このため、これまでに多層配線基板における金属配線や層間絶縁膜を平坦化する種々の加工技術が開発されてきており、その一つにCMP(Chemical Mechanical Polishing :化学機械的研磨)技術がある。CMP技術は、半導体製造において層間絶縁膜の平坦化、埋め込み配線形成、プラグ形成等に必要となる技術である。
従来、半導体基板の金属膜の研磨には種々の研磨組成物や研磨方法の提案がなされている。土肥俊郎ら著「半導体平坦化CMP技術」(1998年7月、工業調査会発行)235頁に示されているように、金属のCMPでは研磨用組成物中の酸化剤により金属の表面を酸化し不動態化し、pHを酸性にするなどしてわずかに金属が腐蝕する(エッチング)条件下で研磨パッドと砥粒で研磨が行われる。例えば半導体基板上に形成されたアルミニウム等金属膜の研磨組成物としては、酸化アルミニウムをpH3以下の硝酸水溶液中に分散してなる研磨組成物(米国特許第4, 702, 792号明細書)、酸化アルミニウムや酸化ケイ素を硫酸、硝酸、酢酸等の酸性水溶液と混合してなる研磨組成物(米国特許第4, 944, 836号明細書)がある。また、酸化アルミニウムを過酸化水素とリン酸水溶液中に分散した研磨組成物(米国特許第5, 209, 816号明細書)など、酸化アルミニウムまたは酸化ケイ素等の砥粒と、過酸化水素等の酸化剤よりなる研磨組成物が通常使用されている。しかしながら、半導体基板上の金属膜の平坦化に酸化アルミニウムを用いた場合、α型では高い研磨速度を示す反面、金属膜や絶縁膜の表面にマイクロスクラッチやオレンジピール等の欠陥を発生させることがあった。一方、γ型や非晶質アルミナまたは酸化ケイ素等の砥粒を用いた場合、金属膜や絶縁膜の表面のマイクロスクラッチやオレンジピール等の欠陥発生を抑えることができるが、金属膜の研磨に際して十分な研磨速度が得られないという問題があった。このように、酸化アルミニウムや酸化ケイ素などの金属酸化物から成る砥粒を水溶液中に分散した研磨組成物は、砥粒自体の分散性不良に起因した表面スクラッチの問題があった。また、この他にも前述のように液状酸化剤である過酸化水素を用いた場合や、過硫酸アンモニウム等の金属エッチャントを用いた場合(特開平6-313164号公報)、ウェットエッチングが過度に進むことによりディッシング(図1(D)の金属膜4の中央部が周辺部より過剰に研磨される現象)やピット、ボイド等の欠陥が発生するなど実用化に際し問題があった。
ところで、ポリオキソ酸とりわけヘテロポリ酸は、日本化学会編「ポリ酸の化学」(1993年8 月、学会出版センター発行)にも記載のように、強い酸性と酸化作用を有するものであり、これを金属の不動態化処理やエッチングに用いることは特表平9-505111号公報等に記載されている。実際ヘテロポリ酸を半導体表面のエッチング剤として適用した例(Applied SurfaceScience vol.135、No.1/4、pp65-70(1998.10.8))や、ポリオキソ酸もしくはその塩を研磨用エッチング剤として用いる試みもなされている(特開2000-119639号公報)。特に後者においては、ポリオキソ酸もしくはその塩のみを研磨用エッチング剤として用いる場合(第1研磨組成物)および、これにさらに研磨材として公知の砥粒を含有させる場合(第2研磨組成物)の二つの使用方法について記載されている。第1研磨組成物の場合、ヘテロポリ酸を単独で金属膜研磨用のエッチング剤として使用すると、ヘテロポリ酸は水に可溶であるため液状酸化剤として作用することから、前述の如く研磨速度とディッシング性能の両方を満足することはできない。すなわち、研磨速度を上げるためにヘテロポリ酸の濃度を高めると、同時にエッチングも進行しディッシングの発生が起こる。一方、上記ヘテロポリ酸にアンモニア等の塩基性物質を作用させヘテロポリ酸塩として使用すると、エッチングは抑制されるが、同時に研磨速度も低下してしまう。そのため、研磨速度を高める目的で、この種の第1研磨組成物に研磨材を含有させ第2研磨組成物とすることが提案されているが、これは研磨材を使用することにより機械的研磨を行おうとするものであり、研磨速度を高めるためには高い研磨荷重が必要となる。従って、低荷重で高い研磨速度を得ようとする本目的に合致するものではない。
日本化学会編、「ポリ酸の化学」、初版、学会出版センター、1993年8 月25日、86〜87頁、112〜123頁
A.Rothschild、C.Debiemme−Chouvy、A.Etcheberry著、「Study of the interaction at rest potential between silicotungstic heteropolyanion solution and GaAssurface」Applied SurfaceScience、1998年10月8日、vol.135、No.1/4、pp65-70
1) ポリオキソ酸および/またはその塩、非イオン性界面活性剤、アニオン性界面活性剤および水を含有してなることを特徴とする金属用研磨組成物。
2) ポリオキソ酸および/またはその塩と非イオン性界面活性剤、アニオン性界面活性剤とから成る複合体粒子を含むことを特徴とする1)の発明の金属研磨組成物。
3) ポリオキソ酸および/またはその塩が、ヘテロポリ酸および/またはその塩である1)または2)の発明の金属用研磨組成物。
4) 非イオン性界面活性剤がHLBの異なる2種以上を併用することを特徴とする1)〜3)のいずれかの発明の金属用研磨組成物。
5) 1)〜4)のいずれかの発明の金属用研磨組成物を用いることを特徴とする半導体基板上の金属膜の研磨方法。
6) 1)〜4)のいずれかの発明の金属用研磨組成物を用いることを特徴とする半導体基板の製造方法。
ヘテロポリ酸は、前記イソポリ酸にヘテロ元素を中心元素として組み込むことによって得られるものであり、その構成は縮合配位元素、中心元素および酸素から成る。ここで縮合配位元素とは、前記ポリオキソ酸の構成元素を意味し、このうちMo、W及びVからなる群より選ばれた少なくとも1 種を含むものが好ましい例として挙げられ、その他Nb、Ta等の元素を含んでも良い。また、ヘテロポリ酸の中心元素はP、Si、As、Ge、Ti、Ce、Mn、Ni、Te、I、Co、Cr、Fe、Ga、B、V、Pt、BeおよびZnからなる群より選ばれた1種であり縮合配位元素と中心元素の原子比(縮合配位元素/中心元素)は2.5〜12である。
