The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Author image Neil Bowers

All Releases by Neil Bowers

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Acme-MarkdownTest-0.02 test module to see how markdown is handled 15 Nov 2021 17:07:00 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Acme-NameChangeTEST-0.004 module for testing module name changes in PAUSE 11 May 2023 10:40:34 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Acme-Playpen-2.13 a test distribution for playing around 30 Mar 2023 09:07:15 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Algorithm-LUHN-1.02 Calculate the Modulus 10 Double Add Double checksum 15 Nov 2015 20:57:42 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-PAUSE-CheckPerms-0.05 check if PAUSE permissions are consistent for all modules in a dist 21 Apr 2016 13:57:43 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-PrereqGrapher-0.14 generate dependency graph using Perl::PrereqScanner 22 Mar 2016 19:29:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-todoist-0.04 command-line for manipulating your todo list 06 Aug 2016 18:04:30 UTC
River stage three • 13 direct dependents • 992 total dependents AppConfig-1.71 AppConfig is a bundle of Perl5 modules for reading configuration files and parsing command line arguments. 01 Mar 2015 22:37:38 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 4 total dependents AppConfig-Std-1.10 subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options 26 Oct 2015 22:02:36 UTC
River stage three • 10 direct dependents • 257 total dependents Array-Diff-0.09 Find the differences between two arrays 10 May 2019 08:34:15 UTC
River stage zero No dependents BackPAN-Index-Create-0.13 generate an index file for a BackPAN mirror 08 Oct 2014 18:25:50 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Business-CCCheck-0.10 collection of functions for checking credit card numbers 29 Oct 2015 22:34:50 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent CPAN-Cover-Results-0.03 get CPAN coverage test results from CPAN Cover service 09 Oct 2014 06:55:15 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents CPAN-ReleaseHistory-0.16 information about all files ever released to CPAN 08 Aug 2020 21:48:25 UTC
River stage zero No dependents CPAN-Releases-Latest-0.08 find latest release(s) of all dists on CPAN, including dev releases 07 Mar 2017 00:07:09 UTC
River stage zero No dependents CPAN-ReverseDependencies-0.03 given a CPAN dist name, find other CPAN dists that use it 02 Aug 2023 10:37:31 UTC
River stage zero No dependents CPAN-Testers-Reports-Counts-0.05 counts of CPAN Testers reports by month or year 27 Oct 2015 23:43:25 UTC
River stage zero No dependents CalDAV-Simple-0.01 a simple interface to calendar services via a subset of CalDAV 20 May 2015 22:03:16 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Class-Role-0.04 Support for the role object model 05 Jul 2016 22:09:17 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Class-Sniff-0.10 Look for class composition code smells 07 Jun 2014 02:15:13 UTC
River stage three • 14 direct dependents • 992 total dependents Clone-PP-1.08 Recursively copy Perl datatypes 20 Oct 2020 10:51:40 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Const-Fast-Exporter-0.02 create a module that exports Const::Fast immutable variables 13 May 2019 20:28:11 UTC
River stage one • 5 direct dependents • 9 total dependents Constant-FromGlobal-0.10 declare constant(s) with value from global or environment variable 27 Mar 2021 19:56:47 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Crypt-GeneratePassword-0.05 generate secure random pronounceable passwords 14 Nov 2015 23:01:39 UTC
River stage zero No dependents DIME-Tools-0.05 modules for parsing and generate DIME messages 19 Mar 2021 10:01:33 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 7 total dependents Data-HexDump-0.04 Hexadecial Dumper 03 Apr 2021 13:57:41 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Date-QuarterOfYear-0.05 calculate what quarter a given date is in 19 Jun 2021 14:10:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Date-WeekNumber-0.08 calculate week of the year (ISO 8601 weeks, or 'CPAN weeks') 09 Mar 2022 22:07:50 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 4 total dependents DateTime-Functions-0.13 Procedural interface to DateTime functions 03 Jul 2016 22:29:22 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Deep-Hash-Utils-0.04 functions for iterating over and working with nested hashes 02 Nov 2015 21:43:29 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Devel-Constants-1.04 translates constants back to named symbols 21 Oct 2015 22:52:33 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Devel-Dependencies-1.04 Perl extension for examining dependencies on modules 23 Oct 2015 20:17:49 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Devel-ModInfo-2.04 Perl extension for providing metadata about a module's methods, properties, and arguments 24 Apr 2014 07:06:22 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dist-Zilla-App-Command-kwalitee-0.04 calculate CPANTS kwalitee score for your dist 15 May 2021 10:04:42 UTC
