‘Security, Certainty, Trust. Historical and Contemporary Aspects of the Concept of Safety’, in: Gemma Blok and Jan Oosterholt (eds.), The Cultural Construction of Safety and Security. Imaginaries, Discourses and Philosophies that Shaped Modern Europe, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, p. 27-45, 2023
In this chapter I focus on a deep and nuanced insight into the concept
of safety. I choose three ... more In this chapter I focus on a deep and nuanced insight into the concept
of safety. I choose three approaches: (1) an etymological and conceptual-historical analysis of the terms securitas and certitudo; (2) an existential-phenomenological analysis of safety as a basic human experience and
need; (3) a hermeneutical and post-phenomenological understanding
of contemporary threats to safety in a high-technological society. The
main conclusion is that considerations of safety should reach beyond
the modern false dilemma between subjective freedom and objective
control, towards a better understanding of the complicated relationship
between trust and security.
Papers by Eddo Evink
and consequences of which are not well understood in all the other interpretations. This desire turns out to be an excessive desire, which should be balanced with a more contextual approach.
of safety. I choose three approaches: (1) an etymological and conceptual-historical analysis of the terms securitas and certitudo; (2) an existential-phenomenological analysis of safety as a basic human experience and
need; (3) a hermeneutical and post-phenomenological understanding
of contemporary threats to safety in a high-technological society. The
main conclusion is that considerations of safety should reach beyond
the modern false dilemma between subjective freedom and objective
control, towards a better understanding of the complicated relationship
between trust and security.
Further, it will demonstrate how in the temporization or deferral of différance a metaphysical desire for purity remains effective. In readings of several texts, the mutual interdependence of metaphysics and deconstruction will be sketched. Then the ethical side of deconstruction will be highlighted, both in Derrida’s early work as well as in the slightly different elaboration of différance in the later ethical notions like justice, the gift and the messianic. This results in a distinction of three versions of différance. Finally, a critical discussion of the metaphysical side of deconstruction will be followed by a comparison of different readings of deconstruction and différance
and consequences of which are not well understood in all the other interpretations. This desire turns out to be an excessive desire, which should be balanced with a more contextual approach.
of safety. I choose three approaches: (1) an etymological and conceptual-historical analysis of the terms securitas and certitudo; (2) an existential-phenomenological analysis of safety as a basic human experience and
need; (3) a hermeneutical and post-phenomenological understanding
of contemporary threats to safety in a high-technological society. The
main conclusion is that considerations of safety should reach beyond
the modern false dilemma between subjective freedom and objective
control, towards a better understanding of the complicated relationship
between trust and security.
Further, it will demonstrate how in the temporization or deferral of différance a metaphysical desire for purity remains effective. In readings of several texts, the mutual interdependence of metaphysics and deconstruction will be sketched. Then the ethical side of deconstruction will be highlighted, both in Derrida’s early work as well as in the slightly different elaboration of différance in the later ethical notions like justice, the gift and the messianic. This results in a distinction of three versions of différance. Finally, a critical discussion of the metaphysical side of deconstruction will be followed by a comparison of different readings of deconstruction and différance
In tijden van politieke onrust, ontwikkelingen rondom AI, globalisering en een klimaatcrisis zijn de geesteswetenschappen relevanter dan ooit. Werd vroeger hun wetenschappelijkheid nog wel eens ter discussie gesteld, tegenwoordig zijn zij onmisbaar bij interdisciplinair onderzoek rondom grote maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen. Toch staat geesteswetenschappelijk onderzoek ook vandaag nog onder druk, vanwege enerzijds beschuldigingen van ‘cultuurmarxisme’ en anderzijds juist de roep om expliciete politieke betrokkenheid.
Het is daarom meer dan ooit van belang om goed in kaart te brengen wat de geesteswetenschappen kunnen bieden, welke wetenschappelijkheid zij bezitten en welke kennis en inzichten zij genereren. In Cultuur en betekenis biedt filosoof Eddo Evink een helder en beargumenteerd overzicht van de belangrijkste theorieën en methoden uit de geesteswetenschappen. Daarbij heeft hij speciale aandacht voor hedendaagse perspectieven, gender, postkolonialisme en digital humanities.