CA1336085C - Missile control mechanism - Google Patents

Missile control mechanism


Publication number
CA1336085C CA 947031 CA947031A CA1336085C CA 1336085 C CA1336085 C CA 1336085C CA 947031 CA947031 CA 947031 CA 947031 A CA947031 A CA 947031A CA 1336085 C CA1336085 C CA 1336085C
Prior art keywords
rotatable portion
control surface
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Expired - Fee Related
Application number
CA 947031
Other languages
French (fr)
Richard Sutton Ransom
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Thales Air Defence Ltd
Original Assignee
Short Brothers and Harland Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Application filed by Short Brothers and Harland Ltd filed Critical Short Brothers and Harland Ltd
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1336085C publication Critical patent/CA1336085C/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current



    • F42B10/00Means for influencing, e.g. improving, the aerodynamic properties of projectiles or missiles; Arrangements on projectiles or missiles for stabilising, steering, range-reducing, range-increasing or fall-retarding
    • F42B10/60Steering arrangements
    • F42B10/62Steering by movement of flight surfaces
    • F42B10/64Steering by movement of flight surfaces of fins


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Fluid Mechanics (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Control Of Position, Course, Altitude, Or Attitude Of Moving Bodies (AREA)


A missile or other moving body comprising a rotatable portion arranged for rotation relative to another portion of the missile or body and control means for rotating said rotatable portion to bring it to any one of a plurality of preselected positions in relation to a datum and for exerting a thrust thereon having a lateral component with respect to the axis of rotation of said rotatable portion to produce a steering effect on the missile or body, said control means including a variable-incidence control surface mounted on the rotatable portion for rotation about a rotary axis transverse to the rotary axis of the rotatable portion, and actuator means responsive to control signals applied thereto for turning said control surface about its rotary axis to a first disposition in which it produces a component thrust causing rotation of said rotatable portion, and a second disposition in which it produces a lateral steering force on the missile.


The present lnvention relates to control systems for movlng bodles and ls partlcularly though not exclusively concerned with a remote control system for an aerlal body such as a missile.
In our copending Canadian Patent Applicatlon No.
904308/64 there ls clalmed a mlsslle or other moving body comprising a rotatable portlon arranged ior rotation relatlve to another portlon of the misslle or body, means for rotatlng sald rotatable portlon and brlnging lt to any one of a number of preselected positlons in relation to a datum, and means on sald rotatable portlon for exertlng a thrust thereon away from the axls of rotatlon to produce a steerlng effect on the mlsslle or body.
It ls well known that the cost of control equlpment used ln a misslle represents an appreclable portlon of the total manufacturlng cost of the missile and attempts are constantly belng made to reduce the cost and also the bulk and weight of the control equlpment. Such economies are particu-larly desirable in the case of small mlssiles and although the misslle formlng the sub~ect of our copendlng patent appllcation effects useful economies ln this directlon lt ls an ob~ect of the present invention to provide an improvement in or modlflca-tion of the mlsslle formlng the sub~ect of the copendlng appll-catlon, ln which the amount of control equlpment is still further reduced.
Accordlng to the present inventlon, there ls provlded a misslle or other movlng body comprlsing a rotatable portlon arranged for rotation relatlve to another portion of the mlsslle or body, and means for rotating sald rotatable portlon to brlng lt to any one of a number of preselected posltlons ln relation to a datum and for exertlng a thrust thereon away from 3 133~08~