このような非イオン性界面活性剤としては、例えば「新・界面活性剤入門 藤本武彦著 昭和60年11月1日発行 三洋化成工業株式会社」の92頁 第2・5・1表に記載のあるポリエチレングリコール型および多価アルコール型の非イオン性界面活性剤であれば適用が可能である。前記ポリエチレングリコール型の非イオン性界面活性剤としては、例えば各種疎水性基にエチレンオキサイドを付加させ親水性基を導入したものであり、高級アルコールエチレンオキサイド付加物、アルキルフェノールエチレンオキサイド付加物、脂肪酸エチレンオキサイド付加物、多価アルコール脂肪酸エステルエチレンオキサイド付加物、高級アルキルアミンエチレンオキサイド付加物、脂肪酸アミドエチレンオキサイド付加物、油脂のエチレンオキサイド付加物、ポリプロピレングリコールエチレンオキサイド付加物等が挙げられる。一方、多価アルコール型の非イオン性界面活性剤は、親水性の多価アルコールに疎水性の脂肪酸をエステルあるいはアミド基を介して結合させたもので、グリセロールの脂肪酸エステル、ペンタエリスリトールの脂肪酸エステル、ソルビトールおよびソルビタンの脂肪酸エステル、ショ糖の脂肪酸エステル、アルカノールアミン類の脂肪酸アミド等が挙げられる。
本発明においては、前記アニオン性界面活性剤を1種単独で使用することもできるし、また その2種以上を併用することもできる。
(1)微細(5μm未満)粒子:湿式粒度分析計 日機装社製 マイクロトラックUPA-9230)を用いて測定した。
(2)粗大(5μm以上)粒子:湿式粒度分析計 堀場製作所 LA-700を用いて測定した。
ポリオキソ酸としてリンバナドモリブデン酸:PVMo(商品名PVM-1-11 日本無機化学工業社製)12gを水176gに溶解させ、ホモジナイザーで攪拌下、これに非イオン性界面活性剤としてポリオキシエチレン合成アルコールエーテル:SF-1(商品名BLAUNON DAL−5、HLB=10.7、青木油脂工業社製)8gを添加した後、アニオン性界面活性剤としてドデシルベンゼンスルホン酸(和光純薬工業社製)4gを添加し金属用研磨組成物を得た。この組成物のUPA-9230測定による平均粒子径は約100nmであった。この評価結果を表1に示す。
非イオン性界面活性剤としてSF-1の代わりに、ポリオキシエチレンオレイルエーテル:SF-2(商品名BLAUNON EN-905、HLB=8.9、青木油脂工業社製)を用いる以外は実施例1と全く同様にして金属用研磨組成物を得た。この組成物のUPA-9230測定による平均粒子径は約80nmであった。この評価結果を表1に示す。
ポリオキソ酸としてケイモリブデン酸:SiMo(商品名SM 日本無機化学工業社製)を用いる以外は実施例1と全く同様にして金属用研磨組成物を得た。この組成物のUPA-9230測定による平均粒子径は約70nmであった。この評価結果を表1に示す。
非イオン性界面活性剤としてSF-1の代わりに、ポリオキシエチレン合成アルコールエーテル:SF-3(商品名BLAUNON OX-20、HLB=5.7、青木油脂工業社製)8gを用いる以外は、実施例1と全く同様にして、金属用研磨組成物を得た。この組成物のUPA-9230測定による平均粒子径は約200nmであった。この評価結果を表1に示す。
ポリオキソ酸としてPVMoの12gを水68gに溶解させ、ホモジナイザーで攪拌下、これに非イオン性界面活性剤としてポリオキシエチレンセチルエーテル:SF-4(商品名BLAUNON CH-305、HLB=9.4、青木油脂工業社製)8gを純水52gに混合したものを添加し、次にこれに非イオン性界面活性剤としてポリオキシエチレン2-エチルヘキシルエーテル:SF-5(商品名BLAUNON EH-2、HLB=8.1、青木油脂工業社製)3gを純水57gに混合したものを添加した後、アニオン性界面活性剤としてドデシルベンゼンスルホン酸(和光純薬工業社製)3gを添加することにより金属用研磨組成物を得た。この組成物のUPA-9230測定による平均粒子径は約230nmであった。この評価結果を表1に示す。
ポリオキソ酸としてPVMoの12gを水68gに溶解させ、ホモジナイザーで攪拌下、これに前記非イオン性界面活性剤:SF-4の6gを純水54gに混合したものを添加し、次にこれに非イオン性界面活性剤としてポリオキシエチレン合成アルコールエーテル:SF-6(商品名BLAUNON OX-20、HLB=5.7、青木油脂工業社製)2gを純水58gに混合したものを添加した後、アニオン性界面活性剤としてドデシルベンゼンスルホン酸(和光純薬工業社製)3gを添加することにより金属用研磨組成物を得た。この組成物のUPA-9230測定による平均粒子径は約120nmであった。この評価結果を表1に示す。
[比較例5] クエン酸6gを水162gに加え溶解し、これにベンゾトリアゾール(BTA)0.4gをエタノール3gに溶解して得られる溶液を加え、さらにこれにコロイダルシリカ(平均粒径40nm、シリカ濃度20%、日産化学工業社製)60gを加え、最後に過酸化水素水(試薬特級、30%水溶液)28gを加えて研磨組成物を調整した。この組成物のUPA-9230測定による平均粒子径は約40nmであった。この組成物の評価結果を表1に示す。
1 半導体基板
2 絶縁膜
3 バリヤーメタル層
4 金属膜[0001]
The present invention relates to a polishing composition used for polishing a metal film formed on a semiconductor substrate, a method for polishing a metal film on a semiconductor substrate using the same, and a method for manufacturing a semiconductor substrate.