River stage two • 2 direct dependents • 14 total dependents Encode-Newlines-0.05 Normalize line ending sequences 11 Jan 2016 23:00:31 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Exporter-Auto-0.04 export all public functions from your package 16 Aug 2014 18:46:54 UTC
River stage two • 29 direct dependents • 43 total dependents Exporter-Easy-0.18 Takes the drudgery out of Exporting symbols 11 Nov 2015 21:30:35 UTC
River stage three • 59 direct dependents • 182 total dependents Exporter-Lite-0.09 lightweight exporting of functions and variables 03 Mar 2022 10:06:41 UTC
River stage zero No dependents File-JSON-Slurper-1.00 slurp a JSON file into a data structure, and the reverse 18 Nov 2020 09:21:24 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent File-Modified-0.10 checks intelligently if files have changed 26 Oct 2015 22:29:34 UTC
River stage two • 34 direct dependents • 56 total dependents File-Touch-0.12 update file access and modification times, optionally creating files if needed 20 Mar 2021 10:03:02 UTC
River stage two • 13 direct dependents • 14 total dependents Graph-ReadWrite-2.10 modules for reading and writing directed graphs 27 Mar 2021 17:31:55 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HTML-Diff-0.60 compare two HTML strings and return a list of differences 30 Oct 2015 17:48:50 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents HTML-ParseBrowser-1.15 Simple interface for User-Agent string parsing 25 Aug 2020 09:32:12 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents HTML-Summary-0.022 generate a summary from a web page 03 Jul 2016 22:32:11 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HTTP-Client-1.57 Class for making HTTP requests 20 Jun 2014 02:16:06 UTC
River stage zero No dependents HTTP-DetectUserAgent-0.07 Yet another HTTP useragent string parser. 29 Oct 2015 21:29:15 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent HTTP-Headers-UserAgent-3.09 identify browser by parsing User-Agent string (deprecated) 11 Nov 2015 23:25:58 UTC
River stage two • 8 direct dependents • 69 total dependents HTTP-Lite-2.44 Lightweight HTTP implementation 11 Mar 2015 22:16:55 UTC
River stage one • 6 direct dependents • 7 total dependents IO-Tee-0.66 Multiplex output to multiple output handles 19 Aug 2020 20:02:59 UTC
River stage three • 2 direct dependents • 112 total dependents Lingua-EN-FindNumber-1.32 Locate (written) numbers in English text 25 Oct 2015 14:27:37 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Lingua-EN-Fractions-0.09 convert "3/4" into "three quarters", etc 16 Aug 2017 18:20:53 UTC
River stage three • 16 direct dependents • 152 total dependents Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number-1.12 Force number of words to singular or plural 04 Jul 2015 08:00:24 UTC
River stage two • 15 direct dependents • 18 total dependents Lingua-EN-Numbers-2.03 turn "407" into "four hundred and seven", etc. 07 Nov 2015 10:08:53 UTC
River stage three • 13 direct dependents • 705 total dependents Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.05 go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal ("3rd") 23 Mar 2021 11:57:02 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Lingua-EN-Numbers-Years-1.05 turn "1984" into "nineteen eighty-four", etc 12 Nov 2015 18:11:11 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Lingua-EN-Squeeze-2020.02 Shorten text to minimum syllables using hash table lookup and vowel deletion 20 Feb 2020 13:22:05 UTC
River stage two • 4 direct dependents • 10 total dependents Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.31 count the number of syllables in English words 16 Apr 2022 11:28:24 UTC
River stage three • 1 direct dependent • 138 total dependents Lingua-PT-Stemmer-0.02 Portuguese language stemming 07 Feb 2016 22:40:51 UTC
