした粒子(以下、「W2 CoB2 粒子」という。)と、それらを金属結合層として結びつけるCo−Cr−Mo系合金相とから構成されたものであり、前記粉末が、5〜45μmもしくは15〜53μmの粒度範囲よりも粗い場合には、緻密な溶射被覆層を形成させることが困難であるとされている。しかし、原料粉末の粒度などについての言及はない。溶射被膜は、溶射ガン内でサーメット粒子の金属結合層を溶融またはそれに近い状態とする温度に加熱・高速化されたものが母材表面に扁平状に付着し、それが順次堆積していくことに、より緻密で高い密着力を有するものとして形成される。
本発明の硼化物系サーメット溶射用粉末は、質量比にて、B:2.5〜4.0%、Co:15.0〜30.0%、Cr:5.0〜10.0%、Mo:3.0〜6.0%を含み、残部Wと不可回避的不純物からなるようにWB粒子と単体金属のCo、Cr、Mo粒子とで構成された複合粉末組成物からなる硼化物系サーメット溶射用粉末において、見かけ密度が3.0〜4.0g/cm3 の範囲にあることを特徴とする。
本発明は、上記の課題を解決すべく鋭意研究を重ねた結果、W2 CoB2 で表わされるW−Co系の複硼化物は、高い硬度や耐摩耗性を示すだけでなく、優れた耐熱衝撃性と靭性を有すること、さらに前記複硼化物に金属結合相として優れた耐熱性を有するCo−Cr−Mo系合金相を組み合わせ、これらをサーメット化することによって、高い硬度と耐摩耗性を有し、耐熱、耐酸化性および耐熱衝撃性を併せ有するサーメット溶射被膜を得ることができることを見出だした。また、前記サーメット被膜中に適量の複硼化物相を緻密にしかも均一に分散形成させるためには、含有させるべきBに最適添加範囲が存在すること、また、金属結合相となるCoとCrとMoは合金の状態ではなく、それぞれを単体金属として添加するのが適当であるとの知見を得ている。これらに加えて、さらにサーメット粉末の見かけ密度にも最適範囲が存在すること、また、一次粒子としてのWB粒子には、最適粒度範囲が存在することを見いだした。
Wは、Bと同様に複硼化物相を形成するために必要な元素であり、該複硼化物相は、W2 CoB2 で表されるが、サーメット溶射粉末中のWの含有量が50.0質量%未満では、前記複硼化物相の形成は不十分となり、溶射被覆層は所望の硬度と耐摩耗性が得られない。一方、70.0質量%を超えると、硬度、耐摩耗性および溶融亜鉛や溶融アルミニウムに対する耐食性は向上するが、靭性や耐熱衝撃性、さらに粉末の溶射付着効率(溶射時の歩留り)が著しく低下する。したがって、溶射用粉末中のWの含有量は、50.0〜70.0%の範囲が適当である。なお、WとBは、一次粒子用原料粉末としてWB粒子の形で導入される。
Moは、金属結合相を形成するCoとCrと結合して、該金属結合相の耐食性と強度とを一層高めるとともに、さらにはMo2 CoB2 で表される複硼化物を形成するために必要な元素である。Moの含有量が3.0質量%未満では、上記した効果は得られず、また6.0質量%を超えると金属結合相の強度がかえって低下してしまう。従って、溶射用粉末中のW含有量は、3.0〜6.0質量%の範囲が適当である。
そして、本発明の溶射用粉末組成物においては、さらにWとBとの合計量を52.5〜70.0質量%に、また、CoとCrとMoの合計量を25.0〜45.0質量%に規制することにより、得られた溶射被覆層の脆化や剥離現象を抑制することができる。また、上記した本発明の溶射用粉末を製造する場合にはCo、CrおよびMoをそれぞれ単体金属粉末として用いることが肝要である。これは、これらの元素を合金粉末の形態、たとえばステライト合金粉末等の形態で用いた場合には、合金粉末中のCoはWB等の硼化物と結合し難く、W2 CoB2 複硼化物が形成されにくいからである。
また、一次粒子用原料粉末として使用されるWB粉末は、溶射被膜の硬度および耐摩耗性に寄与するものであり、本発明のサーメット粒子では、WB粉末がこれらのバインダー的役割を担うCo、Cr、Mo粉末と共に整粒され、焼結されることにより、複硼化物としてのW2 CoB2 粒子と、これらの金属結合層であるCo−Cr−Mo系合金層を晶出させたものであり、このW2 CoB2 粒子の粒径はWB粉末の粒径に比例して大きくなる。
そして、その溶射被膜は、W2 CoB2 粒子の一つ一つの表面に、均一にCo−Cr−Mo系合金層が被覆されたものとなるのが理想である。しかし、WB粒子の平均粒径が1.5μmより大きいと、W2 CoB2 粒子間の空孔部が大きくなり、部分的にCo−Cr−Mo系合金層が過多となってしまい、耐熱性、耐摩耗性、耐食性の低下を生じてしまう。一方、1.0μm未満では、W2 CoB2 粒子の比表面積が大きく、Co、Cr、Moの必要添加量を増加する必要が生じ、Co−Cr−Mo系合金層の増加による耐摩耗性、耐食性等の低下するか、Co−Cr−Mo系合金層が不足する場合には、耐熱衝撃性と靭性の低下が生じる。このため、本発明では、一次粒子用原料として使用されるWB粒子の粒径を1.0〜1.5μmの範囲に限定する。