[Prior art]
With the rapid progress of LSI technology, integrated circuits have been increasingly miniaturized and multilayered. The use of multilayer wiring in integrated circuits is a factor that causes the unevenness of the semiconductor surface to become extremely large, and this, coupled with the miniaturization of integrated circuits, results in disconnection, reduction in electric capacity, occurrence of electromigration, etc., resulting in lower yield and lower reliability. Cause problems.
For this reason, various processing techniques for planarizing metal wirings and interlayer insulating films in a multilayer wiring board have been developed so far, and one of them is a CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) technique. The CMP technique is a technique necessary for flattening an interlayer insulating film, forming an embedded wiring, forming a plug, and the like in semiconductor manufacturing.
CMP is performed by rotating each of the carrier and the polishing pad while pressing a flat wafer, usually made of semiconductor material, mounted on the carrier with a constant pressure against a wet polishing pad. At this time, the protrusions of the wiring and the insulating film are polished and flattened by the polishing composition introduced between the wafer and the polishing pad.
Conventionally, various polishing compositions and polishing methods have been proposed for polishing a metal film on a semiconductor substrate. As shown in Toshio Doi et al., "Semiconductor Flattening CMP Technology" (July 1998, published by the Industrial Research Institute), page 235, metal CMP oxidizes the metal surface with an oxidizing agent in the polishing composition. Polishing is performed with a polishing pad and abrasive grains under conditions where the metal is slightly corroded (etched) by, for example, passivating and making the pH acidic. For example, as a polishing composition for a metal film such as aluminum formed on a semiconductor substrate, a polishing composition obtained by dispersing aluminum oxide in a nitric acid aqueous solution having a pH of 3 or less (US Pat. No. 4,702,792); There is a polishing composition (US Pat. No. 4,944,836) in which aluminum oxide or silicon oxide is mixed with an acidic aqueous solution such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and acetic acid. Also, an abrasive such as aluminum oxide or silicon oxide, and a polishing composition such as a polishing composition in which aluminum oxide is dispersed in an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and phosphoric acid (US Pat. No. 5,209,816); Polishing compositions comprising oxidizing agents are commonly used. However, when aluminum oxide is used for flattening a metal film on a semiconductor substrate, α-type shows a high polishing rate, but on the surface of a metal film or an insulating film, defects such as microscratch or orange peel can occur. there were. On the other hand, when abrasive grains such as γ-type or amorphous alumina or silicon oxide are used, the occurrence of defects such as micro scratches and orange peel on the surface of the metal film or the insulating film can be suppressed. There was a problem that a sufficient polishing rate could not be obtained. As described above, the polishing composition in which abrasive grains composed of metal oxides such as aluminum oxide and silicon oxide are dispersed in an aqueous solution has a problem of surface scratches due to poor dispersibility of the abrasive grains themselves. In addition, as described above, when hydrogen peroxide as a liquid oxidizing agent is used, or when a metal etchant such as ammonium persulfate is used (JP-A-6-313164), wet etching proceeds excessively. This causes problems in practical use, such as dishing (a phenomenon in which the central portion of the metal film 4 in FIG. 1D is excessively polished from the peripheral portion) and defects such as pits and voids.
For the purpose of improving this, there has been proposed a method of adding a chemical reagent (corrosion inhibitor, chelating agent, etc.) for forming a protective film on the surface of the metal film in the polishing composition (JP-A-8-83780, (Kaihei 11-195628). However, when such a chelating agent is used, etching is surely suppressed and dishing or the like can be prevented. However, since a protective film is formed on a portion to be polished, the polishing rate is extremely reduced. Occurs. Attempts have been made to optimize the amount of etchant and chelating agent used to prevent this, but it is difficult to find conditions that satisfy the performance of both, and the results are reproducible because they are easily affected by process conditions. There is a problem that can not be obtained. In addition, 200 nm / min. 200g / cm to obtain a high polishing rate 2 The protective film may be removed at a high polishing pressure as described above (Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2000-252242). However, in the case of a porous low dielectric constant insulating film that is expected to become mainstream in the future, the film is removed. Since there is a problem in the strength, if an excessive stress is applied to the substrate, the insulating film is destroyed. In addition, when the polishing pressure is increased and the pad is mechanically polished, the pad surface is more easily affected by the polishing, so that it is difficult to manage the pad surface state by the dressing, which has been performed so far, which is a major problem in process management. It becomes. Further, there is a problem that expensive pads are quickly consumed and cost is increased.
