#!perl -w
#This example uses regions to create clipping areas in an DC.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $regiontype=0;
#Create the window and child controls.
my $Win = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-pos => [100, 100],
-size => [330, 235],
-name => "Window",
-text => "Win32::GUI Region demo",
#NEM Events for this window
-onTimer => \&Timer,
-onTerminate => sub {return -1;}
$Win->AddTimer("Timer", 1);
$Win->AddButton (
-name => 'rectange',
-pos => [205, 20],
-size => [110, 20],
-text => 'Rectangle',
-onClick => sub {$regiontype=0},
$Win->AddButton (
-name => 'Elliptic',
-pos => [205, 40],
-size => [110, 20],
-text => 'Elliptic',
-onClick => sub {$regiontype=1},
$Win->AddButton (
-name => 'Rounded Rectangle',
-pos => [205, 60],
-size => [110, 20],
-text => 'Rounded Rectangle',
-onClick => sub {$regiontype=2},
#Create a child window with a scroll bar.
my $ChildWin = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-parent => $Win,
-name => "ChildWin",
-pos => [0, 0],
-size => [200, 200],
-popstyle => WS_CAPTION | WS_SIZEBOX,
-pushexstyle => WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,
-hscroll => 1,
-onScroll => \&Scroll,
my $H = $ChildWin->ScaleHeight;
#set the scroll bar range and position based upon
#the height of the child window.
#show both windows and enter the Dialog phase.
sub Scroll {
#scoll handler.
my($win,$scrollbar, $operation, $position) = @_;
if($operation == SB_THUMBTRACK) {
elsif($operation == SB_LINEDOWN) {
elsif($operation == SB_LINEUP) {
sub Timer {
#get the dimentions and DC from the child window
my $W = $ChildWin->ScaleWidth;
my $H = $ChildWin->ScaleHeight;
my $DC = $ChildWin->GetDC;
#We could draw directly to the window, but to remove
#drawing flicker we create a memory DC and draw to that.
#Once drawing has been finished, we BitBlt the memory DC
#direct into the window DC.
#For a large amount of GDI drawing, the use of a memory DC
#can also be quicker.
#We create a Compatible DC, and a Compatible Bitmap. To
#improve performance you would
#only recreate these objects if the dimentions of the source
#DC have change.
my $DC2=$DC->CreateCompatibleDC();
my $bit=$DC->CreateCompatibleBitmap($W,$H);
#Select the bitmap into the new DC
my $oldbit = $DC2->SelectObject($bit);
#The size of the region is based upon the scroll bar position
#Don't allow it to be zero
my $size=$ChildWin->ScrollPos(0) || 1;
#Create a region
my $region;
if ($regiontype==0) {
#create a rectangle region
$region=CreateRectRgn Win32::GUI::Region(0,0,$size,$size);
elsif ($regiontype==1) {
#create a Elliptic region (in this case a circle)
$region=CreateEllipticRgn Win32::GUI::Region(0,0,$size,$size);
else {
#create a rectangle region with rounded corners
$region=CreateRoundRectRgn Win32::GUI::Region(0,0,$size,$size,20,20);
#Clear the area outside the region we are painting into:
my $region2 = CreateRectRgn Win32::GUI::Region(0,0,$W,$H);
my $region3 = CreateRectRgn Win32::GUI::Region(0,0,$W,$H);
#Use the region for clipping for the rest of the GDI operations.
for(1..40) {
#create a randon pen and brush, and select them into the DC
my $P1 = new Win32::GUI::Pen(
-color => [ rand()*255, rand()*255, rand()*255 ],
-width => rand()*5,
my $B = new Win32::GUI::Brush([ rand()*255, rand()*255, rand()*255]);
my $oldP = $DC2->SelectObject($P1);
my $oldB = $DC2->SelectObject($B);
my $left = rand()*$W;
my $top = rand()*$H;
my $right = $left + rand()*($W-$left);
my $bottom = $top + rand()*($H-$top);
#create a random rectangle
$DC2->Rectangle($left, $top, $right, $bottom);
my $P2 = new Win32::GUI::Pen(
-color => [ rand()*255, rand()*255, rand()*255 ],
-width => rand()*5,
#create a random line
$DC2->Line(rand()*$W,rand()*$H,rand()*$W, rand()*$H );
#restore the original Pen and Brush so that the new ones
#are not selected into the DC, and they get destroyed
#when they go out of scope, otherwise we have a huge
#resource leak, and quickly stop drawing correctly
#We now update the screen in one action
$DC->BitBlt(0, 0, $W,$H,$DC2, 0, 0);
#As for the Pen and Brush above, restore the original bitmap
#We now delete the memory DC