package Mojo::Weixin::Log;
use base qw(Mojo::Base Mojo::EventEmitter Mojo::Log);
use Carp 'croak';
use Fcntl ':flock';
use Encode;
use POSIX qw();
use Encode::Locale;
use IO::Handle;
eval{require Term::ANSIColor};
$Mojo::Weixin::Log::is_support_color = 1 unless $@;
sub has { Mojo::Base::attr(__PACKAGE__, @_) };
has format => sub { \&_format };
has handle => sub {
return \*STDERR unless my $path = shift->path;
# File
croak qq{Can't open log file "$path": $!} unless open my $file, '>>', $path;
return $file;
has history => sub { [] };
has level => 'debug';
has head => '';
has encoding => undef;
has unicode_support => 1;
has disable_color => 0;
has console_output => 0;
has max_history_size => 10;
has 'path';
# Supported log levels
my $LEVEL = {debug => 1, info => 2, msg=>3, warn => 4, error => 5, fatal => 6};
sub _format {
my ($time, $level, @lines) = @_;
my %opt = ref $lines[0] eq "HASH"?%{shift @lines}:();
$time = $opt{time} if defined $opt{time};
$time = $time?POSIX::strftime('[%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S]',localtime($time)):"";
my $log = {
head => $opt{head} // "",
head_color => $opt{head_color},
'time' => $time,
time_color => $opt{time_color},
level => $opt{level} // $level,
level_color => $opt{level_color},
title => defined $opt{title}?"$opt{title} ":"",
title_color => $opt{title_color},
content => [split /\n/,join "",@lines],
content_color=> $opt{content_color},
return $log;
sub colored {
#black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
my $self = shift;
return $_[0] if (!$_[0] or !$_[1] or $self->disable_color or !$Mojo::Weixin::Log::is_support_color);
return Term::ANSIColor::colored(@_) if $Mojo::Weixin::Log::is_support_color;
sub reform_encoding{
my $self = shift;
my $log = shift;
no strict;
my $msg ;
if($self->unicode_support and Encode::is_utf8($log)){
$msg = encode($self->encoding || console_out,$log);
if($self->encoding =~/^utf-?8$/i ){
$msg = $log;
$msg = encode($self->encoding || console_out,decode("utf8",$log));
return $msg;
sub append {
my ($self,$log) = @_;
return unless my $handle = $self->handle;
flock $handle, LOCK_EX;
$log->{$_} = $self->reform_encoding($log->{$_}) for(qw(head level title ));
$_ = $self->reform_encoding($_) for @{$log->{content}};
if( -t $handle){
my $color_msg;
$color_msg .= $self->colored($log->{head},$log->{head_color})
. $self->colored($log->{time},$log->{time_color})
. " "
. ( $log->{level}?"[".$self->colored($log->{level},$log->{level_color})."]":"" )
. " "
. $self->colored($log->{title},$log->{title_color})
. $self->colored($_,$log->{content_color})
. "\n";
$handle->print($color_msg) or croak "Can't write to log: $!";
my $msg;
$msg .= $log->{head}
. $log->{time}
. " "
. ($log->{level}?"[$log->{level}]":"")
. " "
. $log->{title}
. $_
. "\n";
$handle->print($msg) or croak "Can't write to log: $!";
if($self->console_output and -t STDOUT){
my $color_msg;
$color_msg .= $self->colored($log->{head},$log->{head_color})
. $self->colored($log->{time},$log->{time_color})
. " "
. ( $log->{level}?"[".$self->colored($log->{level},$log->{level_color})."]":"" )
. " "
. $self->colored($log->{title},$log->{title_color})
. $self->colored($_,$log->{content_color})
. "\n";
print STDERR $color_msg;#or croak "Can't write to log: $!"
flock $handle, LOCK_UN;
sub debug { shift->_log(debug => @_) }
sub error { shift->_log(error => @_) }
sub fatal { shift->_log(fatal => @_) }
sub info { shift->_log(info => @_) }
sub warn { shift->_log(warn => @_) }
sub msg { shift->_log(msg => @_) }
sub is_debug { shift->_now('debug') }
sub is_error { shift->_now('error') }
sub is_info { shift->_now('info') }
sub is_warn { shift->_now('warn') }
sub is_msg { shift->_now('msg') }
sub is_fatal { shift->_now('fatal') }
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->on(message => \&_message);
return $self;
sub _log { shift->emit('message', shift, ref $_[0] eq 'CODE' ? $_[0]() : @_) }
sub _message {
my ($self, $level) = (shift, shift);
return unless $self->_now($level);
my $max = $self->max_history_size;
my $history = $self->history;
if(ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'){
$_[0]{head} = $self->head if not defined $_[0]{head};
unshift @_,{head=>$self->head};
push @$history, my $msg = [time, $level, @_];
shift @$history while @$history > $max;
sub _now { $LEVEL->{pop()} >= $LEVEL->{$ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} || shift->level} }