By the way, polyoxo acids, especially heteropoly acids, have strong acidity and oxidizing action, as described in “The Chemistry of Polyacids” (edited by The Chemical Society of Japan) (August 1993, published by the Society Press). The use in passivation and etching of metals is described in Japanese Patent Publication No. 9-505111. Examples in which a heteropoly acid is actually used as an etching agent for a semiconductor surface (Applied Surface Science vol. 135, No. 1/4, pp 65-70 (1998. 10.8)), or polyoxo acid or a salt thereof is used as a polishing etching agent. Attempts have been made to use it (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 2000-119639). In particular, in the latter case, the case where only polyoxoacid or a salt thereof is used as a polishing etchant (first polishing composition) and the case where known abrasive grains are further added thereto as a polishing material (second polishing composition) Two uses are described. In the case of the first polishing composition, when the heteropoly acid is used alone as an etching agent for polishing a metal film, the heteropoly acid is soluble in water and thus acts as a liquid oxidizing agent. We cannot satisfy both performances. That is, when the concentration of the heteropoly acid is increased to increase the polishing rate, etching also proceeds at the same time, and dishing occurs. On the other hand, when a basic substance such as ammonia is allowed to act on the heteropoly acid to use as a heteropoly acid salt, etching is suppressed, but at the same time, the polishing rate is reduced. Therefore, for the purpose of increasing the polishing rate, it has been proposed that the first polishing composition of this type contain an abrasive to form a second polishing composition. In order to increase the polishing rate, a high polishing load is required. Therefore, it does not meet the purpose of the present invention for obtaining a high polishing rate with a low load.
[Patent Document 1]
U.S. Pat. No. 4,702,792
[Patent Document 2]
U.S. Pat. No. 4,944,836
[Patent Document 3]
U.S. Pat. No. 5,209,816
[Patent Document 4]
[Patent Document 5]
[Patent Document 6]
JP 2000-252242 A
[Patent Document 7]
Japanese Patent Publication No. 9-505111
[Patent Document 8]
JP 2000-119639 A
[Non-patent document 1]
Toshio Doi et al., "Semiconductor Flattening CMP Technology", First Edition, Published by the Industrial Research Council, July 15, 1998, p.235.
[Non-patent document 2]
The Chemical Society of Japan, "Chemistry of Polyacids", First Edition, Academic Publishing Center, August 25, 1993, pp. 86-87, 112-123.
[Non-Patent Document 3]
A. Rothschild, C.I. Debiemme-Chouvy, A. et al. Etchebury, "Study of the interaction at rest potential between silicotungstic heteropolyanion solution and GaAssurface", Applied. 135, no. 1/4, pp65-70
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
According to the present invention, the metal film on the semiconductor substrate can be polished at a high speed even under a low load, and the etching property causing dishing is controlled to a low level. At the same time, the metal film 4 of FIG. And a polishing composition used for polishing a metal film formed on a semiconductor substrate, which can also suppress the occurrence of defects on the surface to be polished (phenomenon of polishing the insulating film 2 around the substrate). It is an object to provide a method for polishing a metal film on a semiconductor substrate and a method for manufacturing a semiconductor substrate.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present inventors have conducted intensive studies to solve the above problems, and as a result, a polishing composition containing a polyoxoacid, a nonionic surfactant, an anionic surfactant and water has heretofore been difficult. The inventors of the present invention have found that it is possible to suppress etching and dishing and at the same time achieve a high polishing rate under a low load, and it is effective in polishing a metal film on a substrate. Thus, the present invention has been accomplished. That is, the present invention is as follows.
1) A polishing composition for metals, comprising a polyoxoacid and / or a salt thereof, a nonionic surfactant, an anionic surfactant and water.
2) The metal polishing composition according to the invention of 1), comprising composite particles comprising a polyoxoacid and / or a salt thereof, a nonionic surfactant, and an anionic surfactant.
3) The metal polishing composition according to 1) or 2), wherein the polyoxo acid and / or its salt is a heteropoly acid and / or its salt.
4) The metal polishing composition according to any one of 1) to 3), wherein two or more nonionic surfactants having different HLBs are used in combination.
5) A method for polishing a metal film on a semiconductor substrate, comprising using the polishing composition for a metal according to any one of 1) to 4).
6) A method for manufacturing a semiconductor substrate, comprising using the metal polishing composition of any one of 1) to 4).
The present invention will be specifically described below.
In the present invention, a low load means approximately 15 KPa or less, and a high speed polishing means a polishing speed of approximately 300 nm / min or more.
The metal polishing composition of the present invention comprises polyoxoacid and / or a salt thereof, a nonionic surfactant, an anionic surfactant and water. The polishing composition of the present invention contains other components such as commonly used additives within a range that does not impair the effects of the present invention, as described below, or according to the purpose. However, it is a feature that the object of the present invention can be achieved.
The polyoxo acid used in the present invention is a product obtained by condensing an oxygen acid composed of elements such as Mo, V, W, Ti, Nb, and Ta, and corresponds to isopoly acid and heteropoly acid. Isopolyacid is a condensed oxygen acid composed of a single element among the constituent elements of the polyoxoacid, and examples thereof include polymolybdic acid, polyvanadic acid, polytungstic acid, polytitanic acid, polyniobate, and polytantalic acid. Among these, in the case of the present invention for the purpose of metal polishing, polymolybdic acid, polyvanadic acid, and polytungstic acid are preferred from the viewpoint of the ability to etch (oxidize and dissolve) the metal.
The heteropoly acid is obtained by incorporating a hetero element as a central element into the isopoly acid, and has a constitution comprising a condensed coordination element, a central element and oxygen. The term "condensed coordination element" as used herein means a constituent element of the above-mentioned polyoxoacid, and preferred examples include those containing at least one selected from the group consisting of Mo, W and V, and Nb and Ta. And the like. The central element of the heteropolyacid is selected from the group consisting of P, Si, As, Ge, Ti, Ce, Mn, Ni, Te, I, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, B, V, Pt, Be and Zn. The atomic ratio between the condensed coordination element and the central element (condensed coordination element / central element) is 2.5 to 12.
