

Pagic provides a wealth of configurations, and most users can build a static website with rich functions through config files.

Pagic's config file name is pagic.config.ts or pagic.config.tsx (if you use jsx syntax in your config file).

Listed below are the official config options. Some third-party themes or plugins may contain additional config options. Please refer to their documentation.

Input and output§


  • Type: string
  • Default: .

The source directory to execute the Pagic build process, the default is the current directory . where pagic.config.ts is located:

export default {
  srcDir: '.',
|── dist    # Output directory
|   └── index.html
├── pagic.config.ts

Usually when writing a document for an existing project, you can write the document in a subdirectory by setting srcDir option:

export default {
  srcDir: 'docs',};
|── dist    # Output directory
|   └── index.html
├── pagic.config.ts
└── docs    # Source directory    └──


  • Type: string
  • Default: dist

The output directory constructed by Pagic can be used with srcDir to customize the input and output directories at the same time:

export default {
  srcDir: 'docs',
  outDir: 'public',};
|── public  # Output directory|   └── index.html├── pagic.config.ts
└── docs    # Source directory


  • Type: glob[]
  • Default: undefined

include limits the files that will be scanned in srcDir. It is often used to specify some files or directories when srcDir is configured as .:

export default {
  srcDir: '.',
  outDir: 'public',
  include: ['', 'docs'],};
|── public  # Output directory
|   |── index.html
|   └── docs
|       └── index.html
├── src
├── dist
├── test
├── pagic.config.ts
├──└── docs    # Source directory    └──

In the above example, src, dist, and test are irrelevant directories. Pagic only cares about the file and docs directory specified by include.

include allows to configure a string in glob format, such as docs/**/*.md will only match all md files in the docs directory.


exclude is similar to include and is used to exclude specified files in srcDir.

By default, exclude will exclude some files that are obviously not needed by Pagic to build, such as hidden files starting with ., package.json, node_modules, etc. It should be noted that the user configured outDir will also default be ruled out.

When we configure the exclude field in pagic.config.ts, it will not overwrite the default value, but will concat to the default value, for example, when we configure as follows:

export default {
  exclude: ['test'],};

The final runtime exclude will be:

export default {
  exclude: [
    // Dot files
    // Node common files

    // ${config.outDir} will be added later

    'test',  ],

Similar to include, exclude also allows configuration of strings in glob format.


  • Type: string
  • Default:

The root path the site will be deployed at. You will need to set this if you plan to deploy your site under a sub path, for example, GitHub Pages. If you plan to deploy your site to, then you should set root to '/bar/'. It should always start and end with a slash.

Themes and plugins§


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'default' When using the official theme, the value should be 'default' |'docs' |'blog'.

When using a third-party theme, the value should be an URL like this:


  • Type: string[]
  • Default: ['clean', 'init', 'md', 'tsx', 'script', 'layout', 'out']

When using official plugins, the items in the array should be the names of official plugins, see Official Plugins List for details.

When using a third-party plugin, the items in the array should be an URL like this:

It should be noted that the plugins configured by the user will not replace the default plugins, but will be inserted into the default plugins according to a rule. For details, please refer to How to develop a plugin.

Take config file as an example:

export default {
  plugins: ['sidebar', 'prev_next', 'ga'],

The inserted plugins are:

export default {
  plugins: ['clean', 'init', 'md', 'tsx', 'sidebar', 'prev_next', 'ga', 'script', 'layout', 'out'],

In addition, you can delete the default plugins by setting items beginning with -, such as this:

export default {
  plugins: ['-script'],

This configuration will delete the script plugin in the default plugins, so that the generated website does not have the React-related <script> tag, and it also loses the SPA ability when jumping between pages.

But for very simple websites, such as one-page-website, this configuration is very suitable.

Page content§

The option related to the page content will be processed in the plugin, and then passed as props to _layout.tsx.

How to use props in the end depends on the theme, so not every theme supports any option.

In short, when configuring the page content, you need to ensure that you are using the theme supported by the option, and add the plugins that the option depends on.

The support status of official themes is listed below. If you are using a third-party theme, please check its documentation to confirm.


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined (If there are no special instructions, the default value is always undefined)
  • Supported themes: all
  • Dependent plugins: none

The title of the website, it will be used as the suffix of all page titles.


  • Type: string
  • Supported themes: all
  • Dependent plugins: none

The description of the website, it will be rendered into the HTML of the current page with the <meta> tag.

  • Type: ReactElement
  • Supported themes: all
  • Dependent plugins: none

Additional elements that need to be injected into the HTML <head> of the current page. Due to the use of jsx syntax, the config file needs to be renamed to pagic.config.tsx and make sure React is imported.