the axls of rotatlon to produce a steering effect on the misslle or body.
One embodiment of the inventlon wlll now ~e described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings in whichs-Fig. 1 is a side elevation of a misslle accordlng tothe invention, Flg. 2 is a part sectional plan view of a portlon of the missile shown in Flg. 1, Fig. 3 ls a block schematic diagram of control apparatus housed in the mlsslle, Fig. 4 ls a block schematic dlagram of part of the apparatus shown ln Flg. 3 includlng details of the contents of one of the unlts illustrated in Fig. 3, and Flg. 5 is a schematic perspectlve view of an alter-native arrangement of the control surfaces of the missile, Referring first to Flgs. 1 and 2, a mlsslle 11 comprlses a maln body portion 12 and a nose portlon 13 which is rotatably mounted in bearlngs 14 on the forward end of the maln body portlon 12 for rotation about the longltudinal axis of the missile 11 and which houses a free gyroscope 15 whlch ls arranged to generate an electrlcal slgnal representatlve of the roll attltude of the nose portlon. The nose portlon 13 ls provided with a control surface 16 mounted in the nose portion 13 for rotation about a lateral axis passlng through the longitudinal axis of the missile 11, the lnner end of a shaft 17 supporting the control surface 16 belng provlded wlth an eccentrlcally mounted pin 18 which engages in a peripheral groove 19 in a head 20 of an axially movable push rod 21 coaxial with the rotary axis of the nose portion 13 and exten-ding at one end lnto the rotatable nose portlon 13 and at the 133 ~ 20239-542 other end carrying an armature dlsc 22 mounted concentrlcally wlth respect to the push rod 21 and arranged between and in cooperatlng relation wlth a pair of actuator solenolds 23 and 24 mounted ln the main body portion 12 and coaxial with the longltudinal axis of the missile 11, the arrangement being such that upon energisatlon of the solenoid 23 the push-rod 21 is moved orward into the nose portion 13 acting on the eccentri-cally mounted pin 18 and causing the control surface 16 to be angularly turned in one sense to a flrst deflected position and upon energlsation of the solenoid 24 the push-rod 21 is moved rearward causlng the control surface to be angularly turned in the opposite sense to a second deflected position.
A fixed surface 25 of the same shape and size as the movable control surface 16 ls fixedly mounted on the other side of the nose portlon 13 at a predetermlned angle of lncidence and the arrangement is such that the movable control surface 16 plvots from one of its two deflected positions to the other through an angle which ls equally dlvided by the plane contain-ing the fixed surface 25 and the plvotal axis of the movable control surf~ce 16, the movable control surface 16 moving to a large angle of incidence at one of lts deflected posltlons, herelnafter referred to as the high lncidence position, and movlng to a low angle of lncldence at its other deflected posltlon, hereinafter referred to as the low incidence position.
The two solenoids 23 and 24 hereinbefore referred to are energised under the control of apparatus housed ln the main body portion 12 of the missile ll. The control apparatus is shown in Fig. 3 and includes a battery 26 for supplying energl-slng current to the solenolds 23 and 24 through a changeoverswltch 27 ln a flrst positlon of whlch one of the solenolds 23 -133~08~