Specific examples of the above-mentioned heteropolyacid include phosphomolybdic acid, silicomolybdic acid, phosphanadomolybdic acid, cabanadomolybdic acid, lintangostomolybdic acid, catalystostomolybdic acid, olibandotangostomolybdic acid, cabanadotongostomolybdenum Acids, phosphovanadotungstic acid, cabanadotungstic acid, phosphomolybdniobic acid, boromolybdic acid, borotangosmolybdic acid, borovanadomolybdic acid, borovanadotungstic acid, cobaltmolybdic acid, cobaltvanadotungstic acid, phosphotungsten Examples include, but are not limited to, acids, silicotungstic acid, phosphorus vanadic acid, and silicovanadic acid. Among the polyoxo acids, a heteropoly acid is preferable from the viewpoint of sufficient acid strength and oxidizing power for etching a metal for polishing use, and is preferably phosphomolybdic acid, silico molybdic acid, and furthermore, a vanadium-introduced phosphor. Nadomolybdic acid, silicate vanadomolybdic acid and the like can be mentioned. The polyoxo acids may be used alone or as a mixture thereof. Further, for the purpose of adjusting the acidity of the obtained polishing composition and controlling the polishing performance, it is also possible to add a basic substance to these polyoxo acids and use them as polyoxo acid salts. Examples of the polyoxo acid salt include salts of the above-described polyoxo acids with metals, ammonium, and organic amines.
The content of polyoxoacid and / or its salt in the polishing composition of the present invention is not particularly limited, but is preferably used in the range of 0.1 to 30% by mass, more preferably 0.1 to 30% by mass. It is in the range of 5 to 15% by mass. When the content is 0.1% by mass or more, a sufficient polishing rate is exhibited, and when the content is 30% by mass or less, the polishing performance is good.
The nonionic surfactant used in the present invention, by using in combination with the polyoxoacid, can suppress the progress of etching while maintaining a high polishing rate even at a low load, and can control the occurrence of dishing. It becomes possible. Surprisingly, this effect is preferable because a nonionic surfactant having an HLB in the range of 5 to 12 is remarkably observed.
Examples of such a nonionic surfactant include, for example, those described in Table 2, 2.5.1 on page 92 of "Introduction to New Surfactants, Takehiko Fujimoto, published on November 1, 1985, Sanyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd." Any polyethylene glycol type and polyhydric alcohol type nonionic surfactant can be applied. Examples of the nonionic surfactant of the polyethylene glycol type include those obtained by adding ethylene oxide to various hydrophobic groups to introduce a hydrophilic group, such as higher alcohol ethylene oxide adducts, alkylphenol ethylene oxide adducts, and fatty acid ethylene. Oxide adducts, polyhydric alcohol fatty acid ester ethylene oxide adducts, higher alkylamine ethylene oxide adducts, fatty acid amide ethylene oxide adducts, ethylene oxide adducts of fats and oils, polypropylene glycol ethylene oxide adducts and the like. On the other hand, polyhydric alcohol type nonionic surfactants are obtained by binding a hydrophobic fatty acid to a hydrophilic polyhydric alcohol via an ester or amide group, and include a glycerol fatty acid ester and a pentaerythritol fatty acid ester. , Fatty acid esters of sorbitol and sorbitan, fatty acid esters of sucrose, fatty acid amides of alkanolamines, and the like.
Of these nonionic surfactants, those used in the present invention preferably have an HLB in the range of 5 to 12, but the hydrophobicity of the abrasive particles formed with an HLB of 5 or more is appropriate. Yes, good dispersibility, no problems such as sedimentation of particles and layer separation. On the other hand, when it is 12 or less, on the contrary, the hydrophilicity is appropriate, it is effective for forming particles, and the effect of suppressing etching is good.
The nonionic surfactant of the present invention is preferably a polyoxyethylene ether of a higher alcohol having 8 to 24 carbon atoms, a polyoxyethylene ether of an alkylphenol, a polyoxyethylene ether of a polypropylene glycol, which is preferably classified as the polyethylene glycol type surfactant. Oxyethylene ether (pluronic type) is mentioned, and among them, polyoxyethylene ether of higher alcohol having 8 to 24 carbon atoms is particularly preferable. Further, polyoxyethylene ethers of the higher alcohols having 8 to 24 carbon atoms include unsaturated types having a carbon-carbon double bond in the molecule, such as oleyl group, and saturated types having no carbon-carbon double bond. However, a saturated higher alcohol, polyoxyethylene ether, is preferred because a saturated group is hardly deteriorated by oxidation and performance does not deteriorate over time. Such materials include, for example, polyoxyethylene decyl ether, polyoxyethylene lauryl ether, polyoxyethylene cetyl ether, polyoxyethylene stearyl ether, polyoxyethylene 2-ethylhexyl ether, polyoxyethylene tridecyl ether, polyoxyethylene Isostearyl ether, polyoxyethylene synthetic alcohol ether (C12 to C15 in the synthetic alcohol) and the like can be mentioned.
These nonionic surfactants may be used alone, but by using two or more HLBs different from each other, the excellent performance of the polishing composition of the present invention, that is, High dispersibility, low etching property, high-speed polishing property under low load, and the like can be easily exhibited. When two or more nonionic surfactants having different HLBs are used in combination, it is also possible to mix them beforehand or to mix them with polyoxoacid (salt thereof) at the same time, but it is preferable. First, the higher HLB is mixed with the polyoxoacid (the salt thereof), and then the lower HLB is mixed and adjusted to obtain a low etching property and high dispersibility of the produced abrasive particles. This is advantageous in exhibiting high-speed polishing under a low load.
