
Open API Guide

Configuration Management

Get configurations


This API is used to get configurations in Nacos.

Request type


Request URL


Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
tenant string No Tenant information. It corresponds to the Namespace ID field in Nacos.
dataId string Yes Configuration ID
group string Yes Configuration group

Return parameters

Parameter type Description
String Configuration value

Error codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal


  • Request example

    curl -X GET ''
  • Return example


Listen for configurations


This API is used to listen for configurations in Nacos to capture configuration changes. In case of any configuration changes, you can use the Get Configurations API to obtain the latest value of the configuration and dynamically refresh the local cache.

A listener is registered using an asynchronous servlet. The nature of registering a listener is to compare the configuration value and the MD5 value of it with that of the backend. If the values differ, the inconsistent configuration is returned immediately. Otherwise, an empty string is returned after 30 seconds.

Request type


Request URL


Request parameters

A request to listen for data packets.
Format : dataId^group^2contentMD5^tenant^1 or dataId^group^2contentMD5^1.
  • dataId : Configuration ID
  • group : Configuration group
  • contentMD5 : The MD5 value of the configuration
  • tenant : Tenant information. It corresponds to the Namespace field in Nacos (not must)
A request to listen for data packets.
A packet field indicating tenant information. It corresponds to the Namespace field in Nacos.
A packet field indicating the configuration ID.
A packet field indicating the configuration group.
A packet field indicating the MD5 value of the configuration.

Header parameters

Name Type Required Description
Long-Pulling-Timeout string Yes The timeout for long polling is 30s. Enter 30,000 here.

Parameter description

  • A delimiter to separate fields within a configuration: ^2 = Character.toString((char) 2, The url encoded value is %02
  • A delimiter to separate configurations: ^1 = Character.toString((char) 1), The url encoded value is %01
  • contentMD5: MD5(content). This is an empty string because the first local cache is empty.

Return parameters

Parameter type Description
String Configuration value

Error codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Client error, not found
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal


  • Request example

POST request body data:


  • Return example
In case of any configuration changes,


Otherwise, an empty string is returned.

Publish configuration


It publishes configurations in Nacos.

Request Type


Request URL


Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
tenant String No The tenant, corresponding to the namespace ID field of Nacos
dataId String Yes Configuration ID
group String Yes Configuration group
content String Yes Configuration content
type String No Configuration type

Response parameters

Parametertype Description
boolean If the publishing is successful

Error code

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal


Request example

curl -X POST '' -d 'dataId=nacos.example&'

Response example


Delete configuration


It deletes configurations in Nacos.

Request Type


Request URL


Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
tenant String No The tenant, corresponding to the namespace ID field of Nacos
dataId String Yes Configuration ID
group String Yes Configuration group

Response parameters

Parameter type Description
boolean If the deletion is successful

Error code

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal


Request example

curl -X DELETE ''

Response example


Query list of history configuration


Query list of history configuration.

Request Type


Request URL


Request parameters

Name Type Required Description
tenant string No Tenant information. It corresponds to the Namespace ID field in Nacos.
dataId string Yes Configuration ID
group string Yes Configuration group
pageNo integer no page number
pageSize integer no page size (default:100, max:500)

Error code

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal


Request example

curl -X GET ''

Response example

  "totalCount": 1,
  "pageNumber": 1,
  "pagesAvailable": 1,
  "pageItems": [
      "id": "203",
      "lastId": -1,
      "dataId": "nacos.example",
      "group": "",
      "tenant": "",
      "appName": "",
      "md5": null,
      "content": null,
      "srcIp": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
      "srcUser": null,
      "opType": "I         ",
      "createdTime": "2010-05-04T16:00:00.000+0000",
      "lastModifiedTime": "2020-12-05T01:48:03.380+0000"

Query the history details of the configuration


Query the history details of the configuration

Request Type


Request URL


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
nid Integer Yes history config info ID
tenant string No Tenant information. It corresponds to the Namespace ID field in Nacos. (Since 2.0.3)
dataId string Yes Configuration ID (Since 2.0.3)
group string Yes Configuration group (Since 2.0.3)

Note: From version 2.0.3, this interface need add three parameter, include tenant, dataId and group, tenant can not be provided.