さらに、サーメット粉末の見かけ密度は、W2 CoB2 粒子間の結合力と、サーメット粒子内部の空孔率に影響するものであり、その値が3.0g/cm3 未満であると、W2 CoB2 粒子間の結合力が低く、内部の空孔率も大きいため、母材との衝突時に扁平状にはならずに砕けて周囲に飛散しやすく、形成された被膜もサーメット粒子内部の空孔が残存したものとなるため、耐熱衝撃性の低下を生ずる。一方、4.0g/cm3 より高い値であると、その緻密化には2000℃以上の焼結温度が必要となり、WO3 等の脆弱な酸化物が晶出し、さらにはW2 CoB2 が晶出せずにWBがそのまま残存してしまい、耐熱衝撃性と靭性を低下させてしまう。このため、本発明では、サーメット粒子としての見かけ密度を3.0〜4.0g/cm3 の範囲に限定する。
なお、見かけ密度は、焼結温度を1360℃にすることにより調整し、JISZ2504に記載の金属粉末の見かけ密度測定方法により測定した結果、3.6g/cm3 であった。また、WB粒子の平均粒径は、粉砕粉を空気分級により2.0μm以下とすることにより調整し、レーザー回折式粒度分布測定法により測定した結果、1.2μmであった。
前記の基板表面に形成された溶射被覆層をCu−καX線回折法により同定した結果、主としてW2 CoB2 の三元系複硼化物相が認められた。また、EPMA定量分析による被覆層の組成分析を行った結果を表2に示す。試験片表面のビッカース硬度(荷重:0.3kgf)は1595であった。往復運動摩耗試験機を用い、JIS H 8503 第9項に規定された試験方法に従って、相手材にSiC研磨紙320番を使用し、試験荷重を3.0kgf、往復荷重回数を1600回として試験片の耐摩耗性試験を行った結果、摩耗減量は、0.51m2 であった。
次に、試験片を900℃の電気炉中に2時間保持して被覆層の酸化増量の測定を行ったところ、その値は3.5mg/cm2 であり、高い耐酸化性を有することが確認された。900℃の高温下で測定した試験片表面のビッカース硬度(荷重:0.3kgf)は805であった。以上の諸特性試験結果を総括して表3に示す。
混合する粉末の添加量、WB粉末の平均粒径、および分級粒度範囲を変えた以外は、実施例1と同様の原料粉末を用い、その所定量を粉砕混合し、造粒後焼結して見かけ密度を調整し、実施例2〜4、および従来例1〜2の溶射用粉末を得た。また、W粉末、Co粉末およびC粉末ならびにCr粉末、Ni粉末およびC粉末の所定量を用いて、それぞれ従来法によるWC−Co系サーメット溶射被膜形成用粉末(従来例3〜4)およびCr3 C2 −NiCr系サーメット溶射被膜形成用粉末(従来例5)を作成した。これらの粉末組成物の化学組成を表1に示す。
以上の結果によれば、本発明による溶射用粉末を使用して得られた硼化物系サーメット溶射被膜は、従来使用されてきたWC−Co系サーメット溶射被膜に匹敵する硬度と耐摩耗性を有し、またCr3 C2 −NiCr系サーメット溶射被膜を凌駕する耐酸化性と耐熱性を備えると共に、これら従来のサーメット溶射被膜に比べて著しく高い耐熱衝撃性を有しており、さらに同様の組成範囲に於いても、WB粉末の平均粒径と、サーメット粉末の見かけ密度を調整することにより、より高い特性が得られることが明らかになった。
また、470℃で溶融しているZn−0.15%Al中へ120時間(5日間)の浸漬試験をしたところ、実施例1の腐食減量は92.2mg/cm2 、被膜残存率は87.2%であった。一方、従来例1の腐食減量は97mg/cm2 、被膜残存率は85.1%であり、また、従来例3の腐食減量は282mg/cm2 、被膜残存率は33.9%であった。この溶融亜鉛および溶融アルミニウムへの浸漬試験結果によれば、本発明のサーメット溶射被膜のこれら溶融金属に対する耐腐食性は従来のサーメット溶射被膜に比べて一段と優れており、さらには同様の組成範囲においてもWB粉末の平均粒径を微細とし、サーメット粉末の見かけ密度を向上させることにより、より優れた特性が得られることが確認された。
