NVDA Screen Reader Group [email protected]

NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA) is screen reader software.  The central purpose of this group is discussing how to use NVDA.  This includes configuring NVDA's settings or familiarizing oneself with its modes and commands.  Discussions about which programs are accessible using NVDA, NVDA add-ons, NVDA tutorials and documentation, and configuring synthesizers or Braille displays for use with NVDA are also permitted.

Group Information

  • https://www.nvaccess.org
  • 1,619 Members
  • 16,179 Topics , Last Post:
  • Started on
  • RSS Feed

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  • All members can post to the group.
  • Posts to this group do not require approval from the moderators.
  • Posts from new users require approval from the moderators.
  • Messages are set to reply to group.
  • Subscriptions to this group do not require approval from the moderators.
  • Archive is visible to anyone.
  • Only moderators can create hashtags.
  • Members can edit their messages.
  • Members can set their subscriptions to no email.

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