Error Code

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal


Request example

curl -X GET ''

Response example

  "id": "203",
  "lastId": -1,
  "dataId": "nacos.example",
  "group": "",
  "tenant": "",
  "appName": "",
  "md5": "9f67e6977b100e00cab385a75597db58",
  "content": "contentTest",
  "srcIp": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
  "srcUser": null,
  "opType": "I         ",
  "createdTime": "2010-05-04T16:00:00.000+0000",
  "lastModifiedTime": "2020-12-05T01:48:03.380+0000"

Query the previous version of the configuration


Query the previous version of the configuration.(Since 1.4.0)

Request Type


Request URL


Request Paramters

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes configuration unique id
tenant string No Tenant information. It corresponds to the Namespace ID field in Nacos. (Since 2.0.3)
dataId string Yes Configuration ID (Since 2.0.3)
group string Yes Configuration group (Since 2.0.3)

Note: From version 2.0.3, this interface need add three parameter, include tenant, dataId and group, tenant can not be provided.

Error Code

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal


Request example

curl -X GET ''

Response example

  "id": "203",
  "lastId": -1,
  "dataId": "nacos.example",
  "group": "",
  "tenant": "",
  "appName": "",
  "md5": "9f67e6977b100e00cab385a75597db58",
  "content": "contentTest",
  "srcIp": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
  "srcUser": null,
  "opType": "I         ",
  "createdTime": "2010-05-04T16:00:00.000+0000",
  "lastModifiedTime": "2020-12-05T01:48:03.380+0000"

Service Discovery

Register instance


Register an instance to service.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
ip String yes IP of instance
port int yes Port of instance
namespaceId String no ID of namespace
weight double no Weight
enabled boolean no enabled or not
healthy boolean no healthy or not
metadata String no extended information
clusterName String no cluster name
serviceName String yes service name
groupName String no group name
ephemeral boolean no if instance is ephemeral

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X POST ''

Response Example


Deregister instance


Delete instance from service.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes Service name
groupName String no group name
ephemeral boolean no if instance is ephemeral
ip String yes IP of instance
port int yes Port of instance
clusterName String no Cluster name
namespaceId String no ID of namespace

error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X DELETE ''

Response Example


Modify instance


Modify an instance of service.

Attension:After Nacos2.0 version, the metadata updated through this interface has a higher priority and has the ability to remember. After the instance removed, it will still exist for a period of time. If the instance is re-registered during this period, the metadata will still be Effective. You can modify the memory time through nacos.naming.clean.expired-metadata.expired-time and nacos.naming.clean.expired-metadata.interval

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes Service name
groupName String no group name
ephemeral boolean no if instance is ephemeral
ip String yes IP of instance
port int yes Port of instance
clusterName String no Cluster name
namespaceId String no ID of namespace
weight double no Weight
enabled boolean no If enabled
metadata JSON no Extended information

error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X PUT '{}'

Response Example


Query instances


Query instance list of service.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes Service name
groupName String no group name
namespaceId String no ID of namespace
clusters String, splited by comma no Cluster name
healthyOnly boolean no, default value is false Return healthy instance or not

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

  "name": "DEFAULT_GROUP@@nacos.test.1", 
  "groupName": "DEFAULT_GROUP", 
  "clusters": "", 
  "cacheMillis": 10000, 
  "hosts": [
      "instanceId": "", 
      "ip": "", 
      "port": 8888, 
      "weight": 1, 
      "healthy": false, 
      "enabled": true, 
      "ephemeral": false, 
      "clusterName": "DEFAULT", 
      "serviceName": "DEFAULT_GROUP@@nacos.test.1", 
      "metadata": { }, 
      "instanceHeartBeatInterval": 5000, 
      "instanceIdGenerator": "simple", 
      "instanceHeartBeatTimeOut": 15000, 
      "ipDeleteTimeout": 30000
  "lastRefTime": 1528787794594, 
  "checksum": "", 
  "allIPs": false, 
  "reachProtectionThreshold": false, 
  "valid": true

Query instance detail


Query instance details of service.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
namespaceId String no ID of namespace
serviceName String yes Service name
groupName String no group name
ephemeral boolean no if instance is ephemeral
ip String yes IP of instance
port String yes Port of instance
cluster String no Cluster name