The present invention includes a typical a spray cermet tungsten carbide-cobalt (WC-Co) based hardness and abrasion resistance comparable to spray coating layer, a chromium carbide-nickel chromium (Cr 3 C 2 -NiCr) heat resistance superior to the system thermal spray coating layer and having and oxidation resistance, and has the above-mentioned WC-Co system and the Cr 3 C 2 -NiCr system spraying high not seen in the coating layer thermal shock resistance and toughness The present invention relates to a thermal spray powder for producing a cermet thermal spray coating.
[Prior art]
In recent years, with the development of high performance, high precision, diversification, and low energy cost of industrial machines, etc. with the development of industry, cermet coating has been developed using metal and ceramic components as thermal spraying materials. The performance requirements for the cermet spray coating to be formed are becoming more and more stringent and require even better performance than ever before.
Conventionally, a typical cermet spray coating layer (hereinafter simply referred to as a “coating layer” or “spray coating”) varies depending on the use temperature, and in a temperature range from room temperature to about 500 ° C., WC In the high-temperature range up to 900 ° C., there are Cr 3 C 2 —NiCr and Cr 3 C 2 —Ni-based and Co-based and WC-Ni-based ones. And heat resistance, abrasion resistance, oxidation resistance, and the like.
However, as described above, with the recent development of industry, the use environment of cermets has been diversified, and it has been desired to further improve these characteristics. It is desired to develop a coating material having both of the above. For example, it is immersed in a high-temperature hot-dip galvanizing bath (450 to 500 ° C.) or molten aluminum (700 to 800 ° C.) for producing a surface-treated steel sheet for an automobile or the like, and continuously passed. The coating layer for coating sink rolls, support rolls, etc. used to support and guide the steel sheet and apply uniform galvanization to the surface of the steel sheet simply has high hardness, heat resistance, and wear resistance. In addition to having high heat resistance, corrosion resistance to molten metal, thermal shock resistance, and excellent toughness are required.