and 24 is energlsed and ln a second posltlon of whlch the other of the solenolds 23 and 24 ls energised. A roll-posltlon comparator 28 ls provlded whlch compares the slgnal generated by the gyroscope 15 wlth a roll-demand slgnal transmltted from the remote control ground statlon and fed to the comparator 28 from a slgnal recelver and decoder 29. The output from the comparator 28 ls fed to a roll loglc clrcuit 30 as descrlbed ln our French Patent Application based on ~rltlsh Patent Appllca-tlon No. 50198/64, the output of which is fed via a roll-amplitude comparator 31 to the changeover switch 27, which inresponse thereto swltches to the one or other of its two positions accordlng to whether the slgnal from the roll logic circuit 30 ls posltlve or negatlve, and the arrangement ls such that the changeover swltch 27 ls moved to a posltlon whlch will cause by energlsatlon of the approprlate solenold and the approprlate settlng of the movable control surface 16 at one of lts two deflected positions rotatlon of the nose portlon 13 vla its shorter path to the required roll attitude, whereupon the output from the roll logic circuit becomes zero and changes slgn, causlng the changeover swltch 27 to switch over with the result that the other solenoid becomes energlsed. The movable control surface 16 moves to lts other positlon and the nose portion rotates ln the opposlte sense. The movable control surface 16 then hunts about its undeflected positlon and the nose portion 13 is held at the required roll attltude.
A lateral demand slgnal is transmitted from the ground statlon ln the form of a mark-space slgnal and is converted ln the decoder 29 to a direct current signal which is applled to the roll-amplitude comparator 31 which in response thereto modlfies the amplltude of the output from the loglc _ _ _ _ ~ 1336085 2023g-542 clrcult so that, for example, by an increase ln the amplitude of the slgnal applied to the changeover switch 27, the movable control surface 16 ls held for longer times ln lts deflected posltlons whlch results in an lncrease ln the amplltude of the nose roll osclllatlon and produces a smaller mean steering effect on the missile.
Referrlng now to Flg. 4, the roll amplitude compara-tor 31 takes the form of a Schmidt trlgger clrcult wlth back-lash, wlth the amount of backlash belng varled by the output from the decoder 2g. The output of the Schmldt trlgger clrcult feeds the swltch 27 which operates the solenoids 23 and 24 in antl-phase. As shown, the roll amplitude comparator 31 compri-ses an adder unit 32, a zero-level Schmidt trlgger clrcult 33 and a slgn modulator 34. The trlgger clrcult 33 ls arranged to have an output which is posltlve for posltive lnputs thereto and negative for negative inputs thereto. the output slgnal from the trlgger clrcult 33 is fed to the sign modulator 34 so that the slgn of the output slgnal ls glven to the roll ampli-tude demand output of the decoder 29, whlch ls then summed ln the adder unlt 32 wlth the output of the roll loglc clrcul~ 30 and the summed slgnal applled as an lnput to the Schmidt trlgger clrcuit 33.
In an alternatlve embodlment of the lnventlon shown ln ~lg. 5 the fixed surface ls replaced by a second movable control surface 35 whlch pivots ln the same manner and through the same angle as that through which the control surface 16 plvots, but which is operated by a further eccentrlcally moun-ted pln 36 so arranged as to cause the second control surface 35 to move wlth but ln opposlte sense to the flrst control surface 16, whereby when the flrst control surface 16 moves to the hlgh lncldence posltlons the second control surface 35 moves to the low lncldence posltlon and when the first control surface 16 moves to the low lncldence position the second control surface 35 moves to the hlgh lncldence posltlon.