River stage three • 1 direct dependent • 138 total dependents Lingua-Stem-Ru-0.04 Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only) 12 Feb 2016 22:19:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Mail-SendGrid-0.09 interface to mail gateway APIs 08 Nov 2015 09:11:26 UTC
River stage two • 20 direct dependents • 56 total dependents Mail-Sendmail-0.80 Simple platform independent mailer 20 Aug 2017 19:22:10 UTC
River stage two • 42 direct dependents • 95 total dependents Math-Round-0.08 Perl extension for rounding numbers 10 Oct 2023 11:04:21 UTC
River stage three • 2 direct dependents • 119 total dependents Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.56 Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration 06 Jul 2016 23:05:22 UTC
River stage zero No dependents MetaCPAN-Helper-0.04 a MetaCPAN client that provides some high-level helper functions 27 Feb 2015 18:09:22 UTC
River stage three • 15 direct dependents • 109 total dependents Module-Info-0.39 Information about Perl modules 28 Aug 2024 07:42:43 UTC
River stage two • 4 direct dependents • 10 total dependents Module-Loader-0.04 finding and loading modules in a given namespace 11 Mar 2021 23:36:47 UTC
River stage two • 10 direct dependents • 15 total dependents Module-Locate-1.80 locate modules in the same fashion as require and use 25 Oct 2015 09:08:31 UTC
River stage three • 18 direct dependents • 776 total dependents Module-Path-0.19 get the full path to a locally installed module 16 Mar 2015 21:24:10 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 7 total dependents Module-Reload-1.12 Reload %INC files when updated on disk 17 May 2023 11:06:49 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 5 total dependents Module-Which-0.05 find version and path of locally installed modules 10 Nov 2015 09:09:19 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 5 total dependents MooX-Role-CachedURL-0.08 a role providing a locally cached copy of a remote file 11 Oct 2022 16:51:11 UTC
River stage three • 39 direct dependents • 120 total dependents NEXT-0.69 Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch 19 Jan 2022 11:21:25 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Net-Dict-2.22 client API for accessing dictionary servers (RFC 2229) 08 Jun 2021 15:35:19 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Net-Todoist-0.06 interface to the API for Todoist (a to-do list service) 19 Aug 2014 13:36:20 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents PAUSE-Packages-0.18 interface to PAUSE's packages file (02packages.details.txt) 12 Oct 2022 08:15:27 UTC
River stage two • 3 direct dependents • 16 total dependents PAUSE-Permissions-0.17 interface to PAUSE's module permissions file (06perms.txt) 14 May 2017 23:06:02 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PAUSE-Users-0.11 interface to PAUSE's users file (00whois.xml) 06 Oct 2022 13:22:43 UTC
River stage two • 11 direct dependents • 15 total dependents Path-Router-0.15 A tool for routing paths 01 Mar 2016 22:38:26 UTC
River stage five • 11 direct dependents • 33275 total dependents Pod-Escapes-1.07 for resolving Pod sequences 09 Dec 2014 21:35:04 UTC
River stage two • 27 direct dependents • 45 total dependents Pod-POM-2.01 POD Object Model 07 Nov 2015 21:05:42 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Proc-Pidfile-1.10 a simple OO Perl module for maintaining a process id file for the current process 26 May 2023 11:18:44 UTC
River stage two • 64 direct dependents • 96 total dependents Smart-Comments-1.06 Comments that do more than just sit there 24 Oct 2015 21:30:08 UTC
River stage three • 75 direct dependents • 413 total dependents Sort-Versions-1.62 a perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers 13 Dec 2015 13:54:30 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 2 total dependents Spreadsheet-GenerateXLSX-0.05 function to generate XLSX spreadsheet from array ref(s) 17 Dec 2019 13:36:52 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 5 total dependents String-Interpolate-0.33 Wrapper for builtin the Perl interpolation engine. 25 Mar 2021 22:54:03 UTC
River stage zero No dependents String-Parity-1.34 parity (odd/even/mark/space) handling functions 06 Nov 2015 23:29:45 UTC
River stage two • 2 direct dependents • 24 total dependents String-TtyLength-0.03 length or width of string excluding ANSI tty codes 29 Apr 2021 21:31:00 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Template-Plugin-DateTime-Format-0.03 format DateTime objects from inside TT with DateTime::Format-style formatters 01 Oct 2014 20:31:03 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Template-Plugin-HTTP-UserAgent-0.08 Template plugin for parsing HTTP User-Agent string 08 Mar 2015 22:45:10 UTC
