Configuration File (KDL)

The primary configuration file format used by River uses the KDL Configuration Language.

KDL is a language for describing structured data.

There are currently two major sections used by River:

The system section

Here is an example system configuration block:

system {
    threads-per-service 8
    daemonize false
    pid-file "/tmp/river.pidfile"

    // Path to upgrade socket
    // NOTE: `upgrade` is NOT exposed in the config file, it MUST be set on the CLI
    // NOTE: This has issues if you use relative paths. See issue
    // NOTE: The upgrade command is only supported on Linux
    upgrade-socket "/tmp/river-upgrade.sock"

system.threads-per-service INT

This field configures the number of threads spawned by each service. This configuration applies to all services.

A positive, non-zero integer is provided as INT.

This field is optional, and defaults to 8.

system.daemonize BOOL

This field configures whether River should daemonize.

The values true or false is provided as BOOL.

This field is optional, and defaults to false.

If this field is set as true, then must also be set. PATH

This field configured the path to the created pidfile when River is configured to daemonize.

A UTF-8 absolute path is provided as PATH.

This field is optional if system.daemonize is false, and required if system.daemonize is true.


This field configured the path to the upgrade socket when River is configured to take over an existing instance.

A UTF-8 absolute path is provided as PATH.

This field is optional if the --upgrade flag is provided via CLI, and required if --upgrade is not set.

The services section

Here is an example services block:

services {
    Example1 {
        listeners {
            "" cert-path="./assets/test.crt" key-path="./assets/test.key" offer-h2=true
        connectors {
            load-balance {
                selection "Ketama" key="UriPath"
                discovery "Static"
                health-check "None"
            "" tls-sni="" proto="h2-or-h1"
        path-control {
            request-filters {
                filter kind="block-cidr-range" addrs=",, 2001:0db8::0/32,"
            upstream-request {
                filter kind="remove-header-key-regex" pattern=".*(secret|SECRET).*"
                filter kind="upsert-header" key="x-proxy-friend" value="river"
            upstream-response {
                filter kind="remove-header-key-regex" pattern=".*ETag.*"
                filter kind="upsert-header" key="x-with-love-from" value="river"
        rate-limiting {
            rule kind="source-ip" \
                max-buckets=4000 tokens-per-bucket=10 refill-qty=1 refill-rate-ms=10

            rule kind="specific-uri" pattern="static/.*" \
                max-buckets=2000 tokens-per-bucket=20 refill-qty=5 refill-rate-ms=1

            rule kind="any-matching-uri" pattern=r".*\.mp4" \
                tokens-per-bucket=50 refill-qty=2 refill-rate-ms=3
    Example3 {
        listeners {
            "" cert-path="./assets/test.crt" key-path="./assets/test.key" offer-h2=true
        file-server {
            // The base path is what will be used as the "root" of the file server
            // All files within the root will be available
            base-path "."

Each block represents a single service, with the name of the service serving as the name of the block.


The $NAME field is a UTF-8 string, used as the name of the service. If the name does not contain spaces, it is not necessary to surround the name in quotes.


  • Example1 - Valid, "Example1"
  • "Example2" - Valid, "Example2"
  • "Server One" - Valid, "Server One"
  • Server Two - Invalid (missing quotation marks)


This section contains one or more Listeners. This section is required. Listeners are specified in the form:

"SOCKETADDR" [cert-path="PATH" key-path="PATH" [offer-h2=BOOL]]

SOCKETADDR is a UTF-8 string that is parsed into an IPv4 or IPv6 address and port.

If the listener should accept TLS connections, the certificate and key paths are specified in the form cert-path="PATH" key-path="PATH", where PATH is a UTF-8 path to the relevant files. If these are not provided, connections will be accepted without TLS.

If the listener should offer HTTP2.0 connections, this is specified in the form offer-h2=BOOL, where BOOL is either true or false. offer-h2 may only be specified if cert-path and key-path are present. This configuration is optional, and defaults to true if TLS is configured. If this field is true, HTTP2.0 will be offered (but not required). If this field is false then only HTTP1.x will be offered.