The content of the nonionic surfactant used in the polishing composition of the present invention varies depending on the type and the type and amount of the polyoxoacid (the salt thereof) used, but is preferably 0.1 to 50% by mass. It is used in the range, more preferably in the range of 0.5 to 25% by mass. When the content is 0.1% by mass or more, a sufficient enching suppression effect is exhibited, and the occurrence of dishing can be controlled. Further, when the content is 50% by mass or less, there is no problem such as an increase in viscosity and the handling is easy.
By adding an anionic surfactant to the composition of the present invention, the polishing performance (polishing rate, suppression of dishing, etc.) of the composition can be kept stable, and the storage stability of the composition is greatly improved. be able to. Even if an anionic surfactant is added to an aqueous solution of polyoxoacid (a salt thereof) without adding the above-mentioned nonionic surfactant, a complex (fine particles) described later is not formed. Has no etching suppressing effect. Furthermore, even if a nonionic surfactant and an anionic surfactant are mixed and added, the etching suppressing effect is considerably low. That is, by adding an anionic surfactant after adding a nonionic surfactant, an etching inhibitory effect due to the formation of a complex (fine particles) described later is exhibited, and the storage stability of the polishing composition is significantly improved. Has been found to be effective. Further, they have found that when the added amount of the anionic surfactant is too large as described later, the effect of suppressing the etching is reduced.
The anionic surfactant used in the present invention is not particularly limited, but may be a fatty acid or a salt thereof, an alkyl sulfonic acid or a salt thereof, an alkylbenzene sulfonic acid or a salt thereof, an alkyl sulfosuccinic acid or a salt thereof, a polyoxyethylene alkyl sulfate or Its salts, polyoxyethylene alkylaryl sulfuric acid or its salts, p-styrenesulfonic acid or its salts, alkylnaphthalenesulfonic acids or its salts, naphthalenesulfonic acids or their salts, naphthenic acids or their salts, etc., alkyl ether carboxylic acids or their salts Salt, α-olefinsulfonic acid or a salt thereof, N-acylmethyltaurine, alkyl ether sulfate or a salt thereof, polyoxyethylene alkylphenyl ether sulfate or a salt thereof, alkyl ether phosphate or a salt thereof, Alkyl phosphoric acid ester, or a salt thereof, acylated peptides, formalin polycondensate, condensate of higher fatty acids and amino acids, monoglysulfate, secondary higher alcohol ethoxy sulfates, and the like dialkyl sulfosuccinate salts. In the present invention, a saturated type containing no carbon-carbon double bond (excluding a benzene ring) is preferable because it is hardly deteriorated by oxidation and does not deteriorate in performance over time. Alkyl benzene sulfonic acid or its salt, alkyl sulfosuccinic acid or its salt, polyoxyethylene alkyl sulfuric acid or its salt, polyoxyethylene alkyl aryl sulfuric acid or its salt are preferably used. More preferably, alkyl sulfonic acid, alkyl benzene sulfonic acid, alkyl sulfosuccinic acid, polyoxyethylene alkyl sulfate, and polyoxyethylene alkyl aryl sulfate are used.
In the present invention, the above-mentioned anionic surfactants can be used alone, or two or more of them can be used in combination.
The content of the anionic surfactant used in the polishing composition of the present invention varies depending on the type and the type and amount of the polyoxoacid (salt) and the nonionic surfactant used. It is used in the range of 1 to 50% by mass, and more preferably in the range of 0.3 to 20% by mass. When the amount is 0.1% by mass or more, a sufficient stabilizing effect of the composition is exhibited, and when the amount is 50% by mass or less, there is no inconvenience such as a small dishing or an increase in viscosity.
The polishing composition of the present invention usually uses water as a medium. The dissolution or dispersion of the polyoxoacid (salt), the nonionic surfactant and the anionic surfactant is usually performed by stirring, but a method of sufficiently dispersing using a homogenizer, an ultrasonic wave, a wet medium mill, or the like is used. It is preferably used.
In the polishing composition thus prepared, the polyoxo acid (the salt thereof) forms the nonionic surfactant and the anionic surfactant by the interaction between the polyoxo acid (the salt thereof) and the nonionic surfactant. It is preferable to use a complex (fine particles) having a structure as if taken in micelles and existing in a highly dispersed state in water. The composite referred to here is basically capable of measuring the particle size by a wet particle size analyzer and observing the above structure by a transmission electron microscope as described later, and the number average particles measured by the wet particle size analyzer. Those having a diameter of about 10 nm to 1 μm are preferred. Here, those having a number average particle diameter of less than about 10 nm or existing in a finely dispersed state so that the particle size cannot be measured are also included in the scope of the present invention. In view of the high viscosity and the workability at the time of polishing, etc., composite particles capable of measuring the particle size and observing the structure as described above are preferable.
In the polishing composition of the present invention, although the details of the polishing mechanism are not clear, fine particles formed by the interaction of polyoxoacid (a salt thereof), a nonionic surfactant and an anionic surfactant are chemically polished. It is considered that it acts as abrasive particles exhibiting an effect, can maintain a low etching property, and can exhibit a high polishing rate even under a low load while suppressing the occurrence of dishing. Therefore, these abrasive particles are essentially different in character from the abrasive particles conventionally used for mechanical polishing, and have been a problem caused by the conventional mechanical polishing. Damage to the underlying substrate due to the load is eliminated.
