Ondokuz Mayıs University , Dean of faculty of humanities and social Sciences,
Head of Archaeology department, director of Parion excavations ( Northern Troas of Turkey), Ancient numismatic (Greek, Roman and Byzantine) and colonization,
Head of Archaeology department, director of Parion excavations ( Northern Troas of Turkey), Ancient numismatic (Greek, Roman and Byzantine) and colonization,
Papers by Vedat KELEŞ
Hadrianoupolis antik kentinin MS 4-6. yüzyıllar
arasında yoğun bir popülasyona sahip olduğunu da
ortaya koymuştur. Iustinianus döneminde önemli bir
piskoposluk merkezi? olduğu ifade edilen antik kentte,
arkeojeofızik taramaları sonucunda ortaya çıkarılan
Hristiyanlık yapıları ve kiliselerle birlikte kazısı
tamamlanmış iki adet büyük boyutlu kilisenin varlığı,
yukarıda da ifade ettiğimiz üzere kentin bu özelliğine destek verir niteliktedir. Bu duruma paralel olarak
Hristiyanlık dünyasında oldukça önemli bir yere sahip
olan ve sütün azizlerinin en önemlilerinden biri olan
Stylites Alypius'un Hadrianoupolis'te doğmuş olması,
buranın piskoposluk merkezi olmasında önemli bir etken
olmalıdır. Doğum ve ölüm tarihi tam olarak bilinmeyen
Alypius, günümüzde Eskipazar olarak adlandırılan
Hadrianoupolis kentinde doğmuş olup; Heraklius
zamanında, yani 7.yüzyılın ilk yarısında yaşamıştır",
Münzevi keşiş geleneğine göre yaşamış olan ve anma
günü 26 Kasım olan Alypius, aziz kabul edilir ve yeni
doğan çocukların banisidir
of Biga district of modern-day Çanakkale province. Th e city, which was
established as a Greek colony at the end of the 8th century BC, had colonial city status in the Roman Period. Parion did not lose its importance in the Byzantine Period when it became one of the important episcopal centers of the region. As a result of the excavations carried out in the ancient city of Parion between 2006 - 2018, 53 Anonymous Folles were recovered. Within the scope of excavation, these coins were compared with the published samples of Anonymous Folles found in the Anatolian collections, museums and archaeological excavations by giving the variances according to the types and findings areas of Anonymous Folles; the variance of the type of these coins was seen to be in line with the findings of the Anatolian archaeological excavations. All of the Anonymous Folles found in thearchaeological excavations in Parion were discovered in the additions of the structures of the Roman Era, which show that the usage of these structures continued even if they underwent functional changes by additions and restorations in the 10th and 11th centuries AD. Th ese provide some of the most important data supporting both the fact that the settlement continued there and that the city did not lose its position as an important port in the era when the findings of the Anonymous Folles were minted in Parion. This excavation has an important place as it included samples of double minted Anonymous Folles seen rarely in Anatolia; also there are almost no published samples of the Anonymous Folles in the cities found around Parion despite the fact that there are many publications on the Anonymous Folles findings of common areas of Anatolia.
The ancient city of Parion located in the north of Troad in the Ancient History, had been a city which sovereign powers in the region intended to own for centuries due its geographical and strategic position. This brought about the need for defending the city which therefore was tried to be protected with quite magnificent city walls of approximately 7,5 km long. Parion defence structures had been examined earlier with their existing ruins, however, no archaeological excavations were conducted until 2017 in defence structures. Scientific archaeological excavations were started in 2017 in order to discover the eastern face of the defense structure which can also be called an inner wall and environs the east of Parion Acropolis and its surrounding. The coins that are the subject matter of this study were retrieved at different elevations within the fire layer at 0.80 m depth during the excavations in 2019. Three of the 39 coins found in the fire layer of a period of destruction in the city wall are Roman provincial coins while thirty six of them date back to the Early Byzantine Period. Among the Early Byzantine coins, the one bearing the latest date belonged to the year AD 615 and most of the coins were minted during the reign of Focas and Heraclius. Apart from the coins, archaeological remains and finds retrieved in the said fire layer as fully covered by traces of fire because of being exposed to highly intense flame signal a destruction in the city walls, thus, in the city. A sudden discontinuation of traces of destruction and coin finds draws attention in some ancient cities in Anatolia between the years AD 615-616 due to Sasanian attacks. Coins retrieved in Parion Acropolis Eastern (Inner) Wall fire layer are also important as they create an impression that Sasanians had stopped by Parion in AD 615-616 before they besieged Khalkedon and caused destruction in the city.
Keywords: Parion, Sasanian, Early Byzantine, Wall, Coin.