This section contains one or more Connectors. This section is required. Connectors are specified in the form:

"SOCKETADDR" [tls-sni="DOMAIN"] [proto="PROTO"]

SOCKETADDR is a UTF-8 string that is parsed into an IPv4 or IPv6 address and port.

If the connector should use TLS for connections to the upstream server, the TLS-SNI is specified in the form tls-sni="DOMAIN", where DOMAIN is a domain name. If this is not provided, connections to upstream servers will be made without TLS.

The protocol used to connect with the upstream server us specified in the form proto="PROTO", where PROTO is a string with one of the following values:

  • h1-only: Only HTTP1.0 will be used to connect
  • h2-only: Only HTTP2.0 will be used to connect
  • h2-or-h1: HTTP2.0 will be preferred, with fallback to HTTP1.0

The proto field is optional. If it is not specified and TLS is configured, the default will be h2-or-h1. If TLS is not configured, the default will be h1-only, and any other option will result in an error.


This section defines how load balancing properties are configured for the connectors in this set.

This section is optional.


This defines how the upstream server is selected.

Options are:

  • selection "RoundRobin"
    • Servers are selected in a Round Robin fashion, giving equal distribution
  • selection "Random"
    • Servers are selected on a random basis, giving a statistically equal distribution
  • selection "FNV" key="KEYKIND"
    • FNV hashing is used based on the provided KEYKIND
  • selection "Ketama" key="KEYKIND"
    • Stable Ketama hashing is used based on the provided KEYKIND

Where KEYKIND is one of the following:

  • UriPath - The URI path is hashed
  • SourceAddrAndUriPath - The Source address and URI path is hashed


This section contains the configuration for path control filters

Each path control filter allows for modification or rejection at different stages of request and response handling.

This section is optional.


path-control {
    request-filters {
        filter kind="block-cidr-range" addrs=",, 2001:0db8::0/32,"
    upstream-request {
        filter kind="remove-header-key-regex" pattern=".*(secret|SECRET).*"
        filter kind="upsert-header" key="x-proxy-friend" value="river"
    upstream-response {
        filter kind="remove-header-key-regex" pattern=".*ETag.*"
        filter kind="upsert-header" key="x-with-love-from" value="river"


Filters at this stage are the earliest. Currently supported filters:

  • kind = "block-cidr-range"
    • Arguments: addrs = "ADDRS", where ADDRS is a comma separated list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or CIDR address ranges.
    • Any matching source IP addresses will be rejected with a 400 error code.


  • kind = "remove-header-key-regex"
    • Arguments: pattern = "PATTERN", where PATTERN is a regular expression matching the key of an HTTP header
    • Any matching header entry will be removed from the request before forwarding
  • kind = "upsert-header"
    • Arguments: key="KEY" value="VALUE", where KEY is a valid HTTP header key, and VALUE is a valid HTTP header value
    • The given header will be added or replaced to VALUE


  • kind = "remove-header-key-regex"
    • Arguments: pattern = "PATTERN", where PATTERN is a regular expression matching the key of an HTTP header
    • Any matching header entry will be removed from the response before forwarding
  • kind = "upsert-header"
    • Arguments: key="KEY" value="VALUE", where KEY is a valid HTTP header key, and VALUE is a valid HTTP header value
    • The given header will be added or replaced to VALUE


This section contains the configuration for rate limiting rules.

Rate limiting rules are used to limit the total number of requests made by downstream clients, based on various criteria.

Note that Rate limiting is on a per service basis, services do not share rate limiting information.

This section is optional.


rate-limiting {
    rule kind="source-ip" \
        max-buckets=4000 tokens-per-bucket=10 refill-qty=1 refill-rate-ms=10

    rule kind="specific-uri" pattern="static/.*" \
        max-buckets=2000 tokens-per-bucket=20 refill-qty=5 refill-rate-ms=1

    rule kind="any-matching-uri" pattern=r".*\.mp4" \
        tokens-per-bucket=50 refill-qty=2 refill-rate-ms=3


Rules are used to specify rate limiting parameters, and applicability of rules to a given request.