Polishing composition of the present invention, since the etching property of the metal film causing dishing is extremely low, it is not usually necessary to use a protective film forming agent together, but it is necessary within a range that does not substantially reduce the polishing rate. Accordingly, a compound that forms a chelate or a complex with the metal film can be added to further suppress the etching property. In particular, when the metal is copper or a copper alloy containing copper as a main component, a method of adding benzotriazole or quinaldic acid as a chelating agent is effective. Other examples of the anticorrosive include benzotriazole derivatives such as tolyltriazole and benzotriazolecarboxylic acid, cystine, haloacetic acid, glucose and dodecylmercaptan. The amount of these anticorrosives to be added is preferably 100 ppm or less, more preferably 50 ppm or less, which is very small compared to the amount used for conventional abrasives. Conversely, if the addition amount is large, the polishing rate is lowered, and the desired polishing performance cannot be obtained, which is not preferable.
The polishing composition of the present invention may contain a known oxidizing agent within a range that does not cause excessive etching for the purpose of further improving the polishing rate of the metal film. As the oxidizing agent to be contained, known oxidizing agents, for example, peroxides such as hydrogen peroxide, perchloric acid, perchlorate, periodate, periodate, persulfate, persulfate, nitrate, etc. Can be mentioned.
The polishing composition of the present invention may contain an acid as necessary, and the polishing performance of the metal film can be controlled by the type of the acid used and the pH of the obtained polishing composition. Examples of the contained acid include known inorganic acids such as sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, and nitric acid, and known organic acids such as oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid, and acetic acid.
A water-soluble alcohol such as methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol, ethylene glycol and glycerin can be added to the polishing composition of the present invention, if necessary.
The polishing composition of the present invention thus prepared is applied to polishing and flattening of a metal film formed on a semiconductor substrate. The metal film on the semiconductor substrate to be polished is a known metal film for wiring, plug, contact metal layer, and barrier metal layer, for example, aluminum, copper, tungsten, titanium, tantalum, aluminum alloy, copper alloy. , A metal film selected from the group consisting of titanium nitride, tantalum nitride, and the like. In particular, application to a metal film made of copper or a copper alloy having a low surface hardness and easily causing defects such as scratches and dishing is recommended.
As shown in FIG. 1 (C), for a semiconductor substrate obtained by embedding a metal film 4 for wiring, as shown in FIG. (A salt thereof), a nonionic surfactant, and a polishing composition characterized by containing a nonionic surfactant, and are removed by polishing and planarized.
The method of manufacturing a semiconductor substrate according to the present invention is characterized in that a metal film on a semiconductor substrate such as a silicon substrate contains polyoxoacid (a salt thereof), a nonionic surfactant and a nonionic surfactant. And polishing using a polishing composition for polishing. Hereinafter, a method for manufacturing a semiconductor substrate will be described.
First, as shown in FIG. 1A, after an insulating film 2 is formed on a semiconductor substrate 1 such as a silicon substrate, a groove for metal wiring or a wiring for connection wiring is formed in the insulating film 2 by photolithography and etching. An opening is formed. Next, as shown in FIG. 1B, a barrier metal layer 3 made of titanium nitride (TiN), tantalum nitride (TaN), or the like is formed in a groove or an opening formed in the insulating film 2 by a method such as sputtering or CVD. I do. Next, as shown in FIG. 1C, a metal film 4 for wiring is buried so that the thickness is equal to or greater than the height of the groove or opening formed in the insulating film 2. Next, as shown in FIG. 1 (D), a metal polishing composition characterized in that an extra metal film other than the grooves or openings contains polyoxoacid, a nonionic surfactant and an anionic surfactant. It is removed by a method of polishing using an object. Furthermore, a semiconductor substrate having a multilayer wiring structure as an electronic component can be obtained by repeating the above method a required number of times. Note that in the manufacture of the semiconductor substrate, the metal film on the semiconductor substrate may be polished by using the above-described polishing composition for metal or the method of flattening the metal film.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described based on examples, but the present invention is not limited thereto.
The properties of the polishing composition and the evaluation of the polishing performance were performed by the following methods.
<Particle size measurement>
(1) Fine (less than 5 μm) particles: Measured using a wet particle size analyzer (Microtrack UPA-9230 manufactured by Nikkiso Co., Ltd.).
(2) Coarse (5 μm or more) particles: Measured using a wet particle size analyzer HORIBA, Ltd. LA-700.
In addition, the average particle diameter shown hereafter means the particle diameter by number average.
<Measurement of polishing rate>
It was calculated by dividing the change in each film thickness before and after polishing by the polishing time.
The polishing conditions were a polishing pressure of 50 g / cm. 2 The relative speed between the substrate and the polishing pad was 50 m / min, and an IC 1400A21 (manufactured by Rodel-Lunitta) was used as a polishing pad by dressing with a No. 100 dresser. The polishing was performed by polishing a silicon wafer having a copper film (thickness: 1 μm).
<Surface defect (scratch) evaluation>
After washing and drying the silicon wafer polished in the above <Measurement of polishing rate>, a spotlight was applied to the surface of the semiconductor wafer in a dark room, and the presence or absence of scratches was visually determined.
<Evaluation of dishing properties by etching rate measurement>
By evaluating the wet etching property, which is the cause of dishing, the dishing characteristics were evaluated as an alternative. That is, since dishing is caused by erosion of a metal film due to excessive chemical action (wet etching) of the polishing composition, the etching rate of the polishing composition, which is the main cause of dishing, is reduced. The evaluation here evaluates the dishing characteristics as a result.
Specifically, a silicon wafer with a copper film (thickness: 1 μm) is immersed and oscillated in a polishing composition for a certain period of time, and the change in film thickness before and after immersion is measured. The dishing characteristics were evaluated according to the following criteria (基準 to ×). The lower the etching rate, the lower the wet etching property and the less likely dishing occurs.
:: Etching rate less than 3 nm / min
:: etching rate 3 to 10 nm / min
Δ: Etching rate 10 to 50 nm / min
×: Etching rate over 50 nm / min
<Evaluation of storage stability of polishing composition>
The storage stability of the polishing composition after being left at room temperature for one month was evaluated as follows.