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

	"metadata": {},
	"instanceId": "",
	"port": 8888,
	"service": "nacos.test.2",
	"healthy": false,
	"ip": "",
	"clusterName": "DEFAULT",
	"weight": 1.0

Send instance beat


Send instance beat

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes service name
ip String yes ip of instance
port int yes port of instance
namespaceId String no ID of namespace
groupName String no group name
beat String yes beat content

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X PUT ''

Response Example


Create service


Create service

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes service name
groupName String no group name
namespaceId String no namespace id
protectThreshold float no set value from 0 to 1, default 0
metadata String no metadata of service
selector JSON no visit strategy

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X POST ''

Response Example


Delete service


Delete a service, only permitted when instance count is 0.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes service name
groupName String no group name
namespaceId String no namespace id

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X DELETE ''

Response Example


Update service


Update a service

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes service name
groupName String no group name
namespaceId String no namespace id
protectThreshold float no set value from 0 to 1, default 0
metadata String no metadata of service
selector JSON no visit strategy

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X PUT ''

Response Example


Query service


Query a service

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes service name
groupName String no group name
namespaceId String no namespace id

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

    metadata: { },
    groupName: "DEFAULT_GROUP",
    namespaceId: "public",
    name: "nacos.test.2",
    selector: {
        type: "none"
    protectThreshold: 0,
    clusters: [
            healthChecker: {
                type: "TCP"
            metadata: { },
            name: "c1"

Query service list


Query service list

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
pageNo int yes current page number
pageSize int yes page size
groupName String no group name
namespaceId String no namespace id

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

    "doms": [

Query system switches


Query system switches

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

    name: "00-00---000-NACOS_SWITCH_DOMAIN-000---00-00",
    masters: null,
    adWeightMap: { },
    defaultPushCacheMillis: 10000,
    clientBeatInterval: 5000,
    defaultCacheMillis: 3000,
    distroThreshold: 0.7,
    healthCheckEnabled: true,
    distroEnabled: true,
    enableStandalone: true,
    pushEnabled: true,
    checkTimes: 3,
    httpHealthParams: {
        max: 5000,
        min: 500,
        factor: 0.85
    tcpHealthParams: {
        max: 5000,
        min: 1000,
        factor: 0.75
    mysqlHealthParams: {
        max: 3000,
        min: 2000,
        factor: 0.65
    incrementalList: [ ],
    serverStatusSynchronizationPeriodMillis: 15000,
    serviceStatusSynchronizationPeriodMillis: 5000,
    disableAddIP: false,
    sendBeatOnly: false,
    limitedUrlMap: { },
    distroServerExpiredMillis: 30000,
    pushGoVersion: "0.1.0",
    pushJavaVersion: "0.1.0",
    pushPythonVersion: "0.4.3",
    pushCVersion: "1.0.12",
    enableAuthentication: false,
    overriddenServerStatus: "UP",
    defaultInstanceEphemeral: true,
    healthCheckWhiteList: [ ],
    checksum: null

Update system switch


Update system switch

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
entry String yes switch name
value String yes switch value
debug boolean no if affect the local server, true means yes, false means no, default true

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X PUT ''

Response Example


Query system metrics


Query system metrics

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

    serviceCount: 336,
    load: 0.09,
    mem: 0.46210432,
    responsibleServiceCount: 98,
    instanceCount: 4,
    cpu: 0.010242796,
    status: "UP",
    responsibleInstanceCount: 0

Query server list


Query server list

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
healthy boolean no if return healthy servers only

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

    servers: [
            ip: "",
            servePort: 8848,
            site: "unknown",
            weight: 1,
            adWeight: 0,
            alive: false,
            lastRefTime: 0,
            lastRefTimeStr: null,
            key: ""
            ip: "",
            servePort: 8848,
            site: "unknown",
            weight: 1,
            adWeight: 0,
            alive: false,
            lastRefTime: 0,
            lastRefTimeStr: null,
            key: ""
            ip: "",
            servePort: 8848,
            site: "unknown",
            weight: 1,
            adWeight: 0,
            alive: false,
            lastRefTime: 0,
            lastRefTimeStr: null,
            key: ""

Query the leader of current cluster


Query the leader of current cluster

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET ''

Response Example

    leader: "{"heartbeatDueMs":2500,"ip":"","leaderDueMs":12853,"state":"LEADER","term":54202,"voteFor":""}"