Among the above-mentioned conventional cermet sprayed coatings, WC-Co-based coatings have excellent hardness and abrasion resistance in a dry atmosphere up to 500 ° C., but have low corrosion resistance and heat resistance, particularly 500 ° C. or higher. Have a problem in heat resistance and corrosion resistance in an oxidizing atmosphere. Further, Cr 3 C 2 —NiCr-based alloys have poor hardness and abrasion resistance up to a high temperature range of 900 ° C., although corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and oxidation resistance are maintained. Further, these coatings generally have low thermal shock resistance and poor toughness, so that the coating layer is easily peeled off, and the range of application is limited.
As described above, the coating layer conventionally used has a high hardness and is excellent in abrasion resistance, but is inferior in corrosion resistance and heat resistance, or is insufficient in abrasion resistance and hardness even though it is excellent in heat resistance and corrosion resistance. In addition, all had low thermal shock resistance and were inferior in toughness. As a thermal spraying powder for forming a cermet spray coating capable of simultaneously satisfying all of these required characteristics, Japanese Patent No. 3134768 discloses a powder having a mass ratio of B: 2.5 to 4.0%, Co: 15.0-30.0%, Cr: 5.0-10.0%, Mo: 3.0-6.0%, composed of a composite powder composition composed of the balance W and unavoidable impurities. A boride-based cermet spray powder is disclosed.
The boride-based cermet spraying powder described in Japanese Patent No. 3134768 is based on cermet particles formed by granulating and sintering the powder with WB and simple metals Co, Cr and Mo as basic constituent elements. Each one is composed of fine particles mainly composed of fine W 2 CoB 2 (hereinafter, referred to as “W 2 CoB 2 particles”) and a Co—Cr—Mo alloy phase that connects them as a metal bonding layer. When the powder is coarser than the particle size range of 5 to 45 μm or 15 to 53 μm, it is said that it is difficult to form a dense thermal spray coating layer. However, there is no mention of the particle size of the raw material powder. The thermal spray coating is heated and accelerated to a temperature at which the metal bonding layer of cermet particles is melted or close to that in the thermal spray gun.The thermal spray coating adheres flat to the surface of the base material and is deposited sequentially. In addition, it is formed as having a higher density and higher adhesion.
However, if the apparent density of the cermet particles is low and the inside is not dense (porous shape), the cermet particles will be easily crushed at the time of collision with the base material during thermal spraying, and the powder particles will not be deposited in a flat shape, resulting in many pores. In addition, a thermal spray coating having a reduced bonding force between the primary particles and the secondary particles is formed. As a result, a thermal sprayed coating having low strength (toughness), hardness, abrasion resistance, and corrosion resistance is obtained, and sufficient performance is not exhibited.
Since Co, Cr, and Mo decrease the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the thermal sprayed coating with an increase in the added amount, usually, the minimum amount required for bonding the primary particles (Co ≧ 15 mass%, Cr ≧ 5% by mass, Mo ≧ 3% by mass). Therefore, if the particle size of the WB particles used as the raw material powder for the primary particles is not a size suitable for being uniformly coated with the Co—Cr—Mo-based alloy phase as the metal bonding layer, the metal particles are partially removed. There has also been a problem that an excessive amount or shortage of the bonding layer occurs, and sufficient characteristics cannot be obtained.
[Patent Document 1]
Patent No. 3134768
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present invention has been made in view of the above-mentioned problems in the conventional cermet spray coating, and has excellent hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and heat resistance, and also has a high thermal shock resistance and toughness. A thermal spray powder for forming an improved cermet thermal spray coating is provided.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The boride-based cermet thermal spray powder of the present invention has a mass ratio of B: 2.5 to 4.0%, Co: 15.0 to 30.0%, Cr: 5.0 to 10.0%, Mo: a boride-based composition containing 3.0 to 6.0% and comprising a composite powder composition composed of WB particles and simple metal Co, Cr, and Mo particles so that the balance is made of W and unavoidable impurities. The powder for cermet spraying is characterized in that the apparent density is in the range of 3.0 to 4.0 g / cm 3 .