Claims (23)

1. A missile or other moving body comprising a rotatable portion arranged for rotation relative to a main body portion of the missile or body, and means for rotating said rotatable portion to bring it to any one of a number of preselected positions in relation to a datum and for exerting a thrust thereon away from the axis of rotation to produce a steering effect on the missile or body, said means comprising a control surface pivotally mounted on the rotatable portion on one side thereof for rotation about a lateral axis, an actuating mechanism for turning said control surface in one sense to a first deflected position and in the opposite sense to a second deflected position, and a fixed control surface fixedly mounted on the other side of the rotatable portion at a predetermined angle of incidence, the arrangement being such that the movable control surface pivots from one of its two de-flected positions to the other through an angle which is divided by the plane containing the fixed control surface and the pivotal axis of the movable control surface.
2. A missile or other moving body comprising a rotatable portion arranged for rotation relative to a main body portion of the missile or body, and means for rotating said rotatable portion to bring it to any one of a number of preselected positions in relation to a datum and for exerting a thrust thereon away from the axis of rotation to produce a steering effect on the missile or body, said means comprising a first movable control surface pivo-tally mounted on the rotatable portion on one side thereof for rotation about a lateral axis, a second movable control surface pivotally mounted on the rotatable portion on the other side thereof for rotation about the same lateral axis as the first control surface, and an actuating mechanism to cause said first movable control surface to turn between first and second deflected positions and the second movable control surface to turn between said positions in the same manner as but in the opposite direction to said first movable control surface, each movable control surface in pivoting from one of its two deflected positions to the other being moved through an angle which is divided by a plane inclined at a predetermined angle of incidence and containing the pivotal axis of the movable control surface moved.
3. A missile according to claim 1, wherein the said angle through which the movable control surface pivots is equally divided by said plane.
4. A missile according to claim 3, wherein the movable control surface or each movable control surface has a positive angle of incidence greater than said predetermined angle of incidence in one of its deflected positions and a positive angle of incidence less than said predetermined angle of incidence in its other deflected position.
5. A missile according to claim 4, wherein said actuating mechanism is movable in response to the energisation of an electromagnetic coil or coils forming part of the mechanism and contained in the main body portion of the missile, wherein said coil or coils are mounted in the body portion concen-tric with respect to the rotary axis of the rotatable portion, and wherein said actuating mechanism comprises an axially movable shaft co-axial with the rotary axis and extending at one end into the rotatable portion and at the other end carrying an armature disc mounted concentrically with respect to the shaft and in cooperating relation with said coil or coils which upon energisation causes or cause the disc and the shaft to move axially to effect actuation of the movable control surface.
6. A missile according to claim 5, said shaft and armature disc being rotatable about the rotary axis of the rotatable portion of the missile.
7. A missile according to claim 5, wherein the actuating mechanism in-cludes a spool provided on the end of the shaft, said spool being co-axial with the rotary axis of the rotatable portion and being engaged by a pin which is carried by the movable control surface, the pin slidably engaging in a peripheral groove in the spool and being constrained thereby to follow the axial displacement of the spool whilst rotating with the rotatable portion.
8. A missile according to claim 7, wherein the pin engaging the spool is carried by a supporting shaft for the movable control surface in such a manner that axial displacement of the spool causes a pivotal turning movement of the movable control surface.
9. A missile according to claim 1, wherein said actuating mechanism is arranged to be operated by control apparatus in the missile, said control apparatus comprising a gyroscope mounted in the rotatable portion of the missile and arranged to generate a signal representative of the attitude of the rotatable portion with respect to a predetermined datum roll attitude in space, a receiver mounted in the missile for receiving a control signal from a remote control station representative of a required roll attitude for the rotatable portion with respect to said datum attitude, a comparator to which the signal generated by the gyroscope and the signal received from the control station are applied to produce a switching signal the sign of which represents the direction in which the rotatable portion is required to turn to reach the required roll attitude, and a switch for controlling the energisation of the actuating mechanism and responsive to said switching signal to cause movement of the movable control surface to the appropriate deflected position in response to a switching signal of one sign and to cause movement of the movable control surface to the other deflected posi-tion in response to a switching signal of opposite sign.
10. A missile according to claim 9, wherein means are provided for modifying the switching signal in response to a lateral demand signal trans-mitted from the remote station so that by an increase in the amplitude of the signal applied to the switch the movable control surface is held for longer times in its deflected positions resulting in an increase in the amplitude of the roll oscillation of the rotatable portion and producing a smaller mean steering effect on the missile and by a decrease in the amplitude of the signal applied to the switch the movable control surface is held for shorter times in its deflected positions resulting in a decrease in the amplitude of the roll oscillation of the rotatable portion and a greater mean steering effect on the missile.
11 11. A missile according to claim 1, wherein said first rotatable portion is constituted by a nose portion of the missile which is mounted for rota-tion about the longitudinal axis of the missile on the forward end of the main body portion of the missile.
12. A missile or other moving body comprising a rotatable portion arranged for rotation relative to another portion of the missile or body and control means for rotating said rotatable portion to bring it to any one of a plurality of preselected positions in relation to a datum and for exerting a thrust thereon having a lateral component with respect to the axis of rotation of said rotatable portion to produce a steering effect on the missile or body, said control means including a variable-incidence control surface mounted on the rotatable portion for rotation about a rotary axis transverse to the rotary axis of the rotatable portion, and actuator means responsive to control signals applied thereto for turning said control surface about its rotary axis to a first disposition in which it produces a component thrust causing rotation of said rotatable portion, and a second disposition in which it produces a lateral steering force on the missile.