Leaky Buckets

Rate limiting in River uses a Leaky Bucket model for determining whether a request can be served immediately, or if it should be rejected. For a given rule, a "bucket" of "tokens" is created, where one "token" is required for each request.

The bucket for a rule starts with a configurable tokens-per-bucket number. When a request arrives, it attempts to take one token from the bucket. If one is available, it is served immediately. Otherwise, the request is rejected immediately.

The bucket is refilled at a configurable rate, specified by refill-rate-ms, and adds a configurable number of tokens specified by refill-qty. The number of tokens in the bucket will never exceed the initial tokens-per-bucket number.

Once a refill occurs, additional requests may be served.

How many buckets?

Some rules require many buckets. For example, rules based on the source IP address will create a bucket for each unique source IP address observed in a request. We refer to these as "multi" rules.

However, each of these buckets require space to contain the metadata, and to avoid unbounded growth, we allow for a configurable max-buckets number, which serves to influence the total memory required for storing buckets. This uses an Adaptive Replacement Cache to allow for concurrent access to these buckets, as well as the ability to automatically evict buckets that are not actively being used (somewhat similar to an LRU or "Least Recently Used" cache).

There is a trade off here: The larger max-buckets is, the longer that River can "remember" a bucket for a given factor, such as specific IP addresses. However, it also requires more resident memory to retain this information.

If max-buckets is set too low, then buckets will be "evicted" from the cache, meaning that subsequent requests matching that bucket will require the creation of a new bucket (with a full set of tokens), potentially defeating the objective of accurate rate limiting.

For "single" rules, or rules that do not have multiple buckets, a single bucket will be shared by all requests matching the rule.

Gotta claim 'em all

When multiple rules apply to a single request, for example rules based on both source IP address, and the URI path, then a request must claim ALL applicable tokens before proceeding. If a given IP address is making it's first request, but to a URI that that has an empty bucket, it will immediately obtain the IP address token, but the request will be rejected as the URI bucket claim failed.

Kinds of Rules

Currently three kinds of rules are supported:

  • kind="source-ip" - this tracks the IP address of the requestor.
    • This rule is a "multi" rule: A unique bucket will be created for the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the requestor.
    • The max-buckets parameter controls how many IP addresses will be remembered.
  • kind="specific-uri" pattern="REGEX" - This tracks the URI path of the request, such as static/images/example.jpg
    • This rule is a "multi" rule: if the request's URI path matches the provided REGEX, the full URI path will be assigned to a given bucket
    • For example, if the regex static/.* was provided:
      • index.html would not match this rule, and would not require obtaining a token
      • static/images/example.jpg would match this rule, and would require obtaining a token
      • static/styles/example.css would also match this rule, and would require obtaining a token
      • Note that static/images/example.jpg and static/styles/example.css would each have a UNIQUE bucket.
  • kind="any-matching-uri" pattern="REGEX" - This tracks the URI path of the request, such as static/videos/example.mp4
    • This is a "single" rule: ANY path matching REGEX will share a single bucket
    • For example, if the regex .*\.mp4 was provided:
      • index.html would not match this rule, and would not require obtaining a token
      • static/videos/example1.mp4 would match this rule, and would require obtaining a token
      • static/videos/example2.mp4 would also match this rule, and would require obtaining a token
      • Note that static/videos/example1.mp4 and static/videos/example2.mp4 would share a SINGLE bucket (also shared with any other path containing an MP4 file)


This section is only allowed when connectors and path-control are not present.

This is used when serving static files, rather than proxying connections.


This is the base path used for serving files. ALL files within this directory (and any children) will be available for serving.

This is specified in the form base-path "PATH", where PATH is a valid UTF-8 path.

This section is required.