In another embodiment, B: 2.5 to 4.0%, Co: 15.0 to 30.0%, Cr: 5.0 to 10.0%, Mo: 3.0 by mass ratio. Boride-based cermet spraying powder comprising a composite powder composition comprising WB particles and simple metal Co, Cr and Mo particles so as to contain the balance W and unavoidable impurities. The average particle diameter of WB particles as a raw material powder for primary particles is in the range of 1.0 to 1.5 μm.
It is preferable that both the apparent density and the average particle size of the WB particles are in the above ranges.
The total amount of W and B is preferably 52.5 to 70.0% by mass ratio, and the total amount of Co, Cr and Mo is preferably 25.0 to 45.0% by mass ratio. .
The preferred particle size of the powder constituting the thermal spraying powder varies depending on the thermal spraying method. However, when air or reduced pressure plasma thermal spraying is employed, the range of 15 to 53 μm and 15 to 45 μm is appropriate. When the thermal spraying method is used, the thickness is preferably in the range of 5 to 45 μm, 5 to 30 μm, 5 to 38 μm, 15 to 45 μm, and 15 to 53 μm.
As a result of intensive studies to solve the above-mentioned problems, the present invention has revealed that the W—Co-based double boride represented by W 2 CoB 2 exhibits not only high hardness and wear resistance but also excellent heat resistance. Having high impact resistance and toughness, a high hardness and abrasion resistance can be obtained by combining the double boride with a Co-Cr-Mo-based alloy phase having excellent heat resistance as a metal bonding phase and forming a cermet thereof. It has been found that a cermet spray coating having both heat resistance, oxidation resistance and thermal shock resistance can be obtained. Further, in order to form an appropriate amount of the double boride phase in the cermet film in a dense and uniform dispersion, there is an optimum addition range for B to be contained, and Co and Cr, which are metal bonding phases, Mo has been found not to be in the state of an alloy, but to be appropriately added as a single metal. In addition to these, it has been found that there is an optimum range in the apparent density of the cermet powder, and that the WB particles as the primary particles have an optimum particle size range.
The constituent components of the cermet spray powder for obtaining the boride-based cermet spray coating layer according to the present invention are as described above, and the reasons for limiting the respective components will be described below.
B is an element necessary for forming a double boride phase by combining with W and Co. When the content of B in the cermet spraying powder is less than 2.5% by mass, the heat during the thermal spray coating is low. Since the amount of B in the thermal spray coating layer is reduced to less than 1.5% by mass due to the influence and oxidation, the obtained thermal spray coating layer cannot have sufficient hardness and wear resistance. On the other hand, when the content exceeds 4.0% by mass, the hardness is increased, but the strength (toughness and thermal shock resistance) of the sprayed coating layer is significantly reduced. Therefore, the B content in the thermal spraying powder is suitably in the range of 2.5 to 4.0%.
W is an element necessary for forming a double boride phase similarly to B. The double boride phase is represented by W 2 CoB 2 , and the content of W in the cermet sprayed powder is 50%. If it is less than 0.0% by mass, the formation of the double boride phase becomes insufficient, and the sprayed coating layer cannot obtain desired hardness and wear resistance. On the other hand, if it exceeds 70.0% by mass, hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance to molten zinc and molten aluminum are improved, but toughness and thermal shock resistance, as well as powder thermal spray adhesion efficiency (yield during thermal spraying) are significantly reduced. I do. Therefore, the content of W in the thermal spraying powder is appropriately in the range of 50.0 to 70.0%. Note that W and B are introduced in the form of WB particles as raw material powder for primary particles.