13. A missile or other moving body comprising a rotatable portion arranged for rotation relative to another portion of the missile or body, a first aerodynamic control surface fixedly mounted on the rotatable portion at a predetermined angle of incidence, a variable-incidence aerodynamic control surface mounted on the rotatable portion for rotation about a rotary axis transverse to the rotary axis of the rotatable portion and actuator means responsive to control signals applied thereto for turning said variable-incidence control surface about its rotary axis to bring it to either of two dispositions in each of which it produces with said fixed control surface a thrust on said rotatable portion having a lateral component with respect to the axis of rotation of said rotatable portion to produce a steering effect on the missile, in one of which it produces with said fixed control surface a component thrust causing rotation of said rotatable portion in one direction and in the other of which it produces with said fixed control surface a component thrust on said rotatable portion causing rotation of said rotatable portion in the opposite sense.
14. A missile or other moving body comprising a rotatable portion arranged for rotation relative to another portion of the missile or body about a longitudinal axis of the missile or body, a pair of variable-incidence aerodynamic control surfaces mounted on the rotatable portion for rotation about a rotary axis transverse to the rotary axis of the rotatable portion and actuator means responsive to control signals applied thereto for turning said control surfaces about their rotary axes between two dis-positions in each of which the control surfaces produce together a thrust on said rotatable portion having a lateral component with respect to the axis of rotation of said rotatable portion to produce a steering effect on the missile, in one of which they produce a component thrust causing rota-tion of said rotatable portion in one direction and in the other of which they produce a component thrust on said rotatable portion causing rotation of said rotatable portion in the opposite direction.
15. A missile according to claim 14, wherein each variable-incidence control surface pivots from one of its dispositions to the other through an angle which is divided by a plane inclined at a predetermined angle of incidence and containing the pivotal axis of the variable-incidence control surfaces.
16. A missile according to claim 15, wherein the said angle through which each control surface pivots is equally divided by said plane.
17. A missile according to claim 16, wherein each control surface has a positive angle of incidence greater than said predetermined angle of incidence in one of its two deflected positions and a positive angle of incidence less than said predetermined angle of incidence in its other deflected position.
18. A missile according to claim 17, wherein said actuating mechanism is arranged to be operated by control apparatus in the missile, said control apparatus comprising a gyroscope mounted in the rotatable portion of the missile and arranged to generate a signal representative of the attitude of the rotatable portion with respect to a predetermined datum roll attitude in space, a receiver mounted in the missile for receiving a control signal from a remote control station representative of a required roll attitude, a comparator to which the signal generated by the gyroscope and the signal received from the control station are applied to produce a switching signal the sign of which represents the direction in which the rotatable portion is required to turn to reach the required roll attitude, and a switch for controlling the energization of the actuating mechanism and responsive to said switching signal to cause movement of each control surface to the appropriate deflected position in response to a switching signal of one sign and to cause movement of each control surface to the other deflected position in response to a switching signal of opposite sign.
19. A missile according to claim 14, wherein said first rotatable portion is constituted by a nose portion of the missile which is mounted for rota-tion about the longitudinal axis of the missile on the forward end of the main body portion of the missile.
20. A missile according to claim 14, wherein said actuating mechanism is movable in response to the energization of an electromagnetic coil or coils forming part of the mechanism and contained in the main body portion of the missile, wherein said coil or coils are mounted in the body portion concentric with respect to the rotary axis of the rotatable portion, and wherein said actuating mechanism comprises an axially movable shaft coaxial with the rotary axis and extending at one end into the rotatable portion and at the other end carrying an armature disc mounted concentrically with respect to the shaft and in cooperating relation with said coil or coils which upon energization causes or cause the disc and the shaft to move axially to effect actuation of the variable-incidence control surfaces
21. A missile according to claim 20, wherein the shaft and armature disc are rotatable about the rotary axis of the rotatable portion of the missile
22. A missile according to claim 21, wherein the actuating mechanism includes a spool provided on the end of the shaft, said spool being coaxial with the rotary axis of the rotatable portion and being engaged by a pin which is carried by each control surface, each pin slidably engaging in a peripheral groove in the spool and being constrained thereby to follow the axial displacement of the spool whilst rotating with the rotatable portion.
23. A missile according to claim 22, wherein each pin engaging the spool is carried by a supporting shaft for the control surface in such a manner that axial displacement of the spool causes a pivotal turning movement of the movable control surface.
CA 947031 1965-02-16 1965-12-06 Missile control mechanism Expired - Fee Related CA1336085C (en)

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GB6735 1965-02-16
GB673565A GB1605392A (en) 1965-02-16 1965-02-16 Improvements relating to control systems for missiles

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CA 947031 Expired - Fee Related CA1336085C (en) 1965-02-16 1965-12-06 Missile control mechanism

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US7696459B2 (en) 2007-06-12 2010-04-13 Hr Textron, Inc. Techniques for articulating a nose member of a guidable projectile
US7791007B2 (en) * 2007-06-21 2010-09-07 Woodward Hrt, Inc. Techniques for providing surface control to a guidable projectile
RU2676775C1 (en) * 2018-03-01 2019-01-11 Акционерное общество "Научно-производственное предприятие "Дельта" Method of flying aerial bomb control

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