Update instance health status


Update instance health status, only works when the cluster health checker is set to NONE.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
serviceName String yes service name
groupName String no group name
namespaceId String no namespace id
clusterName String no cluster name
ip String yes ip of instance
port int yes port of instance
healthy boolean yes if healthy

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X PUT ''

Response Example


Batch update instance metadata(Beta)


Batch update instance metadata(Since 1.4)

Note: This API is a Beta API, later versions maybe modify or even delete. Please use it with caution.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
namespaceId String yes ID of namespace
serviceName String yes Service name(group@@serviceName)
consistencyType String no instance type (ephemeral/persist)
instances JSON no The instances which need to update
metadata JSON yes Metadata

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Parameter description

  • consistencyType: The priority higher than param instances, if config it, the param instances will be ignored. When when value equals 'ephemeral', all the ephemeral instances in serviceName will be updated. When when value equals 'persist', all the persist instances in serviceName will be updated. When other value, no instances will be updated.
  • instances: json array. To locate particular instances by (ip + port + ephemeral + cluster).

Request Example

curl -X PUT 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/ns/instance/metadata/batch' -d 'namespaceId=public&serviceName=xxxx@@xxxx&instances=[{"ip":"","port": "8080","ephemeral":"true","clusterName":"xxxx-cluster"},{"ip":"","port":"8080","ephemeral":"true","clusterName":"xxxx-cluster"}]&metadata={"age":"20","name":"cocolan"}' 
curl -X PUT 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/ns/instance/metadata/batch' -d 'namespaceId=public&serviceName=xxxx@@xxxx&consistencyType=ephemeral&metadata={"age":"20","name":"cocolan"}'

Response Example


Batch delete instance metadata(Beta)


Batch delete instance metadata(Since 1.4)

Note: This API is a Beta API, later versions maybe modify or even delete. Please use it with caution.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
namespaceId String yes ID of namespace
serviceName String yes Service name(group@@serviceName)
consistencyType String no instance type (ephemeral/persist)
instances JSON no The instances which need to update
metadata JSON yes Metadata

Error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Parameter description

  • consistencyType: The priority higher than param instances, if config it, the param instances will be ignored. When when value equals 'ephemeral', all the ephemeral instances in serviceName will be updated. When when value equals 'persist', all the persist instances in serviceName will be updated. When other value, no instances will be updated.
  • instances: json array. To locate particular instances by (ip + port + ephemeral + cluster).

Request Example

curl -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/ns/instance/metadata/batch' -d 'namespaceId=public&serviceName=xxxx@@xxxx&instances=[{"ip":"","port": "8080","ephemeral":"true","clusterName":"xxxx-cluster"},{"ip":"","port":"8080","ephemeral":"true","clusterName":"xxxx-cluster"}]&metadata={"age":"20","name":"cocolan"}' 
curl -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/ns/instance/metadata/batch' -d 'namespaceId=public&serviceName=xxxx@@xxxx&consistencyType=ephemeral&metadata={"age":"20","name":"cocolan"}'

Response Example



Get namespace


This API is used to get namespaces in Nacos.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters


error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X GET 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/console/namespaces'

Response Example


Create namespace


Create namespace

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
customNamespaceId String yes ID of namespace
namespaceName String yes Namespace name
namespaceDesc String no Namespace description

error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X POST 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/console/namespaces' -d 'customNamespaceId=&namespaceName=dev&namespaceDesc='

Response Example


Modify namespace


Update namespace

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
namespace String yes ID of namespace
namespaceShowName String yes Namespace name
namespaceDesc String yes Namespace description

error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X PUT 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/console/namespaces' -d 'namespace=dev&namespaceShowName=开发环境2&namespaceDesc=只用于开发2'

Response Example


Delete namespace


It deletes namespace in Nacos.

Request Type


Request Path


Request Parameters

Name Type Required Description
namespaceId String yes ID of namespace

error Codes

Error code Description Meaning
400 Bad Request Syntax error in the client request
403 Forbidden No permission
404 Not Found Not found resource
500 Internal Server Error Internal server error
200 OK Normal

Request Example

curl -X DELETE 'https://localhost:8848/nacos/v1/console/namespaces' -d 'namespaceId=dev'

Response Example