For example, add a custom favicon:

import { React } from '[email protected]/mod.ts';

export default {
  head: <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png" />,

If you need to inject multiple elements, you need to wrap it with <> tags:

import { React } from '[email protected]/mod.ts';

export default {
  head: (
    <>      <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png" />
      <script src="/assets/custom.js" />
    </>  ),
  • Type: complex, please see below
  • Supported themes: docs, blog
  • Dependent plugins: none

Navigation configuration, an example is as follows:

import { React } from '[email protected]/mod.ts';

export default {
  nav: [
      text: 'Docs',
      link: '/docs/index.html',
      text: 'Buy me a coffee',
      link: '',
      target: '_blank',
      popover: (
          <img src="/assets/wechat.jpg" width="256" style={{ marginRight: '1rem', verticalAlign: 'top' }} />
          <img src="/assets/alipay.jpg" width="256" style={{ verticalAlign: 'top' }} />
      text: 'About',
      link: '/about/index.html',
      align: 'right',


  • Type: string
  • Supported themes: all
  • Dependent plugins: none

Configure the GitHub link of the project, usually will display a link in the upper right corner, and will also be used for the link of the editOnGitHub button.


  • Type: string
  • Default: the git branch at build time
  • Supported themes: docs, blog
  • Dependent plugins: none

Configure the GitHub branch of the project for the link of editOnGitHub button. If there is no configuration, the git branch at build time will be used. If the git branch cannot be obtained, use main.

  • Type: complex, please see below
  • Supported themes: docs
  • Dependent plugins: sidebar

Sidebar configuration, an example is as follows:

export default {
  sidebar: {
    '/docs/': ['docs/', 'docs/', 'docs/'],
    '/about/': [
        link: 'about/',
        expanded: false,
        children: ['about/'],
        text: 'Who is using Pagic?',
        link: 'about/',
        text: 'Foldable item without link',
        children: ['about/'],
    '/': ['docs/', 'about/'],

In the above example, the page starting with /docs/ will display the docs sidebar, the page starting with /about/ will display the about sidebar, and other pages will hit / to display the default sidebar.

The sidebar will be fully expanded by default, unless expanded: false is configured.


  • Type: complex, please see below
  • Supported themes: all
  • Dependent plugins: md

The configuration of how to parse markdown files, an example is as follows:

export default {
   md: {
     anchorLevel: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
     tocEnabled: true,
     tocLevel: [1, 2, 3, 4]

In the above example:

  • AnchorLevel is used to configure which levels of titles need to render an anchor link when markdown is converted to HTML. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] means that the anchor link must be displayed from h1 to h6. Its default value is [2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
  • tocEnabled is used to enable toc (table of content).
  • tocLevel is used to configure which levels of titles need to be included in toc (table of content). [1, 2, 3, 4] means that titles from h1 to h4 will be included in toc. Its default value is [2, 3].


  • Type: ReactElement
  • Supported themes: docs
  • Dependent plugins: none

Ads displayed at the top of the table of content, an example is as follows:

import { React } from '[email protected]/mod.ts';

export default {
  tocAd: (
        __html: `
<script async src=""></script>
<!-- 192*128 -->
  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


  • Type: Record<string, any>
  • Supported themes: docs
  • Dependent plugins: none

Some small tools, such as editOnGitHub, backToTop, etc. an example is as follows:

export default {
  tools: {
    editOnGitHub: true,
    backToTop: true,
  • Type: Record<string, any>
  • Supported themes: all
  • Dependent plugins: none

The footer of all pages, an example is as follows:

import { React } from '[email protected]/mod.ts';

export default {
  footer: (
      Powered by&nbsp;
      <a href="" target="_blank">


  • Type: { id:string }
  • Supported themes: all
  • Dependent plugins: ga

Google analytics configuration, an example is as follows:

export default {
  ga: {
    id: 'UA-45256157-14',


  • Type: complex, please see below
  • Supported themes: docs
  • Dependent plugins: gitalk

Gitalk can add comments to the page, an example is as follows:

export default {
  gitalk: {
    clientID: '29aa4941759fc887ed4f',
    clientSecret: '33e355efdf3a1959624506a5d88311145208471b',
    repo: 'typescript-tutorial',
    owner: 'xcatliu',
    admin: ['xcatliu'],
    pagerDirection: 'first',


The configuration of blog is complex, please checkout Blog.


The configuration of i18n is complex, please checkout Internationalization.

Cli options§

The command line options can also be configured in pagic.config.ts, and this options will be overwritten if the parameters are passed in the runtime.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Watch file changes to rebuild.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Start local service, preview static website.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 8000

Specify the port of the local service.