:: Change rate of polishing rate and etching rate is less than 5%
Δ: Change rate of polishing rate and etching rate is 5% or more and less than 20%
×: The change rate of the polishing rate and the etching rate is 20% or more.
[Example 1]
12 g of phosphorus vanado molybdic acid: PVMo (trade name: PVM-1-11 manufactured by Nippon Inorganic Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) is dissolved in 176 g of water as a polyoxo acid, and polyoxyethylene is synthesized as a nonionic surfactant under stirring with a homogenizer. After adding 8 g of alcohol ether: SF-1 (trade name BLAUNON DAL-5, HLB = 10.7, manufactured by Aoki Yushi Kogyo Co., Ltd.), dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (manufactured by Wako Pure Chemical Industries) as an anionic surfactant. 4 g was added to obtain a metal polishing composition. The average particle diameter of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 100 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Example 2]
Example 1 except that polyoxyethylene oleyl ether: SF-2 (trade name: BLAUNON EN-905, HLB = 8.9, manufactured by Aoki Yushi Kogyo Co., Ltd.) was used instead of SF-1 as the nonionic surfactant. And a polishing composition for metal was obtained. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 80 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Example 3]
By adding benzotriazole (BTA) to the polishing composition obtained in Example 2 so as to have a concentration of 50 ppm, a metal polishing composition to which an anticorrosive was added was obtained. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 80 nm, as in the polishing composition obtained in Example 2. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Example 4]
A polishing composition for metal was obtained in exactly the same manner as in Example 1 except that silicomolybdic acid: SiMo (trade name, manufactured by SM Japan Inorganic Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) was used as the polyoxo acid. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 70 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Example 5]
Except for using 8 g of polyoxyethylene synthetic alcohol ether: SF-3 (trade name BLAUNON OX-20, HLB = 5.7, manufactured by Aoki Yushi Kogyo Co., Ltd.) instead of SF-1 as the nonionic surfactant, A polishing composition for metal was obtained in exactly the same manner as in Example 1. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 200 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Example 6]
Dissolve 12 g of PVMo as polyoxo acid in 176 g of water, add 4 g of SF-1 as a nonionic surfactant to this under stirring with a homogenizer, and then add nonionic surfactant: SF-3 to this. Was added, and 4 g of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (manufactured by Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added as an anionic surfactant to obtain a polishing composition for metal. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 30 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Example 7]
12 g of PVMo as a polyoxo acid is dissolved in 68 g of water, and stirred with a homogenizer, and polyoxyethylene cetyl ether: SF-4 (trade name BLAUNON CH-305, HLB = 9.4, as a nonionic surfactant) is added thereto. A mixture of 8 g of Aoki Yushi Kogyo Co., Ltd. in 52 g of pure water was added, and then polyoxyethylene 2-ethylhexyl ether: SF-5 (trade name: BLAUNN EH-2, HLB) was used as a nonionic surfactant. = 8.1, 3g of pure water mixed with 57g of pure water, and 3g of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (manufactured by Wako Pure Chemical Industries) as an anionic surfactant was added. Polishing composition was obtained. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 230 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
Example 8
As a polyoxo acid, 12 g of PVMo was dissolved in 68 g of water, and under stirring with a homogenizer, a mixture of 6 g of the nonionic surfactant: SF-4 mixed with 54 g of pure water was added. After adding 2 g of polyoxyethylene synthetic alcohol ether: SF-6 (trade name BLAUNON OX-20, HLB = 5.7, manufactured by Aoki Yushi Kogyo Co., Ltd.) to 58 g of pure water as an ionic surfactant, A polishing composition for metal was obtained by adding 3 g of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid (manufactured by Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.) as an anionic surfactant. The average particle diameter of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 120 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Comparative Example 1]
A composition was obtained in exactly the same manner as in Example 1, except that the nonionic surfactant SF-1 was not added. This composition became a homogeneous solution, and the measurement of the particle size was impossible. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Comparative Example 2]
A composition was obtained in exactly the same manner as in Example 1, except that the same amount of lauryltrimethylammonium chloride: SF-7 was used as the cationic surfactant instead of the nonionic surfactant. The average particle size of this composition measured by LA-700 was about 5 μm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results. After leaving this composition for one day, sedimentation of particles was confirmed.
[Comparative Example 3]
As a polyoxo acid, 12 g of phosphorus vanado molybdic acid: PVMo was dissolved in 188 g of water to obtain a composition containing no surfactant. This composition was in a homogeneous solution state, and measurement of the particle size was impossible. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Comparative Example 4]
A composition was obtained in exactly the same manner as in Example 1, except that the anionic surfactant (dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid) was not added. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 300 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results.
[Comparative Example 5] 6 g of citric acid was added to and dissolved in 162 g of water, and a solution obtained by dissolving 0.4 g of benzotriazole (BTA) in 3 g of ethanol was added thereto. Colloidal silica (average particle size: 40 nm; 60 g of a silica concentration of 20% (manufactured by Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added, and finally 28 g of hydrogen peroxide solution (special grade reagent, 30% aqueous solution) was added to prepare a polishing composition. The average particle size of this composition measured by UPA-9230 was about 40 nm. Table 1 shows the evaluation results of the composition.
[Table 1]
【The invention's effect】
According to the metal film polishing composition of the present invention, it becomes possible to polish a metal film such as a copper film at high speed even under a low load while suppressing etching and dishing, which has been difficult in the prior art. The present invention has found a material having extremely useful performance in polishing a metal film on a semiconductor substrate, and its industrial value is extremely large.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing an example of forming a metal wiring using a CMP technique.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 semiconductor substrate
2 Insulating film
3 Barrier metal layer
4 Metal film