Co is an element that is a main component of the formation of a metal bonding phase, but is also an element that is indispensable for the formation of a double boride phase, and has an effect of imparting high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance to the obtained thermal spray coating layer. Having. If the Co content is less than 15.0% by mass, the amount of mutual solid solution between the formed metal bonding phase and the double boride phase is reduced, so that the bonding strength is reduced and defects such as pores are generated. Easier to do. On the other hand, if it exceeds 30.0% by mass, the corrosion resistance in the metal bonding phase is reduced, and a large amount of fragile borides such as CoB is formed in the double borides, so that the toughness of the thermal spray coating layer is reduced. Resulting in. Therefore, the Co content in the thermal spraying powder is appropriately in the range of 15.0 to 30.0% by mass.
Cr is an element that contributes to corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and oxidation resistance, and has an effect of forming a metal bonding phase by combining with Co to improve toughness. If the content of Cr is less than 5.0% by mass, the above-mentioned effects cannot be sufficiently obtained. If the content exceeds 10.0% by mass, the corrosion resistance, heat resistance and oxidation resistance of the obtained thermal spray coating layer are reduced. Although it further improves, it is not preferable because it reduces toughness. Therefore, the Cr content in the thermal spraying powder is suitably in the range of 5.0 to 10.0% by mass.
Mo combines with Co and Cr forming a metal bonding phase to further enhance the corrosion resistance and strength of the metal bonding phase, and furthermore, is necessary for forming a double boride represented by Mo 2 CoB 2. Element. If the Mo content is less than 3.0% by mass, the above-mentioned effects cannot be obtained. If the Mo content exceeds 6.0% by mass, the strength of the metal binding phase is rather reduced. Therefore, the W content in the thermal spraying powder is suitably in the range of 3.0 to 6.0% by mass.
In the thermal spraying powder composition of the present invention, the total amount of W and B is set to 52.5 to 70.0% by mass, and the total amount of Co, Cr and Mo is set to 25.0 to 45. By regulating the content to 0% by mass, embrittlement and peeling of the obtained thermal spray coating layer can be suppressed. When producing the thermal spraying powder of the present invention, it is important to use Co, Cr and Mo as simple metal powders, respectively. This is because when these elements are used in the form of an alloy powder, for example, in the form of a stellite alloy powder or the like, Co in the alloy powder hardly binds to a boride such as WB and W 2 CoB 2 double boride is formed. This is because it is difficult to form.
The WB powder used as the raw material powder for the primary particles contributes to the hardness and abrasion resistance of the thermal spray coating, and in the cermet particles of the present invention, the WB powder plays a role of a binder such as Co, Cr And W 2 CoB 2 particles as a double boride and a Co—Cr—Mo alloy layer as a metal bonding layer thereof are crystallized by sizing and sintering together with Mo powder. The particle size of the W 2 CoB 2 particles increases in proportion to the particle size of the WB powder.
Ideally, the thermal spray coating is one in which the surface of each W 2 CoB 2 particle is uniformly coated with a Co—Cr—Mo-based alloy layer. However, if the average particle size of the WB particles is larger than 1.5 μm, the pores between the W 2 CoB 2 particles become large, and the Co—Cr—Mo-based alloy layer partially becomes excessive, resulting in heat resistance. , Abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance are reduced. On the other hand, if it is less than 1.0 μm, the specific surface area of the W 2 CoB 2 particles is large, and it is necessary to increase the required addition amount of Co, Cr, and Mo. When the corrosion resistance or the like is reduced or the Co—Cr—Mo alloy layer is insufficient, the thermal shock resistance and the toughness are reduced. For this reason, in the present invention, the particle size of the WB particles used as a raw material for primary particles is limited to the range of 1.0 to 1.5 μm.
The particle size of such WB particles can be regulated by air classification by setting the particle size range to 2.0 μm or less.
Further, the apparent density of the cermet powder affects the bonding force between the W 2 CoB 2 particles and the porosity inside the cermet particles, and if the value is less than 3.0 g / cm 3 , the apparent density of the W 2 CoB 2 binding force between particles is low, since the porosity of the interior is also large, easily scattered around crumble to not become flat at the time of collision with the base material, formed film also internal cermet particles sky Since the holes remain, the thermal shock resistance is reduced. On the other hand, if the value is higher than 4.0 g / cm 3 , the densification requires a sintering temperature of 2000 ° C. or more, a fragile oxide such as WO 3 is crystallized, and W 2 CoB 2 is further reduced. The WB remains without being crystallized, and the thermal shock resistance and toughness are reduced. For this reason, in the present invention, the apparent density as cermet particles is limited to the range of 3.0 to 4.0 g / cm 3 .
The apparent density increases as the sintering temperature increases, and can be regulated by sintering at 1350 to 1400 ° C.
As a method for applying cermet spray coating on a substrate using the thermal spray powder of the present invention, a conventional method, air or reduced pressure plasma spraying using a spray gun or high-speed gas flame spraying is applied. Usually, a spraying powder having a particle size of 15 to 53 μm and 15 to 45 μm is used for the plasma spraying method, and 5 to 30 μm, 5 to 38 μm, 5 to 45 μm or 15 to 45 μm and 15 to 45 μm for the high-speed gas flame spraying method. Thermal spray powder with a particle size of 53 μm is used. When these powders are coarser than the above-mentioned particle size range, it is difficult to form a dense thermal spray coating layer, and the adhesion yield of the thermal spray powder due to insufficient heating is reduced. Therefore, only a thermal sprayed coating layer having low hardness and low adhesion yield can be obtained, resulting in quality deterioration and cost increase. In addition, when the particle size is finer than the above range, the fluidity of the powder decreases, and the fine powder having high heat receiving efficiency is melted and deposited on the inner surface of the nozzle of the spray gun, so that the spraying workability is remarkable. Be impaired. The particle size of the thermal spray powder is adjusted by granulation.
[Example 1]
70 wt%, 18 wt%, 8 wt% and 4 wt% of WB powder, Co powder, Cr powder and Mo powder containing 5.6 wt% of B were collected, placed in a stainless steel container, and placed in a vibrating ball mill. For 24 hours by wet grinding. The slurry taken out of the container was spray-dried in a non-oxidizing atmosphere, granulated, and then sintered in vacuum. The obtained powder was collected and sized with an air classifier into powder having a size of 5 to 45 μm to prepare a powder for thermal spraying.
The apparent density was adjusted by setting the sintering temperature to 1360 ° C., and as a result of being measured by the apparent density measuring method of metal powder described in JISZ2504, was 3.6 g / cm 3 . The average particle size of the WB particles was adjusted to 2.0 μm or less by pulverized powder by air classification, and as a result of measurement by a laser diffraction particle size distribution measurement method, it was 1.2 μm.
Table 1 shows the chemical composition of the obtained thermal spraying powder, the average particle size of the WB powder, the apparent density as cermet particles, and the classified particle size range. Next, a spray coating layer having a thickness of 0.4 mm was formed on the SS400 substrate by high-speed gas flame spraying (fuel: hydrogen-oxygen) using this powder. Then, the irregularities on the surface of the coating layer were removed by machining and surface polishing to obtain a test piece.
As a result of identifying the thermal spray coating layer formed on the substrate surface by Cu-κα X-ray diffraction, a ternary double boride phase of W 2 CoB 2 was mainly observed. Table 2 shows the results of composition analysis of the coating layer by EPMA quantitative analysis. The Vickers hardness (load: 0.3 kgf) of the test piece surface was 1,595. Using a reciprocating abrasion tester, in accordance with the test method specified in JIS H 8503, paragraph 9, using SiC polished paper No. 320 as the mating material, setting the test load to 3.0 kgf and the number of reciprocating loads to 1,600 times As a result of the abrasion resistance test, the loss on abrasion was 0.51 m 2 .