River stage two • 13 direct dependents • 35 total dependents Test-Cmd-1.09 Perl module for portable testing of commands and scripts 25 Oct 2015 11:50:21 UTC
River stage one • 5 direct dependents • 8 total dependents Test-HTTP-Server-0.04 simple forking http server 07 Mar 2016 22:31:57 UTC
River stage three • 476 direct dependents • 798 total dependents Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10 Check for pod coverage in your distribution 17 Jul 2014 17:10:11 UTC
River stage two • 20 direct dependents • 62 total dependents Text-Autoformat-1.75 Automatic text wrapping and reformatting 13 Aug 2019 10:43:04 UTC
River stage four • 106 direct dependents • 5593 total dependents Text-Diff-1.45 Perform diffs on files and record sets 16 Aug 2017 18:41:19 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Text-Greeking-0.15 generate meaningless text (eg to fill a page when designing) 17 Mar 2021 10:42:04 UTC
River stage two • 7 direct dependents • 10 total dependents Text-Levenshtein-0.15 calculate the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings 16 Apr 2022 11:07:53 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Text-Markdown-PerlExtensions-0.06 markdown converter that supports perl-specific extensions 07 Nov 2015 20:23:55 UTC
River stage five • 135 direct dependents • 21986 total dependents Text-ParseWords-3.31 parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays 12 Apr 2022 16:24:26 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 4 total dependents Text-Quote-0.33 Quotes strings as required for perl to eval them back correctly 15 Mar 2021 20:07:37 UTC
River stage two • 8 direct dependents • 19 total dependents Text-Table-Tiny-1.03 generate simple text tables from 2D arrays 17 Jun 2022 21:52:12 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Text-Tree-Indented-0.02 render a tree data structure in the classic indented view 04 May 2021 22:29:09 UTC
River stage three • 27 direct dependents • 870 total dependents Time-Duration-1.21 rounded or exact English expression of durations 11 May 2019 16:09:51 UTC
River stage three • 23 direct dependents • 287 total dependents Time-Duration-Parse-0.16 Parse string that represents time duration 19 May 2021 15:40:16 UTC
River stage three • 201 direct dependents • 596 total dependents UNIVERSAL-require-0.19 require() modules from a variable [deprecated] 27 Mar 2021 15:52:16 UTC
River stage three • 10 direct dependents • 107 total dependents URI-Fetch-0.15 Smart URI fetching/caching 27 May 2021 16:36:04 UTC
River stage two • 7 direct dependents • 48 total dependents URI-Find-Simple-1.07 a simple interface to URI::Find 14 Mar 2021 23:43:48 UTC
River stage zero No dependents URL-Exists-0.03 test whether a URL exists, when you don't care about the contents 13 Nov 2015 08:10:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-BambooHR-0.07 interface to the API for 05 Mar 2016 11:04:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-DetectLanguage-0.04 interface to the language detection API at 18 Jul 2019 15:11:52 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-HackerNews-0.05 interface to the official HackerNews API 28 Sep 2016 22:17:57 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-Speechmatics-0.02 ALPHA interface to speech-to-text API from 14 Feb 2016 23:21:39 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-VerifyEmail-0.03 check validity of an email address using 23 Oct 2015 20:39:45 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WebService-WordsAPI-0.01 a draft Perl 5 interface to the WordsAPI service 23 Jun 2019 15:48:02 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents XML-Compare-0.05 Test if two XML documents semantically the same 27 Nov 2015 22:00:15 UTC
River stage zero No dependents again-0.08 mechanism for manually reloading modules when they've changed 27 Sep 2014 22:12:44 UTC
River stage zero No dependents constant-Atom-0.11 define unique symbols (constant functions with opaque values) 16 Mar 2021 09:42:36 UTC
River stage zero No dependents csvgrep-0.12 search for patterns in a CSV and display results in a table 20 Jun 2023 09:35:35 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent define-1.04 Perl pragma to declare global constants 27 Oct 2015 21:54:14 UTC
River stage two • 20 direct dependents • 46 total dependents enum-1.12 C style enumerated types and bitmask flags in Perl 04 Aug 2021 07:28:29 UTC

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