The ancient city of Parion is located in Kemer village, north of the Troas region, within the boundaries of the Biga district of Çanakkale province. It is estimated that architechtural activities accelereted after city had gained colony statue for the second time during the Hadrian Period. It is thought that Odeion was also built in 2nd century AD within the framework of these activities. During the 2010 excavation, the hoard consisting of 249 Late Roman Period coins, was found at the 1375-1435 grid trench of Odeion. When we look at the distribution of Odeion hoard coins according to the emperors, a striking issue is the of coins condensation in the Theodosius Dynasty Period (AD 375-450). Containing numerous examples of Arcadius, Honorius and Theodosius II periods dates back from the second half of 3rd century AD to first half of 5th century AD. Odeion hoard which was thought to be lost in the earliest first half of 5th century AD, can be assumed that the coins were the last phase of the usage of the structure with the help of other archaeological remains and finds.
AD. Archaeological remains and finds indicate that the Roman Theater of Parion lost its function at the end of the 4th century AD. It is important that this idea is supported as the latest date of the coins is between 383-392 AD. The aim of this study was to reach new data about the structure of the hyposcaenium at the Roman Theater of Parion in which the coins where found, as well as to get new information on numismatics.
Keywords: Troad, Parion, Theater, Hyposcaenium, Late Roman, Coin.
In this study, 100 coins and other finds belonging to the same are evaluated to make suggestions related to the final period of use of the Slope Bath of Parion.
Parion antik kentinde yer alan Yamaç Hamamı kazılarına 2008 yılında, yüzeyde yer alan bir hamama ait olduğu düşünülen tonoz kalıntısından başlanmıştır. Yapı kalıntısında halen devam eden arkeolojik kazılar sonucunda, hamamın dokuz bölümü ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Anadolu’daki tipik Roma Dönemi hamamlarından farklı bir plana ve bölümlere sahip olan hamam, Parion antik kentinin sosyal ve ekonomik yönlerine ışık tutmasının yanında, kentin mimarisi hakkında da önemli bilgiler vermektedir. Yamaç Hamamı kazılarında çok çeşitli buluntu grupları ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Ortaya çıkarılan buluntu grupları içerisinde sikkeler önemli buluntu gruplarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle hamamın apoditerium bölümünü kuzey duvarına bitişik olan oturma sekisinin üzerinde Geç Roma Dönemine ait 100 adet sikke ele geçmiştir. Sikkeler birbirine çok yakın bir mesafede ortaya çıkarılmış olmasında rağmen herhangi bir kap vb. malzemenin içinde ortaya çıkarılmaması nedeniyle define olarak adlandırılmamıştır. Yamaç Hamamı’nın mimari unsurlarındaki tamirat ve tadilat izleri net bir şekilde izlenebilmektedir. Yamaç Hamamı kazılarından ortaya çıkarılan seramikler ve metal eserler de hamamın en yoğun kullanım evresi hakkında bilgiler veren diğer bulgulardır. Bu konuda sikkelerin çok daha net bir tarih vermesi, hamamın büyük bir tamirat geçirdiği döneme ve hamamın aktif olarak kullanıldığı son evresine ait bilgi vermesi açısından ve büyük bir veri açığını kapatması yönüyle ayrıca önemlidir.
Çalışmada 100 adet sikke ve diğer kontekst buluntular da değerlendirilerek Yamaç Hamamı’nın son kullanım evresine ait görüş öne sürülmüştür.
Surveys and excavations carried out up to date in the antic ruins of Hadrianoupolis since 2003 have shown that Hadrianoupolis was established in the ages of Early Hellenistic, Rome and Early Byzantium, and it had a centre and a chora that centralizes around there like in the other sites of the city in Paphlagonia. Considering the ruins today, it can be said that the ancient city reached a very important place especially in the Late Roman and Byzantium periods. The city, which was also a pilgrimage point thanks to Saint Stylianos, was famous for its boys and girls monasteries and became the centre of Archbishop in the era of Iustinianus. Some special structures dated to Late Roman-Early Byzantium were detected by archeogeophysic in 2014.
Dear Colleague,
The T.R. Culture and Tourism Ministry, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Parion Excavation Directorate, is honored to host an organization under the name of “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”, which aims to bring together scholars who conduct research in the regions surrounding the Propontis; such as Mysia, Troas, Bithynia, Thracia Chersonessos and Thracia, to share ideas. The Propontis and the surrounding area, was one of the most important cultural regions of antiquity, and was a significant place of cultural interaction as it remains today.
Our purpose of hosting such a symposium is to benefit from the knowledge of scientists conducting research in the region, discuss the archaeological finds, manifest the problems, to shed light on the interregional interaction, stimulate the region’s archaeology and improve the collaboration of Propontis and the surrounding area’s archaeology by manifesting new workframes and discussing the surrounding archaeology’s aspects.
We will be honored and delighted to receive esteemed scientists who conduct research in Propontis and the surroundings regions, in the organization “Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”.
We thank you for your kind interest and support in advance.
Prof.Dr.Vedat KELEŞ ( Head of Parion Excavation).