On the other hand, after holding the test piece in an electric furnace at 600 ° C. for 30 minutes, a heat cycle of quenching in water was repeated 30 times, and each time, the presence or absence of cracks and peeling generated in the coating layer was visually observed and color checked. As a result of the evaluation of the thermal shock resistance, no abnormality was recognized during the thermal cycle, and it was found to have high thermal shock resistance.
Next, when the test piece was held in an electric furnace at 900 ° C. for 2 hours and the oxidation weight increase of the coating layer was measured, the value was 3.5 mg / cm 2 , indicating that the sample had high oxidation resistance. confirmed. The Vickers hardness (load: 0.3 kgf) of the test piece surface measured at a high temperature of 900 ° C. was 805. Table 3 summarizes the results of the various characteristic tests described above.
From these results, it is understood that the cermet sprayed coating according to the present invention is excellent in various properties such as hardness, abrasion resistance, high-temperature oxidation resistance, thermal shock resistance and high-temperature hardness (heat resistance).
[Examples 2 to 4 and Conventional Examples 1 to 5]
Except that the addition amount of the powder to be mixed, the average particle size of the WB powder, and the classified particle size range were changed, the same amount of the raw material powder as in Example 1 was used. The apparent density was adjusted to obtain thermal spraying powders of Examples 2 to 4 and Conventional Examples 1 and 2. Further, using predetermined amounts of W powder, Co powder and C powder, and Cr powder, Ni powder and C powder, WC-Co-based cermet thermal spray coating forming powders (conventional examples 3 to 4) and Cr 3 by conventional methods, respectively. C 2 -NiCr cermet sprayed coating forming powder (conventional example 5) was created. Table 1 shows the chemical compositions of these powder compositions.
Next, using these thermal spray powders, test pieces having a thermal spray coating layer formed by a high-speed gas flame spraying method on an SS substrate were obtained in the same manner as in Example 1, and each test piece was obtained in the same manner as in Example 1. The composition analysis and the property test of the thermal spray coating layer were performed. The results are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
[Table 1]
[Table 2]
[Table 3]
According to the above results, the boride-based cermet sprayed coating obtained by using the thermal spraying powder according to the present invention has hardness and abrasion resistance comparable to those of the conventionally used WC-Co cermet sprayed coating. and also provided with a oxidation resistance and heat resistance superior to Cr 3 C 2 -NiCr cermet sprayed coating, as compared to these conventional cermet sprayed coating has a significantly higher heat shock resistance, further the same composition Even in the range, it became clear that higher characteristics could be obtained by adjusting the average particle size of the WB powder and the apparent density of the cermet powder.
In addition, when an immersion test was performed for 120 hours (5 days) in Zn-0.15% Al molten at 470 ° C., the corrosion weight loss of Example 1 was 92.2 mg / cm 2 , and the residual film ratio was 87. 0.2%. On the other hand, the weight loss of corrosion of Conventional Example 1 was 97 mg / cm 2 , and the film residual ratio was 85.1%. The weight loss of Corrosion of Conventional Example 3 was 282 mg / cm 2 , and the residual film ratio was 33.9%. . According to the results of the immersion test in molten zinc and molten aluminum, the corrosion resistance of the cermet sprayed coating of the present invention to these molten metals is much better than that of the conventional cermet sprayed coating, and even in the same composition range. It was also confirmed that more excellent characteristics could be obtained by reducing the average particle size of the WB powder and improving the apparent density of the cermet powder.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, the thermal sprayed coating using the boride-based cermet thermal spraying powder according to the present invention has higher thermal shock resistance, and toughness while maintaining its properties as compared with the conventionally known thermal sprayed coating using the boride-based cermet thermal spraying powder. Is even better.