Ast. Prof. Dr. Hasan KASAPOĞLU (Parion Excavation Team Member / The Symposium Organizing Committee Member )
the subject of our study, were found starting from the second layer. They were found increasingly in the
third, fourth, and fifth layers. Within the scope of the study, we will examine 3 whole and 19 broken oil
ruhsatnamesine göre Parion kazısı 2016 yılı çalışmaları, 12
akademisyen, 9 arkeolog, 2 mimar, 8 restoratör- konservatör, 23 arkeoloji
öğrencisi ve 18 işçiden oluşan bir ekip tarafından, 13 Temmuz- 06 Eylül
2016 tarihleri arasında Bakanlığımıza sunulan kazı programı çerçevesinde,
güney nekropolis, tiyatro, odeion, Roma hamamı, yamaç hamamı, agora ve
dükkânlar, su kemeri, su kuyusu 1, oda mezarlar ve mozaikli yapı olmak
üzere, antik kentin 10 ayrı bölgesinde gerçekleştirilmiş olup, 487 kalem etütlük
ve 15 adet envanterlik eser ortaya çıkarılmıştır.
of Caesar. With this status, an intense reconstruction activity started in the city. Baths
which are among the most important structures of Roman public life were started to
be constructed after this century. Two baths have been found during the course
of the 14 years of excavations that were carried out in the city. The first one of these
baths is named simply as the “Roman Bath”; the other one is named “Slope Bath” as
it is constructed on a terrace. Both of the baths can be accepted as the unique
representatives of their types in Anatolia due to the architectural elements they
possess. It is understood that these special features are due to the presence of the
veteran soldiers which were settled in the city, who in return applied the architectural
styles of the geographies where they had come from to the buildings they
constructed in Parion. This situation caused the baths in the city to differ from the
ones in Anatolia in terms of architectural elements.
“Uluslararası Propontis ve Çevre Kültürleri Sempozyumu” adı altında ve bölgeyle ilgili çalışan saygın bilim adamlarının katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmesi planlanan sempozyumla bölge arkeolojisinin bugün geldiği durumun değerlendirilmesi ve arkeolojik anlamda bölgeler arasında bağlantıların kurulması amaçlanmıştır. Bunun yanında bu tür bir uluslararası sempozyumun bilimsel kazılarda ve bilimsel yayınlarda yakalanan ivmenin bu anlamda da gelişmesine, daha da önemlisi bölge arkeolojisinin ve Çanakkale’nin tanıtımına da büyük katkı sağlayacağı ve sempozyum sonunda bildirilerin kitap haline getirileceği Türkçe ve İngilizce yayın inanılmaz değerli, bölge arkeolojisi ve kültürüne yön verecek temel başvuru yayınlardan biri olacağı çok açıktır.
Propontis and the surrounding area, regarding its geopolitical location, witnessed significant cultural changes and the founding of important colonies during the great colonisation period of 750-550 BC. Throughout its history having hosted so much significant cultural and political events; it is obvious that the archaeology of the rich Propontis and the surrounding area has not been able to be improved and discussed in international scale, although many decades have passed since the commencing of excavations as Troia, Assos, Kyzikos and Ainos. The archaeological excavations have gained momentum and the published academic works regarding the region have considerably increased as a result of the sponsorships beginning with Parion, and later continued Smintheion, Troia, Assos and Alexandria Troas by İÇDAŞ INC.; one of the most significant industrial establishment of the region and Turkey.
The planned symposium intends to evaluate the current situation of the region’s archaeology and to establish archaeological inter-regional connections with the participation of academics conducting research in the area under the name of “International Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures”. Furthermore, with such international symposium; the momentum gained in archaeological excavations and publications will progress further, the promotion of Çanakkale and the archaeology of the region, and it is clear that the proceeding publication which is planned to be published in Turkish and English, will become one of the most significant reference sources for the region’s archaeology and culture.
The intention of this paper will be to approach ancient fishing by the archaeological material related to the procuring, processing and production of the aforementioned marine food species along with evaluating the species and techniques used with the modern Turkish and Greek terminology and techniques of fishing in order to establish the species known to mankind today, together with establishing the production techniques. Material regarding this paper are the ancient writings, archaeological evidences and epigraphic evidences related to the topic. Consequently this paper is aimed to establish the place, techniques and diversity of fishing in Parion; regarding the disciplines of archaeology, economy, sociology and biology.
sonucunda boru hattının tamiri sırasında, birisi Klasik Döneme ikisi ise
Hellenistik Döneme tarihli toplam üç adet lahit mezar ele geçmiştir. Söz konusu
lahitlerin çıktığı bölgede Çanakkale Arkeoloji Müzesi uzmanları kurtarma kazısı
gerçekleştirmiştir. Lahitlerin ele geçtiği parsel Parion Antik Kenti sit sınırlarının
yaklaşık olarak 100 m dışında kalmaktadır. Bu durumun sonuncunda kazı
başkanlığı olarak sit sınırların yeniden irdelenmesi ve kentin arkeojeofizik
haritasının çıkartılmasının için bu çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir